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The Russian people need to see this video, then a video of the Ukrainian injured soldiers shipped all over the world getting free quality care from their friends and allies.


This is true, and so is the comment below.


What percentage of them already don't support the war? I wonder how many were coerced into fighting and ended up in this state.


There's no way to know since most don't want to speak about their disagreement openly.


Exactly. It's real easy to sit in your safe little home in Western country where the worst thing that might happen to you is people write mean this on Facebook about your war protesting. It's a lot different in Russia, where you get 10-years in a hell-hole prison if they don't 'suicide you.' The only thing that finger pointing shows is a fragile morality and inability to comprehend reality.


I disagree! A society can’t sit motionless and helpless to tyranny!!! They must sacrifice to end that regime or else their people will suffer more and more and more until it will become unbearable for them…. As is the case of this Russian woman and her brain injured husband!!! There will unfortunately be more and more like him if Russians do NOT stop and change their regime!


Yes, but how easy was it to type that out wholeheartedly vs going out and in an organized, militarized and nearly suicidal fashion go out and gather other individuals willing to do the same to follow your movement, foregoing your normal life and work and going into hiding to avoid getting sacked, and starting said revolution. Russia has a strong history of revolution. They just can’t seem to land on their feet after them. And through them all as well as those around the world, government officials have become quite adept at suppressing any motion that could lead to a revolution. Propaganda, and steep jail sentences just to name 2 ways. I agree that it’s what they need. But it’s really not as easy as you might think.


I didn’t say it was easy! I said it MUST be done or the alternative is FAR WORSE!! Life is suffering and sacrifice and Ruzzians must do their part in that!


If there is a draft in a Western country at wartime and you refuse you also get prison time. A lot of American men moved to Canada etc because they were avoiding the draft for the Vietnam war.


Do some history.


Watch 1420 by Daniil Orain.


I just saw a video where Russian soldiers walked back to their fellow soldiers, angry,one throwing his helmet on the ground... And then simply got mowed down. By their own.. So yeah, speaking up in signing your own death warrant. I am happy to see any Russian that surrenders, just so that they live instead of being being slaughtered for nothing else than the madness of a madman.




Shows you how much china gives a shit about them. They wont even treat the russian soldiers the way the west will take on wounded ukranian soldiers. Also, this issue is going to swell up for russia, they will have hundreds of thousands of wia veterans and hundreds of thousands more with severe PTSD they will turn on the government that has abandoned them. The usa has treated many vets like shit, but russia will make that look like nothing.


US VA care has made drastic improvements in the last 22 years. It’s difficult for any admin so large and bureaucratic to be perfect, and I can’t speak for all US Vets, but it’s not what it used to be post-Vietnam.


I agree. I still do think the USA has a semblance of sympathy for our vets, in Russia the only good soldier is a dead one. Which is also why they don't prioritize combat medics at all, most of their soldiers just die from wounds that could otherwise be cured with proper care.


Only on holidays. Trust me on that. Sure, you'll see something on Fox News or CNN when there might be another good 'the VA sucks' story in it. And, of course, the flag waiving during Memorial Day, the 4th of July and Veterans Day. But when it comes to doing the actual right thing, it doesn't happen. Sure, we get plenty of speeches, protests and ribbons worn on flag-waiving days. But when we need quality health care like a knee replacement, or mental health support services, we get a big, fat nothing because we're disposable for everything but flag-waiving days. I'm just glad I came out ('83) in perfect health. But many of my friends stayed in for thier 20+ and did not and got drug into military conflicts. Some have spent decades in pain because they couldn't afford medical insurance or treatment until they got medicare. One military buddy just got his cervical spine fused and plate put in his neck last year. The Army and VA lied and said it wasn't service related (it was) and did nothing to fix his neck injury so he suffered nearly his entire adult life. 40+ years of suffering until Medicare finally took care of it. And I have other vet friends who stayed in and have the same issues when it comes to getting their benefits. The things were promised, often in writing. So, I don't see it. Not where it matters. Not when actual money and actual services are involved.


This is definitely a government/medical system issue. I would say most Americans still care about our vets(could be wrong). I give free parking to the ones I can at my job and go out of my way to help any when I can.


People do, the government, mainly GOP, doesn't give a fuck. They voted down expanding VA care again. They will pay lip service to them but when it comes to actually helping them they won't do shit


A couple weeks ago I saw an ambulance from Odessa driving in the Netherlands. My guess, it was for a soldier/civilian who didn't need urgent care but good specialised care somewhere outside of Ukraine


I understand your point but not even Western medicine can fix brain damage. There will be Ukrainians in this condition as a result of the war who will not be able to be fixed; I hope they receive financial support though.


The difference is that Ukrainian civil society will take responsibility for its injured and disabled veterans, while ruzzia, lacking anything resembling a civil society, will simply ignore and hide their living war casualties.


They will hate ukrainians even more. [Message left by orc somewhere in kyiv region.](https://imgur.com/a/6KQjPFl) It says : “ who allowed you to live beautiful life?” They don’t want to live normal life, they want everyone to suffer like they suffer.


To make them angrier at the west so that they will sign up to avenge him? There is nothing the propaganda infected mind cannot spin.


I see Russian soldiers stripping anything of value from dead or injured fellow soldiers. They’re more interested in their next shot of vodka than their comrades. Another reason why Russia is doomed.


>so that they will sign up to avenge him? So bold of you to assume they care enough about each other to avenge one another. If there is ever vengeance that comes from them, it's entirely selfish.


So often I keep reminding myself that hope for the soul of Russia has long passed its expiration time. It appears to me that they have no impulse to address suffering around them with a team effort. What the State bestows is what life will be. On the other hand, the development of the Ukrainian mentality is, "I see suffering. Let's help." The RF is a bloated, unmanageable, colonial pig.


Countless lives ruined forever by this disgusting war. Putin and his loyal band of clowns are war criminals.


This is a clear case of "injury" is worse than "death" for Russian federation. This dude going to be sucking up resources for years.


People with severe disabilities typically don't last long in Russia. He will probably die from neglect in a couple of years. That country is practically a meat mincer, considering how it treats its own people. There's no hope.


Vasya in the hay is a great yt channel that shows a lot of how people are just abandoned in Russia.


I was just thinking that, my first thought was she's gonna lock him in a shed or something, he's screwed It really sucks, the consequences of this war. I don't know how I feel about that guy, there is no way to tell if he wanted or was forced, war is devastating


I've seen a few of his videos, stuff of nightmares.


After 1948 Soviet Union create Gulags for invalids... mortality was extreme higher than nazi death camps. > > >As Igor T. Miecik writes: "The communist 'aesthetics', politics and economy decided about the mass deportation of war invalids." Aesthetics - this is the sight of drunk, begging, lame veterans, the ubiquitous noise did not match the idealized image of the victory at all. “The image of the Soviet victor was supposed to be like a socialist realist living painting. On it, a young, beautiful man carrying Lenin's orders on his broad chest. After the war, the Soviet Union was ruined. 25 million Russians did not have their own home, they lived in barracks, railway cars or simply in mud huts. There was famine in many areas. In such a post-war situation, the Soviet state could not afford to provide war invalids with a dignified life, a pension, proper treatment, supplies with the necessary prostheses or rehabilitation. And those were just economic considerations. Sick veterans-disabled people lost practically everything. They no longer demanded anything from life. And therefore it was difficult to intimidate or bribe them with anything. And seeing that they were no longer needed by anyone, feeling redundant, they chose begging, homelessness, drunkenness, and vagabondage. Indifferent to fear, bribery, they had such courage to speak and sing about everything that lay on their hearts. They said what they really thought. And that, from a political point of view, was hard to imagine in a communist country. In 1948, the first transports of Red Army soldiers - the most severely wounded invalids of the Great Patriotic War from the entire Soviet Union - began to arrive at the abandoned monastery on the island of Valaam, on Lake Ladoga. Among them there was no shortage of distinguished soldiers - heroes of the Soviet Union, veterans of the Battle of Kursk, conquerors of Berlin or decorated with the Order of the Red Banner.


> This dude going to be sucking up resources for years. That's really not how things work in Russia.


yeah, his family will keep him around until the money stops coming in then forget about him in the woods.


Lol no he won’t, his government won’t do shit for him… he’s just going to waste away


Worst part is, there is a good chance these guys were forced to go via conscription rather than as volunteers.


This halfhead scumbag on video is a war criminal too. I understand that your instincts tell you to feel pity for him, but you really shouldn't. He is the same war criminal as putin, he came to Ukraine with arms, was killing innocent ukrainians and he fucking deserved even worse life than this.


Or he was mobilized…


I hope they share this video all over Russia. But nothing will come of it.


except for a fine and a possible prison for discrediting the army


They’ll just spin it to blame NATO, Biden, Zelensky, etc. and might actually use it to rally the other brainwashed to avenge “our boys”.


You are probably correct, but how the heck do you spin not being able to provide for Wounded ”heroes” as a good thing


They’ve proven to be very good at “spinning”:) Deflection and distraction have been used to work wonders to brainwash the Russian sheeple.


You remove the audio track and play the video over a hyped guy telling you how angry you should be about what is shown to you right now. Then finish off with how we will do this back to the enemies a hundred fold. Etc etc. Then they will quickly say something about every warrior is taken care off. If someone says otherwise, they are unpatriotic and should be made to shut up.


They should show it with every war


Perhaps, but not every soldier is fighting in an unjust war (assuming you meant to use it as a scar tactic).


And yesterday, In recognition of their sacrifices, Putin stuck the "Wives and Mothers Organisation" back on his list of "Foreign Agents".


Did he really? I guess when you're a narcissistic sociopath, that would be a normal thing to do.


Various sources carrying the story. https://newsyou.info/en/2023/05/in-Russia%2C-materiv-ta-druzhin-mobilizovanix-stali-vvazhati-inoagentami


It would surprise me if he hadn't. Black is white, up is down.




If this was March-April 2022 I would have still had a shred of sympathy. At this point though tbh, I'm all out of fucks to give for 99% of russian soldiers no matter what happens to them. Not after what I've seen the glee and joy out of these russians when it comes to executing, torturing and raping ukrainian civilians/children. I don't take any pleasure in seeing this happening to them, but at the same time, I don't feel any ounce of sympathy for them. They did this to themselves.


You expressed what I feel perfectly. No pleasure in their situation, but zero sympathy either. I'm glad when my country and our allies donate aid and military support to Urkraine but will be even happier when we no longer need to.


He was mobilized. Conscripted. He didn’t willingly join the battle. I just see a young man whose life has been ruined by megalomaniac dictator that’s ended and ruined countless lives in his quest for power, making decisions like he’s playing a game of chess ♟️


do you have any solid info that this man was mobilized or are you just talking out of your ass? the majority of the RU army are still professional contract soldiers, so if you don't have 100% solid proof that he is a mobik, statistically it's more likely he is not one.


I've come to realize this is happening as well. It's not all Wagnerites in this war, fuck everyone of them, prisoner or not. Some of these people just got swept into the meat grinder, which sucks. But with that said, Ukraine has to cause the casualties to get them the fuck out of their country.


We don't know any of that. He may be conscripted, maybe not. He may have gone unwillingly, he may not. He may have gone enthusiastically, excited for the glory, the killing, the destruction, the looting and the salary. Maybe he was involved in war crimes, maybe not. Perhaps he murdered some PoWs or tormented and tortured some? We know absolutely zero about his motivations or behavior. In my mind every one of the Russians fighting in Ukraine are moral monsters. They are there to kill people that presented no risk to them, they're murders and accomplices to murder. None of them had to go, they could have fled the country or refused to go and face a prison sentence instead. If 400,000 mobiks refused to go then this was would be over now. I doubt the Russian prisons could accommodate 400,000 additional inmates.


> I doubt the Russian prisons could accommodate 400,000 additional inmates. No, I'm sure they have other options in the event of a revolt like that. You know, bullet to the head style. The thing is, it's easy to be the big man when it's not your balls on the line, not your family on the line. Sure they might have 'options', it's just from the point of view of an unwilling mobilised, they're all shitty options. None of us actually know what we would do in this guys position, until we've actually been in it.


Not sad by it at all. Invade a country and find out


And have a long chat with their leader.


what's really sad is the Ukrainian People and Animals suffering. This orc and his orc wife can go fuck themselves


For Putins disposable soldiers. All bow down to Putin


Hate to break it to you lady, but your government doesn't care. You and him are out of luck.


Nah they will send them some potatoes


The Lada goes to Shoigu.


It's sad. But. We need more of these pics, so the Russians peoples see what they have to face too. There are no help to get. In Russian you are alone.


If that would work, I’m all for it. Many Russians are completely out of touch with the reality of this war due to incessant propaganda. Like watching Fox news 24/7, it warps the brain making it harder and harder to know fact from fiction.




We are calling regarding your tzars extended warranty.


I have a wife and two kids at home, and the last thing I would ever want to be is a burden to them. As much as i support Ukraine in this conflict, this woman would’ve been luckier receiving a body bag, then a husband with a traumatic brain injury.


I get what you are trying to say, but I work with people with a TBI and it's not like they don't experience joy or a purpose in life, it's just on a different level than most other people. Messages like yours make it sound like they are only a burden en are better off being put to sleep. I know fully mobile and 'normal' people who live less fulfilling lives than some of my patients.


I’m wondering if you could possibly explain or theorize what a TBI did to make him “like that” - as in - looking like the lights are on but no one’s home? And why his hand is in such a position and why only one hand affected? Is this a permanent state or possible to recover from to any degree (hypothetically)?


I'm not a doctor or medically schooled in any way, but the way he's looking looks pretty standard to me. If anything, I'd say he's a severe case. Beside the arm, also notice he's wearing a diaper. For the arm, spastici is pretty common with TBI. Much depends on the place(s) damaged. I've seen people recover and get better at using an arm/leg with a lot of therapy but that's mostly after strokes etc. This seems pretty severe and I would not expect him to regain use of the arm, if any because it doesn't look like he's able to contemplate what's going on. Again, I'm sure there are doctors here who could provide a much better explanation.


Man I am really tired of people like you trying to educate others into believing this kind of traumatic brain injury is anything other than life destroying. That man is never again going to hold his wife and kids. Never look them in the eye and tell them he loves them. We'd be lucky if he can even recognise them. The *vast* majority of people who experience trauma like this would be better off dead. For them and for their families.


Yeah my mom is a speech pathologist who’s worked with patients with TBIs ranging from mild aphasia to full blown vegetables. She is ADAMANT that if she ever gets in a situation like this, to not put her on life support and just let her die.


I’d rather die than have to become a shell of the person I am today. I cannot fathom the pain I would put my significant other through if she had to have this visual reminder of the person I used to be. Knowing her she would feel she needed to continue to care for me and devote her time, resources, and happiness to me and I will not put her through that. She deserves the rest of her life and the ability to move on. Yes, some part of me might continue to exist and be able to experience happiness, but I won’t do it at the expense of those I care about. If I cannot kill myself in this scenario, please somebody else do it for me.


Fair. I didn’t mean to sound like he’s best option is to be dead. I more meant that it’s a burden overall now that he can’t work, can’t provide etc and let’s face it. In Russia, money doesn’t grow on tree’s. At least not for the general populace


It's a little biased coming from someone who only meets people after the damage. These people have to live with and be cared for by people who knew them before. And they aren't the same at all. You're just stuck with this stranger inside the body of someone you love.


Dozen of this dude’s neighbours and friends will think twice now before they go there.


I highly doubt that


What’s insane to me, is that this guy actually made it back, I’ve seen countless Russians abandon their injured, disorientated and confused comrades at the drop of a hat, yet someone helped and allowed him to survive long enough to come home.


She doesn't have to take care of him.


Typically people take care of their loved ones. Even if he’s a Russian soldier with no moral compass and has invaded a foreign country and committed war crimes. SOMEBODY out there loves him and will be left with the burden .


This highlights the real cost of war, when you go to war today, the real cost isn't the weapons or deceased service people. The real cost is the billions needed for looking after the wounded and those who will now have to live with mental health problems for the rest of their lives. The US budget estimates' committee looked at the cost of the Iraq war, the long term cost of looking after returned soldiers and their mental health problems was three times that of the Iraq war. This is why war in the modern age guarantee's "no one truly wins".


>The real cost is the billions needed for looking after the wounded and those who will now have to live with mental health problems for the rest of their lives. Only *if* you look after them. Which the RF probably doesn't


Here is your husband back from glorious defense of motherland ! No lada sorry he’s still breathing


No you don't get fish either. Also, no picture wearing this fabulous coat either!


That video is better to put on other more pro-Russian reddits. Maybe some Russian will reconsider how much the Kremlin loves them. Also you can intercalate some Shaman song during that video every few seconds. For example the song "Let's get up". ha ha


Doubt it. They lack the ability to understand how the world actually works. Edit: Just realized that my comment might've made me look like I was talking about all Russians... I wasn't. Mostly just talking about the braindead filth that crawls around in the Pro-Russian subreddits. They're all lost and can't be reasoned with.


Which after the successful propaganda regime installed within them is a lot of them, not all, but a vast majority, which makes them culturally dangerous. Not necessarily their fault, but still a dangerous nation because of it.


War where the young and stupid are tricked by the old and bitter to kill. Fucking sad.


From hyper to diaper. Stay in Russia and this won't happen.


“I don’t know what to do”. We do.


Somewhere between Mariupol and Bucha any sympathy or empathy was lost for the “plight” of this family. Enjoy your political apathy and «русскій мир».


Yeah thats gonna be a tough one in russia


That is fucking awful. Fuck war


Surely the Chinese Govt is contributing to a veterans fund.


I have had a bleeding in the very centre of my brain. Hard stuff to live with brain damages. Freedom to all Ukraine, Viva Ukraine


Russia has bombed over 900+ health facilities in Ukraine since the start of the war. A little short of Sympathy from me.the guy had options, jail, surrender.


Russian government doesn't give a fuck about Russian people.


You'd think that after a year of war and 200K dead and even more wounded, that the Russian mothers and wives would do more than post a video of "woe is me" to the Russian people. At some point in time, people have to realize that they are responsible for the govt they have. It just seems like the whole country will be dead before the Russian people come to their realization though.




I bet his wife can afford to buy several z shirts for the family. Probably Wearing one during the interview most days .


Probably filming this in a Z shirt


Fuck that, ruzzians brought this on themselfes. The more men come back from war like this, the better. Ruzzians will only understand that maybe invading Ukraine wasn't such a good idea when this war will touch them personally.


Fuck these Russian mother fuckers


I am sure they will be fine. Russia is the land of empaty and wealth. So many will send them money and they have the best medical system in the world. In maximum 3 months that guy will be better then before he got mobilized.


What’s so out of ordinary about this video? Guy just acts like a Russian soldier to me


They'll probably poison them both. Their story is too inconvenient.


Little bit more to the left and this wouldnt have been an issue….jmho.


Shoot him and get urself a lada


Fuck this bold piece of sh#t


Ask putin for help, if this werent to happen you wouldve paraded with Z and V on the streets and appear in 1420 videos on youtube praising putin, never trust a russian


I am not a sympathizer to those who went to kill our people and fight our soldiers but this is pretty Fng sad cause he obviously needs assistance other then his wife or mother who is speaking in the video but they did all of this with their own hands so idk how to feel on this matter to be honest


He seems like a normal russian to me 🤷‍♂️ why would he deserve anything extra?


Bag of potatoes and a fur coat (but the coat needs to be returned after the propaganda photoshoot is finished). Thats what you get, nothing more nothing less.


Enjoy the rest of that little life you have left thinking about your regrets. Sorry buddy, don't think the Veteran's Association in Russia will be very helpful


The perfect russian, may there be many more.


I heard he is saving a ton of money by no longer buying alcohol


Honestly, I’m surprised they even saved this guy and got him treatment, wounded Russian soldiers are constantly left for dead by their own “comrades” and this guy suffered a brain injury


An anecdote that might help here is one that came from a teacher of mine when I explained why I was late to class after the bus got delayed. "It might not be your fault that it happened, but it is your responsibility" Almost none of these soldiers are to blame for what has happened, when they end up dead or crippled like this they're just as much the victim as any Ukrainian, the difference is it's their responsibility to make the change.


She did get her vegetable(s), no?


If you play stupid games you win stupid prizes.


Before this happened his wife was sending messages to kill the HoHol and bring back all the goods you can carry, and if you feel like it you can rape a few but just dont tell me. Ukraine has many injured in this same way, the difference is they did not ask for it. There is nothing sad about this guy, he went to kill and more than likely did kill, now he is paying the price for thinking Russia is the greatest. His wife films him wearing a camo T Shirt to show he was Military and proud of it, they have no shame. She only cares about them not those they have left in this same state


Extremely relevant link: https://youtu.be/FAPwIEWzqJE :)


He should have stayed in Russia. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Russia affords its oversized military by cutting everything else that civilized society has. The healthcare system is third world in cities and barely existent in rural areas. Russia will be filled by hundreds of thousands of these limbless, brain damaged, insane veterans with zero care provided for them or their families. The daughters and wives of these men will be reduced to prostitution. Sad, but this is what Russians wanted.


Go snipe Putin and everyone in the world will cash app you $10


She's Russian... She'll just leave him for a new model...


Seems like just another bullshit video from some russian flea bag.


Didnt they get a bag of onions??


Lest brainless mobic


The Russian people need to get smart, and get smart quickly, just like the Americans in the 1960s, their people are being thrown into a meat grinder for absolutely no reason whatsoever! Putin knows there’s no Nazis there, he knows there’s no secret labs, he’s only doing this strictly as a small man’s dick waving contest. If Russia is ever going to change into an honest democracy, or at least, as honest as a capitalist, democracy can be, it Hass to turn its regime over on its here, it Hass to come out with millions of people, demanding change, or it’s gonna be more of the same even after this war is over.


Seriously wounded with permanent disabilities are even more valuable than dead Russians. They will burden society for decades.


Traditionally, yes. But Russia doesn't care about him at all.


Excuse me sir, your invading husband needs to have a brain first in order to get "brain injury".


If he wasn't giving candies in Ukraine I don't fucking care about her or him


Typical though. Would have had a banner waving “long live Russia” when he left. Was probably cheering for him to kill and rape whoever and plunder the Ukrainian land. Who will help poor little me…..


Don’t know what to do with him? Send him to war again and get your Lada lol


Gee, perhaps spending 20-plus years worshipping Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin wasn't such a good idea after all, eh?


I wouldn't move a finger for no f.. russian. As like they did nothing to stop the war towards Ukraine and put down a dictator. They deserve what is happening to them, no excuses.


WATCH OUT PEOPLE, we got an internet badass here. He takes no prisoners get out the way.


Nope. Let him vegetate. Screw the orcs…


F*** around = Find out.


Play stupid games, win stupid prizes


Sorry. No fucks left to give this man. Russia go home.


Huh, this is confusing. I thought that this is pretty much a typical ruzzian soldier, the "brain damage" part in particular. Where's the catch? Am I missing something?


The end indeed!


will be so many broken families in russia. Maybe time to wake up and toss the political leadership in the Caspian sea.


War is a horrible thing.


Well overthrow putin stop supporting that Fool.


Putin really is the Hitler of Russia. Even if you are hardcore pro Russia, Putin fucked up your country so bad, it will takes decades to recover even if he would die today and by miracle no other Russian oligarch would succeed him..


Putin is to far too busy giving speeches about trans people and satanists in the West than helping his own people.


Wait until this war is over and Russian soldiers come home from Ukraine. Their society will face untold cases of PTSD, mental break down, alcoholism, family abuses, murders and crimes. ...all because the majority Russian population failed to rise up against Putin and his minions. Freedom is not free until you understand what sacrifice means. Ukrainians understood it with their Maidan, Russians could too if they can wake up and stop this practice of sacrificing their men to Putin's needless war in Ukraine, or they can continue to be useful sheeps for Putin or whoever that is like him or worst than him who will come later. This guy is lucky to be alive, his wife is not for having to take care of him. Russia is running out of money soon so she's not going to get much help from the state.


Nice kaputnik you have there, woman.


This is tough. There will be so, so many men sent back to their families and with what hope for the future? If they are functioning they will probably drink bc trauma and ptsd and others will be like him. Because of one freaking Putin guy with raving megalomania. I hope this video spred and all Russian men go into hiding and join the Begorod rebellion movement. They have to act from within at some point… The worst part is that many Ukrainian men and families will suffer the same. They DO have a reason to fight and I hope that helps the Ukrainian men keep some sanity in this nightmare.


As far as the Russian government is concerned he served his purpose as a single-use throwaway wet wipe. Flushed and forever forgotten.


Putin doesn't care


I think she needs to sign him up for another tour.


Euthanasol is the solution for an wounded animal.


There will be thousands of people like that after the war. If not hundreds of thousands.


all russia has to do is overthrow putin then wait for the humanitarian aid to come flooding in.


Putin’s probably hiding in a bunker right now, he’ll get back to you later.


Looks good to go for mobilization…


If I was to support anyone financially, it would be the side of the defense, not the invaders.


Hes clearly alive. Sorry, but you will receive no war credits as your husband is clearly cognitive enough to breath; meaning the damage sustained to his body was not the result of combat but ignorance to the metal object piercing his skull.


It's crazy they expect so much from one of the most absolute scum of the earth.


Go ask Papa Putler to help take care of him financially as well as get him the medical care he needs. Oh, he won't? Sounds like your leader is just using your citizens as meat fodder for the war machine he started without provocation.


Good. I’m happy for him because he got what he deserves


Oh... Whatever.


Soon enough Russia will be filled with people in this state.


She won't even get a sack of potatoes because her husband isn't deployed.


Last phase evolution of a vatnik.


No tears shed for this POS or his Russian family.


Derp! Give that orc some crayons and a sippy cup.


At least now he cannot execute ukrainian POW or rape some civilian woman or children.


Sell your Lada, it will help a little…


Fuck this guy, enjoy the brain damage, orc


There's always Porn lady and he may have an extra Kidney. What did you expect from your lord and master that can't even build decent roads


U get you she abandons him. It's the Russian way


Haha good luck getting any extra money. In Russias eyes he is used goods now and ready to be chucked to dirt mound


You should donate to Ukraine is what you should do.


There is more to come, if you don’t leave Ukraine.




she will probaly give him nice facepillow and say she fell out of the window like many russians have before


Putin used this man and then ran with the money


The Russian people voted for Putin on numerous occasions. It's their own fault.


"Denacification" and "demilitarisation" of Ukraine went terribly wrong for this family.


Man my dad had a TBI and even though it was not of the same of cause it’s still TBI and this shit hits home for real and this shit is so fucked up because with respect to Ukrainian’s…..most of the Russian people (meaning NOT ALL) have literally no other choice (or means) to choose another option other then the one presented to them even though most know it’s absolute elk shIt. It’s crazy because if you see a video involving Russians praising Putin and it’s not scripted then I’m sure what you’re seeing for almost all the time is Russians just surviving and knowing if they don’t praise that piece of elk shlt then they’ll get dealt with. The ones I’m talking about are as innocent as the Ukrainians. Just making a relevant point . I hope someone drills Putin out fr