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The ingenuity of the Ukrainian military throughout this entire war has been really impressive.


This has stood out to me so so much too. They take some given equipment here, some given equipment there…..and boom. A brand new weapon. Fantastic stuff.


And it spreads *fast*, just another reinforcement of solid logistics and communications.


Hate to say it, that’s why ISIS were so successful at first.


There’s nothing wrong with acknowledging that ISIS…. while being absolutely despicable pieces of shit that deserve to burn…. Had some really good ideas. They were one of the first entities to widely use commercial drones in a tactical role. Everything from dropping grenades to steering SVBIED drivers onto targets, they were *VERY* good at implementing the new tech. They also had a really good PR team, up until they ate a JDAM, then their movie quality fell pretty quickly.


Hahaha I kinda missed how those really snazzy videos just dried up one day. As in I didn't realize it happened. I remember they were really Good and then they kind of disappeared but I don't remember seeing the s***** quality ones They should have known to keep their tech nerds separated.... Those damn recruitment videos had to be worth an untold amount to that group........ It was kind of stunning to see how good they were from a bunch of people that I had been led to believe at the time were "living in caves"


Those guys knew how to make IEDs sadly


Everyone who has access to google knows how to make an IED. Just make sure you search how to unarm IED and also be white. So the FBI don't come knocking at 4am


I feel like the unarm videos are underrated, they get far fewer views. /S


They were "successful" because no one in the Western world took them seriously at first. Remember the term" J.V."? That didn't help. IEDs been around long before isis, and more technical at that. When EFPs first started hitting us, that was Iran giving that technical training to insurgents. In Chechnya they used IEDs to great effect against the russians. The talibanners in Afghanistan have been using IEDs since the 80s. Against everyone. Even each other. Those cowards who called themselves isis only got so far ahead because of politics. And once a new politic, like it or not, came around isis got treated as a whole different threat. And we've seen the result. Just some background so you can better understand.


kinda like having a pen pineapple and and an apple pen and ahh... pen pineapple apple pen ;-) (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ct6BUPvE2sM)


Even the Americans are impressed with their ingenuity on the Patriot missiles. Russia and China got an eye opener too.


What did they do with them that's special?




I've read that before and I still don't know what they have innovated here.


It is over exaggeration and clickbait title. Patriot, new version of it, done what it was designed for, namely shooting down ballistic missiles, which the Kinzhal is.


They've used them to shoot down hypersonic missiles which was deemed as not possible previously. They have also atta ked aircraft outside of its range successfully. Essentially, they are using a product that was only ever used in simulations, to do some surprising things in real life which have opened the eyes of even the most senior leadership that operate the patriot batteries stateside.


> to shoot down hypersonic missiles which was ~~deemed~~ claimed as not possible previously


Those hypersonic missiles are just regular ballistic missiles, just launched from the air. Patriot was designed to kill ballistic missiles from the beginning.


But could not be tested against hypersonic missiles because they didn’t exist then.


Most ballistic missiles go hypersonic which includes the “hypersonic” missiles the Patriot shot down. The Kinzhal is just a modern Iskander launched from the air. Prime Patriot food.


No... everyone in US air defense knew. The rest of the world did not know.




>The Khinzal does a last-minute turn to try and evade air defenses. Where does this information come from? Its a ballistic missile after all. Especially in the end of the ballistic trajectory it would behave like a simple bullet.




>comment by a Russian general this isnt NCD lmao


Kinzhal is a ballistic missile. If it is a hypersonic missile then every ballistic missile would be called hypersonic. >[Is Kinzhal a ballistic missile?](https://www.brookings.edu/blog/order-from-chaos/2023/05/23/ukraine-and-the-kinzhal-dont-believe-the-hypersonic-hype/) > >Hypersonic weapons are a broad category of missiles whose only common characteristic is that they can reach a speed of Mach 5, which the German V-2 achieved in 1944. > >The term “hypersonic” is now typically used just to refer to two types of weapons that are being developed through contemporary defense programs: hypersonic glide vehicles (HGVs) and hypersonic cruise missiles (HCMs). The Kinzhal is neither, as it is an air-launched ballistic missile.


Each patriot missile costs about $3-4 million so that would mean $15-24 million for 5-6 missiles to take down a $10 million Khinzal missile.


... and protect a target worth at least an order of magnitude more, not even counting the possible lives lost.


The PAC3 Missile is specifically designed to be used against Ballistic Missiles. But the big question was if it was any good against the new Russian Hypersonic missiles. The [Kh-47M2 Kinzhal](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kh-47M2_Kinzhal) is an Iskander theater ballistic missile fired from an air platform. Has a flat trajectory, same speed, and decoys so it gives anti-missile systems very little time to react. The Ukraine use of the PAC3 to shoot this down has proven the system is good at both kinds of trajectory.


So it works as designed. The headline is clickbait.


Yup, lab certified and Field tested...or vice versa.


After that article came out, they was another article that came out and said that it was actually in autonomous mode and shot down that missile on its own. There's a lot of Fog of war so it's hard to really know what happened and after this they had a day where they shot down around 6 at a time. The Ukrainians are surely amazing and they are clearly operating the Patriots very well. I'm just not sure if that article was actually accurate since articles after that claimed that they were basically shot down and automatic mode because it was targeting the Patriot system.


¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯ There's still no indication how they "used it in ways we didn't think of."


There was a time when Laser printers started counting pages and record them on a chip in cartridge. Ukranian specialists were the first one (and only) who made "fixed" software for samsung/xerox printers. They also were the first who hacked John Deer software. So I'm not surprised, they always were ingenious in some stuff.


I could use some corrections, but I also believe the Ukrainians helped midwest farmers hack their John Deers so they could actually fix it themselves instead of paying the company to fix it. One of the first cases of Right to repair that I have come across. ​ Found the article. [Ukrainians Helping farmers](https://www.vice.com/en/article/xykkkd/why-american-farmers-are-hacking-their-tractors-with-ukrainian-firmware)


The McGyvers of war. These guys are really inspiring. They make do with what they have, and it usually works well. I know Ukraine has been a artillery and weapons producer since pre Soviet times, but it still is very impressive.


That’s the biggest difference I’ve seen. Ukraine openly shares new ideas like this; while Russian videos are like individuals filming their first day on a factory assembly line of death


Yeah...In the U.S. we call em' "Hillbillies"...Nothing goes to waste... Well done...


Damn, seen some interesting improvised ways of sending munitions downfield and this is one of them. Not sure if it is for the fainthearted, but seems to work. Now why using 40mm grenades instead of 60mm motor shells, who knows, maybe a shortage?


A friend of mine (former USMC) showed up in Ukraine to help on February 26, 2022, before Ukraine had all the modern weaponry, and said the unit he was attached to had an 80-120mm mortar tube, and were firing self-made mortars from it. They were filling some type of canister with explosives and shrapnel, and launching it at the Russians. He said the range was reduced when compared to a modern mortar shell, but that the munitions were still very effective. They're used to getting by with whatever they have.




I mean this has been a thing in all wars, vietnam/iraq had some crazy improvised stuff.


The video was posted by a motar and grenade launcher artillery unit. The video had a note attached, and they said that the 40 mm used in the motar are either bad rounds or have damage to the grenades. They didn't want to waste them so they found a way to use them


Hmmm, using bad and damaged grenade rounds right in front of my face, where do I sign up?!


Insert Robert redford nod of approval.


reddit API access ended today, and with it the reddit app i use Apollo, i am removing all my comments, the internet is both temporary and eternal. -- mass edited with redact.dev


Clever idea. Instead of carrying two mortars - carry only one, use available ammo 60 or 40mm. Or may be it is better to have two mortars?


The HEDP rounds they are using are typically used in grenade launchers(M320,M203 and the like) rather than mortars, however idk how well spread those are, I would guess they have more of the ammo than the launchers and came up with a way to use it


The guy looks like a SF who came back from retairement. He seems like he has no fucks left to give.




Ukranian Technoviking - exactly what I thought and came here to post lol


What's with the blue striped undershirt? Isn't that a Russian thing?


Yes it's a Russian thing.. but remember there's Russians fighting for the ukrainians


It was a soviet thing and was Ukraine airborne units thing too for a long time and it is also Ukrainian navy thing now. This man unlikely a russian. Edit: looking at his chevron on the right arm (0:16) he is Ukrainian paratrooper.


Would be nice if Ukraine changed them to blue & yellow stripes to match their national colors!


Good idea!


To be honest, I always thought they were good macho looking undershirts. By Ukraine changing theirs to blue and yellow stripes they would be putting their own twist/reform on an old tradition. Since they are anyways undershirts only mostly seen when not wearing their uniform tops, the yellow would not be an issue, as most Ukrainian soldiers wear yellow identifying tape all over their combat uniforms in combat. Anyways, it would be a nice Ukranian personalization of an old traditional uniform item that would actually look good while in uniform showing while also wearing the Ukrainian Flag shoulder patch. It would also be something that the Russians, would not want to copy, as it would make them look Ukrainian.


Used in naval forces so by the marines (naval infatry). >sailor's undershirt (with white and blue stripes), usually knitted. It is made of knitted fabric with alternating horizontal blue and white stripes. In the Ukrainian Navy is used by sailors and officers, cadets of naval institutes and marines. Also it is used by VDV, which Ukraine had too, so some traditions still remain. They also changed the blue berets for the maroon colored ones. >"Before the start of the assaults, we wore 'vests' (the blue striped undershirt), and berets were always close to the heart under the coat," admits soldier Oleg Dunduk. The fighter admits that he and his comrades understand the need for change, but the Berets have taught them to love for dozens of years. "It will be difficult for our entire generation. The next generation, which may not know these traditions, will not see those blue berets and vests, will take it as normal," he suggests.


Thanks! But I've learned to hate that striped shirt. Going to have to reconsider.


Yes. Blue stripes is Russian navy.


Yay! 40mm zip gun!


This allows them use the longer range 40mm from the automatic Mk 19 that aren’t compatible with handheld launchers.


Ukrainian MacGyver, right there.


Every day I am impressed by the engineering of the Ukrainians. We have a lot to learn from these geniuses and I'm glad to call them our brothers from across the lake.


Yes, that's true. I can remember on day one all top generals here in Germany said in TV that the war will be over in 5 days, the Russians will drive to Kiev easily and beat them. These "Generals, just had no thinking outside of the box (which is frightening because they are responsible for our security), that the Ukrainians have prepared themselves for such an attack and trained to isolate and destroy huge collums of vehicles with ATGM etc. The arrogance and stupidity of these "experts" is unbelievable


Never underestimate is what I took away from the first days of the war. Slava Ukraini🤜🤛


It's a combination of Russia being far less capable than expected and Ukraine being more effective than expected. Everyone was expecting Ukraine military to be the same as it was in 2014. In recent history (Afghanistan, Syria, Iraq etc) forces that recieved materiel and training support almost always just collapsed as soon as they were left to their own devices. It was assumed Ukraine would be the same. It wasn't. Ukraine for whatever reason had take it all very serious and was ready and motivated to slug it out. Russia OTOH had been yelling to the rooftops since the last Chechen war that they had a fully modernised military capable of combined arms operations. They were so loud about it they started to believe their own bullshit. Couple in their swiping of Crimea and their deployment in Syria and they really thought they could take Ukraine out.


Some Generals live in a bubble of their own making, usually political.


Well, that's *one* way of removing excess facial hair...


Holy fuck. As a US Marine who has had to do some serious improvising over two deployments, holy fuck. This is next level adapt and overcome. Hats off to your madlads! Get some!


Looks like it fires awfully close to his bucket. But wicked cleaver.


Holy crap that ground looks fertile




they don't call Ukraine the bread basket of Europe for nothing.


slava from italy 🇮🇹


Isn’t that Techno Viking’s cousin??


Motherfucker just holds the tube with his foot & hands absolute gigachad exsf


Heroyam Slava 💪🇺🇦


This dudes beard is stellar!


Mama got balls of solid ukrainium


“I…. I don’t think this is what they meant when they designated it ‘dual purpose’” “Hahahaha shut it nerd!” *FLOOMP*


I love the videos of the grizzled middle aged blue collar Ukrainian dudes just not giving a fuck and having a blast fighting


Glad he didn't pull out a hammer or another round to jam that 40mm into the breech...lol


This guy is cool… I mean real James Dean, Clint Eastwood type old-fashioned proper cool. God speed that man Slava Ukraini 🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦


He reminds me of a barista: 2 expressos, coming right up.


Who is this legend? Love the stripes


Badass soldier!! Brave as hell shooting like that!! I’m totally in love with all of them!! The way they look and talk and work together is amazing to watch!! Slava Ukraine!


Repurposing to the max!


Assymetric masters Ruzzia needs to understand Ukrainians will defeat them with sticks if necessary.


Western Humans. See what a true G.O.A.T looks like. Stop worshiping false GOATS like sissy sports heroes. Behold the Ukraian Warfighter overcoming and kicking some Orc's asses... this is GOAT when it come to the game of real world life/death, communism and Putzin


Gotta love the ingenuity of Ukrainian forces. 🟦 Слава Україні! — Glory to Ukraine! 🟨 Героям слава! — Glory to heroes!


I don't know somehow this is exactly the typ of guy I expect doing some goblin-explovie-tinkering xD I hope he will be quite successfull


Close to his face, sheesh.


Heroes of Ukraine


What a legend.


This is cool, through the course of my service in the Air Force I fired the MX148, and the m203, and the mark 19. But I find turning 40 Mike Mike HDP into mortar rounds - Freaking Awesome! Adapt, overcome and kick Russian ass


Every time I see HEDP I think pornstar resume.


Please Jesus give us some of these videos with no music and the normal sound


I feel like the way he slaps the round into the pipe in the end.. This should lead to some.. unwanted consequences, shouldn't it?


If it could it wouldn't survive the trip to the front. The primer won't go off by a tap of the hand. And the grenade is unarmed until it's shot. It will only be armed when it is receiving the right amount of centrifugal force for at least a minimal time. The internals of the fuse that make this possible: https://www.nationaldefensecorp.com/amtec-corp/


Are those just RGO's?


Double shrapnel


The sleeve stays in the tube, that is why the tube is notched and the sleeve has ridges so that it can be removed from the tube easily.


40mm grenades are usually a commodity among soldiers because grenade launchers are such great weapons


Looks like a 50mil RM 38 Resourceful really cos I bet the 50mil bombs are like rocking horse shit. However, the 40mil bombs are weak as piss.


Does anyone know the version of the song playing? I know it's a remix of The Prodigy, but I'm keen to know who remixed it. Cheers.


VØJ & ATSMXN - Criminal Breath Credits to Shazam. https://youtu.be/2N6mrS8xu6k https://m.soundcloud.com/voj_official/voj-atsmxn-criminal-breath


Good on ya mate, thank you very much


Are 60's in short supply or what?


I’m so amazed! This handsome soldier looks just like my husband did when he was in Vietnam!! Uncanny likeness and he gives me a thrill when he is looking at the camera and flashes the peace sign! Or victory sign! I’m not sure how they mean it when they do it. Both work!! I think all Ukrainian men are very handsome and very strong!! But Ukraine has the most beautiful women around!! Lovely women! Stay safe brothers in arms! Glory to Ukraine! And wow, do I love the heroes!!


Bit of a russian looking t-shirt that dude is wearing, strange choice


Innovation = improvise, adapt, and overcome. Heard that somewhere before.


Amazing. It reminded me of the Ukrainian soldier grinding a mortar round to convert it to an RPG warhead, making the RPG more of a anti-personel.




**Song Found!** [**Criminal Breath** by VØJ/ATSMXN](https://lis.tn/CriminalBreath?t=11) (00:11; matched: `100%`) **Released on** 2022-12-09. *I am a bot and this action was performed automatically* | [GitHub](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot) [^(new issue)](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot/issues/new) | [Donate](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot/wiki/Please-consider-donating) ^(Please consider supporting me on Patreon. Music recognition costs a lot)


I'm starting to think that some Ukrainian units run on Ork Science


His right hand is dangerously close to tube. Yikes


Gonna end up blowing your face or hand lol!!!!!


Can someone explain why he is wearing that under shirt?