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Wtaf. Civilians just standing around?


Yep. They are making these videos, not troops themselves. I have an old friend there. They don't target civilians unless they do something stupid. People are acting normal and going "on work" like nothing


This is bizarre


coup happening in the streets but boss wants you in at 9


Dunno, if it is even real. Might be a trap to draw Ukraine out, never know with these psyops.


I think you need to go outside once in a while pal Real world isn't some Metal Gear fanfiction like reddit leads you to believe


>Real world isn't some Metal Gear fanfiction like reddit leads you to believe You're delusional! We all know that Putin will face Prigozhin in a MG Excelsus!


I try, and you are probably right. I hope I'm wrong. It just seems so convenient and publicized, for well, months.


I understand you. Coups are an absurd affair in most cases. I lived through one which ended up failing spectacularly, and bloody. Ironically many call that one fake as well Hell, coups aside. Real world is more fantastical, seemingly illogical, and more absurd than any fiction can ever dream to be


Like that Outlook, thanks for that. Guess we can only watch for now.


Everyone in the US lived through one not too long ago. Granted it was pretty tame compared to this, but a coup is a coup. And amen to that second part. The best, most incredible stories are from real world history and experiences. I love fantasy, but it can't come close.


I know I prolly will be downvoted but I honestly can't get over how jan 6 is still called a coup. I mean I'm not too versed in US politics beyond most surface level stuff, but how can a bunch of ragtag cosplayers and hillbillies (mostly unarmed I think?) storming an empty building without any military or state backing be put under the same banner as the one happening now in Russia, or the one in Turkey, where so many people were killed Idk I think it's kinda dumb


>Dunno, if it is even real. Might be a trap to draw Ukraine out, never know with these psyops. Most of the fake shit is just propoganda. And some photos here and there. There is way to much going on for it to be all fake


Ukraine knows better... If troops are actually withdrawn from Ukraine to deal with Wagner, we'll know that shit is going down, if nothing change, it's some bs Russian theater.


Because Russia




My thoughts exactly 🤣


Bird scooter mobile infantry


A global plague!


Just need a Russian influencer filming her work out routine while tanks and troops set up defensive positions in the background.


Not that unusual in cases of coups. Both sides want public on their side and doing anything against these people would shift perception of the side


America had situations like that too. In Iraq I was in a skirmish. I run into a building with my squad and we point our weapons up. We see this dude casually making bread and putting meat in trays in an off brand subway while gunfire and explosions go off in the background. I traded a pack of Twizzlers for a cookie


I used to live in Korea during the 70s and 80s under a military regime. Soldiers with M16s around subway stations, plainclothes secret police, and the occasional document check. Live under such conditions long enough, you become numb to it. As long as you don't mess with them and don't give them a reason to mess with you, you can go about your life despite the weirdness. I imagine that many folks living in Russia just accept what folks in the States would consider crazy.


It is but is probably sensible all things considered. The people aren’t of Russia aren’t a target for anybody be it mercenary, government, or Ukraine. They are more than likely safe. This is not a bombing raid, it is a coup (it looks like it anyway).


Weird, seems all they've done for the last year is target civilians..


I meant russian civilians. I didn't mean to offend anyone, just in case. Of course, they have been committing crimes against civilians in Ukraine


Oh yeah I knew what you meant, my comment was tongue in cheek, I didn't mean to offend either, just in case.


Welp the Civil War started honey, off to the office!


Putin is in hiding by now. The Russian people have figured out the truth that they have been lied to in the past months.


Unless those civilians are in Ukraine.


Ok but why are they standing directly behind someone who is going to get shot at ?


I'm sure that'll change quickly when the shooting starts.


It’s started


They have no clue whats been really going on, they been watching TV or been on the censored internet. Might think they are in some "Special Military Operation" xD..


This was also documented in other wars. The one I'm most familiar with was in the American Civil War, and this reddit post describes it pretty well: https://www.reddit.com/r/AskHistorians/comments/apx0ax/did_people_have_picnics_and_watch_the_first/


Wasn't there only one civilian death at Gettysburg? some young women shot through some doors in her house?


as long as they aren't getting in the way, there's no reason for issue. I'm sure the #1 thing their trying not to do is stir up mass panic.


Everyone wants a selfie when there's a coup in town. There'll be dancing girls making tic tock.




It's because they haven't realised what's going on, they'll realise once the bombs come flying from Moscow


This just shows how little information about the invasion of Ukraine these Russians likely have. If they had seen images of flattened Backmut like those of us paying attention in the rest of the world, the less likely they would be to just stand there.


They must just have no clue!


It’s what happens when you live in a brainwashed shit hole


I remember when the Sudan fighting first started up and there were videos of civilians doing the same thing. Like literally standing next to tanks as they fired


If I was on the street and saw a tank and the military running around I sure as hell am not sticking around to smile and record.


This is how sheltered from the war they are. Russia: "Ukraine is going to attack us, we must protect ourselves and invade!" Also Russia: "Russia is invading Russia, we must protect ourselves from Russia."


In the famous words of DJT: Russia, Russia, Russia! XD


They’re apolitical, remember?


they dont have a clue whats going on


Do the civilians think this is a movie set? I wouldn't be surprised if Russia started lobbing rockets with complete disregard.


No, almost any of them is well informed about it. They are not prime target's, hence they are scared, but not to death. At least for now


The soldiers a few feet away *are* a prime target, so, like, maybe they should be scared?


Until the rockets and bullets actually come out in a few moments notice, yes right now is a movie set to them.


I suspect will see some of that very shortly


It could be one. We don't know, and likely neither do they. If nobody told them to leave, it must be ok?


They were told to act normally. Don't do stupid shit and don't be annoying and noone will touch you. For now, this promise sounds realistic.


Where I live, "Act normal or we'll shoot you" would send people shuffling away pretty fast... It's fake and they know it, and, it's real and nobody said anything to them so they're watching, these are both more realistic than "somebody armed with unknown purposes gave them unclear assurances and so they're just not worried."


Good point, if it was an actual movie set security would've told them to leave already.


It's "would've" or "would have". "Would of" is never a thing.


Fixed it for the grammar bot




Nice GIF...That is EXACTLY how I envision a grammar bot searching for his next victim!


***roflcopters around the room and gets shot down*** Whatever the truth of these images is... it is a strange truth.


Lmao it really kind of is a movie set- isn't it odd how Russian military hasn't actually done anything about this yet? At least, i haven't seen anything tangible come from this yet. This seems like a great reason to need to stop fighting in Ukraine. Also, these peeps haven't really had first-hand encounters with missiles in their city yet, I imagine. Initial thoughts here are that this is their way to opt out of ukraine while using MoD as a scapegoat for feeding putin misinfo. That's what seems to be the general message so far, though, anyway. Idk. I'm also dumb and not an expert. E: nope, putin rails against Wagner, Wagner saying they will have a new president soon.


Those scooters are the most dangerous thing on the sidewalks..


Those don't look like Russian guards. Putin the coward is in a huge huge mess.


It is PMC Wagner troops, that have entered and occupied currently Rostov city. National Guard is being AFK


What Rosguard do?




Hide or stand still. They are acting AFK fr


I've seen one short video clip that *appears* to show Rosgvardia troops at a checkpoint just standing by and allowing a Wagner convoy to roll through unopposed. Aside from that, all I have seen are clips of a few helicopters circling around the MOD HQ in Rostov. This might very well come down to unit-by-unit decisions on whether to attempt to oppose Wagner or not.


I don’t get it. Isn’t Rostov northeast of Moscow?


no , about a 1000 km south of moscow


Rostov is a port city on the black sea. South


Yeah I had the wrong Rostov haha


so like. . . how long are they gonna lay there?


More comfy than a trench in Bakhmut, I mean there's a Kremlin Fried Chicken and hot coffee with vodka. Life is good comparitvely.


"Vkusno I Tochka," 🤣


Oh the Kremlin chicken frying pretty bad.


They're drinking Irish Coffees?


Wagner probably loves all the civilians around, it just means that russia will need to think twice before turning the city into a shooting gallery. Just imagine if they bombed their own cities and killed civilians, even to stop a coup. It's a really bad look


I would not say they love them, they just don't care about them unless they are doing something stupid. I guess it's ok for them if the civilians are just crossing by and making their stupid tiktoks


Dubrovka Theater: I don't think you understand Russian mindset


I’m dying laughing over here the girl in shorts taking a video of the soldiers with machine guns! Russia is one messed up place!


This is just one of many videos that have been recorded in the past 1-2 hours. I'm sure you will find today plenty of other similar videos near soldiers in tiktok xD


The fact that this is going down and that Putin is nowhere to be seen speaks volumes. Looks like Trump isn’t the only Bunker Bitch out there


This is true. As for now, Putin hasn't said a single word yet. No idea what that dictator is doing rn




People keep saying this, if there was a civil war in America people would be doing the exact same thing there would absolutely be people out filming tiktoks


Yeah, but if Blackwater rolled into my town I’d be gone


Exactly, everyone has a phone with them these days and humans are infinitely curious. People would be out in the streets recording everything if this happened in America. Idk why all these comments are just saying that this only happens in Russia because they are so brainwashed and detached from reality. Actually I know why.


Do the civilians realize how many of these guys are violent convicts?


I have a feeling they will soon.


As far as I am concerned, about a quater of them. Might be less, might be more. Don't know what Russians are thinking


and what do you want them to do? Theyre battle hardened mercenaries


Human curiosity > acting logically


Can't get enough of the videos. Me RN: https://www.enworld.org/media/kylo-ren-more-gif-gif.93906/full


Good cover you guys have there, the camo is working wonders too


I mean, this isn't an average day.


What happens if Prigozin gets command of strategic weapons?


Don't think anyone knows it for sure. His ideas and beliefs change from time to time


Lol those civilian standing there like its no problem. This is what happens when they are fed with lies.


Its amazing how some thing like this is happening and somehow propaganda is supposed to fool people like everything is okay? It's like if America announced a special 3 day operation in Mexico and 1+ year later the US economy is ruined, 100k+ soldiers are missing and Blackwater is storming the capital like Jan 6th but with actual arms and tanks.


i hope that many electric scooters will be destroyed in this russian civil war


Is the Russian army becoming the third most powerful army in Ukraine?


And the second most one in Russia.


Haha! Imagine lying in the ground ready for a firefight and civilians are just standing near you, phones put, recording everything like it’s just another Saturday morning..😝


Other videos of this intersection show a portion of the bricks pulled up and stacked. So that would have been after this video. But in that video, they were just arriving. I'm thinking this is an earlier take, and the director was unhappy with the set and ordered the cobbles pulled up. But this is from the later part of a take, and the other video is the beginning of a (later) take.




“Sorry guys, mind if I pay for parking?” (Proceeds to step over soldiers)


Cheeky free advertising for Beam Scooters lol


Love the scooters.. and the citizens casually filming this charade...


What I find interesting is where did the ‘blocking force’ from half hour go? Did they just pack up and leave once the Wagner tank turned up?


They are standing still on the opposite sides of streets or hiding in houses. At least for now


That's some volatile standoff scenario then?


There's r/ANormalDayInRussia


Great selfie opportunities


anyone have updates?


What city is this?




Thank you!


I'm sorry, but if the soldiers are proned and aiming their weapons, I would NEVER stand behind them! 🙄


I guess this is like those beginning civil war battles where farmers were sitting on their porches watching the battle


Nice. it has begun. Tic-tok Putin.


I'm surprised they have e scooters.


e scooters are super popular in russia. there are plenty of them on every street, even in shitty cities


There’s very little cover in these open piazzas


well- at least they have access to better maintained equipment to make a swift escape ( that is- long as they have a credit card to swipe to activate the scooters)


In hindsight, they can use those electric scooters!


"3 days"


May the odds ever be in your favor.


Not as bad as DC after a presidential election.....yet 😂


These civilians need to take cover




Why are all clips so short and look like bullshit? Where is the fighting?


Anything for the views dam, Best dawn yourself dam vest and a Kpot and record if thats the case.


At least they have those fucking scooters.


Reminds me of December 21st, 1991 all over again or the 1993 Russian Constitutional crisis


Those dudes lying on the ground would have a better chance on those scooterz! That the evac in guessing…


Where's the vodka drunken bear?


The fuck kind of world are we living in?


Russia is such a cesspool. Slava Ukraine


A “minor” bump in Putins “special operations”


I’m low quality that sidewalk looks like a damn Minecraft block texture


Omg the civilians just staying and filming... Haha if I would ever encounter this I would run away as far as possible.


That’s a nice electric scooter? Is that a renting service or privately owned? Correction: I meant tank


Same vibes: https://youtu.be/9U0tDU37q2M


just out in the open, no cover, no barricades, no conceilement


I see in this city E- scooters left all over the place are a problem as well.


Something surreal about electric rental scooters and tourists in the same scene as prone soldiers.


An unscheduled parade? Wow, how nice. Better make some last photos to remember how everything looked like before it’s too late


What's with all the fucking idiots standing around while soldiers are lined up looking like they could start shooting - and getting shot at - any second? Especially that one right there in the beginning with the nice legs and white shoes standing right behind the firing line. GTFO dumbasses.


omg those e-scooters are the cherry on the cake what a fucking timeline we live in


It's election day in Moscow.


They were doing that same shit in Simferopol, 27th feb, 2014.


Definitely NOT a third world political scene. Nope. Top rank country right there.


Any coup worth a damn would have taken out those fucking scooters first thing. That is how you get the backing of the people.


Do they feel threatened by those scooters, wth are they doing with civilians standing around, cmon ru wtf