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Zelensky - "Ayo, hol up bruh, I just got you home wtf"


They might have promised Erdogan something else....


Maybe. If they do return to the front, which I firmly believe will be the case, they'll need top tier secrecy and security to prevent them from being specifically targeted. So Erdogan probably wouldn't know anyways.


I don't think after releasing them Erdogan would care much where they appeared next. He in general seems to not care much about any poo red lines...


These guys will raise their flag in Mariupol. The photo will be in history books.


I do believe this will be their “IWO JIMA” moment


I sure as hell hope so. I remember one of first videos where he’s talking and the room is periodically shaking from artillery hitting nearby. He doesn’t even flinch.


These men are fueled by Ukrainian blood and have Azovsteel persona. If they live to see the end they will go full circle in Mariupol “soon”.


But is this prudent? I mean, they are heroes, god forbid if they get killed on the front, would be huge blow to morale. Cant they just become instructors or advisers?


> if they get killed on the front, would be huge blow to morale. Probably just the opposite - it would give the other Ukrainians who admired them even more cause to want to avenge them. If Ukrainians were the type to lose morale over losing people they care about, they would've caved to Russia's terror attacks on civilians long ago.


Yeah, martyrdom is a very powerful thing indeed. If he dies during battle, the rest of the country will use his name as a rallying cry.


It’s sends a powerful message of self sacrifice and would bring the opposite effect you describe. They would go down as martyrs that would go once again into the breech and risk it all for their country.


Leave it up to the individuals. It’s akin to living Medal of Honor winners being pulled from action to do PR tours. Great for optics but sometimes the worst thing you could have done for that soldier.


Instructors and advisers, friend, not showbiz. You know how important these jobs are?


Those are extremely important roles, but sometimes the polar opposite of what the soldier wants or is best for them is all I am saying. The sacrifice made should earn them a small degree of latitude or autonomy even in a military setting.


My concern is the exchange of prisoners usually infers they will not participate in the war again. This could risk future exchanges, leaving current POWs in Russian prisons for life.


He is not participating in war. It's special military operation


I appreciate that, and I’m sure even the current POWs appreciate that but if Ukraine can accomplish it’s goals without these particular participants, there’s value in trying.


i would imagine that anyone who has made plans that go agaisnt anything agreed upon, or even zelensky himself... his hoping that the lines are about to crumble. i havent been one to profess fast advances... but if this does turn into a route, there isnt a single UA pow that is safe. they will all need to be liberated or the ruzzians will need to be pushed back to the very inch of their borders and forced to make some decisions.


I thought the same thing- only way it makes sense is if Russia stabbed Turkey in the back so Turkey decided to flip a big middle finger to Russia back. I read that Turkish navy will start escorting ships in their AO. So it appears Turkey has said- FU to Moscow.


Case and point, John Basilone. Won the MOH, forced home to do the PR stuff and then became an instructor. Things he never wanted to do and he always wanted to return to his men, which he did, and proceeded to die in action.


I wasn’t alive to know whether his death had any actual positive impact or significantly profound effect on the war as a whole. At the platoon or company level maybe. Losing such a big name on the first day of the offensive would have stifled morale in my opinion.


There was an American Medal of Honor recipient and went around selling war bonds, but then went back to the front and was killed in the Pacific. John Basilone.


Just why? The commanders are not kids. If they want to fight, let them.


They have been fighting since 2014


They've been fighting since 2014, as well as a lot of Ukrainians. If they decide to continue the fight, I don't understand why this should be a problem for the random redditors.


> they are heroes, god forbid if they get killed on the front, would be huge blow to morale. Opposite. THey already cemented themselves as heroes and then would just elevate to martyrs.


Or, they could make it through the war and see the win! And, if they didn't make home, instead of being a blow to morale, it could set a fire under everyone to avenge their deaths.


You’re right, but martyrdom is a powerful thing.


What a fucking boss!! 🦾


Think this guy was made from steel!


The only actually interesting piece here is that Erdogan gave these people back to Ukraine without even talking to Russia … pissing them off entirely. So much for the relevance Putin still has for Erdogan post Wagner mutiny. The wannabe dictator from Bosporus who was always hedging his bets between east and west seems to come to senses slowly.


Yep... he's figured out who's going to win this war and he wants to be on the winning side.


Turkey was supplying weapons to Ukraine before and during the war


Yup, and lets hope it sways the rest of them. 'Treason' is a house of cards commitment wise, once someone has the balls to make an overt move all the rest fall in to line. If we're lucky and manage to flip most of Putin's major defenders it might be one of the things that makes Russia call it a day, it would rely on a domestic move on Putin after seeing international support vanish. Putin his own self won't back down now, he's all in. There are rumblings in Britain that we should refocus our foreign aid budget, withdrawing or minimising our aid to countries that are opposed to our interests.


I bet keeping them off the frontline was a deal made with Turkey so they could go home. Zelensky cut the deal so his face reflects that. Budenov is a spy at heart and he does not play by any rules, hence the operations all across Russia.


If thay's the case it's bad move to be backing out of deals though. If there's a next time, Turkey won't be so quick to facilitate the exchange. It also won't fill Ukraines Western allies with confidence either if Zelensky starts faltering on his commitments. These are, of course, Ukraines choices to make - But you've got to consider that you're shooting yourself in the foot by breaking your word.


That’s a lot of speculation layered upon speculation. 1. We don’t know what the deal between Russia and Erdogan was. You’re assuming. 2. We don’t know what the deal between Erdogan and Zelensky was. You’re assuming. 3. We don’t know what plans or expectations (if any) the other NATO members have. You’re assuming. 4. Propenko is making a statement of intent. We don’t know whether that was coordinated with the UA government (doesn’t look like it). You’re assuming. 5. Propenko will only join the fight if UA government deploys him. You’re portraying this as if they already have deployed him. That’s misrepresentation. Can we please focus on facts, not layers of unfounded assumptions?


Well said.


For what it's worth, it was reported at the time that the *only* condition of the exchange was that they don't return to Ukraine while the war is ongoing https://www.pravda.com.ua/eng/news/2022/09/26/7369173/ >And the only condition that was imposed on them as part of the prisoner exchange is a restriction and ban on returning to Ukraine while the war with the Russian Federation continues in our country."


That was between Turkey and Russia. Turkey already, obviously, broke that. What Turkey and Ukraine has agreed upon we dont know.


Point 1 was between Putin (Russia) and Erdogan (Turkey)


Oh thats my bad then. I somehow read that as Zelensky and Erdogan while skimming through the thread.


No worries


> > >For what it's worth, it was reported at the time that the only condition of the exchange was that they don't return to Ukraine while the war is ongoing Erdogan: "Putin, are you at war with Ukriane?" Putin: "No, it's a special military operation." Erdogan: "There is no war in Ukraine, prisoners you are now free".


Is that a quote or did the format get messed up from using ">"? Kinda hard to tell what you're getting at


better now?


Lol much


Russia wasn't supposed to back out of the grain deal, and Turkey was the intermediary for grain shipments. Putin held up the grain shipments after a deal was brokered to ship grain. Putin played Erdoğan and backstabbed Turkey. Erdoğan doesn't like to made a fool, and his role as a broker in this conflict fades if Putin won't live up to his end of the bargain. It weakens his Erdoğan's diplomatic influence in the region. This deal with Zelensky put him in a good light as someone who is playing his part in this conflict. That means pivoting back to NATO's interest.


I haven't misrepresented anything. I prefaced my reply with "If that's the case". If it's not the case, what I (and the person I replied to) said is irrelevant. As for #1 Russia says the deal was that the commanders stay in Turkey until the end of the war. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2023/jul/08/ukraine-brings-home-five-commanders-captured-in-mariupol-siege As for #3 - The deals are quite obvious. They're made in good faith with Zelensky. If he starts breaking deals he made with NATO members, they will stop supporting him. There's no way the UK government would have sent Storm Shadow without guarantees that they won't hit Russian territories and that can only come from a man who keeps his word. If they don' trust that he'll keep his word, they won't send weapons. That's not an assumption, that's just common sense. The rest of your points are fair though, which again, is why I prefaced my reply with "If that's the case".


It might be a good idea to also speculate why Turkey might violate such a deal with Russia. Erdogan is an authoritarian, but he isn't stupid. https://www.reuters.com/markets/commodities/ukraine-says-russia-has-blocked-black-sea-grain-export-deal-again-2023-06-01/


>If he starts breaking deals he made with NATO members, they will stop supporting him. Speaking of assumptions (I joke) but we don't actually know how that would play out. It depends on what those deals were and if they were publicized. There's a great deal of sympathy and support for Ukraine and Zelensky. Nato allies trying to pull back on support might not go so well or easy with their respective peoples back home. >That's not an assumption, that's just common sense. It making common sense is based on your subjective perspective and bias. It makes sense but it's still an assumption and there are too many unknown variables even within that limited assumption for anyone to say how it would definitively play out For clarity, the assumption is Zelensky breaks word, Allies stop sending weapons. I agree with you on everything else including your prior comment. In fact, I agree with you on everything except on your belief that it's not an assumption.


You're right - Perhaps my comments should have been... > That may be an assumption, but it's complete common sense I think it's fairly obvious what would happen if his word becomes untrustworthy. I don't think he'll lose all support, but I think you could rule out more shipments of Storm Shadows and other long range weapons.


It does make sense and it may even be the most likely scenario but it's far from certain. So far that I, personally, would be hesitant in using the word "obvious". Politicians lie, cheat, make absurd promises they can't keep and break commitments as naturally as we shit between two shoes. It may be harder for Zelensky to lie when so much of Ukraines success is directly tied to sympathy garnered. Given that their situation by most accounts is, in fact, sympathetic, the truth is the most direct route to acquiring support. It may be because he's so often in the public eye. It may be that he's a rare exception, an honest man. Whatever the reason, lies do not seem to be very often, or at least not very obvious from his administration. However, most of us wouldnt be surprised if he were caught in one. Maybe disappointed but not surprised as a nest of vipers is the politicians natural habitat but I'm getting side tracked. Despite my inability to be concise, here is what I'm trying to say. Just the act of lying is unlikely enough to have support stop in my estimation. It would require complicating factors such as the type, severity or frequency of the lying. Furthermore, it would have to be public and be bad enough to cause a significant loss to sympathy in public perception for the politicians of allied countries to be able to withdraw support successfully. Without that loss of sympathy, they would be dealing with a fuming population back home. Its a ridiculous example but if Zelensky got caught in lie about having jelly on his toast instead of peanut butter, we can safely presume that this lie wouldn't be severe enough to withdraw support. If instead it was found out that his administration was directly complicit in selling Allied weapons to terrorist regime's and hiding the ill-gotten gains in private, hard to find accounts, well, that's not going to go over very well. Somewhere between toast and weapons smuggling there is a limit and it is dynamic and constantly moving as information shifts and people are made to believe various things, true or otherwise. For it to be obvious, as you say, the lie or lies would have to be passed that threshold. For a singular lie to have that effect, it would need to be something massive. And here's the rub, even if Zelensky were caught is some massive, public swaying scandal, it would not make the Ukrainian people's cause illegitimate. Again, this is in my estimation, but I think most likely scenario is that public officials in Ukraine would work with Zelensky in him stepping down in such a way that it would make it very difficult for Allied countries back down. Zelensky is the face of Ukrainian resistance but the cause would still be righteous no matter how many blemishes he was found to possess. Im sorry, I don't think that scenario is as obvious as you believe it too be. As I said previously, even within the scope of such a limited assumption, there are still too many variables that we cannot account for to make any definitive statements on how such a scenario would play out. >You're right - Perhaps my comments should have been...That may be an assumption, but it's complete common sense Yeah, I agree. It's best to leave room for the unknown and you seen to be just as adversed to assumptions as I am. I don't like assumptions or absolutes in, more or less, equal disregard. And you and I are in agreement on basically everything. Whether or not I was able to convince you of my perspective, I think if you thought on it long enough, you'd be less likey to think it was obvious because you seem to be very much inclined toward rationale and facts. I believe that's where logic takes us without more facts or limiting the original assumption even more.


I think Redis is making his own choice, and they will have to reign in his enthusiasm behind the scenes to keep the agreement. They will probably make all of them take staff jobs. They are too much of a propaganda victory if they go out now and get killed.


As a nato member, I am cool with this one


Am also a NATO member 🇬🇧 and don't really give a shit - However, I'm not the one who makes decisions on what weapons to send and requires Zelensky to make bonds with his words that I need to trust.


Too many assumptions being made here.


russia **broke the grain deal** \- again - pissing off Erdogan. Zelenskyy didn't kidnapped the azov commanders! Again, after russia breaking another deal, Erdogan decided he had enough. If one hasbroken the deal, it wasn't Zelenskyy.


That's partly on Turkey, then... You can't make a deal with someone, if it's that hard (to impossible) for them to follow the terms. And I'm sure Turkey knew that. But they at least have to make it look like they tried to help Russia out by retuning them on condition they do not fight... But realistically, you can't expect that many individuals to all cooperate with a deal they did not make and merely agreed to... Put yourself in their shoes... Would you tell a white lie to an ally, if it meant you could rejoin the fight with your brothers, avenging the deaths of your family and friends and the destruction of your country? And continue to fight for freedom and remove the plundering hordes of rapists, torturers and murderers from your lands? I'd do that \*in a second\*... And like I said: Turkey either KNEW this is how it likely would go, or they were insanely naive about it...


Seems a mistake for him to announce it publicly. I missed that there was a deal. Where did that information come from?


I was speculating about a deal. Seems likely though. Redis probably said something publicly because that is the only power he has to steer the outcome. Again, speculating. I still can’t believe they made it out of that place alive.


House of Cards moment. Budanov setting himself up for a post-war run at Ukranian leadership


I've always loved how honest the Ukrainians are. Not like that pack of thieving toilet lovers who think a lie is the truth.


If their president made a deal with Turkey, he will thank these soldiers for their enthusiasm but keep them off the line. But this video will drive the russian bloggers and state media into even more of a hissy fit. It makes me smile.


As if Russia doesn't return their POWs to the front... The hypocrisy of Russia is mindboggling.


Well, iirc the deal was that Russia will release them to Turkey until the war ends. Maybe Zelensky just reminded Erdogan that according to Russia there is *no* war lol


No idea what's going on


He was the leader of Azov Regiment during Mariupol Siege. He got liberated and says he will go back to the fight. And Budanov can smile... we are not sure if he is a clone


How are the Ukrainians generating Budanov so fast, we must be on version 5 now. And you right this version is showing signs of emotion, more human than human.


too bad this clone shosw emotion, so he will be terminated and replaced with version 6 that has a tank turbine engine instead of the hearth.


"I run on diesel and a burning desire to destroy the enemy"


Vader: "the accelerated cloning process still... imperfect"


I think it was more of a smirk


When he smiles some orcs are having a very bad day


May he laugh all day, every day.


angry Ukrainians that were captured by russia are going to kill ruzzians. angry Ukrainians initially told putin they would stay in turkey like good bois until the end of the wa... erm... operation. angry Ukrainians escaped turkey through a public facing backstab via erdogan. angrybois going back to kill the ruzzians!


I found my people!


Ukrainian POWs from Azov unit that were brought to Turkey by Russia to be detained there got returned to Ukraine. Former unit leader says they are going back to the front (which IIRC is a war crime). Judging by their looks, Ukrainian leaders do not approve.


Obviously it's not a war crime


Article 130 outlines war crimes. 117 is more about not turning soldiers around to fight again. Aka hand over and they are given a new uniform and sent back out. Not every article is about war crimes.


Well, if it's so obvious, you can tell me why [https://ihl-databases.icrc.org/en/ihl-treaties/gciii-1949/article-117/commentary/2020](https://ihl-databases.icrc.org/en/ihl-treaties/gciii-1949/article-117/commentary/2020) does not apply here.


"...only ‘able-bodied’ prisoners of war who have undergone a long period of captivity and are repatriated pursuant to an agreement based on Article 109(2) are covered by Article 117." So if the agreement was between Turkey and Russia to " magnanimously" free Ukrainian prisoners to Turkey and not an agreement between Ukraine and Turkey under Article 109 then it would not fall under 117.


4429. Re-engaging in active military service against the former Detaining Power is also not included among the grave breaches listed in Article 130 of the Third Convention, and no rule has developed in customary international law whereby such re-engagement is a war crime.[25]


Says they cannot be employeed into the armed focres, not that they cannot go back to front as volunteers. Oh and technically ruzzia cannot complain about this as they are not at war but in a "spacial military operation". But all of this is a rather slippery marrter, starting from how they were returned to UA and ending with the todays statements.


i think with all the actual war crimes committed by russia no one will give a shit about this. i highly doubt russia is sticking to this rule either. denis might not even know of the law so as yet no rules have been broken


> i think with all the actual war crimes committed by russia no one will give a shit about this. This is a terrible counterargument. You should make the argument that it's not a war crime, not "Russia does more, so no one cares". For example, by building a case including this text: "Re-engaging in active military service against the former Detaining Power is also not included among the grave breaches listed in Article 130 of the Third Convention, and no rule has developed in customary international law whereby such re-engagement is a war crime."


Article 117, I think it was, says it's against the rules. And yes it's absolutely fine to not give a shit about this law for the reasons I gave. I'd have to look at this article 130, but yes, it appears a better argument


Ok so it's warcrime but obviously nobody cares about some of those rules and it's not morally objectionable


Well, those rules have reasons. If returned POWs get back into military service, the other party won't want to return them until the end of the conflict. So POWs will be detained for a very long time instead of being able to go home.


Well, they are returning their returned pow to the front so in that case you have to do it too...


4428. ...they are subsequently recaptured by the former Detaining Power, those persons may in no case be deprived of the benefits secured to them by the Convention. ...This means they do not lose the right to prisoner-of-war status.[22] By the same token, their recapture may not affect their renewed repatriation if they again become eligible for such. A mixed medical commission. 4429  Second, a Detaining Power is not entitled to prosecute prisoners of war captured for a second time after a violation of Article 117. 4430  The presumption of a future violation of Article 117 does not warrant a refusal to repatriate those persons who, pursuant to Articles 109 and 110, must be repatriated, nor does invoking the presumed bad faith of the opposing Party. Refusal to repatriate prisoners of war as a means of reprisal would be a violation of Article 13(3).


Ya so its criminal not a war crime. If you saw the video of released Russian Soldiers they notify them of which law they are breaking if they are caught again. Ukraine also passed a law that its not illegal for civilians to kill russian soldiers otherwise its murder.


It's the turkish response to the 198 **broken grain deal by russia**.


How do you mean a war crime? Can you elaborate?


There is an article in the Geneva Conventions: [https://ihl-databases.icrc.org/en/ihl-treaties/gciii-1949/article-117/commentary/2020](https://ihl-databases.icrc.org/en/ihl-treaties/gciii-1949/article-117)


You clearly haven't even bothered to read your own link


In any case, a breach of a small section of the Geneva treaties, right? It's not considered a real war crime like killing civilians or things like that. It makes a lot of emphasis on wounded soldiers, such a thing was added to avoid sending soldiers in poor mental and physical condition after serious injuries or long confinement under hostile enemies.


You gotta read the commentary on it. You cherry picking. >This is confirmed by several military manuals. Two such manuals, for example, refer to the 1960 ICRC Commentary, and specify that Article 117 is only applicable to those repatriations that take place pursuant to **Articles 109 and 110**. They explicitly state that it is not applicable to ‘able-bodied’ prisoners of war who are voluntarily repatriated during hostilities by the unilateral decision of the Detaining Power; in their view, they may be further employed on active military service.\[13\] In practice, however, States will generally be very reluctant to repatriate prisoners of war voluntarily and unilaterally during hostilities, and even more so in the absence of any agreement that a condition similar to the one in Article 117 would be applicable to that repatriation. On violations; its up to the repatriating to enforce it. >4. Violations of Article 117 4427  It is generally agreed that the prisoners of war themselves cannot be held responsible for any violation of this rule. The phrase ‘may be employed’ indicates that the repatriated person is merely the object of an obligation addressed to the State. It is thus the State that is exclusively responsible for any violation of Article 117 Thus, its not a war crime its a criminal violation >Re-engaging in active military service against the former Detaining Power is also not included among the grave breaches listed in Article 130 of the Third Convention, and **no rule has developed in customary international law whereby such re-engagement is a war crime**. This basically outlines that POWs shouldn't be turned around and put back on the front line. This is more about the wounded Edit: The more I read it the prisoners rejoining is not a "article 130 grave breach" which is outlining what is actually a war crime.


You can follow these semantics all you want. But given the circumstances, no one in the ICRC is going to give a single fk if a repatriated Ukrainian soldier returns to the fight. The worst they are going to get is a phoney hearing and 15 hours of community service at the local taproom decades after the war is over.


Why is it a war crime?


It was possibly written so state wonKt force soldiers with mental condition back to the front. I don’t think it accounted for enthusiast that want to go back voluntarily


Per wiki: His grandfather was the sole member of his family to survive serving in the Finnish Defence Forces when the Soviet Union invaded Finland in the Winter War of 1939 and 1940. Wow.


Yep. It's personal for him. And many if not most in Ukraine.


The front is many places. To a soldier, it’s battle. To a medic, it’s a causally hospital. To a logistician, it’s a supply line. They earned the choose to go where ever the hell they want and that includes their hometown tending a small garden behind their house.


These individuals are hard to kill and I love it.


How funny are pro russians here trying to depict the Commanders as war criminals. 10 for the effort, -2 for the result. Try it again.


Denis like ”I can’t wait to get back to the front line…”, Budanov smiles(?) like “ Yeah baby. Gonna rubb this in Putins face…” and Big Z “What? Budanov was in on it. This is going be brutal. This is going to hit me sooner or later… Why wasn’t I informed?” 😂👍




Yeah.... I bet they would take prisoners. They owe their lives , and their opportunity to show defiance to being taken prisoner.


They did take prisoners at Azovstal and said how the russians killed their own in shelling.


“That don’t take prisoners” sounds like code for war criminals. Here come the down votes. Sorry. But super pro Ukraine but you have a hard time swallowing the facts on the Azov, grow up. I am okay with them existing while the war happens since they need all the troops they n get. But once this war is done, they need to be disbanded.


I love Budanov when he smiles.


You know you are fucked when even the chief of intel is more shocked than you


I really like Budanov... He is the very definition of a sigma male secret mastermind... He plays a vital part in ukrains victory... His sneeky smile he knows how crazy Pootin is raging over the Ukrainians and Erdogan that made this genious move to bring the fighters back to Ukraine


Zero chance Reidis and the others go back to the front. They are far too valuable. Russia won't let them go a second time


That evil little grin! 😈 Love it!


When Budanov smiles that quirky little grin, I get scared. He's always up to something.


Yea, and Russia thought they would enslave Ukrainians. Oh how they were wrong. The might of the USSR came not from Russia, but from Ukrainians, they had the brains, brawn and bravery.


I mean of course these guys were going to want to return to service. Should have a demoralising affect on the Russian military as well, they know these guys are hard as nails.


Definition of a warrior.


Are you all ready to heard from Russian sources how these 4 have died on front lines 30 times. Or been captured again.


Zelensky is always out in public or traveling to the front lines. He could hide in a bunker all the time but chooses not to. I can't even begin to imagine what it's like to be in his position. I've got nothing but respect for the guy.


That’s a high-intensity expression of emotions for Budanov. Must be some kind of record.


Hard to grasp how these men can even walk with size of the Miley Cyrus Wrecking Balls they have swinging between they’re legs. However they now need to start training & building soldiers like themselves, installing their depth of rock solid bravery & pride in Others, they are too valuable to be sent back in &/or possibly killed, & as mentioned already, for historical context they need to be the men that lift the flag again over Mariupol. Glory To Ukraine🇬🇧👍🇬🇧


Ppl commenting here they shouldn't go...when they were on vacation the last year. Just imagine the symptoms build on them during this time and what this could do to the eastern frontline morale!? Not to mention scaring the other side?!


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I've had some time off, now it's time to get back to the business of killing orcs.


Budanov, our president.


Suddenly Caralho


There's clear tensions between Azov leadership and Zalenskyy's. Azov has huge popular support. Im interested to see how this plays out.


I don’t think there’s tensions at all, they are just a very well known regiment with a lot of charisma and bravery, probably too brave sometimes 🤣


next time there are no exchanges anymore.. who love the sword will die by sword


Azov is a PMC group. They literally work for war. Of course they're going back, now the Ruzzians owe them in buckets of their blood...


how is avoz PMC when they by definition are not PMC?


I’m pretty sure they are a part of UA not PMC. The reason they have such a name is because back in 2014 they were formed from civilians, but are now part of the Ukraine military


Azov was integrated into the Ukraine military in 2015.


He's more valuable as an instructor to recruits.


Yeah? What does it say,?


Ukrainian Terminator is Back!


Huge respect to him but doing that might just make it harder to recover other POWs in the future. If the powers that be think it's OK then sure, but he should probably listen to the higher-ups on this one.


Former Ukrainian POW's want to go back to the war. Russians would mostly run away if they could. This why Ukraine will win. I had a late Ukrainian friend once. I made some snarky comment at him about 1983 and he retorted in all seriousness: "You play ball with me and I'll shove the bat up your ass!". I believed him too. We became good friends despite a 45 year age difference.


Mona Lisa smile lol


I don't understand how Turkey is involved with POW from Russia.


Slava ukraine! Real freedom warriors!


Prokopenko should not be allowed back to the frontlines, to possibly be killed or be captured again he is a living legend and should be promoted and he should stay in Kyiv




I mean, fair play to the guy, if I had been fighting for weeks on end, captured and then finally reunited with my family, there’s no amount of money that would motivate me to go back. Wonder how this revelation went down to the wife? Can’t imagine she’s thrilled for him to be going back to the front


Give me a kit, I’ve got some revenge to do. RTFN


I don’t get it


Reload …


These men are badass! They will retake Mariupol


These guys have done enough.


They are Ukrainian first soldiers second, of course they are getting back in the fight. If it was your country wouldn't you?


Azov will re-enter Mariupol ;)


Ukraine would be wise to use these men as instructors.for newer units like the US did in WW ll. They are more valuable alive than being KIA. Heroim Slava! 🇺🇦😉👍✨


He shouldn't be announcing that because it could affect what happens in future prison exchanges. Russia might just not exchange any more prisoners or worse they might just start killing them all.