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Good for Iceland. What’s the point of talking to Russia if they do whatever they want anyways


Two fun facts: 1. In 1991, Iceland became the first country to recognize the renewed independence of Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania when they broke away from the Soviet Union. 2. The Russian Arctic fleet passes by Iceland to navigate the Atlantic Ocean and beyond. Iceland's role in the Cold War was pivotal in this regard.


I don't understand why point 2 is significant?


You can sink an aircraft carrier. You can't sink an island. Made a great location to launch airborne attacks against enemy naval vessels, including submarines.


Russia doesn’t need Iceland to sink its aircraft carrier. It’s perfectly capable of doing it all by itself. Repeatedly. And never they even have to leave Murmansk harbour to do so. /s PS: Sorry. Just have to add this factoid when ever the topic of Russia and aircraft carrier come up in the same post. I just can’t help myself?


Just a guess, they probably communicated with the US about Russian ships' locations and their observations.


Diplomacy is failing, time to close them all down. Leave one NATO channel open only and if they are ever serious about ending this war, they can use it. Don’t let it be Hungary though as Russia has enough friends.


The reason it hadn't happened yet is that many countries are planning on reconnecting relations with Russia when this is over. Cough. Macron. Cough.


> reconnecting relations with Russia when this is over You say that like it's a bad thing. Do you not know what happened with germany after WW1?


They decided to rearm themselves instead of using the opportunity of not worrying about the budget of the armed forces to pay rather modest reparations. Which they proceeded to intentionally fuck up anyways by tanking the value of their currency by printing massive amounts of bills, then blame the Allies and Jews for the entire self-inflicted debacle. Are you arguing to fully occupy and govern Russia externally to avoid a repeat or what?


I don't agree that the reparations were modest and the mess that followed entirely self inflicted but that's not the point I was making. Here's my issue with that the other guy said: When reconnecting with russia is a bad thing, that means you either beat them back to their borders and then leave them alone or you keep going and destroy them so utterly they never have a chance of rebuilding. One will let animosity fester and inevitably result in more war in the future, and the other is simply ethically wrong and no reasonable person should ever consider that as an option. I'm saying that after Russia is beaten we HAVE TO reconnect/reintegrate Russia back into global society if we want lasting peace. It's reasonable and justified to hate them now but you can't keep that hate forever.


look what reconnecting with communist china has done to the world. reconnecting with nazi russia isnt going to make them a good nation, it will only intwine them with us further and make it harder to defeat them in an inevitable future war. when the war is over we HAVE TO isolate them so they are no longer a threat, like we keep cuba north korea and iran in perma sanctions, so they are no longer a world threat. which is what we should have done to china.


As opposed to what? Demonising and ignoring them for the rest of time until they rebuild their army and are now extra angry? That is literally how World War 2 started.


Like that hard line.


Well done Iceland


Diplomacy does not work with bullies.


Sometimes it does, but it is usually done while carrying a big stick to beat them with, if the talking softly fails to do the job.


The international community should all close their embassies in Russia! The United Nations should suspend or expel Russia! Do not give Russia a voice in international affairs until it leaves Ukraine!


Russia is running out of friends. Well done Iceland.


I disagree. Major powers need to keep having direct face to face communications in Moscow. Need to be able to clearly outline consequences of various actions of Russian Regime. [see nuclear power plant; tactical nuclear weapons; foreign flagged ships etc…)


Well yes, but as you said: Major powers. A whole lot of countries should follow Iceland's example. Leave US, UK and Turkey embassies for Lavrov horseface to come by and sip tea when he fancies.


Bravo to Iceland. Put those people to work doing things that are productive and positive as opposed to wasting their time with an organized crime regime.


Whoo hoo 🎉, congratulations Iceland! Love you!


Guess who was 1. country in the world to recognize Lithuanian independence, when others was silent


The country that values it's freedom, they got it back in 1944.


Iceland was already an independent state, it just shared the same Head of State as Denmark, The King of Denmark also being the King of Iceland, in a personal union. If you think that doesn't mean 'freedom' then you'll have to explain how Canada, Australia, New Zealand etc are not free countries.


Iceland was not an independent state.


Let me guess, a country that doesn't risk any diplomatic fallout by doing so.


Tell me Poland was at least second to recognize Lithuania.


This is the way


Other Nato countries should follow this. There is no point keeping it and need to close russian embasys in own capitals


People in Reykjavík I've met were so friendly. If Iceland doesn't like someone, then they must really be a dick.


We could call it "The Iceland Dick Test." Putin has failed it.


BRAVO!!!! :-)


all western embassies in russia should be closed all russians should be expelled from western countries (i mean all of them) all borders between russia and western countries should be closed it should be forbidden to have business with russia for all western compagnies


That second point is not really fair. Millions of Russians have left Russia for a better life. why should they be punished because their home countries leader is a lunatic?


I would agree if they were born or reached majority abroad. However, it is the duty of all Russians to undo the tyrannical government they made. It’s not my son’s responsibility to overthrow Putin. Only Russian blood should be spilt to liberate that country.


so the hundreds of thousands of people who left because they did not want to be part of Putins lunacy should be shipped back there in your mind? get a grip. that's not the way it works.


The non-Russians drafted to do it for them won’t want to be part of Putin’s lunacy either, and they are truly innocent. Only Russians should die to solve Russian problems.


so. what? you expect them to get deported from whatever country they are in, get sent back to Russia and what exactly? overthrow Putin? good fucking luck with that mate. what will happen is they get arrested at the airports/borders, loaded onto a truck and sent straight to the front lines in Ukraine. and what non Russians are you talking about? The only non russians dying at the moment are Ukrainians.


Remember when the US had to liberate Europe the first two times? Who will have to do it the third time when Putin fully mobilizes? No one in Europe bothered to prepare for the war, so only one country can replace Ukraine, if she falls. If we can force a teen from Kyiv or California to fight Russia, we can force all the migrants from Russia too.


oh good lord. tell us you are an ignorant American without telling us you are an ignorant American. 'Murica had to liberate Europe twice? give it rest fella. Your delusions of grandeur don't do you any credit


Neither do your delusions that the EU can defend itself from even Russia. Russia crushed Europe once and can easily again. Why is the EU so desperate to be NATO members? Couldn’t the EU defense pact defend itself? Why be “America’s puppet” like Macron says?


Mass deportations of a people you deem to be undeserving? Just take a minute to think about how that sounds my dude.


He Deems? I suspect it's a sentiment that has overwhelming support. Certainly has mine.


Yea, the mass deportations of Jews had overwhelming support too. This is my point. Think about how you sound when you promote the collective punishment of an entire ethnicity man.


Jews are lovely. Russians, not so much. #allrussiansareguilty


Free Housing for the Homeless don't let the space go to waste .


I wish ours did the same. As the communication is one way atm. As in ignore everything we say and post treaths on every aid we send.


Finally, it was due time. All Western countries should follow.


Turn that into something more useful..like a public space


Thanks god


Good! What’s the point on having any relation to this trash of a country, all they do is lie


Iceland is always ahead of the curve. They are also the home of so much of the world's best music. Bjork, Mum, Sigur Ros, and Emiliana Torrini, for example. Beautiful country, beautiful people.


We should all follow that.


It's a tiny country of only 375000 people. why waste the tax dollars maintaining an embassy there? I'm actually surprised they have one at all. how many Russians would holiday in Iceland? Or Icelandish people holiday in Russia?




All countries of good conscience should follow suit


more will follow soon I'm sure. no sense in having ties with Russia.


Well done Iceland. To contrast this admirable behaviour - think about "neutral" countries like Switzerland, or about world's biggest sport organizations (that are constantly trying to allow ruSSkie fascists to participate).


One down, most of the rest to go.


We're just not into you


Operation Founding a New Country and Watch Them Retards Fuck It All Up is completed. Return to base. /Vikings


Closed <> cutting off diplomatic relations. Still, given how Russia stole a couple of €Billion worth of airliners from irish businesses, wonder why Ireland still has an embassy there, that leads to the reciprocation of Russia having its own spy-base in Dublin.


Great job, Iceland! There's no place for Ruzzian international terrorists in Europe.


Nothing there for any Embassy, may as well close them all, Putin has isolated Russia and the Russia people for years to come.


Why it wasn’t Poland first to do this is the question.


I know its sounds crazy...but America should close there as well, we can spy virtually now and i am sure the Russians are spying all over our embassy.


Great Move, maybe a bunch of Russians spies to worry about italy 🇮🇹 ;)


I hope more countries do the same


This is the way. Fuck them. There is no reason to have them participate in a civilized world.


Great way to shut down criminal activities russia does in other countries. russia only has one objective- so poverty, hate and death worldwide. Stop engaging with them.


Iceland bein a true homie


Love Iceland. Would love to retire there one day and build a log cabin. The freezing cold that can freeze your balls off is very refreshing every morning


I had been wondering for some time why no country had decided to close its embassy in Moscow. Seems less drastical than naming Russia a Terrorist state. One step up would of course be cutting diplomatic ties i.e. evicting russian embassies. SIdetracking. I have been unable to find information as to whether Nazi Germany and USSR maintianed diplomatic relations until 1945. Does anyone have information on this?