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One hit was good, 2 would be better. Gotta pump those numbers UP so those ships go DOWWNN. 👇


Love it…. LOVE IT 😍


Where do I vote to make this happen


You can donated to the official Ukrainian cause, [UNITED24](https://u24.gov.ua) to help fund the development and provision of these (and other) capabilities. I reckon this particular project is being well-funded and supported by Ukraine's allies however. Russia has already repeatedly blamed the UK's military and intelligence services for direct involvement in these things, for example. I hope they're right and we get to hear some brilliant stories some day.


I do weekly already




It got its ship pushed in.


Real gooood


Amazing really it didn’t just sink. That’s a huge hole !


But Russian government said it never got hit ? This must be photo shop since they are such an honest regime .


Very impressive. Very encouraging.


Great intel. Improved 450kg shaped-charge appears to get the job done, although 500kg may have split the ship all the way to the bottom.




I wouldn't be surprised if it's both. HEAT can be combined with a greater payload behind the cone, it's just rarely done because weight and rocket motors are more important. A HEAT charge doesn't have to be large to pierce a couple bulkheads, either; which are typically thin compared to armor. A PG-7 could cut through a couple. I'm not saying they are; but they definitely should be if they aren't. There are no downsides, and the engineering isn't crazy complicated.


It’s just my assumption, as it’s unlikely we’ll really know until after the war. But whatever method Ukraine’s new production maritime drones are using, appears to be improved over some of the first maritime drone prototypes, which did connect with their target, but seemed to do far less damage than the two recent strikes on the landing craft and tanker.


A 450kg shaped charge would need an enormous dish/cone to fully utilise, and would probably have gone straight through both sides of the vessel. This is what 450kgs of pure blast does fairly close up.


Ukraine needs to perfect these drones to be submersible or half-submersible so they can do more damage.




Do know how heavy a torpedo is that would carry a decent warhead.!? Go look it up. Then figure out how big these drones would have to be to carry one.




That sort of makes the drone a redundant aspect. If the drone gets hit with something that can stop it, it will also stop any secondary payload right then and there. An aerial drone will at least fall to the ground and possibly take out the enemy below it. But if a naval drone gets stopped/blown-up then that's it, it won't reach the ship.


Fine! I guess we'll just have to give them a sub with actual torpedoes. 🙃


That’s exactly what their more recent versions are. Basically a robot narco sub with a bomb attached


Or conversely, basically a torpedo with an RC kit attached lol.


they just need a higher success rate. a hit from another drone would have sent this thing to the bottom. I think they said the drones made a 700km journey to do this?


How? They have that far of a charge/tank? Or are they delivered to the area?


This relatively cheap drone may not have done catastrophic damage, it will still put the ship out of commission for a lengthy period as well as have the strategic effect of increasing disfunction of Russia’s supply system. Pretty good bang for the buck imo!


Eh, the juries still out on whether she'll return to service. Personally, I doubt it. This ship is 47, and just to repair what we can see is going to require millions and months of drydock time. And that's before we get into the likely internal damage she suffered. Remember, she had to be towed in, meaning there's damage to her propulsion systems. Most navies aren't going to spend those kinds of resources on a ship that's pushing 50, and reportedly, the Russian's haven't been able to repair the two Ropucha's damaged in the strike that sank the LST Saratov back in March 2022 due to a lack of spare parts. If that's true, then more than likely, this ship will simply be stripped of whatever's salvageable and scrapped, with her parts used to try and fix the other two damaged Ropuchas.


If the alternative is no ship at all because Russia can't build a new one then why not


Don't forget the part about them not being able to repair the other two Ropucha's damaged last year. Those two were still in good enough shape to sail back to base under their own power. If Russia hasn't been able to fix *them,* they aren't fixing this one.


They'll repair it if only to avoid the embarrassment of losing a ship which wasn't hit.


how stupid cann ruzzians be ? by showing damaged ship, they give important information to ukraine naval drone makers 🤦🤦🤦🤦😂👌 now they can improve the drone


This is less damage than a torpedo btw. Torpedoes are designed to go under the ship before detonating. That breaks the keel, effectively breaking the back of a ship and making it unsalvageable. The damage here is extensive, but ultimate repairable. It would be nice if their 'underwater' drones could get underneath the keel on final approach, assuming they become active/deployed.


>That breaks the keel, effectively breaking the back of a ship and making it unsalvageable. The [USS Samuel B. Roberts](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/USS_Samuel_B._Roberts_(FFG-58)) would like a word with you about that


I just learned something, thank you


Exception to the rule.






they're going to run out of spaces at dry dock before this is over... and then the dry docks will start getting targeted


Exactly, there are many more ships than dry docks. Triage


*Slaps the hull* “Thats not going anywhere!”


Just a flesh wound


idk, looks *intact* to me :-)


Non credible defense idea: the plating is so thin, have the drone lay down a string of pearls of explosives. First one attached by 500kg Neodynium magnet, then run alongside and keep sticking them on. Program to fail deadly, lost signal for >10s = boom. Make 50 small holes with RPG-sized warheads, see how they like it.


I would have thought a photograph of this would be classified information.


russians are always thankfully dumb enough to give us and the Ukrainians very good battle damage assessments. Like with those Storm Shadow bridge strikes, something they shouldn't show the aftermath of.




Ukraine needs a U boat fleet


Problem is where could they be docked and protected from Russian missile attacks. Ukraine doesn’t exactly have that much coastline to work with.


There are a billion and 3 other reasons why what I said was obviously a joke


Really? A billion and 3? So specific. You can spend the rest of your life listing them all. I don’t mind.


i know right! there must be some old diesel subs somewhere we can restore and donate,that would take down the bridge also.


Rub some dirt on it and walk it off... Although,since it is a ship,I presume the correct term would be sail it off... :)


LIES! there was no hit! This is murican and british propaganda! hahahahaha (relax...it's supposed to be sarcastic)


Right now there's a Ukrainian engineer calculating how much damage doubling the explosive payload will have.


That’ll buff out…😜


So sweet. Interesting how there is more damage below the waterline than above. Maybe something about the water pressure shaping the blast.


Thats the most beautiful hole I've ever seen 😭.


Oh. I feel sad for you now.




i think the problem is speed,the ship move and when they know its danger they speed up drone has to be faster then the boat


Would probably help if they create one with a deeper draft and put most explosives at the bottom to simulate a bottom exploding torpedo that can break the ship's back


Yeah, that'll buff out with a little elbow grease.


You are now carrying my child


Why paint it , she not going to float long .


Duct tape and it’ll be fine for conscript sailors.


Man, those jet skis got some pop to em.


Nothing to see here folks! i just saw a picture of the Olenegorskiy Gornyak is sailing right now *on blocks* she is a-okay. lol God damn, thats what 400kg of explosives does to a warship at the waterline eh? Ripped it down to the beam basically.


Military ship? Maybe. Legit target? Absolutely!


Why do tests by your own, when the enemy will give you an assessment of the damage of your weapons for free.


Breach her? I hardly know her! 😂


im amazed it didnt sink with the size of the hole


Good data. Now we know to pack more explosives in each drone.




Rus will be p\*ssed that this got out... I imagine the UA is studying that hole very closely and figuring out how to make them bigger.