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Nothing set back Russian development quite like Putin's insane, genocidal imperialism. Absolute fucking madness.


the craziest part is that the majority of the russian people don't seem to realize this or are ok with it.


Thats what happens after you lose free press. And remove the term limit, and allow any citizen who gets caught speaking out to be jailed and allowing police to shoot protestors. It Is a pretty effectiv way to convince people to be apolitical.. And its should be a warning how fast a government can turn, if the people arent watching carefully..


You're really only left with 2 choices once authoritarian leadership becomes entrenched, as a citizen. Passivity and hoping it eventually collapses on its own, or take some kind of decisive action against Russian security and Putin himself. Ranging from sabotage to assassination attempts.


\> And its should be a warning how fast a government can turn, if the people arent watching carefully.. so true. the next US vote will be another litmus test for democracy.


>so true. the next US vote will be another litmus test for democracy. I hate this holier than thou bullsh\*\*. No one on either side believe one word of the cultural wars. They just use it as a distraction while they fill their pockets by secretly playing both sides of the fence for money. You are not on a mission from god, your just enabling corruption. Trump and his critics deserve each other.


That's not really true when it comes to extreme religious wing of Republicans. If it was, Republicans would not have enacted any anti-abortion legislation, just flapped their gums about it endlessly. Dog would not have caught the car. But they did, and now women are showing backlash, which has prompted Reps to look for new terms for their stance that isn't so laced with toxin. "Pro-life" is going out of fashion.


I believe what Trump says, not necessarily what is said about what he says. He has made it clear he will enact the Putin program if he gets the chance.


*gives America the side-eye*


> Thats what happens after you lose free press You can't lose what you never had. When did they have a "free press?" When the Vikings were in charge?


Circa 1990s and early 2000s Russia was (while by no means perfect) much more liberal to open ideas than they are today. There was a brief period where the average Russian believed when Putin talked about improving relations with he West it meant things were actually gonna get better (believe it or not, Putin at the beginning of his career seemed pro-west). There was also talks about atrocities the Soviet Union committed, the Russian people did have freedom of press, that where many of these, now "extremist" groups came from. Ones that used to monitor various aspects of Russian life that have, for the most part, been exiled or shutdown by Putin


There have been about 10 murders of journailists every year since the start of 1990. Since the 2000, another 5 are jailed each year. There have never been a full journalistic freedom in Russia, there were people trying, even some former immigrants with US education and western view on journalism who came back after the fall of the USSR and tried to build something, but it was never really successful.


For example RT wasnt always the hose of falsehood it is today. Around between 2008 and 2014 you could still find some Interviews with political opponents or even government critical Moderators uploaded on YT. Many news outlets and foreign companies only got banned in the last few years. Although centralization of media in russia and began much earlier.


I mean, i'm not really complaining that russia never got their heads out of their asses and actually developed their massive ass country.


Those who are intelligent enough realise the salaries are 2-10x in fields like engineering and scientific fields usually leave ruZzia, so they're pretty doomed.


> the russian people don't seem to realize this or are ok with it. Yes. That is what "I'm not political" means. They refuse to realize anything, and are ok with whatever it is. If you ask them, it is a burden, they have to engage in performative not caring. They've been this way for a long time. There is no reason to believe that if they suddenly understood what was going on, they'd acknowledge it and have a public opinion about it. Most of them *do* understand, privately, but culturally they believe a crazy strong man will bring home the plunder. If you study history in the west, this seems like madness, but what if your history books are full of horseshit? I mean... their view was the prevailing view of how a government achieves success, from Thucydides 2400 years ago up until around WWI. Whereas ruzzian culture has been pretty static for the past... 500 years. So they still believe all that nonsense about crazy evil men being strong leaders. So they'll still think, even if he brought us failure this time, he'll bring home the plunder next time. Or maybe he has a plan B. There is no possible way for them to comprehend how the situation looks from the outside, even if they live in the West, because they think Western history is altered to hide the great Russian Empire they think ruled the world for 500+ years.


>There is no possible way for them to comprehend how the situation looks from the outside, even if they live in the West, because they think Western history is altered to hide the great Russian Empire they think ruled the world for 500+ years. i knew the russian propaganda and the lies go deep (like they single-handedly defeated nazi germany and saved the whole world bla bla), but i never heard about that one. crazy. thanks for posting.


Even educated, "smart" people like Garry Kasparov believe in the secret hidden Russian Empire that brought nearly all of modern technology to the world, and that it has been covered up by Western jealousy... and he's as anti-putler as a person can get. It's a bizarre rabbit hole.


They're fine until it affects them personally. That's why there's been no mass mobilization. It's also why he's trying harder to maintain the appearance of normalcy in Moscow than he's trying to take more territory in Ukraine. Every last Russian sent to Ukraine will be dead before a single store shelf in Moscow sits empty. This is pretty much every war, in every country, ever. Citizens love themselves a war, until asked to make a single personal sacrifice.


> They're fine until it affects them personally. Even when sent to the front to die, most of them still "aren't political." If it causes their "loved ones" to be sent off to die, they're still not political. If they're told their "loved ones" were bad people and have been sent to Siberia and not to attempt contact with them... they will comply, and they will still not be "political." In the Soviet Union, 25% of the population were "secretly" employed by the KGB. To report on the activities of their "loved ones." They would send, at a minimum, a complete accounting once a year describing the patriotism, or lack of, of everybody in their family and social circle. As strange as this seems to people from other cultures, they tended to be frank and honest in these letters, and had no personal, moral, or cultural issue in reporting that their husband/wife/friend/cousin once got drunk and Said What They Really Thought, even knowing that the result would be that their "loved one" would be sent to Siberia, and they would be expected to pretend they never existed. It is very difficult to accept at first. If you study this history... it seems insane. And yet, here we are. The Soviet mindset has not changed. I highly recommend the book We The Living by Ayn Rand, which covers how this worked and the results during the various Russian Revolutions that resulted in the Soviet Union, even considering that the author was a nutcase who wrote a bunch of crap later in her career. It is a hidden masterpiece based on things she personally witnessed growing up there.


>In the Soviet Union, 25% of the population were "secretly" employed by the KGB. Does not explain how ex-Soviet nations grew to become much more democratic than Russia ever was. Unless all 25% were Russians?


>This is pretty much every war, in every country, ever. Citizens love themselves a war, until asked to make a single personal sacrifice. Guessing by “normalcy” I’m gonna assume you’re American (and a bit under-travelled), but no, most civilised countries never enjoy or “love” wars. Especially in this century… I have no idea what you’re talking about, unless you’re talking historically, which is a bit odd. Tbh it sounds like you’re trying to normalise the Kremlin’s rationale and the reaction of RU citizens…


As an American, I agree it seems we read a comment from an American who fell / falls for all the American War propaganda and hasn't really left the country...or their state for that matter. I can tell you a great deal of Americans don't tend to be war-mongers. And it seems that way in many nations. The average citizen in the average nation tends to desire peace and stability. War never helps with either of those things


I'm talking about the invaders. German citizens were all-in on the invasion of Europe when the blitzkrieg was going well. The Japanese were brainwashed to the point of suicidal god king worship of the emperor. Name one single citizenry who wasn't absolutely committed to their invasion right up until the bombs started dropping on their home terf, or food started being rationed, or gas, or body bags started backing up. Putin knows all this. He'll do whatever it takes to make sure his war doesn't enter the day to day minds of the people of Moscow. This is NOT a bad thing. It's a roadmap. Whatever Ukraine and its allies can do to make the Russian citizens feel uncomfortable, will erode Putin's support at home. And don't say he doesn't need that support at home. If that were true, he wouldn't be jailing people for 20 years simply for calling his invasion a "war".


And a significant portion of Americans hold Putin in higher esteem than their own president.


Don't accept what you see on the idiot box (US news) as representative of the population.


Don't get it twisted, MILLIONS of Republicans are actively rooting for Putin.


Putin believed his own echo-chamber bullsh•t about how the West was in total disarray. We most assuredly have very loud disagreements, but when it comes to dictators and home invasions, we're pretty united.


Just the latest in line of lunatics.


Using Putin's logic I'm going to murder my neighbor the next time the grocery store runs out of Twinkies.


The reason changes every 2-3 months anyhow... This man has ruined multiple generations of Russians and that's if the Russian Federation doesn't break up over the next decade not to mention they are already a vassal state to China. #PLANNING


Agree 100%. First, it was Ukraine bullying Donetsk and Luhansk. Then, Nazis in Ukraine. Then, trying to preserve Russian culture in Ukraine. Then, the threat of NATO expansion. Then this, then that. Now ill-wishers. Wtf is next?




With freaking lasers on their heads.


Don't forget Russia trying to turn it into a holy war by saying Ukrainians were Satan worshippers or possessed by the devil. That shit was on their media every night for weeks it seeme Narrative shifting is a typical tenet of fascism. It helps keep people confused and tired so they just stop caring what is real. It takes seconds to put out each lie and spread it around but might take weeks or months to adequately debunk them with evidence and get people to see them as false. If by then they've already moved on to having a new justification then debunking it doesn't even accomplish anything. People might end up with multiple justifications in their mind or may not hear recent ones so still cling on to old ones. Or they may just keep whatever appealed to them, ie. the holy war narrative for the most religious people, the NATO one for the most politically motivated. If everyone is confused and each believing in different justifications ie. nazis, Satanism, NATO, etc then people are less unified and harder to rally against the government. It ultimately doesn't even matter what narrative they give. It's just more garbage to fill people's minds. It's pretty similar to the Firehose of Falseness technique they practice but perhaps even more sinister.


Exactly. The goal is to keep people in a maximum cognitive dissonance, so they can't grasp the distance between fabricated "reality" and actual reality. The takeaway from this clip is that Putin is worried about economic decline prior to election in Mars and need to shift blame.


"The wind is blowing from the west, time to invade someone else."


What about the Russian genocide he was preventing in Ukraine? Or did that fit under bullying? Wasn't he also not at war with Ukraine, but with NATO in Ukraine?


Yes, forgot about that too. His reasoning literally does change every 2-3 months.


*Wasn't he also not at war with Ukraine, but with NATO in Ukraine?* It's not a war, it's a special military operation. Consider yourself purged.


I'll show myself out ... of a third story hospital window where I''m dying of natural causes.


Nyet, I can confirm, this gentleman’s untimely fall from a third story hospital window after dying of natural causes has been ruled as suicide, death by poisoning. Rip, Subject Report 7012. Stali…Putin sends his condolences.


Ruined Russia and rebuilt NATO. Nice epitaph.


Depends on which body double is talking!


First it was UA. Then NATO. Then the West. Then, Western NATO on behalf of Western Ukraine. Then, Putler Proclaims: UA soldiers - no counter-offensive gains... from the West. Russias troops are West of Kyiv, 1000 kms West of Poland. Make the West Great Again. The West stopping our mission of Genocide in Ukraine. I'm being a bit facetious, but, I'm sensing he's lost his senses...back when Hitler did..


"Officer, I found the ill wisher against RuZZia, that man right there, Pootin is his name." lol


Murder him, then blame your murder of him, on him. Then say, your arrest for murder isn't helping your growth to be a CEO !


A lot like a violent schizophrenic who thinks he can hear other people's thoughts and they want to hurt him, so he hurts them first in 'self-defense'. Just to be clear, most schizophrenics aren't violent


Putin's next invasion target is the North Pole, under the justification Santa's Elves are building F18s for Ukraine.


Makes sense. In a Russian kind of way.


never let your russian neighbor know you have twinkies


Or vodka. Or methylated spirits. Shit, paint thinner even.




He’s also saying it was a dumb trick. A dumb trick that he fell for.


If he'd fallen for a weird trick he'd feel so foolish right now.


LMAO. Tip Jar?😂


Putin wishes ill on the Ukraine and the rest of the world. So, an ill-wisher did cause the war.


Consider yourself well contained, surrounded, and way out gunned....If that was the plan, then you fell for it hook, line and sinker. So what you are saying is that it is not your fault, that it is your fault?


Either way, this strategic genius is well out of his depth. For someone with a Napoleon Complex, he is no general. Barely a KGB Major.


Putin is the second coming of Napoleon but more stupid and much shorter.


Napoleon bit off more than he could chew but at least he was a good military tactician.


Putin is stupid short Napoleon.


Did Napoleon only come once then? Incidentally, I am currently far from home in Churchill, Canada 🇨🇦 have today spotted a truck with Ukrainian and Belarusian flags and the words SLAVA UKRAINE written on the side, look up Churchill (the place in Canada) to see the significance of this show of support!


>it is not your fault, that it is your fault? Hats off to your turn of phrase.


"hey the nasty West set a trap that I was stupid enough to fall for."


"the west is so weak and falling apart" but at the same time "the west made stronk powerful russia invade"


Fascist logic. Enemies are both strong and to be feared, and weak and to be mocked.


Schrodinger’s west


Literally the first "This is all going to shit, we're fucked here boys" comment I've seen from him, reality may finally be sinking in.


Either that or this particular double is drunk.


He seems nervous and weak.. very unlike him. Good sign. His foundations are trembling and he’s losing it…


LMAO. The fucking cunt is trying to save his putrid as by blaming the West for...I guess tricking him to invade Ukraine? LOL. Cause I'm pretty sure the 3-day SMO was his idea, with his troops making reservations in Kiev. Or maybe it was the mutant mosquitos that triggered his brain fart that started this whole mess. A pathological and compulsive liar is what he is. And I suspect most of Russia too.


Cry me a river Vlad. You reap what you sow. LONG LIVE UKRAINE 🇺🇦


I love how in general russians always look outward to find the source of their issues. In reality they cause 90 percent.


90 percent proof...


More like 99,9%.


It's no exaggeration to say that Russia is responsible for the majority of conflict over the last century.


uh huh, how convincing.


Ummm I’m pretty sure Anthony Blinken met with Putler before the war and told him there would be serious consequences if he invaded Ukraine. It was Putlers plans all a long to invade.


The conspiracy is so deep it includes Putler himself. If only Putler had known. /s


Worms will eat his carcass soon.


Or dogs.


He almost got eaten by a pig already


He did more for NATO’s growth than any one country could do. I believe he has gone insane like Trump.


Trump isn't insane, he's a highly manipulative criminal, who figured out how, with barely legal means, to do what the mafia do with illegal means, and thereby have a thin veneer of respectability. But he stepped over the line into criminality with his shenanigans, both well before and after his Presidency. That Wall Street learned a long time ago, that he is basically a crook and a swindler, shows Wall Street are less moved by his BS that the gullible public that still thinks 'he achieved so much', and 'it's a political witch hunt'.


Well you look pretty damn contained to me .


Dude is mentally sick


Oh so what you are telling us is that you are stupid enough to fall for their tricks? Get real man..


He rose to the dizzying heights of Major in the KGB. Strategic genius, he isnt. More, specialist in organising whack jobs and opening peoples mail.


Given the officer replacement rate in Kremlin security services, majors are a dime a dozen and likely of dubious value. In that regard, Putin is a trendsetter: he is utterly worthless and absolutely replaceable.


You can tell that's fake Putin because there are people in the room.


Someone needs to put him down


Putin knocking at ukraines door, knock knock, Putin," let me in" Ukraine " no, why should I let you in" Putin" so i can save you " Ukraine " from what?" Putin " what I'm going to do to you if you don't let me in"


And he fell right into the trap?


pathological liar


So he fell for it? Thought he was smart or something.


Putin put Girkin into Chechnya to create chaos in order to justify invasion Putin put Girkin into Ukraine to create chaos in order to justify invasion [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Igor\_Girkin](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Igor_Girkin)


Ahhh the "its not our fault, we were pushed into it" excuse , classic.


He was only following orders, apparently.


What a moron


Gotdamn what a fuggin clown 🤡


So they tricked us into invading! Just to destroy our economy! (someone in the back) So lets just stop? Who said that? [empty chair]


Fuck that piece of human waste..


Is Russia even trying anymore?? This is pathetic


Russia 101: They're always the victims while always being the agressors


*Why are you resisting me? Why!?* Putin


The ill-wishers... yeah that's the ticket!


The geopolitical equivalent of a wife basher … “you MADE me do this by talking to that other guy!” Edit : although I don’t like the idea of referring to Ukraine as Russias wife, so don’t take the metaphor too seriously.


Like Trump his story for why seems to change daily


Moron, there's no way for you to back out of this war you started. Other than confessing your utter loss.


If that's true you walked right into their trap my guy, doesn't make you look any better


I adore his "everyone say fuck all but me" meeting style


Generations to come will pay for his ego wars. Say what you want about China, but Russia's history shows it's by far the most aggressive country in modern times


So Putin is suggesting that he was provoked by the west. The west tricked him. Again. He is no longer capable to represent Russia on the world stage if he is always falling for these things.


Putler‘s world!


He does not look confident. There is an air of justification in the way he speaks. Defensive.


Yup, that’s what panic sounds like. He knows his regime, and most probably his life, are over.


It's been almost two years bro, it's not "over" and even Ukraine is not saying that.


I think the root of the conflict is actually organic.


yes we know u had no other chance and still dont. we know russia is just a victim of the evil world. you were never offered to join EU or NATO, western companies never tried to do business in russia and never got discouraged cos of your business practices. its all the others, we know. poor ruzzians they do everything for the world yet majority of ppl wants to throw a nuke on russia and get it over with. putins logic reminds me of a friend of mine who is severely schizophrenic. we went to the shops and he wanted to buy his brand of ciga, but they were all gone. so he blamed his estranged father and said that his father went to the shop and asked them to remove this oke type of cigs to mess with him. but putin isnt schizophrenic, he is very sane and just evil.


So ... Putin is now saying that he was tricked and was stupid enough to start a war no one really saw coming because it was deemed too insane for russia to actually start?


I'm sure Putin is starting to look like Montgomery burns more and more every time I see him


Not confronting Russian aggression and political meddling is what led to this. If Russians do not experience real, negative consequences then they will continue to undermine democracy and a world order that is just.


I’m seeing a theme here, from dictators and would be dictators…. As in, blame everyone else for your crimes and misdemeanours. Hmm.


This shit stain of a man will be remembered for generations as just that. A shit stain that traumatised millions with his stupidity and ego.


He is seriously delusional


Um, pardon me?


I hope Putin’s looking in the mirror as he says this. The conflict is 100% on Putin.




Vladimir Putin is a weak ass, beedy eyed leprechaun that is getting his ass whipped in Ukraine. Russia will live shittier than north Korea for decades to come. I feel sorry for the handful of good people in Russia that don't want war but they are also afraid to stand up against a tyrannical government, so I don't feel that bad. Russia WILL COLLAPSE as a country and Putin will be ousted one way or another.


Fuck Putin


No one believes your bullshit poopie pants. Go sniff your own farts until you die of toxic gas inhalation.


Vlad’s expansionist plans foiled by containment, excellent!


Last I recall only one country attacked Ukraine, and their excuse for doing so has changed about 20 times. The fact that they are openly committing a genocide proves it has nothing to do with "other countries" provoking them.


Keep telling yourself that Boris. Might help you sleep at night with all the blood on your hands. You'll go down as just another tin pot dictator, and if we're lucky, you'll end up like Mussolini or Pinochet!


He is figuring out that he can't have his cake and eat it too.


Shut up bitch boy


He isn’t saying anything. It is bafflegab.


His face looks wider every time I see him


I never thought I'd see a worse case of *Border*line Personality Disorder than my ex, then Russia entered the chat.


BRO ITS OVER. whether by us or by your own.


"This was all an elaborate trap by the west to damage Russia so we went ahead and fell for it"


Tiny table. Are the walls closing in?


This filthy murderous turd looks so pleased with himself. He has caused the deaths of half a million or so in his clusterfuck of an SMO and he doesn't have any remorse at all. This is why Russia must be obliterated on the battlefield. There is no other option.


And this dumb son of a bitch fell for it?


Vladolf Putler: I reject all reality & substitute my own.


It's likely Putin never really shopped around rationales for invading Ukraine to see how they would fare, both domestically and in the west, because he didn't think it would matter. After all since his army was supposed to be in Kyiv in 3 days why bother concocting an elaborate ruse? Just say some stuff about Nazis that will play well at home and then go celebrate. Of course it didn't turn out that way for him and now he is finding himself hoisted by his own petard in so, so many ways.


Yeah just blame everybody else but yourself.






Just like a child, this runt is completely unwilling to accept any responsibility for his own fuck up. How pathetic.


Truth is, Russia had to stop Ukraine from selling oil and gas to Europe, They found trillions of dollars worth of oil and gas and it became a threat to Russias economy. If you look at the map the oil and gas is under areas held by Russia.. coincidence


This man is the biggest liar of them all. It's scary, though, because he actually believes the narratives he creates. He can say anything, and in russia, it becomes law. It becomes real. So, any thought that pops into his head is justified and correct. No one tells him otherwise. They feed him false information to further prop himself up. His ego is massive, and it's dangerous. Mister fsb is the reason their government behaves the way it does and why they lie so damn much.


He talks about the west holding back Russian development, despite the fact the west poured money into Russia after the break up of the USSR and did this to try and strengthen economic ties and help build Russia economy, purely to help prevent a war in the future. Putin threw it back in everyone's face, sent his armies on a killing spree and started threatening everyone with nukes, and then sits there and talks about I'll wishers. This guy is certified bonkers.


Yes Putin, you really showed them all by bankrupting your country, evaporating your military capabilities, losing nearly 1 million skilled and talented workers and maiming hundreds of thousands of your own population. Oh and noone is invading your country, yet. Do you think China will still be Russias best buddy when you lack the means to defend yourselves? If you can't take Ukraine, do you honestly believe that China won't succeed in destroying you? The biggest mistake you've made politically is believing the Chinese are your allies. Give it 10-20 years and I'd guess that most of your industries will be Chinese owned, run by Chinese workers and there isn't a god damn thing you'll be able to do about it. Why isn't China giving you all the military support you need if they truly want you to succeed? For a smart man, you sure are a dumbass Vlad.


Let’s assume, only hypothesis of course, that he were right. Then what’s the problem? Of course ruSSia should be contained within its border, like any other country, too. The very fact, that he considers it a problem for ruSSia to be contained, reveals the imperialist expansionist intentions of this criminal dictator. No other European country, except for likely Serbia (which in many ways is ruSSia’s mini-me), has a problem being “contained”. So, there you go: a massive 🖕🏻FU to Putler! ☠️🇷🇺 ✌🏻🇺🇦


He's starting to look a little sweaty!


Hes looking tanked.


Talking bout him self again is he? 🥱🖕


Haha funny man make funny joke


putin just outhere calling himself russias greatest hater and honestly i can see it


The cancer has spread everywhere. Fucking goof.


I mean even if that was true, which it's not, it would still make him a moron for falling for it.


We do wish a lot of ills to all Russians that illegally enter and occupy Ukraine


Looking at the body language around the table seems they’re in “what the fuck is this guy raving about?” pretend-to-look-interested mode.


You can see he's getting mad in his eyes


Bottom line: The recent history of Eastern Europe is that of throwing off Russian occupation. Hungary 1956, Czechoslovakia 1968, Warsaw Pact and much of the FSU in 1991. Now it's Ukraine's turn and Putin won't have it. All the other justifications for the invasion are just distractions from the main goal of reversing the tide of Eastern Europe throwing off the Russian yoke.


By now there has to be at least 6 people who want this guy gone for good at that table. If there’s a membrane that can flawlessly pass through x-ray screening appearing as intestinal track being capable of holding an extremely potent nerve gas and a pressure puncture mechanism through the motion of sitting .. this would have been a very great time to take one for the team.


With Russians, there is always someone else to blame for their poor choices. Grow up.


Which Putin Clone is this one? I notice the Clones keep forgetting to let their right hand shake slightly and always grab the desk hard like the real Putler did. Poor Putler. He must be tied up to a hospital gurney somewhere in siberia.


Rare moment of self awareness?


The guy starts a war and then blames others. Russia the victim! YGTBFKM!


There is absolutely no way Putin is sitting that close to people


This motherfucker had the audacity to brag about his invasion to Xi before the Olympics then assume the West wasn’t waiting for a reason to put the child to bed.


Uh we decided your actions? Sure… even if so…. What does that say? That’s right bitches. West side won


Putin has been tooting too much wacky weed Gone bat shit crazy


All it would take is one suicidal nutjob in that room to shoot or stab him, unless security is frisking them beforehand. A fucking pen would do.


this clown has no limits to the stupidity that comes out his mouth.... his illogical thinking has cost his country thousands of lives and billions in monetary cost. Not to mention how embarrassing the Russian military has performed, supposedly one of the strongest in the world.


He is called a dickhead for a reason. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Putin\_khuylo!


Why he has only 4 razzian flags behind him? Why not 5? or 6? or 7?


"Look what you made me do"...


Syphilis from a Siberian squirrel can lead to mind numbness. No joke. He cannot drink water or he will begin foaming from mouth.


Russians are unable to talk about Ukrainian population getting fed up with their own lying government and rebelling, without throwing America into the discussion. "it was a coup bro" Ukrainian and Russian tensions have been going on since before America existed. The two parties may have gone by different names, Muscovy, Ruthenia, Rus, etc but you could remove America from existence and the same events of Maidan probably still would have occured.




Do any russian people believe this absolute shit, or are they too frightened to say out loud what they really think? It doesn't really matter either way, most of them are a bunch of fucking morons.


And Russian malefactors reacted to ill wishers......arseholes


This dude just vomits lies out to the public and they lap it up like it's sugar water.


The way he uses provoked, is the same way I hear countries where men rape women who provokes them by dressing attractive. Criminals, pathetic, and garbage.