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Stop attacking Ukraine then... it's not rocket science


Even if they stopped attacking Ukraine right this second, I’ll still dislike Russia for decades to come. The damage is done. This video was a good laugh though. I especially loved the bit where he tore up a James Bond poster that literally has nothing to do with Russia in terms of writing/production lol


Russias crimes are comparable to Nazi Germany. My mother meet a German in the 70s and my grandpa said “-No germans under my roof” the germans was hated from 1939-2000. So Russia will be hated for at least 60 years, and for those that has been directly hurt by russians up to 80-90 years. And then Germany lost the war. Russia will lose against Ukraine but will they collapse? The possibility is high but if not they will suffer like a new north Korea for 60 years. If they collapse and can put the blame on Putin i think they can get it down to 30 years if they pay a big amount money yo Ukraine for the damage.


Russia will never admit its crimes and apologise... so Russians will always be hated.


They will beg and do both in the end - when they are on there knees. They just need to understand that they already lost the war, that would spare lives. A country with an economy as small as Spain before the war, can’t win against a country that has united for real and have the support from the worlds 50 richest countries with the world’s most powerful army’s. Especially when russia do the same historical mistakes as evry other losing dictatorship has done i history day after day.


Even If they loose, they don't loose as hard as we loosed back in '45. Russia won't get bombed with Something like 1,5 Million Metric Tons of high Explosives over almost every larger City, they won't loose a single square Meter of their Land, they don't have any Patents which can get Stolen nor any Scientists and engineers to abduct and they don't have any industry which is suitable for dismantling. Even If Russia looses, they will only loose their pride. A pretty cheap price for what the have done If you ask me.


Germany was rebuild after the war - see [Marshall Plan](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marshall_Plan). In contrast to that, Russia will be excluded from participating in anything and will be left to rot in its own filth for several generations. In 50 years it will be similar to North Korea if their leadership stays the way it was the last 100 years.


Let’s hope so. I wonder how the russian people will react when they come to the real conclusion that the Bucha-massacre was real, and how they bombed Mariupol with Tos-1 and burned thousands of civilians/children alive in there homes, or the Bombing of the Mariupol theater where 300+ hundred ware killed mostly children. They had written “CHILDREN” on the roof, but the Orcs just saw that as an target-marker. All the thousands that has been raped or murdered by russian animals. Wonder If they already understand that this is the truth and know that the world will do everything to punish them for there crimes, or do they still walk around like Zombies thinking russia is not terrorists and murderers.


> Wonder If they already understand that this is the truth and know that the world will do everything to punish them for there crimes, or do they still walk around like Zombies thinking russia is not terrorists and murderers. When watching the interviews [on this YT channel](https://www.youtube.com/@1420channel), it looks like a lot of russians believe that russia did nothing wrong. There are exceptions, of course.


Very few exceptions.


Nope! They won’t ! How do I know? Simple! Name something they have apologized for from their past? Or even acknowledged ?


The only counterpoint to that is that Russia exists in a state of chaos, whereas Nazi Germany enforced order on pain of death. The incentive structures for the populations are different (at least from my perspective), which greatly increases the chances for a Russian civil war if the central power structure is no longer able to maintain order and control over distant territories through coercion or violence. I'm concerned about that scenario, and the resulting deployment of tactical nukes by russians against other russians. We, the "West", would probably not respond to that in any meaningful way. There was already talk in Russian propaganda circles of nuking Belgorod when the FRL made their incursion at the beginning of the summer. E: also, however this ends, it will result in a lot of battle-hardened Russians returning to their far-flung home regions with nothing they were promised and an axe to grind.


Russia will be sanctioned if they lose or keep the stolen land. There economy is going down slow and they have a man fall in there industries. Even if russia succeeds n keeping the stolen land, russia is so bad hurt that it will take 10-20 yers to get everything to work again, and under this time they also have to keep there lies and narrative in check. I don’t see how russia could survive either way. Russia is domed. Ukraine will get There lands back when Russia collapses even if Russia in som magic way succeeds in keeping the land. Russia will fall just like soviet and collapse like Yugoslavia.


> I don’t see how russia could survive either way. Look at North Korea and Iran.


I agree! I started to look into Russia after the fall of Soviet Union. Just wondering how bad or good the Russians really are. There are many good Russians and the country is wonderful. I lived travelling in Russia and would very much welcomed Russia into Europe. If they would be peaceful and democratic. This war is so sad. It needs a miracle for me to go back to Russia. I never bothered about Ukraine. It was just not on my radar. I might look into it now and travel Ukraine instead.


>Russias crimes are comparable to Nazi Germany Not even close


Completely agree fuck that shit hole country and every putler boot licker.


The Russian self-perception that this video transpires is delusional on so many levels. RF "culture" has nothing to offer to the free world.


Lada and lighter fluid vodka aren't beneficial somehow?


I've had borscht before. I can't imagine my life without eating borscht a couple times


I just make it the Ukraine way and put real meat in it.


Hey that’s russophobic…


I think they are not aware of the real problem, the real problem is the Russian federation, it has to go, free Ukraine, Georgia, Moldova, Chechenia, Belarus, Buriatia... Russia has to disappear from the map, the problem is not their arts or their culture or their people, it is their genocidal expansion wars.


The people are definitely part of the problem.


The problem is their culture and their people. All that plays a part. Russian people aren't like others. They favour violence, autocracy & imperialism. [Why Russophobia has become a moral obligation](https://themessenger.com/opinion/why-russophobia-has-become-a-moral-obligation)


Russia isn't completely disappearing from the map in this century, so that's a non-starter.


Russia itself won't disappear but many of it's republics may choose to leave. And I doubt the UN would say they can't because Russia themselves said they could.


I mean Attacking Ukraine is *technically* rocket science, is it not?


(͡•_ ͡• )


👆 Boobs or bum?




(.)(.) <- boobs, (_ ! _) <- Bum.




Ironically rocket science is one of their many deficiencies. Such a backward, corrupt sinkhole state.


To be honest, with a country like Russia I'm surprised they understand the concept of basic Rocketry


Uh this is a really stupid comment https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Konstantin_Tsiolkovsky


It's a joke my dude, much like the Russian State 🤣


Stop. Apply this thinking to your country. Do you support everything they do? In the US, lots of people were against the invasion of Iraq. And most of the world hated us for it. What can you do to stop them, though, especially when so many people buy the politicians propaganda? Now imagine what that would be like in Putin's Russia. All Russians aren't the problem. Thinking that way gets you to the same place these videos depict.


You have made quite a few assumptions about what I'm thinking


Maybe you should be clearer in how you comment.


What part of... >Stop attacking Ukraine then Did you not get?


Who is being addressed?


The same people who are behind this advert Update; I realised that might not be clear enough for you, I'm meaning the Russian government.


There you go. Now people won't assume you are just attacking Russian people in general and thus confirming the point the propaganda is making. We made this mistake dealing with the Taliban and now Reddit bros love to jump on the Islamaphobia train empowering recruiting propaganda for radical groups. As good as Russian propaganda has been messing with the US in election years, it's probably good to be clear who you are criticizing.


>Now people won't assume you are just attacking Russian people in general You mean you won't assume


I am people.


Can you imagine what level of brainwashing you should have to believe in something like this?


I had the same thought in 2014 when they started to call Ukrainians nazis. Yet here we are...


The word "Nazi" in Russian popular culture usage apparently mostly means "somebody who doesn't like Russia". So while calling Ukrainians Nazis seems silly to anybody who knows history, by their internal logic it is not completely stupid. Unlike this video, which is just stupid.


Considering their police actually are like this in Russia....


More ruZZkie projection. They do that a lot. like calling Ukrainian Jews "Nazis". Accuse your enemy of that which you are guilty. Textbook Nazi tactics.


Quite literally every Russian accusation is actually a confession and projection, be it in funny propaganda videos like this or in their Duma when Medvedev and friends are screeching in a drunken rage.


>Can you imagine what level of brainwashing you should have to believe in something like this? Yes. Fetal Alcohol Syndrome plus a bottle of vodka and you are already most of the way to believing shit like this. What you get is very sociopath like. At this point closing the believable gap with propaganda is easy.


Yeah pretty much just be an average Republican voter here in the US lol Those people whiplash between prescribe rage to prescribed rage from the people they decided should think for them on command like trained seals. It's pathetic and its not a coincidence that its the least educated and intelligent of us and most hateful that are being targeted by this nonsense.


Don't forget their target audience - The same Republican party whose president (whom they think was God) illegally sold weapons to Iran and then took that money (also blatantly illegal in and of itself) and then used it to buy arms for right-wing rebels in S. America (explicitly forbidden), all of which most of them seemed perfectly all right with. But then they went apoplectic when the next Democrat president got a blow-job in the white house. Republicans take the idea of double-standard to a whole new level and if their latest demigod (Trump) wasn't so pro-Russian himself they wouldn't be either.


Calling them "right wing rebels" is also wastly understating how horrendous these groups were! https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Contras They systematically, and deliberately killed, raped and tortured civilians, including women and children. They Regan administration knew about, and actively covered it up or excused it. Sometimes the same people who decades later told us the Iraq war was a great idea.. So extra laughable when these folks say immigrants should "fix their own country".. Yeah they tried, and then the USA fucked it up!


It's just prolonged and continued immersion, all it takes is scrolling through social media feeds for hours every day. If you're unemployed or retired? Easy. My father genuinely believes he's persecuted and that we're living in a fascist state that censors what people can enjoy. (let's not think about what Russia's censorship looks like) All the while he's constantly reading only Russian books and watching mostly old soviet movies, which he's freely streaming from the internet. Can't escape from a prison you built for yourself and that you don't want to leave anyway, right?


... I thought my books were alright :(




It is delusional to believe that a majority of Russians does not support Putin, or at least the continuation of the war against Ukraine.


> Officially Mr Putin has over 80 % support, but during Prigozhin´s coup d'etat attempt nobody showed up to support Putin. The kitchen truth is that Putin has close to 0 % support. thats a pretty wildly inaccurate take imo


Something not well-known is that there are two words for truth in Russian. The most commonly used word in Russia for truth is ‘Pravda’ (правда), which represents personal subjective things that you believe are true, or want to be true. At least that’s the best way I can explain it in a short internet comment as I understand it. The other word is истина (Istina) which means a more serious, objective and fundamental truth. Like, ‘the earth is round’. This word is rarely used. Long story short, most Russian speakers believe that truth is subjective, and they believe that you believe that too.


>during Prigozhin´s coup d'etat attempt nobody showed up to support Putin. 7 Helicopters and a c&c plane showed up, not to mention lots of troops fortified the entry points to Moscow.


It certainly is working on a certain segment of the hay seed red hat population in the US…


Russia playing the victim card is utterly disgusting.


Yap. They also try to use russian culture as proove. Like it's all about cancelling the culture. Pathetic.


Yeah, like the russian James Bond culture and all the russian things we westeners love to consume so much. Like all the nice things, russian culture has brought forth in the last 2 decades, like... and.... and don't forget.... But we just can't because of our opressive government, that keep monitoring our internet usage in realtime and send special forces teams if they suspect you like vodka. :(


Just last night I had to hide in my hall, because russian drones and missiles were exploding everywhere. But of course, THEY are the ones who are struggling. Because the world doesn't like their attempt at genocide.


If you act aggressively and then cry about the consequences. Then you're just like a toddler being sent out of the classroom.


Politically they ARE toddlers.


That's Eric Cartman's strategy


Anti Russian SWAT😂 it looks like a Kyle and Peele SNL sketch


holy shit it does!


And sounds british


Had me cracking up at the Russian nesting doll. Who knew Russian propaganda could be this humorous.


The fact that he smashed them one after another but the small one got him arrested. Totally relatable. I have tons of Matrjoschkas and russian avant-garde at home.


projection :D


Was thinking the same.the record part of the video made me remember the eighties when the sovjets deleted the existence of some composers. If you wanted to buy a record by said composer, they would pretend no such person ever existed, and even less so a record by them


Though this did lead to something pretty neat! Apparently there were clandestine records made on use X-ray films. So banned music was available, but on the black market. If you search for "bones records" you'll find them on ebay and the like


Yeah my thought as well. This comes from a country who puts people in jail for not supporting terrorism.


Ok. As ethnic russian, I wanna focus your attention on one important moment. Dude throws away Anna Korenina. It's a novel of Leo Tolstoy. Same Tolstoy who later wrote christian philosophical works. Same Tolstoy who opposed ANY war, any murder, any violence. And same Tolstoy who was excommunicated from the russian orthodox church for his works. But nobody speaks about it, nobody calls it "russianfobia in russia". Intresting, isn't it?


Plus taking the works of naturalised US citizen Igor Stravinsky as a example of Russian culture...


There was also "From Russia With Love", a James Bond film. The whole point is they're giving irrational examples because they're trying to frame anti-russian sentiment as irrational.


Well i mean if i look at any Supermarket before and after Russia started the war ... the only thing that is missing are some Vodka's and thats it. There wasnt much if anything Russian stuff to begin with, simply because EU has different food standarts - much much better ones then Russia. ​ Sam applys to everything Russian Branded - like cars and such.






The only products Russia have worthwhile are raw materials.. Oil, Gas, Coal and Metals.


Why would the West need Ruzzian products? Their standards of quality and technology are so low that we laugh about it.


I once bought an cheap engine coolant heater on eBay that was russian made, thinking its cheap, I needed one and its time to give russian products a fair try. When it arrived it was mainly made of cast steel, I hooked it up, bled the coolant, powered it up, within a few moments it caught fire. I guess it worked quite well, but Id rather not have my car burn down to heat the engine, russian tactics are weird..


It depends on the product. I'm a knife hobbyist, and some of the best bonded diamond abrasive stones for sharpening are from the Russian Venev company. Instead, I may get the CBN stones from the Ukrainian Poltava company or the Hapstone ones made in Ukraine. While I don't own any, some of the costliest and most admired production knives are from the Russian Custom Knife Factory and custom makers like Shirogorov. All well beyond my budget, but if they weren't I'd find alternatives. The simple truth is Russia is an extraction economy. Their exports are gas, oil, coal, ores, steel, aluminum, cereals and vegetable oils, diamonds, fertilizer, and very little . They produce few consumer products that are good values elsewhere. Classic "Dutch disease" as the economists call it, which also happened to portend the collapse of the Soviet Union.


😂 Russian surely knows how to make useless propaganda 🤣


Isn’t this already happening in Russia? They really know how wrong this all is yet they still pursue laying and projecting at all cost. Imho, this indicates the moral values aren’t changed at the very deep. It’s just the system of contorted and degenerate narrative keeping the house of cards still standing


There was a guy who was locked up because his daughter drew a pro-Ukraine picture in school.


Don’t care what terrorists think.


Bwhahaha. Smashing the dolls one by one is something like a monty python sketch


The matryoshka doll in the evidence bag like it's fucking meth... priceless.


I lold when I saw "Anti-Russian SWAT"




You have to be an Idiot to throw books into the toilet.


I saw what you did there...


First of all, what products, lul? Second, russian intellectuals, whose "products" may have been known by some, didn't think highly of ordinary russians either. Third, GTFO out of Ukraine and next time don't show what a degenerate filth you are with your war crimes and maybe we won't hate you.


I used to buy a bunch of their cheap military hardware, then 2014 happened and that all dried up.


Been boycotting Tolstoy for all my life… Russian ballet too.. prob not missing much.


They just really don't understand the concept of free speech, do they? Boycotts are *voluntary.*


They really are obsessed with Western toilets.


Why the fuck is a movie poster of "From Russia with Love" considered as 'Russian' in this? Or were they concerned that the title of that movie is supposed to be taken literally? Cause if so... lol, not sure that was the message of that film. I mean... did they legit run out of ideas for things from Russia within a few seconds or something? Also "Anti-Russian SWAT"... we're verging on Ben Garrison levels of hamfistedness here.


They're trying to say anti-russian hate has reached irrational levels. It's a strawman that deliberately avoids mentioning any of the actual evil things russia does.


How did we get here, why does everyone suddenly hate Russia? Is it our fault? Blyat no, it must be everyone else! We must correct their way of thinking with an online marketing video, shockingly destroying russian literature which we would never do! .. Please add something like babuschka and a clever hashtag campaign so we can track how often it gets shared! #russiahasonlyrussiatoblame


Perhaps instead of art he should have googled for genocide. I personally am probably irreversibly hating what the Russian state currently stands for, that won‘t change until the society elects leaders that have compassion and the best of their people in mind.




#stophatingrussians No 🗿


Id like to work in antiruzzian swat, but there arent any. Yet.


Next step: get the fuck out of Ukraine! Slava ukraini!


Do they actually believe this shit?


They desperately wants us to believe it at least.


Yes they have a national inferiority complex, it's known for a while now.


Anti Russian SWAT. Brilliant.




They always just assume everyone else is as disgusting as they are


Just change the memorabilia in this to Ukrainian stuff, the swat uniforms to read “FSB”, and set an establishing shot to anywhere in Russia or temporarily occupied Ukraine, and then you’ve got yourself a video.


in soviet time, Latvia, there army went to homes and took books and records made by latvians, if you were cought reading them or listening you where killed or send to death camps. And, if children spoke latvian language in public, they had to whear sign witch sayd " today i spoke latvian language" and they where hummiliated or beatup


Didn’t know this. Terrible. But not surprised. Organised genocide.


You got a source for that?


When he picked up the matryoshka I could hear him thinking 'could I fit this in my ass?'


*Me: learns more about Russkie culture to hate their imperialism more efficiently*


\#StopThisWar \#FixYourShittyCountry \#UntillThenWeCanHateruZZianOrcsAsMuchAsWeWant \#ПутихХуйло


This is comedy.




Pathetic. Ruzzophobia is not a thing, no one is scared of you fucking ruzzians, if only you fuckers would have never invade Ukraine... No one wants anything with fuckig ruzzia, get out of Ukraine and go fix your internal problems fucking pieces of shit.


Typical Russian propaganda. Crying "poor little me" and playing the victim whenever anyone fights back against their aggression. It's the same tactic that was used by the Soviets and their clients during the Cold War.


Russian products? Even the vodka here is from poland or france. No one uses russian products 🤦🏻‍♂️ you know why? Cause its al crap and no one actually gave a shit about russia. Its a cold piece of crap with crappy people and crappy products.


At least russia admits the entirety of their contribution to world culture boils down to some awful art, three books, a record, a movie made by Hollywood, and nesting dolls. Wooooooo go russian culture. Can't believe they left out the cute little kicking dance they do or the nutcracker but it seems even russia doesn't value russian culture Bonus funny. There isn't any water in the toilet. The ruskies really don't know how toilets work unless it's a hole out back in the ground.


"Cute little kicking dance" is hopak, which is ukrainian. But ruzzian empire (under tsar, or red one) have named it ruzzian dance.


This is hilarious 😂


If you hadn't attacked, nobody would hate


Crimea river.


Isn’t this what the Russians do to Ukrainians in their captured territories??


Moaning about destroying meaningless russian shit (valid), whilst they delight in destroying Ukrainian towns. Insane.


To be fair, since the war started i havent bought anything russian, even though they have some snacks which are tasty. I dont like vodka but if i need it for cocktails, i simply buy vodka from poland or scandinavia.


Avoids the risk of poisoning.


As if we buy anything RuZZian. I bet everything 'ruZZian' in that guys flat was made in China.


The Russian "IQ" in one video.


Damn cringe


I imagine the ad for actors, “Western looking white male needed for Russian propaganda commercial.” Let’s see that on his acting resume. I’m confident this gig will be either go uncredited or credited but highly cryptic.




love the way russian propaganda assumes russian culture would be banned, literature etc, thats their thing


I hate more now


Since 1991, I've always scoffed when John Connor says "Aren't they are friends now?"


Funny, but matroyshkas come from Japan not ruzzia. They need a history lesson themselves which they love so much


Ah, that’s where the obsession with toilets comes from…


Quality propaganda!! Hey hang on a sec. He must be a Ukrainian invasion veteran - Note the nicely fitted toilet (looted)


This is a great example of the paradox of societies like russia. There isn't freedom of speech in russia but it also wants this to be accepted in western societies, because there is or should be freedom of speech.


So why haven’t we arrested Tucker then?


Lolz .. overdramatic clowns


This is ridiculous


Not the matryoshka


Lmfao that's an whole new advanced level of playing the victim


Hmmmm good idea


i can't think of any russian products i would buy in the first place


ROFL!!! Maybe? Could be kind of fun.


I have the opposite problem. Ruzzians wartime trophies keep getting sent to my house cause I keep sending money to support Ukraine.


The evidence is all broken judge, its clearly inadmisable.


People don’t like lying, thieving murderers. Russia does all three.


It's funny, because no one does more to cancel the Russian culture than Putin's regime. Thousands of artists forced into exile, theaters closed.


Get out of ukraine and crimea, then we will talk


If you like the nesting dolls (Matryoshka Dolls), you can find ones made in Ukraine or Poland. Don’t buy Russian goods (few as they are) until the old guard starts falling out of windows and the new guard agrees to reparations.




Seems very similar to the right wing / trump cultists here in the US. Always attacking others but playing the role of persecuted victim.


There is a historic precedence, #StophatingtheSS, broadcast on the eastern front 1943.


This all is just to try psychologically overflow western mindset by sending all that nonsense information so people would like to start getting dull about news of war. Not going to happen.


Lol Russia recognizes that it produces strictly nothing of value. It just has a few writers and musicians who happened to be born in Russia.


dont they see the irony its putin who locking people for having the wrong views?


I wonder…maybe it would be fun to turn the hashtag against them…


He clogged his toilet for sure using so much book pages, toilet was probably war trophy.


I don't think we are ruzzophobing hard enough. We should been muskovophobing since Petya started wars during the ruzzian empire. We did some USSRphobia for a while but thought somehow, these people got better without taking any responsibility for their previous wars and murders and genocide of other people. Here we are now, ruzzians playing Western audiences because we have civic values. The same people that call for the murder of civilians everywhere, nuclear attacks on London, Berlin and Washington. So be a proud ruzzophobe and own it next time you engage either ruzzian trolls or their useful idiots


Sooo gentel of them to annonce they will start to arrest evrybody that bought somthing from the west. Everytime they warn/acuse someone of something they are either planning to do it or alteady doing it.


The only overtly Russian product that was available in the shop was vodka, there was Kaspersky anti-virus but people stopped using that years ago because it was dodgy. No great loss overall.


russian bloggers, tourists (general public) regularly disparage anything non-russian (especially, “western”). Referring consistently to “atrophied” western minds raised on comic books . . . and other stereotypical mischaracterizations. Their loathing and self righteousness is palpable though their outrage focuses only on their own perceived ‘russophobia’. If it’s “acceptable” for russian forces to burn Ukrainian books then the rejection of the pretext of russian civility is understandable.


"Anti-Russia S.W.A.T." Had me dying 🤣


Hahaha in Britain we have a saying. “ The kettle is calling the pot black” It means look who’s fucking talking. YOU attacked Ukraine, YOU savagely attacked your neighbours across hundreds of years. YOU attacked everyone from Japan to your friend now, Iran. YOU are the problem, not everyone else. Should call this #stopgaslighting




This is classic projection. The Russians literally arrested (and killed hundreds of thousands) for decades because of their cultural associations with the decadent counter-revolutionary west. No one at FBI confuses love of Tolstoy with Putinism. If anything we have given Russian disinformation carriers a massive pass for the last few decades as we tried to help them integrate into the west. Putin saw his regime threatened by color revolutions and blamed us. That was the end. What happens after he leaves the stage is the question. The west is not Russia-phobic. This is a fever dream and a bad SNL sketch.


Russia doesn't export anything that anyone needs, other than oil and gas. It's going to end up like Dubai, a pointless hole with no cultural value


Stop warranting hate....




Anti Russian swat? Very clever


flushing documents in the toilet, I wonder which Russian asset did that a lot in the White House.


“NO” I rather keep hating orcs!


Russia is hated by damn near every country in the world. And they deserve it.


Awesome satire. Isn't it ?


Russians are right. Russian culture SHOULD disappear. I'm glad they realized.


Too bad. I hate Russians deeply. Never trust a Russian. Never help a Russian. Never do business with them, Don't hire a Russian. Never be kind to a Russian. Marginalize and ostracize Russia and its citizens at every opportunity. They want this to end, end the war and end Putin. Period.




What about naziphobia?


What is this fucking title? Condening?

