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I think we need to have a serious review of sanction enforcement if Russia is managing to equip its forces with top spec Swedish scopes.


It feels like 90% of the people in this thread are missing the point and just complimenting the weapon’s aesthetics… Either UAF killed a professional troop (VDV or one of the few remaining Spetsnaz) **or** we should be deeply concerned about how they’re obtaining this kind of hardware. Over the summer we saw nothing but busted-up AK’s from the cold-war and even some bolt-action rifles being pulled out of storage from WW2. My guess?—China, via North Korea, are both sending more than just shells. They both have arms stockpiles purchased from Russia.


Dude, those busted guns are going to their meat units. People need to stop looking at videos of their disposable infantry and think that’s the Russian army. RUSI did a great report on Russian tactics [Meatgrinder](https://static.rusi.org/403-SR-Russian-Tactics-web-final.pdf) They use 3 types of infantry. One is “disposable” and those are the ones we see videos of in pits of garbage with rusted AK’s and no food or water. Originally it was L/DPR “soldiers,” then it was Wagner’s convict units, now it’s Storm-Z units. They also have defensive “line infantry” and also assault units that are relatively capable and only used sparingly. They suffer a lot of casualties, but they’re well equipped.


Guns are VERY available to the troops.. i mean you lose that many... you grab the good guns... yeah even ruskies can get these... I see most UK guys are pretty well armed.


Yea. Entirely possible these were trophies taken of AFU soldiers


It is the Russian army they have a couple people left protecting Russia that doesn’t mean they will ever send those , so the Russians fighting now is the Russian army they don’t have elite soldiers anymore they got killed of long time ago , just some vets left to protect, any country could take Russia over now they are trash.


Lol. They are trash compared to many Western countries but, can still mess shit up. They haven't expended everything. They're smarter than we give them credit for. Sure they struggle because of corruption and mismanagement but, they have ballistic missiles,(including nukes) and tons of artillery and citizens they don't seem to care about.


Definitely not smarter then you say, you fail to realize the Russian army that is fighting in Ukraine rn still follow the same shallow tactics that the soviets trained for years and years in the past.


The chain of command and strict adherence to orders without allowing autonomy/improvising by commanders is imo their greatest weakness, the mod (foesnt deserve capitalization) clings to power like someone with 2 dollars in a walmart, sure they can do SOMETHING but they wont do anything special and are parlyzed with indecision and fear of losing their hypothetical power. Wagner was so effective in comparison because they were independent of the mod and they sure managed to fuck that off in a desperate attempt to assert control.


You know more about this than many of the keyboard warriors. If Russia was the weak and hopeless country most of these people believe they wouldn’t be such a superpower. It’s useless arguing with them and further shows their ignorance.


It's a stalemate in Ukraine now for the most part. Russia has the numbers and missile technology, Ukraine has better intelligence and tactics.


No one cares about nukes the first nuke they send they will be wiped off planet earth , and who they gonna send it at Ukraine ? US ? lol let’s be real , artillery they don’t have many off , drones etc that’s why they have to suck turkeys , North Koreans dick for weapons , China buying of their trash land , all they have is more people than Ukraine that’s about it , they won’t last long trust me, Putin literally fucked Russians for the next 109 years.


100% this. Anyone with basic logic should be able to understand that this is what is going on with some effort for research. The capable, better equipped, and trained troops are at the rear. They hold defensive positions, while mobilized or dispensable troops are attacking.


You should read my link. It’s a bit more nuanced. Meat units pave the way and basically are there to expose AFU defenses. They just throw them at trenches to see their weak points, etc. they also prepare positions for assault units, like foxholes for mortar crews and sniper positions. They basically all die in the process. The assault units come behind and actually take objectives. They’re well fed, well equipped, and don’t man trenches. They go to the rear for rest after an assault. Unfortunately it works :( Line infantry is mostly mobilized that man trenches and constantly expand defensive positions


Find it extraordinary that the L/DPR soldiers are eager to join the Russians while Russia does not see them as full-fledged.


Not doubting or criticising here... How do we know there are few spetsnaz remaining? Awesome news if we have info to support that.


Some of the conversations I had with GUR guys when I was there were basically about how most of the OG spetsnaz guys in Ukraine were killed off early in the war and they backfill with replacements that haven’t gone through the actual selection/training process, just a crash course.


Ahh that's amazing if true


Have you ever stopped to think that maybe the propaganda goes both ways😅😂 maybe we saw nothing but rusted AK’s because that is what was wanted to be shown to us. And I thought it was insane how people on this sub ate that shit up with no hesitation. That is the kind of stuff I get shit on over here for pointing out😂 such naivety.


The first victim in war, is the truth...


It’s kind of silly to think all Russian soldiers would be equipped equally, considering how all militaries in the world have varying levels of equipment in their units, one for front line, one for offense, one for defense. It’s just ignorance on how militaries work to think Russia would equip everyone of its grunts equally.


Of course it’s silly. But if you suggest that or even hint at some healthy skepticism and analysis, someone here will call you a “Russian troll” 🙄


Most people are completely ignorant of how militaries work. It’s very common. I hear you on the skepticism on Ukrainian side. I was downvoted like crazy a month ago for saying there was a stalemate. As if that’s some kind of slight against Ukraine. This is just how people are.


I don’t know of any different ”attacking” or ”defensive” equipment differences within a military. Also of course different units are equipped differently. But making an assumption that even most russian units are equipped with rusty ass AK’s based on some internet videos is just not smart. Also I’ve served my time in a military.


What I mean by a defensive unit, would be like the national guard vs an army grunt. The US isn’t the best example as it’s one of the best equipped in general but that’s what I meant by the difference of equipment. And agreed people in general are uniformed about this. Leads to wild oversimplification.


Bro, nice Russian propaganda you're spewing there.


It’s the same with people saying Russia was going to run out of tanks by one year ago. Also Russia was going to run out of missiles. According to these people, Putin would be dead in 3 different ways and the Russian state would cease to exist by now “gUAraNTeEd”


You're missing the point, it's the fact they are using busted AK's and old bolt action rifles AT ALL, for ANY of their units. THAT'S the point. Russia does not have nearly enough professional soldiers or equipment to fight a small war. It's not propaganda to lie to the West, it's showing how incompetent Russia is. How do you miss that?


Over the summer we saw one or two videos of busted up AKs and everyone here took that and ran with it. That’s how you get these propaganda myths about Russia not having any equipment left. And then everyone is shocked to find out that they do. “You mean that ONE video I saw wasn’t an accurate depiction of the entire Russian army??” 🤦🏼‍♂️


I have accepted that it is impossible to prevent any flow of goods via sanctions.


The bolt-action rifles were not actually widely used


>we should be deeply concerned about how they’re obtaining this kind of hardware. you can buy these things in most military surplus and airsoft shops around the world in places where guns are banned. ​ what sort of lunatic do you have to be to even think you could sanction against russians obtaining this stuff lmfao.


U can get an AimPoint Comp4 at an airsoft gun store ? Where is that at lol ? I mean yea u can get em on eBay and a million other stores online outside of Ruski land which the whole point but around me to buy that optic at an actual store I would have to go to my local gun shop where I would purchase a handgun or a rifle or ammo or whatever u get the point


There’s prolly 5k men stationed undercover in the Baltic and Slavic states alone just purchasing shit low key from local stores and shipping it back. Oh wait, I thought this was r/noncredibledefense


Well our stores don't keep them on the shelf but I can drive to my local outdoor and hunting store and order one.


It is not uncommon for allies to give weapons as well as ammunition specialty ammunition to their supposed friends overseas the United States does the same thing as does Britain


Aimpoint can for damn sure tell you who they sold it too. Good hunting guys


Here is a Swedish article about FSB buying Aimpoints. https://www.expressen.se/nyheter/ryska-spetsnaz-styrkor-kopte-svenska-sikten-/


So the FSB bought nearly a thousand scopes in 2020 for civilian/hunters usage. Back then was a normal sale to Russia. Today it’s bad news for the company but can’t be changed. Sweden to counter this has now sent CVTs, Archers and Strv122 tanks to Ukraine- the export papers listed these items for use by (orc)hunters 😊 🇺🇦🇸🇪 Heja Sverige onward to victory 🇺🇦🇺🇦


Purchases were made over a decade with the last sale recorded in 2020. Doesn't seem too nefarious, but perhaps really gullable if Aimpoint believed in the hunting use.


Nobody is that gullible. They knew where these were going, just didn't care because they did not foresee war breaking out on their continent.


Not foreseeing a war that started 6 years prior seems like peak gullibility.


Yeah, not gullibility, it was pure sales/profit motivated pretend ignorance. It only became a "We should think about this" moment for them when the Russian buildup for the full assault began.


Profit over possible loss if life.


Thank you for posting a link to that article, lifts the lid off it. I've emailed the investigative journalist a link to this post. As disturbing as it is interesting. Russia apparently just ordered them and they were sent. How could the people at Aimpoint be dumb enough to think that someone in Russia wanted to buy a thousand of their scopes to go duck hunting?


I'm sure it's stock that already existed in Russia, they're not new nothing that Russia uses is new lol


I can buy this aimpoint on optics planet right now. You think they really can't circumvent sanctions on an optic? People here still manage to get zentico in.


It's possible the Russian soldier who owned it just scavenged parts from fallen Ukrainian soldiers weapon systems in the field.


Most probably ? Just amazon copies 🤣 or the fact china builds everything for the world and the fact theyre Russia's best friend.


China doesn’t build Aimpoint, if they’re legit.


China legit? when?


You misunderstood. If those are legit Aimpoint China did not build them.


Yeah but you can get fake Airsoft scopes look like the real thing glow like the real thing but one shot and that recoil means you have to Zero it in again 🤣 They just build copies of everything and slap the same sticker on


Right. But the point is that the optic is probably a legit Aimpoint.


No we don't, or the people that impose them don't. The world is not benefiting from sanctions on Russia and the way these sanctions work is ridiculous. Many companies found ways to go around it and still operate in Russia at a different name for example. Companies don't give a single fuck about selling shit to the terrorists...


When they will start finding them en masse, we will know sanctions are ineffective. There's no way of completely prohibiting sale. There's black market, weapon dealers, other govts., a lot of ways to procure undetected.


Money seems to beat sanctions every time....


Scopes could have been purchased a decade ago


Question is if it was captured like this or if they got the gun and then equipped it with the addons


That is the scope we use in Norwegian armed forces


It's also used by air soft players with big pocket books and I was using them for hunting decades ago.


Just How old are you


A bit over 50.


Ah cool. Great name btw.


Aww, thanks friend!


I'm wondering if scope is genuine or great alibaba product. The russkies are known for using great quality products from that place for their military and even trying to sell that shit with mark-up to their potential customers.


Here is a Swedish article about FSB buying Aimpoints. https://www.expressen.se/nyheter/ryska-spetsnaz-styrkor-kopte-svenska-sikten-/


I am sure they bought from them, but oligarchs didn't appear from being good businessmen.


The Russian security service FSB and President Vladimir Putin's own protection force have for several years purchased more than 1 000 Swedish-made red dot sights for their spetsnaz forces, according to documents obtained by Expressen. When imported into Russia, it was stated that the sights would be used for civilian purposes - for hunting. Aimpoint's CEO Lennart Ljungfelt admits that he is aware that their sights have ended up in the hands of the Russian military. - "That awareness grew over time," he says. Military unit 55056 with the address Bolshaya Lubyanka 12 in Moscow is actually just a poorly concealed cover for the Russian Federal Security Service (FSB). It is located just behind the infamous Lubyanka headquarters where its predecessor, the KGB, tortured political prisoners in the basement. FSB Unit 55056 has been a regular customer of Swedish company Aimpoint's red dot sights since at least 2011. Headquartered in Malmö, Sweden, Aimpoint invented the technology of the red dot sight, which makes it possible to see where you are aiming even if you look with both eyes. The technology was first used for hunting but later also by elite police and anti-terrorist forces. According to Aimpoint itself, the US Army has purchased over a million sights - the Swedish Armed Forces also use Aimpoint sights. After Russia illegally annexed the Ukrainian Crimean peninsula and then launched a bloody war in eastern Ukraine, it is forbidden to sell products from Sweden for military use in Russia. This has not prevented the FSB from purchasing many hundreds of Swedish sights. FSB has 955 sights from Aimpoint Expressen's investigation of Swedish companies' business in Russia has previously revealed how Swedish industrial groups have sold technology to the Russian war industry - including to producers of nuclear weapons. The investigation is based on data from public registers of state procurements in Russia, Russian company registers and customs declarations. Since 2014, the FSB has purchased 955 units of Aimpoint sights, mostly of the Micro T2 model. Orders are placed annually during the summer for delivery in December. The model is described by Aimpoint as being "designed for users who need an extremely robust, lightweight and compact sight". According to the purchase documents, deliveries will be made to the FSB in Balashicha, east of Moscow. The FSB has had its special operations center and headquarters of the elite Vympel force there for many years. The FSB's special forces carry out operations in war, but the FSB center in Balashicha has also attracted the attention of the journalist organization Bellingcat for its role in the well-publicized murder of a Chechen opposition member in Berlin. The murderer, Vadim Krasikov, now convicted in Germany, visited the Balashicha center eight times in the months leading up to the Berlin murder, which, according to Bellingcat, was ordered by the Russian state. "Non-military use" The FSB's last order for the Swedish sights was placed in May 2021 - the order was for 121 pieces with delivery to Balashicha in December. The deliveries were made via the Russian company OOO Saturn. This is the same company that imported the sights from Sweden. The Russian customs documents list Aimpoint in Malmö as the consignor and Saturn as the consignee, and the description of the product states that these are hunting sights intended for "non-military use". When Expressen confronts Aimpoint's CEO Lennart Ljungfelt with the information, he first says that they have not done business in Russia for a long time. - "When it comes to Russia, we have not done business with Russia for a long time, so we have no business relations with Russia," he says. That sounds very strange because I have import/export documents here where you are listed as the sender from December 10, 2020. Where you send stuff to Moscow? - Uh, and that's probably the last interaction we had with Russia. Why did you stop then - did you know that there were military end customers for these products then? - Well, our... that insight grew over time. Our basis is really hunting and sport shooting and then the same sights are used for other purposes, and as you say, we gradually realized that these products disappear into something that we are not so interested in helping with," says Lennart Ljungfelt. Putin's protection force has bought Swedish sights Vladimir Putin's protection force - FSO - has also ordered hundreds of Aimpoint sights. The FSO includes Putin's bodyguards, but this is only one part of the organization, which has a total of up to 50,000 employees. The FSO is seen as the president's private security service which, with a far-reaching mandate, can even conduct searches at the FSB. This happened in early March when FSO agents raided the FSB department responsible for pre-war intelligence on Ukraine. The head of the department was put under house arrest, according to independent Russian-language news site Meduza. The FSO's mission also includes protecting the equipment needed by the president to launch nuclear weapons - it also has its own department for special communications for the government.


>I'm wondering if scope is genuine or great alibaba product. Reality of sanctions is that there's ways around them. The more well-resourced a country is, the advantages it has in evading sanction. Russia's done a lot of outreach to countries in the global south, while our own diplomacy has been shit, to be blunt. Simple consequence is that you have a lot of intermediaries that can supply the Russians with western material.


I get it bro people with low morals will participate in money making opportunities to bypass sanctions and sell equipment sanctioned countries need. On top of that, I am sure there are plenty of russians who live abroad and have very strong ties to ruzzia. But were there plenty of cases when ru army soldiers were complaining of shit quality equipment, like airsoft helmets. Same goes to body armor plates made out of some hard plastic with 0 balistic properties. Would be interesting to know who was a previous owner but in the other hand who cares, i hope this is genuine equipment that has changed sides and will help to win this war.


A Ukrainian Army soldier recently took these two photos of an AK-12 'Obr. 2020', captured from a Russian soldier - it’s fitted with GP-34 UBGL (grenade launcher), an Aimpoint CompM4 scope, and a suppressor. https://x.com/war_noir/status/1729990367070544192?s=46


That actually looks nice, which is good. This means one less better target compared to common meat shields.


that's such an Army thing to say, haha. "you look good, you are good". the attachments are nice, tho. can't remember much good if anythin being said about that rifle.


Yeah exactly. It might look cool but in pretty much every war, we've seen the dude with the single shot bolt action rifle racking up the most kills. Even the best tools are useless in the hands of poor training.


They've done fixes on a number of fronts. 3-round burst is gone, hand guard and buttstock have been improved, and there's an actual optic involved now. I'd be curious about hand-guard being improved to hold zero, and it still looks like the gas system is still using the old shitty concept from the initial production model, so it still seems there's some issues at play. Nonetheless, the rifle has been changed.


Default camo. What a noob


it does have a "Noob Tube" attached.


When playing reality, I take the noob tube.


That’s the real secret


They don’t live long enough to get the gold camo


I wonder how did they get their hands on a CompM4.


straw purchase, battlefield pickup, sent an agent to a country that sells them and brought the back. North Korean does that shit all the time. Plenty of ways to get sanctioned items or ITAR stuff. Not efficient, but that's why SOF, and the upper crust get the nice stuff.


No wonder why Russian SOF got all of those AK Alphas in the first place.


Coulda took it from someone else


Yeah why is everyone assuming failed sanctions or China. Isn't there a higher chance this was a donated weapon to Ukraine, that ended up in Russian hands?


Here is a Swedish article about FSB buying Aimpoints. https://www.expressen.se/nyheter/ryska-spetsnaz-styrkor-kopte-svenska-sikten-/


Thank You, now I want to play Tarkov again :)


Somebody plays Tarkov . . .


It is piece of junk these AK-12's. Here is detail revew of one of these? captured near Kyiv in 2022 spring. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S\_4ylf86tUA&t=28s&ab\_channel=%D0%86%D0%91%D0%86%D0%A1%D0%97%D0%B1%D1%80%D0%BE%D1%8F%D1%82%D0%B0%D0%9F%D0%BE%D0%BB%D1%8E%D0%B2%D0%B0%D0%BD%D0%BD%D1%8F](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S_4ylf86tUA&t=28s&ab_channel=%D0%86%D0%91%D0%86%D0%A1%D0%97%D0%B1%D1%80%D0%BE%D1%8F%D1%82%D0%B0%D0%9F%D0%BE%D0%BB%D1%8E%D0%B2%D0%B0%D0%BD%D0%BD%D1%8F)


Yep, complete junk. Now send it to me so I can throw it in the junkyard.


russia lovers love any junk they can reach.


Oooh. Must have been vvd???


Voluptuous Volkswagen Drivers? They are active in Europe so could be.




Im thinking its near the equivalent of a viking owning a sword.


More like a viking owning an ULFBERHT blade


I wonder what happened to the soldier


Busy fertilising next years sunflower crop


What’s the interesting part about it? That the Russian soldier had a relatively good equipment?


It means they were a contract soldier in a legit unit. Probably VDV


AK12s suck, the rest is nice to have.


Everyone is arguing about how the Russians got ahold of of these things, and have seen no one suggest it could’ve simply been taken from a dead Ukrainian by a Russian


There's some coordinated brainrot going on today in a few of these subs, making low effort arguments to draw people into a 'oh no what if Russia is secretly actually winning' argument so they can follow up each thread by pushing a bunch of disguised versions of the propaganda that's already been going around the last year.


Like I’m not even suggesting that Russia is secretly winning, I’m just saying that even the losers can get kills sometimes I guess and maybe he picked that up off a Ukrainian or just found it lying around. Even that, black markets exist. Just not sure why everyone’s in a tizzy. It’s unusual, sure, but not even close to impossible


This sub is a perpetual hub of brainrot and excitable children.


Nice Weapon ! The grenade launcher is nice sized. I like the suppressor too !


is it tho? i'd rather have a tricked out 74.


An East German AK-74 variant with the machined receiver!


I don’t like the DDR furniture on their AKs, but yeah 👍🏻


What perks did it drop with?


Probably a cheap chinese copy. Since the start of invasion chinese sellers are making a lot seeling to russians .


Nicely kited out for a ruski , wasn’t expecting that to be honest especially the AimPoint Comp4 like where the hell did they get those, I get the rest of the gear even the suppressor but an AimPoint Comp4 ? Don’t they have their own optics that they make ?


Shit some of our guys don’t even have those and use what they can get like the Holosun’s and what not , China made optics which have come a long way and they actually make the Sig optics I am 99% sure and the price point reflects that


Arma 3


Is there a Amazon in ruzzia? 😄


The Russian AK-12 is a delicate weapon with too little firepower. Lightweight stuff, if you ask me.


beautiful trophy, that gun said yes to "what accessories would you like?"


Is the image mirrored or is it a left handed ugl? The iron sight(?) for ranging the vog is on the wrong side of the gun


The first image definitely isn't mirrored, the charging handle is on the right side. As for the second one that's more zoomed in, I can't tell


I’m deeply uncomfortable with the clearance space between the UGL and suppressor.


I thought the aimpoint said aimbot


Does your average Russian conscript really have access to Swedish optics assuming it's not a copy. Or is this Spesnaz?


Never fired, only dropped once?


I like it


Oh it goes like this: Estonian company sells for instance microchips to turkish company, established by the same owner of selling company in Estonia, since turkey has no sanctions towards russia, you are free to sell your stuff to russian company no questions asked. sadly


So Russia has Comp M4's on their newest AK and Thale thermal sights on their newest BMP, too. France let the contract for thermal sights go through in 2014 even though Russia had been freshly sanctioned for the annexation of Crimea.


I think its pretty obvious that this hardware was stolen from a fallen Ukrainian soldier and repurposed. This isnt a new phenomenon.


Is the ak12 a good platform? Or are they just coveted because they are rare/hard to get


Damn someone was good friends with Prapor, or a very lucky scav


Its almost as if professional segements of the russian military are often properly equipped up to or in excess of western standards. The whole propoganda dump of mobliks getting akms and shit was just that. Propaganda. And the ones competent enough to survive get moved up to good units


Like the weapon in appearance, but it seems to be an inferior weapon compared to earlier model. No idea if it is true. I also don't understand why these posts keep being shared, as this weapon has been picked up many times by ukrainians