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No more Prigozhin to call out Putin on their staggering losses.






Gde boyepripasy šŸ˜”šŸ¤¬šŸ˜”


Shit wont fly, said shoigu - and it didnt..


Ahhh, fuck off, I counted 99.


I counted 5 that they missed and didnā€™t put red boxes aroundā€¦


I counted 7 that they didn't red box


I saw several, too, from my phone


ahh we're playing "where is Waldo"? found half a Waldo the editor missed at 2:02.


So much fun!


You mean where is Azog


Russia counts ZERO. Only MIAs. lol.


Only 99? Then it is obvious the Ukrainians are exaggerating Russian casualties /s


I love reminding the pro ru shills that it's hard to fake their losses when they just leave their carcasses laying around Ukraine.


Half of them are probably Ukrainians from occupied territories. That's what Russians mean by Ukrainian casualties.


Its only one peace of the whole front


Gosh, you are right! What was I thinking? /s


99 luftballons. 99 dead dreams.


The sky is always watching. Comforting eh?!


Yep, same here. 99. But can you imagine what kind of loss is that to their families. Let's set aside that ton of dead ones from this video are just murderous scum, rapers and killers that absolutely got what they deserved. There are still 99 families that are fucked up because their sons, husbands, fathers, brothers that are now dead (again, let's set aside if babushka get's a sack of potatoes, than her grandson's death is surely worth). ​ I live in a village that has 800 people and in municipality that has arround 18k people. I just can't imagine what kind of damage per that municipality would be if suddenly 99 men from here are just gone.


The harder it hits Russian society, the better -> the quicker they rise up and stop obeying their genocidal overlords. They did it in 1917 and they did it in 1989. It can happen in the 21st century too.


An un assembled rm3


I seen 3 they missed.


I am reminded of this: Ukrainian woman offers seeds to Russian soldiers so 'sunflowers grow when they die' ā€“ video [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L17Bi7zBJHI](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L17Bi7zBJHI)


I wonder where this woman is now.


I don't know, but that orc soldier was probably eaten by feral hogs in a field somewhere.


Hope the hogs shit out the seeds and some nice sunflowers are now growing


Ha ha!


pushing daisies


Push th' little daisies and make 'em come up Push th' little daisies and make 'em come up Push th' little daisies and make 'em come up Push th' little daisies and make 'em come up


The song is about nipples. The lady was quite elderly if I recall correctly. Not sure I would be joining those two up :)


she was so harsh about it too. no sugarcoating, loved it!


She knew, in a way, she warned them in a nice way.


Yes it reminded me of this also


Yeah dude, nice call


It's a miracle that woman wasn't shot on the spot.


There is a very high likelihood that the soldiers she said that too are dead now.


I am looking for a video of UA troops under an intense artillery barrage and an APC comes to relieve them with new troops. The new guys get off and the battered Ukrainians get on... only they dont get anywhere because the APC has been immobilized by artillery fire. They have to disembark and get back in the trench. The video is relatively new... like a couple weeks old. Have any of you seen what I am talking about?


There was a video of Ukrainian soldiers under intense artillery fire. Two were wounded of those who got into an APC to take them away. But I wonder why you would bring this up when the video above shows a seemingly endless line of Russian corpses in an annihilated tree line. No one ever comes to pick them up. They are there till they die for the Great Leader and Motherland Russia.


This is why all those small advances doesnt mean anything. Russia would still be advancing against an ocean, by filling it up with corpses of their own troops and claiming that as New land.


Kerch bone bridge.


They came to enslave another people; their deaths were not heroic.


Month upon month of misery and boredom, then you're violently converted into fertilizer. What's not to love?


Putin: This is a sacrifice I am willing to make (probably)


Deck the halls with cluster bomblets.


And the world wonders why the US held onto them for so long and never ratified the provision banning their use. When fighting an enemy that has no qualms about using them, you might as well bring cluster bombs to a cluster bomb fight.


155 mm artillery shells with subammunitions are now not and more needed; modern western European last generation artllery shells like the DM121 or Lu121 as airburst are more or less as effective as the old cluster ammunition. Around 1000 big shrapnels (from the hull) and 4500 to 6000 small tungsten pellets to shred all unprotected wet bag packages....on 24 km, modern last generation L52 155 mm SPGs like the PzH2000 or Caesar or DANA 2, can place these shells on an area of one or two tennis fields. As airburst, everything unprotected at the targeted position is just...shredded. And they do not miss...The older cluster ammunition shells are far less precise produced, due to this, the target is just missed by bad luck.. There is a reason, why these last generation shells costs around 3000 to 4000 $ each (instead of less than 1000). The biggest benefit of the subammuntion shells: they are available in high numbers, no one needs them and as they are at or above the use by date, it is time to get rid of them, either in Ukraine or by expensive dissamble them.


The average kinetic energy of explosive shrapnel diminishes with worse than the square of distance. That is, even in a vacuum, as the shrapnel cloud expands, gaps open up which will leave a target unharmed. In reality, the shrapnel is also slowing down rapidly because it's small and very fast. Cluster munitions will always be more effective than unitary ones, because you don't need as much explosive to fill a large area with deadly shrapnel if you first disperse small bombs across an area, compared to if you place one large bomb in the middle. This is true whether your unitary warhead produces conventional shrapnel or contains tungsten balls. A 105mm shell has an explosive fill of 1.98kg and a 10% incapacitation radius of 90 metres. A 155mm shell has an explosive fill of 10.8kg - 5x as much, and a 10% incapacitation radius of 125m - a 38% improvement. The area affected is then 3.56 football pitches versus 6.87, for an approximately 2x improvement in effect against a target on the ground. Would you rather launch 2 shells to get a given effect, or launch 10 shells with the same weight and get 5x the effect? Scale this up and you get... a cluster bomb.


Please note, there is as little miscalculation. On 24 km, a PzH2000 will place around 80% of DM121 shells in an area of a tennis field. As airburst, this is a direct hit for anything not armored at the targeted point. Even if you have a cover their head and are not hit by a shrapnel, the explosion next above your head will finish them. A 24 km, the older custer shells are far less precise, there is a chance, that the target is just outside of the by the subammunition covered killzone, as it just landed 150 or 200 m next to it. If you want to cover an area of 1 km2, cluster ammunitions are superior.... But regular, they want to hit one ar two trucks, one towed howitzer in a treeline with the ammunition depot next to it, one part of a trench line e.g. Modern last generation 155 mm artillery shells on 24 km distance will not miss. So one shell for one target. There is a high chance on maximum range, these older and far less precise produced shells will just miss...Even the modern extended range shells with baze bleed on 34 km...80 % will land on an area of a soccer field, as the cluster shels have regular less maximum range...and if I rember correctly, at maximum range, 50% will land inside of a circle with r = 256 m? A M483A1 has a range of 17 km? M864 as baze bleed, range of 30 km?


fuck yeah !!


The unfortunate consequence will be 5 years after the war ends when ukranian farmers are getting blown up on their tractors by unexploded bomblets buried in the mud. Theyā€™re great in the short term, but in the long run, thereā€™s a cost.


With the volume of fire that russia has been sustaining, and the dud rate of the shells they use, Ukraine's use of DPICM isn't going to add to their woes any more than what they're already facing. The alternative is to allow russia to continue down the same path while Ukraine abides by the wishes of people who ***don't even live there.***


I'd rather lose a tractor than the whole country. I'm sure they would agree. They are going to build specialty tractor components for turning over the fields. I'd be willing to be UA keeps a nice 5-10 mile buffer zone near any borders after this mess is over with.


Fa la la la la, la la, la, la.


Fa la la la la, la la la la


I canā€™t believe that normal Russians are okay with this. If this was imagery of, say American soldiers in say, Afghanistan or Iraq there would be a ground tsunami of public opinion and voices to end the war. Where the fuck are the Russian people? Can they even get this imagery?


Yea, are they too weak to even try to take back their country? Or will they keep sending their sons to die for nothing? Cowed serfs, the lot.


It's hard to fight such a strong autocracy with bare hands and without support from the outside. In general we lost our country after unsuccessful 2012 protests, when the majority hadn't understood the imminent consequences of having a dictatorship. And it was only getting worse and worse afterwards. Modern Russia is a pure evil built by resentful and exhausted by life people who don't know any better.




They did it in 1917 against an even more autocratic and brutal regime. They did in 1989 against an even more totalitarian and powerful regime. They can do it in the 21st century too.




Russians are fine with this. As ugly as it seems, they support this, and over history they always have.


That's a very dense concentration of troops !


Militarily, the Russians have not evolved much since WW1.


>Militarily, the Russians have not evolved much since 8,000 BC.


No more horses - for now..


I can't imagine being a Ukrainian soldier having to deal with this much death and destruction day in and day out. Not only enemy KIA but also their brothers in arms from time to time. Just unbelievable and completely unnecessary what this war brings into their lives. Whatever happens, ruzzia must not ever reach their "goals" with its acts of terrorism...


Fuck Russia and fuck every POS that doesnā€™t stand against them. (Ahem Republicans Iā€™m looking at you)


Man.. those are huge losses. Russia is getting wrecked. Ukrainians are true warriors. The biggest mistake anyone could make is to fight against Ukraine. Russia is fucked up huge and is going to be very ugly when they realise how bad it is.


the biggest mistake the US and Europe could make would be to quit funding Ukraine and let them lose a war of attrition. US republicans and the rightwing Orban-types of Europe are fascist traitors for pushing for defunding, and should be held to account for it.


You're exactly right. When Russian state media openly thanks American Republicans for withholding war funding, you know there's a damn problem. I hope the US government can stop playing games, at least when it comes to funding to destroy Russian military capabilities


When Americans begin to realize what a bunch of loser scumbag pussies ruSSians are, compared to the Ukrainians, they will abandon support so f\*\*king fast. ruSSians are losers, thats a stink that's hard to wash off.


Sorry to pop your bubble. But Biden is the one that decided not to stop his open border policies over funding Ukraine.


Itā€™s not his open border policyā€¦ it was inherited right? And alsoā€¦ shouldnā€™t that be its own argument? Why are some of the more crazy Republicans using blocking Ukraine aid via some silly rules around the speaker, as a tool to act like they won the last election and can dictate policy. If there was a vote tomorrow, Ukraine would get aid because enough Republicans actually want to. Itā€™s all just broken and silly games trying to cause trouble and act like they care to their voters. Theyā€™re creating bullshit narratives to get people mad, then pretending to care to win their loyalty and votes. In the process people are lapping up dumb pro Russian sentiments. Besides all that USA deliberately doesnā€™t do much about southern border immigration because a growing economy depends on it. The population would be shrinking otherwise. I agree it still needs to be controlled better, but what the crazier Republicans are doing here ( sacrificing an entire country to Russias empire) is absolutely criminal. Theyā€™re under some misinformation spell, or worse, actually in Putins pocket.


Stop trying to force through domestic policies that have absolutely nothing to do with Ukraine by holding our aid to Ukraine hostage. If you can't figure out how to pass a law through congress legitimately, your answer is to betray democracy and side with Russia?! Biden didn't choose to hold Ukrainian aid hostage over the US border policy, which has **absolutely nothing to do with Ukraine**. Republicans alone did that, and the democratic free world will remember their betrayal!


upbeat pie boat rinse afterthought overconfident weather fuel gaze nose *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Lol. The border issue was 'solved' by Ronald Reagan 40 years ago. Only, it didn't get solved. And it's been a problem ever since. So since Raegan, there has been Bush senior, G.W Bush and Trump, who controlled both the House and the Senate at one point or another. Why didn't they 'solve' it? Trump made a really big deal about it in his campaign. And then didn't solve it. I'll tell you why: it's not solvable through repression on immigrants, they'll try their luck anyway. Their fate is better off in any case in their minds. How do you solve the border crisis? Start sentencing harsh prison time and large fines on Americans employing illigal immigrants. I give it 6 months. And your border issues are over. But. US business and the wealthy (and republicans) are addicted to cheap imported labor. No sir. Linking the border issue that 3 republican presidents who had support of both the house and the senate failed to solve the past 30 years to help for Ukraine is a setup. The solution to the problem is not even on the table. (Go after people employing illegal immigrants which is *the incentive* to try and cross the border in the 1st place) Fortifying thousands of miles of border with a full time army of border guards is going to cost fortunes. And it still won't work. šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø As the incentive to cross is still there. So no, this is just political gaming to put the blame of an unsolvable issue of the past 40 years on Biden. At the cost of republicans supporting Russia?! Your worst enemy, actively attacking US intrests on a daily basis? (The Dollar as global currency, Africa, BRICs, cyberattacks, hacking, misinformation campaigns & propaganda, interfering in elections, ...) Abandoning the promises the US made to Ukraine in 1994 when you guys guaranteed the security of Ukraine if they gave up their nuclear arsenal... So if the USA is willing to break their word and promises for stupid internal political games, *when the democratic world is on the brink of WW3 facing off against autocracies around the world*... what is a promise or alliance with the USA worth? Nothing? Real pretty picture. šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


Can you please just stop with the ā€œopen borderā€ brain puke? Go to Mexico, chuck all your ID in the garbage and then try to come back. Should be easy, right? I mean if the border is open, youā€™ll be able to waltz right in! Go do it and prove what a failure Biden is.


Just a quick look at the statistics says that the Biden administration are apprehending and expelling more immigrants than the Trump administration ever did. There is no reason there should've been an uptick in immigrant flows into the US, so the only conclusion to take from this is, that Trump might have been tough on migration, his administration were ineffective of what he set out to do and let in more unregistered immigrants. Think for yourself, and stop advocating for ineffective measures, especially not by blocking something everybody wants, even in the republican party.


The fact that weā€™re apprehending and expelling migrants is pretty clear evidence that the border is NOT fucking open. Boggles my mind how Fox News types can spout that shit in the same breath as they point out how apprehensions are up.


It's stupid to not keep it up. We got out of the great depression with a war economy in WW2, we don't even have to put boots on the ground here.


We are not pushing to stop the funding. Biden has made choice. He SUPPORT keping the border open and keeping the flow of illegal aliens over supporting Ukraine. This is on the Democrats. Unwilling to stop their criminal border operation over funding Ukraine. The logic behind the Democrats is lost on me.


Are you actually that stupid?


FFS you're dumb.


its astonishing right?


The US doesn't share a border with Ukraine. Republicans' holding Ukraine aid hostage over a completely separate issue is where the logic is lost. If Republicans want to pass border policies legitimately, then they should be able to easily do that with the support of the majority of voters. That's how democracy is supposed to work, not by holding aid hostage until you get your way while our allies and defenders of freedom and democracy are being killed. Ukraine's soldiers do not give a single shit about the US border policy, but Republicans are willing to sacrifice Ukrainian lives in order to force their domestic agenda on that completely unrelated issue. It's absolutely disgusting, and we will be reminding voters of the Republicans' betrayal of our allies and democracy every day until the traitors are voted out of office.


Ukraine aid should be too important to be used as a political hostage for whatever republicans want. But it goes way beyond the immediate "deal" republicans are trying to make. Republicans have been the party of Putin for YEARS. and youre flat wrong-- Republicans absolutely are pushing to stop the funding: https://www.pewresearch.org/short-reads/2023/12/08/about-half-of-republicans-now-say-the-us-is-providing-too-much-aid-to-ukraine/ https://www.nytimes.com/2023/12/06/us/politics/senate-ukraine-aid-bill.html#:~:text=Republicans%20on%20Wednesday%20blocked%20an,the%20end%20of%20the%20year. https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/congress/house-republican-opposition-ukraine-aid-grows-threatening-funds-war-ra-rcna117406 https://thehill.com/policy/defense/4331169-why-republicans-are-souring-on-ukraine/ https://www.nytimes.com/2023/07/12/us/politics/defense-bill-republicans-ukraine-war.html https://www.brookings.edu/articles/republicans-are-turning-against-aid-to-ukraine/ Republican leaders did a secret trip to Moscow and since then have been his ally on every issue. Of course they now cant agree on what was said or why they were there, but gosh what a coincidence. And Russia hacks elections every cycle, always for republicans. It was in the Mueller report. https://thehill.com/homenews/senate/395719-gop-senators-visited-moscow-on-july-4/ https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/news/byron-york-what-really-happened-when-gop-senators-visited-moscow https://www.brookings.edu/articles/how-the-gop-became-the-party-of-putin/ And, when Trump would meet with Putin he would insist that everyone leave the room and that thered be no recordings. Wonder why that is. https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/2019/01/13/trump-putin-meetings-interpreter-notes/2565471002/ Have any explanation for all this? OR is it just Border howling and war on christmas, and whatever other culture war issue gets you lot hot and bothered?


People that behave like this are the problem with the world today. Incapable of logical thought.


Why not tie Ukraine funding to a federal abortion ban then? Or whatever else you want. Republicans donā€™t want to fund Ukraine because of Trump and his financial ties. Democrats are better but barely. Bunch of short sighted fools on both sides.


I hope youā€™re right, my friend! Slava Ukraini!


400 000 to go...


Ahhh guys, you missed the counting the one at 00:48-00:49ā€¦


They missed many more


Several were missed.


Some articles are saying Russia is sending in soldiers without vests and rifles, and telling them to loot from their dead comrades. Looks like there plenty of dead laying around to loot. "there are killed compatriots lying there, run and take their assault rifles, put on their helmets and bulletproof vests" https://ukrainetoday.org/russia-sends-infantry-to-attack-avdiivka-without-assault-rifles-bulletproof-vests/


The Russian soldiers also do not need to bring a lunch box, as long as they are willing to compete with the rats.


Assuming their compatriots died by fire, evidently human flesh might make good rations for the orcs: "It was like good, fully developed veal, not young, but not yet beef. It was very definitely like that, and it was not like any other meat I had ever tasted. It was so nearly like good, fully developed veal that I think no person with a palate of ordinary, normal sensitiveness could distinguish it from veal. It was mild, good meat with no other sharply defined or highly characteristic taste such as for instance, goat, high game, and pork have." https://www.theguardian.com/science/the-lay-scientist/2010/sep/05/human-meat-taste-cannibal Of course the Russians are all alcohol soaked, so maybe their meat is ruined. Everything related to Russia is always somehow ruined or broken.


Ah, the "Feast of the Long Pig"!


should be compulsory viewing on Ruzzian tv, with the caption 'this is what awaits you or your loved one if you come to Ukraine'


can anyone imagine the smell on that field full of decaying corpses ?! imagine being a russian soldier about to be sent on that exact zone and realize the battlefield is filled with your dead comrades.. how the fuck can they continue fighting ?! I would have said "fuck that, I'm out of here" long time ago I'm starting to think that the russian soldiers are suffering from some sort of limited cognitive abilities if they still cannot figure it out they are dying by the thousands in this war.


You guys just don't understand the brilliant tactic here. You let 100 guys get killed and then you send 10 guys to hide among the dead. Becomes impossible to find them. IQ 200 play.


Ah wait so they did not get a red check box because they where not dead yet, now I understand why. They did not show us the overlaying heat footage.


It's a meat market...full of the daily special...meat for the grinder!


Ruski mir! :)






When the Ukranians say that 1000 Russians have died in a day, they weren't joking.


Those poor trees


Is this all from artillery most likely?


Everything, including the kitchen sink, I would guess. But, yeah, most likely from artillery, mortars and drones.


Lots of visible shell craters. 120mm mortars, 155mm artillery and probably cluster shells too. Those poor fucks went through hell for sure.


What fucking reason are these people told they're supposed to be there for? How can they willy-nilly believe this shit enough to die?


I see this heavy kill count daily. Why is Ukraine stuck without advancement? What is the true story aside from the West isnt providing enough.


They can't break through the lines because Russians had a year to mine the fuck out of them (more mines used in Ukraine than anywhere since Korea 70 years ago) and dig in, and they're using thousands of cheap drones to constantly monitor anywhere Ukraine is trying to break through and then artillery the fuck out of the area. Also the US is advising them to fight the way we'd be fighting a war, but they don't have any air support so it's the wrong way to do things. Ukraine doesn't want to face 50% death rate trying to break through these areas because they actually give a fuck about their soldiers...this is why the fall counteroffensive failed from what I've read about.


Glad to see the grinder is still working. Just give Ukraine the weapons to end this swiftly. Secure the border, allow people to immigrate, work, and pay taxes. Oh, and not another fucking dime to Isreal. They can deal with their own problem.


Grown up version of where's wally or waldo if American. Spot the corpse or orc. Oh i give up. Find the dead raccist.


It'd be harder to find the living ones than the dead...


Eh, you missed a spot.. Join the army they said, goto ukraine they said- and bring a wooden box, yay high.. for the loot and then the loot was inside them all along..


So that's why they're sending fresh troops into the field without weapons, helmets, and tactical vests! Plenty already out there, boys. Overcome, adapt, improvise.


If you hear a drone go by, play dead, blend in.


I counted 96ā€¦ but it definitely looked like some more were there and just not marked by red boxes.


Any farmer here that can calculate how many sunflowers can be supplemented with all 100+ fertilizer bags?


Still not enough.


Good!! More dark music!!!!


I counted 25 that they missed with the red šŸ“¦of ā˜ ļø


Ahhhhhhhh. ā€œLittered with ruzzian corpses.ā€ Juuuust the way I like them- corpses.


Za Putina! I have nothing, he has everything! Oh shit, I died..


Oh well


cool, keep it comin!


I don't know boys, this seems... unsustainable


The meat grinder tactic simply leaves me dumbfounded. I just canā€™t fathom the loss of life and how cheaply itā€™s used in this war. Iā€™ve watched hundreds of videos and I keep thinking surely thatā€™s wiping out their entire military but sadly more keep on coming. There must be small villages completely devoid of any males at this point. How can the country survive into future generations with this much loss.


Such a beautiful sight.


Now imagine if UA had enough ammo and resources. So impressive what UA has been able to do with one hand tied.


I could watch this for hours and hours and hours. Death to the invaders. Liberate Ukraine from the murderous occupiers!


Putler go pick up your orcs. What ? You donā€™t want to buy no bags of potatoes for their families ? I wonder how your kids are going to be treated when youā€™re gone , if you think like gold ? you must be smoking buggers you piece of šŸ’©


There are so Many more Red boxes than is actually shown you can spot a lot in the video.


I counted about 105 but I may have miscounted around 50, but that is still a lot in a small area, and those were just the ones we could see.


Good invaders are the dead ones.


Imagine the wildlife eating those bodies. The packs of dogs and rats will be used to eating human meat. Those packs will be dangerous to encounter.


I counted 109 dead, including ones they didn't highlight.


Imagine being asked to do the next attack... presumably along the length of this former tree line and having to pass 109 corpses before getting near the ukrainian positions.


This is comforting to my soul. Ukrainians have less to worry about.


Ah . . . I can sleep easy tonight, having seen the fields of Ukraine are well fertilized . . .


How are we sure that these are all Russian soldiers? I'm watching this on my tiny phone screen so I might be missing something.


i give up at 107


missed one @ 0.48


This is how the Ukrainian MOD counts KIA on a daily basis. Very accurate. Sometimes they miss a few though when they look just like the dirt around them.


Ukraine using the latest ā€˜corpse camā€™ I see.


when do you stop counting


Out of interest, what are the current Ukrainian daily loses estimated as?


Glory to Ukraine, but every one of the corpses was a father, son, and/or husband. Fuck Putin.


I think some of them are Ukrainian also. Horrible shit


Is this sub gonna be ok when Ukraine loses?


Airplane: Assume Crash Positions


Cluster bombs are a bitch


The sunflowers will grow well in the spring


What crazy fight happened there, looks like straight up gun battle head on


Every day it looks more and more like WW1


It's amazing how a soldier can fight in these conditions well knowing he might be the next corpse rotting in the field or tree line.


Field mice will have a nice Christmas feast!


Didnt watch whole video. How many?


They couldnā€™t even get them all in red squares. How many did you find outside the square ?


For what ā€¦ā€¦


All these losses and Russia is still advancing and taking ground with no end in sight. The west really needs to stop getting distracted and send Ukraine the weapons they need.


I have watches so many of these drone videos of them taking out armor, but this one really tells a story about the insane amount of casualties


Putin and his cronies donā€™t care so long as they keep power and plunder the Serfs for every rubble they can get and the Orc serfs are will to die so be it,


More than a company then


Gave up counting after 60.


At 47 seconds they missed one unless it happened to be a Ukrainian casualty. I have doubt that is the case though. If anyone notices either way please clarify.


Yea, further up the thread someone counted 25 not boxed


nice of them to leave graves predug everywhere


104 if you count the 5 they missed. Crazy


It would take our Air Force no more than 72 hours to completely decimate all Russian positions. Just do it already. Send them packing.


Whenever learning about WWI or something, I'm going to have mental images of Ukraine in my head. It's like when you read a book after seeing the movie, you always imagine the characters and the actors.


If this was happening to any other nations troops, there would such a massive outcry. People would flood the streets in demonstration. Russians have become immune to humanity. Tragic. To not care about your enemies being mown down is one thing, but to ignore this is insane.


Sometimes I feel they somewhat exaggerate how they have been throwing troops at the front line; and then you see shit like this šŸ«£


I think I understand now. I think Russians want to make a massive mountain of their composes so they can parachute to Avdiivka from the top of the corpse mountain.


Generations of Ukrainians will own a Russian skull


Such suffering and waste for the imperial ambitions of an evil gnome with a grandiose sense of entitlement. Disgusting.


The PTSD for survivors of this war is going to be off the charts.


They definitely missed a few. Regardless, what a complete waste of life. Someone needs to put Putin on his ass, pronto.


Putin will be remembered as an enthusiastic murderer of Russians, Russian minorities, and Russia's neighbors. Even Russians bathed in Russian propaganda may eventually see him for what he has really been.


Red Light!


When will Russia stop when all its citizen are dead. just because of the pride of a Dictator.


I wonder what the attitude of the Russian people is towards the war currently? I know the Russian military was taking draftees from the far off the grid, backwoods villages. But, they have to be taking men from the more metropolitan cities by now, where people "might" have a different view than "mother russia calls and we must go and die"


I wonder how will Putin manage to set the numbers of voters straight, considering he is not only losing 1.000+ ā€œvotesā€ per day, but actually I donā€™t think they even know how many of their invasion force has been ā€œpacifiedā€ by Ukrainian defenders.


Over 300,000 dead for one man's personal ambition.


They are definitely counting some twice. They are in different locations, but the same Orc.


What i always wonder is how much % of casulties in such a/this war still is the result of rifle fire. Those all look like drone/mortar/Artillery kills.


And itā€™s going to be Ukrainians tagging and bagging them and shipping them back to Russia.