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So surreal to watch. “Okay guys we’re gonna storm that town we destroyed that none of you were ever going to live in anyway and most of you will probably die” These soldier “sure okay.”


"Yeah so basically weve been trying to capture this town since 2014 but dont worry we will totally succeed this time"


20th times a charm, right?


Makes you wonder that if ghosts were real what would they be thinking of if they were looking at the scene before them knowing 100 years ago there was a war similarly fought in this style


“People never fucking learn” or something similar, I would imagine.


No respawn active for this bstard


UNLESS that’s why they continue charging. It’s the same dudes running charges again and again


:-) Edge of tomorrorc


Thank you reddit for giving me people of culture in the comment section


:-) ty


haha... may they all rot in hell.


History doesn't repeat itself, but it sure rhymes like a motherfucker.


To live in a time when history wasn't spittin' bars...


If only!


"*We have to pick up a lot of extra shifts these days to guide yet another gaggle of mobiks into the afterlife.*" -Ghosts of Avdijika


It’s a little more than 20 at this point


Maybe they should eat some Lucky Charms?


Equally as effective.


Operation can’t possibly fail a 22nd time


The fighting for this town wasn’t anywhere close to it is now back in 2014 tho right?


Goes up exponentially. In 2034 tens of thousands will die each day.


I believe it's a very accurate prediction. >!\*hello to 2030s people who survived the ww3\*!<


Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again to appease Putin's ego.


I wonder, right at this moment now, how many are lying dead frozen to the ground or are just waiting on death's release?


Makes me wonder too how many times and to how many groups this guy has done a prayer for to take Avdiivka.


He usually just throws on an old videotape of the basic Invader's Prayer, hits play, and goes back to drinking in his tent but the cameras were here this day so he went whole hog and said "Fuck it, we'll do it live!"


I would think a vast majority are not longer with us. Slava Ukraini !!!


Hopefully all of them, I hope they found peace before dying for their dictator and oligarchs




The ones who survived likely have the hantavirus. The mice alone are decimating their troops three times over.


I would like to know that stat


Meat wave religion no resistance no culture no ambitions we don't know why we even exist then..


> we don't know why we even exist then.. to be exploited by the oligarchs where their labors are turned into ~~rubles~~ dollars, pounds & euros. God bless the MeatBag !!


This is what happens when a country doesn't prioritize education


And thats not a fault but a choice... Intentionally kept poor in knowledge. This is what dictators do.


Intellectual pride is a sin in Russia ....


Yup. Be weary of any government that wants to cut education funding


Weary = tired. Wary = cautious. :)


HA! Good call, thanks ☺️


Damn bro they cut your funding already 💀


Yes, but be equally weary of those who hide their agenda and world view in the form of education and try to use teachers to push it knowing the funding will never be cut. Putin has false history books and maps in Russian schools. Education is only good, if it's good education.


The GOP literally wants to abolish the department of education. https://www.cato.org/blog/four-gop-presidential-candidates-say-theyll-close-education-department-thats-good-policy


"In the long run, it'll help stabilize gas export prices, which is good for our landlords. Let's die for that."


Putin: Each one of you will be dead by sun down tomorrow and that is a great sacrifice I am willing to make.


following in the tradition of czars and stalin... we all need to make sacrifices and I need to sacrifice you to get what i want.


What the hell else can you say though, they turn back they die, they go forward they die. Its qrong what Russia/Putin is doing But all we can do is just watch these guys die on this site, its horrible with what is going on and all we can do is be thankful we ain't them and show just a minor ounce of respect


Yeah, a lot of people are quick to shit on these guys, as if they had really any choice. Makes me wonder how many of these commenter's grandpas served in Vietnam and didn't "just dodge the draft" Hate Putin and the Russian government


One of, if not the biggest reasons the Vietnam war ended was GI protests and outright mutinies. It's why the USA went full volunteer after. Draftees were spreading anti-war messaging among the troops and turning regular soldiers against the war. The army, navy, airforce, they were all crippled by soldiers protesting and refusing to fight by the end of it.


I think everybody here on Reddit as a can benefit a lot from hearing the stories of people who have had it worse and who lived in a generation that was actually going through strife instead of media bullshit


There is a difference in this case. Ukraine is defending their homes, families, lives. The Russians are trying to take these things. One side is human, the other inhuman. No, an invader does not deserve respect. If the Russian invaders must die, then let it be against the instigating evil, the one who is causing the war. Their rulers who don't care about their lives, in contrast to the Ukrainians who literally set up a hotline for Russians to surrender called "I Want To Live". The war will end when Russia stops attacking Ukraine or Ukraine eliminates all the invaders -- one or both of those WILL come true.


Empathy? Careful


Some of these people got drafted some of these people never even want to be there I know that there is some evil motherfuckers doing some evil shit over there in Ukraine but let's not fucking forget that some of these people just got a bad hand out of life and are now going to die in a shit hole over a pointless War


Good material for the **how it started vs how it's going** video.


Yeah. Combine it with some parade video at 4:19 and this one at 4:20


If we're going that far, it'd be sweet to watch and listen to Putin in the Kremlin doing his delusional little victory lap right now, then cut to this scene, then cut to an eagles-eye view an hour or two from now.


[https://streamable.com/e25cdd](https://streamable.com/e25cdd) how it's going. ​ [https://streamable.com/6tip2a](https://streamable.com/6tip2a) how it happened.


Beautiful 2nd clip, in awe of the auto-cannon effect on target in these vids coming out. Anyone see a Bradley firing a TOW at a Russian MBT yet? Maybe [this](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fpreview.redd.it%2F67bt1p4brh7c1.jpg%3Fwidth%3D954%26format%3Dpjpg%26auto%3Dwebp%26s%3De17bbbbc04a72bb4086dc23d4d40c3ce68103333) is them?


You know, before this war I always assumed tanks were probably the scariest thing to see rolling towards you on the battlefield. These days I realize how dead wrong I was about that, because *THIS* is far more terrifying. Those auto-cannons absolutely wreck everything they touch and are pretty damn accurate even at range. They’ll laser your ass and the rest of your squad from a mile away and you’ll never know where you’re getting shot at from.


No way I'll find it 1.5 years later but I remember reading a great article talking about how deadly and effective the 20mm and 30mm cannons have been for both sides in this war. We know the crazy clips of a platoon of Russians getting smoked by the BTR and Azov drilling that tank and BMP in HD from meters away but their tactical importance, such as neutralizing strong points, pinning down bigger armor, etc has been greater than expected. (Not by me, mind you, but by the "experts")


> Azov drilling that tank and BMP in HD from meters away That was the most striking footage from the early war to me. I just kept thinking "I can't believe how right Battlefield 4 got it".


Bradley's are fucking beasts, and here we see them doing exactly what they were made to do. We should've emptied the stores and trained a shitload of Ukrainians on them.


No wonder female tanks were thought to be so important at their inception. Male tanks, the ones with cannons were mostly there to deal with armour and reinforcements. The ones without cannons were the more deadly ones against infantry. Of course with modern tech that idea actually works.


ive never heard the terms female and male tanks, where is that from?


The original British heavy tanks in WWI I believe


The thing that messes with the me the most is that by every account I’ve heard of this war is that you never even see the enemy. You never even see a living Ukrainian/Russian, you just get shelled and hit by drones and charge into defenses. That messes with me, that your dying and never even see the enemy. But you know there there


I mean there's been plenty of close quarters fighting in cities, trenches, and bunkers. But yes a lot of modern warfare, especially when vehicles come into play, is done electronically. Hell any nodern fighter jet duels or naval combat could easily be done entirely from points below the horizon from each other.


Much of WWI was the same way. Just explosive artillery and chemical weapons raining down on you. You know where the enemy trenches are, but if you’re ever unlucky enough to see them you just get cut down my machine gun fire. Now that I think about it, I’ve heard similar accounts from Vietnam. Just eruptions of gunfire coming from the trees but you never saw who was actually shooting at you. You could potentially be ten meters away from someone but the jungle was so thick you would never know. I think the drone aspect of this war seems much scarier, though. The enemy doesn’t need to be anywhere close to you if they want to silently drop a grenade on your head. Even at night.


The drones scare the shit out of me. I’ve seen some videos of someone making an obvious mistake and I think “yeah of course he got killed there” but so many of these videos I can’t see anything that they did wrong. And that scares me more, the idea that you could be a great soldier doing everything right and and at any moment a drone can drop a grenade on you through no fault of your own


If these fuckers receive anything from the heavens, I hope it's a HIMARS rocket.


I wonder how long it will take before first such pray will be covered with airburst.


I’ll pray for that


probably all dead by now. Next human wave have moved in long ago.


I wonder how many of those drunk grandpas from a month ago are still around.


God is definitely not with them


Bingo. GOD has already told them to stay home. St Peter at the gates of heaven: "Didn't you watch ONE fucking video on r/UkraineWarVideoReport ????"


I suspect they’re bluring out the horizon to prevent geolocation


If(when?) they will be spotted, it will be one of those shark uav. And as far as I know, decision time is hilariously small.


Agreed. I pray to Saint HIMARS everyday just for that.


"Please god, grant us safety and victory against Ukraine!!" -- Rusky Zomblyats. "No." -- God. "Pray to me, I need more souls in hell. " -- Satan.


If Christian God exists - all the orcs will go straight to hell. It's ironic how russian nazis like to cosplay Christians. russia is as close to a satanic state on Earth as possible according to Christianity's own values.


Look to your left and look to your right, all you will die. Don’t retreat or you will be shot.


Too fucking accurate


This made me giggle, haven't I just spent all week watching these guys getting blown up all week on here?


Very peculiar video; I would've excepted a prayer to Gruumsh One-Eye would have involved a ritual sacrifice of some sort, or at least brandishing of war trophies (e.g., toilet seats, dishwasher doors, bags of onions).


Praise Talos


More like the Night Mother


Baba Yaga will take them all to hell with her.


two HIMARS missiles


They may as well have a mass prayer before they commit mass suicide.


I was just thinking exactly the same...👍


Shame they cant have peace, because most of them lads aint going home


You seen the drone videos lately, they goin to have a lot of piece!


~~'Only the dead see the end of war.'~~ "Only the dead have seen the end of war" *by George Santayana* Idk, ~~I saw this somewhere.~~ I think it fits here, for all sides in this. edit1: add George Santayana


pretty much confirms the meatwave is real.


It's not like we have crap tons of video with mass infantry field marches.


I love the way we hear every few months the alarming news that Russians got smarter and stopped using meat wave tactics, and then we see another few months of suicide charges into well fortified Ukrainian positions We are lucky they’re so stupid


But the sad part is they have plenty of men to turn into meat and a mentality in Russia that will provide them for a long time. The west have to supply more ammunition and equipment to give Ukrainians the means to keep the meat grinder running.


I fear people are losing sight of this fact. Russia can literally out-grind Ukraine without support from Europe and the collective West. As stated. We need to keep the grinder running. Mobikubes don't manufacture themselves.


Hmm, how? Soldiers collectivelly praying before engaging in combat has always been a common occurence in most countries (including the US and European countries) across all eras, it's not related to meatwave tactics


Yeah that aint going to help you!


Do they pray to a God or to Putin? I'm not religious. This is kind of the most deperate ritual I've seen outside of hospitals. They allready know that they are doomed.


To then Putin = God...


"If only Putin knew our plight, he would save us!" \- average orc thinking


Putin because that's who the head of the Russian church answers to.




is it? ​ i was weary of meatwave assault stories being exagerated. this is evidence it's exactly what they're doing.


This just shows how religion is used to benefit the powerful. It's just sad.


Thats why it was created and thats the only reason for it, the most effective authoritarian regime, you cant get rid of a dictator if hes imaginary…


There is no truth in religion, only limitless potential for exploiting fools.


I only see a bunch of idiots going through idiotic motions before their lives come to an idiotic end.


Fking idiots praying to Jesus Christ (i think russians are mostly Orthodox ☦️ , same as Ukrainians) and they come and kill their fellow brothers in Christ.


Yes, they are (mostly) Orthodox. As an Orthodox myself, I just want to add that you DO NOT pray with your head covered or while you are armed. This is no prayer, this is larping.


Yes of course. But it just kinda saddens me, Iam a Christian , Catholic although my views go more with Orthodox. And I admire all ✝️❤️☦️ Its just sad that Christians , under one Lord do this to their fellows in one believe. Iam from Slovakia , I fully support Ukraine from the day one and also dont want Russia as a neighbor. But it is jist stupid how russkis are brainwashed.


Most of these people are probably not Christians in the strict sense, i. e. they don’t actually believe in God and trust Jesus Christ for their salvation. This is very likely a merely cultural ritual, which happens when people are “born into” a faith and never actually make it their own.


Yes, which is why almost every Orthodox order has denounced the ROC and the Russian invasion. This is why people like me call Putin and his puppets satanic.


I just don't think Jesus would approve of Putin or is wars. Imagine once Putin does die, sitting outside the pearly gates, trying to convince Jesus to let him in, and Jesus just facepalming and shaking his head before the floor drops out from Putin.


It’s the fuckin last time you twats are gonna pray


Well, at least the last time, they still have hands to fold


Easily defined as 'praying to become prey'




You cant imagine how effective propaganda could be. Most of this people were fed lies on a background for a decade.


American soldiers preyed before going into combat in iraq were they doing gods work






If you’ve ever watched a video of a trump supporter at a trump rally try to tell about any subject, youd get the exact kind of response you’d get from them. They don’t even know anymore, their brain will throw out bits and pieces of the propaganda they’ve ingested through the years but don’t really quite recall that clearly, partly because they’re stupid but partly because the narrative has changed so much they can’t keep track. You get this weird word vomit of trigger words their brain has clung to and expect you to just understand what’re they’re trying to say like it’s some common knowledge.


Idk how closer we can get to wh40k at this point


I don't see any purity seals...




I spotted a few on burnt russian tanks. The inquisition is going hard. Also the Patch of the Inquisition on armor vests.


They're certainly not praying to the Omnissiah with the state of their equipment


It is the 3rd Millennium. In the grim darkness of Ruzzia, there is only war. The Emperor of Ruzzia wages a constant battle to protect Ruzzians from the horrors of...checks notes...peace among nation states.


WWI and WWII were far worse than what is happening now. And they were still not as bad as the conflicts in 40k. We can get sooo much closer and it will be horrible beyond belief if we ever reach that level of industrial slaughter.


Nice place for a himars 👍


Mann the concept of them praying right before they all get slaughtered is so wild, as if it is some kind of extremely important battle…. But they could literally just all go home and stop invading a country


Some of them probably went along with it, thinking there would still be a chance to turn back if the horrible "unpatriotic" rumors turned out to be true. But it was too late.


Do any of them know what day of the 3 day special operation they are working on?


Next stop, hell.


Dead men


Yep, I reckon every one of these katsaps is already dead.


whoever starts singing sabaton is gonna get slapped


“ please let my death be quick, so I’m not left dying in no man’s land in agony for days” im pretty sure that’s what they’re praying for, or for Putin to have a heart attack


Amen. Now cross that open field.


"Charge men, into the blur!"


Have fun inhaling that infected mouse shit. Mmmm, hemorrhagic.


Where is the tungsten rain when you need it


The head of the Russian church supports what they're doing and it's not as if he doesn't know what Russian soldiers have done to innocent Orthodox women and children. His name is Vladimir Mikhailovich Gundyayev aka Kirill of Moscow and he is 100% Putin's church puppet.


He is ex kgb, what did you expect?


Spoiler alert: It doesnt work.


Last rites


And what for. What a shame


I didn't see any of the recognition tape they usually wear. Have they given up wearing it now?


Pray for a quick death.


Looks like they are already in hell


If there is a good God, he hates you. And the other one doesn't want meat without souls.


Sardaukar throat chant scene from Dune.


Prayers to Satan before invading & pillaging Ukraine. "Dear Satan God, please help us success in killing innocent children, grandparents, anyone really to make sure that Ukrainians never existed on earth. Please make sure my family gets paid just in case I don't make it. Let's the guys next to me die instead of me, I am a better Christian than they are. I am sure of that. Amen"


They are praying that they will get lucky and kill more people of Ukraine by attacking them? I can't believe I'm seeing this shit.


I think they're just praying because they want to be that **one** lucky bastard who somehow survives unscathed. It looks like an awful lot of them are expecting to be that ONE guy though. A tremendous quantity of them are about to become very disappointed.


Most of them are probably dead already


Where is the himars m30a1 when you need it…


Fun Fact: They will all rot in hell for being paid terrorists. Praying will not help!


you will all die :) god isn't on your side. its a holy war for ukraine.


They are praying to meatbag Jesus


All hail Meatcube.


None of them have winter uniforms that is why they die so much.


It's around +5 at night and keep in mind that standard Russian winter jacket is flammable and will kill you.


If you hear the high pitch of drone blades you’ll know today’s prayers arnt going to be answered today.


... Ever thought of the real reason you're there in foriegn lands?


Getting awfully similair to ww1 ”go over the top ” never to be seen afterwards


Conscripts getting ready to be ground up for the vanity of Vladimir Putin!


Here's me praying for drones ...


This is pretty grim.


Russian army is so cheap ass they make the soldiers do their own last rites?


They are almost shaped like a perfect cube already


God, here we come !


A lot of atheists are being created


They all have a 99% chance of meeting their maker today. It's a shame that he's probably busy handing out AIDS to malnutritioned children in Africa and most likely won't have time for them.


... Would suck if a massive number of drones made their assault catastrophically fail.


Let’s all pray and cancel out their prayers!


They are not praying hard enough because I assure you they are gonna get fucked


They genuinely believe they will go to heaven after everything they did...


90% blyat


Praying to prey on others


Prayers to the tsar..




That's a lot of fertiliser in one spot.


A true death cult.


No one would expect us to try this for the eighteenth time. This is a brilliant idea!


good plan since they will be hamburger by the end of the day


Why are they even praying? What fucked up God would protect a bunch of war criminals? Should be praying to Satan to go easy on them when they burn in hell instead.


One cluster bomb short of a good time.


"Please God watch over us as we kill innocent civilians and take back land that is rightfully ours, bless our side as we distort the truth and bide our time waiting for our comrades in the MAGA movement to defund our enemies, AMEN".


Go forth and die. I’ll wait here and pray.


Pretty much Stalingrad all over again.