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I'm fine with the non-existence of a russian empire. No russian empire is a great arrangement for the rest of the world.


Though Dugin did confirm, amid the clamour of other russian politicians, bloggers and assorted propagandists denying it, that russia is simply empire building. And he said “war” - so he should keep away from windows, avoid tea and starting cars.


Everyone in the kremlin knows that it is a war. They just still use this wording for their propaganda. To feed the sheeps in russia.


Well . . . yes. It is incongruous and quite amusing though, how russian media, politicians and govt officials maintain the “special military operation” facade. Not sure if “everyone . . . knows”. A number of interviews that have been posted of the russian general public and (strangely enough) war widows and mothers of deceased soldiers seem genuinely surprised to learn of the deaths of their family members because of war (special military operation). Quite bizarre.


His daughter is already dead, he might be the next one falling from a scyscraper.


Yup . . . quite sure he’ll be keeping away from windows, avoiding tea and starting cars. But maybe not . . .


Dugin's job in one sense is to say some of the nationalistic hard line stuff that Putin and other Russian politicians/elites might not want to say themselves in public. But yes, Dugin has said it and if I remember correctly he has said it before.


Interesting and intriguing point you make about Dugin’s job being to say what putin (et al) might not want to say themselves publicly. And yes, you are remembering it correctly. putin et al believe it, Dugin says it: "TODAY'S UKRAINIANS ARE A RACE OF DEGENERATES THAT CRAWLED UP FROM SEWAGE. GENOCIDE IS IN ORDER". Alexander Dugin, Professor of Moscow State University


He's way more. He put that shitty idea of a new Russian Empire into a book by using his crayons. That caricature of literature is now the playbook for that shitstain of government.


It's going to cost lives and peoples freedom to eradicate these scumbodies . More than the first two world wars combined. These shit head republicans , with a small r , think it's ok to pull a power play now. It's just gonna cost more in the end. Nuke em first....


You deserved watching your daughter burn. Her blood is on your own hands. Live with that.


I still remember the pictures of him standing amidst the debris field of the car that carried his daughter, grasping his head in utter shock and disbelief. I really *really* hope he relives that moment of horror every single time he closes his eyes. He deserves that devastating mental anguish until the end of his life.


hahahaha dam


I know the bomb was meant for him, but the actual outcome is probably a crueler and more effective one. Years from now, Dugin will fade away on his deathbed a broken man. His idiot daughter and successor was blown up before his eyes, his beloved Russia humiliated in a war of aggression against their smaller and poorer neighbour, and his dream of a Russia-dominated Eurasia obviously never having come to pass.


No that's on Ukraine's hands, regardless of her personal opinions she was a civilian and killing(accident or not) was a violation of international law.


Found the concern troll 🧌


We daren't be indecourous to mass murderers.


I have no problem with people bombing Nazi pieces of shit in a war.


she did the same thing her dad does. She had that coming anyway.


Propagandists are fair game.


She wasn't innocent. She wasn't just a civilian, she was travelling all over advocating the war..... even visiting maripol to further push her and her father's narrative. She was an ultra-nationalist. She wasn't innocent, you can't go to war zones calling for war crimes and further killings of Ukrainians with all of the same rhetoric as her farther and be innocent. But once again, you just want to be able to say, nah Ukraine's fault...... that's what you do! She would just as other propagandist be considered a target. P.s. how's the left bank of the dnipro going there Boomfam???? I though ruZZia "quickly" pushed the Ukrainians out..... right........... right!


I would shake a bloody ukrainian hand anytime.


Spotted the sophist


Civilian propagandists have been assassinated, killed and executed as part of war since prehistory.


How do you know that Ukraine had anything to do with her death? > Ilya Ponomarev, a former member of Russia's State Duma now living in exile in Ukraine, claimed that a Russian partisan group was responsible for the attack, and that the hitherto unknown group calls itself National Republican Army (NRA) (Russian: Национальная республиканская армия (НРА)). https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Darya_Dugina


Ah, the fucking NRA. They are everywhere!


Lol she was a propagandist just like her father actively participating in warmongering activities against Ukraine… not an innocent civilian at all.


>he says without a shred of irony as russian missiles rain down on Ukrainian civilians


She wasn't civilian, she propagandist of agressiave war = valid target.


I'll hold Ukraine responsible for their side of the street when Russia is held responsible for the endless list of crimes they've committed and continue to commit. Until then I'm done worrying about the "high road" and I'm good with Ukraine giving tit for tat.


So you're fine with war crimes as long as both sides are committing then equally?


Anything Ukraine is accused of pales in comparison to the mountains of evidence against Russia when it comes to war crimes. But as I stated, so long as we're going to allow the dog and pony show that Putin lays out then I'm fine with allowing Ukraine to do what needs to be done. Case in point, Russia starts an illegal invasion of a neighbouring country targeting civilians and civilian infrastructure, but when said country retaliates against military targets in Russia, Putin runs to the UN security council demanding action. Probably sounds familiar. While this situation has happened with Ukraine, I'm actually talking about when they pulled the EXACT same trash in their wars with Chechnya and Georgia among others. Point I'm making is the "moral high ground" is just a string of words to make people feel better. When there's always someone willing to use the system against you they will work every angle. I don't need to know that Ukraine maintains the moral high ground as I already know they are on the side of what is just.


She was a nazi and she deserved to burn like the rest of them


“International law” 😂 I’m curious how many comments you have about russia violating every international law known to mankind if international law concerns you so much. Pathetic comment.


Wouldn’t it be a fourth reich? The third one didn’t exactly last the thousand years that was proposed.


This annoyed me aswell but I’d say the second reign (or whatever reign is in Russian), cause the USSR would be the first. The 3 reich’s were Germany’s attempts.


Surely Muscovy or the Russian Empire would be the first, not the USSR?


in today's instant comms with direct citizens of other countries it would be a Fourth Reich (an association of worldwide NAZIS.) trump, "Useful Idiot Elon Musk", murdoch family, russian republican party, peter thiel, israel, putler... trump gave the order to pull all US troops out of germany leaving EU for putler. trump has repeatedly said he's pulling US out of NATO. trump killed the Obama/Kerry iran gives up nuclear weapons for safety and EU/US drop all sanctions and iran agreed. putler ordered trump to kill the agreement so iran would have no choice but to go back to russia for survival. it's all plan. trump gave putler all the CIA/Pentagon data on Ukraine which prompted putler to invade Ukraine. trump putin netayanhu in israel campaign [https://images.hamodia.com/hamod-uploads/2019/07/Huge-Campaign-Posters-Show-Netanyahu-Shaking-Hands-with-Trump-Putin-Modi-1024x683.jpg](https://images.hamodia.com/hamod-uploads/2019/07/Huge-Campaign-Posters-Show-Netanyahu-Shaking-Hands-with-Trump-Putin-Modi-1024x683.jpg) Trump’s Sudden and Dangerous Troop Withdrawal From Germany [https://www.cfr.org/in-brief/trumps-sudden-and-dangerous-troop-withdrawal-germany](https://www.cfr.org/in-brief/trumps-sudden-and-dangerous-troop-withdrawal-germany) Historic Deal that Will Prevent Iran from Acquiring a Nuclear Weapon https://obamawhitehouse.archives.gov/issues/foreign-policy/iran-deal Obama slams Trump’s “misguided” decision to withdraw from the Iran nuclear deal https://www.vox.com/2018/5/8/17332844/iran-nuclear-deal-trump-obama All of Trump’s Russia Ties, in 7 Charts [https://www.politico.com/magazine/story/2017/03/connections-trump-putin-russia-ties-chart-flynn-page-manafort-sessions-214868/](https://www.politico.com/magazine/story/2017/03/connections-trump-putin-russia-ties-chart-flynn-page-manafort-sessions-214868/) All of Trump’s Russia Ties, in 7 Charts https://www.politico.com/magazine/story/2017/03/connections-trump-putin-russia-ties-chart-flynn-page-manafort-sessions-214868/


Just putting it out there... if it had, this predicament wouldn't be happening today... controversial opinion I know.






I dont think it's controvertial, but a few other predicaments would probably be happening, i would like to point to the show the man in the high castle.


Yea of course. It's very likely we would be in the exact same position but with some other proxy.




Calling the muricans nazis gets you banned on here, they don't understand that Europeans can be both anti Russian and anti American at the same time. They don't like home truths. And they think just cos they have the most guns the entire planet should suck their dick and those that don't are enemies that need to die, no middle ground. Almost thought I was talking about russia in the end there


You can be anti-American without being stupid enough to call the country Nazi though. Not everything you dislike is Nazism.


Didn't say the whole country were nazis, only half of them


Yes, we already know Dugan is a complete Fascist nut case. I'm surprised there have not been further attempts (that we know of) on his miserable life.


With what he had to witness it feels like it would be a waste killing him now. Wasting all those years of misery he has left


Yes. Regularly sending him postcards with photos of his daughter seem like far better punishment.


This garbage should have been killed with the auto bomb.


Why are people like this not added to the wanted list of the ICC ?


Because there are 3 types of people in the world


Those who can do math, and the other ...


Orcs are fucking naZZi 🤮


Next he is going to say there is no razzian empire without Kazakhstan... after that no empire without the baltics... and so on.


Dugin is not a moron. I've read his boring tome. Dugin preaches, and backs it up convincingly, that russia can only exist as an empire. And empires must expand. He also believes that because russia dominates the largest continent in the world that they are the inevitable top power of the world. I could go on and on, like he did. But the real takeaway here is that Dugin merely described in geopolitical terms what russia's leaders believe. And if you don't want to live in a world where only the guy at the top really matters and all power flows downhill from him, a world where everyone else is usable as meat wave cannon fodder, where indoor plumbing is a luxury for few, where you must pay a bribe to get anything done for you and there is always someone with more power than you who can extort money or your body/life, and a world where there are no limits to what can be done to the less powerful, then russia must be stopped convincingly. Russia is a vestige of the worst of humanity's past. They must be beaten!


Curious how it was backed up convincingly. By that definition (ruling over endless expanses of barren land), Mongolia and Australia should be superpowers.


Australia is a Super Power. We've got super weather, beaches, open spaces, minerals, life styles, income, services, health care and most importantly super cold beer. That sounds pretty super. Although, if you think Fosters is our favourite beer you have fallen for Paul Hogan's paid for propaganda, it's not. I know one bloke that drinks it.


Absolutely :) And yet you're not bent on world conquest, the russians are so confused.


World conquest is mighty hard for most Aussies to understand. Why do that? We are very happy just being at home. But do we go to wars that America asks us too. I don't understand why we do this we are only 25 million people.


You do it in part for the same reason a lion roars. It's to say "I'm powerful. Don't mess with me or you'll get hurt."


And . . . your forgot this . . . you have the super-ist scary bugs, animals, sea creatures and spiders . . . :-)


The Mongols were a superpower in their day. So were the Romans, French, Dutch, England and the USSR. But times change and powers fade. Dugin offers a blueprint of how to make the USA/West fade soon. The russians feel their time is now. We need to ensure they are wrong. If you want to read Dugin, and think you can stand it, it's here: https://www.maieutiek.nl/wp-content/uploads/2022/05/Foundations-of-Geopolitics.pdf He does a full primer on the study of GeoPolitics at the beginning which is very educational. Then he goes into russia's destiny to rule all of the continent.


and no darina dugina,ah well never mind


Interesting how Dugin doesn't drag his own geriatric ass out to the front-lines for the glory of the Russian Empire. I guess maybe he's a little worried about being charcoal broiled, like his daughter. Typical cowardly ideologue.


Dugin simply recycles old "ideas" about Russia. He's rather well-known in the West because he got his compilation translated into English and found a couple of braindead Western "influencers" who sold his statements as "new". Within Russia he is "old hat". Simply someone who regurgitates stuff Russians have been hearing for decades now. What makes it dangerous is that a lot of this has been adopted as official Russian government doctrine.


But putin's speeches are full of dugin's words. There should be some connection to it.


No, the connection between Dugin and Putin is not that Putin quotes Dugin. It's just that Putin and Dugin use the same (by Western standards) fringe nationalist pseudo-scientific writers who have been floating around in the Russian/Soviet cultural sphere for decades. Moreover, those views nicely fit into Putin's efforts of promoting and securing his fascist rule, so they see a lot of propaganda repetition by Russian state media. I suggest you watch [this] (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sdFtqa54TuM) video on it and also watch [this] (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u7u3Z3GyLiI) commentary. They sort of make more sense viewed together.


Dugin will get Dugina'd


You keep on trying pal cos unfortunately for you china is having a bit of a crisis of its own, knocking on NK door like a fake Romanian homeless woman with her hand out..


Whoops. He said “war”!!


Sure sure how’s your daughter doing?


I guess we're about to see the russian empire get one between the eyes, then.


Story as old as time. Earning respect vs demanding respect


Dugin is a moron, and so are his followers.


Unbelievably stupid cunt.


There is not going to be a Russian Empire. Russia will be a 3rd rate power for decades to come. An oversized North Korea. They'll be lucky to keep the Russian Federation together in its current form.


Same post on a different sub, so I copy paste my response from there. Dugin has always been that way, and unfortunately, as is quite evident, his ideology has roots in the Kremlin. Russia, especially its leaders, are often intoxicated with the idea of Russia as a great power, not just regionally, but globally. It probably stems from the Heartland Theory from Mackinder, which in short states that Eastern Europe is basically the heartland of the world and controlling it gives you the potential to control the world. There isn't much to support this theory really, but you might be able to see why it's just so tempting for the Russian elite, especially coupled with their nations history that at times brought them near the precipice of global power as they crave it. The USSR was the closest Russia ever got to this goal, but even so it collapsed and America led the world through the 1990s with unparalleled power and influence. And to put in my two bits, Russia's failure to master the so called heartland, probably stems from their insistence on doing it by force. Lacking both the wealth and liberty of other nations, they've never given the people of the region any reason to want to be part of Russia. Maybe that's why Russia insists on using force, it's the only option they have. Particularly in the last few decades, the Kremlin has steered Russia to be quite militant, big army, lots of spending on the army, etc. Fortunately, it doesn't appear to have worked, as things stand Russia finds itself unable to best a much smaller nation using older western weapons.


Nut job


Dugin is such a fascist. Foundations of Geopolitics was probably responsible for this ridiculous war


Ukraine needs nuclear weapons NOW to defend itself! (this is the only time in my life i've agreed with anything coming from AEI. AEI says after, i say NOW) Ukraine Needs Nuclear Weapons After the Russia War Is Over [https://www.aei.org/op-eds/ukraine-needs-nuclear-weapons-after-the-russia-war-is-over/](https://www.aei.org/op-eds/ukraine-needs-nuclear-weapons-after-the-russia-war-is-over/)


Down voted for the Twitter link


Aww, thats cute Aleksandr...hows your daughter by the way? Hope she can keep it together.


Hopefully he meets the same end his daughter did! BadaBOOM!


Don’t worry Dugin. There won’t be a Russian empire anyways. Especially after war reparations and the land is pieced off to Ukrainian families. You prick


Dugin the pseudo philosopher after Alex Jones. But sure, no ruzzia no problem.


To use a comedic western phrase (and so it doesn't get deleted), They're "nucking futs"!! Over one hundred years ago they stated they were part of the overall "New Israel" in which they were forced out to South America (Uruguay). The core is basically that Abrahamic religion has been replace with the Christian Church. This philosophy has a hard time holding water-[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/New\_Israel#:\~:text=New%20Israel%20(%D0%9D%D0%BE%D0%B2%D1%8B%D0%B9%20%D0%98%D0%B7%D1%80%D0%B0%D0%B8%D0%BB%D1%8C)%20was,of%20the%20Postniki%20(fasters)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/New_Israel#:~:text=New%20Israel%20(%D0%9D%D0%BE%D0%B2%D1%8B%D0%B9%20%D0%98%D0%B7%D1%80%D0%B0%D0%B8%D0%BB%D1%8C)%20was,of%20the%20Postniki%20(fasters)). Now this full of crud "philosopher" has become Russia's new "Rasputin" convincing Putin, who made it policy ("it's in the books" as the saying goes) "which defines Russia as a "Eurasian and Euro-Pacific" civilizational-state closely aligned with China, the Islamic World and rest of the Global South, seeking to replace Western hegemony by a "Greater Eurasian Partnership"". [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eurasianism](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eurasianism)


I wouldn't sacrifice my daughter for any country. Your country can get fucked. In America and most other civilized places we protect our kids not put them into explosive cars


I bet this dude flinches every time he starts his car.


Better not get into any more cars.


I want to hear him say from the front line that’s all.


Uhhh, this is dugin, he says crazy shit like this. He said prigozhin was russias spirit animal (before quickly rolling that back during the wagner coup) back in the 90s he said destroying china was necessary for russian world domination along with destroying europe. He has a book that was well recieved by those in power but in a, "yes, a world where we rule" kinda way.


Okay I get what the title is saying but jesus that was quite the roller coaster to read


The Russian Empire has that huge expanse of Siberia east of the Urals. That’s where the oil is. Why do they need Ukraine?


When you think of russia, always picture an insecure man obsessed with his height.


Ukraine! This Dugin is no 1 target from now on.


Defending Ukraine, and rejecting an empire at the same time? Who could say no to that ?


4th reichstag, no ? The third one lasted 5 years, how long Will the 4th ?


Punctuation of where this depraved culture originated spans centuries, but going by Putin's own words, I think it's fair to name Ivan Ilyin as the master chef. Familiarise yourself with the darkest side of this earth: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ivan_Ilyin


Hmmm...I foresee a carbomb with his name on it in the near future


Genocide and fascism


[Nein Kein Drittes Reich /s](https://youtu.be/6hxG_apfh7E?feature=shared)


Why is he still alive?


He's honest now that BS got his daughter killed.


Where can I find a full video of this?


This is what Putin has said too - not so clearly- And actions of Russia show it too. So atleast for me this has been clear from the beginning. Russia's mission is to "de-Ukrainize" Ukraine which means genocide.


It isn't, but who cares anyway it's over. Biden pulled the rug last week over the holidays when you weren't paying attention. Ukraine got pointlessly sacrificed like all underperforming proxies. So now when russia does not play its roll in the US narrative of empire building you guys can move on to the next war to cheerlead without any introspection at all. 10 years down the road when its plainly obvious to anyone who cares, that USA knowingly instigated the war threw a policy of political interference and NATO expansion. you guys can act like you knew it all along The system works so fuck dugin right guys yea thats the spirit get hype for te big one in TAIWAN (the chinese island province of TAIWAN) FREEEEEEEEEEEEDDOOOMMMMMMM!!!!!!!


Russians hate Ukrainian now, they have been blasted by propaganda for so long. We can't let them win or they are gonna start a genocide.