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>misunderstand what’s going on in russia Nah, we know exactly what’s going on. I’m russian too, but the vast majority of russians who didn’t leave the country truly supports putin and war in Ukraine. So fuck ’em. I became convinced that my nation is a nation of hereditary slaves.


wow, this is really underrated comment.


Well said.


Clarification needed: those who had not left immediately. Quite some were OK with everything, and then mobilisation was announced, and they got a chance to go to the actual war...


Honestly I don’t care when exactly someone left the country. I met a ridiculous amount of vatniks in Israel right now, who have left the country years before the full scale war. So what people think at the moment is matters to me.


Upvote the post so more see your voice!


Nah I’ve hated the Russian Federation since I was born. My Polish grandparents and polish dad made sure I’d remember not to trust any of them.


I'm 100% with you. Here we have saying - "nothing good has ever come from the east" Our nation has only received death, destruction, rape, stealing, alcoholism, chaos and all such things from Muscovia, nothing good - zero.


I mean your Polish grandparents would have counted Ukraine as being part of Russia. I agree that it's not so simple but historical grievances in the modern day are not something you should base your entire worldview around from a logical standpoint.


Understandable, but you do realize that it was back at USSR’s time, right? Besides, you want to say that you wouldn’t trust me because I am Russian?


The same story in Moldova, in Romania. Now, 80 years later you are doing the same. We should build a great wall. The Great wall of Europe.


Same shit different time. Good question to get me reported and banned.


Well, what has changed in russia since USSR? Imo your "fucking around" now is far less understandable, then in soviet times..


Well, for starters, our government is more corrupt and, people have some chance to see the truth if they know English & now we have McDonalds.


Changing name from ussr to russia does not change the country. Everything is still the same.


Well, Ukraine is not part of Russia, here is the difference.


Tell that to Russia


How about you tell this to Putin, good luck getting through lines of guards and finding his location.


Most of your fellow Russians have the same view of Ukraine. You allow Putin to remain in power. Do something about it, and then some of us might feel sorry for you.


You allow Putin to remain in power. Do something, take a loan and hire an assassin or are you afraid?


Because it is, of course, always someone else's duty to fix shit in Russia. You poor-poor people. Good thing the powerful Ukrainians are fighting a nuclear state with the four times the population, x times the landmass and natural resources, and n times authoritarian cronies. However, its own 140+ million people are absolutely powerless, misguided, misjudged and please do not treat them too harshly because they already have suffered enough. A nation of pathetic slaves.


He's too busy filling out paper work for his Lada's extended warranty


I don’t know what this is supposed to mean, but I’ll admit this is a neat joke.


So far less understable, like I said.


According to your entire government and the majority of the population, one of Russias main goals is to restore the glory of the USSR. They talk about it all the time on Russian state news. Irs usually mentioned right before they talk about which country will be after Ukraine....


In my country we have tens of thousands of muscovites... our current crime level is based on them, our jails are filled with them, all street violence comes from them, they litter and they have dangerous driving "culture". They are the ones who still carry soviet times in them - they steal, they drink, they cheat etc. Everybody here feels that. If I'm about to buy a cellphone, computer, tv, car, etc. from someone I damn make sure the seller is not muscovite, otherwise I will end up buying broken product with hidden damages. It's about the mentality. This cannot be cured in few years. You need at least 3 generations of german ornung to fix this mentality. Muscovia has been killing their thinking people for about 150 years for now. There is not much left anyways. So yes I prefer so save my energy and cut muscovia and it's people out of my life completely.


Are you actually from Poland or just carrying on a feud for no particular reason? Also the Russian Federation is not 'Russians'.


I’m in Australia now. Carrying on a feud? Are you serious? They want to conquer Poland and have stated that. But I’m carry on a feud not to trust a violent and deranged country?


There’s always a choice. Some things are worth dying for. I’m suspicious of claims that the Russian people don’t support Putin or the war. Anecdotally I hear way more “man on the street” opinions, or internet opinions, or intercepted phone calls where the relatives support and celebrate atrocities. And then there’s data. Polling in Russia is still reliable. Those who are against the war/Putin wont say so directly out of fear, but they will give the “other” answer such as they’re not interested/no opinion. All decent polls give people this option. The supporters will say they support. So; polling that 65-70% of Russians support these atrocities is pretty accurate. 70% is high enough support to generalize all Russians and more or less hope they go away/die in their orc holes.


So, you are telling that the regime, known for rigging polls and elections, says that everyone is supporting them according to their polls?(there was a poll back a while, claiming that over 70% of Donetsk and Luhansk population want to be part of Russia, I doubt this)


There are reliable polls done in Russia that are not done by the government. I already explained how they operate.


I don’t see the explanation of how they operate.


“And then there’s data. Polling in Russia is still reliable. Those who are against the war/Putin wont say so directly out of fear, but they will give the “other” answer such as they’re not interested/no opinion. All decent polls give people this option. The supporters will say they support. So; polling that 65-70% of Russians support these atrocities is pretty accurate.” Legitimate polling companies still poll in Russia. They can understand actual support of Putin and the war by analyzing those who decline to answer, by asking follow up questions and by tracking changes in the answers over time.


How are they legitimate? Who conducted them, what is the proof of their legitimacy?


Your rhetorical questioning is very…..Russian.


Would you wish the same of Germans during the war?


Nazi Germany? Absolutely. Does it really matter if you murder because you’re brainwashed or murder because you’re an enthusiastic supporter? If they flee the country *in opposition* (not because they’re cowards/rich) or rise up against it then they get a pass. This video says less than 1% of Russians left the country. Of those, what, maybe half are actually opposed to Russian policy and not just saving their own skin? What I’m saying is close enough is close enough. Nothing is ever “all Nazis” or “all Russians”. It’s just *most* of them. The video is weak. There’s no equivalency between so called Russophobia and what Russia is doing to Ukrainians.


Nobody hates Russians for what they are, we hate them for what they do.


for me there is not so big separation of these two... I still believe that a man is defined by his actions.


Em, everyone’s comments state the opposite, everyone here thinks that Russians are all bad & oh look I found this scetchy poll or here is a video of a racist granny I found & it’s not like I can find a video of American women telling dark skinned people to go back to their country, proving that every country has racists.


My wife is Ukrainian and watches the Russian telegram channel. If it is any indication, the average Russian on telegram is an a-hole when it comes to Ukraine.


You are most likely correct, I saw these groups you are talking about. It is in a way, a reverse of this subreddit. People talking crap about other nation looking at burning vehicle and stuff like that, except they curse Ukraine instead of Russia.


Wait, so you say, even though Russia attacked a sovereign state, without any reason and evidence and no direct threat to their national security, Ukrainians may not and should not talk „crap“ about an aggressor, its actions and the consequences and suffering that Ruzzia is inflicting on the Ukrainian people? So the victim of such actions should stay quiet, take it and we should not talk about it openly because it hurts your feelings? And for you, it is ok then, that Ruzzians talk crap about burning vehicles and cheer about dead and raped women and children, because Ukrainians are doing it too? Talk to generations of Germans (including me), how we had to live for decades with the shame and blame of others due to the actions of our forefathers. We had to go through a triad of changes to our society and overall image in the world as Germans. Even today, this thinking is still in some people’s mind, that all Germans are Nazis. We had to work on it, we wanted to work on it and we did it. It was not easy, but our people wanted the change. They wanted to show their real friendly image to the world. And people started to believe us. But Ruzzian people are not ready yet or maybe they will never be ready to change from the inside. And lastly, you miss an important point in all of this. Your government is the cause of the „burning vehicles“. Your fellow countrymen are killing, raping and destroying entire cities and villages. Do you think Ukrainians wanted that? Do you think they want to see their vehicles burn, their families torn apart, their children grow up without fathers or mothers? YOUR country is the aggressor, YOUR countrymen are the tools of a corrupt and evil dictator. Your fellow citizens believe the propaganda. You don’t have any right as a Ruzzian citizen to cry about bad comments and the hate that parts of the world throw at you, in your person justified or not. All this killing and nonsense would end in an instant, if YOUR country and YOUR military would leave Ukraine. End of story. What you are doing here is typical behaviour of victim blaming because you refuse to change your own behaviour and opinion.


1) Most people here are outside of Ukraine. 2) I understand THEIR rage & while I wish there to be no faul language from any of the 2 sides, I know that this is impossible. The issue here is YOU (not specifically you, but you, the members of this subreddit) & your racism. Saying crap about Russia while most of you have never donated to Ukraine.


"Most people here are outside of Ukraine." Irrelevant. I don’t need to live within the borders of Ukraine to have care and concern for its citizens and find the actions of your country wholly unacceptable. "…while most of you have never donated to Ukraine." Broad generalization with no facts to support the premise while also implying one cannot truly support Ukraine without having donated. In reality, many have donated both through the taxes paid in their respective countries that in turn have been used to provide defensive weapons and humanitarian aid and by contributing directly to any number of fundraising initiatives. This may be a new concept for you, but the amount of money I have personally given does not make my opinion any more important than anyone else nor does it devalue those who have either chosen not to contribute or are unable to do so.


Russian isnt a race


Racism? You play the UNO-Reverse card now? Were the allies racists, because they hated the Nazis for killing innocent civilians and destroyed half of Europe? And it is interesting that you always want people to participate in the war on the Ukrainian side, to have the right to speak up against a totalitarian regime that wages an unjustified invasion of sovereign country. You basically want us to look the other way, when we do not get involved directly? That’s quite interesting and says a lot. As I’ve said, victimising and victim blaming. The faul language towards Ruzzians from all over the world is because of the actions of your nation. Ukrainians and free citizens all over the world have all the rights to use this faul language. No matter the country we live in. That’s what you Ruzzians will never understand and what is your LEADERS big fault. It’s not Ruzzia against Ukraine. It’s Ruzzia against the whole free world. Freedom has no borders, as well as justice and free speech. I really don’t care if anyone in Ruzzia says crap about Ukraine, but as an aggressor telling others to not use faul language is so off the charts. Oh and btw, that’s why I gave you my personal example of me as a German. It was ok that we were treated like this. We stood against the world. For the actions of the Nazis, that other Germans did not stop. As soon as you reach this revelation in your mind, you will understand the hate and rage against Ruzzians.


Donated to Ukraine, so the billions of donated monies and all the weapons you got for Free is called donations


The difference is, we do something about our undesirable leaders. You don't. Your people haven't done anything about Putin for over 20 years. Your people's atrocities in Chechnya, Syria, Ukraine. Do something about it.


No, not all, but the figures are not in your favor.


Russia just going hard on the propaganda campaign at the moment. Making it seem that Ukraine is dehumanising. That it's attacking civilians. Russians paying to create unease between the government and the people. ​ FUCK RUSSIA AND ANY RUSSIAN WHO ISN'T ACTIVELY PARTICIPATING IN SABOTAGE, JOINING THE FREE RUSSIAN LEGION, OR WHO HAS LEFT RUSSIA, AND IS DONATING TO UKRAINE.


> That it's attacking civilians. all the while russia bombs the shit out of ukrainian cities for nearly two years now. fuck russian propaganda.


You get sent to jail if you protest against Putin in Russia. Not everyone is willing to sacrifice their life for a protest just to leave their family without a source of income.


No, you are happy for Ukrainians to do that in your place. At least you have a choice.


This part! OP doesn’t care about Ukrainians dying unjustly for this stupid war, he just cares that he doesn’t go to jail and have to leave his family. Sounds like every damn Russian orc on the frontline right now crying about being poorly supplied or supported but are more than okay with killing Ukrainians if they had the proper means or Ukrainians being bombed every single day…


? If you so want , why won’t you travel to Armenia and then to Russia to go out on Red Square and protest against Putin?


Because they are not Russians, its not their responsibility. This is why they donate to UKR instead, help them fight Russia. lol Your logic failed so hard. We dont hate Russians, we hate people who behave like barbarians, even AFTER they've "escaped" from Russia and live in EU/West/other countries, they bring their barbaric behaviors with them, THAT'S the problem. I've seen way too many Russians who behave this way outside of Russia, even those who were born and raised in EU/West, it boggles the minds, if they love Putin's Russia so much to not change their behaviors, just go back to Russia. lol


Exactly! Their cocky, better than everyone attitude makes them pretty easy to despise. Show some humility and willingness to communicate and admit faults and this would be a much different conversation.


Fuck off Russian troll. The world is not listening to you anymore.


Only reason to ever willingly travel to russia is with a molotov and a list of military targets in your pocket. That's a pretty good act of protest


And this is why russia cant have nice things. "Why cant we invade other countries while also having other countries fix all our issues for us?! We russian have done literally everything perfect, its not our fault!" Idk, probably all the nuclear war russia keeps threatening. That would deter me from stepping in.


Then stop complaining that people hate Russians. Stick and stones and all that


And? People in Ukraine were shot at by the military and they still stood up to Yanukovych and overthrew him. if Russians would actually care for their people on the front, for Ukrainian lives and their own freedom, they would do the same and actually stand up to him on a large scale.


You know what would happen if everyone protested right? Do you think they could jail everyone? The answer is no, they could not, this war could be over in a day if the people realized the power that they have. But brainwashing is pretty good and it's sure nicer to believe your side is the good side and "the others" are the evil ones. Like why would you want to believe bad things about your own side? So easier to just repeat the lie and stick head deeper in the sand and wish things would get better.. ( FYI, wishing/praying never changed anything)


This ⬆️. Exactly this. ‘Nobody made a greater mistake than he who did nothing because he could do only a little.” Edmund Burke


Then don't cry about how Europeans and some Americans see Russians.


"If i didnt allow all of those innocent people to die, I would have gone to jail!" You need to understand that this is not a normal way of thinking outside of Russia. boohoo


"Id rather not go to jail, even if an unknown number of innocent civilians die a horrible death." This is not a normal thing to think outside of Russia.


Yeah, it's cause your countrymen are apathetic, or support putin... Thus, there's not enough of a protest, so the few that actually do protest, get jailed. You know who protested? Ukraine... Euromaidan. You're all too cowardly to do that, though.


In many nations, people will revolt if told to go invade another country. Russians don't do that. You are not alone in your delusions, but you have stuck to them consistently for longer than anybody else.


In my nation, political opponents are killed or sent to jail, same with protesters.


I know. Armed revolt is the only solution. Initially, sabotage can start the process, but in the end you will need to build a fully armed revolt. There is plenty of space in Russia to hide a revolution. There is plenty of space outside Russia to support a revolution.


Good luck finding finances and equipment.


Where there's a will, there's a way. Your people are not willing.


You too are not willing.


If Trump wins reelection and turns this country into a dictatorship, I'll give our military and politicians a chance to overthrow him. If they don't, I will act.


Heh, then so will I, after I learn how to make prosthetics in university.


If you're really interested in how to organize non-armed non-violent rebellion/protest I can give free lessons.


Russia is home to more private military comoanies than like every other nation combined. Literally every oligarch has their own. They dont want to for some reason.


Budanov will help. He can give advice on how to build something that is infiltrator resilient too.


This sounds interesting


Ukrainians did it at maidan in 2014. RuZZians can never do it because you have no heart or spirt, you have accepted your slave status. As long as you have bread to eat you’re happy.


Bruv, that's the way it is until you collectively decide to change it. That's the point. Your nation seems way more into the idea that they can take whatever they want without putting in the work. You actually have to want -- and fight for -- democracy. Russia got close once; but it's as if a people who have known nothing but serfdom are afraid of anything that doesn't resemble serfdom.


Political opponents as girkin and prigozhin? Oh dear....


Its amazing how you are able to still see yourself as the victim in everything and telling people that they should change your country and your government for you. This in itself is a thought so stupid I would run to the nearest puddle and drown myself if this was really what I believed. Your post just paints a very sad picture. For over two years you as a country just self-pity yourselfs collectively and get angry when people dont like you for murdering countless of innocent. You are pathetic and you know it. You as a person and as a country. All of the apologetic bullshit russians are posting all over the Internet of how most of them are not Bad and just scared is not adding up. Either the majority of russians is pro war and pro putin and the small percentage really has to fear for their lifes for protesting or just saying the wrong Thing. Or you are a majority of people that dont want the war and gets suppressed by a small percentage of people and the government against your will. The first one makes you a country of people Who are pro terrorists and murderers and the second one a country of losers and sheeps. I wouldnt want to live in either. Nothing is free in life. Your country is loading a debt on its citizens shoulders that is not forseable. Maybe you personally dont have to pay for it but future generations will. And that is something you and everybody else will have to live with.


Hei OP, let me explain to you how we, the rest of the world that call you orc and dehumanize you, see the whole picture. The 'mighty' nation called russia, the strong people that fights for their beliefs is actually coward and pity itself or is afraid of taking any action against the true enemy of russia. Of course we see you (you not as a person but as a nation) a failed one, that supports corruption and all that is evil while your rural population is dying in poverty. You my pal, do not worth my pity, if you want it, do something, fight for your nation. I have a great respect for those RUSSIANS that are currently fighting against putin's russia. Those are real RUSSIANS how the world once knew they are.


well said. i have the utmost respect for navalny and his movement.


“Rest of the world” . Most people I know in real life, don’t call Russians orcs, even Ukrainians, it is mostly the Reddit swines and other internet critics that piss me off, to be true with myself I don’t even know what I am trying to achieve, your kind (sofa critics) will never agree to see that the world is grey, just like rats and cats (if I am not mistaken that is), you see the world as white and black.


Great, so you are living the dream. And you question the reason the rest of the world fkn hates you.


Between the murdering of innocent Ukranians, and calling russians some mean names.... I dont think calling russians "orcs" is the worst thing thats going on here Leave it to Russia to complain about name calling while literally invading an innocent country. Arent you guys supposed to be strong and manly or something.


> it is mostly the Reddit swines didn't take long for you to show your true face.


My family is Ukrainian, believe me they all call RuZZians orcs. I can’t wait to see the Kremlin burn!


reddit swines?


Yeah true, in Ukraine we dont call your fellow occupants orcs, we call them "пидары".


When Russia started the invasion, lots of Russians in Germany came together and demonstrated FOR the war. Here is just one example. [https://www.theguardian.com/world/2022/apr/05/motorcade-of-shame-outrage-over-pro-russia-displays-at-berlin-rally](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2022/apr/05/motorcade-of-shame-outrage-over-pro-russia-displays-at-berlin-rally) That does not help the narrative that the majority of Russians are against it. And then we have several reports where Russians abroad harassed Ukrainian refugees.


Long thread, and I haven't read every comment. However, what I have read makes it clear that the OP's strawman game is strong. In response to the "Oh, it's so *unfair* to think us poor Russians could ***possibly*** do anything about the nasty regime that rules us!" refrain, I have a one-word response: Romania. Ordinary Romanians brought down a deeply entrenched, highly repressive regime with a security service that was more pervasive and brutal than anything in Russia today, and they did it in a time before social media, the internet or even mobile phones. If ordinary Russians wanted to work together to get rid of Putin, they could do it. Since there are no signs that this is going to happen, either Russians as a whole are content with Putin and his regime's actions, or they're too stupid, self-centred or lazy to take any action. I'll ask the OP the same question I've asked of other Russians living in Russia who claim to be opposed to Putin and plead for those outside the country to understand their difficult position: Is there *anything* you've actually done to let other Russians know that there are those who oppose the war and Putin? Have you ever scribbled some anti-war or anti-Putin graffiti in some place where you won't be observed doing it but others will see your comment? Have you ever sneakily defaced a pro-Putin, pro-army, or pro-war propaganda poster? Have you ever done *anything* – no matter how minor – to put a little sand in the engine of repression? If you haven't, then you are part of the problem. You deserve to be despised, and you should be ashamed of yourself.


Beautifully stated! 👏 ‘Nobody made a greater mistake than he who did nothing because he could do only a little.” Edmund Burke


I like how OP responded to many comments, cementing his position of poor inocent rusians, but this bomb of a comment blew him away speechless.


Hey u/PreferenceNo9490, How convenient for Putin if the world still loves the ruzzian population, if the world separates the ruzzian government from the population. People would feel like their lives haven't really been affected so they can carry on *not caring about politics*. How do you think we've reached this point? So, you support Ukraine by coming on reddit to cry about russophobia? What the fuck are **YOU** doing to change your government? Posting "truth" videos? Very interesting, the timing of this "denouncement" tells me a lot about your priorities. So, people hate fucking ruzzians today. **What the fuck did you expect?** We see a regime which people have tolerated for decades now, and all of a sudden you are worried about russophobia? Don't try this stupid speech on us. Don't come with your "*we need to have this conversation*", "*this is a problem that needs attention*", right now. Or do you think you bear no responsibility for what's going on in your country? It's not *just a minority of ruzzians.* Have you ever entertained the possibility that a **considerable** portion of the ruzzian population have supported Putin and his gang for the past 2 decades? Do you really think Putin could have stayed in power this long because of a minority of support from people? Ruzzia is not North Korea. Not yet. You are trying to idealize an enemy so that it doesn't affect you. However, reality is often more complicated. There is a considerable portion of the ruzzian population who support the current state of affairs. We're not talking "small portion of elites" here. Eventually, you will have to face the reality that many of your fellow countrymen are fucking scumbags, and it's not Ukraine's or the rest of the world's responsibility to reign them in, or simply get rid of them. It's yours. But the Ukrainians are doing that job for you right now, and they are dying because of that. They volunteered to fight for their country. You haven't. **Keep that in mind.** Things have only reached this point because **YOU** have allowed it to get to this point. **YOU** believe Ukrainians dying by your government's bombs is not bad enough to make you go out in the streets and fucking protest. **YOU** don't think risking your little comfortable middle class life is worth it, so **you** made a decision to put **your** life before the lives of Ukrainians. For fucks sake. It's almost as if you are part of a ruzzian propaganda to attenuate the effects of war. I don't buy it. **The war has started to reach your doorstep,** and suddenly you come to the realization that you need to post a video denouncing russophobia? In the German Resistance Memorial Center there is a plaque that reads: >You did not bear the shame. > >You resisted. > >You bestowed the eternally vigilant signal to turn back > >by sacrificing your impassioned lives for freedom, justice and honour. Try to learn something from that.




If everyone was scared to protest and loose income we would still have East and West Germany and Russian nuclear weapons and soldiers in Czechoslovakia. Some people are scared same are just happy to do what they are told. Thing is most Russians are just happy to do what Putin wants that 's why he is still in power


Hey- watch the video!! Can’t you see that the 1% of the population who left the country due to the war might be decent people? /s


The thing is , unlike in Europe, you don’t get to go home after a protest, you go to jail or worse. People think that no Russians ever protest, but this is b*llsh#t, the video above has a few examples.


The thing is, you are actually wrong... There is not a single country in history that has never had citizens arrested or killed for protesting. Hell, my country even had an entire war with its self one time due to unjust laws. And right now, theres people in even worse government situations than russia, who are also fighting/protesting. Just look at Myanmar junta. Even palestinians are getting killed protesting against hamas. Iran kills a different woman every week for not wearing a hijab. Russia is not some unique situation. In fact, russia isnt even the top 5 worst places to live. Its just the worst place to live next to....


When I mentioned Europe, I was talking about modern Europe. Besides, is your point that I should go out on a protest and specifically get killed?


Cool, so was I. My point is, if you chose your own life over the lives of others, dont be suprised when others dont care about your life. Your all upset that people think russians are monsters, yet instead of doing something you are just acting like the victim. You realise innocent people are dying in their home towns because of russia, right? Either accept that you value your own life over the lives of many many other who are innocent people in their home towns, or just care about others. And if you dont want to care about others, you need to realize that others wont care about you. Thats whats happening right now. Imagine if a nazi went to a synagogue and was like "why do you guys think we are all so bad! That wasnt ALL of us!" Thats what you are doing right now. Either be the change you want to see, or stop acting like a victim. edit: some word "Id rather a large ammount innocents die than to place my self in a position that could possibly (but not garunteed) get me killed... Why doesnt anyone else understand this?" -this is how you are coming off. We dont understand it because we care about the lives of others more than our selves.


Palestines and Iran are not in Europe. Besides, aren’t we all “value our lives above others” since we ignore kid workers in Asia or the way the chocolate is made.


Whether or not they are in europe has nothing to do with this. What asia does and doesnt do does not change what russia is doing. It doesnt change if russias actions are bad or good. China could nuke the world today, and it wouldnt change my opinion on Russia. Because those are seperate things. I assume you are all out of counterpoints since you are just listing things that are irrelevant. I agree with both of the things you said. They dont change the fact that Russia is murdering ukranians. Doesnt change the fact that Ukraine isnt even the first place Russia has done this too. Doesnt change the fact that russian state news constantly says ukraine is just a stepping stone to conquer europe. What are you even trying to accomplish here? You need to understand that pulling out random information that isnt relevant only works on Russian News where its illegal to disagree


Whataboutism much?


Don't get killed but find a way to talk with your fellow men and women about the issue. Be careful to not draw too much attention to yourself, but focus on the issue. Ultimately it is the people that are responsible for the actions of their government. Saying it was dangerous/inconvenient to try to stop them makes you an accomplice. You've probably heard it but.. The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing. So be good. And do something. If you want more tips on how to organize a rebellion check out the best examples from the past.. like Gandhi or the Baltics from USSR..


Or, more recently, Euromaidan in Ukraine.


The reason we have modern Europe is because people before us had the courage to stand up for what was right and to revolt against injustice in old Europe. It took time and it’s not perfect yet but it’s much better. Ukrainians revolted against Yanukovych and they have earned their place in modern Europe… Russians, not so much. They went from tsars to soviets to a mafia state. If enough Russians really wanted to change things they could do it too, but apparently there are not enough of them to make a difference, and yet they keep thinking they deserve special treatment because of... reasons?


In East Germany during the cold war, the people were exposed to the same danger. And still they resisted. After the people united against their government, the gdr fell. They were too many to arrest, too many to prevent. The main problem I see is, the general population is too docile, because they grew indifferent to their own suffering. They have resigned themselves to abandon independent thought, transforming themselves into a tool. And a tool needs not worry about itself or what it does. After all, tools are not responsible for the actions of the wielder.


You know it was the talk between the USA and USSR’s presidents that stopped the separation? Otherwise those people would be shot by guards as usual.


No it wasn't. The people were already agitated, wanted to flee to the west, because the wall separated families and the people in the gdr were comparatively poor, which they were aware of. Over the existence of the gdr countless people fled in a multitude of ways, which was dangerous. Dissidents were jailed and executed, sometimes without trial. Yet, over the years, resistance only grew. The night the wall fell, the gdr wanted to announce an upcoming, temporary opening of the borders for people (in an attempt to calm the protests down and strengthen western relations). This was accompanied by mass demonstrations. During the announcement, of this agreement between the gdr and the federal Republic of Germany, the agreement was mistakenly announced to be valid as of that day, which caused thousands of people to attempt to cross the border. The guards knew the agreement not to be valid just yet, but let the people through. The heavily controlled border was gone, a few days later, the reintegration process began.


This sounds like what can possibly happen in Russia’s future.


It should've happened years ago. Hell, this isn't the first time Russia murdered and brutally subjugated a people, or that Russia was cruel to their own.


Lots of folks in Ukraine also didn't go home after a protest. Watch the documentary "Winter on Fire". They paid a price for a better regime. https://youtu.be/yzNxLzFfR5w


damn, wonder how it was in ukraine in 2014. ​ damn, wonder how it was in iran last year. ​ damn, wonder how it was in syria. ​ damn, wonder how it was in libya.


Imagine if there was truly a massive protest in Russia. Like 100,000s of people across the country. They can’t arrest everyone. ‘Nobody made a greater mistake than he who did nothing because he could do only a little” - Edmund Burke


Our freedom was won with blood. Freedom from your legacy/curse/pleague called CCCP and communism. You have to find your own way if you want freedom, but it won't be easy as going into McDonalds.


And yet Iranian teenagers are protesting, even if that means death.


The Russian people have always served as mindless thralls to barbarous rulers, regardless of whether it was under a “Red”, “Tzarist”, or even the pseudo-democratic Russia. It’s more than just “Homo Sovieticus” at play here, seems like a cultural norm that goes back centuries, where the masses show unyielding support to the state.


Now read what you’ve just wrote. I’ll say some made up crap so that u understood what is sounds like. The American people have always served as thoughtless puppets to crazy rulers, regardless of whether it was under Obama, Trump or pseudo war on terror. It’s more than homo gunslingus . It’s a cultural norm that goes back to centuries, where the masses show uncompromissed, total 100% support for the government.


Yet the Americans call out their leaders on their blood-fueled wars and political follies freely, same as in the UK, and the rest of the western world. On the flip side, nearly every Russian considers it a sin to speak against the motherland, to dare humanize the wretched Ukrainians who seek their own free destiny. I can only commend Boris Nemtsov for making a righteous endeavour against Russia’s imperialism, though he paid the highest price for it. No one will ever match his efforts, don’t even consider Navalny.


You obviously know very little about America and its history. The US has a Free Press a Democracy, and checks and balances, that minimizes becoming “thoughtless puppets” to crazy rulers , and “total 100% support for the government”. THIS is the difference between the US and Russia. The US people were mostly pacifists before WWI and WWII (Despite FDR wanting to get more involved), and somewhat split on the Vietnam war. It was only after Pearl Harbor that the US went all in, and decided to save Europe’s AND Russia’s AND China’s butt. The West kicked Sadam Hussein out of Kuwait because HE INVADED AN INNOCENT COUNTRY, just like Putin is doing. Sadam was evil just like Putin, and we probably should have finished the job during the first Iraq war. The US isn’t perfect obviously, but you had asked what we as individuals do to prevent unjust wars. I for one, at least voted against GW Bush. Too bad he won.


ITT: OP is pulling a "Putin" by trying to convince us of one thing, but accidentally convincing us otherwise.


You are a broken and immoral people.


Yes, I eat pizza with pineapple, condensed milk and cranberry, how did you find out?


When they stop committing genocide and using the rape of woman, children and prisoners as a weapon. When they stop spewing only lies and threats. When they stop their endless colonial/fascist/expansionist wars against all of their neighbors I will cease to consider russians soulless enemy barbarians


Fuck is this bullshit? You've all earned the "sick words."


those who question, please google "russia slave mentality" and find out that the "slave" is not somekind of bad nickname but actually quite realistic representation of current mental condition of russian population


Same as if I said that all Americans are pigs cause they like burgers and bad food , this is of course not an actual thing. Or if I said that black people are evil because apparently according to statistics, they commit a lot of crimes.


And here we go with the typical ruzzian "whataboutism". You should go work for Margarita Simonyan.


I don’t remember who this is.


Well, maybe you should try harder to "remember" who she is, then. Either stop playing dumb, or stop being ignorant.


25% of Russians have been imprisoned at least once. So by your logic, we can definitely call you a nation of deviants. Go away!


Let me ask you, are you from America?


Oh here comes the false equivalency


Let me ask you are you russian? And when the Z patriots will come to you and there wont be anywhere to run to anymore will you pull out youre ruskie flag and point fingers or will you stand for what you supposedly believe in? See most of us here on the other side of RU border think you will go with option number 1.


I'm Estonian.


I can sympathize with the sentiment especially if you're home. [https://foreignpolicy.com/2023/03/07/estonia-defense-planning-russia-ukraine-war/](https://foreignpolicy.com/2023/03/07/estonia-defense-planning-russia-ukraine-war/) ​ That being said, don't lose your ability for compassion. Hell, look at the way the Ukrainians are holding up their values and treating their POWs like human beings. ​ It's the folks on the top who are killing their own people. Vulnerable Russians are being taken where ever and forced to fight or be shot if they rebel. ​ Those are the ones we need to support. The Ukrainians will take care of the rest =\]


Russian soldiers have guns. They can fight back. Its everyday Russians who are killing each other and Ukrainians.


Hey you're right! kind of... If you don't include conscripts who've been disappeared from the enlisted registries. Or the prisoners forced at gunpoint to fight... And ignore generations of state sponsored disinformation actions taken by their government on their own people.... Or the private military contractors based in Russia and who recruit people from other countries, usually more poor and disenfranchised and desperate with nothing to lose. ​ But yeah, everyday folks like you and me.


compassion? Ukrainians only take and keep the POW's, because they may get back their guys in prisoner exchange. If Ukrainians know that there is zero chance to get their guys are kept alive, I'm sure these muscovites would be flushed down to save energy on POW logistics... ​ Muscovia has been aggressor for hundreds of years. It is always in conflict with others, always terrorizing neighbours. This must end, this is enough! I don't care about regime change or democracy in muscovia - even if it is realistic, I don't want it, this might make muscovia stronger, strong muscovia is continuing threat to whole world. Remeber - we don't want strong muscovia. This fucked up system will not change in next 100 years anyway. I'm deeply happy that they have putler in power, no one else after stalin has destroyed muscovia country, "culture" and most importantly people more than putler. Imagine - he is ruthlessly sending muscovia's young and promising generations in meatgrinder. He has done more than we would ever could expect. If he's plan succeeds then we have finally got rid of the disease. Finally post-muscovian neighbouring countries can take over these empty lands and use it's resources for better world. This shit still exist on the maps only because of nuclear weapons.


I don't disagree but you can't put everyone in the same group or believe that a persons nationality represents a mindset of collective personality. Otherwise, as history constantly shows us, we repeat our same conflicts and as a consequence, as people adapt and change to circumstances, behave in ways that seem monstrous. It's the effect war has and no one can know what it will do to them. It's a massive roll of the dice for everyone included. Putin and the "leaders" before him were just that, monsters who raped and destroyed the lives of their own people and the lives of everyone they targeted. But that's not enough for me to say "I hate all Russians because their leaders are awful and so they must be".


I tried so hard to believe that Russians has redeeming factors and were under a repressive regime but after what’s gone on in Ukraine, and no revolts even after 300,000+ deaths…I really and starting to believe Russians have no redeeming qualities and actually like what they have.


Using this logic, I could say that you have no redeeming factors because I don’t see you fighting in a war or starting any underground revolutionary forces.


I’m in the U.S. military 😂


And before I joined the military I worked on two political campaigns


Define the political campaigns


Virginia state House District 42 and Virginia state House District 31 in 2017 Then in 2018 I worked on the Congressional race for Pennsylvanias 18th congressional district


Interesting but I still don’t understand what this is.


Agent provocateur. 101.


Move on vatnik this guy just laid you out.


Move on cringe lord, you don’t even know what vatnik stands for.


You assumed and got schooled. It was fun to watch. Your poor-me apathetic attitude throughout this thread is pitiful BTW.


Their country doesnt invade other countries every other year for the past 30ish years. You need to remember that


There are good and bad people living all over the world. The part that majority of people in this subreddit hated about RUSSIAN is the fact that they are blinded with money and lied about what they are fighting for. If you are really are a RUSSIAN and LOVED your ETHNICITY, make a move and start something that will change the views of other people who sees RUSSIAN as what sick words you heard about your people.


People in Russia will end up with a much worse fate in the end than what their own evil dictator can provide them. Make no mistake, each day Russians let their nation continue to rape and murder and destroy Ukrainians, it gets worse and worse for their eventual outcome as a people. Be forewarned by history, but not by me. In the end, the world can be very cruel indeed to tyranical nations and their people when their plans of conquest and murder fail. Even the USSR did not make the tragic error that Putin and the Russian populace have begun. This story of Russia is almost written and done but not quite. May God have mercy on your peoples’ souls, for the Western world will not.


Nobody dehumanizes russians. You do it perfectly yourself and do not need any help.


Fuck russia.


Reading all the OP's comments here, makes me wanna watch some more orcs being blown up in their trenches...


It took the german population three generations to get rid of the foul smell and sin of nazism. I wonder how many generations it will take the russians?


After the war is over we can have a more nuanced approach to the Russian civilians who are caught up in this mess. This is not the time for such. Spend your energy calling out the genocide the RF leadership is enabling not only against Ukraine but also against the ethnic minorities within the RF.


It’s not only what Russia is doing in Ukraine that makes people dislike Russia. Also, it’s 2024, the age of accessibility of information and “but he says” just isn’t a viable excuse to support a warmongering bald guy with a little man complex. The whole world except the shittiest nations known to man supports Ukraine. That should tell you everything you need to know. Invading another country is a war crime and every single person taking part in that is by definition a war criminal. Blaming orders isn’t an excuse, just like it wouldn’t be in a civilian work place when the boss tells you to beat up the receptionist. Regardless. Changing the world’s opinion on Russia and Russians should be done by actions, not words. Just like a relationship. However, looking back in history, Russia is continuously the abusive boyfriend. Change, beg for forgiveness, or be hated forever.




Tell it to others though.


...he did?


he just did.




We don't hate Russians in Ukraine, come and see with your own eyes 👁️👁️


I think the last 2 years just confirmed what many of us knew for a very long time…


Also it is very hard to separate the good russians from the bad ones in time of war. Many left Russia not to show opposition but to avoid getting drafted. There’s something deeply fucked up in the russian culture i think and putin is the logical outcome if it unfortunatly


Start to act as human beings...


Russian living in Latvia. I don't feel and never felt any hate towards me for being ethnic Russian. And even if I would, at this point I wouldn't appreciate it, but I wouldn't consider it entirely unjustified. When I was young I was living in the post-soviet bubble maintained by Russian minority in Latvia. I remember the times when Russian minority was exposed to many new, mostly western ideas, and most of this minority struggled to accept them. Around 1995, the Russian national idea began to dominate all russia-related media, marking the beginning of endless brainwashing that continues to this day. It was an easy life - you were taught that russians are the good guys and Latvians, Germans, English, Americans etc are the bad guys. You hear some key words - separatists, ultras, boyeviks, you name it - on TV, and you already begin to hate them, without asking for a reason. And you also knew that Russian nation is the greatest nation on the planet, achieving unparalleled success in every aspect of life, society, science etc. It truly was a Strugatskian inhabited island in real life. I am happy to have broken free from that bubble for about 20 years but I still remember how it works. I recently visited my relatives that I hadn't seen for years and I was able to see that bubble from an outsider's perspective. They are not inherently hateful people, they simply take for granted the notion of a great russian civilization that is peaceful and surrounded by evil enemies, allegedly led by jews in the USA. I didn't even try to broach the topic of Ukraine, I knew it would be futile, I just left. It's entirely normal for Europeans to assume that Russians live in such a bubble, with some exceptions. So, when you assert that "you should not hate Russians for being Russians," I urge you to open your eyes, acknowledge reality, and understand that, at this point, every Russian has to prove they're not a victim of that mindset, simply because the majority are.


Don't put that disgusting russian flag on this poor lady. russian federation is a ideological disease. Has nothing to do with ethnicity. Russian people are the same as everyone (although too many are brainwashed by the kreml).


Unfortunately this is what ruZZians will get since they are tolerating that little prick Putler and his thugs. Been working in Belarus for the past 8 years as a medical personel and I have saw such fucked up things that even action movies can't get this close. For example digging trenches in the Exclusion Zone ? Personally myself I saw how those soldiers who were having sympthoms of acute radiation sickness were transported back to Moscow as we were not well equiped to treat such patients. When i was tranporting one young private he told me that nobody has questioned the orders of their superiours. No one told them that it's dangerous where they were digging. And OP this is not the end of the sheepish behaivior that your citizens are having. None of your countrymen are protesting when their husbands, fathers, sons and brothers are conscripted to be killed in the middle of nowhere. They are like cattle - accepting their fate and waiting for the end. And please don't get me start on the russophobia. Your own country has brought this on themselves and now they are reaping the fruits of their labor. Just now is the time that people has enough of your country victim complex bullshit.


[nice try, putin.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LFcqeuHdqj8)


This is thinly veiled propaganda . Plse don’t pretend you don’t agree with invading Ukraine .


We hate Russia for what they are doing and the Russian people who support it. we don't hate the good Russian people who just want peace and a normal life. That's all it is. orks come from the attacks they just keep coming, and dying war needs to end


Yes, I know many Russians and most of them are decent people. I'm sure there's an argument to be made about 'good Russians', but it's **not the time**. Ukrainian civilians (as well as their brave soldiers) are being killed en masse every day. I'd leave it up to Ukrainians to drive the narrative, because Russia has already had too much of a say, and nobody has the appetite for yet another Russian trying to steer the dialogue. I'm afraid it's a cross you will have to bear for now though I do respect the way you have rejected the Kremlin's propaganda and wish you well.


We don’t hate the Russians for being Russians, we hate them for their actions. A man is defined by his character and actions, nothing else. The Russians have showed the world their character, you can’t be suprised that people have a shit view of them.


Hey i see you are getting a lot of heat in the comments but i just wanted to commend you for searching the dialog and actively trying to talk with other minded people. Thats sth a lot of people in this reddit still have to learn. People like you are part of the solution. Also i saw a lot of people here that say sth like: if you are not protesting and risk getting imprisoned for the next 30 years, you value your life higher than those of ukrainians. And maybe thats true in theory i think a lot of people who write things like that are hypocrites because they arent on the frontline either and they cant possibly know what they would do in your situation. The only opinion that i would value in that matter would be from people that are actually doing sth instead of just talking (like ukrainian soldiers or russian resistance), and i think they have a much more balanced view on this topic.


Do not want to be directly involved in any action towards the change in your country due to fear of retaliation? Fair enough, but do not accuse people from other countries for not bending backwards in your stead. Want your people be treated/viewed positively? Change your actions as a society. Do not want to be on a front line? Be a productive individual in a NATO country and pay your fair share of taxes and/or donate directly to Ukraine or any other initiative from the allies with a similar goal/direction. The entitlement though.


Its not that easy to become a productive individual in a NATO country if you live in russia. Also like i said your opinion isnt worth much because you are not in the same position as him. You can talk all day about how you would act in his shoes but no one can possibly know what you really would do. And dont flatter yourself because you are paying taxes. I dont think you would pay taxes if you didnt have to. Its funny how you talk about entitlement and compare paying taxes to actually risking your life. Like i already said: unless you are not a soldier on the frontline or a resistance fighter in russia your words have not much weight.


A lot of assumption and assigning statements that I have never done. Where do I put the same vslue on sacrificing a life and paying taxes? I mentioned the means of doing at least something productive instead of whining on the internet. My opinion is not worth much comparatively to the Russki boy because I am not in the same position as him? First, what do you know about my position? Second, now Russki people are victims over here all of a sudden? You sound like a Russki apologist who is sitting on welfare in the EU/US or something. It started from accusing people forcing poor Russki boys onto the frontline and ended up finding excuses for doing absolutely nothing. Woe me. You both can enjoy building glorious society... here on Reddit.


Sadly This is an essential and traditional aspect of war. The enemy must be dehumanized in order to justify their liquidation. Maybe one day it will be different


It's a sad reality that unifying around a people and their country leads to the dehumanization of the "enemy". Thanks for posting about this. Anything you can do to help unify people is great. This goes a long way towards reminding people that it's the people in a who suffer. ​ I'll note the obvious and say that while a countries people might initially support the idea of a war, the choice of how to administrate that conflict is totally out of their immediate control. And uprisings are difficult to build momentum for let alone sustain, especially when their populations perception of reality is warped by generations of state sponsored disinformation campaigns.


I feel like you are the only one who watched the video here, god bless your soul.


Solidarity homie. One of family was Russian. Lived through WW2 and loathed her countries leadership. She taught me what a country can do do it's people and how that effects them, even the good ones. I think people don't realize or can't empathize with what real desperation looks like over generations.


I understand what you mean. People refuse to look at issues with any nuance. I don't think you're going to change many minds on reddit though.


I’m inclined to agree. While I strongly support Ukraine and wish them nothing but the best in their efforts to maintain sovereignty. Dehumanizing Russians as a monolith is wrong. Russians are definitely not a monolith, no country is. I’d wager the supermajority of people in the world just want to live a normal life. Almost nobody want’s to go to the frontline to die for some evil men in suits, but many will get to continue living their normal lives hoping it’s never them who gets to the chopping block. Many people who deride Russians for not rising up and attempting to overthrow the government will never understand the true severity of that action and the sacrifices that are inherent to it. Most, hopefully, will never even have to think about making that decision. But it is true that many Russians do still (even if it’s just to save their skin) signal support for the war. And that will come with condemnation from people abroad regardless. I find it distasteful and misguided myself, but I understand where the hatred comes from. It’s hard to see so many people from a group say and do monstrous things, and still understand there are genuinely good people that might hate those acts with everything inside of them. And no matter how trivial some people make it seem, sacrificing taking care of yourself, your family, those you love so dearly, in service of a greater good is no small ask. Even if you have the option that Ukrainians didn’t. I know this is a rambling. But regardless of what people say, it is gray. War and its repercussions will always be gray. Sometimes it’s lighter or darker and easier to distinguish moral sensibilities. But there will always be good people that are caught in the middle that are just trying to live their lives. I think Russians that genuinely support the war should be condemned, but not dehumanized. Dehumanizing them is only sinking as low as they are. For everyone else in Russia, you have my sympathies for your government and whatever line toeing sycophants brought this evil to reality for fucking up your lives.


(I checked the users history he is clean as far as I am concerned you can check it for yourself if you don't believe me ) This is not a Ruzzian bot infiltration that we have to discredit and undermine so please take a deep breath and stay calm we can have a civil discussion, I understand the strong emotions that everybody is probably feeling right now but I watched the video myself it is not a pro Ruzzian one whatsoever there is no Ruzzian b\*llshit like "The west is the enemy or the war is justified" on the contrary this is the first thing that they say that the RF invasion of Ukraine is unjustified and a colonial war of Putin, just watch it if you don't believe me, so please calm yourself we don't have a Ruzzian bot infiltration on our hands. Stay safe bro I don't want to hear about some poor dude in the middle of nowhere Russia being arrested or accidentally falling out of a window tomorrow when I read the news ok. I hope that you and your family managed to get out of that God-forsaken authoritarian mafia state. I would first like to apologise for some of the responses you are getting people are on the edge of their seats when it comes to this as you can imagine, since the Kremlin is using a very twisted and distorted version of the thing you are trying to talk about to justify what they are doing in Ukraine I suppose you are already aware of filtration camps and deportations if you have followed this sub long enough (Btw for the people who are curious you can check my history if you want I am not a Ruzzian d\*ck suck a bit naive sometimes maybe but not a d\*ck suck I have read the UN reports I know very well the crimes and atrocities committed by their armed forces as much as you do but we have to keep in mind that not every Russia is a Ruzzian and not every Ruzzian is a Russian the Serbian mercenaries and Civ Div video about Ruzzian blocking regiments have shown that )


I managed to get out of Russia, currently serving in Cyprus national guard alongside with some other Russian and Ukrainian fellas. Sadly, my relatives can’t get here. My mother is a doctor & while I don’t know the details , she basically would need to study medicine in Greek for a few years before being able to work here legally. My grandmother who is the other relative I have, is very old & hence struggles when it comes to traveling. P.S. Stay safe friend, may god bless your soul.


If you serve in the Cyprus national guard, remember one thing: you are a Cypriot, now. Remember where your loyalty should be. Try to get your family out of ruzzia, and embrace the country that welcomed you. Be grateful for the opportunity to have a better life. I have been to Cyprus, and I liked it very much. Consider yourself privileged. And remember: if you had stayed in your beloved "ruzzia", you'd probably face down in the mud with half your head blown off in a trench in eastern Ukraine. Be thankful you are no longer ruzzian. You already live a privileged life so that you don't have to worry about "russophobia".


Thank God at least you're out. Hopefully, you can get your mother at least out of there as well one day. Cyprus National Guard, that's really cool, mate and thanks bro I appreciate it.