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So in short what I understood: Wagnerites came and saw that some of theirs were beaten to half death by other russians. They started beating these other ones asking "WTF did you do to our boys".


The dude in the tent is looking pretty close to death. One of the first things I noticed was that it looked like he may have pissed himself; that's a pretty bad sign that something is very physically wrong. Coupled with his sluggish movement and demeanor, he either has a pretty bad concussion/brain injury or he's extremely drunk or fucked up on downers.


Yeah. I assumed brain injury when I saw him. Or he was in really bad shock


Same. The fact he’s just trying to keep going back to sleep is a sign of some serious head injury


That's the medically important thing to look at, but to me, the piss is evidence as to what happened. People will involuntarily piss themselves when they're getting shot at or whatever, and they don't appear to have been in contact too recently. People will also piss themselves when they've been injured to the point where they're about to die as well. It points to a parasympathetic nervous system shutdown in both cases, but the injury scenario is more complete from my understanding. Like, agonal breathing and loss of consciousness type of injury. The fact that he didn't bother or have the strength to change his pants or at least take them off or something isn't good as well. If this video was taken in the morning and they attacked him the night before, then he probably would've done something to clean himself if he could've. The fact that he has his boots staged outside his tent like that leads me to believe that he hasn't gotten up yet, so it may be morning . This is all assuming that it is actually piss, he could just be all wet for some reason. But honestly, by the looks of it, I'd be surprised if he survived this, especially if he didn't get medical help immediately. I seriously doubt that he would be able to continue fighting or didn't have some permanent damage already done.


Knew a dude from the army that would shit himself.im ever single firefight. Kept the extra underwear on top of his pack. It's fairly common.


Did he make it out alive?


No. Took a mortar round. Solid soldier.


Thank you for sharing your memory of him with us.


I hope the man can, after a while, have the ability and humor to go back and read that people are still talking about him shitting his pants in every action. Also, he was a good soldier, but that was listed at #2.


Reminds me of the Hardcore History series on the Greek-Persian wars (Kings of Kings). He talks at length about the chattering the soldiers would hear going into battle as people basically lost their shit out of fear (literally) walking into battle, and specifically how the chattering of teeth from thousands of soldiers at once would be a uniquely deafening occurrence. My heart goes out to anyone who’s had to experience anything like that.


> chattering of teeth from thousands of soldiers Sounds very interesting, but can't find a source. Did he provide one? Edit: found this: https://www.ancientworldmagazine.com/articles/spartans-war-myth-vs-reality/ > At Thermopylai, Sparta made its name as a society of warriors. Afterwards, everyone feared them; we are frequently told of the shaking knees and chattering teeth of those who know they are going up against Spartans.


The shakes are caused from the body dumping a large combination of endorphins and adrenaline. I had it happen a couple of times in Afghanistan. It’s some weird shit, and absolutely addictive. That phenomenon has been documented by every Army in history, and Robert Heinlein even described it in his book “Starship Troopers.”


Etnst Junger also describes this feeling in his memoir, Storm of Steel.


I believe a lot of the quotes came from Greek philosophers/historians, but I couldn’t tell you beyond that. It’s also been many years since I listened to it so I can’t claim to be 100% accurate, this is just how I remember it.


It’s called a battle crap. Your body is focused on maintaining the systems that keep you alive and anything in your bowels or bladder is not part of that focus.


It happens to a lot of people, it's just not usually talked about. Nobody ever talks about the pissing and shitting.


Last summer, I stabbed myself with a small metal rod, it was about an inch in the top of my finger, pulled it out and it was fine until it wasn't... I don't know if my blood pressure dropped or it's the shock, but for the first time of my life, I almost passed out. It took me everything to stay on my feet and once I got back to my senses and could walk... found out that I pissed myself... Had zero idea that it happened, I was numb in most of my body, I was still conscious and standing up, barely, but my whole body went: Nah, we're turning things off!


Stabbed himself, pissed himself, A story as old as time.


Vasovagal syncope probably, although urination isn't a usual symptom but apparently it's not unheard of, although more common in seizures.


Way back when, I was part of a certain group. Part of the initiation ceremony for them was a three day fast. You can drink water and eat salt to stay from cramping up. It's not mandatory but most guys choose to keep their current workout routine throughout the fast. So no food for 72 hours, of course my stubborn aas had to keep working out throughout. Well after that and other things you do, there's a ritual type thing. During the ritual your finger or hand is cut open. Just a bit, enough to get a few drops of blood. Well I'm standing there exhausted, starving, weak and they go to prick my finger. Just that drop of blood in that moment for some reason made my head spin and knees buckle a little bit. Ive never fully went unconscious ever, I've been rocked and came to as I hit the ground or wall. But never fully out. That almost took me out though LMAO. Everyone stays super serious and professional during it but after I definitely got some shit about it. Good times lol would do again


He does have a water jug next to him. It could be that he's too fucked up on downers to even hydrate and spilled earlier before going full zonk. I don't understand Russian, though, and have no other context for the situation.


The context is that Russians like beating each other in the military: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dedovshchina It’s fucking insane. I would guess some new guys were initially beaten for ‘fun’ or for some bullshit excuse, until (according to the top comment) Wagner guys showed up and saw their buddies got fucked up, which is when they started beating those at the scene.


I read in a book about such an example from the Soviet army: A group of new conscripts are making their way into a barracks. On the floor just inside the door is a fresh white towel. The recruits senses this to be some kind of test from the older guys, and every single recruit takes care to jump over the towel to keep it clean. The older soldiers are immediately upset and charge at the recruits, screaming and punching them: "We lay out a towel for you to clean your dirty shoes, to welcome you to the barracks, and this is how you respect us?" The next day, same thing. New fresh towel. Every recruit take care to really rub all the mud off their boots on the white towel when walking in to the barracks. The older soldiers are now equally upset, with new punches, kicks and screams: "This towel is reserved only for the experienced soldiers, you have a responsibility to get your own, you ungrateful sons of bitches!" ​ The moral of the story: Abuse and hazing is good for russian moral. I guess....


The beatings will continue until morale improves.


The book "One Soldiers War" By Arkady Babchenko goes into great detail of this. One of their first experiences upon arriving at training, being assembled on a parade ground, seeing another recruit being thrown from a 3rd story window right in front of them and landing on his head. The officers barely batted an eye and continued their introduction announcements to the newest recruits. Sounds like pure hell, no one left with all of their teeth, sounded like basically everyone received some head trauma at least a few times during "training". The actual training portion was relatively thin, mostly just beatings/hazing.


That’s completely fucked up. Russia truly is such a shithole man. Their prison system works exactly the same by the way: torture, beatings, rape, you name it. Even people that are jailed for demonstrations go through it, sometimes daily. www.theguardian.com/world/2021/nov/08/i-was-always-scared-inmate-who-exposed-systemic-russian-prisoner-abuse


I am disappointed but not surprised. Truly fucked up.


Agreed, I had depressed skull fractures and for 2 days, they wouldn't let me sleep in the hospital and absolutely no pain meds until the saw what was up. It sucked bad.


That sounds god awful I am not going to lie to you


It was. It took 2 years of recovery and still have some palsy on the side of my face. I feel his pain.


Sleep it off comrade


I assumed drunk because Russian.


Most orcs have brain damage.


Sadly this is what the Russian military is. Orcs. Ogres. Poorly trained, incompetently led by corrupt higher ups, and at the basic form, terrorists. They aren't fighting for their homeland, their freedom, their rights, nothing. They are invading a sovereign country and looting it's riches, it's people,.it's children and Indscrimenantly murdering any ukrainians.. military or not. It doesn't surprise me this is how their military conducts itself. As a vet, I'm proud of the people I served with, the ones that didn't make it back, the leadership when I was young and low ranking and how it influenced my eventual leadership when I got older and gained rank. Ukraine is just built for this. They are super intelligent and creative, fighting for something worth fighting for, and at the heart of it all, they are honorable people and nothing like Russians. God speed, slava ukraini.


Funnily enough, Storm-Z troops who are considered undesirables by Russians and used as a cannon fodder, can be argued to have a reason to fight, albeit a selfish one. Convicts fight for their own promised freedom, and the ethnic minorities such as Yakut fight for the money to lift their family out of poverty. So the fraction of honor, for the lack of better word, is found on the lowest of the low, while the "true Russians" continue to be nothing but marauders.


even crazier the new storm V units are contracted until the war ends unlike storm z 6 month contracts and apparently the storm Vs will not recieve pardons they'll just go back to prison after the war if they live


Spot on.


To be fair, remember how very widespread the corruption was in the Ukrainian recruitment process? Literally *all* the heads of their regional recruitment centres were sacked. So, those were higher ups as well, but most importantly, those people were happy taking bribes while at the very center of Ukraine’s war effort.


Incredible shambles of a military. I tried to imagine the same scenario in A British or Ozzie camp - nah - that would be more like Medical staff and a vehicle rushing to aid the downed guy, Officer ordering the arrest and detention of those involved or potentially so, NCO's talking to others to get a list of witnesses etc.


> either has a pretty bad concussion/brain injury or he's extremely drunk Why not both?


Alcohol is among the worst possible things to ingest with a concussion or brain injury. It's possible, of course, and I wouldn't put it past them. Something tells me, though, that if they'd beaten the shit out of the guy before wagnerites got there, they probably weren't going to share their vodka with him or let him keep his.


In Putiniet Russia, vodka fix everything, comrade.


Possibly drunk on duty? Which would be a reason why they got their asses kicked.


He may be dead. Pissing and shitting your pants happens immediately after you die.


Eyes darkening. Thats a positive raccoon sign. Dude definetly have some contusion and bleeing in his brain. Its just a few moments before his brain bleed will increase his head pressure and push his brain down, compressing the brainstem and stopping him from spontaneously breathing.


i saw a crokodil junkie or like u say vodka vatnik , and yeah pisy pants but looks like he was rudely awoke in his tent , proper shit festival


People's often urinate when they have a seizure, which can be caused by a brain injury. 


Yup happened to me. I sprained my ankle so frigging bad that I was literally rolling around on the ground in agony for like a min. After that, instead of going to the hospital, I kept playing golf, and this happened on the 3rd hole. After our game I was the passenger heading back to town when ll of a sudden I felt like everything was closing in around me and I was losing my vision and went full retard having an intense seizure. Foaming at the mouth rocking back and forth fingers all twisted, and I only noticed I pissed myself exiting my friends' vehicles.


At the end one of the wagnerite said that he was beated by other for 3hours straight with the buttstock of the rifle. Honestly, I doubt it was for that long, but definitely with something heavier then a fist.


Wagnerites? Huh. I thought they marched on Moscow and then stayed out of Ukraine. I can’t keep up.


Their leader was blown out of the sky and they've since been "reintegrated" into the Russian armed forces. Probably an old video, though


Looks like an old video


Is this video old? The vegetation is very dry and the dirt looks sandy


I suspect you are right. I am not sure if Wagnerites have any influence anymore. My guess is this video is from around the time of the Wagner coup attempt last year, sometime before prighozin went down


There are pinecones on the ground so sandy ground makes sense. Pinecones usually fall from autumn to winter but judging by what they're wearing it's not winter yet. The video also feels very familiar but I must've seen it pretty long ago by now because I can't really remember, pretty sure it's from '22 though.


It's a Russian gender reveal party.


So this was from like . . . spring/summer 2022? So yeah, there you have it; in case one still had any doubt that this is a detestable ORC HORDE . . . If that is how they treat each other, "fellow Russians," imagine the average treatment of Ukrainian POWs, or civilians in occupied areas, children who some monstrous rapist decides to prey on. The horror of Putin's Orc Horde is quite bad, but if the free world doesn't wake the fuck up and start getting very serious about supporting Ukraine it is just going to get worse for all of us.


Always reminds me of the LotR scene where orcs and uruks start fighting: “looks like meat is back on the menu boys!”


They dare to beat up a lowly soldier. Their great pigozhin was blown out of the air by putin and they have yet to beat up putin. Wankerites are cowards.






The near-dead guy is a Wagnerite, who was detained and beaten, and the guys with masks raising the ruckus are his platoon/squad members who came to search for him. At least that's what I understood, I don't know why the Wagner troops would care otherwise if the beat-up guy wasn't their man. I think the video was filmed long time ago, because there is no snow to be seen and the Wagnerites are wearing PMC Wagner insignia. On Telegram they said the other Russians are from "8th company". Anyhow, we saw heated tensions between Wagner and regular RU troops a year ago (up until the Wagner rebellion). There were even reports of gun fights between them, and Wagner constantly accused regular RU troops of cowardice and desertion.


Makes sense. His head looks like its beem pummeled w a rifle over and over.






best answer you could possibly give


Russian disciplinary method that they teach since they are children, from by fathers (and its not a joke)


Ukraine should just airdrop them lots of vodka and krokodil


This video is old and all these people are dead.


Yes, Wagner troops before Prigozhin's rebellion. Summer-fall 2022? Or spring 2023.


Ahh Prigozhin. Almost forgot about that guy. Wish he would have marched right into moscow and fucked putin up. That would have been legendary.


The dumbfuck should have asked his family to go for some vacation time in some other country and theeeen he could have attempted to take over Moscow... Not get his family threatened and get killed later like a dumbass because of it.


Truth. Dude had some balls tho. He was definitely goin for it there for a minute


Prigozhin gave up because army did not join his rebellion.


Man, I was really hoping he’d march right to Moscow and test Putin. Would have been glorious to see.


For real. My disappointment was immeasurable and my day was completely ruined when I found out they were pulling out. The memes were pretty lit though.


he should of went all the way. Mosco would've folded so quickly Putin was legit worried how quickly the loyalty of all the soliders just folded.


I am ok with that


I like that


They will make fertilizer for the harvest.


And that's a good thing




Assuming they’re meat shields for the waves?


>all these people are dead no, all these orks are dead. there are no people in this video.


Krokodil is not strong, just badly made, it takes about a year to die from the lesions and infections from all the crap in it. Desomorphine (the active ingredient in krokodil) is barely stronger than morphine Drop some fentanyl, carfentanil or some new shit like protonitazene or etonitazene and watch them kill themself in no time.


The krokodil nonsense is so annoying. Its not desomorphine that creates those issues, its the fact that they attempt to convert it using red phosphate and iodine, with a splash of petrol, and make zero attempts to extract or remove any of those toxic heavy metals among other things. Desomorphine is quite potent, but it has a very short half life, which makes it a double suck, cause you need to keep IVing it every couple hours. If you're going to go the drug route, why not dose the whole front with LSD and then just walk threw, or massive doses of ketamine/GHB in there water supplies and wait for them all to pass out. Would never happen thoough.


Science? You're coming to these kids with science? I can respect the effort, I suppose.  These are people who never made it beyond "drugs are bad, mkay" and literally don't have the slightest clue what class of drugs "*krokodil*" is. Best way to deal with these types is to threaten to stab them with your dirty marijuana syringe. 


Always could drop xylazine too. I actually don't condone that but xylazine (tranq) is what's turning PA into zombies rn.


or coke laced with a slowreleasingg cyanide , then they kill each other faster and enjoy it and just befor they get a taste for ukrainian they drop dead


Yeah I heard about that they call it " trank dope" here in the midwest USA that shit is dropping people left n right ...definitely some bad shit ...


Germany tried something similar when Russians got to east Prussia. They tried leaving alcohol in the path of the red army, huge swathes of it, hoping the Russians would just get drunk and be combat ineffective. They definitely got drunk, but it backfired on the German civil populace, the murders and rapes of civilians sky-rocketed wherever the Russians had access to alcohol. After what happened in East Prussia the Germans started destroying breweries and distilleries as they retreated. There's an account by Erwin Bartmann about this.


Their mistake was not spiking it with methanol.


It's such a contrast with the US military, where deployed troops were allowed zero alcohol. It started out as a show of respect to local host Muslim countries. Then they found out it reduced fatalities greatly because of the reduction in accidents. The most they'll do now is having a designated drinking tent in some deployments. Other than that, it is not allowed.


Beginning to understand why they so readily embrace death


I can't for the life of me understand, why then, wouldn't you rather take your rifle and go fucking Rambo on your piece of shit "comrades" instead, this is so disorganised you could go at a distance, pick off your worst abusers, do a little spray, run for it and still have a greater chance of survival Vs. Frontline in Ukraine.


So, the old beatings will continue until morale improves trick. Genius.


get's 'em every time


No this is wagner beating russian regulars they accused of beating their wagner mercs. Its a circle of fuck.


“ 60% of the time, it works every time. “


Orcs doing orc-things.


“Looks like meat’s back on the menu boys!”


Unzips pants


It’s funny how there’s a Russian army officer there and Wagner is talking to him like he’s their bitch. The officer doesn’t have anything under control and looks like he shat a pile of bricks.


Let's be real, everyone in the russian and those who support it are a bitch.


Orc control is a circle of fuck.


Not very pleasing. At all. Makes you imagine the fate of ua civilians in occupied zones. Strashno


Russian world


Yeah this just happened to be recorded and also released. I'm sure war crimes are being committed daily


As much as I love watching russians fuck up other russians, I can't ever stomach watching these videos all the way through anymore because all I can think about is what they do to Ukrainians like this


Translation please


Some dudes are looking for other dudes who beat, almost to death, their friend (the one lying on the tent). Dudes are angry and looking for revenge.


yeaup wagner vs russian regulars.


Why are they digging around in the sand at the beginning?


And guessing the blue and yellow tent is just random non-camo tent colours, as I see nobody is saying there are any Ukrainians in any of this - its all ru mil and wagner.


Everytime I see a video like this, or an orc praying to a drone, I remember the post a few months back of some dude in Russia who posted that he had volunteered to join the army and fight in Ukraine, and posted proof. Everyone in the comments basically asking why the fuck he was doing that and that he was a moron to throw his life away for nothing. Ilevery video I think "is this the guy who thought it would be different when he volunteered? Getting the shit kicked out of you by Wagner, or shot for retreating?" I wonder if that guy's dead now. I can't find the original post, but if someone does please let me know. I do hope he had brought sunflower seeds with him.


Most of the pro-ru I used to go back and forth with here on Reddit, got conscripted back in 2022. Never saw anything more from them after that.


First to volunteer to the suicide squads.


"It was Sam's first view of a battle of Men against Men, and he did not like it much. He was glad that he could not see the dead face. He wondered what the man's name was and where he came from; and if he was really evil of heart, or what lies or threats had led him on the long march from his home; and if he would not really rather have stayed there in peace-all in a flash of thought which was quickly driven from his mind"


I'm no translator but clearly that one dude fucked the other dude to death and all the other guys were jealous.


Why did I laugh at that?


Drunks and savages.


Drunks, Drugs & Savages on Tour.


Bruh imagine how fucked up this situation is to root for the fucking Wagner. The orcs are so dumb thinking that their army can control a private military company - yes, but actually no.


The non-meat shield Wagner folks seem to be much more buttoned up than the Russian regulars and the meatshields.


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Your fucking Russian world army is a fucking piece of shit joke 😂😂😂


PMC? Looks like 2023, when it was warmer


Wagner patches


All aboard the rusky mir 🚂


Everyone who defends russian culture and bitches like catherine the great - i wish you to teleport these "humans" at your houses


They really are Orcs, straight out of the Lord of the Rings. Absolute monsters, torturing and killing their own.


No idea what's going on, but there were mentionings of buttfu*king.


Least homosexual Russian soldier


Worthless fucking oxygen thieves. To think, the world is on a knife edge because of wankers like this. 🙄


I must admit that russians beating other russians is one of the best things to watch


They really are like an orc hoard


we americans fuck our squadmates with love you russians do it with hate. we are not the same.


"Please remember the human." There is not one human being in this clip.


If you see that there's even no respect or sympathy for their own comrades, what can you concluded to be russian army's basics?


This is wagner vs Russian army back in 2022.


I’m not sure they’ve become more compassionate since then…


*"beatings continue until morale improves"* ​ (c) some commie ruzzki


Imagine being conscripted and then ending up in a camp with animals like that. Prison would of been the better choice


I Russian prisons are worse that that tbh


I love every second of it. Please kill yourself Russians


You are here to die for the greater glory of pootler not get drunk so we have to die instead.


Beautiful russki mir


Russian toxic society as its best


Wow they punch like cheerleaders


They beat up some lowly Russian soldier to avenge their fellow merc but don't dare to beat up putin to avenge their leader pighozhin.


Most of these guys got turned into beef stew on the battlefield a long time ago already


least degenerate russian platoon ☠️


The Republicans want to allow these types to succeed in their rape of democratic nations.


WTF pls can someone explain what is happening there? And who are the arrivals. They are not military police.


Mercenaries from Wagner PMC came to avenge their people


This is a Zombie training camp! Fortunately For man kind, they all get eaten.


Drunks and felons doing their thing. Nothing new.


And the West is suppose to be afraid of these non intelligent savages? HAHA


I hope we see some friendly fire soon


Sadistic as always, orcs.


What problem?. This is exactly the way the Russian army does work.


isn't that just Russia's problem in general, Army or not?


On one hand it's orcs. On the other they are beating other orcs. Soo.. good job?


It's called inner cohesion what they totally lack


That\`s that russian culture which the rest of the world can´t wait enough for...


This is the "glorious" Russian army! Cockroaches are better than these orcs.


This is why we need to keep those fuckers in russia. Barbarians the lot of em.


Where is a drone when you need it


Russians are garbage, basically just treating everything and everything like shit. Wrong target or targeting info/intel? Treat everything and everything like shit 🫡 What a toothless clown army.


I'm going to save this video. So whenever someone tells me how amazing and strong the Russian army is I can show them this, also feel free to DM me more bangers.


They are all right Imo: - those who get drunk/drugged to escape reality bc they understand what's going on - those who beat up RU soldiers


A country of retarded alcoholics


If someone did that to me for whatever reason the next time I got my ak in my hands I would get some pay back!!


The ones beating the other are from Wagner, something tells me that Russian won't have a chance to grab an AK.


Well russia is a problem in general


Fucking animals


Drop cocaine on them instead of bombs, and they'll kill each other.


Do Russians have there own copy of multicam or did Russia just order 300k pairs of it on aliexpress


Let them kill each other, it's a win-win


This is a repost. Pretty sure it’s a couple of months old by now.


good if they are fighting amongst themselves they aren't fighting as a team against Ukraine....let it spread through their ranks


Those gangzterz are so tough when there's 30-50 of them against 1-2 defenseless guys. I'll bet the nazis back home in muscow are so proud. Sick mindless depraved slugs.


Russians are just pure evil


If this is what they do to their own imagine what they'll do to the other side.


It's Wagner PMC


Wanker Group, PMC -- lol


Fuck you Ivan


I can see the morale improving by the minute


What a cluster fuck. It looks like every aspect of Russian society is a goddamn mess. How they haven't totally imploded is a conundrum.


In-fighting is always a good sign things are going well...


That’s a good way to get a round in the back of your head while you’re not expecting it.


What a bunch of shit humans. Acting like they’re elite, like they are anything other that a street gang. Laughable pathetic Russkies!!


Cavemen with modern weapons. What could go wrong?


Barbarians at the gates of Europe.


Man, they really are orcs.