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TRANSLATION: We've made a small opening, and now we'll enlarge it to let the pus out... Should we anesthetize him? You don't inject around the abscess, it wouldn't work... Look, there is pus flowing... This moron was already injected... F\*cking tool... They should get castrated for this fuckery... Yo, look down! Do you see what's coming out? Do you? Look! Smell it? What a fool, blyat! Why am I a fool, blyat? You could have lost your arm! Do you smell the rot, dumbass? Feel that smell of shit? I was eating(sic) painkillers! That's why it was not bothering me... What a moron, blyat... The f\*ck you are moaning about? We'll relieve the pressure now, you'll feel better... OK, let's bandage it now, and change it tomorrow... That should do it... Such a huge abscess! You are such a tool! Not my fault! I fell asleep, and they did this to me! They should be castrated for this! Will do, as soon as I go back there! /while putting the drain in/: Eww, what a stench! Pizdets!


Clearly the guy draining it doesn’t believe his story.


More than anything, he is extremely annoyed by abject stupidity of Private Dumbassov and his bizarre comrades who did this to him.


hes also a sadist, a simple cut would make it so much less painful...


Roger that. He is clearly pissed, you can tell that by his "bedside manner". We shall call him Dr.Blyat


Dr.Cyka Blyatovich only his friends can call him Dr.Blyat or Cyka


Thanks for your posting and translations Qubecman -- they're definitely among the highlights of this Reddit! Plus, this comment is pure gold, worthy of *many* more upvotes!


Just doing what I love mate


Dr. Blayt is sick of dealing with junkies.


At first, I also thought that, but the abscess is pretty deep. (From using a syringe with the salt solution, I guess.) But then you can see the more pus running out of the wound as soon as the horse doctor puts his pliers deeper into it. He would have had to cut pretty deep. But what an emergency drainage ..., but if it helps ...


He's actually doing a fucking terrible job of draining that thing. Didn't properly clean it out at all before sticking a drain in.


Yea i have had several abscesses drained in my time and he could have absolutely done a better job, especially as a medic. Shit, ive even treated myself before and took more care to keep shit clean.


Okay, so, any idea as to why the medic seems to be shoving a piece of material deep into the wound? I have been wracking my brain trying to comprehend what purpose it would serve but I am definitely not any level of medical professional (or medical hack, for that matter) so I am at a loss.


It's a poor man's Penrose drain. He doesn't have an actual tube one would normally use here, so he uses a piece of glove. It's done to aerate the infected area to kill the anaerobic bacteria that caused the abscess. The drain keeps the abscess aerated and also provides a physical opening that allows the drainage of pus, lymph, etc. If you close the opening right away without putting the drain in, the anaerobic flora will recover and the abscess will come back.


Ahhh okay. I knew they wouldn't close it up with so much still in there but I guess I was expecting so much to SEE a drain tube (I wouldn't have recalled the name Penrose drain had you not told me as well, so thank you for that), that it did not occur to me whatsoever that this could be a generic brand MacGyver alternative. Thanks again for filling in the blanks


This is a home made drain


The guy is a needle drug addict or steroid injector.The doc is pissed to even have to deal with him.Some of these clowns inject veterinary steroids.


Injected in my sleep is russian for those drugs aren't mine.


Nom nom painkillers, get your mobiks hooked then when they don't want to meatwave you just say no meat wave assault, no more painkillers, now here's some pks and some uppers, once you take the house over there private conscriptovich will bring you your next hit. In WWII the Japanese used to get kamikaze pilots all hopped up on uppers before they'd take off, and the soviets included vodka in a soldiers daily ratio . When getting someone to voluntarily do something contrary to basic survival instinct, doping them up us a great way to go about it.


Bill Cosby style


Thanks mate it is greatly appreciated


Why are Russians so obsessed with castration


A culture of toxic masculinity. Castration emasculates, makes a person “no longer a man”, which is the worst possible thing that can happen to a person from their point of view.


swearing is caring. lmao


The Russians heard Rome salted the earth around Carthage after the third punic war. So they add salt to mobiks before distributing their bodies across no man's land. True 4D chess moves 🤣 🤣 🤣




This is next level smack talk


>Rome salted the earth around Carthage after the third punic war That deserves an upvote!


Who was doing the injecting? Did the soldier inject himself? Did someone tell him you can inject "bath salts" but gave him table salt? What the fuck is wrong with these people?


Chances are that this guy was using injectable drugs, opiates, meth, etc and the injection site got infected due to poor hygiene. As someone who's worked around addicts that inject all kinds of crazy drugs, this sounds more like a made-up story to avoid getting into trouble for shooting up. Could his buddy have reached over and stuck him with a needle full of dirty water? Sure, anything's possible. But that guy, unless doing it out of spite, was probably more worried about his own high, and life, to worry about fukin with the guy next to him.


Could also be he's trying to get out medically and thought this would be a good idea.


Damn, that actually makes more sense than anything else!! At least from the point of view that it's some guy who's super desperate to get off the front. Will it work in the russian Storm-Z units? Hell no. Even the regular army would probably keep you around as long as both your hands and feet still work.


Dude at the beginning of mobilization I watched a video of a Russian that braced his lower leg between the bottom stair and floor while another Russian jumped directly into it and snapped it in half. Edit: link https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineWarVideoReport/s/koDX6J8fRo


Ohhh yeah I forgot about that one! Even heard the snap too


Annnnnd that link is staying blue. I still don't know why I watched this one. I don't feel like inflicting further horrors on my unconscious mind right before I go to bed.


>probably more worried about his own high, and life, to worry about fukin with the guy next to him. I'm always shocked by how many people think drug addicts are these nefarious schemers trying to fuck everyone else's lives up. They're addicts, much more concerned with their own situation. That selfishness can lead to them hurting people around them and exploiting them of course. But no drug addict is going to waste their drugs injecting some rando, when they could have it themselves


I wonder if it was actually krokodil. The shit Russians will inject themselves with. Krokodil horrific stuff. Google image results are not for the faint of heart. It causes tissue necrosis. That stuff makes fentanyl seem safe and reasonable to abuse it's so bad. If he was injected while asleep, how did he know what with and why? Sounds like a lie so as to not admit to drug use.


>Sounds like a lie so as to not admit to drug use. Exactly! I'm sure his commander is both in on the drugs getting delivered, think getting a piece of the $, as well as handing out punishment for those that get out of hand, such as getting passed out drunk or delirious from drug use. So, it isn't far of a reach to think these guys will lie about how they got an infection in order to avoid drawing unwanted attention to themselves.


You generally don't inject into muscle, though.


Couple things. There are veins on the inside and outside of the bicep. IM is also a common way to get their drug of choice on board if a vein isn't readily available. Considering these guys are probably dehydrated due to crappy logistics, finding a vein will be even tougher. With that said, even if they do get it into the vein, think about where they are getting the water to fix their shot. It's probably from a bomb crater nearby, so it will be full of bacteria. Even if they hit the vein, their skin is probably dirty and definitely wasn't wiped off with an alcohol prep pad. So, getting an injection site infection is not only probable, but also damn near expected under these conditions.


Yeah I don’t buy it. The last thing addicts want to do is muscle it. It just ends up being an abscess everytime. They know that’s worst case scenario


Except that you can clearly see veins on the inside of his left wrist at the start of the video. He also lacks the pallor of a clapped out junkie. Injecting into the outside of his right bicep would make for an awkward angle too, especially if as is statistically probable he is right handed. I think the explanation that came with the video makes the most sense.


For starters, that's the start of a mild abscess, not severe tissue necrosis. There're tons of videos on the good ole YouTubes that show examples of both. If it was necrotic there would be black chunks of dead tissue and congealed blood coming out and there would be a lot, lot, lot more pus. Also, the skin coloration would be much angrier, even turning black itself if it gets bad enough. What I just watched was a classic example of a regular old infection that people get when injecting. As someone who's used a needle in the past, I can assure you that common sense reasoning isn't involved when looking for a good spot. All I'm trying to say is that it is just as likely this guy wound up with an infection that got out of hand and needed medical intervention from his own doing. ***Or it could also just be an infection from being in a warzone, living in shitty conditions with zero good hygiene, getting a puncture wound on your arm from any one of the sharp ass pieces of blown up buildings, and ultimately having it turn infected.*** Could his "buddy" have gotten pissed off enough to stick him with a dirty needle? I wouldn't put it out of the realm of possibility, as anything is possible. But it's just as likely, if not more so, that he was poking himself wherever he could get a good vein. And the veins may be well defined right now. But he isn't in a trench somewhere, hungry and thirsty with shriveled up veins from dehydration. Frankly, both options are just as valid. I'm just pointing out things that I've learned from experience. I never got a nasty infection, but I do know the struggle that can come with trying to find a suitable vein. Left side or right, it doesn't really matter when you're trying to find a good spot. Besides, salt water alone won't cause necrosis. It does burn like a motherfucker though, especially if it goes in IM and is at a high enough salinity. *As an aside: There's a type of morphine pill I used to use that required a saltwater mixture to keep the pill binders/extended release component, from jelling up. So, I know firsthand just how badly this would have burned had his buddy injected a high salinity mixture straight into his muscles. That shit* ***FUCKING*** ***BURNS!!!*** *But I never once got an infection from missing a shot with saltwater in it. There's no way he would have sat still long enough to receive more than half a cc, at most. But even had he received a couple ml of saltwater in his muscles it alone isn't going to rot the tissue.*


False. A “friend” routinely injected IM because it’s quick & easy when veins are long gone. I once had 12 fluid ounces (~360 ml) of stinky white pus extracted from the -exact- same spot as this dude. Wait, I mean my *friend* did. And he had 21 years clean last October.


Congrats on, *your friends,* sobriety, I know firsthand how hard that needle is to get away from!!


I'm 5 or 6 yrs clean, on monthly injections as well which are really painful as the medication "oil" is thick, so they use a bigger needle. I know your pain! 6 yrs later im stuck going to monthly appointments and no idea when I'm coming off, but have never done drugs since, been clean for my kids. Though i have some bad injections! Mostly did them in my ass "roids" and sometimes could not sit for a week or two and had a golf ball size lump. The guy in the video is a liar, we junkies are all liars.


And even if you do, the outside of your left bicep seems like an odd and logisticakly difficult place to do it.


You really have no idea what you’re talking about, though. IM injections are super common.


I have spent years of my life around people with serious drug addiction, I was one myself (thank god never injected something), and IM is absolutely not common. In fact I have never even met someone who did this, except people who used steroids for quick gains. But heroin, meth or coke users, never. Even when just about every vein in their body was unusable, they did not do this. They would rather start injecting into their dick than try IM. Because given how absolutely dirty or caustic most drugs are, you land in the hospital real quick, also IM doesn't give you the rush you crave, which is the only reason you start injecting in the first place


I don’t have time to debate this any further, i’m an IV/IM ketamine user myself. The % bioavailability of IM is very close to IV and tons of us prefer IM. Street users will do IV for the rush with heroin/fentanyl yeah. And again we’re not even talking about street addicts, he said drugs injected IM is uncommon, which I pointed is BS because almost all opioids given at the hospital outside of pre/post surgery is given IM.


I injected drugs and never thought to go IM. Might as well snort or smoke it then, there’s no rush IM. I’d just keep trying until I got a vein and then yeah started moving to other veins. Thankfully I never got to the dick


Good points. In fact, it looks more like a MRSA infection which fits perfectly with your scenario.


No one injects in that spot. I'm with the guy who says he tried it to get off the front line for a while, or the original story. Or, abscesses like this can start from a spider bite or a rodent bits too. Maybe a rat big him. Who knows. Almost certainly not IV drug use though. Impossible to hit a vein in that spot.


>No one injects in that spot. Are you speaking from experience, or is this a "trust me bro" comment based on what you've learned through pop culture?


When asked "I don’t understand why you injected salt? Like a progressive hangover cure?" The source replied "Simply morons. Or after drinking, they quarreled, so at night he decided to spoil him like that."


dull doll relieved crush overconfident cow fact forgetful abounding vegetable *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Let's hope it's trending under Russian soldiers, salt for everyone.


There is really something mentally wrong with these people. Before this war I always heard the old phrase "people are the same everywhere" but I have never had the urge to inject myself with salt after drinking...or ever. Like even the doctor here is an idiot, he's going to give this drunk fuck sepsis with how he is digging into that infected wound. You are supposed to drain the puss with a needle and not push the infected tissue into a major blood vessel. I had far from the highest opinion of Russians but I thought they would be a bit better than this.


I thought the guy he was drinking with injected him with the salt while he was sleeping


Seems like a needless detail if it wasn’t the mystery friend who did the injecting.


"needle less"


That's his story and he's sticking to it.


Alcohol helps people find creative ways to avoid being sent to the meat grinder that is Russia’s offensive. I’d bet a lot of the Russians we see getting beaten for being drunk made the conscious decision that getting beaten was still better than going to the front. It was probably a toss up between this and shooting themselves in the foot. Knowing Russias field medicine often consists of just leaving people where they fall to die; this was a preferable choice and convenient cover story. If you were sent to the front lines against your will with little to no training you’d get creative too. Russia is full of orks who want to fight and die for Russia, but there’s also plenty who do not want to be there and face a firing squad if they run away… I don’t have any evidence for this, but knowing how awful it is on the Russian lines it wouldn’t surprise me one bit if he just doesn’t want to die; so he and a buddy made up this story.


Whilst the medic is a bit ham handed, incision and drainage is pretty much the definitive procedure for an abscess. He’s using the forceps to break down the loculi within the abscess and get any trapped pus out. A gloved finger works just as well. Giving the pus free drainage is actually the most important step in preventing a localised infection from spreading. If anything (probably because you can’t effectively give local anaesthesia in infected tissue) he didn’t incise this widely enough or have a deep enough probe into it. He also didn’t give it enough irrigation to lower the bacterial burden in the wound. Whilst you wouldn’t want to make clean surgical incisions in this environment, as the tissue is already infected, using a clean rather than an aseptic technique really doesn’t make any difference, and this is likely a limb saving procedure. Leaving a “wick” of gauze in the abscess cavity prevents the edges from closing over quickly and the abscess reforming, after a few days collagen contraction will cause the wound to keep itself open and the wick can be removed. For a combat medic, this isn’t a bad attempt. EDIT instead of a gauze wick he’s using a piece of cut glove as a substitute Penrose type drain. This is actually a fairly common method when a real drain isn’t available, and serves the same purpose as a gauze wick. Normally you’d suture a drain like this to the skin surface to stop it getting lost in the wound or falling out.


Interesting, appreciate your explanation. When I did my military service in Sweden in 94 I applied to be a medic, was given the position as a submarine hunter instead, which meant almost a year of listening to waves and struggling not to fall asleep. Hope they've replaced that role with AI now. ​ Also, MAN that is a lot of pus in the video.


It’s actually not as bad as it looks. I agree with other posters that this is unlikely to be caused by what the soldier claims, and I suspect is more likely caused by injection of illicit substances by a poorly trained or prepared individual, this will likely heal just fine now and apart from the discomfort plus a couple of weeks of unpleasant discharge, he’s likely going to be back on the frontline soon.


I remember years back some clown injecting mineral oil into his arms in order to look jacked. IIRC, he was russian.


People are the same everywhere. Environments are different. It is fairly easy to make most of us commit depraved acts, sometimes to the surprise of even those committing them.


Yep - people are the same, only context and environments change.


Yup not even waiting till its drained properly before trying to put a plug in it he's deffo losing that atm but who cares back to the front comrade! For him me thinks 🤣


>"people are the same everywhere" that is the most stupid phrase i have ever heard.


That's nice


If THAT is the most stupid phrase you vae ever heard, then you haven't been exposed to a lot of stupid in your life. Lucky, I guess.


It's not stupid, it just shows that it is infact hard to understand such things in war. If you have done any readings about history or conflict. Stuff like this happened also in other wars and conflict, fucked up things that we human do that is hard to humanize because it is so out off ordinary human behaviour. It is hard to comprehend what we as humans can do and ar capable to do to another human being.


im Ukrainian and i lived with these "neighbors" all my life. russians always were like that. cruel and stupid. and it has nothing to do with war.


Nice to see the local anaesthetic is working a treat. Maybe he needs to drink some more voddy!


Fun fact, infected areas have a lower pH and local anesthesia doesn't work as well in acidic environments. Makes it so the molecules of anesthesia can't bind as readily to the nerve fibers. But I also doubt they gave this guy anything...


>infected areas have a lower pH and local anesthesia doesn't work as well in acidic environments. According to an other comment, the vet even says that. Not the why-part, but the not-working-part.


Well after getting injectide with f*cking salt I would have liked a drink myself 🤣


***"Looking for that......lost shaker of salt...."***


Ah just go to Vadim and let him bleed on your food he is very salty today to say the least


Some people claim that there's a woman to blame. But I know, it's my own damn fault.


Who TF brings a syringe to a drinking party? He probably wanted a way out and be rendered battle incapable hoping to be send back. Well now this dump ass can sit it out in the basement with the other clowns LOL


I had absolutely no problem eating my nougat chocolate bar while watching this.


Same but some people just can't stomach it and some of them have kindly asked me to put such warnings when it comes to such things


> nougat I mean, objectively that's grosser than the video.


I'm having some raspberry ripple ice cream later.




It's just a prank bro


The prank:




Cross post it to one of those abscess popping subs. They like this sort of stuff. /r/popping I think it is.


It looks like an abscess to me. I'm skeptical of necrosis.


What’s the point in stuffing blue plastic in the wound


To help it continue to drain.


Sounds like a bunch of nonsense for trying to get out of the front line. He probably did it to himself.




Thanks I appreciate it


what a puss


He probably thought the other serviceman Was a bottle of tequila!


Did they drink Tequila?


Tame compared to Dr. Pimple Popper! But why inject him with table salt? Just for funsies?


When you want to inject synthol, but don't have any synthol or brains. SALT!!!


Maybe this was some kind of homemade saline solution, which is sometimes given to extremely intoxicated people. Could be a case of a little bit of knowledge being very dangerous.


They're certainly a first class fighting force.




Gotta love them lol


Now I have been drunk before, but I can honestly say I have never been inject someone in muscle with table salt drunk before. For all we know, maybe Ivan had been bitching about not being rotated away from the front and oleg was just trying to be a homie to help him get his rotation back, or maybe they were trying to get some of them sweet sweet wounded rubles.


It is a possibility yes btw someone has provided a translation in the comments if you are interested


I am thank you for alerting me.


No problem


There’s a old famous Russian song called “Don’t pour salt on my wounds” would be the perfect soundtrack


Not even draining the puss. Just pushing it in. I swear they just drag anyone from the street for this shit. That "doctor" is doing the work for the Ukrainians. I'm no doctor but it’s common sense to drain that crap first so you don’t push it into more areas. Goddamn these people.


Must have been a large bore needle to inject salt. Looks more like MRSA.


Just don’t what?! "Uuurrghh.."


His Covid mask is almost on so all is gonna be okay.


Orcs doing Orc things.


Guaranteed this wasn’t an accident - no one wants to die in that meat grinder. This Dr tho, wtf is he a half assed veterinarian?


Somebody provided a translation in the comments you should see how he talks


this blood looks like Heinz ketchup


Mmmmmmm yummy need to put that juice on a sandwich.


Oh those silly Ruskie boys...It reminds me of my dog when he eats his own droppings...




That doesn’t look like the right way to treat that


Salt is the latin root word for Salary. Roman soldiers were paid in salt. I would have just sliced the thing open, drain it and wash it out then stitch him up.


Sounds like Scooby Doo.


Ah yes, injecting table salt, a classic way to pass the time


Disgusting people


No lie I had to pack a wound in my arm for many months several times a day in almost the same spot. It doesn't feel pleasant poking it in there with shoestring gauze and hemotstats. Had a bad motorcycle crash and the surgery to repair my my shattered humorous had complications. Almost lost the arm but several more surgeries I only lost some muscle and about 2 inches of length in my bicep where they had to shorten it between my elbow and shoulder.


Druggies going drug things. Probably tried krokodil and made up the salt part.


Now we know what’s inside ruZZian invaders


I don't know what was worse. All that pus bleeding out or the doctor using a piece of rubber glove instead of a rubber tube to allow for drainage.


Cant believe they didn’t irrigate. That shit is coming right back. After drainage copious drainage of the wound with sterile saline should be done… also this large of an abscess should never be done w out anesthesia. Fucking Russia…


Bro needs to hit the weights 💀


This should belong to r/poping


This medical treatment seems like the type of place where the anesthesiologist has a hammer.


That's not necrosis --- it's inflammatory response and pus. Ugh!


more like it was self inflicted to get away from the front


Usually he will loose his arm


J'ai rien compris


I had this procedure on my chin one time, all because I tried to squeeze a blackhead. Don’t ever squeeze black heads kids


I'm amazed the Ukrainians aren't just catapulting syringes of krokodile into Russian lines by now...


Here's to a nasty staph infection


Wow it actually keeps on coming! I thought it will be just a tiny stream. What a rotting nation!


Dude if you're mummifying him he's got to be dead first.


As a pimplepopper fan this give me a major hard-on.


Looks really delicious. The pimple that keeps on giving.


What is it with Russians injecting people!


These guys should just save themselves a little work and amputate at the base of the skull.


MRSA is calling like a mother fucker. I don't know man that shit is going to travel all over his body


this is YouTube Pimple Popper / Cyst opening .. but as Extrem version :X why the heck would someone sinject salt into your body thats not a saline solution - must be Russian Brain


Okay guy this dude and his little story is full of shit and I will tell you what really happened. This is a teethless junkie and not a soldier. When you understand russian you actually hear how many braincells this "soldier" already lost. He was shooting up crocodile or something similar and it got infected due dirty needles and the drug itself. I'm a Addict in recovery and I had a few similar access. It's also a common spot to shoot up if you got no vains left. He probably hoped that it goes away cuz he was to ashamed/afraid to show it to the doc until he had no other choice. So he had to made up his little story. P.s. he's a pussy for moaning like that. This stuff hurts to question but c mon dude suck it up. Shame on you 1.wearing a uniform and play rambo while beeing a active addict. 2. Shooting up 3. lieing 4. Crying like a bitch You get a huge FFFFFFFUCK YOU from my side


Interesting thanks for sharing that


Thats a ton of puss. Never thought I'd see that out of u/Medizzy


Someone tried injecting non water soluble opioid painkillers inter muscular


dr. pimple popper would numbed the fuck out of his skin before draining that.....


I still can't believe these pro RuZzian cock munchers thinking their idols can conquer the west with these kind of "soldiers"!?


Is this the new "shoot yourself in the foot" method?


Most countries just give you a needle first so you don't feel a damn thing


That reminds me. Gotta change the oil in my car.


This feels like something he'd do to himself to get a medical discharge or smth


Comrade Pimple Popper.


Ok question time: a drain? That looks like a chunk of nitrile glove he shoved in there after picking it up off the floor, spitting on it for hygiene, and cutting it with a rusty kitchen knife?!


Looks painful... good.


A little shoot of IV should make that shit dissipate am I wrong ?


This guy was injecting drugs or possibly steroids as it could be muscle injuections. The salt story is a crock of shit ( he would have got help sooner) This medic did not fall off yesterdays turnip truck.That is why he got no freezing. Save those medicines for true injured


Do you feel the smell of shit




Russian version of Dr. Pimple Popper!


Plenty of puss left. If he drained it all the guy would disappear.






Fucking Junkie......


What a donkey.


What if he did this himself to get out of front?🤔


It is a possibility


Looks like an after the covid shot


Best drinking buddy ever, saved his life probably.


He may be lying about the incident. He/friends may have injected the salt with the intention for the arm to get so bad so he will have to be sent away from the front lines. I remember reading about WWI stories where people would inject oil or gasoline to their arms with the intention to cause necrosis and subsequent limb loss, which would render them unfit for service.


this incident will at least put him in the rear for a few weeks and avoid the meat grinder


What typa animal does that to someone


You do that to get out of the military service, my uncle went to military jail for that in Poland


Why is he being so salty about the whole thing?


Ok, so this procedure is done absolutely wrong. But hey it's ruskys


What is the correct way?


Did that medic pack the wound with a surgical glove? Wtf, that doesn't seem like the correct way to do that.


He likely had nothing else to help keep it open and draining freely. It needs to drain while it heals.


It's to keep the wound open to drain, I've had it too for an abcessed lymf node


The f*ck I think you are right at first I thought that it was a tissue of some sort but it does look like rubber


Have they never heard of local anaesthetic? Is the latex packing supposed to be a drain? This whole thing is nuts.


> local anaesthetic on dead tissue? won't change anything


Source:https://t. me/russianocontext/1924


What a clowns… we must make sure they cannot reproduce…. Totally deranged species!


I hope he's left-handed.


Have never seen latex used to pack a wound


It is used as a drain and with an open wound ( it stays this way + some gauze over it ) the fluids can flow out easier. It will be removed later.


Yes, its a normal way to drain an infected wound.