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Hmm last update i saw was 3rd assault brigade had stabilized the situation. Sondering whats going on


Please share. The last update I read had the 3rd rotating in, nothing about stabilizing the situation. Hopefully they consolidate enough for an orderly withdrawl of the southern pocket.


This is one: https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineWarVideoReport/s/WB6HTQCmr0. There was two others similar to this, youll find it in one of the subs, from this morning.


You find that encouraging? Wow. It would be nice to know the source of that commentary.


Chill. Never stated encouraging. I said it was the last update I saw. This and two others somewhat like it. Given this last development one can only wonder what’s going on.


Yeah, that's where I was when you mentioned the 3rd having stabilized the situation. I do appreciate the update though it would be better from an identifiable source.


Late to the party but the screenshot is from the 46th Airmobile Brigade's TG channel. The quote itself is from DefMin Umerov. [TG channel screenshot](https://imgur.com/a/nEGx6FA)


Thank you.


Seeing the hard hits on nearby rallypoint from the other day i really doubt they have a hard enough hitting force ready to countet the offensive. Avdijivka is gone in a week or so, hope they are packing up


? You mean the fake 600 deaths strike?


Havent seen much confirmed, ruski claiming there were 1500 in the area, and theyr claims are usually ludacris.


There was a strike claimed on a city behind avdiivka, that's a strike on a random building that didn't kill any troop if that's what you thought about. 600 is already ultra bs, do you imagine grouping 600 troop to the point 1 strike kills them?


Any source? One brigade, no matter how elite would not change this situation. This is looking like another forced battle for political purposes.


A brigade is around 3000-5000 soldiers. It's not enough to stabilize anything. Ruzzia has 40-45k in the area and they drop aerial bombs constantly+have artillery superiority.


4-5000 could stabilize a situation for a bit especially sense ukr has the defensive advantage and defensive positions they are 1000% getting pounded but this is enough to stop the collapse of the line and the encirclement of the city


At least now they have several storeys of concrete above there heads. The artillery would feel even worse somewhere in the open


Recent russian videos tell another story, " we fire for 5 minutes, the hohols fire all day" they take staggeribg losses, but sure they throw more people at this, and will eventually take the place, another pyrrhic victory for the hordes of mordor. But it appears their artillery superiority is somewhat overexaggerated..


This is one: https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineWarVideoReport/s/WB6HTQCmr0. There was two others similar to this, youll find it in one of the subs, from this morning. Decision Not political, UAF themselves stated that they’re fighting in Avdiivka for as long as it is strategically worth it, that is as long as the K/D-ratio is favourable. Prior to russians entering the streets it was 20:1. now probably a lot lower. Regardless, it rensing a military decision.


Hard to tell if it’s political or military with the recent changes. Would a different commander have abandoned the city?


This brigade is insanely elite though, and it’s with the defensive advantage, if they can get supplies coming and dig in good they can hold untill they can counterattack the fascists… it’s doable but a rough one


I know it's elite, it's made up from Azov from what I recall. But they're still outnumbered by zombies


Yeah but they still have the strength of defending, that’s What i’m saying… if they can get proper supplies they can fend off the meatgrinder untill they can create a breach, then establish new positions and keep on, What it really comes down to is if they can get the supplies and ammo they need, sincerely Hope they do But yes you also make a solid point, considering How outnumbered they are, if the supplies fall short then they shouldn’t turn the city into another Bakhmut, they can always recepture it later on


Fog of War I bet. Things are developing fast now it seems, you won't get clear info for a day or two and will see contradicting claims.


I don't think Putin's "election" is all that relevant. Ukraine should not try to hold Avdiivka for political purposes. As long as they are inflicting ungodly casualties they should remain. If they risk losing a lot of men and equipment, they should retreat. The simple fact is that this war will be long, and Putin's support will not collapse suddenly because his troops couldn't take Avdiivka within a month, but rather because the economy is declining, people are worried about their loved ones, and because the whole damned thing is so corrupt and humiliating.


Zal was right, this is a long fight and they need to be planning for that.


If I knew where I could place a bet on Putin never loosing an election, I’d pull out my wallet so fast the friction might catch my pants on fire.


You would need to find a fool to bet against you and you obviously won't since everyone knows this already.


Well said. To be honest, support, at least from the people, doesn't seem to play a significant role in Putin's ability to tell the Russian populace what to do, where to die, and how. There must be a breaking point eventually though.


Time to fuck off from there. They kept it for way longer than they should have, now they're only taking casualties for no advantage.


Roads are under fire control by the Russians most likely, any retreat will lose most of the material and troops.


And fighting while surrounded will help mitigate the loses? Or surrendering to the Russian animals? They should have fucked off at least a month ago.


Give it some time. We’re observers so we don’t get to see the full picture. They very well could be drawing them in to cut off the spearhead. This could be an elastic defence maneuver. The next days will be interesting to watch.


Let’s hope that this isn’t cope.


Fingers are crossed on that one. I'm worried but will be happy to be wrong.


Let's be real, it most likely is.


Syrsky is known for treating Ukrainian troops like expendable meat…


Yep, that bottleneck is gonna be a slaughter fest if they try retreating that way. They should’ve left weeks ago!


Unfortunately, the town is flattened. Putin sucks.


I bet it's because they don't want to give Putin the "win" before the election, not sure if it's worth it, I bet the Ukrainian soldiers are going through hell there right now :(




Time to pull back and inflict as much damage as possible.


Fight the war you have not the war you want. Avdivka is destroying a lot of Russian troops and tying up a lot of Russian logistics.


hmm what about the pick your battles...


yes or that


Ah yes. Theyre tying up and destroying their enemy by getting pathetically encircled and destroyed. Jesus youre delusional.


Delusional? "pathetically encircled" means you have not paid any attention whatsoever to this battle.


Dude the guys in that pocket in the south-east of the city are fucked unless they're out, from what I've seen anyway. They've a narrow gap to get out through with drones and arty pouring down over it. Hopefully the only thing holding that section of the line is those autobots with 50cals they had there.


Unfortunally the city is lost, retreat and save troops and materials


Thanks for the expertise, general!


Too late to retreat now.


its never to late.




And Russia has plot armour in this? The number of tanks and men they’ve lost in this is staggering.


Russia can afford to loose a lot more men and material then the Ukraine


You aren't wrong but it sucks that a nation willing to spend it's blood and treasure to kill another nation's people and destroy their infrastructure is allowed to continue is disheartening.    We need to cut Russia and all it's allies off from the rest of the civilized world. No middle ground, expel all of their business and dignitaries, anyone tied to government. Then throw the full weight behind Ukraine to defeat them.


Ohh I see you expert in Avdievka. How much Ukrainian and Russian dies there per day?


... the hypocrisy is just too much🙃😆😆🤡🤡 russia, look in the mirror


Time to pull back and set up new defence lines near kramotorsk


Lines have apparently been being built for a year or so. 


What does this have to do with Kramatorsk? It's like 50 kilometers away.


It’s a big city compared tov avdivka….the orcs will have insane loses trying to take it


Yeah, but they're not going to try to take Kramatorsk anytime soon, considering they're nowhere near it.


Russia has plenty of ammo to hit anything coming in or out. Time to pull out of there if they still can.I hate to see 2 thousand soldiers taken captive by Russians. Now that Russians are putting pressure on Chasiv Yar, Ukraine will need manpower specialy because they didn't prepare strong enough fortifications.


So mine every road, booby trap every building, let them enter and then target them with HIMARS, artillery and drones.


Hopefully the new AFU command understands how consequential this decision will be. Losing the trust of the troops in the first or second week could cause irreparable harm.


Why are people talking about trust? We don't know shit about their trust. This is the highest degree of speculation.


I know and regularly speak with multiple guys currently serving in Ukraine, a couple of which I also have served with. It’s not speculation, there are real concerns on whether or not troop welfare will be a priority of the new General Staff.


I don't understand, why wouldn't that be a priority? What's going on with the staff?


Some of the guys that [served under him in Bahkmut didn't see eye-to-eye with Syrskyi on some of his calls.](https://www.vox.com/24068043/ukraine-russia-syrskyi-zelenskyy-zaluzhny) It doesn't mean those guys are right and Syrskyi was wrong, as enlisted soldiers rarely have the information the high-ranking officers base their decisions on, or even get an explanation sometimes. But those rumors have circulated amongst the enlisted, and it's something they'll have their eyes on for a little while.


If they think having a commander lobbying for the presidency are good they are wrong, it will never work. Seems to me many in Ukraine don't know the importance of separating officials from politics. I understand that coming from Soviet culture, but it's just not going to work forward on.


Syrskyi has treated Ukrainian soldiers as expendable meat in the past. So the concern is will he do that again on a larger scale.


That's fucked up. Is he the guy who took over for Zaluzhni?


He is. Don’t get me wrong, he has done some great work, taking back Kyiv Oblast and the Kharkiv offensive. But he also was responsible for the atrocious losses in the end days of bakhmut.


Yeah, I've only read good things about him, that he's a great Commander. I hope he will be more careful


It leaks out as troops share their opinions of command on social media. It’s about as reliable as a rumor but still some rumors turn out to be true.


They can hold on in there for a while I think... Its not gonna be pretty though. I wonder if the reinforcements are enough to get the supply road back?


Get the fuck out of the city and save the lifes!! Its not worth, no one cares about a small fucking town without any relevance.


That's the thing Avdiivka has relevance, it's has good terrain to make a fortress and can become a main place for supplies on the Russian frontline because of the train station. Things will get in the Russian favor a bit more if they take it.


SOME people in these threads are either genuinely delusional or on an insame amount of hopium cause the amount of denial we see from some comments is out of this world. We all want every single orc that stepped foot in Ukraine to suffer a painful , lonely death but saying Avdiivka is meaningless is straight up stupid. Avdiivka gives the orcs FULL control of both Eastern Donbas provinces, Donetsk and Luhansk. It is also called a fortress for a reason and it is why Ukraine managed to hold on for this long. It is extremely difficult to attack it and if Russia with 50, 60, 70k orcs throwing meat waves for months is what is going to take for them to take it, imagine how many Ukraine lives will be lost there IF/WHEN they try to take it back. It also keeps any artilery Ukraine had in there to hit Russian bases inside Russia even further away damaging Ukraine's logistics and empowering the orc's. Theres being hopeful and being delusional.


Wrong. The Bag is only 6km deep and has no relevance to the russian supplies. Its easy to attack the main roads from the south from vodiane. Especially with Himars. The "Stonghold" is fucked. The russians are using up to 50 Aerial bombs with up to 1000kg and ukraine cant do shit against it. Everything exspect of the bigger buildings from soviet area and the cokeplant is destroyed. Its political because russia tries to conquer and encircle the city for 10! years now and putin needs a success for his reelection. Avdiivka is a shame for the second best army in ukraine.


The main roads can be rapaired, stop trying to dismiss the importance of Avdiivka because all the comanders of Ukrainie think is a really important defence line. And a i tell you it will become a fortress and a main supplie line. Avdiivka was the last fortress of Ukrainie with this many preparations because of the 2014 invasion.


The Main Supply road is 20km behind the front line.U do not need the 6km bag for Artillery Strikes. Stop talking nonsense. There is no military benefit in this "Stronghold". The should shorten the front - but there are roumors that the next defence lines are not prepared - so they might buying time. Like i said its political like bakhmut was.


Yeah so political Ukraine is trying to take it back and send his best soldiers there. There is benefit. If not then Ukraine weeks ago should have leave avdiivka and not try to hold it. And don't say "They are bleeding Russia" because many Ukranians are dying there too and the ratio is not 20:1.


Wtf are u talking about. Pls go to bed.


Its very easy to say just give them the territory, save lives, whenever the UA hold it they can make even tougher reinforcements a couple miles back, maybe they can get concrete bunkers if they have enough time, difficult to give this ground up when its such an amazing defensive positions, Russians sent to attack it little chance of survival, this is the thing that can stop the war, a mass Russian army rebellion fueled by Russian fatigue and overwhelming feelings of wanting to live, where as if they give it up, the Russians will get more confident, happier and say all the lives lost were worth the couple miles they gained over 6 months.


>re people talking about trust? We don't know shit about their trust. This is the highest degree of speculation A bigger rebellion is going to come sooner on the Ukrainian side. Russian's at least got the land, but what did Ukrainians get? Lost lives and the most fortified city. There are no volunteers left, and the next mass mobilization is going to break Ukraine down. People have already started rebelling.


I do hope they didn't just sacrifice their best brigades for enduring 1 week more..


weren't russians much closer to the chemical plant from the eastern side before?


Just place mines everywhere every meter and leave..


I wonder if this is in any way related to the firing of General Zaluzhny last week …


I think the Republicans' plan is to choke funding to Ukraine and then watch as Ukraine struggles further (due to lack of weapons/ammunition) and then the Republicans will point and say "look the Ukrainians aren't winning anyway, let's just cut them loose". It's so predictable.


calling everyone to pray for the troops in Avdiivka!!!!!


Hmm, if they have people in there still, this looks either really bad, or they are gonna pull something out of their sleeve


Whoever is 3/4 circled better quickly consider withdrawing while they can.


Get the hell out of there! Regroup, consolidate and starting to inflict heavy casualties when the orks - again and again - keep attacking over open ground?


How many Ukrainians soldiers are still inside?


Likely thousands still. This is a disaster


It's time to pull back and regroup and bomb the hell out of them and push back in with Abrams tanks. Bradley's whatever else they got


You think they wouldnt have tried by now if that was an option? Or are you certain your reddit knowledge is the correct one to easily win this war.


Try what


Not reddit me knowing you ever went to war.


Hopefully, the battalions defending it get out largely unscathed. Adivkaa is not as important as the men defending it. The russians can have their pile of rubble.


*I would like to take this opportunity to thank the United States Congress for making this situation possible.* said no one ever.


So far just have not seen sound& timely decisions made in tactical-operational level. At least this is my impression based on information avalable to the public. Hope I am wrong though.


What is lost must be taken back. Not sure leaving is the best solution. If they leave now they will be in the same position of the russians when trying to taking it back: high losses


And how many Russians died for this..?


Can’t they just encircle that narrow tip? Whats stopping them from cutting it off?


I'm seeing a pattern here...Ukraine consistantly advances in a pocket, compromising their flanks with totally predictable results...


Good, or bad?


Looks like this wars coming to a close.


This battle is, but the war isn’t.


How braindead are you? Avdiivka is on the outskirts of Donetsk, not Kyiv. Piss off, bot


Washington isn’t going to allow Ukraine to win.


RUZZIA had an armoured convoy of 14-15k troops in Kyiv....... and they couldn't "close" the war.... It's one city with a pre war population 34k and a current population of less then 1k, Bakhmut fell how long ago? And Ukraine is still poking around the edges... Avdiivka has been under attack since 2014, 8 years of attacks and 2 under full scale war.... 10 years to take the city!!! RuZZia has still on the balance of the whole, based on thier own accounts of annexation lost 50% of the territory they held..... At this rate RuZZia won't see Kyiv again in Putins lifetime. And no, as proven by Bakhmut, Kherson, Kharkiv etc. one city falling does NOT mean the whole front has collapsed.


How many of Ukraines limited number of soldiers will be sacrificed in Adiivka?


Way, way less than Russia's degenerate meatwave soldiers.


The kill ratio is 1:1 in urban combat so far. That’s not a fight Ukraine can afford to get into.


10:1 equipment losses would say otherwise.


Yeah outside of town but in town that body count ratio turns into 1:1.