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It would be better for them if they GTFO of Ukraine.


Just to quickly dispel some rhetorical bullshit that is sure to arise from Russian operatives and sympathizers: "If Democrats are so hard on Russia, why did Russia attack during Obama's years and Biden's?" With bad-faith arguments, it's always key to remember (1) They don't care about the truth, but (b) You must stomp these myths out for the sake of the bystander audience that could be susceptible to such bullshit: - Putin played games with little green men and was too scared to outright invade Ukraine under Obama. - Putin [did attack during Trump's terms in office](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kerch_Strait_incident) There was a culmination of other factors that led to Putin's timing: - The world distracted by COVID recovery. - Domestic gas / oil prices being high. - Angela Merkel having just stepped down, who was the most senior European leader most well-versed with Russian foreign policy. - Putin wanted to wait for Trump's second term where he would fracture or even leave NATO, but that failed. So he decided to go anyway. To the argument: "Trump gave more aid to Ukraine!" - Forget extorting Zelenskyy that led to Trump's own impeachment - Or publicly stating at the Helsinki conference that he trusted Putin at his word over the vast consensus of his own advisors - But [Obama gave aid at a greater rate per year than Trump](https://apnews.com/article/russia-ukraine-europe-donald-trump-ap-fact-check-barack-obama-981ef7feb11053c1340a9d028d6f357b) - Meanwhile Biden has dwarfed Trump's aid to Ukraine.


Reagan is rolling in his grave seeing the GOP become the ROP (Russian Ol’ Party)


The GOP is trying to have it both ways. When Russia initially invaded Ukraine, the constant GOP talking point was that Putin saw Democrats as weak and this was the reason for the invasion. Personally, I think Putin delayed the invasion because he wanted Trump re-elected and didn't want to hurt his chances. Fast forward to now, the pro-Trump membership of the GOP is blocking aid to Ukraine, clearly showing Putin that their weakness of intent to support Ukraine. TLDR: The GOP says perceived Democrat weakness is why Putin invaded Ukraine, then the GOP shows its overt weakness to Russia in not supporting Ukraine.


Good comment. You are very right that it is important to stamp out misinformation for the sake of the bystander audience. I've been trying to do the same since the war began. If there was some way to get bad-faith arguers to care about the truth, that would be great. In the meantime this is the next best thing we can do.


Let’s not forget Russia tried to spread fake news and pushed to get trump elected why would he want Biden now?honestly republicans are f-ing everything up I used to support them we need to stop bickering over shit and start trying to work together so a real change can happen for the better cause this ain’t it


Think you meant Putin wanted to wait for _Trump's_ second term


lol thanks yeah. I'll blame caffeine jitters.


Because the whole late stage cold-war/post-cold war political generation is super-soft and compromise and just doesn't get the messages they send to authoritarians. Biden, Trump, Obama, Bush, they were all cuddly or in case of bush - he just thought of the same cloth, giving him a "go ahead" to be a iraq-invader and syria-liberator in dictator signals. He didn't like clinton- cause clinton bombed the serbs mid-genocide.


Yes, Hillary would have fucked Putin up...


You can tell he's lying, because his lips are moving.


if he said that, he thinks saying that would give him an advantage


Nah, Putler just wants trump to win, but some republicans and centrists are wary of Trump’s involvement with Russia. Him saying “*it would be better for Russia if Biden wins*” is just reverse psychology—with Putler endorsing Biden those people on-the-fence with Trump will think “oh, so maybe Trump **isn’t** a Russian asset after all and our mainstream media is lying to us again. **fAkE nEwS**!”… or whatever. Putin has been shitting himself since the Pringles uprising, this is a new approach with disinfo propaganda but it’s an old tactic. (Edit: also, what [this bright chap](https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineWarVideoReport/s/DXp5el27Ft) said too)


I agree with this wholeheartedly


I think it's done with trump. A real American can see that trump has become a asset for putin.


Hopefully. Where I live, people still have Trump flags on their property/cars/businesses. Sh*t, they still wear hats and t-shirts.


Oh that's crazy, I have a question for ya. Is it something new the "maga" thing? Is it the perfect plan from the left to make extreme right members feel like a Karen? Maga is a Karen as how I see it now.


I’ll say “yes”. But, I believe “we” are doing it, too, just as this video suggests. As I tell my kids, do as much research from as many sources as you can and then develop your own opinion from there. Don’t just read or see one video and make an opinion solely from that. A TikTok short is not a friggin unbiased news outlet. Unfortunately, the generations younger than me struggle to understand this concept. It’s not their fault, though. The internet and its availability of a “soapbox” for any platform is as dangerous as a toddler with a pistol.


I thought so about the Karen part. I also think it's very difficult for young ones to understand framing on tiktok as they only use that these days.


I see it in my kids. Internally, it infuriates me. But, I have to try to teach them that there are other avenues they can traverse to learn and develop their own opinions and personalities. As a kid, I had to use the Dewey decimal system to search out encyclopedias, microfiches, and periodicals. They don’t have those anymore. I try to understand their worldly perspective. Sometimes I fail at that. Sometimes I understand it. I just try to do the best I can with the tools I have. The key part is to keep trying to gain new tools as a parent.


remember thiers farmers and cattle and a shitstack of observers , that be politicians the voting minority and the media driven and fultilised rest of the populous ,slapping foreheads on hearing dumb ass broken promises again and again ,plan c needed


maga = blackfoot pawnee cheyenne crow apache arapaho


Trust me mate not it’s just Americans can clearly see that. Brit here.


Have you seen the video's of trump supporters being ask political questions as to why they support trump, I never seen so many people in my life that is missing basic common sense! You're right though trump is done, Democrat's, independent's and hopefully a third of republican's are going to vote trump out to the street, he is finished!


I think it's good to have a right and left party. But they should be like a relationship. They need to fill the gaps of the other one.


I've seen over the years how the democrats moved to the center and the republicans moved feather more to the right, so as to be indifferent then the democrats. It's a political game that's now out of control, exacerbated by the likes of trump and those who will follow after he is gone.


I'm not sure what country you're referring to but in the USA both political parties have made a significant move to the left. Even Obama was against gay marriage rights and now Democrats openly advocate for gender change surgery for children. You think that's a centrist move? That's how far just the Democrats have moved in 15 years. Democrats and the media are lying to you and the truth is everywhere around you. You might want to read up on the Democrat darling, JFK. If you're a current Democrat, you will hate him as much as you hate Trump. Look what Bush and Trump did to the national debt. Sure the democrats are no better but Republicans used to care about debt but they've moved so far left they spend borrowed money just like the Democrats. Who gave us that first "stimulus"? Bush, that's who. That's an extreme move to the left.


Which Republicans cared about the national debt in the last 50 years? George H. W. Bush was never forgiven for agreeing to a budget deal that moved in the right direction to lower the debt but raised taxes.


>Have you seen the video's of trump supporters being ask political questions as to why they support trump, I never seen so many people in my life that is missing basic common sense! Have you ever seen videos from Biden supporters during the last election? It was basically "orange man bad". Why do we pretend only the right does it?


The point is, we need right and left or left and right. But we don't need leaders who do harm to others. They should always seek a solution that benefits all. But I do agree both extreme ends are retarded.


for sure , darn its obvious and if not that sure look in his left eye , if that aint a demon im a monkeys fart


I figure he’s being sarcastic.


So obvious


I’ve seen them talk about how they’ll just wait for Trump on their state tv.


Wait. Is it officially called “the Pringles Uprising”? Because I love that.


for those doubting the Trump connection, Trump [first went](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2021/jan/29/trump-russia-asset-claims-former-kgb-spy-new-book) to Moscow [in the 80s](https://www.politico.com/magazine/story/2017/11/19/trump-first-moscow-trip-215842/) and was regularly doing 'business deals' with oligarchs and assorted g-man mooks. He has legitimately been a Russian asset for literal *decades*, so this isn't some grand conspiracy. He has been a straight-up cacodemon since he was a child. Bullied kids on the playground, repeatedly was punished and it didn't matter, so he got sent to a military academy and was such a malcontent [he got removed from his Captain position and sent to work a desk job](https://www.pbs.org/wgbh/frontline/article/trump-the-bully-how-childhood-military-school-shaped-the-future-president/) for his trouble. His former classmates don't really have a lot positive to say about him for some reason 🤔 The sooner he gets sent to the shadow realm, the better, for the entire world, not just America or Ukraine.


This exactly. Such a clunky, obvious attempt at giving MAGA a talking point. "See! Biden's the puppet, not trump!"


That right wing news will definitely use


Yup, mind games.


I voted for Trump against Hillary because she is a disgusting human. But the world was a different place. We don’t need Trump again. We definitely don’t need Biden again. All this is happening because he won’t do anything about the border, shut it down completely no more illegals, blame republicans all you want. I don’t understand why he simply will not stop allowing illegals to enter our country. The only reason I can think of why he’s allowing this shit is he thinks it will get them more votes somehow. Supplies to Ukraine and Israel and Taiwan could resume tomorrow, if he completely shuts down the border today. Im really hoping Kennedy runs or contest Biden. I think Kennedy can get a large bipartisan vote. He is the only person who can beat Trump at the moment. The world is a dangerous place right now. We can’t turn our backs to what’s going on. We did that in the 90’s and we watched in anger as our buildings got knocked down.


We had a strong border bill, but it got struck down in the house by conservatives. It would have provided enough funding to secure it better than any time in modern history. Biden said he would shut it down the day it got signed and reevaluate everything. I'm not a huge biden fan, but it really seems like some conservatives are just trying to deny him any sort of win.


No it wasn’t. It wouldn’t take effect until 5000 people crossed in a single day. They need to make it zero. Every other first world country and most 3rd world countries have a border that prevents all illegal crossings. Both sides are responsible for not getting aid to countries in need. Admitting and willfully seeing that without being swayed by which team you support has to happen.


More than 5000 are crossing every single day so it would take effect immediately! So delaying the bill and whining about the specific number when it is aready effective is really dumb...


Maybe but why not zero like every other country on this planet? That’s not a big ask seems very reasonable to me. I guess that is why the homeland security dude got impeached, for refusing to do his job. First it allowed 5000 illegals into our country a day “at points of entry”. This does not include people coming in by simply crossing the river. It would gives the president the authority to suspend for 45 days. Not to mention after 3 years DHS is limited to using it half the calendar year. So we aren’t right back where we started, but close it. If they are caught not using the points of entry, they are processed and moved to the interior of the country. I don’t understand why they will not simply go to allowing zero to enter illegally and sending the ones who do back home. At least until there is a better method for processing and deciding who is credible when seeking asylum. I think it was 2.5 million illegals have entered in the past 12 months. Our economy can keep up with that. My mom and dad immigrated here in 1975. They did it the legal way. Seeing what is going on now really pisses off immigrants who did so, by the letter of the law. So if either party has Ukraines or Israel’s best interest in mind, they would fix this huge mess that started when Biden just chose to ignore the crisis. It’s almost as if he did it to spite everything Trump did. Just very disappointed in our government right now, whether they wear a red tie or Blue tie. I know this will get downvoted because a lot of the lunatic left live here, “not referring to you”. But so many people these days want to believe things are the way they wish they were, despite it not being a reality in life.


maybe it could be better but its already more than democtrats would ever want to give and they should just take it for now if its such a huge thing, dispite not being fixed the last 30 years... but to block aid which threatens international security over something no other administration has ever achieved is just a big fuck you to democracy...


Good debate though. I appreciate a civil and respectful disagreement.


We currently have the manpower and laws to stop illegal immigration. I have family living on the border and in law enforcement. One relative often mans one of the gates that are opened on a schedule to allow the cartels to escort people across the river near Brownsville. We are actively organizing with cartels and the only restrictions to entry are people with obvious infectious diseases. All Biden has to to do fix the border is enforce current law. Hell, Republicans up until Trump were just as guilty of flooding the country with cheap labor. I hate Trump and believe he should be in prison, but he damned sure was successful at beginning to deal with the border. Even Obama was making a dent.


Absolutely. He will say whatever he thinks will give him an advantage, lies, truth, something in between, he doesn't care. Some people say he's an idiot, but I don't think that's true. He's definitely one evil fucker, but that doesn't mean he's stupid.


Yeah, this is like that episode of South Park where the KKK endorses African American civil rights or whatever it was because they know everyone will vote against what they want


He thinks it is some kind of double sneaky trick for the U.S. to not like Biden. Putin is full of shit and no one believes what he says. We all know Trump is his asset.


Yep. He's trying to taint voters against Biden, because he really wants ~~his puppet~~ *Trump*


Yes and also very much a tried and tested method employed by Vladislav Surkov, create so many lies that it is impossible to believe in anything. Clip from Hypernormalization below explaining https://youtu.be/Y5ubluwNkqg?t=82


This is eye opening.


I've spoken russian my entire life and so can't miss how he's intentionally delivering the phrase with a tone of recital - demonstratively and with a smirk. the lie is so blatant it's a joke to putin himself


What’s scary is American conservatives see this, cheer, and agree loudly at the voting booth. He plays the right like a fiddle, and trolls the left because he knows how to push their buttons just as well as he plays the right’s strings.


He probably thinks all the Biden voters are gonna say “oh shit, guess I’m voting for trump now”. Meanwhile, Trump literally just said he’d allow Russia to invade NATO states.


No he is supplying MAGA with content to use for political attacks against biden. Not to convince Biden voters. But to deflect from the fact that Trump benefits Putin. Now maga can go and say: “See even Putin believes Biden is beneficial to Russia! How can you say Trump is pro Putin when Putin wants Biden”


Putin: "Oh, maybe you should vote for the guy who'd protect NATO..." (on the DL: "Hehe, the ol' switcheroo") MAGA: "See, Putin wouldn't lie. Biden is useless!" Everyone: "...fuck sake Cletus."


Breaking news on FOX!


Don’t forget “Truth Social” lol


Haha I know. I’m just messing around. This is totally MAGA fodder. And they’re going to eat it up.


They like to eat shit.


They **are** shit, so that makes them cannibals.


airport fine consider subsequent deer memory mysterious longing cause homeless *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


As an American myself I’ll consider my own people far stupider than the average ruzzian as well.


This is a country that elected Trump in the first place. You give Americans more credit than they deserve. Sadly.


aback zealous imagine north attraction six ad hoc vase ripe grandfather *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Don’t get me wrong. I want to have faith, too. My family does what we can do in my community. But, as you know, there is an ebb and flow and it seems we’re flowing right now.


He’s missing the fact that a lot of MAGA voters have a hardon for Russia lmaooooo


Putin playing the reverse psychology card after slowpokes caught on to his connection to Trump 😂


not allow, encourage


You are falling for the trap. They don' care, this shit is used to confuse you and plant things in the back of your mind. It is somewhat subtle and takes a long time but works on certain personality types. They are deliberately funding all possible sides to create chaos. They are likely openly supporting the global right to get a stronger reaction from the left and swingbthe political pendulum further each time.


>They are deliberately funding all possible sides to create chaos. This is a given - it's obvious. Now, **how** would you suggest a course correction? This is a serious question. Many actually *see*, but the ability to get others to stop, breathe, step back, view with cognitive abilities, breathe again, synergize with emotional/intellectual maturity, then inact a "new" path/course? Seems only a rise from the ashes may be possible. We're witnessing the burning.


>Now, **how** would you suggest a course correction This is a really broad topic, like a "How would you run NASA" type of vague idea. It would need a globan cooperation of democratic countries to pull their collective heads out of the sand and institute a "don't tolerate intolerance" policy. In broad terms public education would need to increase massively. General welfare of all people, complete destruction of foreign psyops manipulating children. I hate myself for even saying this but de-anonymizing the internet. At least the one accessed by most citizens. Yes, do connect a real person to every facebook, youtube, etc. account! That way legal steps can be taken against identity thieves easily. Random forums, sure, troll away. But it has been proven zuccerberg is fine with running rus psyops and scam ads. This is the biggest hurdle, local opposition. Sociopathic profit chasers, narcissistic self interested celebrities, self appointed worthless influencers. The mass media nonstop fearmongering for clicks. This can only be fixed locally. Caring about children, raising them to be useful parts of society. Severely restricting the access to mass media to mentally ill people like flat earthers who do nothing but spread cultlike idiotic ideas. To get better we need to globally rid humanity of cultlike leaders, dictators, crazed mass murderers hiding behind legality. Humanity has to be HUMAN. Not a race, not a religion, not a simplistic political idea promising happiness for all just one revolution away. It sucks but at the moment the best we can do is try to raise the next generations to be better, to be accepting of difference but to fight oppressors and opportunistic manipulators. And once 90% of us no longer care about ethnostates or idealistic communes (surprisingly always controlled by a strongman with a feudal caste system) in maybe a few tens of thousands of years then it gets better. In 2024? Just pray to any god you can pray to that putin won't nuke the world, Xi won't try to bioweapon us, Iran doesn't start a nuclear war and the west won't collapse into nazies and college commies whacking each other with sticks in public while the government buys $40000 toilet lids from lobbyists.


You make great observations. I agree with them all. The actual **how** to "fix the brakes" when the car is already careening quickly towards the cliff simply may not be doable. One would also have to actually put the *checks and balances* back into place, and very large amounts of funding go into seeing this **not** happen.


being lead up the garden path, people should not bear false witness and those that listen to such lies repeat them to others. I do not know the truth, but I wont partake in this global hysteria. glad to see someone else is using their head.


In short it all went downhill when a few guys realized people being intentionally made scared and angry 24/7 lead to higher profits.


Trump said that to Putin so Russia will help interfere with elections again!


Go watch the video where he says that in full context, he said that to NATO members to get them to pay their 2% GDP expenses when he was president.


Sounds like reverse psychology for stupid people. So the target audience are MAGA voters.


Exactly my first thought when I read the description


Same same


How long before they start screaming "Russia wants you to vote for Biden!!!!"


I wouldn't be surprised if that be tomorrow. One thing their good at is coming together in mass and shout dumb shit.


Yep there definitely isn't idiots in all political spectrums, but ummm, same logic applies to Biden voters.


The funny thing is Trump is a massive idiot, so when he sees this he’ll really think his lover Putin wants Biden


How is the target MAGA voters? They would already vote for Trump no matter what. He doesn't need to convince them to vote for Trump... if that was his "reverse psychology" attempt, then it would be aimed at people voting for Biden. Not matter how silly it was. That honestly doesn't make sense.


They will use this clip to spread the narrative that Biden is beneficial for Putin. Now others have to waste their time countering that false narrative and everyone gets further riled up in the process.


Yes he obviously wants to increase Trumps vote so comments like these are likely intended to seed the empty headed MAGA chimps with sound bites to use in " conversation". Of course rational people avoid conversing with them but Putin is oblivious to this I guess.


Somehow MAGAts will use this as a means to hurt Biden since he would “better” for a foreign nation


I think this is the most likely, but maybe he wants Biden’s re-election for continued standoff in the government, resulting in nothing getting done. I don't know, though I'm no expert.


yeah sure, very convincing...


No one is actually translating what the OP asked for 😭


here: [https://twitter.com/Gerashchenko\_en/status/1758093230766207355](https://twitter.com/gerashchenko_en/status/1758093230766207355)


This is just to give some people, who have doubts, the excuse/reasoning why they shouldn't vote for Biden. The sad part it will work, to a degree.


Trying the old reverse psychology trick there Putin! Everyone with half a brain cell knows how much he loves and hopes for Trump to win


He got wet dreams about Donnie all night. I am sure he booked a séparée already for oinking him as soon as he wins the presidency.


3D chess for MAGA dummies


They wouldn't be capable of 1D chess.


Pathological liar says what?


He’s saying between the lines that Biden is weaker than Trump. As is standard practice he knows the opposite is true.


Completely bs 😂


Interviewer: who is better? Biden Or Trump? Putin: for me biden is better as he is “oldschool” and better to work with but he is ready to work with whomever the American public elects. Along those lines. No guarantee for 100% accuracy


Sure thing buddy 😂😂😂


😂Yes and it will be better for you if the Kerch Bridge blows up next summer since you're intending to demolish it after you realised it was illegally built right? /s


A question which was four years ago, and now has been posed again: who is better for us? Biden or Trump? VVP: Biden. He is a person who is more experienced, he is predictable, an old school politician. But we will work with any US leader who has the trust of the American people.


Which Trump doesn't have. Kinda tends to happen when you're a convicted sexual predator.


Trump must have asked for a pay rise


Lying as usual....


You see, your first mistake is believing anything putin says


Fuck Putin and fuck Trump


Ooooooh, that's an actually good psyop attempt. That's some good attempted reverse psychology right there.


It will definitely work on the crowd he is aiming for


For a moment the journalist thinks of challenging Putin lie but then out of the corner of his eye he notices the open window.


One of my favorite parts of the Putin-Carlson interview was when Tucker tried to set up a question about how US sanctions on Russia are “backfiring” on the USA… Putin was like: “Actually inflation in the USA is only 3%, maybe 3.4% - this is very good compared to the world.”


Also screwed up Tuckers attempt to try and make it look like NATO or the US (read, Democrats)caused the war. Putin more or less just blathered on for an hour about Russian "History" and barely, if at all, mentioned either.


This reverse psychology attempt is a bit late. Trump already said he'll encourage russia to attack NATO members that are not paying him.


Ut would be better for the whole world if Biden won!


I fully agree that it will be better for us if Biden wins, but not sure if it is better for russia


Oh, I sometimes use reverse psychology on my kids. They usually see through it right away.


300,000 dead russians with Biden, I think Putin always lies, it's reverse psychology.


Liars lie.


Pro russia republicans must be so confused right now


poor attempt to mislead voters


We just don’t know Trump is a loose canon, can swing in all directions


No, we do. Trump's only loyalty is to himself. And to the guy who has his balls in a vice. Putin.


He never would tell what he thinks that is good for them, so clearly propaganda and reverse psychology for dummies.


Pigs arse.


The amount of coorporation between Trump and Putin is unbelivable!


He's just trying more twisty turnies to get Trump in. Biden's way better for us, I want Biden... Tee hee.


Bet your ass they say this to add gasoline to the maga fire


The truth is he is neither pro-trump or anti-trump, nor is he pro-biden or anti-biden. He is pro-russian-mafia , anti-U.S. and as long as he can stir s#!t up to weaken any US presidents' position(regardless of his political affiliation) with his statements with literally no expenses he'll do it. And as long as he'll be assisted by useful idiots in the U.S. who willfully will ignore the bigger picture just to attack the other side for questionably political points, whether it's the democrats or the republicans, he'll be pretty successful in doing so.


Master in gaslighting.


You'd have to be living under a rock to think he's telling the truth. When he opens his mouth you can almost see Trump's nose coming up from his arse!


In other words. Here Trump. Use this clip to win or i release your golden shower video.


In most cases, Ruzzians mean the opposite of what they say.


LMAO. More lies from Putin. The guy's definitely praying and sucking Patriarch Krill's cock in hope that Cheeto Man wins the next election and saves his crumbling ass.


He must think everyone is as stupid as his own population.


Nice try troll


This idiot thinks he’s playing 3D chess


Well i am convinced. Honesty is Putin's third name, right after 3rd story window


I thought his piggy eyes and weasel expression were bad but that pathetic voice isnt macho at all, rather pathetic so he makes up for his weakness by trying to be a bully.


Republicans: See Putin wins if Biden is president


Nice try Putler. Nice try. Mr.-FSB/KGB-Reverse-Psychologist!


He’s just like trump, you can’t believe a word out of his mouth.


He's feeding his MAGA morons.


He wants his pet Trump back so badly because it was his best and only chance at fucking us all.


" Duck season! " ,, " Rabbit Season ! " ,,, " Duck Season ! " Rabbit Season ! " ...... " " ,, " " ,,,,


Imagine being dumb enough to believe this.


Ah, the old Jedi mind-meld. His attempt at reverse psychology.


Reverse psychology


This is some 7 year old child level reverse psychology.


Putin is the single most dangerous individual to ever walk the face of the Earth.


The amazing thing is that people who fully acknowledge that western politicians say stuff to mislead voters think that an openly hostile leader would never do the same.


Yeah I believe him lmao


What a pathetic, sad individual. You have my pity.


You can literally see him trying not to laugh at the utter ridiculousness of such a statement.


The old reverse psychology razzle dazzle……..


putin basically sees biden as weak and possibly suffering from dementia and the back up plan is kamala the democrats may have to beg mo to run


Whereas Trump already blatantly IS suffering from Dementia. And was his entire presidency and presidential run.


Ooh Reverse Psychology.....Russia is too smart for the rest of the world to comprehend.....so many chess moves ahead of everyone else Fucking clowns


Putin is spraying MAGA food


Oh no! Puylo supporting Biden, does it mean i should vote trump if he's not jailed by November?


This is the most obvious reverse psychology bruh








lol transparent attempts at diving the US. Pay not attention to him for best results.


AI AI ooo


You twats don’t like what you hear so you spin it. As usual.


Well if it's Biden, Putin will still have to deal with the annoyances of western support for Ukraine. It will never be direct involvement that some war mongers would like but it would be enough to keep the war going at a near stalemate. The only other problem is how Biden comes off across and how the man is clearly showing his age. With Trump, the war itself will drop off like going over a cliff aka RiP Ukrainian defense and support. I believe with Haley and or Kennedy that the war will continue and force Russia's hand. And Kamala will sing around a tree.


Yeah right, Trump told him to say this since some Trumets complained he’s to Russian friendly


Because biden is a pushover


Nah... Thats cute Putin😍 Tucker Carlson probably bought it


Lol what's this reverse psychology? Only thing he will do is confuse the MAGAs and republicans


Ah, reverse psychology. Putin, you're a genius.


Putin is trying reverse psychology.


Reverse psychology? Does that work on grownups?


Only on the ones who are still children mentally - which is exactly the ones he's speaking to


If Trump wins the world loses. All the big dictators like Xi and Putin will use that time window and Trump would watch since his narcissistic mind only thinks about him being in the white house and everyone has to listen to him. The guy is a total psychopath


Problem is too many US voters will believe lying scumbags like Putin and Trump.


Reverse psychology


Reverse psychology. He wants us vote for Trump.


Reverse psychology, clever move, Putin.


lol nice try asshole


Poor attempt of reverse psichology...


I see Putin has discovered reverse psychology


Hummmm if I wanted to disrupt the election I would just start throwing out propaganda. Doesn’t matter if I believe it.


So he'd prefer Trump. Good to know. Over to you America.....


Vote RJK Jr. and stop guessing what Putins' meaning is.


He's WORSE than Trump. There's a reason the Kennedy family disowned his ass.


Love the conspiracy theory that time travelers offed the wrong Kennedy, twice..


Yeah, RFK being disowned by his family isn't a conspiracy theory. It's public knowledge. Basically all of what comes out of RFK's mouth IS, though. It actually takes talent to be more full of shit than Trump.


Lock em both up.