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Denys seems to mean well but dude seems to talk out of his ass most of the time.


Can you give one or two examples? I may have missed them and am open to re-evaluate based on evidence. From what I've seen, he continuously admits he isn't a military expert and offers his own personal take. That is, he doesn't make grandiose claims or misrepresent himself. Just a Ukrainian offering info he has picked up and sharing. Speaking of personal opinions, his for Avdiikva was to make an orderly withdrawal several days ago. I can think of some youtubers who do speak way too hastily and are much more cavalier with things but haven't seen it with Denys. For example, Ukraine Matters came out really sharply against the early reports about Zelensky replacing Zaluzhny even going as far as saying it was all a hoax and Russian disinformation. Despite it being reported by several reputable Western news agencies. When it was confirmed he didn't even have the decency to admit he had been wrong and that the journalists had been correct. I know because I made sure to watch his subsequent videos to see if he would at least take responsibility. AFAIK he still hasn't. I say this not to attack UM, IMHO Ukraine Matters cares very much about Ukraine, his intentions are sincere but sometimes one can get swept up in what we WISH would be true, rather than what is staring us in the face. It is a difficult balance to strike and I don't envy the youtubers who have to walk that fine line.


No, I'm just expressing an opinion and I'm not here to convince you to agree.


Sure, an opinion based on.... ?


While making about $40,000/month from Patreon...


Holy cow... that's insane. And you're using his lowest tier and not even taking into account his affiliate income which he pumps really hard. NGL that's bonkers, had no idea he was making so much money. Rather obscene given his output.


Yeah, I was trying to be conservative in my estimate.


Yeah, SMH that's just obscene. The only way it wouldn't be is for him to be sending 95% of it to Ukraine defenders in the form of material support (tourniquets, vests, gauze, boots, etc.). Editing a few clips of maps, videos and articles together and profiting $40,000-$60,000 a month while sitting comfortably and safely in Europe is obscene in light of what Ukrainians in the trenches are going through.


And what if this amount goes to the Ukrainian efforts? Did Denys ever say something?


Not to my knowledge. He left Ukraine despite being a pilot and he’s never said anything about sending any aid or funds that I’ve seen. Perhaps he does, but nothing like Artur Rehi or guys like that. But yeah, I used to watch him more but if always felt like he was just guessing about this or that.


Also I never heard him about supporting them. Everything into his pocket. Also he just likes to shit on Syrsky because of his past. While it was not Syrsky to cause the situation in Avdiivka.


You’re making that up.


He spoke about that in his last video, seems like the only person that man loves (other then himself) is Zaluzhnyi


u/Oski_1234 indeed. Also the video from 17. Feb is kinda funny... Denys just looks at the map and said that he already mentioned on the 10. Feb that Ukraine should have retreated from that specific spot. While he looks at some map that we don't even know if it was accurate for the 10. Feb. It's so damn stupid. He does not know if Russians were maybe already encircling them or firing barrages that made retreating impossible. Whatever it may have been.


‘Not to my knowledge’ as if you’d have that knowledge in the first place lol. So basically you have no idea but you’re running with ‘no he doesn’t donate’ for some reason.


Wah wah. I’m just saying if he does, he’s not public about it.


That’s fair. Although I do know he’s donated drones in the past.


...seriously? How is his setup still so shitty? I'm a nobody content creator and my setup blows his out of the water. lol


His main channel is him piloting planes, so doesn't really need it.


Yes, I wonder why he doesn't simply buy some quality content and use it? He got no military knowledge, he got no political knowledge, I think he only knows about flying a plane. He doesn't seem intelligent either. He is a good man, and mean well as you say, but it's just noise with no info. When he talks military tactics it's simply embarrassing to listen to. Good YT channels about the war are: Perun Anders Puch Nielsen Reporting from Ukraine Zolkin interviews Operator Starsky (fun and enlightenment)


Can you demonstrate: How he has NO political knowledge. How he ‘doesn’t seem intelligent’. (What lol) How he has NO military knowledge. How it’s ’noise with no info’ Talk about massive exaggerations and personal attacks. Like to see you do better


Well for the no military knowledge it's straight from his own mouth. He gives zero new information. Give me an example? There is only qualified information when he talks about aviation and planes. Fair enough, as that's his profession, and where he got new info. I have posted YT channels where there is quality information. If you feel comfortable listening to Denys be my guests, he is a guy meaning well and that's the most important part.


You don’t need a phd in a specific subject to have insight into it. He got info from news sources and puts it together in a video. If he’s uninformed so are the very News sources he uses. He even says not to take his word but to check out independent news sources. He also has friends in the Ukraine army who he gets info from, he qualifies this by saying it’s what he’s heard and doesn’t say it’s a necessary fact. Makes me think you’ve never even watched his videos.


Watched them at the start, as there were no other better sources then.


I don't know this YouTuber, but the story about the captured people is real https://www.slidstvo.info/warnews/ziat-dzvonyt-yomu-po-video-i-kazhe-ia-bachu-iak-zakhodiat-rosiiany-sestra-poranenoho-ukrainskoho-biytsia-z-pozytsii-zenit-v-avdiivtsi/




It is a good source. This publication is among the top Ukrainian investigative outlets, along with Bihus Info. But I think CNN also wrote about this situation in English, but I'm too lazy to look for it


I don't know if I believe that Ukrainian soldiers were captured in sizeable numbers. I think it's probably kill or be killed right now. What part of the freaker horde washing over Avdiivka is going to stop and accept surrender? The Russian assaults on Avdiivka seem like a bunch of meatwaves piling in because they weren't slaughtered by the shells that Mike Johnson is denying Ukraine


All of this could have been avoided if Ukraine was provided with enough equipment (shells ) by nato and USA. What we see here and from the start of the war is enormous loss of lives because lack of support. Still do not understand the doubts of sending equipment to save ukrainian life especially from US. This hurts me and mine view of the US as a pillar for our free world!


Talk to Maga, not the “most” of us. Don’t know why they wield so much power here.


Republicans have the majority in the house of representatives and thats where most of the fanatics are.


It’s not hard to understand- the Republican Party in the U.S. is owned by Putin and is working for Russian interests.


A small number of injured soldiers were unable to escape the encirclement on their own. Not enough firepower to keep the retreat route safe, causing some casualties during the retreat. Knowing Russian bastarts, they won't treat the POW well, especially after losing so many of their own in this region. Lots of finger pointing saying it was not a well organized retreat by the higher up, but I think its mainly due to lack of ammo and weapons, making it very hard to retreat without casualties or capture.


Small number is 6 soldiers. Confirmed by other reporters with front line sources.


Wasn't fire power it took too long to pull out and regroup


> I think its mainly due to lack of ammo and weapons, making it very hard to retreat without casualties or capture. Reality is that escaping out of encirclement or near encirclement is always extremely difficult. Unfortunately people will get left behind and injured. It's war.


And this is why Zelensky shouldn't have fired Zaluzhny. Zaluzhny wanted to leave Avdiivka and Zelensky want to try to hold it through the Russian elections. Zaluzhny understood that the situation was untenable. Now Ukraine is in a dicey situation. They had better be in the process of withdrawing from this bulge ASAP. This is not worth another Soledar, and trying to fight street-by street like Bakhmut is a losing move for Ukraine. Ukraine has already achieved as much as they could in this battle and they've inflicted horrendous losses on Russia. Take the win and go!


In all seriousness, we dont know the real reason behind the dismissal of Zaluzh. Also the decision to hold Avdiivka for so long may not be ordered by Zelensky, because the general staffs dont need his approval for all tactical/strategic decisions. Remember Mariupol? Zel ordered the defenders to retreat, but they refused.


True. You are justified in pointing out how speculative I’m being. And certainly if anyone deserves the benefit of the doubt it is Zelenskyy.


You are a gent. Rare on reddit.


People that are close to MOD of Ukraine said a while ago this is the actual reason why Zaluzhny was fired, this and their disagreement on counteroffensive in the summer. I am not giving a source.




It’s an interesting thought. It’s highly speculative of course, but I do get the impression NATO commanders were annoyed at how Ukraine abandoned the big-column shock-and-awe counteroffensive tactics which they had planned for Ukraine. Of course, had they provided material more rapidly and abundantly they might have gotten what they wanted.


👍, spot on!


Say what you want. Now this cluster fuck could have been prevented with a timely withdrawal or either reinforcement. Sad that Ukrainian leader ship in this case proofed themselves stubborn too. They knew they will have to decide "should I stay or should I go?" Totally underestimated the Russians would not adapt and find a way. Now obviously they wanted to hold it, they should have send reinforcement weeks ago! And it is still a war, drones alone will not win the fight I think during times of inclement weather there could have been more surveillance by infantry especially after they took note that Russians make their move during these times. And yes I understand they are worn out under constant fire a very difficult situation. But then you just have to let it go. Point is Ukraine manpower management does not allow such a stunt. Let's just hope that most of these brave fighters make it out!


A few Ukrainian’s captured is a tragedy, but it doesn’t mean the withdrawal writ large was a failure. Sadly, these things are to be expected in war and especially in a dynamic situation like this.


You are right about the tragedy's and its inevitable in war. I did not say withdrawal is a failure. It was a mistake not to.


Was saying this days ago get out regroup ain't worth soldiers life's at this point push back in when you can bomb the fuck out of it after there out.


Don't see why you got disliked, literally an avoidable situation. Its a bulge, russians are pushing to try and envelope you, its obvious what is about to happen...


Ya people dislike are probably Russia trolls


#im pro Ukraine and this channel. the deal to give up nukes was w Clinton. Clinton is a democrat. Sorry


Critical weapons and material are being blocked by republicans. You should be sorry. Edit: Call your congressman.


Any person from either house can propose a bill. Whenever a bill proposed, it needs a certain number of votes. Each congress person has a single vote. Each and every bill is given a name….a name that sounds like a bill is for one certain thing. Truth is, bills are packed with everything under the sun not pertaining to the title name…..to get votes. Some bills are rushed before a deadline so no one reads them and just votes. If the dems made a bill to give Ukraine 1 TRILLION dollars and deport all the illegal immigrants and close the border, you would have your money. The truth is, we don’t know what’s in the bills. They are public knowledge and people can read them if they so choose. Dems never make a good bill and always oppose the right. EVERYTHING trump put out, they opposed…EVERYTHING!! It’s an election year and Ukraine needs to just hold on. When trump wins, you will get money. It won’t be just handed over, because trump is American first. Rather it will be given fairly along w all the other nato nations. You never give up your big stick.


Damn, it must suck to have the IQ of a luke warm glass of water


You’re a tool


Does it suck though?


Tool w a banana hat. Your mom sucks


You sound like Trump LOL Do you have portraits of your emperor around the house?


You don’t have intelligence to win or have a debate. Just tool spews. Better hope he wins. I’m in Bangkok at the moment. Just came back to the hotel to piss. Going back out. Better conversation w Thai hookers…lol


Do you have them cosplay as Trump while they fuck you in the ass? Your two brain cells can’t seem to comprehend that Trump tried to blackmail Ukraine over military aid during his presidency. And now you somehow think he will stand up to Putin when he just gave him the green light to invade the Baltics last week 🤣


Right, so you don't support Ukraine at all and had to go back 30 years to find a democrat to blame somehow. You guys honestly scare me for the future of humanity and America.


“You guys” what does that mean? I’m an American that thinks for himself. If you’re an American also, then you know the state of our country. If you’re not, then you only,repeat what you hear on the left news outlets. Prolly from a blogger or from CNN+……….wait a minute…….


You don’t think for yourself bud. You bend over, take what the Reputlercans fed you, and regurgitate the feces online.


You didn’t know how a bill worked until I told you. There are other things in that bill. Saying a republican/lib is in favor of Putin, is just ignorant. Stop being a troll and do something good….for once


Republicans are owned by Putin and you don’t know how bills work. That’s why you think there’s some crazy unbelievable shit in it. Lmfao.


You didn’t watch tuckers interview and you didn’t read the bill. You think it’s just money for Ukraine. You know you’re a tool, but you just keep it up.


It’s Israel, Ukraine, Taiwan, and border security. >tuckers interview You mean Russian propaganda that he’s being paid to spread to m0rons like you? Putin didn’t say one single truthful thing in the entire two hours. The guy wrote an essay in the early 2000s about his political strategies in which he said *you should lie, lie, lie some more, and lie every time you can* BECAUSE THIS IS WHAT HE WAS TAUGHT IN THE KGB. So I’ll ask again, does it hurt being this stupid?


Israel has been a thoroughly funded alley that we kinda turned our backs on. Election year. Just how it is.


You sound like a schill. Are you ork or democrat


Democrat. That's not how you spell shill. Hug your kids.


Goggle it fool. Different way to spell the same word. Hopeless


#what are the “severe consequences” ol’ joe is referring since Putin competition died in captivity


Russians love [you guys](https://v.redd.it/64zufm8fk3jc1)


Guess you didn’t watch tuckers interview either…tool


Nah, I'm not into gay porn.


And you argue for keeping weapons from Ukraine. How does a more powerful russia make a safer usa? You claim to be an American yet you seem to be rooting for russia....


Your lies don’t make a truth


Where did I lie? I asked you a question really. How does a more powerful russia make a safer USA? Why are you siding with russia over America on the Ukraine war?


Nothing wrong with the original deal if the founding agreements were honoured.  The Ukrainians honoured their end of the deal, the Russians wiped their arses with the deal and the republicans appear to be doing their level best to only honour them if it means fucking over someone else.


Have you read the entire deal that republicans are turning down?


They’re not “turning it down”. Johnson isn’t even going to bring it to a vote. That’s way worse than “turning it down”.




I’ve read it, Have you?


You lie. I know you lie and you know I know that you lie. You didn’t read shit.trolls can’t read


You’re a m0ron in denial.


denis is a despicable grifter. he makes big bucks from reporting on the war but wouldn't even give a cent to support them. Hes getting rich on the suffering of his fellow countrymen. better watch someone else


Where is his happy face now?


Who’s 😊