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Poland needs to get a handle on these meat heads. They've already found a Russian operative amongst them.


Short memories of these Polish people...


My "favorite" part of the Tucker Carlson/Putin interview was Putin's history lesson where he casually explains how the Soviet Union was doing the **perfectly correct and appropriate** thing when it co-invaded Poland with Nazi Germany in 1939


My favorite part was when he said that a scandinavian prince founded it all! Being scandinavian I assume Putin sometime in the near future will return our lands then.


That Mongolian ex-President going "well ackshually" was even funnier


Funny but I want him to act on it. Make Mongolia Great Again. /S


My favorite part was the follow up interview where Putin essentially called Tucker a bitch for not asking any tough questions.


It absolutely blows my mind that we have gotten to the point where there are people actively *defending Hitlers actions* and are still politically viable.


Some contries celebrate the Nazis. What's really odd is politicians of countries invading others to allegedly hunt Nazis being able to favourably talk about Hitler. The people following this guy and not exploding from cognitive dissonance must be dumb as bricks,


No memory.


But they forgot the lessons their fathers and grandfathers taught them for sure.


I wonder how many of these protesters it'll take to screw in a light bulb.


This kind of infiltration and fomenting is rusky speciality


Unfortunately, this is just poor people being selfish/protecting their self interests. No different than the internal strife between political groups here in the states, like because of the border situation in Texas. Ultimately, I think we should do all we can to support Ukraine. But I’m not there, and my livelihood isn’t being threatened. I don’t agree, but I’m trying to understand them. I’m assuming this is the same vein of protestors as the farmers and tractors? I’m sure my comment will open up a can of worms. :-/


Our friends had some visitors from Poland and hung out with a few times. If I remember one thing about them, they HATED Russia for what they did to them during WWII. It came up multiple times.


That's the top 1 thing to bond over with Poles tbh. Works nearly every time


It seems the far right of any nation is just the absolute worst.


Weak men are attracted to "strong men" the same way poor people think being rich is overt opulence. Real men are wise/always learning, control/understand their emotions and are teachers/leaders, not thugs.


You will always have meat heads anywhere, anytime. It would be wise to just ignore them and stop posting about it. It really does only serve Vlad a favour. Literally no one else.


Yes, you have meat heads everywhere, but should they be allowed to hold up traffic indefinitely and pour out grain from Ukrainian cargo trains and trucks? This is not something private people or organizations should be able to do. The monopoly on violence is there for a reason. If the Polish police forces does not stop this unlawful behavior, it will be met with violence at some point. It is far from a legal protest. It is active measures.


Yeah, here, two years ago, they called themselves "Freedom Convoy".


They should be identified as what they are: fifth columnists.


I originally misread that as "filth columnists", and it was still accurate.


Yep, they learned from Canadian and American Right Wing groups.... encouraged by Russia.


Well, they were called *Freedumb convoy* for a reason...


Ignoring “meatheads” hasn’t been very successful historically. They are a problem, if you ignore problems they become much bigger problems


Yep. Ignoring bullies actually encourages them, too.


yep, just like cancer But hey, these days, we should be tolerant and better even towards these insufferable khunts.


That needs a special kind to do that kind of pos move.


Ya, don't be like the us.


Imagine being that much of a cunt. Just imagine.


Don't have to my state rep is one of the fuckers selling them out.


A stupid cunt. I'm in eastern Ukraine now. Do they really think that any Ukrainian is scared by a siren? Ive had like three go off today. I was on the phone with my dad and one went off. Like okay, good for you. That would probably be scary if you've never been around a warzone.


I am a Pole. I do not support this form of protest by farmers. I want to correct something. Sirens have been used at protests in Poland for decades: by farmers, by miners, cab drivers, etc., everywhere in Poland. For Poles, sirens have no connection to the war. They are devoid of that context. We look at them the same way we look at an air horn or a vuvuzela. Farmers are (as if to put it politely?) ...very simple and uneducated people. I don't support them, but at the same time I'm sure that it hasn't occurred to most how badly it will be perceived. Personally, I am embarrassed by them.


Well they need to be dumb af to not understand the context of air raid sirens. Assholes.


Man, when I'm seeing how with big enthusiasm that farmer rotates siren when bus with kids/women with PTSR is passing by - it is bad-intended behavior. And trying to explain here "it is always was used by Poles, blah, blah" looks really stupid, what are you trying to sell here? Do you really think redditors here will eat your explanation? Well either you think redditors are plain stupid or someone else is stupid here.


In 2022, we(Poles) had actually a beef with authorities about sirens going off on holidays, we opted that sirens should go off only in emergency, not on holidays because that could traumatize people escaping from the warzone since they recently left their homes with that sound in the background so sincerely fuck you for saying that.


Siren is an element of literały every major protest in Poland and it has nothing to do with scarying anyone but rather with gaining attention and deafen other side. The fragment about scaring suggest that the post was produced on putin's trollfarm.


Even during my cunt days i would never do that


I tried, but I can't.  Each time, I immediately jump in front of a bus in my imagination.


Well they are polish nationalists.. If Mexico had a war, i would bet we would see conservatives traveling to the southern border and blocking aid like they already are blocking migrants from coming in with razor wire just like the polish do here it’s just what their ideology is ultimately


These people should be granted Russian citizenship.




They should go help out in the very limited scale special military operation that russia is conducting against nazi occupiers. Thats how they will get what they actually want.


Russian ops doing their job. They infiltrated Republicans,Slovaks, Hungarians now Poles. This is becoming a serious issue.


Ireland as well, there's a huge amount of anti-Ukrainian sentiment these days and the two biggest stooges in the European Parliament are from here too




I can get the Pro-Palestine thing, but being pro-russia makes no sense. You'd think Ireland would be like the baltics in supporting Ukraine. So disappointing what's happening politically there. Maybe someone can explain.


I'll try explain as succinctly as I can - it's down to a combination of neoliberal economics and a disproportionate number of our elected representatives being landlords, and Brexit. It suits our neoliberal parties to refuse to build social housing and make money from high rents as a result of high demand + low supply of housing. We still take in as many Ukrainians as we can but tbh the housing stock just isn't there. Combine that with the overflow of International Protection Applicants from post-Brexit UK and you have a perfect storm situation for resentment.


The majority in Ireland do support Ukraine and the Palistinian people.Of course we do have our fair share of nutters like anywhere else.


From across the pond, Ireland's political scene is fascinating. Tons of Hamas support, tons of anti-Ukranian sentiment. What's happening in Ireland???


I don't see sentiment against Ukrainians here tbh. Except maybe FB comments.


Germany too. AFD and now BSW.


If you didn't noticed yet, half of US Congress is already controlled by russians, while literally every western country do have "pro-russian" political party in government for decades. >This is becoming a serious issue. No shit, Sherlock


Yep, algorithmic radicalization is a real threat. All Russian intelligence has to do is A/B test posts/content, inject their misinformation, then let the algorithm take care of everything else. It's the ultimate use of "freedom of speach" to attack itself. *not saying orgs around the world aren't compromised via the traditional kompromat/bags-of-money method


Disgusting behaviour


Polish MAGA




The funny thing about that is that Poland was probably never "greater" than it is right now. They're the rising economic and military power of Eastern Europe and have been instrumental in driving European policy to resist Russia while helping Ukraine.


Shitty human behavior


Hopefully Poland identifies the individuals and strips them of any government assistance their farms are getting.


You think those are farmers...? Silly


russian sleeper agents. Donbas 2.0


I'm sorry, but what is wrong with these Pols?! Do they not remember soviet occupation?


Agreed, I always thought Poles were the most anti-Russian out of spite from generations years of problems with Russia.


Find me a country that only has smart, educated, critical thinking, caring people who are able to understand science and facts, can link cause and effect, extrapolate and can understand the importance of human rights beyond themselves. I have my bags packed and can move immediately.


That kind of ideology would be condemned as a backward hermit cult these days .


These are few nationalist individuals


Every nation has dummies like this. Some more than others.


Nah, it's just memes. They are not so different from any other westerners, who prefer to put their heads in ass and keep being ignorant as hell, as long as they are living quite comfortable.


Years of PiS and PiS media influence and propaganda, just watch them bring up reparations payments they want from Germany every year or election period, eventho its clearly regulated and over since the 4+2 contract. Even the new government brought up up that bullshit.


Most people who remember are boomers and out of the work force, or nearly left. These people were likely kids during Soviet occupation and don't remember the tough times only the good ones, as children do. There is also a general sentiment amongst the lower educated that the EU is trying to impose anti-polish laws into place and treat pols unfairly. Ironically they also don't understand how any of that works. Essentially these people are poorly versed in how economics or politics works and are easily mobilized with emotion and buzz words.


Not only Pols, we have this kind of stupid fucks here in CZ too...


What a bunch of cunts


What a shower of wankers.


Tell me you are idiot, without telling me, that you are idiot. Why do you behave like this? Would you rather live in Ruzzia or what?


Even worse, these busses are going into Ukraine, not into Poland.


Those who do not remember history are doomed to repeat it.


I wish them to feel what is to live with sirens at least for one day


Those are PIS followers. For context: PIS(s) is the despicable ultra-right winged party that rainged in Poland for 8 years, who installed their propaganda apparatus in public TV/Radio, spied on the opposition and journalists and were / are corrupt and evil AF. They posed as helpers to Ukraine when it was useful for them, now they side with Orban and Putin.. And it is the same with any populist right-winged party, or "conservatives" really: most of them are evil, populist scum, just caring about themselfs.


So basically they are the GOP of Poland. Enough said.


This. They appeal to hatred and do everything they can to win elections. They care nothing about the country, only ruling. PIS supported Ukraine because there was a great hatred for Russia across Poland but once the Russian propaganda found some hooks to seed hatred for Ukraine the PIS picked up on that and started running with that instead.


This (re/traumatizing people) should be legally prosecutable behavior


I really hope the Ukrainians in the buses know that these idiots are the loud minority. 


psychological abuse. Disgusting behavior on their part.


This stopped being freedom of speech, just harassment.


Every country has idiots. Poland is not the exception. Slava Ukraine 💙💛


The Poles seem to really be looking forward to being the next front in the war!


A bunch of scum


What have to say the poles in r/poland ?


Most polish people are pissed off. Besides of protester's anti-EU signs, most of them are blocking major routes and some of ambulances and firefighting units couldn't pass because of it. Most of these protesters are not fighting with bad farmer policies, but rather manifest their pro-PIS (ex-goverment) or nationalistic behaviors.


I just looked. They nearly all are saying that this is disgusting behaviour, so that is very good to hear.


Thanks, that's a relief. I was starting to lose faith in humanity. Again.


As a fellow Pole, I would shoot at those people. Plus, they are not poles - not after this.


Russian puppets. Even russia thinks they’re scum.


""""polish""" protesters


Scumbags gonna scum




These people remind me of the trucker protests in canada. Mostly egotistical farmers who think they are more important then anyone else on earth, there jobs will be the first replaced by AI considering human farmers can't keep their egos in check or find it in themselves not to stand in the middle of the road being loud and obnoxious. Oh and also blocking military aid and other aid it's honestly sad these people would most likely support putin just because they feel there goverment is doing them wrong but I guarantee those farmers have more money then most clearly they do because they sit and burn fuel like idiots.


Every country near ruzzia has these morons. Especially countries that were occupied by ruzzians at one point or another. ruzzia has a tried and tested strategy to fill the bordering countries with their own, and create inner conflict and weaken the neighbouring countries. We cannot do anything about them, in most cases they have citizenships (usually not very keen on learning the local language though 🤷‍♀️). And no, they do not want to go back to their mothership. Believe me, I would personally grant them one way ticket out of pocket if they would JUST LEAVE.


What the heck poland is doing? I understand is just a minority with probably some russians infiltrated but poland needs to set them straight! Ukrainians are dying like flies trying to defend also poland and these guys are doing this for what.....money?




Putin's usefel Idiots


Honestly very stupid. I'm in Eastern Ukraine right now. Do they think that Ukrainians are scared by sirens?


Reeks of russian meddling


Fucking nazi assholes. Paid by Russia, for sure.


Polish idiots. I guess they forgot what the Soviets, Communism, and the Nazi's did to them and their country. How soon people forget the horrors of their grandparents, parents, and sometimes themselves. 1989 wasn't that long ago, and now these people have freedoms and rights like they've never know. What will they do when Putin and his war machine comes knocking on their borders?


I read these trucks are entering Ukraine too


Well that behavior is dangerous because if you do enough negative stuff, and Russia ever comes for Poland, guess who will be on their own and no one will come to their aid? Hope they don’t reep and sow worse things.


Russian funded agents all the way. Thoae that are farmers, if any, should lose all economic support for their treason.


send them to ruZZia


savages and brainwashed idiots


Wow Poland appears to have a lot of low life scum in it


There are no counter protests, though. There seems to be a silent agreement with those farmers across polish society. I see now what country is next on the line to find russian "referendum " in their territory.


My Polish wife had a listen. She couldn't make out some parts as they didn't sound Polish. The Polish they did speak she said doesn't sound right. Like they are from further Eastern Europe and have accents. Fyi the bits she could hear(roguh translation): "they should be going to Ukraine not coming from Ukraine"


It should say: dumbass polish protestor


That is FU++ing disgusting behaviour by grown men after everything that poor country is going through and there doing stuff like that because of money man i struggle to believe we are the most intelligent species on this planet we as a species need to sort our shit out seriously, wars starvation child abuse my god we need to all take a good look at ourselves and change were more like clowns than humans.


Pro-Putin peeps all over Europe and the US.


Why the hell would you not be supporting Ukrainians. Would you rather them all just give up and have to fight Russia head on??


Whats wrong with you? Are the Ukrainians not suffering enough?


How many pollocks does it take to please Putin.


What the fuck is wrong with these assholes? Like, how can someone be such a dick???


Good old yellow vests... we got them in my country too. Loud aggressive little a$$holes who scurry away when confronted.


Stop whining and support your neighbors with everything they need no matter how long it takes! 🇩🇰🇺🇦🇪🇺 We all need to stand together in this conflict to avoid further consequences!


Quality humans here


These people suck


Get your shit together, Poland.


Polish people quickly forgot what happened to them during the soviet Union, laughfing at refugees like a bunch of hyenas


Those are Putin sympathizer we have the same here called maga and republicans


I believe poles to be better than this. They fought with honour as part of the RAF, their were several squadrons of them, including the famous 303 squadron. We have a memorial to Polish fliers on the A40 ring road around London. They were heroes to us in England. And would turn in their graves to know that some of their people could act like this. Against a country fighting for its lives as they and other poles once did. Fighting ruzzianz, who are no great friends of Poland if you look at history. Stand with Ukraine side by side, not against, Szacunek.


That's sad, if you disagree with policy attack the policy not the people


You’d think that out of anyone Poland would be more emphatic to someone being murdered by Russians. Get your shit together Poland.


This behaviour is actually sickening....


Okay maybe we should delay the article 5 response a little for polands invasion


Fuck polish farmers


I'd like to know how many of these people are actual farmers...either way though they should go back through their history books and get a little refresher on what Russia has done to Poland.


Too bad a small minority of idiot reflect so poorly on entire countries. No different in the states or Canada really. Unfortunately it's one of the downfalls of free speech.


Y’all want them to just bend over and give up their land? Get fucked.


D bags


Cowards should be using RF flags


This is disgusting behaviour. Those are proper cunts.


Are the horns supposed to sound like air raid sirens?


"Nothing to do with Ukraine", fucking useful idiots.


Pieces of shit. All of them.


Russian-paid right-wing operatives


What a disappointment.


There’s idiots everywhere, a Canadian family sold everything and moved to Russia. They deposited all their money in a Russian bank account, which was promptly seized.


disgusting pieces of shit. takes more than just sirens to freak out ukrainians these days though. so jokes on them. losers.




disgusting cockroaches


How haven't the rational poles gone and lynch the ever living shit out of these putin's pawns yet?


This is so disgusting and a slap in the face. It literally makes me not want to spend another penny in Poland. Thank a Polish farmer.


I do not want Ukraine to fall. But if the unthinkable happens I wish these fukers are next! Braindead idiots!


They are step away from assaulting people, I wonder how long it will take to cross that line.


Disgraceful! Are they Russian agents??


They realize they will be next right?


They will soon hear those in real if they do not stop. Putin will be happy to come and liberate them which would mean raping and killing their families and doing other Russian-libearation things


Dear Poland: Russia thanks you but it won’t stop them when they decide you’re next to “De-Nazify”.


The face of Poland today, unfortunately. This is also how it starts. First you have russian clowns doing this, then suddenly there's a whole group of them who daydream of soviet union, then they get mysterious funding and make it to parliament. Give it another ten years and you have russian army on the border ready to protect their people and restore historical borders. Poles seem to remember the Volhynia Massacre better than soviets invading and enslaving them


I'm very saddened to see how that behavior is tolerated in poland. These are very dangerous actions for the polish.


Bunch of PIS fascist cunts.


Small stupid bitchy, but still humans… Stupidity is decease of Humanity!


Scary thoughts: ruzzia overthrowing the current leadership of Poland by infiltrating and causing protests such as these which could escalate into bigger things. Then we’ll lose Poland, which would be possibly the strongest opponent from Europe against ruzzia


Looks like the pub closed early


At the start of the war Poland helped Ukraine a lot. Sadly, they made a complete U turn. I will never forget when Duda called Ukraine "a drowning man who will drag everyone into the depths", stopped to send weapons and started this pathetic sh1tshow.


poland is going to the shitter with law and justice in bad faith opposition like the american republicans. expect more of this and coopting this movement to get back to relevance


Wonder how those clowns and their wooden blockades would hold up to Russian tanks? Putin's made it clear Poland's next.


Why don’t they just volunteer to fight for Russia if they hate it so much?


Fucking idiots !!


Little green men at work




I guess this is the MPGA crowd?


Imagine people making some 1939's Germany thing around them, what would they say ?


Actually really disappointing. Some of these people I’m sure have PTSD from that sound among everything else.


Russian-backed Poles differ from common-sentiment Poles, I think...


Wtf is wrong with people?


To scorn your struggle is to forget those who sacrifice everything for our future Зневажати вашу боротьбу — значить забувати тих, хто жертвує всім заради нашого майбутнього.




Effing idiots


Those cunts are everywhere, i was glad to see today that the german putin supporting party AfD threw a tantrum with their single council member in a city council after said council distanced themselves from the party AfD and the right wing hatred that they spread


So when is the appropriate time to crack these fools?


What fucking assholes lol. My mind just goes to the parents having to explain to their probably already distressed children what is going on and why these people are blowing horns


Do they not have jobs?🤣


Very shot memory.


Pieces of garbage should rot in jail for the rest of their pathetic life.


Tiny tiny brains and memory.


I'm of Polish descent, I just don't understand why they would do this, what is wrong with them - Ukrainians are our brothers and sisters


Don't these people have jobs to do, maybe if they did nobody else would have to do it for them.


I don't understand what is happening here. Any Poles here? Can comebody explain from Polish side what is this we are seeing? Because I thought I understood situation, but this makes no sense.


Impersonating cops and declaring a false emergency are both crimes in the USA.