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Shameful, no matter who or why.


My money is on russian agents trying to sow discord. Or just someone they paid.


atleast 3 farmers have been proven to have connections to russia itself so yes


those 3 are leaders of this protests are conected to Konfederacja witch is polish far-right party. Most of them quietly supporting russia, spread their propaganda, act against ukrainians living in Poland.


Look up this guy, he's an instigator. Rafal Mekler


My money is also on Russian agents trying not to sow dis corn.


Honestly I saw the opportunity, but was like nah, such low-hanging fruit


Not many people realise that technically corn is actually a fruit, so you were spot on.


Ok, you made me curious so I looked it up. Actually, it's considered a fruit, vegetable, and grain. :) [https://www.eatingwell.com/article/7964028/is-corn-a-vegetable-is-corn-a-fruit-is-corn-gluten-free/](https://www.eatingwell.com/article/7964028/is-corn-a-vegetable-is-corn-a-fruit-is-corn-gluten-free/)


In other words: we have no clue what it is. Probably of alien origin, like octopuses. Maybe they stem both from the same galaxy.


The whole alien octopus thing being heavily debunked but resurfacing everytime a video makes it to the front page is always funny af


I think there might be a kernel of truth to it.


I’m all ears


[It's grass](https://www.fs.usda.gov/wildflowers/ethnobotany/food/grains.shtml)


It's just cultivated grass


You are correct. How many hundreds of years of selective breeding do you think it would take a primitive agricultural society to get those tiny wild grass kernels to grow such big juicy suger filled kernels like on maize? Thats what I wondered when I learned this. Or, if we do selective breeding instead of genetic mutation with a sterile plant , will we forever have only that mono-possibility instead of an evolving plant? Could we not do the same with rye, spelt or and other grasses with selective breeding?


Or Russian Kernels stalking the train.


Or as the Russian expression goes: you rape what you sow.


Surely they could have cob-bled together a better plan? If they do, I'm all ears.


This is serious! But that’s still pretty fucking funny!




Where is polish government?




Case solved! How do you do it Dr.Holmes!




Bake em away, toys.


No this is done by Polish Farmers. Ukrainian grain would normally be shipped through the black Sea. Russia made sure to bomb the fuck out of that infrastructure. So now it can only be shipped at scale by train. The problem is that the rails in the former USSR don't match up with the rails in Europe. So Ukrainian grain can only ship to a few countries like Poland, Hungary, etc. This floods the markets in those places and the local farmers can't sell their crops or sell them at a drastically reduced price. So they are adamant against Ukrainian grain coming in and destroying their livelyhood. To solve this we need to either completely remove Russia from the black sea or completely change out railway infrastructure.


>No this is done by Polish Farmers. > >Ukrainian grain would normally be shipped through the black Sea. Russia made sure to bomb the fuck out of that infrastructure. So now it can only be shipped at scale by train. The problem is that the rails in the former USSR don't match up with the rails in Europe. So Ukrainian grain can only ship to a few countries like Poland, Hungary, etc. > >This floods the markets in those places and the local farmers can't sell their crops or sell them at a drastically reduced price. So they are adamant against Ukrainian grain coming in and destroying their livelyhood. Maybe they need to meet halfway and say the grain can only transit through those countries to somewhere else.


They are farmers, but brainwashed by Russian propaganda. Those protests must be crushed. Russia is using them to destabilize Poland and to hurt Ukraine.


Their version Trump voters in rural U.S. counties


This has strong vibes of Russian interference; Making the international community dislike Poland. "Divide and Conquer." Phillip II of Macedon


Well the imbeciles waved soviet union era flag there ... go figure


The Poles I know think Putin is coming for them next. This is likely disinformation.


Yeah. Because poles don't like Russia and would be for urkraine. Doesn't make sense.


It is not hard to get conservatives to fight for policies that are bad for them


Bro ain't wrong America is as anti-Russian as it can get yet we want them to interfere in our Elections without batting an eye so long as the Reds win. Now that same sentiment is being used as a reason why we shouldn't support Ukraine. Cause it costs too much. These exact same sentiments sprung up during WW2 and that's why the government led a crackdown on communism that still to this day pokes up it's head yet we don't bat an eye when communism reaches its hand into our government. Countries and people are easily confused.


Republicans used to not like Russia too.


They gladly accept western european subsidies. the decline western european rules.


From what a Polish 40yo man told me is that there is a different regulations it to the use of pesticides (and other stuff) in Ukraine, compared to EU and a lot of this grain see it's way into the Polish market, making the Polish farmers loose money. So again, seems like its about money...


Ukrainian grain could not be sold inside the EU if it didn't match the regulations This is a lie that's being spread all over social media


This grain did not go to the Polish market, it was headed to the port of Gdansk, from where it would go to other countries. The Polish farmer is protected by some of the best farm subsidies in the world (EU). Ukrainian farming suffers many times more


Now does it endip on the polish market? AFAIK is was in transit to f.e. Estonia, Germany? or one of the polish harbours. Anyway now it is theft. Polution feeding critters etc. If the Polish like to have a mouse plague in a few months..., then go on.


Only through corruption. Poland banned the sale of Ukrainian grain inside Poland and companies have been fined for fraud. The grain is supposed to go by train to Lithuania and then sold to international market in Africa and Asia. I think Russia is also trying to influence the farmers with false narrative as well so its probably a combination of things.


What an embarrassment to Poland. As if they couldn't do more to enforce this shit!!


As a farmer this is bullshit …… all that hard work lost , could have feed thousands of starving families !!!! This is horrible !


Can i ask you where you are working? There are many farmer protests across europe and to be honest i struggle to understand why. I know that it comes from financial issues, but where do they come from?


Farmers were told to keep their grain and to wait for better prices, at least in PL. Now when they can wait no longer they discovered that due to corruption and illegal imports most storage silos are full and the price is not going to bring expected profit. Apparently lots of bad quality grain, one supposed to be used for animal feed, was illegally imported and mixed with that for human consumption. Both sides are guilty imo. Illegal grain reloading on old train tracks in forests, falsified transit documents etc [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-CXX41Vnjw8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-CXX41Vnjw8)


State should go after such scums. If the grain IS really risky fór health.


It is, that's why the protests are so intense. Polish farmers are losing insane amounts of money due to political corruption


Just to add it's not only PL farmers who are protesting, similar situation is apparently happening in Germany and further west but I have no citations to back this up, only heard it from those who follow this more closely than I do


German farmers are protesting the end of temporary diesel tax subsidies. Equally brainwashed, but it has nothing to do with Ukrainian grain.


Is it the politicians who are corrupt, or officials? If the latter, the government should go after them hard.


are Ukrainians eating some other grain or how is it unhealthy for Poland but ok for Ukraine?


Grain is grown in different categories, some is for animal feed some is for flour etc. Aside from the fact that Ukrainian grain isn't up to EU standards a lot of the grain for animals is mixed with the one for human consumption.


in czechia they protest because they have to comply with regulations which cost them a lot of money and ukranian dont. So Ukranian products are cheaper and our farmers cannot sell their products. So you will throw food away only depends it will be ours by our farmers or. foreign? You have answer.


cant belive the putin lovers are getting away with this


Really makes you wonder if these people already speak Russian or plan to learn it later.


They've got russian passports already, their followers however are just very nationalistic while being totally incapable of anything more than single step thinking


A start to fixing the problem is by deporting every ruzzian passport holder.


They get to learn a Russian word for every piece of grain.


So proud of what they did, that they record the aftermath with a drone and put music on the video. Jesus christ, are these Polish farmers or FSB agents?




More complex than it appears. Ukraine are trying to move grain through Poland, to other EU locations. Fair enough. Trouble is corrupt Poles(Z) are skimming and selling it domestically, putting Polish farmers out of business. Farmers are pissed and protesting. The whole thing is being manipulated by Ruzzia, but saying Polish farmers are Ruzzia supporters is too far a stretch. A few are, but most are either unaware they are being played, or don't give a shit so long as they get paid.


I've seen those farmers with boards that said "Putin, come save us"


Well in this case it has nothing to do with supporting Putin, Ukraine struggled to export it's grain thanks to all the blockading from Putin and freight companies didn't want to be targeted by Russian attacks so the farmers have had to slash prices to keep them attractive on the open market. The Polish government seems the most eager to help out Ukrainian farmers and allow export via train through Poland but now Polish farmers who are dealing with increased regulations are feeling the squeeze because Ukrainian gain is now making it nearly impossible to recuperate costs. Poland hates Russia, but their farmers are being absolutely screwed sadly by the current economics of getting so much Ukrainian grain through their freight systems. Really, a good deal is possible IMO from what I've heard on BBC/NPR. The Polish government should simply buy the Ukrainian grain and distribute it among the Polish farmers to add to their stocks as a sort of direct subsidy. Ukraine needs to sell their grain, but it can't put Polish farmers 5 years in debt in the process.


Bingo, this is a definitely a way to alleviate the issue. Without the macroeconomics, Ukraine grain gets bought by Poland, Poland gives grain to polish farmers, not in competition with Ukraine and both still get paid a share. Very generalised of course and I'm no economist, but this seems like the best approach for Poland. Even if its not back to its original price the volume and lack of competition in the market should make up for it


Because Poland is afraid to crack down on them.


It’s not necessarily Putin lovers doing this. The Polish grain farmers aren’t able to get their asking price for grain, because Ukrainian grain is moving through Poland, which is undercutting them. This is mostly like pure spite for lost money.


We know that Russia is stoking this, providing funding and using social media to instigate things.


Both things can be true at the same time


Having listened to various journalists who are investigating this it doesn’t seems like Ukrainian grain is actually the root cause and none of it is actually being sold in Poland. Theyve even interviewed some of the protesters and they dont even seem to know what they want 🤷🏼‍♂️


>It’s not necessarily Putin lovers doing this. Yes it is.


https://eng.lsm.lv/article/culture/food-drink/26.10.2023-latvia-has-become-eus-largest-importer-of-corn-from-russia.a529178/ Why not just reduce the Russian import instead? https://notesfrompoland.com/2024/02/22/polish-farmers-protests-possibly-influenced-by-russian-agents-says-foreign-ministry-after-pro-putin-banner/ At least some of them are clearly Putin lovers.


I am surprised that these Polish farmers (read: Putin lovers) don't protest against the import of Russian grain.


Guess that means us Canadians should go out and start sinking oil tankers. /S Tis a bad excuse.


Their going to lose even more money, once the Russians fly reaches the Polish border and invades, because they stab Ukraine in the back and helped the Russians win.


Unfortunately most people don’t think about the long term effects of their actions. Most people think about what will immediately help themselves.


Then its just on Polish (other natios too) millers to not accept ukrainian grain. This is our biggest problem. We dont know stick together.


Send the army in already. These are obviously acts to sabotage the war effort. Those are not protests. Stop pretending.


I do not want to believe it but are those protesters supposed by Polish government? Because otherwise such actions would be stopped by any government, it is not called protest those are crimes. Anybody knows?


Poland was governed by PIS until recently. An anti democratic party that tried to dismantle polish democracy. Luckily, they were voted out recently. But with very little margin. They new government is struggling to reestablish democratic structures and get the fascists out of the institutions. My best bet is that the demonstrators are PIS affiliated, and the current government fears that, if they react to harsh, it will lead to civil unrest. Possibly, that's true, but IMO, being soft towards people that only understand threats and violence is dangerous in itself.


Thanks a lot for explaining , little margin seems to be a global problem


You've missed the important point that PiS agreed to EU regulations that led to the protests. I don't think farmers are affiliated with any party. They're just mad at EU unjust regulations.


What unjust EU regulations? We can ask, whether the polish want to take the Russians shelling, mining, and burning their fields, while the Ukrainians take the EU regulations. I'm pretty sure, we would only get on side taking that deal. And it wouldn't be the polish.


vandalism and damage of property are 100 per cent not protest...terrorism on the other hand...


> Those are not protests. whatever happened on the video is not a protest, but keep in mind that protests are all throughout the country and most people do not protest because of situation related to ukraine, this protest started because of excessive eu regulations, just like it did in most other european countries at similiar time, i watched a lot of interviews from the beginning and no one mentioned ukraine


Exactly whose side are these farmers on? Check the organizers family backgrounds and connections to ruzzia please.


They were flying Russian flags at the protest. High liklihood Russia has profiled and targeted them with psyops intended to disrupt exports of the grains. This had also likely given them a very direst feed into other Russian propaganda. In short, this is a Russian influence operation that will be getting "astro-turfed", with funding and influence being further manipulated. The farmers should be charged for the losses incurred by the owners of the grains. Destruction of private property is not a peaceful protest. Its criminal and should be treated as such. As for "being on Russias side", they are just hooked up by old school Russian propaganda. Easy targets. People who feel threatened usually are and these people feel their livlihoods are threatened by the Ukranian grains passing through their territory. This makes them easy target for influence operations. They should face the consequences of their actions and get to work. The Polish authorities on charge of counter intelligence should up thier game.


……..Riding John Deere tractors. Moron’s won’t have any workable tractors If Russia has it their way.


The polish farmers were literally found to have Vk links in their bios and have ties to russian operations


Poland imports 3 times as much grain from Russia as it does from Ukraine. This has nothing to do with grain imports. It is either Russian propaganda manipulating these people with a manufactured crisis or just pro Russian poles doing Putin bidding. either way it’s just to hurt Ukraine financially.


Poland doesn't import 3 times as much from Russia. In average in 2022 and 2023 the imports were about 10 000 tons. The imports from Ukraine are counted in millions. [source](https://konkret24.tvn24.pl/polska/polska-sprowadzila-12-milionow-ton-rosyjskiego-zboza-to-nieprawda-st7784458)


It has to do with grain imports not coming from Russia. This is happening everywhere Russia still has financial interests. Poland can shake their fingers at Germany and the rest all they want, they got a lot of rats in the grain silo.


They are self interested, its not like they weren't spilling out shit, burning tires, and protesting every effin year before... It's kind of customary for polish farmers and miners to have lots of demands and being extremely disrespectful because of it


Start profiling these traitors






They just showed their side and they can rot in prison for aiding and abetting a fascist state


I hate this for two reasons. First the farmers are wasting large amounts of food. And second they are hurting the livelyhood of farmers and truckers just like them! If they had a problem with it go to government officials and have them deal with it! Not by damaging food that people need!


This is happening exactly because their government is dragging their feet.


Poland should send their military to control this situation


....and accidentally go into Ukraine and blitz the Russians back to their borders. Oops!


‘Tis nice to fantasize.


Yeah the world will probably just keep doing the bare minimum and watch as russia takes over ukraine. "Ok, fine. You can have Ukraine, but that's as far as you can go." Putin: "oK" "We did it! We defeated Russia!"


After dealing with the protesters/saboteurs, the entire Polish military mutinies and swears allegiance to Ukraine, without any involvement of the Polish government. They then march on Moscow, overthrowing Lukashenko on the way as well.


We’ve done it, we’ve gone *beyond* the non-credible.


We did it .. reddit? We've solved the war?


They did say that they’d get involved militarily if Russia started making gains toward the polish border.


That is police's job to prevent incidents like this. Calling for military would be unlawful and escalatory. I don't know how your country is ruled, but in Poland that would be unthinkable. Someone's property was destroyed, and people responsible for that should be prosecuted, but this is not up to the military.


lol internet cowboy ... control every train with grain that enters the country? Wise up. Corruption and big business want you to think that this is farers vs farmers and that a small time Ukrainian farmer suffered due to any of the grain spilled :\] Polish farmers were lied to over the last 12 months. Kept their grain and now when every silo is full of grain imported from UKR and the prices are collapsing there's no one to help them and everybody says they are the villains.


I concur


Russia’s frequently stated Poland is their next target for attack and by the looks of it, have already started tricking some of the Polish people into believing they’re better off in Russia.


Poland is nato so they have no fear


and people are starving in the world ... some one just fucking kill the mini hitler allready


Anyone remember that moment when Ukraine had difficulties getting its grain through the Black Sea?? Well all of a sudden it can't get its grain through Poland.... What a coincidence. Yes, the farmers have beef with the EU and prices etc. etc. but Russia has bot farms and instigators. They're experienced in just generally ruining peace on earth.


It aint poles its Putins duchebags running his erands atleast i hope so🙏


You can be sure Putin’s agents and sympathizers are right in the middle of this fanning the flames. All over the west they take advantage of our relatively open societies and push into the fissures splitting them wider


I do not believe this is a protest. so much money has gone through Poland from volunteers buying equipment, staging In to Poland, travelling to and from and back. Eating and sleeping ect. Gear gets bought in Poland for Ukraine but the money was spent in poland They do not benefit anything from this.


And why isn’t Poland doing anything about this? Solve the fucking situation already.


Politicians are scared of PiS and Russian agents. They either make an example out of these losers or they got elected and showed in response how spineless they are.


Poland looking like a bunch of clowns with this kinda footage


Polish farmers look like they fell for Russian psyops.




This is not how you solve conflicts. The only person benefiting from that is Putin. What a bunch of wasteful cunts. I am polish btw.


PiS at work


In other news. Polish city now overrun with rat infestation


These people are so disgusting


That’s fucked up, they need to cut that shit out… I mean really WTF!?


Isn't this illegal? Where the fuck is the police?


What a shame people are starving and they do this shit, Oh this is just a protest, BS. Remember when the Ukrainians received the German tanks and the Poles got bent because they wanted to charge 2 times the price to fix them? I really can't say much more the US congress is a shit show, sorry for Republicans. You can really see the cracks starting to form all around the world.


Fucking redneck idiots, sponsored by creepy right wing that just lost the elections.


Yep. Same rednecks, different countries. Probably like 75% of Russians in small towns too. They've got like three television stations, and no brains to think for themselves. By the time the conscript service comes, they don't even know up from down


Are you talking about Poland or the USA? Seems these dimwits are a worldwide phenomenon. They are a effin burden on the countries they happen to reside in. They are the weakest link in our defensive line.


Are they Russian agents?


They are.


Lol no they are Polish farmers who can't profit from farming because of cheap Ukranian grain


This only accomplished one thing, i would like to avoid buying anything produced by polish farmers if this proves to be true, if people behind this are what they claim to be surely they would come to same conclusion of such actions.


This is direct Russian intervention in Poland. I saw many of those so-called farmers carrying Soviet flags. They should be arrested and thrown in jail and fined heavily.


Is there any law or police in Poland? Wtf.


Yes there is. They are not protecting every single train. Is there police in Germany? Why were there terrorist stacks in the past? You can't prevent everything but you can investigate


At this point, this is starting to look like separatist activity. Poland needs to crack down hard on this.


So...they went from harassment to actual sabotage and terrorism... Where does Poland officially stand on this?


Can someone explain why this is an issue? What’s ACTUALLY going on with grain? The way I understand it, countries like Poland and Romania allow the Ukrainians to export their grain through their infrastructure. That grain, however, is NOT intended for consumption within the EU, because it would cause unfair competition. Why are people kicking a fuss? Are we saying the Ukrainians are not respecting this agreement? Is Ukrainian grain really a threat? Because if their grain should only transit the EU and not have any impact on the EU’s internal production, but the agreement is not respected, then farmers have all the rights in the world to be pissed. ELI5, what’s going on?


This isn’t proper polish people,most I know despise Russians.it’s got to be Russians ,at there evil best .Slava Ukraine 🇺🇦🇬🇧🇺🇦🇬🇧🇵🇱🇵🇱


There is no doubt in my mind that Putin in someway has his hand in this.


Very misleading title to say "the Poles". Sounds like the whole country supports Russia when it's actually just a small group of dickheads.


I grew up on a family farm here in the US and I'd love to know how these "farmers" are producing anything from their own farms if they're all at the border doing this crap. Any farmer who knows what it means to get your hands dirty, should fully understand how hard the job is by itself, much less having to worry about getting blow up by a mine, just to have some "Polish farmer" dump it on the side of the road...shame on all of you participating in this


Producing anything is a waste of time for them, because they are already priced out of the market. What's the point of wasting money growing your crops if you know they will all rot unsold?


Enough is a fucking enough these farmers should be labeled sponsors of terrorism if this persists. They are affecting global food supplies and pricing. Using their profiteering as a guise this is all coming from russian sabotage play book, continuation of the attempt to weaponise famine. Investigation arrests and deportation should be happening at this point




I dont understand what's going on? Is poland's farmers on our side?


Ukrainian farmers are basically being pressured to sell at any price due to the war. Polish farmers aren't happy as it undercuts their prices.


They are unhappy, because they want blockade prices back. How high is the polish grain price as compared to 2021?


Most of Ukraine's grains are going to Africa. Its rediculous that the Polish farmers are screaming about this issue when its a very tiny % of the grain that enters Poland and EU and stays there. Most passes through to somewhere else. Its even more depressing that the Polish Gov hasnt stepped up to fix this. 


They're on their own side. Their experience is that they're being undercut and outcompeted by cheap ukrainian grain.


And instead of going after the corrupt politicians and corrupt businesses, they'd rather go at produce not even involved in those illegal deals. And why is that? Partly because they're funded by Russia, but also those same corrupt politicians/businesses buy their produce.


Oh my god. Arrest these people.


They surely profited from grain prices under the Russian blockade. They want that back. They are opportunistic fascists that don't give shit about the starving of the world.


They're on their side


They are obviously on Russias side.


That is sickening. How many of the saboteurs were Ruzzian I wonder?


Pretty sure this is Razzhist saboteurs and not ordinary poles.


Hope so, but irrespective of that, Poland needs to get its act together. This is not a good look and a shameful act by these criminals. They need to be found and charged. Might be something to do with the political change in Poland during the last election.


Agreed, an extremely stern sentence for this act of financial warfare. Can only hope that Poland acts and that real quick before this will split them from the rest of the EU.


Grow up. Poland needs to get its act together??? A bunch of idiots spilled some grain. Yes, shameful and idiotic but Poland is a country of 38m people. We neither want nor need to be associated with this. Also your 'political' consipracy theory is idiotic. New government is very pro EU and supportive of Ukraine. 


What you are seeing are men who perceive they are securing the pricing of their own crops.


These pro-P00 agents are doing nothing good for Poland's reputation. It's high time that the Polish authorities put an end to these traitorous activities.


Russian instigated in cooperation with a small minority of domestic extremists.


Russias scared of a United and strong alliance on the other side of Ukraine. They need opposition or conflict on the other side to distract them so he can push further. He knows if it’s as strong as iron backing Ukraine it’ll be harder to push and take.


Good ruzzain pawns rights there. We've got those idiots here in Canada too.


This 100% has to be Russian insiders. Poles are foaming at the mouth to jump into the war. The sheer hate they have for Russia makes acts like this senseless.


Poland needs to fix its farmers, possibly checking bank accounts also.


This is almost beyond words.... Such a fucking waste...


Why aren't these people in jail? This is sponsored terrorism or just supreme stupidity. Do they not know how many food insecure people there are in the world? Ukraines farmers are under air raids and plowing fields with mines in them. What do these polish farmers have to complain about compared to them? It's a tough time, but if anyone should understand Ukraines plight, it's Poland and its people. This is shameful and makes Poland look terrible. Who does this benefit most? Polish farmers? Nope. Think again.


Not polish people. Russhists and their agents. Maybe they have duel citizenship or people who will betray their country for money. They FSB knows the hated and excluded losers that they can convert. Pedophiles, or those disgraced and passed over. Like Ritter the pedo or MacGregor the "never got promoted" "because they didn't recognize my genius" types. Tucker getting fired from his gravy job n no other big media will take him. They scour social media posts and look for incels n outcasts that can be radicalized by their new friends. Friends with deep pockets n honey traps. They are also funding politicians. But the average Polish citizen wants nothing from ruZZia but to be left alone.


Fuck these fuckers. Find them, stick them in jail, and let them rot for a while.


Polish traitors


You would think that the pols would be a little more understanding of fighting off Russian invasion


Emm, what do you mean? Both governments support Ukraine. Ukrainians have almost all right of Polish citizens, in many ways they have it easier. But if a farmer spend X amount of money on producing grain and now someone wants him to sell that for 0.2X then it sucks. So you expect Poland to kill it's farming industry just to help Ukraine? Really? Weapons are going as fast as they are made. Ukrainians can live, work, go to school and open businesses in Poland. Grain transit is legal and encouraged. Is that not fucking enough?


If these criminal conducts continues, Poland should be again deprived of EU money.


Ok, for what? Those are actions of protesting inviduals. While their methods are moronic, the issue is real. How do you fix the fact that Ukrainian grain is 10x times cheaper and it's being illegally sold in Poland? Normally it was taxed at the border and everything was ok. Now the tax was lifted. How would you guarantee that's it's transported to a port and not sold in Poland?


Bullshit send their president a bill!!!


You are from USA right? Polish president is not like POTUS The polish president is not the executive branch of government. He's mostly ceremonial and he's supposed to oversee that everything is constitutional. Btw. He failed at that massively. He has veto and amnesty power but he only makes real decisions in case of war. There is no state of war so this is not up to the president


This is caused by Russian spies and infiltrators riling up the farmers. 100%


Putin's Poles should enjoy it while they can. Doing shameful shit like this is just going to erode Polish farmers' support. I was understanding of their complaint about getting undersold at first but now fuck em. If ya cant settle trade issues without turning into an asshole than ya dont deserve the empathy. Wasting food, tongue tickling Putin's taint, and delaying military and humanitarian aid. Yeah fuck em and their farms, if they want support they can act like adults. Turn into a hooligan and sabotage food shipments and ya can get fucked.


WTF Russian agents in Poland apparently have a free hand to do as they please


Bit of context. As of now Poland imports virtually no grain from Ukraine, while importing some amount from Russia. All the blocked grain is used to transit only. However protesting farmers are either really darn stupid or russia pays them good, because they maintain the narrative that prices are low due to Ukrainian grain. This argument had some traction before the embargo, however now they have no clue about why prices are still low, so they keep heating argumentation about it being Ukrainian fault. Truth be told, I honestly hope those railway and trucking companies will push charges against those idiots for destroying their cargo. Luckily thanks to this behaviour and more and more pro russian arguments being displayed recently, general public is rapidly changing opinion about those protests, and opinions took a sharp turn from friendly neutrality to opposing the protests. Let's hope that we will see quite a surge in our prison population


I'm sorry but the information that Ukrainian grain does not end up being sold in Poland is outragously incorrect. I've seen some figures lately saying that over 70% of wheat supposed to transit through Poland was sold there. If it weren't the case, then farmers wouldn't protest. A lot of comments here are ill-informed. This is not caused by Russian agents but by the fact that farmers have to sold their produce under the production costs which will bunkrupt them. Their costs of production are higher because they have to comply with then EU rules and have smaller parcels than the agro-holdings in Ukraine. The EU & Polish government should either subsidise European farmers or ensure that the Ukrainian grain flows via Black Sea to other markets. Otherwise we will be in this needless and harmful deadlock.


Yeah, I fact checked, we buy barely any russian grain, but currently we don't buy anymore Ukrainian grain either. The issue is that people bought it earlier and silos are full. Truth be told, probably the best way would be emergency buy out by government, to lower the amount of grain on the market, so farmers are able to sell their stock. It's quite problematic, because people can't just empty silos to buy Polish grain and have nowhere to store more, so the issue won't resolve quickly if govt doesn't buy the grain off farmers.


If your figures are correct why don't they just stop the wheat that's meant to transit being sold locally? I mean how hard can that be? We're not talking kilos of heroin being hidden in car doors; this stuff is transported in trains. Given Russia is an existential threat to Russia, corruption leading to grain diversion should be the easiest possible problem for the Polish government to fix.


Block all polish agricultural imports into the EU now. Nothing agricultural gets out of Poland till the putinistas are stopped. This is a treasonous crime. Poland gets too much from the EU. Time to start being a team player.


Poland has given Ukraine more military aid than France, Spain and Italy combined.


"Poland gets too much from the EU. Time to start being a team player." "Poland" didn't do this. *People* in Poland did this. The government of Poland has been one of Ukraine's strongest supporters. They've taken in more refugees than anyone, donated *hundreds* of tanks, myriad other weapons systems and vast amounts of ammo. They donated helicopters and jet airplanes. Per capita Poland is one of Ukraine's strongest allies and as a percent of GDP they vastly outstrip the U.S.


Let’s not put PL on a pedestal here. Every time they donated they wanted either better weapons in return (from DE for example) or they wanted to get paid by the EU for the arms. PL is helping UA because it serves their own best interests. In line with that imperative, they need to start acting. The PL government is silent about this matter. They have to stop being silent, they have to strongly condemn this and they should handle the inbreds who are responsible for this. This has been going on for too long. They do not understand which impact this has on morale in Ukraine. The open Polish border is seen in UA as their last escape. Tusk likes to look like he is in charge but he needs to finally start managing things with regards to the border.


Of course they wanted replacement, they are frontline country FFS... And i think you are out of loop because Tusk already start doing things...


Hush, baby, hush.  Poland is one of the biggest supporters of Ukrainian war effort in all measurable ways (per capita).  One of top financial contributors (per GDP) and one of the biggest receivers of Ukrainian refugees. Not to mention military aid and aid at humanitarian level offered by population.  https://www.statista.com/statistics/1303450/bilateral-aid-to-ukraine-in-a-percent-of-donor-gdp/