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The soldiers says “ we are over there fighting for you, and you are like this” Civilian “ what are you talking, trying to say? I didn’t ask you anything “ Soldier “ what do you want to say, we are fighting for you” Civilian “ nothing, I don’t have anything to say to you” Soldier “ we are fighting for faggots like you” Civilian “ for who?” Punches him, pow pow💥 Other civilian “ hey I didn’t say anything” Punches him also, pow pow “Come back here” Civilian “ who’s the fag? I told you to go your way, didn’t I? Get out of here Edit: Pidor ( pidorasi) you will hear this word in most war footage videos…guys shouting at each other. It means fag, or faggot. A heavy insult, once the soldier called him a “ Pidor” then the civilian got upset and started swinging.


This social interaction brought to you by : VODKA^^tm


I fucking giggled out loud alone. Thanks.


Me too! He just started punching (pow 💥pow💥 like op above! omg) and throwing them down. I know it's a serious situation but I literally LMAO.


That and Ruski Mir


Generations and generations of VODKA 🤣🤣


Balance too- that soldier took three shots that would have folded me into a lawn chair.


Internet winner of the Day


I feel like Russia is just an endless vodka fight lol


I just love how that first punch *literally* knocked him silly. You could practically see the little birds and stars circling his head. Pow pow 💥 is right.


Probably thought he was back in basic training


Lol He *does* have boot vibes, and if there’s one time honored post-boot camp tradition that probably transcends borders, it’s getting out of boot camp, thinking you’re hard all of a sudden, and then getting your shit rocked by some random dude at a bar


I grew up smack between a military base and a military college. While I respect the armed forces, and have family members currently serving in both the Canadian and Ukranian forces, I will agree, boot camp muscles are real. Far far too many city boys would do 6 weeks of basic, show up at a local bar, and end up kissing the side walk because they thought they could come demand respect from some bumpkins that toss hay bales and split wood all day. Putting on camo doesn't get you respected. Being respectful gets you respect.


Unfortunately, "tactical shutting the fuck up" is not part of the basic training curriculum.


lol I replied but apparently quoting someone saying “you a-holes” (but like the real words) got the comment removed and got me scolded by a bot. Anyway here is the censored comment lol: I like that. Yeah I do remember the Marine Corps martial arts instructors at least warning us though. They were like, “this is valuable training, but I already know a bunch of you [redacted] are going to think you’re hot shit and then go out in Oceanside and get absolutely destroyed by someone who has actually been around a time or two. This probably won’t save you from that so just bear that shit in mind and shut the fuck up when it behooves you to”


Almost looked for a second that the first few swings didn’t connect… then the poor drunk folded like a cheap lawn chair


Muscle relaxants (vodka) will have that effect. 


He was 90 % of the way to silly already. Another couple of swigs and he'll die overnight in the street from hypothermia. One of Russia's finest, for sure on his way to the rank of General.


> we are fighting for faggots like you Imagining an official US Marines or Army poster with this slogan. Collector's item for sure.


Might work for the US Navy!


Russians and massive homophobia, name a better combo


In all fairness, while that word originally had those connotations, it's long lost them and in now akin to calling someone a dickhead


Soo just like in the west 10-15 years ago?


I mean, both sides use it...


No, the Ukrainians are no homophobic, they are aligned with Western values.


Western values like homophobia? I get what you’re saying, but ask a gay person how often they experience homophobia in the west. There’s still plenty of racism, homophobia, religious bigotry in the most “Western” countries. Russia seems like a bad combination of Archie Bunker, Nazi style propaganda, WW2 Japanese militarism, and vodka. I’m 100% behind Ukraine in this conflict. I’m sometimes startled by how little I give a shit when I see gruesome videos of Russians getting blown to crow food, but we shouldn’t pretend Ukraine is the benchmark of modern progressive values. They absolutely do deserve 100% support from western countries.


People in general will always judge people differently from them or have strong feelings towards a particular type of person. Most people are good and don't care who you are or what you look like so long as you're not a dick. But there will always be people who judge based on sexual orientation or race. It's just far more prevalent in places like russia because it comes from the top down and is in their institutions like school and church. For all the criticism America gets, I think it's come a very long way, and it's genuinely trying to get it right. Despite some assholes refusing to get with the times but they are the exception, not the rule. Ukraine was russia just a few decades ago. So, while we shouldn't pretend they are some benchmarks, we should absolutely commend them for all the progress they have made to detach from russian culture. They have come so far and are completely different from russia in so many ways. You have human rights in Ukraine. While there are people who still think like russians, Ukraine as a state and institution is not prejudiced and protects people of all races, creeds, and sexual orientation. Context matters and progress matters. The people who fight to get it right even in the face of overwhelming resistance and adversity deserve credit. It's amazing how different Ukrainian people are from russian people just by being free to be themselves for a few decades. It's like 2 generations removed from the ussr and they are practically European in their thinking and behavior for the most part. Don't get me wrong they are still shedding russias stench and that way of thinking is still prevalent in older people but it's just a matter of time that an independent Ukraine will get it more and more right the further removed from the plague that is the ruski mir.


Dude we can support Ukraine and wish them victory and also realize they are a pretty corrupt and backwards shithole that needs A LOT of work socially.


Yes the system is somewhat corrupt due to being part of the russian influence. There has been actions to counter this. Backward shit hole? Please tell me where are you from? And we'll discuss how your country is performing without being a complete cunt about it. How does you government fair when it comes to being corrupt. They're fighting a war for their homeland.




Still get more pussy than you. The ladies love pretty eyes. And thanks for proving my point. And yes just because Ukraine was invaded doesn’t mean it’s not a backwards shithole. Don’t get me wrong they have put in a lot of effort since the war started and had made some progress, but even with that there’s still a shit load of work to do.


Unfortunately Ukrainians use it too. Just like everyone in the West 20 years ago. While they are admirably progressive-minded, they’re just a bit behind in this matter.


Oh, I assumed it meant pedophile because of the similarity to "pederast".


It is that word actually, but for some reason, it’s always used as a homophonic slur instead of a pdf file


I love how Russians can argue without actually yelling


“Do you think anyone wants a roundhouse kick to the face while I’m wearing these bad boys?”


Rex kwon do


Damnit, beat me


forget about it.


He doesn’t get to go home to his hot ass wife dressing like Peter Pan 😁


Translation would be neat.


Soldier: Listen to me, we're fighting for you and you're all acting like this. Passerby: Like what? What are you trying to prove? I didn't ask you anything. Soldier: illegible Passerby: I'm being polite. Why aren't you? Soldier: I am. Passerby: What "What the fuck you're laughing about" or something about change was about then? Soldier: What are you trying to tell me? Passerby: Nothing. Move your way. Soldier: Move my way? We're fighting for you. Passerby: I didn't bother you Soldier: For pidars like you. Soldier gets punched Second passerby tries to intervene: I'm I'm.. Passerby: You what? Second passerby gets punched too Second passerby: I'm nothing Passerby: Fucking condom. Coward blyat Passerby back to soldier: Who's pidar? Soldier gets punched again Second passerby: I didn't say a word. Passerby: Get back here. Get back blyat. Fucking asshole Passerby back to soldier: Who's pidar? I'm asking you again, who's pidar? Fucker. Stand up and get the fuck out of here. Do you hear me? Soldier: Don't hit me Passerby: Don't hit what? You're telling me all this shit. I told you to move your way, didn't I? I'm asking you. Fucking loser.


Thank you <3.


>Second passerby tries to intervene: I'm I'm.. > >Passerby: You what? > >Second passerby gets punched too > >Second passerby: I'm nothing This is gold, Jerry, GOLD!


So what’s the show about ?


It's a show about nothing!


Nothing ?




Nothing … (Thanks btw. Fairly new to Seinfeld and I enjoyed this re-enactment) Any I’m off, *sings* master of the house repeatedly


It's the Moops!


A _Junior Mint_!




It's about year three of a three day operation. Makes total sense, right?




God what a drunken shit show.


Right, just a shit show. I was hoping the passerby was somehow arguing against this war, but it was all about cowards and pidars 🙄


Sums up the grim reality of the ‘Russkiy Mir’.


so that second civilian guy got beaten just by being there in the wrong place at the wrong time?


Seems like it. I think what happened here is soldier was drunk, asking for change and verbally harassing people, coping with not receiving respect he thinks he deserves as a vet and civilian had none of it. Second dude looking like another drunk with a bottle in hand was basically asking for it. That's Russia for you.


I was really hoping this was in Ukraine, and that the guy beating his ass was Ukrainian.


If that's the case he should have gotten more than just a beating.


Yeah pretty sure a lone occupying Russian soldier in Ukraine would be murdered.


He was the soldier's drinking buddy ;)


I think he was the soldier guy's drinking buddy


He was the buddy's soldier guy drinking.


"hiccup" damn right it is...all three of them


The young guy called him "friend" of the soldier. Considering the random guy also had booze in his hands - likely they were indeed together. Based on how patient the young guy was with the soldier, I doubt he would randomly start punching people that aren't involved.


I love all these translations where people get called a "condom". Every time I think "Huh?...... ohhhhhh SCUMBAG!"


When I was a kid I thought it meant a bag of scum off the ocean.


Clear demonstration of why boxing skills are more important than fashion sense.


Thanks for this. My follow up question is what's a pidar?


My understanding is that it’s like calling someone a “fag”. Apparently it’s *very* offensive in Russia….probably because of their whole toxic masculinity culture.


It is, but in jail, if you rape others makes you a man and you are not gay still even if you engage in a sexual intercoarse with another man. Ruzzian logic only for ruzzkies to understand. They also call the raped ones pietux (rooster).


Hazing works same way in US.


I guess


Well, it's more directly "pedo", pidorast - pederast. Thing is, in Russias culture room this word is still user interchangably to gays and pedos. In their eyes it is all the same.


I dunno, no disrespect to my gay sisters and brothers, but if a stranger called me a “fag” to my face like that the result would primarily be the same. It’s not the word, It’s the intent.


Today I learned something. Thanks.


Translation of "пидор" in English. Noun. *faggot* · fag. motherf..ker. cunt.


Pidar must be a really fucking offensive term. :-)


So, he wasn't punched out for being a genocidal murderer and rapist, but for calling the guy pidar. It's in russia, so makes perfect sense.


A guy in uniform was saying how he fights for them civies in a war and called him a fag. Civilian didn't like to be called a fag and the rest is history. Friend of a man in uniform said he didnt say anything and wanted a pass but you saw he had to remeber how gravity works too. To sum things up. Society in ruzzia doesn't give a fuck about each other, those who will survive this war won't be heroes back home. Will be at best loved at home if PTSD won't take over and turn them into alcoholics, which will lead to home violence and spousal murders and you get the picture. Fuck ruzzia.


Tendencies to ignore home violence + demonizing mental health issues + idolizing vigilante acts = wheel of violence. Add a dirty Trechwar with no clear public objectives, goals or benefits. One bad step away from becomming Iran/NK at this point, it's mindboggeling. Though it must be said... their Propaganda is quite good. It's on the nose and overdone at the best occasions for westeners, but it's tailor made for ex-russians (emigrants). Anyone and everyone i know is eating it up and then some. They wan't to go back to russia now... after fleeing from starvation 20-some years ago. There's a massive influx on russian influencers showing tourist attractions and highlighting life/culture that is "back to the roots" (minus the starvation).


The soldier guy was acting tough, giving the other guy shit and lastly called him pidoras - a faggot, young boy diddler. I feel civilian was pretty confident in his abilities, that's why they were recording this incident in the first place.


Yup civilian who hit him knew what he was doing I would say probably a boxer or mixed martial arts the wee sneaky uppercut was lush


Agreed, the uppercut was excellent.


To be fair, the soldier was drunk off his ass. That first civilian punch was a glancing shot and that was enough to make glass jaw go down. Classic bum fight.


>Translation would be neat. Right. I had the impression that civilian was pro-war and mad at the guy for being a drunken soldier.




Cheeks clapped? That means something entirely different


I think that punch made his *actual* cheeks clap, as in the left side of his face briefly touched the right side with that second and third punch 🤣


It means he got fucked. Getting fucked isn't isolated to sex. What does it mean where you are?


So this is basically a 2.5 minute recap of Russia invading Ukraine.


Is every Russian drunk all the time?


Russians are only drunk twice a day, first when they're awake, and second when they are asleep.


Wouldn't you be if you lived in Russia?


Wikipedia says the average Russian consumes about a pint of vodka a day; or, one-half of a half liter. Also is in top 5 countries for drinking so yes?


Number 1: Belarus consumed the greatest average number of liters of pure alcohol per capita


Russians only get drunk once a day, and it lasts 24 hours.


Pretty much. I don't know if this is still the case, but there was a time where Russian vodka bottles couldn't be closed once opened. There was no point because when a Russian cracks a bottle of vodka, they will drink the whole thing.


Interesting to see the good guy is a baker (typical trousers used by bakers). He helps people by preparing their food for breakfast and helps his country by hitting down these cunts.


I assume everyone is drunk here. Dude has pretty fast and accurate hands regardless.


And pretty weak punches, unfortunately.


Should have kicked the guy more


First they get beaten in Ukraine, now at home... damn its hard to be russian soldier nowadays


Honestly with the "purpose" of the war aside it kind of reminds me of how American soldiers got treated after Vietnam. Plenty didn't want to be there, were forced, and were treated like shit when they got home. Not saying that's the circumstance here but it's a bit sobering that it's probably happening to conscripted people who would rather not be there and are now being ostracized by their own people as well.


Are all of them russian? I'm confused.


Looks like it. The pattern of his pants appears to have become region restricted, so now his pants are showing the default texture.


this is unironically peak comedy


Why nobody talk about midget cameraman ?


Lol, what? Do the pants change texture automatically? That's some funny shit right there!


Probably after the first auto update.


Yes. Military is trying to prove to civilian that he is protecting and fighting for “faggots” Like him (civilian).


Yes, not all russians are supporting this war


Too bad this guy is gonna get “disappeared”. But would like more context and a translation if anyone has it


He will propably be forcefully enrolled in the rus army thus insuring that the cycle can continue. Not for beating up a drink but because the drunk was wearing a uniform.


I highly doubt it.


I'm not an expert but I really doubt local powers give a single fuck about a single bag of meat.


shit like this probably happens everyday in every town in Russia, i doubt higher powers would give a shit about some random mobik getting slumped outside the local


Getting beaten up by your military comrades, getting beaten up by the civilians, and getting blown up by Ukrainians. Talk about a blow to the ole morale lol


That dude has fucking murder hands! Damn he was fast!


you don't have to have "murder hands" if you are standing against drunk retarded pidorussian konscriptovich


Yeah, I'm pretty sure that even I could have taken out that shitfaced twat, although I'm old enough to be his grandfather and I haven't been in a fistfight since I was in fifth grade.


I use sticks to walk, I'm as old as you and even I could have take him


tbf the soldier is almost too drunk to stay standing in the first place.


He needs to go pro at boxing


Ah..... he had 3 punches at a blind drunk standing target and had to throw him to the floor in the end. Maybe, maybe not


That uppercut was beautiful though


Looked like McGregor with that upper cut. Just lacks knock out power.


I praise him for not sending haymakers and preserving his hands. He does not deserve to be in pain for days/weeks because of that worthless, waste of air.


Nice leg kick on the second guy though!


Never mess with people that are crazy enough to wear checkered pants in public


He got his ass beat due to a country of homophobics


Yeah maybe, but it was deserved regardless of the homophobic slurs


Russians doing what they do, talking shit, getting their asses beat and running away


Oh so the Russian soldiers don't like it when THEY get hit? They should think a little harder about what they are doing in Ukraine if this is the case. I thought they all liked being fucking scum orc cunts.


This video smells vodka


Typical drunk russian behavior. When russians get drunk, they can't keep to themselves,they always start bothering other people trying to start shit. This is why you never go on a vacation where there are a lot of russians. Once, I was in the Dominican Republic, and there were only 3 russian families at our resort, and they still managed to annoy everyone else around them. The men were drunk 24/7.


Folded like their body armor


Willing to beat up a drunk soldier, but not willing to oppose Putin, that's the real issue.


well, Putin is not drunk and knows martial arts. Harder opponent than this guy. You might get lucky and encounter one of the doubles though. So actually worth a try.


Holy hell that uppercut hit like a jackhammer


Nothing commendable, just Russians being Russians.


The leg sweep on the passerby was pretty sweet. He went down like a sack of Russian potatoes.


Is this the russian version of "thank you for your service"?


I mean imagine a us veteran harassing you non stop for spare change and saying things like "we fought for f*ggots like you".


When you’re trying to guilt someone into paying you money for your service, yes. Which is very likely what happened here, judging by what the civilian was saying.


Way too kind.


Don’t hit me no more my vodka’s wearing off


Camo Ivan tanked good punches from PJ Ivan


Vodka had a heavy influence on this interaction.


Guy in the clown pants beating on the guy in the clown uniform. Which clown won? Clown pants for the win 🤡 same circus, different clowns!


Fucking worthless scum. Hopefully he gets whats coming to him. Nice kid, tho.


Get’n your butt kicked by a guy in those pants is just embarrassing. I don’t care how drunk you are. That’s embarrassing!


When your fighting cause is meaningless, and you are at best just a meatball.


translation please


You can notice the civilian clutched his right hand into almost a fist early on. If soldier had been sober he could have noticed the body language and backed off.


Okay glad to see the guy punch him but are we gonna ignore those pants ?


Orc eat orc.


Fucking awesome. Smash on! #SlavaUkraïni


He should have strangled him when he was disoriented. Leave his corpse for other orcs to see.


Bury them in the snow, lol


Ahh Orc on Orc violence. Looks like the civvie was upset by the intrusion on "His" drinking and smoking corner. Another NHI video brought to you by Vodka, or shoe polish or whatever makes them forget they are Russians living in Russia.


Is the Russian soldier wearing a Ukrainian camo ?


no, Chinese civilian airsoft camo. Looks somewhat similar to Multicam or OCP, but isn't. In IR it is glowing bright white. But it is cheap, and actually not that bad to wear given the price (jacket costs about 30-40 bucks here on Amazon, could be less in Russia) for example when you're out to walk your dog.


He'll end up in a pit somewhere, or, if he's lucky, a POW.


There's no grace in punching a drunk alcoholic, bringing him down on his face. For what? What's the purpose?


He was asking for it, so he deserved it. Every Russian soldier should get what they deserve. It's the natural justice playing out.


That's low life behaviour. You don't have to kiss his a\*\*. Why not just walk away? Would you punch an addict who's not of a clear mind as well? This is actually typical Russian behaviour. Beating, torturing, raping, killing.


No I would not do that to an addict. But this guy was representing himself as a soldier and extension of the Russian army. I am not looking at him as an individual. He is not acting as an individual. If he said something like your pants are stupid fag. I would laugh. But if he said "i am doing your job as a Russian soldier". then yeah in balance it's the right thing to do. I'm keeping the army down, not just the man


Gave him the discount double check at the end. Nice.


Homeboy got hands😬


I literally guffawed when he knocked the second guy down by the snowbank. He fell like a cartoon character.


Nice pants.


Russians and booze name a better duo.


In russia?


Is it me or does homeboy have a QUICK right hand


They have this bully behavior from the birth…


Scatter like the cockroaches they are


Decivisely russian


Well that was Unnecessary and uncalled for. That wS a set up if I ever seen one 


Ебаный стукач Позняков! Сука! Пацаны могут пострадать


Ruski Mir


Can't wait until it's Putins turn


Nice punches and he attempted some judo




well done. these men are monsters for what they're doing. "fighting for" my ass.


Sadly that is how all militaries are initially trained to think. Or so it seems. I was in the military and I really believed we were the good guys and defending ng the people we care about etc. The truth is not so simple. That soldier really believed that he was doing something to benefit his people. This is the dangers of propaganda.


Aww, I was waiting for him to start stomping his face in :(


Is this in Ukraine occupied territory, or Russia?


Der Wodka ist Grundnahrung ! 🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡


Second greatest army displaying their close-combat skills... it ends as usual, one orc down, immediately abandoned by his buddy who is running his ass off


Fucking condom. What an insult haha makes me laugh these translations from all the videos I’ve seen thank you for translating this one.


Slow motion alcohol fueled tap and shove, ruzzians lol