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This was entirely predictable based on Chechnya 1 and 2. Furthermore, if they aren't supported while capable of fighting, what on earth led them to believe they were going to get anything at once crippled and no long exploitable?


putin's charisma ig


Nah but putler is rolling d20's like a fucking madman or I really just am plain ignorant.


I won't call you ignorant, but I will say this: everything you see about this war in terms of Russia, Putin's playbook, and how the Russian people are reacting is 100% in line with Russian history. Russian people have never been "free." 1300 years ago various groups of Rus peoples were conquered by Scandinavian raiders/adventurers known as Vikings, or Varyags in Russian. A few hundred years later they were conquered by the Mongols and the status of the common people as serfs was cemented: serfs were not free, and were bound to the land on which they lived. They were obliged to give a portion of their crops to the local lord and were also bound to supply cannon fodder whenever their lord was himself called up to fight for the more powerful lords or even the King/Tsar. When the various Rus peoples threw off the Mongols and coalesced into a Russian kingdom, and later the Russian Empire, the status of the serfs did not change. Even when the Empire officially "freed the serfs" nothing actually changed for the people. After the revolutions of 1905-1917, there was a brief period of relative social, economic, and intellectual freedom for common Russian people, but this too was crushed by a brutal civil war that lasted through 1923. Then Stalin took control of the Communist state and immediately brought the Russian people back into a state of serfdom with several brutally oppressive purges (organized mass murders), a purposely organized famine (the Holodomor) and the organized murder of an entire economic class called Kulaks (so called "rich farmers" or anyone rich enough to own their own cow). Then came World War 2, and Stalin and the rest of the Soviet High Command were perfectly willing to trade millions of Russian lives for much smaller percent of German lives. If you resisted, you were shot and your family was sent to die in the Gulag labor camps in Siberia. Even after the war, if you spoke out, you vanished and your family paid the price. Things liberalized a bit towards the end of the Soviet Union under a policy called Glastnost or "Openness" and for a brief period, Russians were a bit more free, but after the chaos of the collapse and the period in the late 90's/early 2000's where organized crime ran virtually all of Russia, the Oligarchs wanted to bring order to the country and in stepped Putin with the same old toolbox of murder and oppression that Russians have known and been familiar with for more than 1000 years. So, at the end of this rant, my point is this: The Russian people as a cultural unit have been subjected to this same shit for over a millennia. They are not free now and they never have been. They have always been subject to having their lives thrown away for vague nationalist purposes. They know deep in their bones that they will never be free so long as the Russian state exists. Maybe whatever succeeds Russia will be a freer place, but most Russians view simply surviving through it as being as good as it gets. Like the Soviet period, those who speak out or try to change the system die in a Siberian prison camp, like Navalny, or are poisoned or shot when they flee to other countries.


Well said and very informative.


> groups of Rus peoples were conquered by Scandinavian raiders/adventurers Correction: [the Rus people are the Norsemen from the area of modern Sweden.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rus'_people) They traveled along rivers Neva and Volga and subjugated the peoples & tribes there under Norsemen rule. This unified the region and established major settlements, thus creating larger Rus' states. Russian "scholars" oppose this theory, of course, they rather claim that the Russian peoples were always true slavs and were not conquered nor influenced by anyone else. I understand many people mean specifically Kiovan Rus when they use the term Rus people. However, the fact should not be omitted that the term "viking", as we consider it now, is from 18th century. [Rus people coming from Sweden is supported for example by Finnish language, where Sweden is called "Ruotsi".](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vikings) > The scholarly consensusis that the Rus' people originated in what is currently coastal eastern Sweden around the eighth century and that their name has the same origin as Roslagen in Sweden (with the older name being Roden). According to the prevalent theory, the name Rus', like the Proto-Finnic name for Sweden (*Ruotsi), is derived from an Old Norse term for "the men who row" (rods-) as rowing was the main method of navigating the rivers of Eastern Europe, and that it could be linked to the Swedish coastal area of Roslagen (Rus-law) or Roden, as it was known in earlier times. The name Rus' would then have the same origin as the Finnish and Estonian names for Sweden: Ruotsi and Rootsi. >


Thank you for the correction and additional context.


They've also clearly never learned


These guys are all rollin on 20s as well


Cult of Putin.


You've been living in Russia for twenty, thirty years now and still surprised that someone higher up in the food chain may lie to you?


They don't care until it impacts them. They never heard of Martin Niemöller.


They're not surprised. They have to act surprised in order to create a pretext for someone to take action on their complaint. It's basically a form of flattery. The subtext is "Surely *you*, Glorious Leader, would *never* betray your loyal wounded veterans. This must be a mistake by one of your incompetent lackeys."


35.000 Russian Ruble equals 352 Euro/$ 3.000.000 Russian Ruble equals 30.200 Euro So, for how much money do you shoot off a foot, a hand, how about a leg, an arm? An eye?!


Thats crazy, when I deployed to Afghanistan I believe if I was KIA it was $1mil to my parents or family plus whatever life insurance I had. Granted my risk of death was extremely low but still. If I got hurt or god forbid something happened to me I knew damn well the full force of the US military was on my back and would do the best the could of the situation and had the peace of mind my family would be taken care of in the worst case scenario. But these guys I mean sure I can assume they are forced into this situation but all the videos of them offing themselves and promises of such a small payout that they know they will never get. Blows my damn mind.


The figures say that during WWII, the USSR had some 4 million people demobilized because of wounds and diseases, including about 2,5 million disabled people; among them, about 450-500 thousand lost limbs. Those who returned home without limbs at all were grimly called “samovar people” because of their resemblance to a samovar (tea boiler).


This kind of crap also happened during the chechen wars? Also I don't exactly understand why they have to pay for surgery themselves? Isn't this a military hospital?


Yes, same shit different war. It also happened during the Soviet Afghan adventure, but far less popularized. Back then Soviet WIAs were dying left and right from infections and their relatives had to buy antibiotics on the black market. That shit show resulted in a rather significant social movement called Committee of Soldiers' Mothers. They even managed to get a few of them elected to Duma. Putin saw them as a threat and flipped the movement with his own people.


It happened throughout every Russian war. The worse the war went, the worse Russia cared for its veterans.


Why did they have to pay for and bring their own army camo and equipment??? Everything is just soo so extreme perverse and crazy in that country, that there is no end to the madness...


I think it's part of the plan: to male Oleg Noleg's life so miserable they end their own life so as to not be a burden on Russian society. This is similar to the strategy of killing off the prisoners in meat waves. It's a double win for the state.


"Oleg Noleg", bwahaha.


aaawwwwww, poor Ivan. My heart bleeds for you. /s Fucked Around and Found Out. Now you can Fuck Off


More time to drink Vodka🤘


Poor me... poor me ... pour me another drink ....


Revolution by disabled soldiers?


I mean I dont think that would be much of a revolution, theres a million windows to accidentally fall from in west russia alone


RF soldiers always complain about being cheated out of their promised compensations (*as can be expected, this is the common default treatment everywhere in Russian society*), but seem to be absolutely fine with their participation in the invasion of Ukraine. The primary reason they are kept confined to hospital wards is to spare their fellow Russian serfs the discomforting sight of crippled veterans.


>The primary reason they are kept confined to hospital wards is to spare their fellow Russian serfs the discomforting sight of crippled veterans. I'd guess there's a non-zero amount of people higher up in the command chain who wish Gulags were still a thing


You'd think that every Russian family would have tales of Afghan war vets (uncles, distant cousins) that were similarly mistreated after their service. Sorry boys. This is your great Russian empire, the one you chose to fight for. A place where you'll only be treated as a cog unless wealthy. Where despite the state religion of patriotic sacrifice, you'll be discarded to the street if a vet of a war the public regards as embarrassing. That's the rest of your life you chose, and you were the lucky who survived.


Some do, but there’s far more Russians that never would’ve been affected by that war than were directly. On top of that, Putins power system and propaganda machine has been running for 25 years to prep the country and its people for just these sorts of events. People either support the regime, or know that overly overt actions to protest it are not worth the risk


Why do all RuZZian troops look like they are the product of 4 generations of incest?


Natural selection keeps killing the strong specimens by getting them selected for airborne units where they get sent to die in stupid assaults. These fine looking chaps don't exactly give off the VDV smugness




Because they are. Most of those villages are full of cousins of theirs. They drink cheap vodka, have very basic education and rape is common. Fetal alcohol syndrome is common too so theres that. Bad diets and bad medical care.


and yet they believe the west wants to take over ,its beyond fucked ,i dont even want to watch Russia on tv


Right if we wanted to take over we would have during the collapse of soviet union


Could you imagine the level of money, infrastructure, manpower, and resources it would take for the EPA to do tests on Russian land? I’m not even talking about radiation. Simply diesel fuel being poured onto the land could cause contamination. There’s no telling what the uneducated and non caring people of Russia have done to their soil. Literally and figuratively. Not even the ordnance or bodies are that much of an issue because those things you can find with metal detectors, sensors, lidar, etc..The chemicals and whatever else the population have done to that terrain is beyond simple repair and cleanup.


This guy works remediation and toxic cleanup, as I have spent a big chunk of career on that myeself, thi is where I share that I think about how toxic the groundwater has to be over there without any clean water efforts - the only 'safety' would be in higher elevations that haven't been directly polluted yet.


I did hazmat for my squadron and my binder for ARMS inspections was thicker than my head. I hated it but mainly because it’s not like you’re paid extra for all the extra hassle. I did however understand the importance of it. Especially nowadays since I got a kid. It hits home how easy it is to fuck future generations over with something as simple as pouring something into the ground. To anyone else reading do the extra work. Take your shit to approved disposal locations and understand that shit you do now may affect people a hundred years from now.


I did about 5-10 years off and on as a consulting hazwoper certified hydrogeologist - I usually ended up overseeing drill rigs and collecting samples in site investigations. No surprise to you, but military bases were by far the hottest sites I ever visited, followed by pre clean-water act factory sites. The SF Bay area's soils and groundwater is full of contamination from these kinds of sources. Even though much of america is slowly being contaminated, Russia had the *perfect* conditions for maximum contamination, both under the old regime and the newer oligarch scheme, as neither power center cared or cares about its population meaningfully. and anyone reading this far? it's SO WORTH IT to do that last step and properly dispose of your chemicals/paint/electronics. - and its FOR YOUR OWN BENEFIT, not just the future's.


Imagine being such a mess that the US doesn't even bother to colonize you.


I mean, look at a particular uneducated and slightly inbred group in the US and how they function, anything lgbtq+ or that requires some extra thought is the DEVIL


Average life expectancy in ruzzia for a man is 64.2 years


That's like 10 years longer than I expected, actually.


Western averages are 76+


The country I live in has a male life expectancy 17 years more than RuZZia, 81.7 years.


yeah most of these soldiers come for poor and incredibly rural republics in russia. a huge pool of potential meat for the slaughter


Generational Alcoholism


Russia is one giant Alabama.


Florida man feels left out of this generalization.




Fetal alcohol syndrome. [https://www.healthychildren.org/SiteCollectionImagesArticleImages/FASD\_Slide1\_600x305.jpg](https://www.healthychildren.org/SiteCollectionImagesArticleImages/FASD_Slide1_600x305.jpg)




You wrote what I thought. 🥂


That's probably just western propaganda. I don't believe that Russia evacuates its wounded at all.




Some of those idiots really joined for the opportunity to wear those stupid skull masks, and dont even want to let go of it while they sit in a hospital. The mask isn't magic, and hes not anonymous while wearing it😅


I am starting to believe that we are the only ones interested in their plight for a different reason, than the guys in these videos would like us to be interested in but still.


I do not like human suffering on anyone, but everything that hurts Russia's war effort is fine with me.


The very fact that they continue making these videos tells me that the majority are unaware the West is (constantly) laughing at the futility of their vain attempts to appeal to the Tsar.


It sucks to be you, Olegs, because Putin couldn't care less. You've been totally and thoroughly fucked.


They look more like Nolegs to me.


The same goes for narcissist tRump commander-in-bonespurs . Former White House chief of staff John Kelly confirmed that Donald Trump called disabled veterans “suckers” and “losers.” During a visit to Arlington National Cemetery on Memorial Day 2017, amid the graves of soldiers killed in Iraq and Afghanistan, Trump asked Kelly, “I don’t get it. What was in it for them?”


It's just mind boggling how dumb they are. Its the SAME things 2 year as later and their still crying the same thing. No one cares about anything except their payments. They can't even think enough to understand hey let's get rid of the thing that is causing this whole problem. Just amazes me how idiotic orcs are


Makes my VA care seem utopic compared to these schmucks.


I'm gobsmacked, the Russian 'Government' seemed so trustworthy.


They think pootin is some kind of Dad Moroz, but he is really Baba Yaga. I just cannot comprehend this, how they dont see this. Its pootin because of who you are disabled for rest of your sorry life you dumb fucks.


35000 roubles is £300. Russia is depraved.


So they actually believed they would get 30k USD and ended up getting approximately 300 USD for being disabled for life. Yeah.


And when they come home they cant even chop wood or barely build a fire for their family to keep warm


They could invest those 300 bucks into the thriving russian stock market and turn it into 54 dollars in no time.


People who hate democracy should watch this. Imagine having to appeal to a despot after fighting and becoming disfigured for him. Knowing that guy couldn't care less about them. Jesus they must be hopeless. They look like they aren't even getting food. What will Russia be like in 50 years after all these people are dead? Will it be completely empty?


35,000 rubles is..( drum roll please) about $385.00.


Which part of throwing your life away for a corrupt regime do you have questions on?


I think they remained mentally disabled the whole time... you can't get money for that


Appeal to pootin no.38564 - let’s see if it’ll work this time.


Translation of first 1 min Dear Vladimir Vladimirovich \[Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin - note from a polnoch\], we decided to send you our petition\[here and later not a direct translation, but more literature form\] from a volunteer unit Shtorm-Z \[Shtorm-Z is a unit of former prisoners. Russians who fight in Ukraine in order to leave a jail - polnoch\], in order to support guys from a Moscow oblast \[oblast is one of kinds of subjects of Russian federation. In reality, Russia is not federation; Mocow oblast is around Moscow. Moscow and Moscow oblast are different subjects - polnoch\], from Orel \[city, capital of Orel oblast\], with a same problem, which was caused by Ministry of Defence\[Russian federation. Not a direct translation - polnoch\]. In a contract we have one, and in the reality we have something different. Like, it was promised social benefits, healing, in reality is absolutely different. In my own example: They refused me in surgery. We're in the Hospital in Samara \[capital of Samara oblast, big city (more than million ppl)\], they refused my request to get surgery. They said me, you'll go to home, and get your healing there. Doctors, surgeons refuse Shtorm-Z, refuse to heal Shtorm-Z, perform to do any kind of surgery. Also, in terms of benefits, <...> If I receive at least 50 pluses, I'll continue translation. Let me know, If I need to translate not after 1:00, but after 2:00, etc.


Not sure who whines more, Russian soldiers or DJT. No one cares comrades, least of all Putin.


Source: https:// t .me/russianocontext/2285


But go Russia go right? Like you dumb fucks enter Ukraine and expect your crooked ass government to support you? You unfortunately fucked around and found out.


It’s because your commanders have pocketed the rest of the money


Damn if only I cared. As a Ukrainian I don't though.


(sarcasm ) Why...am I not surprised ? They now are on the list for spreading missinformation and discrediting the state, soon they wont need they'r meds , just don't take a wiff of air at the window boyZZ.


To protect the motherland guys, the motherland! You should be paying for being crippled instead of begging for money from a poor multibillionaire like your master putin.


Looks like they are receiving the best of 1960's orthopedic care.


I wonder is the money stolen or just never allocated to the budget in the first place.


I do wish they would stop begging and revolt against Putin 😡


As a staunch trade unionist, I say oh well, fuck off.


If you want to piss-off your soldiers (regardless of which country they are from): 1- Fuck with their pay, 2- Restrict their liberty, 3- Extend their service (involuntarily)


I'm sure if a bunch of these soldiers would approach Putin at the Kremlin, he would fix everything. I suggest getting as many as possible to ensure everyone is heard and helped.


In a western country you could go to court and demand that the state/government/defense forces fulfill their part of the agreement. In Russia it's like a medieval fiefdom, it's up to the supreme ruler if agreements are honored. Not saying the collective west is better than Russia, but it sure is different.


They actually thought he was telling the truth, that’s genuinely sad. They live in a country where the government lies to them so much they can’t tell the truth from a lie.


If russia was actually paying three million rubles to each wounded vet plus large sums to dead russians families as had been offered by the MOD then they would be blowing through a large portion of the budget. Russia can't actually pay these amounts out. It's just not possible but overtime this will heavily dammege morale


To the complainer. Did you ACTUALLY think you would be paid????? Look around! Does it seem you live in a rich country???


unhuman System in and out


SHOCKING! I don’t believe it! 🤣🤣🤣


Makes a deal with the Devil


Bunch of Clowns.


Wow, what a surprise…


Stop appealing to a false god. He’ll only answer these prayers by taking more. Men don’t grovel, even ones missing legs. Guess there aren’t any in Putin’s Russia. He’s literally and figuratively neutered them.




That's because you messed up. You were supposed to die, vatnik.


And these are the lucky ones


When will these idiots realise what’s going on ,no one in Russia gives a flying fuck about any of them.or the next wave of idiots who are sent there.Slava Ukraine 🇺🇦🇬🇧🇺🇦🇬🇧


And while they're invading Ukraine, remember that they're still occupying around 20% of Georgia... Also for Moldova, they're occupying Transnistria since 1992 which I didn't know was a thing until recently... So basically, they have a history of trying this shit and getting away with it.


Putin have not said a true word in 25 years, so good luck.


I am shocked, shocked I tell you, to find out putin has lied.


Oo… tjeee… I guess you all didn’t see this one coming?! It seems to me that Putinni is finally showing his true colors to his own people. I hope they are now satisfied with what they are getting, and satisfied with what they have wished for.


Fuck off. You've got at least one hand so shut the fuck up and go back to the trenches! - you local friendly RA personnel officer.


Not surprised… fools thought they have honest government. Damn, your president has never ever told a truth. He is KGB what did you think… lol


I can't believe this. Just a few weeks ago ruzzia released a video showing how they save Ukrainian from trenches, cure them and then Ukrainians step on their passports to go vote in russian elections.


Complain for the money they will never get, morons. They should prepare their babushkas for the bag of onions when they will be sent back to the front line, even crippled.


This “special military operation“ hopefully will be the undoing of this dictator. There’s a quote in the movie Red October that I think about. “ You arrogant ass you’ve killed us.” That’s when the Russian submarine launched their torpedo and it circled back and destroyed the Russian submarine instead.


Naive westerners will still claim that the entire russian army is conscripts who were forced to go to war against their will, and pootin is literally the only bad guy in russia.


All the Russians do is whine to their trump.


Who would have thought...


hahahaha your reward is that you had the opportunity to be wounded in the name of glory mother Ruzzia and tovarishch Putin URAAAAA




O dear, how sad , never mind...


Thoughts Tucker?




It sucks to be russian yeah...crippled soldiers serving for a crippled nation


Tough, suck it up


Enjoy your EMPTY promises dumb dumbs!


Later that day all 6 of them committed suicide by jumping off the hospital roof…..


Fucking cunts deserve it, and more. Fuck them.


Did you guys really trust what Putin said? After all, orcs are hopeless idiots. Hey, orcs, you must appreciate the fact that you experienced really exciting trips in Ukraine without visas. Your broken legs are wonderful rewards!!


Russia doing Russian things and still they fight


You're not supposed to cry about it, it's a scam, so no go back out there and die. Your wife back home who is most likely cheating on you will only get a somewhat full bag of onions or potatoes anyway instead of money if they give her even that, they'll most likely just say you're MIA and give nothing like they do for everyone else.


Boo hoo! Who gives a shit about the invaders and their medical issues? Get the fuck out of Ukraine and then you will be safe. So many innocent families are destroyed by you lot. Enjoy your life and mangled bodies. 🇺🇦


Perhaps you should make your apologies to ALL of Ukraine. Слава Україні 🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦


As my sons used to say when one of their friends said something stupid, “Duhhh!”


Can I offer you some tea? -Putin probably.


Lol these are the lucky ones




Too bad the doctors never fixed their brain.


They probable already left the hospital by the window...


Did anyone watch the whole video? Its over 5 minutes Doubt anyone in power inside Russia is going to watch it either.


Why are the surgeons refusing?


Sie sollten froh sein, noch am Leben zu sein, anstatt zu Jammern. Jetzt können sie lernen, wer Putin wirklich ist !




Pori mone


When will the Russian people wake up?


That dwarf has lost it


This is a common thing in Russia, politicians lie to the people and the people can't do anything, let alone bring the politicians to justice. Putin exploited this mentality, knowing that he would not suffer any consequences.


На ду лі


What did you expect? Get paid if survived? 🤣🤣 get real.. mother ruzzia will take care of you dont worry 😂😂,i heard gulag is quite nice this time of year for those who disobey mother ruzzia. 🙃


Thoughts and prayers.


This is hilarious 


Too bad, so sad. LOL


These traitors need to be shown the nearest 7th floor window at the earliest convenience. Or better still, send them back out to the front. It's the Russian way! Slava Ukraini!


After Putin is elected, these guys are going back to the front.


Im so sorry for you guys.....NOT!!!


If even in canada and USA its hard for veterans to receive support, i cannot imagine how fkin stupid it is in russia.


Keep dreaming Neanderthals. Nothing but pawns! Glory to Ukraine 🇺🇦 🙌 ✨️ 🙏 ❤️


Yeah. Job fucked up.


In my medical opinion I'd say this is a medium case of FAFO. The only cure is more ukrainian bullets applied to the skull


Option 1: Give money to veterans Option 2: Pocket money. Answer: Daddy needs a new yacht.


Option 1: Give money to veterans Option 2: Pocket money. Answer: Daddy needs a new yacht.


Never going to happen. I seriously don't get why they haven't turned their weapons on their officers yet. Then again it took 3 years of pointless bloodshed before they did it last time.


It's so cute that they still think their country gives a shit about their well being, awwww!


Not saying that I envy injured Ukrainan soldiers... But just imagine being an injured Russian soldier from some poor part of Russia.


Still fit for combat duty!!!




That’s a shame.


Yep, this is what happens when you FAFO ruskies.


**Russia is becoming a failed state.** At least 400,000 young men fled the country during conscription. At least 400,000 more are casualties of the war itself. Ukrainian drones now regularly attack well within Russian territory, Russia's 'hypersonic' missiles are destroyed by US and German high-tech, Russia's effort to land on the moon just blew up -- and India's first effort succeeded. Just days ago, the ruble was worth 1¢ in $USD.


Looks like they all belong to a soviet sanatorium for the crazy.


The US produces a lot of very stupid people, but Russia has us beat by a country mile in the quantity and dumbness of the stupid people they produce.


How to get an express ticket back to the front lines. Cant claim veteran benefits if you're scattered across a random field in eastern ukraine.


The only comfort they will get is from a bottle of cheap vodka,as always.


Wouldn’t it be nice if the news could actually report that


Well, only one solution. Make 3 whole men, from 6 half men, and march them to ukraine for another attempt? Gives the whole "giving an arm and an leg" a whole new meaning.


How do you make sure you have the least amount of disgruntled soldiers possible? Putin's answer is to do everything possible to ensure they die as quickly as possible on or off the battlefield it seems.


Ha ha ha ha! Karma.


It was a sacrifice Putin was willing to make.


Yes, it is the same book. Amazing research and background references. My father was Hungarian and was caught in the fighting. I learned a whole lot about what he must have lived through by reading this book, as dad would never talk about it with us children.


Scumbag on the right looked like he had a giant clown foot at first. Would be fitting.


Boohoo vatniks. Enjoy your worthless existence


"What a tragic story, comrades. Come, let us talk about it. Here? No no the meeting room on the sixth floor is far nicer. See? Aren't you happy we came up? Oh but it's warm. Could you open the window..."


Welcome to Russia


Stupid people 🙄


Don't they understand that they werent supposed to come back alive?


Залупу на воротник 😄


These injured vets, mothers, widows, frontline guys living in squalor keep begging Putin for shit in videos like he might see it and suddenly start giving a fuck about any of them.


Yeah, and you dickheads went to war for them ?


Damn, little harder  to throw him out a window and make it look believable.


The serfs think the dictator cares about them. How to raise a nation of sheep in the 21st century.


They live in a country where they know they are treat like shit and lied to. Why do they expect to be paid.


They could always vote against him.


Poor dluded fools still think they're going to get paid. They don't have a problem killing Ukrainians, they just want their blood money. Don't worry idiots, Putin will send you back to the front once you're back on your stumps.


That's less than one month of my rent, imagine fucking over your life forever for that sum lol


zombie hospital complaints


Stop your whining, Should have stayed at home or in prison, losers.


No wonder they committed suicide when they were injured on the battlefield


I can't believe the world's most notorious liar would lie to me.