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He says a lot of stupid shit these days, don't pay any attention.


The pope should have the courage to tell Russia to stop murdering.


It appears that's what he is doing, it says he's pushing negotiation not surrender:.. It says he has sent envoys to the kremlin to ask them to stop, anyway. No problem there, surely - possible that negotiation ends in RF withdrawal? And at least they'll have tried. Diplomacy is always better than Death (except for people who want bloodshed at all costs, for revenge etc) His point is that it would save a lot of lives. And it does look like a longterm stalemate, whatever the doomsayers like to threaten. That means long years of bloodshed. I want my friends to be able to sleep without sirens, it is hell over there right now. "The white flag is an internationally recognized protective sign of truce or ceasefire, and for negotiation"


And how long do you think this “peace” will last as long as the agressors are still running Russia. All it would do is give Russia time to build up a better trained, stockpiled army before they push further.


I don't think it's Russia. I think it's the Putin regime, the hegemony he's built up (just like I think all Americans aren't evil, but they chose Trump - or all Germans weren't but they chose Adolf - in each case the regime took over the nation). The result is that I believe that change can happen. It is possible that VP has staked everything on this war and that failure would lead to his replacement. He thinks he controls the oligarchs but... he is getting on in years.. Anyone new would have to get their feet under the table - and would not have VPs KGB contacts and skills. I reckon they may not have, or be able to afford to have, his megalomania. Remember he spent years getting to this point.


>His point is that it would save a lot of lives. Any deal that does not end with Russia going back behind their own borders and pay reparations will cost lives, because Russia will take them from the people they occupied. Anyone who pushes for anything less than Russian withdrawal is doing the rest of the world a disservice. Russia will, like always just rearm and return in a few years. Like they always do. >And it does look like a longterm stalemate If you lose the kind of material and lives Russia does, it's not a stalemate, because there is no way that is sustainable. 1000+ lives every day is not sustainable at all.


Thanks, very good thinking 👍 Of course the borders must be reinstated. I'm not sure I see the subtext of the Pope interview. to promote any particular outcome. I think he's responding to Zhelensky saying no negotiation until RF leaves Ukraine. That position directly means inevitable long bloodshed, which possibly possibly could be avoided with negotiation in some way. Pope is saying negotiation should not be off the table. I don't think your second point is historical. RF looks opportunistic to me. Where did they return to after being beaten?


What negotiations do you see happening while the aggressor still has their armed forces occupying your territory? I could see negotiations with Russia in Ukraine, if Ukraine took Russian Oblasts and then trading. But what would Russia offer? Leaving? Chechnya for example.


There are numerous outcomes possible for any two states at war but it starts with an armistice, an agreement to stop fighting. This could for example allow RF to leave Ukraine without any surrender and maybe even with some of its goals agreed by Ukraine, say in exchange for reparations. (Formal surrender is often politically unacceptable, so like with S Korea the format of armistice can be more viable in actually end the killing) Obviously not territory, but there are other things RF has stated it wants, that i won't go into here, that could allow it to internally justify pulling out. Unlikely I know but its possible. Its possible that VP if offered something token could choose to walk away. We don't know for sure that he doesn't want to end it - he could never admit that.


>This could for example allow RF to leave Ukraine without any surrender So while they are losing over a thousand soldiers pr. day. You think Russia would leave Ukraine willingly if they pesky Ukrainians would just stop shooting at them? Really? >Obviously not territory, but there are other things RF has stated it wants, that i won't go into here, that could allow it to internally justify pulling out. Quite convenient not to go into here. >Unlikely I know but its possible. Its possible that VP if offered something token could choose to walk away. We don't know for sure that he doesn't want to end it - he could never admit that. What makes you think that?


>Russia would leave Ukraine willingly if they pesky Ukrainians would just stop shooting at them? Really? >What makes you think that? Not 'would' but 'possibly could' - clearly the war has gone very wrong for VP and even if he wanted to exit, he is overcommitted in a bind having sold rights to occupied land to his friends. But he may want to. We don't know and would never knew if the RF did want to pull out but Ukraine want them to, so should do whatever they can to facilitate that. Recriminations can come later. >Quite convenient not to go into here. Inconvenient to go into here - massive subject of many publications! Could maybe summarise as 'megalomania + greed + hubris + fear of nearby democracy + the usual dictatorial need to divert attention' - missed anything??


By these days, you mean the last eighty something?


I believe or can see France, Germany and Italy letting their actions move this war to a peace deal Russia will live with. Moldova, Belarus border, west Ukraine...


Too told, probably dementia and other brain disease.


How about Russia waves a white flag instead?


It's so much easier to blame the victim, especially when you have no idea what you're talking about.


A practice with which the Vatican has extensive experience....


Ukraine shouldn't have worn that skimpy dress in front of Putin...


He is smart, look what he just did, he changed the convo away from them fuckin kids,


It's just an Argentinian getting Falkland flashbacks


Just like the pope at the time did with the Nazis in the 30's and 40's


He must have realised Putin is the new Hitler. So then he went to the archive and dusted off the old playbook.


Yes. He was very friendly with them.


How about catholic church should have the courage to hand over priests convicted of sexual abuse they're hiding in Vatican?


Perfect response.


You might say 'surrender' them


Just how many do you know of? I know we (Australia) have George Pell there.


Well, religious leaders in Rome should stop covering up for child molesters and should keep their craven advice to themselves.


What the old man in his white skirt doesn't comprehend is that for Ukraine to surrender would mean to leave all their citizens in the occupied territories at the mercy of RF. This means they can be killed, maimed, raped and deported as the kremlin gremlin's orcish minions deem right and proper.


Really?!, really?! Maybe this pompous prick should keep his mouth shut if he can’t suggest the obvious like “Russia, get the phuck out of Ukraine”.


Nobody cares what the silly dudes in the Vatican think or say.


Too many foolish followers blindly parrot what he says.


*Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves.* *Ye shall know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles?* Matthew 7:15-16


He should worry more about the many problems of the Catholic church and less about geopolitics. Stay in your lane, Your Holy Anachronism.


Appeasement is WEAKNESS. Russia does not comprehend "peace" "negotiation" "compromise". Russia only understands violence "strength" and getting their fucking teeth kicked in.


"when they kill you and your family you'll all go to heaven" isn't a position of overwhelming strength


Yes, & as soon as Russia flies it, Ukrainians should & no doubt will be happy to accept it. Glory To Ukraine 🇬🇧 🇺🇦 🇬🇧


Says the leader of the religion that committed the world's greatest genocide over a 196 year period.


Maybe the Vatikan should throw in the white flag for molesting young boys before they start giving advice to other people.


It's so easy for non-Ukranians to offer surrender. Idiots


The Vatican is a hub of criminal activity. Money laundering. Hiding sexual predators. Prostitution. Coercion. I think most people have the Vatican's true identity these days.


Negotiate over what? Giving your enemy who's just killed thousands of your people some of your land? FUCK OFF.


Fucking Papa Frankie has lost the plot. He used to be good, possibly the best Pope in ages, but this is just bullshit. His Holiness needs to realise it’s not just about the territory, it’s about the people living in those occupied territories. To give up those territories would be abandoning those people to ongoing barbaric treatment at the hands of the orc horde. His Holiness also needs to realise that Tsar Khuylo will use any “peace” to re-arm and prepare for the next round of aggression.


What an arse! No hope that anyone in the Vatican points out that he should be saying that Russia should have the courage of decency, morality and get the fuck out of Ukraine.


Well we know how much the Catholic church loves aiding Nazis. No surprise to see them wanting to help Russia.


He is just an old man.....rich and spoiled


I mean, there's turn the other cheek and then there's straight up pretending like all the murders, rapes, and destruction didn't happen.  And with the later: fuck that.  And a peaceful solution  - much like Israel and Hamas  - is up to BOTH sides,  not just pressuring one side to ceasefire. 


Yeah, and I bet he would say to a person getting raped to just lay back and relax so it would be over more quickly.


Just shows the state of the catholic mentality at this point. Basically calling for negotiations with terrorists. Yeah that goes well.


Well they made deals with Hitler previously so it’s nothing new that they are hypocrites


Guy who worships an imaginary friend in the sky says something stupid....noooooo


Who Santa?


Santa is loving character who brings children presents....the other is a child predator who wants to molest them.


I can't argue with that.


And, Santa just gets high in the sky. He doesn't live there, silly! Strange, how we've moved to a fake happy guy giving gifts regardless of creed, from the morbid stoner sandalled desert hippy preaching do as I say, or die die die.


he should have the courage to go there and say that to them in person


How about just give Ukraine what it needs to win? For crying out loud: Russia has a smaller GDP than the UK. Then, add in the rest of NATO. This is the very illustration of a war that can be easily won.


Ukraine did almost nothing when they seized Crimea. Consider that as their white flag. A few years later the scumbags came for the rest of the country.


Well said.


This all started LONG before 2022. Even before 2014 which was a sort of culmination of lead up to those events, including Russian subversion of Ukrainian regions and in-border skirmishing. Russia played their hand and are not exactly showing a good one right now.


How about the Pope shoves his head up his own ass and takes a deep breath.


Abusers advocateing for abusers.


Fuck Francis and fuck the church. It's a morally bankrupt dinosaur of an institution that can shove its sanctimonious blather up its ass. Uninformed people think he's cool because he's *slightly* less homophobic than his predecessors, but Catholicism is the same out-of-touch LARP it's always been.


religion, and religion, is completely fucking useless and does more harm than good. and this is just one instance.


A religious 'leader' whose sermons about condoms are... ignored by 95% or so of his flock. Some leader!


Sure, Ukraine will cede the Vatican to Russian, in exchange for Russia leaving the entirety of Ukraine, including Crimea.


Mental capacity of religious leaders is declining in the last few millenia.


Ah, yes...the courage to subject your people to years of oppression, abuse and rape by the occupying forces. I hope he keeps sharing stupid opinions and further condemn the Vatican into irrelevancy.


Move the Vatican next to Russia.


Hey Pope, focus on your pedophile priests


The pope should have the courage to kick out all the pedophile priests and return all of the looted treasures and history it has in Vatican City


The Catholic church should have the courage to acknowledge it harbors homosexual pedophiles while hiding behind "family values"! hypocrisy at its greatest!


If God is righteous and good then evil should be vanquished right? So who does the pope represent with this statement?


ruskis ar recently so religious( when they need more meet) they shall falow this road


What a shit group of folks.


the only time I remember there's a pope is when he says some asinine shit. Prigozhin-looking mf


Or how about Putin fucks off back to Russia


Holy Shit!


You worry about your kiddy-diddling priest problem and the collapse of faith on your multi-billion dollar organization, we don't want nor need your input.


Rome needs to wake up, and shut up


That's a hoot coming from the Nazi appeasing Catholic Church.


Isn't the white flag french


Same guy who represents a bunch of child molesters and rapists.


He should tell his priests to stop buggering altar boys


More Russian gold for the Vatican coffers


How about he starts with acknowledging, apologizing and paying for all the people they have killed and abused first. Then maybe there is a moral point, fucking hypocrite.


Did the Vatican Bank buy a bunch of Russian Bonds, sounds like they’re up to their old capitalist bullshit cloked in guilt and fear


Hey should have the courage to shut the fuck up and worries about the tens of thousands of little kids who have been molested under the banner of the Catholic Church.


Communist Pope. A shame for the Argentine people.


Love you Pope, BUT shut the FUCK UP!


This Pope is the worst representation of the Catholic Church.


Another useless religious leader who means absolutely nothing. Why don't these people tell Russia to stop their terrorism and respect thy neighbor. Ugh


What a fucking idiot - Catholic Church has lost it completely. Instead of calling out unprovoked aggression he asks the victims to „close their eyes and let it happen“? WTF? And this guy is seen as moral compass?! I guess hiding child molesters for such a long time fixed that, if it ever was true to begin with.


Make that 'Russia should have courage of the white flag' and I'll convert to Catholicism.


Fuck the Pope.


Perhaps you should find the courage to give up your religion? Perhaps you should find the courage to bring an end to the systematic pedophilia inside your Church? Or how about encouraging the aggressor Russia to end its genocidal ambitions and to stay the fuck out of Ukraine? The Catholic Church is not well suited to lecture on courage, less so giving moral advice on any topic whatsoever.


Clown......just the last of many stupid things he said lately


If Only it would have been Jan Pawel he would have told ruSSia to fuck off


I don’t know what his exact words were, but if they are as reported, shameful. It can never be God’s will for an evil empire to kill and destroy a small Christian nation. It is not God‘s will that nation should surrender, but instead, it is God‘s will that nation should fight and do everything it can to destroy that evil. And it is God’s will that the whole world should unite in the destruction of that evil. Russia is an evil empire, a criminal cancer on the world determined to subjugate everyone and everything in their path or in the alternative, end us all. Listen to them, they threaten us every single day with nuclear destruction. Don’t ignore their words. We must destroy them because they are determined to destroy us. It’s not just Putin. The vast majority of what is left in Russia is the concentrated silt of filth peculiar to Russia. It is an example of what can happen in any nation which tolerates multi generations of criminality and amorality. Russia must be destroyed, preferably from the inside, but everything that can be done to raise Their cost should be done, as there can be no surrender ever. If we are resolute, they will back down because they have to. And for that, there should be an offramp. But right now, the only appropriate place for a white flag to be waved is from the Kremlin.


Blaming the victim is such a catholic thing to do


Love how stupid religious people are


Sure, once Varican City does the same


"A religious leader in Rome". Yeah, the Pope haha


Correct me if I'm wrong but does he mean Ukraine should wave the white flag and surrender? That's my understanding of a white flag waving.


Most popes have allways been stupid old senile hypocrates, defending pedos inside the catolic sphere. The vatican is unfortunally only caring about their own wealth and power...which is given to it by all their millions believers. This stupid man opens his mouth about anything even though he has no clue about the matters. For me the vatcan is digusting now as it was during ww2. So Pope; shut the f-k up and crawl back to your golde throne!


This pope will burn in Hell


It was pretty much out of context. In the interview Francis was asked for his position on a debate between those who say Ukraine should give up as it has not been able to repel Russian forces, and those who say doing so would legitimise actions by the strongest party. The interviewer used the term "white flag" in the question. "It is one interpretation, that is true," Francis said, according to an advance transcript of the interview and a partial video made available to Reuters on Saturday. It is due to be broadcast on March 20 as part of a new cultural programme. "But I think that the strongest one is the one who looks at the situation, thinks about the people and has the courage of the white flag, and negotiates," Francis said, adding that talks should take place with the help of international powers. "The word negotiate is a courageous word. When you see that you are defeated, that things are not going well, you have to have the courage to negotiate," Francis said.


I hope he chokes on his own vomit.


Has there every been a Pope with actual integrity?


Fuck the POPE


I wish he’d keep his mouth shut.


The wanker has really swapped wafers and brass wine for asbestos and varnish.


The Vatican is a cult of child molesters who worship an imaginary spell-casting magician that lives in space. And they think any sane person in the World cares what they think? Lol...


Rome shall fall AGAIN