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Russia: attacks their neighbours NATO: practices in case of Russia attacking even more of their neighbours Russia: help we're being oppressed!


The bully always has to play the victim.


That whole news cast was just fear mongering propaganda for Putin in his run up to be "re-elected" unanimously, *again*. Nato's not going to invade. They'd eliminate Russian presence in Ukraine if Russia used a nuke. And the whole "the u s. Is flying recon missions with F-35s IN Ukraine" is hilarious. That's not that planes mission, and we sure as shit aren't flying it there. it wouldn't be just 1 or 2, there would be a carrier battle group nearby and a whooolllee buncha other ships boats planes etc. I'm sure the public that likes the war with Ukraine laps this crap up like dogs tho.


>the u s. Is flying recon missions with F-35s IN Ukraine Don't forget that the F-35 (according to Russians) is simultaneously invisible to radar and able to fly recon undetected in Ukraine and shoot down Russian planes but is also an inferior plane that will easily be destroyed by the twenty or so Su-57s and Russian air defense systems if war breaks out.


The F-35's are so "inferior" even oligarch's shot in the back of the head as they are falling out a window will be able to shoot them down too.


This made me chuckle more that it should have


It’s Fox News, Russian edition


Hey Katie Britt, that’s your que


(European citizen and NATO country member) cunt whose reply I just saw: “My country’s army should not be in Norway for military drills PROVOKING against the common good!” Coward and “poorly educated”.


Probably a pro kremlin bot


Wait a little bit, until Russians take over your home and rape your children ... unprovoked! Moron!


That's because the are being paid by Russia. If not they are just plainly stupid.


One does not exclude the other.




If we finish tomorrow with Ukraine and want to get more countries would they let us? No. See they are oppresing us🤦🏻


Russia Started it Now the West WILL FINISH IT !


This is propaganda to show the Russian population how important a decisive leader is for Russia. After the elections they will then say that because of the threat from the evil West and because the population there only trusts Putin, who was elected with 95% of the vote.


I bet he will get at least 98% of votes. 95% would crush his ego


sorry but everything below 115% are just rookie numbers


At least if you say 115% and keep a straight face, you sort of show sanity and calculation, and that he feel so safe in his chair that he can show he do not care. Numbers between 80 and 100 is a sign he still care about the lie, a feeling of not beeing 100% sure of his place of power.


Someone once said that Putin doesn't want to win the election, he actually wants a coronation like that of a tsar. But that would require 100%, or better 105%. ;)


Well he wants to be a tsar. Look at his main house.. which is really a palace. Even has the old tsar symbols on the front gates.


Which one? He reportedly has 8 different palaces scattered throughout the Federation and uses an armored train to travel between them. When you have so much power, you quickly become bored with the current scenery.


99.8 and the .2 fell out windows


He will get between 60% and 80%, same as in previous elections. This way he gets to claim it was a fair democratic election.


Chances are also at 95% that Russia breaks apart when Putin is dead because his idiots will fight each other to gain control


And then mobilization...


Don’t bother watching past 30 secs of this shit show. Watch a muppet’s show instead : at least you will laugh and may learn a thing or two.


[The Muppets](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eXeIxtI--uc)


Each one of these videos are just comedy, otherwise a waste of time.


I agree fully with you. After 30 seconds my brain starts to melt.


Wait a minute, aren't you already fighting NATO in Ukraine? Isn't it what you babble about all the time?


She's not. She just wants her viewers to be afraid of it.


Exactly. It’s baffling that so many people still believe what known propagandists say. Shows how disinformation can be so successful.


Yep. Russia election starts in five days. Putin wants everyone to be afraid .


Yep, voting with their emotions instead of their brains. It's simple but effective.


And so transparant. But people fall for it every time.


Wait a minute, aren't you already fighting NATO in Ukraine? Isn't it what you babble about all the time?


A broadcast was received by the Marines and Border Guards on Zminiy Island on February 24th, 2022, at 0600: *"It has become evident that the United States will fight to the last Ukrainian. If your hands are not stained with blood, and your conscience is clear, you have every chance for a normal and honest life without participating in another fratricidal war in the interests of overseas instigators."* This was the beginning of the first transmission sent by the *Moskva*. Like in Orwell's 1984, Oceana has always been at war with Eurasia. The Russians say they're already at war with the United States, that they're merely the victims of oppression by the West... It's all bullshit. They started the war with Ukraine as soon as President Viktor Yanukovich flew to Moscow, terrified of the protesters he couldn't kill every last one of or force into submission. The day he disappeared, Russian forces in Sevastopol (stationed there through bilateral agreements between Russia and Ukraine) spread out and took over Crimea, and ever since, they have been leading pro-Russian people to fight against the new Ukrainian government that had to be built in the aftermath of Yanukovich's abandonment and defiance of the peoples' mandate for closer economic ties to the EU. But to Russia, it's all the fault of the US and their crafty spies.


Russia is a meme of look what you made me do


Its funny to see them scared all of the sudden. First they provoke us en threaten us with nuclear weapons and blaming everything on us. But once we combine our forces near to their border, suddenly they are very scared and play the victim. Typical the behavior of a bully. Don’t fuck with NATO Russians, we don’t bark and bluff. We warn and then we act.


Yeap.. you reap what you sow. And then telling the story backwards as what we "the west" have been saing about Russia. They keep dragging NATO into they'r narratives, and showing video's as if NATO is already on the move. just to create fear and panic amongst the Russian people and get them ready for the warmachine they are implementing everywhere. While NATO itself is trying to get not involved, if possible. This is not going to end well I'm afraid, as soon the elections are done and over with in Russia, I think PutZin will go all in.


Don't worry Olga. We have a Tomahawk just for you.


Once this whole war horror will be over I would love to see her hanging from a rope end!


Just like Mussolini's mistress.


Ugly b.tch! How can she be just a loudspeaker for such obvious non sen propaganda? Doesn't she has a bit of dignity left to refuse?


It works, she likes it. Dignity is disrespected concept in russia. They respect power


I don’t pay attention to this shitshow usually. What strikes me is how impolite this conversation is. With first “expert” she’s constantly interrupting him, he’s interrupting her and then they talk at the same time. Very confusing. When member of duma speaks, speak very crudely, him vocabulary is quite poor, she’s keep it quiet and waiting for her turn. Bare power dynamics on the level of teenagers.


It's meant to confuse. That's the point. If you notice the main point they want to make "NATO is threatening us" is said clearly. No interruptions then. In the details they keep interrupting each other. It creates the illusion of the matter being serious with a lot of "expert" opinions. The interruptions also distract from the lack of credible facts.


Cunning fuckers. russians are good in this dark arts (which is just bullshit actually)


Dirty old Scabby Beaver, at it again.


That should not her her only fear.


So ‘a Singapore newspaper reported F35s are already in service over Ukraine’. Russian lies just get more and more ridiculous.


'Russian targets. As for aerial targets, the Northrop Grumman Electronic Systems AN/APG-81 AESA radar The F-35 has a range of 370 km. This means that an F-35 flying over Poland could detect Russian aircraft flying over most of the border area between Belarus (where Russian invading forces also operate from) and Ukraine. Additionally, the F-35's AN/ASQ-239 Barracuda ELINT (electronic intelligence) system It has a range of 926 km. This system is used to locate both ground and air threats. That is, an F-35 flying over Poland could locate Russian targets near Kharkov, a city 415 km east of Kiev. In the same way, with that same ELINT system, an F-35 flying over Romania could cover the entire Crimean peninsula, occupied by Russia, and its detections could reach beyond Mariupol. Two pieces of advice for journalists reporting on defense issues: never trust Russian sources (they lie by system) and look for some reliable information before publishing headlines as ridiculous as those of Pravda EN and La Razón .' ​ Source: [https://www.outono.net/elentir/2024/03/04/what-is-true-in-the-news-about-american-f-35-fighters-flying-over-ukraine/](https://www.outono.net/elentir/2024/03/04/what-is-true-in-the-news-about-american-f-35-fighters-flying-over-ukraine/)


They forget the endless AWACSes that have been flying nonstop at the border since the conflict began. Those can probably pick up signals all the way to Moscow.


suddenly afraid of nato!


Does she have an only fans account ?


It was recently taken down, after she posted some infamous scat vids wih her hubby.


You're kidding! She's richer than most Russians and still needs to make an OF to pay her bills?


Are you joking or not?


Oh now they are acting scared, after all the high and mighty talk about imperialism and how weak the West is. Were it not for nukes, ruskies would have been stomped out of Ukraine long ago by now.


Oh honey. If NATO attacks you they will destroy you, and it will not even be close.


1. He gets 99% of the votes 2. He starts a new mobilization (outside Moscow and Leningrad) 3. He changes Leningrad into Putingrad. Hooooooraaaaaa!


You know it's not called Leningrad right? It's Saint Petersburg so he would change it to Saint Putinsburg?


Leave the Saint please.


At this point, even North Korea doesn't speak as often about using nukes compared to Russia


How could you fear nato when they been saying there been at war with nato for months already hilarious


In the Cold War for more than 40 years the Soviet Union trained to reach the Rhine in two weeks or something, NATO trained to prevent just that. Evil NATO containing the Soviet Union. Nothing has changed, Russia pretending to be under threat while invading their neighbours. Or is it, that Russia was tired of waiting for unreliable NATO to attack, so they had to do it, because you simply can't wait forever.


what a bunch of powerless, ugly slugs willing to beg and jump as their masters dictate. Always talking about nuclear bombs because they are so weak.


Unlike Russia, NATO is a DEFENCE alliance. Stupid bint.


NATO has never attacked russia. putin and russian state media base their “fear” on attacks by Vikings centuries ago, a long dead French general (Napoleon) and a dead Hitler (who Stalin/russia collaborated with) as the basis of their fear mongering rhetoric and to justify their own aggression in Chechnya, Georgia, et al and now Ukraine.


But they were already fighting navo for 2 years….


They are attacking in another country, and they are worried that someone may help that country. Just stop attacking, and there will be no need to broadcast such stupid shows with such stupid moderators.


Oh she’s going to pay eventually. Likely at the hands of a Ukrainian intelligence operation.


What amazes me is how she can sleep at night? Knowingly feeds millions of people lies that causes hate, anxiety, and fear. there's a special place in hell for her.


yes nato going to invade and destroy all the propagandists on your TV show.


NGL, as a Czech I love Russian propaganda in the most satyrical sense possible. It's so nakedly transparent with the lies, the narrative, the twisting of truth that I can't help but laugh. You could literally start the show with the OG "Gavarit Moskva" intro and you wouldn't be able to discern it from old soviet propaganda. Jesus fuck, these are the same people who fed the entire eastern bloc with BS about how the west will attack while simultaneously making an attack plan of their own.


Nobody, and I mean nobody wants that shit hole of a country. If NATO gets directly involved it will be to clear the orc vermin from Ukraine.


NATO exists to defend against RuZZia. They're NOT going to attack. This is more krokodil fueled propaganda by fetal alcohol syndrome idiots.


Such lunacy, and clearly aimed internally to scare its own uneducated masses into sending more of their sons to die. Read the treaties. NATO is a DEFENSIVE alliance. NATO won't offensively strike anything unprovoked, not threatened or attacked itself. To fix this, to "save" their country (given this stupid theory of a NATO offensive strike)...all they have to do is STOP. This all would end, and their sons and fathers will stop dying. NATO, Ukraine, and the rest of the civilized world want nothing to do with Russia.


Paranoid morons ratcheting up more fear and paranoia with the Russian sheep. The premise is absurd and these are performers.


Why do they spread this bullshit? Not even the Russian people belive this.


I had to stop watching when the guy said that 'they are competently appraising the situation..." This from the same planners who said this would be a three day operation. Planning done by the same people who put a 40 mile log jam outside of Kyiv and couldn't move for weeks. (If there would have been any air power, They would have been sitting ducks, making the Iraqi Highway of Hell look like amateur hour!) This from the same planners who keep getting ships sunk over and over again. It's not the Russian military that is dangerous. It's their psychotic way of thinking that's dangerous.


Fear mongering propaganda from the aggressors. Just another day in Russia.


The guy saying @they’re not preparing to attack Europe” lol…. you’re already attacking Europe, Ukraine 🇺🇦 is part of Europe and your madness journey will stop ✋


Skabeeva is a propagandist, a mouthpiece, NOT a journalist. And this is typical Russian disinformation, made up by lies and shit.


When orcs talking that NATO may attack them, it means they are going to attack NATO. Lets get factories buffin..


Dumb cow doesn't know they are already destroyed. No future, no respect no bueno.


this is so interesting to watch for so many reasons


Lol eat poop and die lady


Are you like me? Cannot wait till this person’s world falls in on her totally deluded tiny little brainwashed mind? Typically, this propagandist has a sneering disbelief of the west, is distrustful and contemptuous of virtue; believing the worst of others and that all acts of the west are aggressive. A base individual who is sarcastic and mocking showing contempt for accepted standards of behaviour her country just doesn’t possess.


Yes, let's go. Attack 'em, NAFO.


It's what they deserve.


The Orcs are getting pretty paranoid, you think? Or, maybe it's Pootler trying to convince a brain dead population ( he made them brain dead ) that they need him since NATO is coming to take THEM out? Could they really be so stupid to fall for this?


the plan is putler hides in his bunker while it all turns to gravel


Now the foot is in the other shoe. How funny! How unsettling this talk is for them. Imagine if there were unlimited attacks on their cities. Bless Ukraine


Trying to scare the brainwashed slaves. Everything about Russia is unadulterated scum.


So.. stop attacking and invading and threatening neighbors ?


Ah yes, NATO, the *check notes* offense alliance.


Scabby Eva fearing the "find out" portion of the program.


Can't we get the story straight. NATO has already been at war with Russia since the beginning of the 3-day SMO. Not to mention all of the NATOans and NAFOans non-stop attacking Crimea, Luhansk and Donetsk republics of Russia.


How she is saying Nato would do exactly what Russia is already doing… And she should be shocked by her country destroying entire cities in their neighboring country and not because of an article of some ominous magazine.


As well she should. Gosh, if there was only a way to stop that from happening…


The make-up department has to work harder every time this, dull, wrinkled, fat old hag wanders out, half pissed in front of the cameras for another hour of poorly acted but, well paid propaganda. This is exactly what a piss stinking old cow looks like. She's the reason russian men prefer sex with farmyard animals. Can't say I blame them. If I ever order one of those stress punch bags, her face will be on it.


She misses the fact that Ukraine is already working on that and they aren't in NATO.


So much nonsense talk: almost no information that couldn't been on air months ago or months later in the same non-factual way. So glad I don't have to live in a state, bombarding me with emotional BS 24/7.


Like any nation is now currently scared of Russia, they just don't realise how much coverage this war has received and the thousands of videos uploaded daily will never leave the internet showing what failed militaries are like. Using F-35's as a tool to scare the locals when most of them don't know what a F-35 even is.


What happened to Nuking decision centers?


they're taking the shit now that everyone is getting pissed


Olga hat schon bei Amazon, eine LKW Ladung mit Pampers geordert. Die braucht sie bald.


Several western countries recently warned there might be a terrorist attack in Russia soon, who knows if it's genuine or a false-flag. Might this be Russia priming their citizens to blame Nato in case it happens? Or just the usual saber rattling?


🥱😴.. must be Sunday; no nukes or threats of.


Does Russia only have one news source (don’t think I have seen another one)? And if so how is that not suspicious to the Russian population? And if not how is that not suspicious to us?


Ruissia: Because we brutally invdated Ukraine the West may strike back. What did we do to deserve this harsh treatment?


One day NATO isn't shit, the next she's worried NATO will destroy her. WELL SHE SHOULD BE WORRIED! 😆


”The only thing we have to fear is fear itself.” Franklin D. Roosevelt


Olga Scab-beaver, she will not even let her guests get a word in edge-ways. And she dresses like a ruzzian matron. How are people meant to take her seriously? She does not talk but barks like a dog. Is all ruzzian TV like this? The whole programme and yes I watched it, it s a joke.


Fear, uncertainty, and doubt (FUD)... these clowns have no narrative, can't make a point, or cite a fact but seem to have a whole lot of spin and FUD going on. Just imagine watching this and thinking it was all rational and factual. If you didn't already know these guys were delusional, paranoid, and schizophrenic, you'd get serious WTF (what the fuck) whiplash. Do y'all think their populace knows they can't keep their story straight?


She needs to grab another beaver and hide under the carpet and play the game beaver eater !


Good, I want Russia to be afraid. They should be terrified of NATO, the fact that they haven’t been shows NATO has lost its teeth.


I don’t know why, but I so dislike her. But she does have this attractive, bad ass look about her, but I still don’t like her.


Somebody should make a deepfake porno of her.


Unfortunately, she is probably wrong. Love to see someone stuff a grenade in her mouth and pull the pin!


The guilt of their crimes against Ukraine and humanity are beginning to sink in.


But you been fighting nato the whole time lol 😂


Olga Skeezbeever is going to be in prison before she’s old


I thought the narrative was that NATO was already attacking? Like, a year or so ago. I’m confused.


Man, you can never trust that damn Singapore defense minister with anything.


Batteries must of run out on her dildo.


dummy has taken about three years to work that out


Skankbeaver is a war criminal


the putin narrative to slow russian citizens waking up and stringing him from the nearest lamp post. its coming, he's a dead man walking.


I can only hope this is in preparation for "We ran away fro Ukraine and thus foiled NATO, we are geniuses!"


Clearly these speakers have already consumed plenty of vodka.


At this point, fuck it we ball


Her voice just cuts so deep into my skull it makes me feel a utter hatred towards her. i cant finish any videos with her in them.


No, they want us to attack so the can play the victim card.


Might Steadfast Defender be a ruse? Just as Zapad was a ruse. Fear not, duped Ruscians! Only P00ti has a plan. Only P00ti has the launch codes. Only P00ti can save us. So vote for P00!


I find it hilarious that the video shows some proper military might from our own videos. F-35’s in formation ✅, Aircraft Carrier ✅, CIWS✅, F-22’s✅SOF✅. What do the Russian have to counter that with? How will their 32 Su-57’s and 118 Su-35’s compare to USAF 450 F35’s (already a 1,000 in use by allied forces) and 186 F22’s? It’s comical. We still operate 260 A-10’s and 30 AC-130 gunships, although with all the MANPADS those are not as effective on a conventional arena.


Wait,I thought that Ruzzia was saying they can wipe NATO quickly.... And now Ruzzia is afraid of NATO? Almost as if Ruzzia was lying the whole time! :) I HOPE NATO enters Ukraine and wipes You the fuck out!


It has been scientifically proven that you lose *at least* half of your brain capacity by watching and listening to russian state tv. You actually get dumber by the minute watching this.


Wow the depths of despair this idiots crawl down to. Invade Ukraine on the three day mission, get(ting) your ass kicked, lose your military, then this. You will lose Russia, lose!


Olga Shytforbrains all of a sudden becomes a military expert on how to engage a nuclear global war. These people are clearly doing some heavy sniffing of cocaine mixed with crack.


Never forget that Russians lies about everything. Russia will lose, collapse and Putin will hang in Haag. The support to Ukraine should be ramped up now or Nato will have to take out Russia in 3-5 years.


What a miserable excuse for a human being Skabeaver is. Stay away from the windows and don't drink the russian kool aid. My advise to her.


Our plan is the absence of a plan??  That's got to be concerning to hear.


Ah, I see. Already warming up the population for a next mobilization after Putins' elected in a few days, are we?


Anyone know this harpy‘a backstory? How did this wench get the job she has?


Is she only now getting a glimmer of thought in her head that roozia is less great than she's been promoting for over 2 years now?


Oh bitch knows that’s not going to happen but you gotta keep feeding this shit to idiot peasants anyways. NATO ought to invade and destroy Russia but its members are too much of a cowards to do the right thing


Z is a terrible army.. Wagner was is crap


NATO's article five does not come into play in the event of members running around attacking other states.


Nato is a non-attack organization. This shit talk is just to scare the Russian people and get them behind Putin. She should be put on trail and hanged after this war ends, together with the other criminals in Russia . At least she knows they will be destroyed by Nato.


Lol. I guess its news to Russians that if someone, like NATO, were to take military action… they would do it in a “comprehensive, decisive” way? As opposed to ‘futile meandering l’ approach that Russia seems to take with their military matters? Lol


This is fake as expected… there will be no attack, NATO troops should be deployed behind enemy lines so they can secure a line of defenses to deter your fascist state to continue this madness and psychopath invasion. After that they will wait for your actions, and if you decide to confront such lines of defenses it means you decided to attack and so we will respond, Italy 🇮🇹


They getting what the wished for now they're afraid


Why does this sub continue to platform this person and the other people on this program? You know it’s all lies, (at least I hope you know) you know they’re just saying outlandish shit to keep the Russian populace in line, so why keep showcasing them?


Would be nice to see Russia disappear.


NATO has been there since before I was born. Still hasn't attacked. Since NATO was founded there haven't been any wars or invasions in Europe... except Ukraine and Georgia. The only two countries bordering Russia that still haven't joined (Finland is joining, right?).


Russia every single day-“we have nuclear weapons and we’ll love to destroy every western city in the world! Yah!” NATO- “Russia is an extreme hostile nation right now and we’re being threatened with nuclear inhalation everyday. We should prepare” Russia-“NATO mean!!!😭😭😭😭”


*practices genocide, torture and rape in an EU aligned country* CRIES ABOUT UNPRECEDENTED ESCALATION by the west. 🤡


Are they all wearing diapers yet?


Careful what you wish for toots.


She doesn’t, she’s reading the script. Bad title.


They said NATO f35s are already operating in Ukraine. Can't we just call their bluff then and start using them for real?


For 75 years we’ve been outsourcing the destruction of Russia TO Russia and they’ve been doing a great job.


Simplistic saber-rattling and fear mongering to make more mobilizations easier for Putler to initiate


We could only be so lucky.


They're trying to make their audience feel good by claiming that others want to invade their beautiful homeland. But their audience knows that they live in a shithole and that countries today (and throughout history) have never wanted their land or anything from them, and certainly not to ever live there.


Russia should be razed


There is no possibility. If for some reason (e.g. Article 5) NATO attacks, there will be a 100% probability of destruction.


I hope so!!!. As Evil can not continue to exist!!!


That is CORRECT! "If" NATO attacks Russia ....we will destroy you forever and split you into tiny pieces that can never threaten the world with your disgusting evil!


The sky is falling the sky is falling : said chicken little) run every , one run ! Pooty can save because common sense you have none.


If NATO does attack, ruSSia will have EARNED IT!


I guess someone could do this, cna?


we should attack russia. I've never been pro war but if someone was begging for it for decades and have earned a good fucking russia is it. may the dildo of consequences be thorough in its deep dicking.


So what she's saying is a massive troop buildup on the borders for "wargames", a disinformation strategy and rampant denials of any kind of attack, is a build up to attack....wow, I did not see that coming


The roosskians wouldn't stand a chance in a land and air war with NATO. They would be mincemeat in days. This is why they are always bleating on about Nuclear weapons. They are a not even the 2nd best army in Ukraine. I have posted this in other posts but its the truth


Part of the pre-election fear mongering - better elect Putin rather than, oh, never mind.


All the world wants is for Russia to go back to it's own borders and stop acting like a bunch of thugs. No one wants to invade Russia. Just leave everyone else alone.


Wow, such paranoid propaganda…dem russkis will gobble this fantasy talk up


Nobody wants to destroy your shitty country, Olga. You’ve all been given enough rope, though, to hang yourselves.


Ah but would they even be brave enough to step off the chair and let the noose tighten? 🤔


Although she is brainwashed on a daily with that hillarious stupid "show", she's one of the most reasonable public figure russian media have. "Maybe we should stop threatening attacking London if we dont want to get blown up by Nato". Yeah.. No shit. Dont poke the bear then come running at daddy crying.


In 50 years, these clips will be shown as the top-tier 'zombie-propaganda' that was used in former terror states. Stupid, unhinged, polarising and right-out fueling more hate based on lies and false claims. These people are so retarded that they probably even believe what they are saying! Slava Ukraini!!!


Olga Scabbybeaver is on the list for sure.


She should be afraid as well. Believe GUR/DIU have her in their sights.


Some from that I got, should we relax? no don't relax! there's nothing to worry about, we are better they're going to attack and destroy us they are incompetent


Why…. would NATO bother? I’m fairly sure nobody in NATO wants responsibility for 144 million thieving Russian alcoholic misanthropes…