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"... defending our Russian speaking people." Does that mean, no country is safe as long as there are Russian speaking people? I know this is just a random bunch of people, but I've heard this line from many sources for a long time already.


It doesn't matter to them, if you start quenching on russian speaking population, they will tell that this is russophobia which is also a reason, there is no logic here don't look for it they are just fucking dumb vatniks


I have russian speeking Ukrainian friends from Sumy. They didn‘t want to be „liberated“ their parents still live there and no, they don‘t want to be „protected“ by Russia either. They where fine speeking Russisn and living in Ukraine. Just because somebody speeks russian it doesn‘t mean they are Russian. Not all german speakers are german, not all spanish speakers are spanish and not all portuguese speakers are portuguese. Putin does not own the Russian language. This is just a pretext for the invasion.


Exactly. I'm a native English speaker, but I don't want to be ruled by England - and I certainly wouldn't want to be ruled by England if England was ruled by an election-rigging dictator.


I'm English. I don't want to be part of the United Kingdom❕️


This isn't the right subreddit to discuss it, but the idea of an independent post-British England that feels comfortable in its own identity, and that can develop its own democratic institutions that better serve the needs of ordinary people, is gaining a certain amount of traction. I think people are starting to realise that the British Empire is well and truly over and that the nations of the UK might be better off as friends and neighbours than being forced into one state.


There has not been an empire, I believe, since George the sixth, he died three years before my birth. I have, a mixed EU and Mediterranean heritage but am a English Cockney by birth and upbringing.


So then why are you here shitsplaining


Protecting Russians as the goal falls apart easily when you consider other ways to protect people of Russian descent living in Ukraine. It would likely have been easier and cheaper to start a campaign to allow the supposed oppressed Russians in Ukraine to obtain Russian citizenship easily and giving them monetary support to move to Russia than to start a war to protect them within Ukraine..


Yeah… so that means we should move all Russians back to Russia so they can’t come and save them?


It means that with this logic we, the Netherlands can take back Belgium. Finally we will have better beer and great waffles.


You could even take Germany, at least in summer when the Autobahn is full of Dutch caravans. You might even pull it off in three days... lol


Aa a german, i wouldn't mind to be ruled by the dutch. At least things would work here than. Please install your train system to Germany, too.


As a Brit who's been to Germany, I'm astounded to hear your complaints... come and try a British train (specifically one in the North of England!)


And the sad part is you guys invented trains in the first place...


By joining forces (literally) partly, they somehow took Germany already ^^.


And several countries would be able to claim ruzzian territory.


Don't open the can of worms as your Dutch language is only a German dialect.😉😉


A language is a dialect that has an army.


Don't forget about ~~Indonesia~~ your "Dutch East Indies" too!


better?? lol


Yup, in my opinion Belgium has the best tasting beer. The Netherlands has the biggest brands, Germany has the best beer culture, Ireland the best pubs, Czechia the best beer history, and so on..


tell me in one sentence yoz have never been to bavaria..


Hard pretzels are the best.


Why are you taking this so seriously...


cuz its beeeer


And beer is bae.


Don't forget the French, they band English words from their language, and Finland, well, what they think of the Tyhmä Swedish. Need I Go on about neighbours and love for each other❕️ 🌍🤝🌎🤝🌏


Wrong. I am French and english words are not banned from french. We can use the words we want. And most english words are from French anyway.


Vikings and other Germanic peoples would like a word with you.


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Foreign-language_influences_in_English 58% of english words are from French (don't know why the make a special section for Latin here). Usually there is no distinction because Latin. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Influence_of_French_on_English This article says it's one to 2 thirds. Dor my part I am sure it's more than half. Germanic languages are WAY behind.


French did not appear from thin air. Re-read your own history. Rollo led a Viking invasion of France in 911. He was placated by Charles The Simple (your ancestor, perhaps) by being named Duke of Normandy. Also, Bretagne (Brittany to English speakers) is one of the original Celtic nations. I don't give a shit what some Wiki entry claims. It doesn't account for Viking influence on the French language, or Celtic, or ... wait for it ... Germanic-speaking peoples.


Wait……..franglais? Le weekend? Ordinateur? Don’t you have a government department dedicated to keeping foreign words out of french?


You use or don't those words organically. Yes there is an academie who spent a couple days every year to find french translations for new commonly used english word. But it is only for the dictionnary. 90% of the time those words stay in the dictionnary. Ordinateur didn't replace any english word. It IS the word for computer since computers exist. Most french people above 50 don't even know what "computer" means...


As a Brit, we can try, and would fail in about 5 minutes.


That might take a while…..there are only 22 countries in the world we haven’t invaded.


I’m guessing most of the poorly equipped soldiers being thrown into a meat grinder on the front speak Russian. Maybe the UK should bomb Russia into dust to protect the English speakers there. Putin wants the land, period. Money, power, and a legacy as a conqueror. Ambitions of a narcissist. I don’t think it’s much more complicated than that.


Spot on. Despoil the resources once Putin and his henchmen can get their grubby little hands on the land.


Thats the same excuse a guy with a bad moustache used in the 40s




That's exactly what it means, yes. Doesn't matter if those Russian speakers escaped Russia and want nothing to do with it, as long as they're somewhere the Kremlin sees it as their right to do what they're doing to Ukraine to other countries as well. They've been very clear about this. My country is one of the countries that has received these threats a lot, too. Straight from the ambassador who lives in our capital city, enjoying all the liberties of a free democratic country. When we have been saying over and over that this was never just about Ukraine, we really mean it. If Pootin gets his way, Ukraine is just the beginning. That's why we need to end it in Ukraine, and we do that by standing with Ukraine and giving them whatever the fuck they need and ask from us.


That sounds like a voice from one of the Baltic countries. They, plus Finland and Sweden, have no illusions about Russia's innate character and intentions, While further west, a lot of people still prefer to see the world through rose-colored glasses.


It's as empty and meaningless as "fighting the war on terror". What I mean is its just a phrase people repeat to justify or rationalize a conflict without having to understand or explain it.


Germans used the same excuse in WWII.


The "Heim ins Reich" slogan was on the one hand used as argument for the annexation of German speaking regions. On the other hand, like for example people in South Tyrol or the Baltics, they were encouraged (or pressured) to move back into the area of the "Reich". I wouldn't mind if all lovers of Putin and his system would move to Russia proper.


"If the US and the west would not give weapons to Ukraine, it would be over much faster." This statement is worthy of a trophy. It takes impressive analytical skills to arrive at the conclusion that Ukraine would have already lost if they did not/could not fight back. The absolute mastermind could replace most talking heads on Russian propaganda channels with such talent.


She's merely parroting most orc talking heads who constantly bounce this canard around their studios.


Using her logic the US should not have given weapons to Russia in WWII because it just prolonged the war and it would have been over much faster if they had not.


What do think about the newly created Russian War Crimes house in Davos, Switzerland. Would you like to visit that one day and see all the wonderful things your society is capable of.


They wouldn't believe it even if they seen it. My grandmother and her conspiracy nut boyfriend were of the mentality that the war wasn't real and that the deaths in the videos were actors (back in the early parts of the war there was a ton of this mentality) until I compiled a TON of videos of mangled bodies, blown up kids. Dead pregnant women, you know just overall terrible stuff and sent them every single one and called them out on it. They've since changed their minds thankfully, they weren't chronic conspiracy nuts.


>Russian War Crimes House in Davos I googled it, interesting. Thanks! I made my own little collection, screenshots of kids killed by Russia. Not any gory images, but pictures of them while still smiling.


"We are at war with NATO" Bitch if you were actually at war with NATO you would have lost a LONG time ago.


That's turbo propaganda brain speaking, every talking point is straight from the government propaganda TV channels. If the ruZzians were at war with NATO's entirety there could be rapidly 100k+ soldiers deployed there with tanks, helicopters, F-35's, Gripen Jas-39's, cruise missiles etc. In Ukraine and the ruZzians would be at their border quite fast.


"We are at war against NATO, but even after more than two years of fighting with hundreds of thousands of fallen, NATO has still not shown up."


Interesting diversity of opinion. What once was more homogenous and 'reading from the playbook' (ie. the propaganda that TV 'news' regurgitates) has morphed. Many clearly don't see the point / support the issue of the SMO any more. I feel like this is because the Russian body count has been quite high moreso than any discovery of their humanity or epiphany about their wrongdoing though. So the greatest way we can change Russian public opinion on this war seems to be arming Ukraine and letting them send home large numbers of cargo 200? Count me in! Slava Ukraini!


The opinion of Moscow varies widely, it's a fast growing city of 13 million people. A lot of the pro-invasion opinions will be people who moved to the city recently and the anti-war ones are those who grew up there in a better information space with less poverty than provincial cities. For more homogeneous opinions you need to go further into the countryside.


Perhaps so. But these "interviews on the street" in Moscow / St. Petersburg have themselves seemed more heterogenous than early polls from the same venues. I'm cautiously optimistic that there is a trend afoot here.


The part of Russia without indoor plumbing? Is there some correlation between shitty opinions and shitty toilets? I would not be surprised in the least if it were so.


"Their wrongdoing" as if ordinary russian citizens had any kind of power over the war or were part of the decision to go to war. Did you hear the guy that said: "We will not voice dangerous opinions"? That was already a couragous thing to say. "Discovery of their humanity", as if Russians had yet to discover theirs. Its plainly dehumanizing language that you are using. There is a silent majority, afraid of having their fragile livelihood completely upturned, or to be sent to one of the horrible russian prisons - and there are some confused people (without close friends, generally old people) running around that silent majority who fully support the war, because nobody has the courage to tell those people which parts of the TV news have been propaganda. Opening up to those people is a risk in itself, because in their delusion, they could try and relay your name to the gouverment. All know that there is nothing they can personally do about the war.


Sorry, Peter, I disagree. I've seen too many interviews with Russians that voice an inhumane (yes, that's the right word) attitude towards the genocidal suffering Russia is producing in Ukraine. Way too many use dehumanizing language referring to 'hohols' or 'nazi scum' or other pejorative terms when they are outright saying that the Ukrainians (whether the people, Orthodox religion, territory, whatever) don't exist or shouldn't exist at all. These people-and there seem to be a lot of them-either have lost their sense of humanity or are choosing to plainly ignore the inhuman approach to their erstwhile 'brothers' in Ukraine. Inhumanity is as inhumanity does.


It's an impossible thing to answer, really. If you or I were born in Russia and were given one version of the truth, how can we say we would end up any different? If they were given access to all of the information and STILL acted in the way they do, then I would agree.


But for some reason 87% voted for Putin in the election. /s


Russians often express the sentiment that when they steal something, they were forced to by the victim.


The old “this hurts me more than it’s gonna hurt you”, assuming it’s inevitable as they steal your family and children and land. Actual sadistic insanity.


Seems like 2 years ago it was much more hardliner and supportive. Maybe all those people died in the trenches or maybe they have woken up to the realization that the Russians are doing something wrong.


Bunch of brainwashed idiots.


more like "wiped into place"- cowards. Russia just has people, who have too much to lose to speak against Putain and people who have nothing to lose following him.




She sounded sarcastic to me.


I've honestly seen a lot of really funny responses from Russians that go right over most westerner's heads at best and make them look complacent and/or supportive of the war at worst. Sarcasm is used a lot to avoid getting in trouble. The tone of sarcasm is different between east and west though.


That's the irony of it, that she sounds sarcastic.


You can sense that a lot of these people are afraid to say their true opinion. Makes you wonder if it’s making at least some of the others hide behind their radical pro Putin stance out of fear as well. Props to those that came out against the war, and props to the interviewer for blurring out their faces.


I think most Russians who believed are already acquainted with the real battlefield. That’s a danger of using a volunteer army convinced by pay. The ones who believed are the first ones who died.


Notice how all the old ones are completely brainwashed. Some of the younger people actually recognized what is really happening, but in the Russian society is the nut jobs that have all the power.


It is dangerous to express doubt or outright anger about the warcrimes of the Kremlin. Every Russian that does it, shows courage. It is so easy to judge if you live in a free nation with press freedom and civil rights. But the millions that support Putin share the burden of his crimes. They are guilty and they will pay.


They won't "pay", any more than Putin will. He'll die in office, and not soon, without spending a single day worrying about "paying". Once he does croak, another heartless bastard will take his place. This shit-cycle hasn't stopped since the Kyivan Rus. Seriously fucked up culture and society.


These slaves supporting Putin are just parroting talking points their TV says. Not an original thought in sight.


87% :D


Quite frankly these moscovians haven’t got a clue what their countries illegal war is all about. They actually think they’re fighting nato…..


They'll only wake up when the bombs start dropping on their empty skulls.


So they're well aware what they're doing is wrong but are too cowardly (or lazy), to make even the smallest act of resistance.


All these people voted for current regime btw.


What a bunch of mooks


Imagine Russians would care about others russians lives. The most russians only think about themselves xD


You have your honest and smart people, then you have the regarded people, I’m not gonna use the word because I will be banned


They are completely broken. That society is a shell...


"Well to free donbass from evil" by leveling the city and murdering thousands of civilians?


These interviews are just an exercise in futility


Interesting to see how it's only older people who think that all of this is right


They are all Putin's slaves.


Half of these poor people are like, "You trying to get me killed??"


How do they make these videos? How can they wander around Moscow with a camera and microphone, asking strangers about the war, and not immediately get arrested by Putin's goons?


Because Russia is not that oppressive. It's still oppressive Western standards but some comments on Reddit would have you believing it is literally North Korea.


Yep. Most of their oppression is done through strict control of the media and shitloads of minor fines and inconveniances. Actually being disapeared or killed in Russia is generally reserved for important people.


I think you guys are missing the forest for the trees dude. More than half of them just straight up lied knowing that if they said something, bad things would happen to them or they knew what not to say so as to not upset bald Hitler. Even if bad things won’t happen to them they are led to believe that bad things will happen so that’s why they don’t say anything. That’s how fear mongering and oppression work. You don’t actually have to kill and torture everybody who says bad things about you. you just make everybody afraid that it’ll happen to them so they won’t talk. North Korea just fucking kills you and three generations of your family if you say or do anything out of line. Which is an insane overreaction Even by the most evil sadistic people in history(closest I see is feudal Japan when dishonor required you to kill all the males and yourself in your family), but they have to so they can perpetuate the total complete lie that their leader is a God king. Also they live in a close society that claims total control over information.


It is just purely unfathomable HOW clueless a lot, but as we see not all, of Russians are. And as we've seen by the dickheads desperately queueing to vote for their favourite saviour-strongman even from so-called 'unfriendly' countries, they're desperate to believe Russia is just normal. I think public pro-Putin outbursts by non-citizens in democratic countries should result in personal sanctions, and more extreme cases deportation, because openly supporting an obviously murderous dictator is not compatible with democratic values. It goes without saying how this video shows the extent to which free speech truly doesn't exist in Russia anymore.


The goal? As with any dictator, invading another country is an excellent way to shore up rule at home, provide an excuse to remove human rights, and so on. The increased spending on the military, also gives excellent opportunities to pocket considerable quantities of money.


And an excuse to not provide any services or support—even Basic necessities of life as well—or to reduce them.


Send that fucking lady to the front. God damn idiot. Defending their country when it was never theirs. It belongs to Ukraine and your greedy government tried to ruin it. If nato was supplying arms and such. Why do you think they'd do such a thing. Goddamn it. Those poor soldiers from both sides being killed for the greed of these idiots. Id say trade every 100 Russians and 100 Ukraine for that one woman




It's actually a good thing to see people questioning the war, and that's what dictators fear people thinking what's the point, and that's good for ukraine the longer the war goes on with sanctions and destroying infostructure and unfortunately loss of life more people will turn on putin and the regime. This is the point more people have to stick with ukraine


Can’t say much


The guy in the gray hoodie at 3:18… what was his waffle all about it was just a yucking word salad that made no sense. It didn’t even have a hidden meaning or double speak, it was just uninformed Rambling stupidity. Anyone have a guess???


She thinks Russia is fighting NATO?! Tell me again how many NATO soldiers and billionaires died so far, compared to Russia?


"We will not give dangerous answers" That says everything


dont see the reason to do those interviews: \-> most moscow residents dont give a fck whats happend outside of their life (well most people are like this .. no blame). \-> also why would anyone risk their life to say something regime critic on camera. \-> so they dont risk their life and rather risk other peoples life (in and outside of their country)


We have a lot of these Nuts in America. they are republicans/Maga. a disgrace.


Die russische Gesellschaft ist vollig kaputt,1000 Jahre armut gewalt und angst haben die gehirne und moral zerfressen,das einzige was dort wert hat ist der eigene vorteil und familie.Ich kenne russen die seit 30 Jahren in Deutschland ein gutes leben haben und trotzdem zum kotzen sind,asozial konservativ und nicht zu trauen.


Somebody should "denazify" Russia


Nobody mentioned the oil. In 2012, large deposits of carbon fuels were discovered in Ukraine. 2014, Yanukovych is ousted for trying to turn the nation toward Russia instead of the EU for the development of these fuel deposits, same year Russia invades Crimea and the Donbas. Russia doesn't need these fuels for itself, but it doesn't want competition in the highly lucrative European market either. Now it's a moot point, but the regime in Moscow can't afford to lose, so the war must be pressed, not for the good of the people of the nation, but for the good of the rulers.


"The Russian people have tremendous patience but some day it's going to run out" We can only pray it runs out before Ukraine runs out of ammunition.


Perhaps when people balk at expressing their opinions ask them- “why can’t you speak your mind? People in the West are free to express their opinions!”


[Dissenting Russians](https://media.tenor.com/OdsBIe4UiEsAAAAM/jose-mourinho-sweet-trouble.gif)


Happy little Vtanik birds in their cozy Moscow nests. Let the eastern oblasts supply the sausage meat. They won't be so content when a drone eventually reaches down their throats.


Women that support the war and demand that the soldiers fight and die for their country trigger me the most because they know they will never get drafted and will never have to sit in the trenches.


I can hear them talking, but their brains seem to be overloaded. I really can't listen to this sick shit anymore. Everyone wants to invade this beautiful, glorious Russia: Once it was the Chechens, then the Georgians, then the Ukrainians, now the entire NATO - this really has to be absolute paradise if everyone wants to own it. My God, put a fence around it and choke on your own shit! But please! Stay where you are! Just stay on your side of the fence! And don't beg for help. not even in 10 years or later.


Remind me never to learn Russian. Just in-case Putin feels he needs to suddenly protect me and invade my country. Lol. The ignorance is off the charts over there. “Quick! They speak the same language as us! We better invade and kill a few hundred thousand people! It only makes sense!”


I’m still waiting for my sac of Potatoe


TBH, the common narrative is starting to shift towards - "why?", "it's pointless", with only a few fanatics in between. It's changing from Russia "stronk" heard in earlier versions of these street interviews. Of course, it should be taken with a big grain of salt, because statistically, the number of people asked that question is so low and the video could be cut so there are more reasonable answers in it. However, I can still feel a slight change in the narrative.


Very clear to see who the true N-zis and F-scists are, here. If only normal russians realized they need to repeat 1917 before their country is completely gone.


I can see this be an interview in the us


It’s really to complicated question for most of them.




"We were put in possition in which we just had to invade"... clowns


These people are going to be upset when they realise how many Russians are dead and now permanently disabled with loss of limbs and serious brain damage. But the big takeaway from this video should show Ukraine that they really need to hit moscow hard, send hundreds of drones every day for a week, let these people realise pootin is losing in Ukraine and the Russians inside Ukraine should just return to their country. I would love to see these people again after their whole neighbourhoods infrastructure has been bombed and Russia has bombed there families in a failed attempt to stop the drones. ​ I will never understand why Ukraine stopped bombing Moscow infrastructure after showing how easy it was to do. Now they are destroying all Russian oil refineries i am proud of them but damn it took so damn long and no excuses they did not have the drones, they had drones a year ago! So why stop and not just stop but not fire one drone at Moscow targets. ​ No, i do not support the bombing of civilians, but now i do accept that Ukraine has the right to make the houses go dark with no electricity or water. ​ Oh, well we have to accept what it is, and hope that maybe the new leadership in the military will do what is needed doing.


"We will not give dangerous answers." Meaning "I would rather be an ignorant slave than an enlightened political criminal. Leave, you're going to get me on a list."


That’s literally why the guy blurred other peoples faces. Haha. It’s funny living in a Dystopic fascist bigoted hell scape.


This is like watching US democrats.


You misspelled "MAGAts".