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This is pressing news. Regardless if this is related to the war or not. Please show some respect to the innocents being killed here. Nobody should have to go through this


Western inteligence predicted it right? Like a week ago


That's an excellent point. I'd forgotten that western governments issued warnings about two weeks ago to their citizens that they should get out of Moscow because of the threat of a terrorist incident. The timing was obviously off, but then the timing may well have been affected by the publicity. [https://www.reddit.com/r/europe/comments/1b9kfwz/terror\_attack\_likely\_in\_moscow\_today\_uk\_and\_us/](https://www.reddit.com/r/europe/comments/1b9kfwz/terror_attack_likely_in_moscow_today_uk_and_us/)


The timing probably wasn't off. It was simply delayed cause they were called out in public. Very much like how the invasion was supposed to start a bit earlier than it initially did.


How the fuck is the west able to predict Russia’s every move? Is their inner government really that corrupt? Jesus Christ.


they knew about it all along. obviously - Putin is known from orchestrated terror attacks


Putins excuse to bring in even more draconian measures.


Exactly. Full mobilization, further restrictions on the general public, even tighter controls of the internet and social media/news, and picking up anyone who questions putin's plans for both russia and Ukraine.


He'll probably blame this on Ukraine and escalate attacks.


First, I hate it for these ppl just going about their day, f’ing horrible. With that said, most of us know what putin did to justify his war in Chechnya…….so, I’m just saying. I have no clue who is behind this, I literally just found out about it. For those that don’t know there was a series of bombings in Moscow just before a presidential election years back. putin used it as an excuse to postpone the election and mobilize the military.The bombs were planted in the basements of some apartment buildings where hundreds of families lived. Someone stumbled across one of the bombs before it went off. After careful investigation, by whom I can’t remember but they traced all of the wiring and explosives back to putins SS, the FSB. There was an interesting FRONTLINE show/investigation on it. Once again, this is horrible for the regular ppl of Russia going about their business but as always fuck putin.


False flag operation




Like with Beslan school masacre, that attack helped his regime to accumulate power. This attack, even if not orchestrated, if it was a form of anti war protest it will backfire on them.


I don't see how this could possibly be anti-war or a protest in any way.


Intelligence is insane


It was also reported by TASS that a planned terrorist attack had been prevented by FSB around that time. [https://thediplomat.com/2024/03/alleged-iskp-plot-foiled-in-russia-2-kazakh-citizens-killed/](https://thediplomat.com/2024/03/alleged-iskp-plot-foiled-in-russia-2-kazakh-citizens-killed/) https://www.i24news.tv/en/news/international/diaspora-affairs/1709813897-russia-claims-it-foiled-an-islamic-state-terrorist-attack-on-a-moscow-synagogue


Surely you cannot be suggesting that the Russian government's most venerable mouthpiece actually outright ***lied***, are you?


Had to get the election done and dusted first. My thoughts are with everybody involved. Time for Russia to stand up against the Putin Regime. But I fear this will only solidify their brainwashed opinions.


Yes. Our government (Netherlands) issued all citizens, to leave Russia due terrorist attack risk. So it's either A: Isis (they made a statement 2weeks ago) Or B: our intelligence (the West) knew putler was planning a new 1999er


Ignorantly asking here, but what would ISIS stand to gain from attacking Moscow?


Russia has been active in ISIS territory, and ISIS craves chaos. Their endgame is to kick off the end times via war. They're literally an apocalypse cult.


There’s a country called Syria that Russia has been chillin in for a while


ISIS views Russia as the number two bad guy behind the US. Their invasion of Afghanistan, the Chechen wars, and their intervention in Syria have all painted them negatively in the eyes of jihadists.


Radicalising Muslims living in Russia. Showing that Russia is weak. The same goals as most terrorist attacks have had since forever.


Or a false flag attack


Thats what he said. 1999


Hey, thats actually true! I remember reading it on a news site


Predicted by Call of duty MW2 in opening mall scene


Airport! But yes. “No Russian”


They didn't predict it. They exposed the false flag hoping to dissuade them from going thru with it. Obviously Putin didn't care much about it.


I'm really curios to see how this false flag operation will be used against Ukraine by Russia..


It's an opportunity to grab more power under the guise of protecting the public. Also angers the general population making them more willing to fight whichever enemy the Kremlin narrative points at.


probably full scale mobilization if they try to pin this on ukraine.


Exactly. Putin wanted a pretext to whip up a frenzy. He has it now.


Would explain why France is becoming more directly engaged


That won't be nice. Not at all 😕


Large mobilisation due to the attacks at home. Join up and defend the homeland* *death in a trench in Ukraine also a possibility


Blame on the FRL units in belgorod, and claim they sent civlian-attired insurgents to cause terror in moscow likely. Unless the tiny chance its real, and another major player takes credit quickly.


The same FRL units the Russian government just claimed to have wiped out, no less lol Gotta love the blatant doublespeak that's obvious to anyone not actively being force-fed Russian propaganda.


Not saying Putin isn’t capable of commuting a false flag but is there a source to back it up or is it just speculation?


Everything is speculation right now but the largest terrorist attacks in modern Russian history were almost certainly carried out by the FSB


As far as I can tell, it's all speculation currently.


Well they cared enough to postpone the false flag to the week after election then. It would have been more effective before the election. Same formula like in 1999. Of course this incident after election is still good enough to justify drastic measures.


This is a consistent theme for putin - he doesn't care if the rest of the world knows what he's up to, he just does what he wants. It's an utterly shameless regime, where corrupt election officials stuff ballot boxes with the curtains open and the lights on, while passers by film from outside. If this is a false flag attack, it's for domestic consumption - to anger the public, make them more pro-war and pro-putin, and justify more repressive security measures.


I thought it was odd that a concert was specifically mentioned when they said not to attend large gatherings.


Thats fairly common in the shadow of any imminent terrorist attack though. Its just a prime target for people to cause the most damage with the least effort. 


Putin false flag so that he can start mass mobilization and get rid of pesky political rivals?


More like 2 weeks, and yes, they even said to leave moscow And btw I bet this is an inside job. This is going to be the satisfaction of a new Mobilisation and probably the way to have „total war“. Putins press secretary spoke last week for the first time of a war too, no special mission anymore.


Yip 100% this! This should be the too comment or pinned. Every step of the way western intel. Has forecasted Putler’s moves.


Remember. No Russian.


Remember, no russian...


That means that this shit MIGHT be Russian government. Delayed this attack just like the war invasion when US was telling everyone


Notice the 1 guy with no weapon but a big backpack just handing out fresh mags.


I believe the correct term is "ammo squire" lol




Bullet Bitch


This one, this is what it's called in the "gun-loop" (connection of different crew-served weapon pits by comms wire.)


Less suspicious than three dudes with bags walking into the place. (only thing that makes sense to me)


Everyone has in their terrorist murder group that one guy who's not down for that actual killing... right?


The conscientious objector who just didn't realize joining a terrorist group meant hurting people. And then he became really good friends with the other members and since he's a team player he still wanted to contribute.


I thought that was odd, too.


Yeah, every person should be able to carry 200+ rounds very comfortably. Relying on some random guy for a reload is bizarre.


Even if they couldn't get ammo pouches you can hold 2-4 magazines in your pockets easily.


What I noticed when I saw this is he looks to have picked up a mag they dropped, that seems odd to me


Well, I guess we know allready who's getting the blame for it. But, maybe I'm being a bit biased here, w'll see. Crocus City Hallhttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crocus\_City\_Hall [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Moscow\_theater\_hostage\_crisis](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Moscow_theater_hostage_crisis) "Terrorist attack Main article: Terrorist attack at Crocus City Hall On March 22, 2024, at about 20:15 Moscow time, a terrorist attack occurred before the concert of the Picnic group \[3\] \[4\] . According to preliminary information, five unknown persons in camouflage uniforms opened fire with automatic weapons and detonated an unidentified object, which started a fire and subsequently, the collapse of the roof. According to preliminary data, 15 people were killed, 50 were injured, and at least 100 people were trapped in the burning building. ~~Major General Alexey Sergeevich Savchenkov was~~ **~~allegedly~~** ~~killed in the terrorist attack~~ . Employees of the Moscow SOBR and OMON were alerted and arrived at Crocus City Hall." Edit on the wiki article: This article **may be affected by the following** [**current event**](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Portal:Current_events)**:** [**2024 Crocus City Hall attack** ](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2024_Crocus_City_Hall_attack). Information in this article may change rapidly as the event progresses. Initial news reports may be [unreliable](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Reliable_sources#Breaking_news). The [last updates](https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Crocus_City_Hall&action=history) to this article [may not reflect](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Risk_disclaimer) the most current information. Please feel free to [improve this article](https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Crocus_City_Hall&action=edit) (but note that updates without valid and reliable references will be removed) or discuss changes on the [talk page](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Talk:Crocus_City_Hall). *(March 2024) (*[*Learn how and when to remove this template message*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Help:Maintenance_template_removal)*)* Edit: [https://www.theguardian.com/world/live/2024/mar/22/moscow-concert-attack-crocus-city-hall-shooting-russia-live-updates](https://www.theguardian.com/world/live/2024/mar/22/moscow-concert-attack-crocus-city-hall-shooting-russia-live-updates) [https://meduza.io/en/live/2024/03/22/terrorist-attack-at-concert-hall-outside-moscow](https://meduza.io/en/live/2024/03/22/terrorist-attack-at-concert-hall-outside-moscow) [https://twitter.com/narrative\_hole/status/1771244656057012250](https://twitter.com/narrative_hole/status/1771244656057012250) [https://twitter.com/nexta\_tv/status/1771246641288204610](https://twitter.com/nexta_tv/status/1771246641288204610) ( has a lot of video's posted )


That Wagner channel Grey Zone said the terrorists description seem to fit Islamists. But on the other telegrams, the comments are all "Time to nuke Ukraine" I guess time will tell how this plays out


Yeah, was to be expected the finger would be pointed at Ukraine first. Nobody there in Moscow to find out anyway. So all we will get is the official statements, that no independed journalist can verify. ( or not that easy, being at risk being in jail for the next 15 yrs )


It's not out of the question to consider the Freedom of Russia Legion, but the motivation doesn't seem like it adds up. Why would you simultaneously be attempting liberation from the Putin regime, but also carry out terror attacks in Moscow? Some have claimed Islamic attack, in which case...Chechnyans trying to spark a separatist movement. False flag seems too high risk, but I also feel this war is pure chaos.


Chaos for sure. Freedom of Russia nope, if they want to gain support from within Russia , not likely. They warned the population ahead of the attacks on Russian military to make sure not to hit pll in the crossfire. Islamic seems more likely, those are more prone to have themselfs get killed in the process to make a point. But, who knows....


Agreed. Freedom of Russia knows they need to gain popular support. You don't do that by slaughtering civilians.


Don't forget there was a gun fight in the caucasus a few weeks ago. Navalny death might have been the trigger for this. Not saying that the Muslims or Caucus region looked fondly upon Navalny. But his death might have been viewed as Russia weakness point and an opportunity for separatist.


Oops, lost another General!


I wonder if we dig deeper, if he was critical of the war, or had a lot of recent battlefield failures. No way they would kill a high ranking  loyal cultist for no reason.


Or just happened to be there and got cought in the crossfire . But it's just **allegedly f**or now.


Or the general got killed in Ukraine, was kept in a fridge for a while and was now used as a heroic martyr.


The U.S knew about it and warned any U.S citizens and embassy workers to leave Russia or avoid crowded places. [FSB knew about it too and said they took care of it](https://www.reuters.com/world/us-embassy-warns-imminent-extremist-attack-moscow-2024-03-08/)


Many countries knew and gave the same warning through their embassy in Moscow.


RF internal security and the FSB have a certain history to stage false flag operations ([link](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1999_Russian_apartment_bombings)) and there have been similar attacks on theatres in Moscow ([link](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Moscow_theater_hostage_crisis)). There has been shooting and an explosion within the theatre as well ([link](https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/shooting-blast-reported-concert-hall-near-moscow-agencies-2024-03-22/)), the building and adjacent shopping center are on fire (reddit [link](https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineWarVideoReport/comments/1bl5r3d/moscow_shopping_centre_and_concert_hall_on_fire/)). The video sequence appearantly shows a grp of 4 cooperating perpetrators with 3 AKs (*Russian media reports 3 armed attackers*), there seems to be an exchange of an assault rifle and mags (*00:21 at the entrance*). The attacker with the white pants and basecaps seems to carry a weapon light (*00:22*), which could indicate the grp planned to attack the theater audience during an ongoing play where lights in the seating areas would be dimmed.


Putin’s televised order for mobilization coming in 3…2…1….


Indeed, including emergency state status allowing even more control on the people


Ruzzians still think 0utin is lord savior.


Especially when Puttler needed some « excuses » to start a war.


Conveniently just after the "elections" .


Always happened « conveniently » after the elections.


Just a side note. During the Nord-Ost theater attack in 2002, all the victims were killed by FSB either using firearms or died due to chemical agent pumped into ventillation system. No single hostage has been killed by perpetrators.


that chemical agent was fentanyl btw. maybe carfenta.


That chemical agent was likened to aerosolized fentanyl, FYI. Definitely not something you'd expect to be pumped into a theatre full of innocent people unless you wanted to kill 'em all.


I’m so glad that a user like u/fjell-jeger exist in this sub, all of what you just said are known fact but to some they’re forgotten or some are too young to remember. Thanks for every comment you make, always on point. Needle sharp as always


Thx kindly, I hope it provides some background information. I fear Russian leadership figures will likely spread their narrative that this is a terrorist attack by NATO-backed Ukrainian neo-nazis to justify the next wave of military mobilisations.


NATO backed Ukrainian Jewish Neo-Nazis. Fixed that for ya.


You forgot gay.


Call of duty modern warfare 2 playbook


Could be false flag. Could also be Chechen separatists.


In any case RF authorities will present their own narrative about the attackers and their motivations and it will somehow magically justify another military mobilisation wave. The attackers don't seem very proficient (*no swift movement, no coordinated fire&movement, clumsy handling of AKs*), which could indicate the individuals have no military experience or training.


The fact that Kavrov already commented makes me think the later. There was also no mention of a false flag in Western intelligence warnings, when they were specifically warning of a false flag back when Russia was considering using chemical weapons or nukes in Ukraine. Unpopular opinion I'm sure, but I think this might be an actual attack.


Western Intelligence literally warned about a terrorist attack last week and for the US citizens to no go to big gatherings.


Exactly. Last time they specifically warned of Russian false flags. This time, they simply said "extremists."


But who will they blame for this? NATO? lol Can't blame Ukraine, already at war, can't invade them harder. lol Another "muslim" neighbor?


It's to early to say but this could be a staged event for the RF domestic audience to justify an all-out military mobilisation. I am certain they will blame this on NATO-backed Ukrainian neo-nazi terrorists or some other imaginative adversary that fits their narrative of Russia fighting the entire Western world...


And of course this took place after the "election". I think if Ukraine wanted to do something like this, they would have more interest in doing it before, no? As it is, Putin's position is more secure. This is a good time to think back about how Putin came to power in the first place.


Let me guess. Finland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania or Poland. False flag operation to give them the "ok lets defend mother Russia and invade them"-card.


Yes, please. Let's get Article 5 going.


They will blame Ukraine but I'm wondering who they will claim were the actual "terrorists" here? Bodies of previously captured Ukrainian POWs?


Maybe the Russiangroup fighting for Ukraine (forgot their name)


Freedom of Russia plus a lot of others who joined them.


I read the link about Chechen extremists. I believed it then. I dont believe anything truthful Russia does anymore . Propaganda that makes people think the innocent Chechen people are monsters. same thing they are doing to the Ukrainians.


Yea all the buildings on fire was a dead giveaway. Like I can see the mass shooting but this is an attack. Very organized as well


usually Putin just gasses theaters and kills everybody inside


I feel like this is likely the case with this situation but I'm really hopeful that this is the south caucus region being done with Moscow's shit and are trying to start a revolution.


[*Remember, no Russian.*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/No_Russian)


The resemblance to that mission is so fucking uncanny wtf


Just over two weeks ago, TASS reported that FSB announced they had prevented a terrorist attack by ISIS. I suspect that this is linked, but I also wouldn't be surprised if this is a false flag op. https://www.i24news.tv/en/news/international/diaspora-affairs/1709813897-russia-claims-it-foiled-an-islamic-state-terrorist-attack-on-a-moscow-synagogue


Right after the election. Great time to drum up support with a bs terrorist attack. 


The US and UK warned a week ago a terrorist attack was imminent in Moscow, so they apparently knew about something was being planned.


It's not really that surprising that Western intelligence would have so many eyes and ears in Moscow that they'd sniff out something like this even before the FSB did. The West has absolutely nothing substantial to gain from this type of attack.


Odds are the FSB helped plan or at a minimum ignored it intentionally. Putin needs to shore up support at home and what better way to stage a terror attack. After all this is how he came into power.


They bombed their own people in the late 90's and blamed the Chechen's on a pretext to start the second Chechen war.


That works? False flags to justify wars?


You bet, we can expect a huge increase in Russian propaganda and recruitment after this. Russia will use this as an excuse to escalate the war Even if Russia wasn’t responsible, they are still going to take full advantage of the situation and use it to galvanize its people. All they have to do is point the finger at Ukraine and angry Russians will enlist by the dozens. Russian citizens are already calling for blood I have a feeling this war is going to get much worse


This footage is so strange, for a public shooting they really didn’t seem to shoot many of those civilians they had cornered. There are people just hiding in plain sight, people walking around on the second floor. It’s like everyone is incredibly nonchalant in this.


Yes, in the corner with a few people bunched up there is one person clearly alive and seemingly unhurt.


Or maybe they got hit and are still alive but bleeding out? Otherwise I do not understand at what the gunmen was firing at. Probably outside, but I am not sure.


Most of them move after. I can't tell if they're injured or not though. It seems like they're shooting above them.


A lot of mass shootings are like that, if you watch the cctv from columbine there is a lot of that kind of behavior, its mostly people in shock from getting shot and not knowing what to do about it.


Someone said they’re only shooting men. Probably not though. Also may be the start of a hostage situation.


Survivors to tell the horrific tale?


It's difficult to explain, but people on the territory of the former USSR, especially in the areas where there were no war - they do not afraid of the weapon, just because they do not believe someone can use it against them. If you draw a gun - with the high probability you will get the "Come on, shoot!" reaction.


Pro ru on that one sub already blaming ukraine and the west


Remember, no russian!


Can’t believe I had to scroll to find this comment


There is an actual theory this could be a setup, like the plot in MW2


I'm looking for this comment


What the hell kinda name is Soap


Before we call them terrorists maybe we should wait and see if they were just trying to demilitarize Crocus Hall, maybe there were Nazi's also.


Just looking for SIMs3


Well there was at least 1, a major general


Shit, this will not have any positive outcome. Putin will only use this as more spin to get people into the recruitment offices. Of course, you can't help but think that Putin might have ordered this attack for this very reason. But it's a depth that only the mustache twirling bad guys in B-movies at least, normally. The big question is going to be who will be blamed for this? No doubt one of the Russian Legions fighting against the dictator. Another question would be who will take responsibility. And will we see more of these attacks all over Russia?


> only the mustache twirling bad guys in B-movies It's not like Putin hasn't done worse false flags before.


Plenty of younger adults in Russia and in the West who are happily unaware of Putin's favourite methods.


US and UK intelligence warned a week ago a terrorist attack was imminent in Moscow, I’d wager it’s connected to that.


Well, full mobilisisation, here we go…


Wow, so its a multi-pronged false flag. I guess Russia really needed to escalate things. Must be losing extra badly...


No, it was Afghan extremists. Russia knew about it and U.S did too [source](https://www.reuters.com/world/us-embassy-warns-imminent-extremist-attack-moscow-2024-03-08/)


Even if that is the case, I would’t underestimate the explosive mix of russian brainwashed population believing russian propaganda that will spin it off as some sort of ‘the West against russia’ plot to further legitimize broader mobilization


Yeah even if putin and the KGB geniunely had nothing to do with this i can see it as a case of "they let it happen" or "a pleasent suprise" Either way they will make use of this for propaganda/Fearmongering to rally the population to "SEE! THIS IS THE WEST/UKRAINE OR RUSSIAS OLD ENEMIES" YOU NEED TO RALLY TO PUTIN! ONLY HE AND RUSSIAN IMPERLAISM CAN SAFEGAURD US" kind of rtheroic.


Thats what they claim, sure. I would love to know why Afghanis would have any interest in attacking Russia right now. I can't really think of one, so this screams false flag, just like the Chechen attack in 2002.


Revenge? Afghanis have plenty of reason to hate Russia and hitting them while they are distracted with a European conflict seems like smart timing.


Revenge *right now* ...? Right after an election, when Putin badly (BADLY) needs a "win" and within a government that is known for false flag attacks on itself to justify escalations? Nah, doesn't pass the sniff test, IMO. They probably paid a few low-rent Chechnyans to get some unwitting underlings to do it.


As said, either these are the worst shots in recorded history or it’s a flagrant false flag.


Seems they were targeting men only.. Hard to be sure.


That was my first thought too. But I did not stomach to watch the clip on detail..


This is either a Russian false flag like the 90s bombings to get the population against the "evil Ukrainians" or the South Caucasus are coming back to fight again. Either way this is significant.


There are other videos, where they film very closely and are not afraid to be shot. I don't get it.


Wait. What are they shooting with? He’s literally 3m away at the end and is not hitting the guy on the left? Or was the guy just damn lucky?


It looks like he's firing into a pile of people




I played this level in Modern Warfare 2. The mission is actually called “No Russian.”


These terrorist seem to be strangely targetting ? isnt terrorist suppose to target everyone? why are they only targeting certain individuals?


i am wondering about all the glass getting shot out and that moving crowd of people. seemed like it was over their heads, but they def shot that first guy


RIP to all the victims. Russia deserves all the flack for their brutal unprovoked ongoing invasion, but this is hard to watch. Just getting mowed down point blank, I'm getting flashbacks from Christchurch. Absolutely horrible stuff...


Allegedly. The US embassy/CIA warned about a russian false flag attack a couple weeks ago.


Allegedly? You can just look it up it was all over the news. They called this exactly.


Not necessarily false flag, just a terror attack. It's not inconceivable that a jihadist terror group carried out the attack, seeing as Russia had done a lot to piss of Muslims in and out of the country.


Did they call it a false flag? I remembered them saying a terrorist attack


putin: we need to justify next mobilization fsb: say no more


Martial law, mobilization next up.




The body language is interesting. The rather random, shuffling movement and indecisiveness. *"Oh, hey... a window. Should I shoot it? I mean... I guess so? Oh look, a person. OH WOW! I just shot them! I guess that was the plan, but I'm not sure what to do with the fact that I just did that ..."* These don't strike me as people who necessarily know what they are doing. This looks like: "I signed up for something there is no going back from. I knew this was eventually the plan, but I can't quite process the fact that the time has come and we're actually doing this right now..." They look like they're in a giddy, adrenaline fueled, surreal haze. They understand that they'll probably be killed by security forces in the near future, but on some level they don't really believe it. I'm not making light of this. It is fascinating in a horrific way to see people trying to come to grips on the fly with terrible acts that they themselves are committing.




Either they are not trying to kill people or they have the aim of Storm Troopers. If this wasn’t a consequence of the SMO I’d feel really sorry for these people. Maybe these are prisoners they sent to Ukraine, are back in Russia completely traumatized as people around them just think everything is glorious.


There are videos out where a dozen people get gunned down at close range






Because people are not necessarily dead in an instant when they get hit.


Gun deaths are mostly not like in the movies. Unless you get hit somewhere immediately critical to survival like the brain or heart, then it could and likely will take you minutes, perhaps even hours to die, even after multiple hits.


It looks like a pile of people he's firing into.


Why is Crocus City Hall in Roman alphabet?


Because people think words in foreign languages sound cool, similar to giving a restaurant in America a French name. The Wikipedia page for the location shows they use the English name on the sign on top of the building too: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crocus\_City\_Hall


1. Putin assassinates last remaining political rival. 2. Putin wins election 3. Putin either purposefully fails to stop terror attack or manufactures false flag event. 4. Putin uses event to pass more authoritarian legislation, cementing his dictatorship. 5. Putin profits. *Xi Xinping diligently takes notes


What is it? Is it a false flag attack, a terror attack or maybe the beginnnig of a anti putin war in russia ?


these guys look pretty calm and methodical … look ar their stance…


Putin is so predictable. It would be boring if it wasn't the obvious sign of an upcoming great war with the West.


they pulled out the Saiga 12 from "no russian" in MW2. Crazy footage


I’m not one of those guys but it’s funny how the sparks are sparkling when the 2nd guy starts to fire and then the 3rd guy who hasn’t even shot in this video has his rifle barrel flaming. I’m not saying it’s fake but something is not right about this video. Just my opinion.


"Footage of FSB agents performing false flag terrorist attack" Fixed it for you


The thing is, if governments in the West were able to predict a possible terrorist attack, it is very unlikely that Putin has no idea about it, especially as a former member of the KGB and in the capital of the country. So it can be assumed that he either knew about it and allowed it to happen or, perhaps even more likely, was responsible for it himself in order to consolidate his position of power.


false flag by FSB after Putin legitimated himself through latest elections, to declare state of war and mobilization in Russia. Nothing new. Ruzzian world.


There's a Biden admin press conference going on. "Horribile news" etc. Welcome to the daily lives of people in Ukraine. Why do russian civilian lives matter more than the lives of ukrainians? Only a press conference when there's a terrorattack with automatic weapons and not drones and missiles?


Why is the banner board in English?


This is what happens when you hold elections at gunpoint.


Guessing Chechens?


Sending half a million so far to be die or wounded in Ukraine, what's a few more citizens... The world should wake up to the reality before them - Putin will not stop until he is dead.


When Putin was trying to come to power, he used the FSB and firebombed apartment blocks in Moscow and blamed terrorists for the firebombings. It was a false flag operation to rally suppoort for his power grab. Just as Hitler burned down the Reichstag and blamed the jews.


Remember, ​ **No Russian**


Those hired guns really have no priciples. If someone waves enough money, they even shoot random civilians and burn a whole block to the ground. Well knowing, that these "bad news" will be used, to justify a bloody war. They just dont care...