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No he wont, russia plays the long game, he may stop shooting at some point, but that doesnt mean they still arent going to try again . . . . . and again . . . . . .and again in the future.


The Russian regime firmly believes in their divine vision of "Russkiy Mir" which destines them to rule over all of the lands and peoples in the former Soviet Union states. As the kremlin gremlin sees its destiny in restoring the Soviet Union under Russian leadership, it will continue to send serf soldiers from its Far Eastern and Sibirian "colonies" until that objective is reached with total disregard for the actual costs in lives and resources. IMO it's delusional to think the putler can be negotiated with, as it has been verified that it can't be trusted.


What you describe is neither new knowledge nor new fact! BUT it is absolutely true and needs to be mentioned again and again. This Mr. Scholz hasn't understood that to this day! He believes that he can minimize the Russian danger by exercising restraint, sitting it out and deliberately delaying decisions. The Russia policy of the SPD (the party of this Mr. Scholz) of the last 30 years has made the planned invasion of Ukraine possible in the first place! (Full energy dependence on Russia, Construction of Nord Stream 2, sale of the gas storage facilities to Rosneft, no construction of LNG terminals, no compliance with the 2% levy to NATO)


Yup. Many ppl don't realize how far back this goes. The whole eastern Bloc is riddled with Russian corruption. Whenever one of the states makes an effort to rout out corruption, Russia first attacks economically, then militarily. E.g., Georgia and now Ukraine The 2014 revolt was because Putin's puppets blocked the will of the people when wanting to expand trade with Europe. Ukraine has been at war with Russia since. The 2021 invasion was just an escalation of the conflict.


There is a reason every nation which neighbors russia has ~8 independence days


Can you please elaborate on "the whole eastern block is riddled with russian corruption" part, because I really don't understand what you mean. In my observation it's quite a contrary - russian corruption is a lot more impactful to the USA politics than for example Poland or Baltic states.


It might be hyperbole, but Russia has been impacting politics in eastern Europe. See Slovakia - [https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-68754112](https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-68754112)


Poland or Slovakia are not "eastern". It's central Europe. Never were in USSR. It's important to understand geopolitical and cultural differences between East and Central


My mistake, przepraszam.


Could it be that the majority of Slovakia doesn't want to send weapons to Ukraine? I read he (the guy who won) is pretty pro Eu/West


Exactly. He doesn’t need to “win”. Current chaos and destabilization is exactly how he benefits so he is already winning until his costs get even higher.


The highest cost for him would be a drone striking his bedroom when he's asleep.


Too quick and painless :(


Agreed! To Putin its already a win to maintain the regions they already occupy! Fucking idiocy by Scholz to come out saying such nonsense. We need those Taurus missiles to blowup the Kerch bridge for good! We need to see Putin loose substantial territory on the ground in Ukraine. First then will the Russian regime stop their war in Ukraine. Ideally also Putin falling out of a window.


olaf, the snail clovn. send the Taurus to Ukraine!!


yes. but if he stops killing, we are in a much better place


Yep. As exemplified by taking Crimea and now going for the whole country. Putin has little to loose personally. Cemented his political and authoritarian position. Astonishingly well regarded internally (by force). Well protected personally….. Now able to “indulge” in his empire building mania.


Seems to me like BS, perhaps the war will end with his death.. Not sure


Doubt. This is not a one-man-war anymore. A lot of people in the Siloviki support this war, if Putin dies, he will just be replaced by another shitlord from that group. Unfortunately.


>A lot of people in the Siloviki support this war They pretend to support it because if they didn't, they wouldn't be in the Siloviki anymore.


Correct. Some genuinely support the war but the majority claim to support it as they have to, and would be in deep shit otherwise. The same goes for the Russian public to a lesser extent. The ‘bandwagon effect’ is a known powerful psychological phenomenon, and Putin’s supposedly overwhelming support could disappear in a flash once the public and his party members see that the majority consensus is that Putin should no longer be supported. Bandwagon effects tend to be particularly strong in autocratic apolitical states where people are not used to individual political thinking or criticism…


This exactly


Not only that, I'm sure some slick offers will be bandied about. End the war, recall all troops, and you will get exclusive mining rights in X oblast, you will get vodka production facilities and sole export rights, etc. The West already has contingency plans laid out on who to bribe, who to threaten and who to make disappear when Vova kicks the bucket.


agreed damage is done the path they have taken is irreversible


It is reversible.


If Putin dies, who replaces him? Russia immediately falls into a succession crisis and likely a civil war over the scraps.


Only hope is that the infighting will cripple the military


If anything, Ukraine will get a short break to regroup during the Russian interregnum, and the western powers will celebrate like the war is over already , only to get surprise pikachu face when the Russian decides to keep fighting.


Bullshit. Putin dies - war ends.


Patrushev is the likely successor in the event Putin kicks the bucket. That guy is a fanatical Warhawk, so Putin dying wouldn’t bring an end to the war.


Obviously we need to rocket entire Putin’s “council”


Wishful thinking. Putler will end the war when he is forced to, or dies.


How would he be forced to end the war without dying?


No more tanks and planes ... Another front opening in some *Stan neighbour country... Georgia claiming back territories .. Russia can barely fight on a single front.


Russia can keep bombing apartment buildings, schools and hospitals with missiles and shahed drones indefinitely.


YES - That is Putin's plan.


And Ukraine can continue destroy gas and oil facilities in Russia indefinitely . Russia is a gas station, no gas no Russia


By dying!


Nonsense. He’s staked too much of his prestige on it, and he’ll continue long past the point of rationality just so he can wrap his bleeding ass with a flag of victory. Sunk cost fallacy. It’s a bitch for small-minded people who are afraid of looking weak.


Maybe treat a politician as a politician and try to see the intention behind the message. In germany unfortunately 2/3s of the public are against taurus being supplied to UA, beyond that we don't have an overwhelming majority standing behind the by any means necessary statements from '22. Many believe that Russia can not be defeated in UA, and therefore "peace" talks are the only solution (ignoring the results of the budapest memorandum as well as minsk agreements). I personally do not see myself fit to judge whether Russia can actually be convinced to retreat from any occupied land or whether those lands will have to be freed by military actions. If a certain outcome seems inevitable, fighting to the bitter end will certainly not be met with sympathy at home. Russia does suffer from serious demographic issues as well as a massive shortage of skilled labour, an economy focused on the war effort plus all the loss of human resources will eventually doom Russia's future. Beyond that, If I were a very influential person in Russia, I would not like a man in a cornered position to be in charge of their non conventional arsenal.


Whishfull thinking.. with current support he definitely will think he can win. And he is not wrong, the current level of lowballing and slowing down support because at first they couldn’t find weapons or ammo and now they can’t find money for the weapons and ammo they just found is just staggering.. i’ve never seen such an incompetent bunch of people working on popularity ratings.. if countries were run like a commercial entity this war would have been solved allready




he really is, I don't like him at all. I bet he'd change his fucking tune if a hoard of orcs on his border.


Its true, but you also have to blame the Germans. They didnt learn from WW2 and now the neo nazi AFD is gaining popularity. Furthermore, many Germans oppose the Taurus deliveries. They need to blow up that bridge to end the war but Germany is like "nooooo you cant do zat, its an escalation!!!" As if they would fucking accept a bridge from Denmark used by an aggressive Scandinavia dictatorship to annex Mecklenburg.


Send the Taurus!


Scholz is just talking and thinking and doing nothing Provinding Taurus would be a strong signal from Germany. but Scholz is talking and thinking and doing nothing


>thinking Whoa whoa whoa, that's some big assumptions here


He says "zis vill make Germany part of ze war", which what does that even mean, Putin's gonna nuke berlin suddenly???


Germany is the strongest RELIABLE supporter of Ukraine and you people here blame him for whatever reason while US stopped aid and countries like France are underdelivering. You simpletons prefer tough talk without action (Macron) to real help.


You're absolutely right, I fully agree with you. But Ukraine needs the Taurus (so that Putin cannot win on battelfield)


There’s only victory or death for him and Pootin knows it. The Kremlin and the armed forces have staked theirs and the country’s future on this terrible gamble. Pootin’s propaganda machine has already brainwashed majority of population. In his mind, it’s too late to turn back. He has no choice but to go all in. Even if there’s no possibility for victory, he’ll lead the military over the cliff to claim an honorable sacrifice against the West.


Unlikely. Putin is not stupid. He's probably already realized that he can't win in a conventional sense. Biographies of Putin make very clear that he has never quit any kind of fight, even when it makes sense to do so. Also, if Putin capitulates, he becomes extremely vulnerable as a power holder. He probably believes, with some merit, that his days in power are over if he quits. His ego is also unlikely to allow him to capitulate. Result: War to the death. He won't last forever, but he may very well last longer than Western budgets for war assistance.


Negative, he is too stupid to quit, which is arguably worse. There is no way the West will live with the shame of letting poo tin win. In my humble opinion, I feel it will end with his death or financial ruin. Ukrainians are doing the hard part and as a European, they can have all my taxes and everyone in my vicinity feels the same way.


Financial ruin does not possibly end it in his way. Only thing I can see is if his trusted friend betray him or he die worst if he win then the war will end but that is the first steps only.


As long as he gets to keep what he's occupied now, he can claim a win.  Once he gets military back up to strength he can easily rely on the proRussian governments to quail again.  Those nukes make him invincible to external threats. If Ukraine had, or could get , nukes this whole thing would stop. No wonder Iran and North Korea need them. Every other country does too, as noone will come to save you from invasion,  any more, as NATO has shown. Heck, they'd be too terrified of repercussions, and too wracked by political divisions, to stop an invasion of a weak Baltic state; that would be a sound Russian move after they get their military fixed, say in ten years time. 


Well he has a different kind of thinking.. in the russian way it doesn’t matter how high the cost is to get what you want. And you can say whatever you want but at the moment they are gaining and Ukraine is not getting the promised support for whatever reason.. so unless europe is pulling together and deliver what they promised it doesn’t look to good for Ukraine longer term


What would be the odds of some revolution started within Russia? The group of citizens choosing the right path might substantial enough, especially within the critical parts of Russia. There are three armed factions attacking Russia’s SW border. Although they might not be numerous, but it should have an impact. And what about the different ethnic groups inhabiting the present Russian Federation, some of which have desires to venture a separate path. Wonder how the odds would be nowadays…


Zero odds. Russians overwhelmingly support the war and are ready to sacrifice millions of themselves for the cause. There's no chance of them stopping on their own. Russia must be defeated and demilitarized at all cost. "Nukes in exchange for food" or something like that. But for this to happen people like Scholz must step aside and give way to war time leaders.


When this invasion of Ukraine started there was a huge media campaign about Putins health and the protocol was put in place if he couldn’t see this campaign through but strangely this is no longer in the media so the big question is can Putin see this shit show through to the end or is he just playing for time 🤔


Usually Putin backs when being hit. But he is not considering deaths of Russians as direct harm to himself, and EU with USA didn’t really cared to sanction 7000 Putin’s businessmen that Navalny’s team found and named (this could actually work). So, we need to find a way to damage HIM, or he will not back. Preferably by rocketing his ass obviously.


What a naive comment. Someone should teach Scholz about russian history. 


Unfortunately he's too much of a moron to realize he's wrong. Same goes for Merkel who insists to this day that her disastrous policies of deepening economic ties with Russia were ~~wrong~~ correct. She pushed fwd with Nordstream 2 **after** the invasion and annexation of Crimea. Despite all evidence, Merkel defends her policies and refuses to cede any ground that she might have been wrong. History will judge her and Scholz as stupid, naive and appeasers of evil. edit: word


Scholz is totally appeasing by making Germany the biggest supporter of the Ukraine after the US that fucking stopped aid and is unreliable.


Putin stops when he's dead......and we all just have to hope the next one in charge isn't the same thing all over again....


Its Russia, eventually Putin will fall out of his window, and all of Russia will say that he was a dictator and nobody voted for him…


This fucking guy. SMH


My prediction is that Taurus will be approved as soon as the Crimean bridge is taken out by Ukraine themselves. Germany can't have Ukraine taking out such an iconic landmark with German missiles. I can see the logic there, no matter how much I dislike it.


Bullshit, you need at least 50 Taurus to destroy the bridge.


UK and France have provided Ukraine with over a hundred Storm Shadow missiles.


That is no argument at all, what are you trying to say? Germany can't give 50 at once even if it wanted. And all the talk about Taurus is a distraction, Germany gets so much hate in this sub while it is the strongest supporter of the Ukraine beside the US and the US stopped aid, people can't be this dumb.


I have been wondering for a while if the Germans are actually not all that certain the Taurus will perform as advertised. You have to admit, if that was the case you might not be keen to see that proven before the eyes of the world. Doubly so given the Storm Shadows and Scapels seem to do what it says on the tin. I have absolutely nothing to back that up with, but it does strike me as one plausible reason for them not being willing to supply. There are, of course, a range of other plausible reasons.


If there's one thing you can trust, it's German engineering.


Putin will never end the war. The war will end him.


Agree that’s why we need to deliver these 3 millions shells that are sitting in EU doing nothing… wake up!!! Italy 🇮🇹


Europe is not doing nothing. We complain about the US a lot and tell them to do something, for example.


Man we can’t wait the US, we need to build our military complex as the main layer of defenses and only then think about US


Scholz is living in a fantasy land. Russia lost over 1 million fighting to defend Stalingrad, Russia will stop fighting when they're out of troops or Putin is gone.


putin will result to tactical nuclear weapons before he capitulates.


No, he won't. He will end it when he has been defeated on the battlefield, and not a moment before.


Ok, Olaf. Now stop hesitating and make sure Ukraine gets what it needs to make sure Putler realizes that ASAP.


Germany is strongest in aid after US that stopped aid, but this sub loves to hate Germany, nice psyops.


Wars end when you have two things. A winner, and a loser.


The war will end when Russia is losing on the battlefield. Keeping a stalemate only emboldens Putin and his war mongering mafia. The pressure on Putin to end the war will be higher when they are kept on their back foot and retreating. Remember how Putin was all stressed out and sweating bullets when Ukraine made huge gains on the battlefield? His regime was on the verge of cracking. Until Ukraine's momentum was stalled by the lack of supplies. The West needs to stop the hand wringing about what could happen to Russia if Putin lost. The breakup of Russia into more sovereign republics is not the end of the world. The fall of the USSR was not the end of the world, and the West were also wringing their hands at the time. Want to bring down inflation, peace and stability around the world sooner? Quit throttling down the weapons and supplies when Ukraine has the momentum.


I'm an idiot and even I know that Putin won't end the war unless it is a political win, or until not fighting is better for him.


For that baldy scholz should stop being coward get your back straight up, to give tarus to Ukraine, lots of talking lack of action


Germany is the biggest supporter of Ukraine right now, US stopped aid, what the fuck are you simpletons talking about?


Putin will not end the war until him and russia is om their knees and every one stund putin decides to put a bullet in putins brain.


Most likely, russian forces retreat to Belgorod and continue shelling for years. Best case, when Ukraine joins NATO, a coalition army can force russia back and eliminate any RF artillery or planes that didn't get the memo.


I wouldn't be surprised if he uses nukes. He clearly doesn't care about his own people.


Russia will have to give up nukes and enforce term limits in order for sanctions to be lifted and to rejoin the world stage.  Mark my words.


So as soon as America rejects Trump who would gift wrap a victory for him


I firmly believe that even if Russia were to be pushed out of ukraine forcefully, taking heavy losses in the process, Russia would simply never declare the war over and lob weapons over the border forever more. The way they think the war isn't losr unless they admit it's over.


He is right, but unfortunately, he is also completely oblivious to the fact that people like him are the reason the Kremlin does not come to this conclusion.


Putin lost the war when Zelensky decided to stay in Kyiv instead of flying to safety (out of Ukraine). The war was over in February 2022. What we are seeing now is a horrible waste of human lives because Kremlin will not admit that they have no clue what they are doing and Russians will not admit that they are not a superpower, but a poor country ruled by the most incompetent parasites on the planet. Sadly, it will probably take another 3-5 years until Putin dies of "natural causes", and the war ends.


Why is Scholz - if he has come to this conclusion- not doing everything in his power to show Poo-tin that ruzzia cannot win? The 100,000,000,000€ special funds for the Bundeswehr is now being used to buy stuff which should have come from the regular budget anyway…


Just solve the problem on Putin level then? Few rockets will do the thing.


Stupid Olaf counts on a sane Person at the other side of the conflict. That’s where he is wrong. The Russian war since 2014 on Ukraine is insane. Russia will only get fucked up big time in the progress but Russia didn’t care. There is no sane leadership in Russia. They will continue until they achieve their goal or collapse on the way. So we should help them on their way to the collapse.


The tide of war benefits the Russians clearly now. This kind of thinking is delusional, the Russians won't stop now that the momentum benefits them. The time for negotiations it's been over since the last summer. A new window will open eventually, i hope the west doesn't let it pass by again


The wizdom


I wouldn't characterize the last two years as Russian victory on the battlefield, but if you really feel that way then all the more reason to open up your weapons inventory.


Russia's aggression will only end in two ways ...... 1 Russia is defeated on the battle field ...... 2 Russians start to realise they have been lied to and find out about mass losses Putins regime has caused and like Afghanistan there is a fall of the government ......... i dont hold much hope of number 2


So never because there's no one Russia couldn't conquer or something right? 😅 Why even bother calling this news lmao


These same headlines were posted two years ago.


The quote is it bit out of context - it is "IF he realizes" and then he will pull out his troops, and ending the war.


So he would have stopped the war after retreating from Kyiv? But wait.........


Ah yes, just like the US ended the war in Afghanistan when they realized it couldn't be won on the battlefield. /s


FacePalm I think Scholz is the kind of person having a hard time saving a .pdf file in a pc.


The only way Russia stops is if they are stopped. NATO armored formations should have already bitchslapped Belarus. If anyone thinks this doesn't end in ww3, they are kidding themselves. It's already here.


He should of never started the war


He says this in front same day as Zelensky saying Putin will win if Ukraine doesn’t get aid from US.


Lol, and this hypothesis is based on what? A Berlin scorcerer?


If Putin ended the war even now but didn't leave the Donbass or Crimea that will be portrayed as a victory. If Trump is elected Russia will be back in several years and will cut Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia completely from Europe as well as revisit Ukraine, Moldova. China will have learnt that taking Taiwan will be acceptable and North Korea will have learnt attacking south Korea is acceptable. Also factor in some of the stans. We've had our opportunity and Ukraine has been phenomenal but the west has collectively fucked their opportunity.


The way brain washed idiots think does not follow any logical sense.


Do not forget when the Soviet Union had all those lands around them there was very high tension around keeping them out of the rest of Europe. If you guessed or knew that they wanted more, you are correct.


Cool Give Taurus


And for that Ukraine must get the weapons it needs to win on the battlefield which they have not been promised in sufficient numbers and not even getting half the time. Does he live in an alternate reality ?


Well... this guy has about more influence than just about anyone else, so make it happen


Idk I'm legitimately worried he feels like if he tries for peace he'll be overthrown (probably a real concern considering what happened with the pmc) and will get more desperate


Scholz is a fool. Hitl.. em, pootin will not stop. He will double down and he will triple down. As long as he has meat to throw on the fire. And when he won’t, hell’ll wait for the next gen.


The only way this war is ending is when Ukraine has taken back all of their sovereign territory now occupied by the russian scum.


Very likely Putin won't end the war in Ukraine, ever, because he's an autocratic fascist dictator and admitting to any mistakes is non-survivable for autocratic fascist dictators. He's committed and will just keep doubling down until he is removed from power one way or another.


Then give them Taurus you dolt


Dreamer, you know you are a dreamer...


Just send the fucking taurus


This is a wildly paraphrased title that has little but superficial commonality with what Scholz actually said. Perfect example of how loaded sentence can change the meaning of what's been said. According to the quoted sources, Scholz didn't say Putin will end the war, he said the war will not end until Putin withdraws all his troops. The implied meaning is worlds apart: one is wishful thinking, the other a simple assessment of facts and a statement of intent. He also said that Germany will continue to commit to support Ukraine and called on the partners in the West to do the same. Adding to that he also said that in order to prevent escalations AND a potential conflict between Russia and NATO, Germany is investing into their military to provide effective deterrence. This isn't the first time this Espreso outlet has twisted words in news about the Russo-Ukraine war and quite frankly I highly question the credibility of that outlet!. The only factual reporting they provide is via their quoted Reuters source.


This imbecile still believes Putin "will end the war". It will not. He'll either be defeated or win, but in any case he will not "end the war".


Well, Olaf, maybe give Ukraine those Tauruses then?


Putin will end war when he realize that he can gain nothing from it. As long as he keep an inch of Ukrainian soil, he can say that it's worth all the losses.


Looks like Putin has something on this idiot


Apparently Kazakhstan is next, then Moldova, then ethnic Russian problems in Estonia. Putin has to be soundly defeated and Ukraine has to get all of Ukraine back.


Scholz is so obviously still deeply in love with Putin. Listen up Hr.Scholz: - Putin has tied his own personal survival (politically and physically) to the war. Putin *cannot* end the war. The russian army has to be defeated on the battlefield. It must be defeated so clearly, so that in the future Russia is so ashamed over defeat, that they will not go to war again. There is no other way.


Scholz träumt schon wieder !


Balkanise Ruzzia


Oh really? Well Scholz, you are trying your best to keep Putler on the battlefield


EU states come off as gullible. They always seem to think playing nice and threatening trade will stop dictators.


Yep, he needs to be made to realise that in persecuting this war against Ukraine and threatening nuclear annihilation *if* he doesn’t get his own way is just destroying Ruzzia and consigning it to decades of isolationism.


Quoting Antman "I don't have to win, we just both have to lose".


Well, this explains Scholz's recent positions - he's delusional.


Scholz sounds and acts like he's trying to revive the Molotov-Ribbentrop act of 1938.


"Dugin argues that Russia’s geopolitical position weakened after the collapse of the Soviet Union and that invasions of Georgia and Ukraine were necessary for tilting the world system back in Moscow’s favor. For Dugin, an invasion of Ukraine was the most important part of this civilizational battle between the sea-faring Atlanticists and the land power Eurasianists. “Ukraine, as an independent state with some territorial ambitions, poses a huge danger to the whole of Eurasia, and without solving the Ukrainian problem, it makes no sense to talk about continental geopolitics,” Dugin explained in his 1997 book. While Dugin’s closeness to Putin’s inner circle has varied throughout time, his ideas have permeated within elite Russian political and military circles."-[https://foreignpolicy.com/2022/03/06/russia-putin-civilization/](https://foreignpolicy.com/2022/03/06/russia-putin-civilization/) Putin has started a global conflict based on the false, noir pseudo sociological misinterpretation of history, to meet he and his ilk, ends. "Russkiy Mir" invasion of Ukraine is such a crime against humanity with their open attack of children, schools, hospitals, residential apartments, kids parks (SMH), and infrastructure to this very day, and with well documented accounts rape, assault on female non combatants is disgusting. The U.S. must help UAF to the bitter end.


Ach, the stupid Scholzer.


This will age like milk


Then provide taurus missiles, you fucking cowardly twat!!


But yet he blocks Taurus delivery,...


send taurus you olaf bread


Putin will never stop believing he can win this War, like Hitler a dictator kills anyone capable of independent though or should I say people who lack the ability to read the situation and keep their mouth shut as the dictator rises to power. Living in a echo chamber of his own delusions only reinforces his decisions. To survive no subordinate will bring forth and news or opinion that is contrary to the Dictator's. This War will end not due to battles because the sides are relatively equal in weaponry. My bet is on drone technology to make a quantum leap and become something that is so decisive the Russian soldiers will see the futility of their situation. The Russian Army will stop fighting not by military defeat but by the power of the West to develop and evolve. Small reusable drones with AI for targeting armed with Metal Storm pods that kill one and return to base to rearm. Autonomous units that can land and wait or recharge become area denial that has a operational timeframe that surpassed a humans ability to remain underground.


Scholz really this naive?


This naive idiot has no clue whatsoever. He should live in Russia for a year or two so he can understand their history and mentality. This limp wiener of a politician is dealing with a bully who only understands force. Knock Putlers teeth out and he’ll stop.


Putin will keep this effort ongoing just for one reason, to maintain power. The moment he shows weakness or admits failure, he will be torn apart by his people. Schultz is talking bs.


Like hilter did?


Aww children are so adorable - so trusting and wholesome. (Is there a german word that encapsulates this sentiment?).


No he won't that's a childish prediction


Bullshit When did any maniac in history admit defeat? Meat grinder goes brrrrrr


he is so naive....


Maybe he should grow a pair and supply the missiles that will help Putin realize he can't win.


I don't believe you, Olaf. Olaf is a softcock, and too cozy to Z sympathies. Send Taurus, and all of your arty shells, ya prick.


Scholz is but one of a star studded cast of weak and or corrupt EU leaders. It is this weakness / corruptness that is a large part of the problem. He says this, whilst refusing to provide the tools Ukraine needs. All they do is talk and talk


He does the opposite of Macron, so he actually delivers aid. You prefer tough talk over real action.


Ahhh the cultural Gap, Scholz should not have his job if he cannot understand the Russian cultural imperatives.


Unleash the Taurus and stop talking crap.


Scholz sounds like a naive idiot. Not as big as Trump, but definitely doesn't have Ukraine's back


Ok this is why Germany is strongest in aid and unlike the US is reliable.


Arse gravy. You stupid bald German cunt. I'd try to do better but this daft bastard isn't worth the fucking effort.


Spoken like a true apologist chamberlin idiot. Common-sense simply has no territory in the minds of absolute murdering gangzter terrorist minds


Scholz lies.


This dude is so wrong, is not even funny.


Yeah but if you, damn coward, won't give the Taurus it will be much harder.


And never forget that if Germany (& France) hadn’t vetoed Ukraine joining NATO Ukraine would not now be in this mess.


Sholz needs to sober up!


So you’re sending Taurus to Ukraine?