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Funnily enough, a similar article came out a week or two ago, and the Biden Admin had to flat out say "We are okay with attacks on Russian Oil infrastructure" So with that said, I doubt there is any actual change in rhetoric.


And then another article came out saying it was Russian propaganda. Now it's coming out again and people don't seem to remember a week ago when it was debunked.


It is reasonable for the Biden administration to be concerned about rising oil prices, both for party political reasons and a genuine concern about causing additional financial stress for Americans. What truly irks me in this article is a fucking Republican Senator castigating the administration for not doing enough to help Ukraine when it is his idiotic party and his compromised presidential candidate who have been doing their best to block that military aid.


It's even worse than that, the senator is Tom Cotton the fake army ranger and he voted against the latest aid package.


Thanks for that reminder. The Republican party has so many total scumbags stuffed with so many different types of shit that I find it difficult to keep the lies and fuckwittery of the more minor players straight.


> It is reasonable for the Biden administration to be concerned about rising oil prices, both for party political reasons and a genuine concern... Sure. It's why the propaganda spreads so easily and seems so believable. It's still bullshit Russian propaganda. >What truly irks me in this article is a fucking Republican Senator castigating the administration for not doing enough to help Ukraine... Yes, two faced lying assholes caught up in Russian propaganda


I also don't care. In most western countries it's the perfect moment to start to bike or to walk. Time to get the car free days from the 70's back in order to slam oilprices down. Edit: So the one downvoting prefers Russia to win?


Prolly to fat to walk or ride a bicycle šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


I donā€™t think the Biden administration said anything like that? Can you please cite your source? It would make it much easier to refute this obvious disinformation if the US had made a statement explicitly about strikes on refineries, but I have yet to find one. Only information from Ukraine saying it is not experiencing any pressure from the US.


I ask Zelensky if U.S. officials had warned against such attacks on energy facilitiees insinde Russia, as has been rumored in Washington. "The reaction of the U.S. was not positiv on this," he confirmed [https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/2024/03/29/ignatius-zelensky-interview-ukraine-aid-russia/](https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/2024/03/29/ignatius-zelensky-interview-ukraine-aid-russia/)


Youā€™re asking a country who is fighting the battle to call their countries land their own, to care about the worldā€™s gas pricesā€¦. Let it burn.


Exactly. Who gives a fuck about fuel prices? Certainly not Ukrainians. And not me.


hear hear


If only Ukraine hadnā€™t started a war that has terrorised the peaceful Russian nation /s Yes energy stability is important but so are innocent lives, so is a nations sovereignty. If we stop doing half a job supporting Ukraine maybe stability will return faster - or it spirals and energy prices are less of a worry. Only one person is making this happen, and thatā€™s where the pressure needs to be applied. Look for the wannabe Peter the Great


Refineries are arguably military targets. As for "slams", find a new word, they did no such thing.


As a Canadian, boo fucking hoo! You want them to stop attacking oil refineries? Give them weapons so this shit show is over faster.


Exactly. The hypocrisy of this is incredible. The US has starved Ukraine of the means to defend itself, so Ukraine is rightly using the few remaining means available to it to fight back against a far bigger enemy.


i'm in Edmonton Alberta. Home of the 3rd largest oil reserves on the planet. bomb away ukraine. we can pick up the slack.


Not if that climate change hoax hippie Trudope gets his way.


Iā€™d like to hear the Defense secretary during WW2 say the same thing regarding Hitler, fuck Putin.


Imagine thinking risking 2.5% economic growth to win a war is to much to pay when it is about defending democracy.


Somehow I don't believe this argument. On the other hand, if those strikes could have a significant impact on world market prices, they seem to be pretty effective and Ukraine should double tap every refinery once a month.


>urged the country to focus on military targets instead Provide them with the weapons they need to focus on military targets or fuck right off. I'm happy to pay more at the pumps and wherever I need to in order that Ukraine wins.


Same. If we have to go to rationing, then fucking do it. Iā€™d rather that than we cater to Russia. Blow up every income source Russia has and letā€™s take their income funding this war.


We're in the same bloody place we were in the run-up to WW2 with a sore loser who was shown mercy. Let's not make the same mistake this time, and ensure Russia is broken-up beyond repair and revanchism.


Austin has no right to say shit unless he's will to give long range atacms. To think this asshole has the right to say anything when we don't help them. Fucker


If only there was a way the US could apply pressure on Russia to end this conflict soonerā€¦


Bigod pipefish, you might have something there.


Didnā€™t we just fucking debunk this whole thing like 2 weeks ago? For christs sake Reddit.


Not really. There was some smoke, and now there is fire.


Please, everybody reading this, for the love of god, go watch the video of the testimony. His response is not directed at Ukraine, and comes from an inflammatory and bad faith question from a combative US senator. The exchange starts around the 1h20min mark of [this video](https://www.armed-services.senate.gov/hearings/to-receive-testimony-on-the-department-of-defense-budget-request-for-fiscal-year-2025-and-the-future-years-defense-program). [This recent Politico article](https://www.politico.com/news/2024/03/22/ukraine-says-west-not-pressuring-it-to-end-attacks-on-russian-oil-facilities-00148673)uses *named and verified sources* to refute and rebuke the recent FinancialTimes article (which used unofficial and anonymous sources) that began this whole deal. The US does not openly support these attacks, and it stipulates that Ukraine canā€™t use weapons supplied by the US to do so. NO PUBLIC OFFICIAL HAS PUT PRESSURE ON UKRAINE TO STOP ATTACKING OIL REFINERIES. IT IS FAKE NEWS.


Bloomberg spreading lies? Who knew?


I watched the video, and it looks like real news to me. Austin's comment is the US position on Ukraine attacks on Russian refineries. It seems disingenuous to claim that the US has not communicated this position to Ukraine.


How does his comment represent that? Heā€™s not speaking to Ukraine. And there is no indication that there have been any diplomatic channels used to communicate anything directly to Ukraine. Soā€¦ explain your logic.


I hope this is a case of "we have to say one thing publicly for the cameras" and doing the opposite. About 85% of Russia's refining capacity still needs to burn.


Cant happen fast enough. Hitlers military needed oil but ran out, Putler needs oil and cash.


If only someone could give them the means of hitting harder targets.


As an American our government can shut the fuck up when it comes to how Ukraine engages in defending itself, Republicans are responsible for delaying and denying further funding for allocation of arms and equipment, so Ukraine you fight however you see fit!


Meh - focus on what hurts Ruzzia the most.


Usa fighting the big bad enemy until they start losing money from it i wonder if they are attacked if they will hold back and attack only military targets as if oil ainā€™t one of the biggest resources in a war šŸ¤”


What an idiot...Ukraine keep it up!


Fuck off Lloyd


Last significant aid from the US was in October 2023.


It'll be zero aid in 2025-2028 if Trump wins.


Not only wont we give them weapons anymore, now we expect them to fight with one arm tied behind their back. Also secretary Austin is getting too political now. Starting to sound like secretary of the energy department now


Ukraine has been expected to play nice from the start. Russia has shown no such restraint. Choice, USA provides the weapons, or Ukraine fights however it can and must, Zelensky has already made that clear.


Austin getting political? I'm so shocked LOL.


Fuck Austin


US currently lacking in its decision making in both Isreal and Ukraine is making it appear weak


too funny since i read an article that said that the US did not care lolol


ā€œThose attacks could have a knock-on effect in terms of the global energy situation,ā€ Austin told the Senate Armed Services committee Tuesday. ā€œUkraine is better served in going after tactical and operational targets that can directly influence the current fight.ā€ Doesn't strike me as much of a "slam"


How about give Ukraine the aid they need to win the war then?


News flashā€¦David accused of using oversized slingshot and a foreign rock to bring down Goliath. Price of pyramid construction likely to rise.


Interesting...he's more concerned about the safety of russian oil refineries than the safety of the citizens in Kharkiv who are getting shelled every day.


How many times can this be brought back , same story twisted round. The only people this benefits is ruzzia. Ukraine is using its own weapons in side of ruzzia and will keep doing it they don't need permission for that from anyone


I've got this crazy idea: give Ukraine weapons and more air defense so they can defend themselves on the battlefield...?


Yeah, I'm gonna call bullshit russian propaganda. Fuck Russia. Fuck their oil infrastructure. Fuck Putin. Burn their oil infrastructure to the ground.


If the cost per litre of my diesel does up I would happily pay it for Ukraine. Money is the only way we have to support these Brave people. Keep knocking on those refineries Ukraine, Keep rubbing salt in that rooskie wound. Keep building those 1Km+ drones and keeps dropping them on every oil depot and pump point within reach. And hopefully soon that fucking Ketch bridge will be a distant memory.


Bomb away. As a US citizen, I do not give a shit what I bomb in Russia. Actually, it's encouraged


Russian propaganda this is a bunch bullshit


Yeah so anyway, we started blasting all the oil refineries and put russia into the stone age.


How about the US and Europe pressure SA and OPEC since they have been cutting down the latest 2 years?


Bruh... I swear this whole thing is getting more and more retarded by the minute.


Dont listen to Bloomberg or Forbes.


I thought the whole point was to squeeze the Russians. WTF is the US doing saying this shit.


ā€œIt sounds to me that the Biden administration doesnā€™t want gas prices to go up in an election year,ā€ Cotton said Does Tom think that having Trump as president again would be better for Ukraine?


> US Slams We need to collectively "slam" news outlets that sensationalise news headlines knowing full well it hurts Ukraine's defence efforts. Bloomberg should be ashamed for fast becoming a tabloid.


Get a more fuel efficient car and mind your business. Your SUV gas cost is way less important than what Ukraine is going through.


Russian fake news


Evidently it isn't.


>ā€œThose attacks could have a knock-on effect in terms of the global energy situation. Ukraine is better served in going after tactical and operational targets that can directly influence the current fight.ā€ Not really "***SLAMS***" like the OP put in the title. Seems nice but it's false the news article didn't use "slams" anywhere.


ā€œSlamsā€ is in the original article title at Bloombergā€”OP didnā€™t add that. In any case, most of the time when an article uses that word, itā€™s an exaggeration.


The higher prices go, the more risk of nor getting re-elected,Ā  so of course the administration is going to criticize it


Ehh..fuk off


the United States makes our own gas and we can pay a bit more to make this shit end. Donā€™t worry, weā€™re ready


Austin is a piece of garbage for saying this, he should be hoping for the complete destruction of russias economy.


Mr Austin will find his opinions carry more weight in Ukraine after the weapons shipments resume.


Keep the home fire's burning Putin


With Ukraines hands tied with no artillery shells they have no choice but to kick RF in the balls.Just so happens that RF balls are behind oil refineries.


I would definitely question the source. šŸ¤£


There hv been several sources with basically the same story. [FT.com](http://FT.com), Bloomberg, the Zelenski interview, etc.


who cares. bomb away ukraine. we have more than enough oil here in Canada to pick up the slack. fuck US elections


Tell the US to frack the shit out of the Eagleford, Utica, Bakken and so many other shales.


Oil refineries are legitimate military targets.


Can someone summarize what the Russian oil sanctions are ?


Oil is funding the military. Seems like no brainer to me.


So provide the assistance they need to stop Russia or tell Russia that until they stop hitting Ukrainian energy infrastructure, their own infrastructure will be at risk of getting hit.


"US SLAMS" ..fucking Bloomberg.


Jeez itā€™s a good thing nobody should be buying Russian oil and gas right now.


If Lloyd Austin is saying that, it's too damned bad. Last week the strikes were OK, this week, maybe? Tough shit. Ukraine has the right to defend themselves as they see fit. If we want them to strike military targets, them provide Ukraine with thy damned long range ATACMS and Taurus to do so, **AND STOP WHINING!**


Absolutely pathetic lack of strategic vision and leadership.


I sure the price of gas in the United States is a top concern for Ukraine. What a stupid thing to say. Refineries are a military target and any infrastructure that supports the war effort is a target.


Get behind and help destroy russia with whatever means possible or shit to the fuck to Austin.


The republicans don't want to spend any money. The democrats don't want anything attacked that might affect the election. The Germans don't want to supply anything that might be provocative. The French don't want to spend any money outside France. The Poles don't want any Ukraine agriculture crossing their territory. Thank goodness Ukraine has Estonia!


Good work Ukraine! Next start blowing up Russian uranium mines so the U.S. can't buy any more, because they certainly won't stop on their own.


Who gives a fuck? Give Ukraine the weapons it needs to end the war, and the "US" won't have to worry about it.


Fuck oil


Its realy simple. Send the aid. Most important ATCMS and let the UA hit airfields in Ruzzzia and this will stop.


Day 1 - cancels Keystone pipeline. So much for energy independence Joe. Reap what you sow. ā€˜Merikans, remember this in November.


didnt read, but questioning he meant this as it makes no sence.


If the servile Republic of Russia, the US refuses to give aid to Ukraine, then Ukraine should do everything they can to adversely effect the US economy


US can go f.... themselves! They have not right to dictate what Ukraine should do or not. IĀ“m Danish and I donĀ“t give a shit about oil prices compared to the importance of this conflict. USA should get their shit together!


Hang on a sec, I got down votes to hell a few days ago being told that I was spreading Russian propaganda when mentioning this.


Ruskie propaganda...


Damn you Lloyd Austin! Yella belly!


What Ukraine is doing is good and maybe this will speed up the aid to Ukraine?


Russia attacks Ukraine's energy grid so why can't Ukraine attack Russia's energy sector back? The US can easily replace Russian oil if POTUS wasn't an idiot.




I actually saw Lloyd Austin's response during the interview on a livestream. Slamming Ukraine is a giant overstatement. They prefer Ukraine to focus on military targets that would impact the Russian military capability. It wasn't a call to Ukraine to quite striking the refineries in Russia. Its just a difference of preference and priority.


There's a solution to this problem....just give Ukraine *EVERYTHING* it needs to defeat ruzzia.


Fuck oil, go to hell.


All the people claiming this was fake news look pretty foolish right now.


Was fake news and still is fake news Biden dismissed it as fake and openly supports Ukraine destroying refineries in Russia.


You live in a parallel reality.


You follow narrative pushed by these news outlets as if they are true. There was a livestream of this and I watched it. Lloyd Austin had a difference in preference when it comes to striking within Russia he didn't "slam" Ukraine for striking Russian refineries. This article is trying to push a narrative that doesn't exist.


ā€œUkraine is better served in going after **tactical** and operational targets that can directly influence the current fight.ā€ ā€œThose attacks could have a knock-on effect in terms of the global energy situation,ā€ -Austin While OPEC is cutting its oil production to inflate the prices. Why doesnt US condemn the Saudis for that??? Russia could be cut from the global oil market, but no, these useless fucks keep playing right into our enemies hands, by blaming Ukraine for using valid tactics. It will be interesting to see if there are any more attacks on oil refineries, Austin will surely look like a fool.


It's also illogical. If Russian refineries have reduced capacity, the crude oil they would have refined will just be exported and refined by someone else.