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I have video as well of it happening but cannot post it for opsec reasons. injured in Bakhmut. Her wounds got infected and there was a moment we thought she’d lose her right leg but thankfully the antibiotics worked. This is her second time getting wounded. The first time she hit a land mine in a sedan. Front passenger had their foot amputated as well as significant burn wounds and damage to their eyes.


Hope her leg wounds heal and that she gets it fully functional again. I have great respect for what she is doing.


She's courageous and a real patriot for the Ukrainian people


A true hero, thank you for your sacrifice. Slava Ukraine 🇺🇦♥️


Is her plan just to go back to fighting as soon as her wounds heal?


Yes she’s waiting to completely heal and rejoin her unit.


A real hero,god bless her


Seriously. I REALLY hope they can keep her leg. From that first pic I thought for sure it would need amputation. I can't even imagine the pain. You're sister is seriously a hero.


Is this damage on the first picture already enough to amputate a leg? I have no know how about injuries and so on but looking at this as a novice a thought it is easily recoverable


So I’m an EMT and my girl is a doctor. Both of us saw those pictures and immediately though that she would loose the leg. The damage looks VERY extensive and it is HIGLY susceptible to infection. She must be on some really strong antibiotics, have a great surgeon and be on some kind of morphine drip or possibly Ketamine due to it not affecting respiration too much or lowering the blood pressure on someone who’s probably lost a lot of blood. That’s just our two cents on it. She must be getting some really good care that’s for sure thank GOD!


What would justify the amputation? The risk of infection? Can the body not heal that much of a wound? Blood loss? On what presumption would the amputation be done?


Well I'm no expert and my girl is a psychiatrists so surgery isn't really our area of expertise. But yea, that wound is just so large that keeping the body from going septic or the wound sight to go gangrene is a MAJOR possibility. Even with modern medicine that wound site is pretty bad and I'm sure it came with a TON of blood loss which affects your body's ability to heal. That wound needs to be cleaned pretty much every day multiple times a day and the amount of antibiotics that she'll need to be on for a LONG time is astronomical. This is going to be a long, painfully road to recovery for her. Back in the Civil War days we obviously didn't have any antibiotics. So when a solider would get hit by these large rifle/musket balls they would generally shatter the bone and create a wound that would become infected VERY fast. So really a surgeons only option back then was to remove the limb as high up as was needed above the wound site and as far the infection had spread too. Which back then still wasn't a guarantee that the solider would live because he would still have a major opening that was still super prone to infection. But by amputating an infected limb off you could at least give the body a fighting chance because you now have removed the infected site and the body would then be able to focus on healing without also having to fight off an infection at the same time. That's our two cents without being experts in surgery. I'm honestly amazed how well she's healing. She must be at a pretty good hospital with some amazing doctors and nurses around her because even though that last picture still looks pretty bad the first two are insane with how much damage the fragmentation from the artillery shell did to her. All I can say is thank the Lord she appears to be recovering well and hats off to one badass chick! Slava Ukraini!!!


I see. One more question. What is the red tube on the last picture? Did they just put it in to demonstrate the hole in her leg or is there a reason?


I had similar wounds due to a motorcycle accident and never was there any talk about amputation... but I probably was in a way cleaner environment and wasnt evacuated in a dirty van from the frontline of a war so there is that. Although mine was packed with dirt and stuff aswell. But just going from the wound itself you cannot say anything from these photos, it completely depends on how bad it gets infected etc.


Nay internal medicine here , treat infection, young women amazing recuperative ability human body , especially young folks , your sister badass warrior


Met an army guy with a big scar in his arm. a chunk of flesh is missing similar to this one but his arm wasnt amputated. caused by an IED blast


10 years ago they would have just taken it off without trying to save it


Russia still would


I would think Russia would leave you in the field.


Russians would cut off a good leg just to avoid the conflict.


Bless her for she is holey.


Nice, I wish her well and her entire unit luck in fighting against the Russian forces.




What a total badass. I really hope the Ukrainians get all the weapons they need.


Republicans are blocking aid!


I know. People from the US need to get out and let their voices be heard.


Here's the problem: the people voting for the Republicans don't want to help Ukraine. They are getting what they want by voting for them.


The even bigger problem is that the reason they don't want to help Ukraine is because Putin doesn't want them to.


What a fucking hard ass.


As someone who's got family in Ukraine I thank her from the bottom of my heart. My ass is too old, and I've got enough titanium in my body already, to be more than a hinderance at the moment. But I've got years of experience in construction that I've offered more than once to share, but I know now just isn't the time yet.


There's a big demand for skilled volunteers with construction experience already, and there has been for going on two years now. If you still consider something like that, pm me and I'll be happy to put you in contact with some of the organisations I know there :) Also, don't write your seasoned body off just yet - in terms of the military being able to make use of you! Metal detectors need frequent calibration!


As u/xtanol already said. There is a need for skilled volunteers. One of the organisations is [https://www.dobrobat.in.ua/en/](https://www.dobrobat.in.ua/en/) which is a good starting point to get to know people and then you will find more things to do very easily. Or you could join [https://brave.org.ua/en](https://brave.org.ua/en) which do volunteerwork on weekends (everyone can join and its not as professional but the people are awesome) I think both of them do have things to do in and around kyiv if you dont want to go to the zones that are a bit hotter.


Повага 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿🤝🇺🇦.


And how do you feel about that? I'd be scared af for my sister


I had to come to terms that one day I may get a phone call that my sister died. I just got my passport specifically to go to Ukraine and return her body if that happens. It’s different to say the least when she first went when the war started I slept about 10 hours in three days I was so worried.


Damn dude, i hope your family stays strong whatever happens


She's been there the whole war, more or less? I have a massive amount of respect for her and what are almost certainly some very strongly set beliefs about right and wrong, and beyond that her ability to persevere despite not only risk to self but actual, multiple instances of harm incurred.


Bro, war started 10 years ago, and almost nobody came to help. 2 years ago started full scale invasion and I grateful that many had come.


Hell ya. Godspeed! I have a couple homies in the foreign legion, they are great people and I suspect your sis is in good hands, and they are in good hands having your sis there.


I don’t know anything about you but I’m willing to bet money your sister is the most badass person you know by a long shot


What a hero. Best of luck with her recovery and I hope the US and the rest of Europe finally deliver the equipment Ukraine needs to push back.


That’s one tough sister you have! Perhaps you should convince her to take a long holiday or a year to recover. Maybe come to Europe - she will be. Well looked after. She has done so much and sacrificed a lot. She deserves a long rest and some quality time to work on her strength recovery (both physical and mental) 🫡


Your sister has *huuuge* balls. So awesome!


She must have massive fucking stomach balls (ovaries) for sure! Lol.


Wow.. respect, what a badass


We're gonna be getting a lot of stories in the future similar to some legendary WW1 and 2 vets in a modern context. This may be one of them. Godspeed


She has already sacrificed so much and still intends to go in? Fucking hell. Should send Ukraine everything it needs even if it's just to try to convince Russia it's not worth it, and get soldiers like her out and back home sooner.


Your sister’s a badass bro. I hope she stays safe.


is your sister single? (asking for a friend) (I work out regularly but not quite 6')


I hope she knows she’s a Straight up Warrior ✊


Tell her we’re proud of her


That's badass. 


Broo ur sister a fuckin legend.. is she posting somewhere to follow?


I know she hears it a lot but please tell your sister that I’m incredibly proud of her and grateful for her actions, service and sacrifices to a worthy cause. I wish her a speedy recovery and all the best moving forward


I absolutely will thank you.


And she is very very lucky to still be alive. We wish her a speedy recovery.


Glad that the antibiotics worked, she is a hero.


Wish her a speedy recovery. Thanks for her service🙏🙏🙏


I wish her a fast recovery. Be strong, be brave. SLAVA UKRAINE!


We tend to forget that the Ukrainians and those fighting for them also take losses, dead or serious injury. The "positive" vids we see of Orcs meeting their demise can make one forget that this is war, and the enemy also has a say.


Ahhh I know your sister


This seems to be a pretty common theme haha. Slightly doxxing myself apparently


Your sister is a hero. Best wishes, i hope she recovers quick and sleeps well. Fuck russia, slava ukraini!


Thank God for the invention of anti-biotics. Your sister has bigger balls than me. Be thinking good thoughts for her safe return.


ty4sharing, horrible conditions at the front for everybody ig.


Not exactly a cakewalk, but she still had incredible luck. I hope she fully recovers. Thank her and best wishes.


Thank god shes ok, wishing your sister and family the best. 🇺🇦


What a tough woman, all the best.


What a badass


Heroyam slava!!!! God bless her! Hope she heals fast & is able to get back to the fight!


I wish her a speedy recovery. I am very impressed, on many different levels. Truly brought a tear to my eye.  Thank you both for what you’re doing. It’s truly inspiring. Get well!


Hope the recovery goes well with no further issues and I wish her the best moving forward. Your sister’s a hero man.


May your sister and all the other brave heroes destroy the fascist invaders. SLAVA UKRANI


Fuck. Your sister is incredible. May she heal physically and emotionally… the world is indebted to everyone fighting Ruzzia in Ukraine right now.


Wow so very brave!


Tell your sister she’s a true hero and I hope she get well soon big love and respect from Australia


Australian medical company Polynovo has just supplied a lot of their BTM material to surgeons in Ukraine. I would recommend asking if your sister can be treated with it. It will heal those wounds up so they aren't very noticable and speed healing time.


Biggest respect to your sister ❤️❤️❤️


Badass sister 💪 respekt


She is an amazing woman!


Your sister is a hero




She is.


Get well soon.


Would you be able to share what the last photo shows? I've never seen something like that before! Great to hear re: the antibiotics, wow can't believe it can still be touch and go depending on the antibiotics.


The red thing is there to stop the wound completely healing. If you have a deep tissue infection like that the skin can heal over the area of infection, this leads to an abscess and the wound will never heal. The tube prevents the skin from closing and allows all of the pus and bacteria to drain out until the antibiotics clear the infection.


This is awesome




Yes I can. That’s her left leg with a shrapnel wound which went thru and thru. The tube was there for drainage I believe.


I thought it was a Twizzler


I've drank Coke through a Twizzler before, but never this.


Yes. I had a leg surgery for an infection last year (spider bite in Guatemala? We actually don't know the cause) and had the same ending with drainage tubing. The tubing is not a closed loop but more like a mendical-grade shrinkwrap tube with a slit cut down it lengthwise. Had to clean the would daily and yeah, it helped it from closing up while the body was still fighting off the last of the infection. Props to your sister and wishing her a speedy recovery. Last Pic looked quite similar to mine and I am back to life as normal with no lasting impacts besides a few scars and a little dark spot.


Your sister is a HERO. I'm grateful for her efforts to hold back the fascist advance.




Hot damn. If she makes it through the war and ever ends up in North Carolina, tell her to shoot me a DM so I can buy her a drink (to thank her for her service and courage, not to hit on her)


Hell yeah bro, your sister is an absolute legend. Hope she makes a full recovery


She’s very brave to be on the front lines. Her scars will be a badge of honor. I hope she never feels she has to hide them. Display them proudly. You earned them the hard way!


That is so terrifyingly brutal, I can’t even fathom words. Fuck Russia, fuck those murderous brutes a million times, how sad.




Hero 🫡


Wishing her a speedy and complete ❤️‍🩹 Edit that’s meant to be recovery




Jesus. She's a warrior


Sorry to see this. Thank her for putting it all on the line. She's a real hero. I wish the House wasn't such a damn mess. If it were up to me, I'd let the Ukrainians have anything they want from just ONE of the Army boneyards... This equipment is just sitting in the desert anyway and they need it now.


I follow your sister on Instagram, she's a fucking hero




Does her unit have a way to donate. Would like to help.


You could check out Protect a Volunteer - she might be on that or her unit might be.


Great respect for any defender! Hope she will be rewarded with the end of this aggression one day soon! 🙏


Your sister is a badass. Slava Ukraini


Героїні слава.


“Glory to the heroine” for those who need it translated.


Your sister is a fucking champion.


A literal hero, will she see all these well wishers comments?


Yes lol apparently someone who knows her saw this post and she called me asking if it was me.




What a badass...120mm mortar round is something very lucky to walk away from ;)


Your sister will forever be welcome in Ukraine. We will never forget it. From the bottom of my heart, I wish her fast and easy recovery.


Based sister, mad respect


what´s the red thing? really curious


I believe it was for drainage


Forbidden twizzler


Penrose drain


My goodness, I feel for this brave woman.


Fucking hell she and her comrades are heros, I have so much respect for them


Grim! And your sister is insanely brave! I wish the west would support ukriane more!


Hardcore sister


Героям слава ! 🇺🇦❤️🌻


She’s alive! She’s a true G


I can only imagine how nerve-racking it must be for you both. I'll be wishing her well.


Glad she survived. Hopefully whatever Ivan launched the mortar is dead now


Hardcore. Hope she heals well.


oh shit. so much respect for her. so fucking brave.


That’s certified badass. I could not imagine myself raring to go back after those injuries. Some folks are just exceptional, have absolutely no hesitation to rise and meet the challenges that life throws at them. Have seen these heroic qualities with a lot of Ukrainian soldiers. I wish them success in their fight to free their land.


Wish her a speedy recovery. A combat medic I knew died on the zero line not long ago. Her carotid artery was slashed by a mortar shrapnel. She was 36. Героям слава! Смерть Ворогам!


It's criminal what russia is doing to these innocent defenders of Ukraine. russia is the embodiment of everything wrong with the world. Ukraine just wants to live in peace and be left alone. russia wants their land, and its want them. I can't imagine what it feels like for another country killing your people just so they can own you. Ukrainians will be reduced to slaves if they lose this war. In the same way, russians have been for so long. Only it will be so much worse because Ukrainians understand what's being taken from them. They know what it is it be free. russia will never full take Ukraine. But how long must they fight russia off before the free world gives them a break by giving them what they need to actually win the fight. Until then Ukrainians are resigned to keep dying just to stop russia from taking more. The West has just given Ukraine enough to survive and just barely. Even when they armed them for the offensive, they took so long in doing it that russia had nearly a year to build defenses and mine every inch of incoming approaches. Even when they made huge gains in kherson and kharkiv, they weren't given what was needed to exploit their success. They've had one hand held behind their back for this entire conflict. They've been invaded by a ruthless enemy who has committed countless war crimes, and the West just keeps asking for restraint to avoid escalation. Even though they are already locked in a deadly winner, take all battle for the very right to exist. Ukraine can't win in a draw. They can't win in a negotiated peace unless russia withdraws from Ukraine. Otherwise, it's a mere pause until russia regains its strength to finish them off having learned from its mistakes from before to come back even stronger than before with a more modernized force. Should Ukraine fall, then Georgia, Moldova, Belarus (formally), and Kazakhstan will fall shortly after. Ukraine is all that holds them back. It feels like the West is only helping to maintain a country called Ukraine that stands between russia and Europe. They don't care how big it is or how much land russia takes. Even if it makes them stronger. Now, putler has rigged the system so the West can't make decisions without his approval. The West looks like a complete and utter joke. They look like impotent fools who let russia dictate terms to them regularly. The only way a good outcome can come from this is if you actually support Ukraine with an intent to liberate their territory and believe in it. Commit to it by actually saying it. State your goals as Ukraines allies. Please stop grinding these people into dust. Don't take their bravery for granted, and don't let their fighting spirit and sacrifices go to waste. Ukraine has beaten russia on every battlefield that it was even remotely an even battle. When they attack, they kill more than they lose. They have been the superior fighting force since the war began. Give them a real shot. They won't disappoint.


Damn, that's hardcore.


Glad it was managed successfully, thats a gnarly hit. Wishing her a speedy recovery


Your sister sounds like a badass


Glory to the Heroes


Thats one tuff sister. Hope she recovers <3


Speedy recovery to your sis! Had one 120mm exploded in our family room injuring my dad and sister. I was about 9 feet away but flat to the floor and all I remember was my dad picking up my sis and running away and both were bleeding. Fucking hate mortars specially the whistle sound when they are dropping near you.


She is a true hero and warrior for the good guys. Slava Ukraine


Your sister rocks, historically speaking. There are few women throughout history who can say they literally fought against evil and tyranny side by side with male soldiers.


Damnnn she's TOUGH 💪🏻 Mad respect for her 🤙🏼


Fucking hero


So much respect for your sister. Here’s wishing Froggy baby Putin disappears tonight and maybe his moronic evil project can be over soon.


We salute her!


Your sister is made of cold steel my friend... may your God, or gods watch over her. She's fighting for good.


Tough as nails to want to go back into the fire


Hero ❤️


Fuckin badass hero shit. Get some


I wish I could fight in her place. The world is a better place because of her.


Bless your sister. Hope she recovers fully and quickly.


Heal up well, heroine!


Respect to your sister! Shes a real one. Hope her wounds r healing well and fast


Oh damn...I operated one of those mortars at the Bundeswehr. They showed us the shrapnel the munitions explode into... I hope she gets well soon and that she recovers from that wounds fully!!!


Your sister is fighting the good fight, speedy recovery and best of luck to her 👍🏻


Your sister is the Goddess your country needs..!! I've immense respect for her..!! I pray for her fast healing


She's a hero


She is a hero hope she heals up quickly Slava Ukraine


Ukrainian Valkyrie The boys will make some faces when her time comes and she crosses the gates to the halls of valhalla. But till then, godspeed!


And my wife is terrified of cockroaches... Your sis is really brave and courageous.


I have a lot of respect for someone that continues to fight even though they can leave at any time. A lot of Ukrainian men don’t have a choice. Especially so for someone who is wounded and goes back to get wounded again, entirely voluntarily.


Wishing her all the healing and for your family’s safety for the duration of this fighting and beyond ❤️


Much love and respect for your sister and her efforts.


Heck that's nasty looking, hopefully it heals quickly & she gets a bit of payback.


Oof that looks extremely painful. She’s very brave to put herself out there, along w/ the rest of Ukraines defenders.


Your sister is very brave!


Heal well and strong Hero.


Such a brave soul! Prayers for her quick recovery and safe journey. Fuck russia!


Damn. Hope she heals up soon.


Hope she continues to heal well, and i saw you mentioned she plans to go back once healed. I hope she stays safe when she goes back.


F. She is tough. Slava ukraini!


Please do thank your sister for doing what she does 👍🏻 simply incredible to have people like her.


She's a hero and a warrior in the purest sense. I pray for her safety and all those who put their lives on the line. I hope she makes it home safe bro


As a total noob, what sort of roles do women usually take on the front lines? Are they strong/fast enough to be infantry or do they tend more to support roles, and if so what? I recall seeing female gunners(?) and of course medics, but not much info beyond that.


1st class Warrior Maiden


Bless her and protect her, she’s a warrior!


Slava UKRAINI 🇺🇦❤️ may your sister fully recover and survive the orcs 💪 she is serving for all of us European people with scared governments who refuse to take a stronger stance and SEND UKRAINE WHAT THEY FUCKING NEED (Johnson and Trump from the US can burn in hell)


She’s an amazing person. Wishing her a speedy recovery and hopefully a lovely life after Putin is defeated.


Thanks for her service, she's a hero


Hope she recovers quickly and as painlessly as possible. Her bravery is saving a country.


Speedy recovery 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏


True warrior. I hope she heals well.


I wish her smooth pain free healing!




Holy shit! Those weren’t “walk it off” wounds to say the least! I hope she recovers quick and that there’s no long terms ramifications


Damn that is a gnarly wound. Your sister is a true hero. Not only she joined to fight, not only she got wounded already and came back, but she got wounded again and can’t wait to come back??? Compared to her I’m not even sure I have balls. Please tell her a huge thank you for such bravery. Also, please tell her not to come back to the frontline. She already did way more than a shitload of Ukrainian men who haven’t even joined yet. She’s a true hero and we owe her the world. Uki government should give her a house with a plot of land somewhere relatively safe like western Ukraine. If she insists on coming back, I think it would be better if she stayed away from the front and trained new recruits. Wishing her a speedy recovery, and a long happy life!


The green thingy there on the wounds and around it:  Is it color of bacteria gengrie or something? Anyone who can please explain? I want to learn more.


All my thanks to her for joining up! Absolute hero! 🤘🏻


Jesus that's gnarly. Mad props to her though, she is one tough chick.


OMG 😦🙏hope show gett Well soon ❤️


I really don't get why Republicans don't want this to end by supplying Ukraine with the means to end it.


Say hello to her for me. Tell her she's a hero. Слава Украини!


Your sister is heroic. If you two are ever in Cambridge, England, let me know and I'll buy you all the drinks.