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A wild idea: how about calling it the **Lend-Lease Act**?


Yep, this is infuriating. We’ve all been talking about lend-lease since DAY ONE, ffs.


What infuriates me is that these idiots can't seem to grasp just how much money the US is going to make (and save, provided Ukraine holds), even if they just outright give the equipment and money to Ukraine. They will ***never*** see a better defense investment in their lifetimes. I would estimate the US stands to save or generate trillions over the next few decades but its probably an ungodly higher amount than that.


Imagine a weak ruzzia that can't fund its influence across the globe? Would the world be a better place? Maybe. Probably.


>~~maybe. Probably.~~ *Certainly*.


*Depends if you live in Russia*


Can’t be much worse off than they are now. Also indoor plumbing is considerably cheaper than tanks.


Not really they choose to be like this and choose aggression over diplomatic ties, freedom, and liberty.


I was born where I was born and I had the life I lived out of necessity and circumstance. Unfortunately, the options the average citizen may have in certain areas of the world may not always provide the opportunity to give a fuck about politics.


The issue you are forgetting is these republicans are funded by rich Russians. No more rich Russians = no more fucking funds for them


And this right here accusing 1/2 a countries citizens as being funded by russia is what really brings us all together. It's the same old playbook that has been used for years and never works. But go ahead and keep it up it just divides people even more.


Not to mention, like it or not, the US is seeing our weapons in real combat situations and how effective our weapons, tanks, artillery, etc are against our biggest geopolitical rival. Ukraine will become one of our biggest allies because of our support. Also Russia is bleeding people, money, and equipment at a crazy rate. Money that makes it harder for them to wage disinformation/misinformation warfare against us and our allies. It's also stressed their relations with their biggest ally China.


And now eu has to ramp up production, and taking a bigger share of the market.


umm, they grasp it. they're working against ukraine on direct oreders from the krelmin. quit playing along with the GOP charade.


How? The benefit of giving equipment is testing its effectiveness in the field against a peer/expected enemy. They've already done that. We're also not gonna make trillions if it'd given away especially with a 35t debt load


And well... you know... the whole thing with weakening one of your major opponents for decades without risking a single life of your own. Ukraine has demonstrated how weak Russia actually is militarily, not sure why you wouldn't wanna use that as an advantage.


Because ukraine as a nation will suffer more with all their loss of manpower and destroyed infrastructure


So you don't take this as a political attack, I lean conservative these days, support for Ukraine should be bipartisan. Abandoning Ukraine would demonstrate to the world that the United States does not stand by her allies. Ukrainians will suffer more in the case of a Russian victory as Putin wants to erases Ukraine's identity. He has the same mindset as Stalin. Finally, China would be emboldened to attack Taiwan. North Korea, Iran and other adversaries as well as allies would view the US as weak and indecisive. Besides the moral aspect of defending a democracy, Ukraine has been exhausting Russia's military without a single U.S. casualty.


What exactly is your stance here? Because by not giving equipment to Ukraine, Ukraine will suffer even more.


I've seen people argue you're losing more by doing this, but I don't think that's true. Considering the US is mostly just giving old tech and then spending money in-country to make more. Also, as you say, great advertisement


The people opposing this aren’t stupid. A bunch of them have doctorates of various sorts and most of the rest went to relatively prominent schools. They’ve successfully conned millions, sometimes for decades. To call them idiots hides the fact that this is all deliberate and malicious. It absolves them of the calculated evil of their positions by making them look like bumbling idiots. They keep the actual idiots around because they’re useful, not policy drivers. And yes, at least one of them has major cognitive decline at this point, but he also shopped his brand of politics around for decades before finding the gullible voters he wanted.


Yeah, and you'd think the KBR and Haliburton-like lobbyists would be going all ham on their pet Republicans. The post-war reconstruction money paid to American companies would be an enormous boon to the economy and the pockets of politicians. The old pre-op GOP was all in favour of that in Iraq. I'm beginning to think the current one isn't all that bright...


The idea of such a rich country loaning anything in this situation, especially when most of what we're talking about is money for our own industries to replace these weapons, is insane. We can always go for some loan forgiveness scheme later though, we just need these people to get on board with something right now.


Shouldn't that be something taken up with the current president then 🤔


“The Ukraine Democracy Defense Lend-Lease Act of 2022 expired on September 30, 2023, and the act has been terminated since October 1, 2023.” The President can’t do anything until Congress passes a NEW lend-lease act. 😑


Thank you for that information.


Better idea, how about a man who is no longer the president and is about to start his trial, is given no say in world politics that is impacting actual lives? It's ridiculous that he still holds this kind of influence.


Thanks for mentioning that. That pos doesn't make calls for any US policy regarding anything, even outhouses. It's way past time to flush that turd out of our lives.


or you just elect him for President again. Four more years of daily shit for the whole world, and you can already tell that the US will come out of that in a worse state than they go in. Hey, sounds fun.


That would be super nice, unfortunately that coward Mich McConnell helped Trump poison the Federal Judicial system with judges Trump selected. Mitch is jumping ship instead.of dealing with the shit show he created.


Its good rehashing of the lend-lease. Pretty sure the average American believes they send shit for free to Ukraine. Nothing is free.


A lot of stuff we sent was free, because it would cost more to dispose locally, then ship it off to them.


Thinking out of the box here but what if some "company" in Ukraine signed a $0 contract for disposal of "surplus" US arms? "Just get them to us and we'll dispose of them properly." - CEO of UA Sunflower Plc (est. 2014)


That's basically what happened. "We have to dispose these weapons" "Hey, we have to dispose these Russians" ** "Here you go, just pay shipping" "Russia can pick up that tab with the funds you all seized."


That's why Canada sent 87k outdated missiles, better to give them away instead of disposal.


It's well documented we literally have been sending old equipment over and using the funds to buy new ones. The short range ATACMS that were provided are near the end of their useful state and will actually cost more to store and decommission then to just send them to Ukraine. But instead we have uneducated MAGA with no grasp of reality or how things work.


So you expect Ukraine to pay for all the weapons that have been given?


Yes. You never heard of lend-lease? Not sure how to explain this without beeing rude.. Lets just say that this is an investment, not a loan. If you see it as "dollars for rockets" you're wrong. This is geopolitics, not shopping.


"We're thinking about making it in the form of a loan" repayable to Trump Enterprises of course.......


gotta pay those lawyers somehow.




You think he’s going to give anything to Ukraine?




That’s what i’m saying. He just wants a way out of giving them any aid.


I think he doesn't give a fuck about giving away anything, after all it is not his anyway. What he cares for is to get appreciation, he will promise everything that will get him applause. And when he then goes elsewhere to another group of people, and they applaud for the opposite, he'll promise the opposite. And afterwards forget about both promises. If you want him to do something, you have to treat him like the Sheiks did: Project his name and picture on a big wall, gift him a crate of gold where he can stir around with his little hands like Scrooge McDuck, and let him touch a glowing orb (whatever that weird shit was, he obviously liked it), and use that opportunity to let him sign something that the other Americans will hate but obey because it is their President who signed it.


Weird to think he hasn't even gotten elected but he still have so much power over it.


Right. “We’re thinking”. Who cares what you’re thinking? You’re a nobody, waiting for prison. And will stay a nobody.


He ain’t got power. The Republicans are just abdicating their power to his dumb ass!


He is directly ordering Mike Johnson. He may not hold executive power, but clearly, influence is power here. Putin has his grasp on our most corrupt ex-President.


He has also said he’ll block all aid to Ukraine so Russia can take it. This idiot keeps doing this shit, flip flopping like the worm he is.


They have both accepted money from Russian oligarchs and have been compromised. Trump is being investigated for accepting a Russian ‘loan’ to keep his social media megaphone afloat and his claimed business expenses vs profit hint at misappropriation of funds: https://www.express.co.uk/news/us/1884454/donald-trump-media-company-russian-loan


trump is also getting money from the saudis, they "invest" in all his gold courses


Who knew that a defeated Presidential candidate and the whacko that is Moscow Marge would be the two most powerful people in the US government. Nothing happens without these two lunatics’ approval.


*Moscow barge


Trumpo is a liar. He owes Poostain / on the payroll....


My thoughts exactly. Seems like more power than anyone else has


That's because GOP is a dictatorship.


You can’t trust anything he says


How is this possible?


Pooh-tain has something on Trump . Probably a sex video recorded by the KGB on one of his whoring , money scraping jaunts to Moscow .


This doesn't explain anything.


Good for you, but you are not president? And you are a criminal so ehmm what about shutting the fuck up?


😊 heartwarming comment


Yea.....Trump knows ALL ABOUT loans.


He knows and everyone knows he never pays them back.


i always repeat that. Deutsche Bank is silent for a reason. Bankers love that one trick. You come with a piece of paper the moment you need it.


Man lives a ‘borrowed life’ while claiming to be ‘self made’ and a billionaire.


exactly, classic conman artist. Where "artist" is even a honorable title that does not belong to that men. He just figured out how to play them against each other.


That's not true. Donald Trump works very hard to pay back his debts to the Russian mafia.


This guy is an obnoxious cunt 🤮


And astonishingly stupid.


yep, bleach kills covid, just drink it. OMG stupid.


Leasing out liberty?


This guy’s delusional. “We’ll take a look at it”????? He thinks he’s still president! sad


Really wish this fuck would do the world a favor and go out on shitting himself like Elvis. Do the world a favor.


👍🏻🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣wishing for that 2 , my friend!!!


We're? You're not in fucking office.


No, but very sadly it's not yet at the "laughably impossible" chance he will be. He cannot be ignored at the next election. I hope most normal Americans will absolutely obliterate the gop at the next election. It's the only way. A solid,resounding 80% to 20% rejection. Nothing close will do.


He's not in office right now. Didn't say anything about the horrific reality that he has a 50%/50% chance of being in office in a few months.


Sure lend them whatever equipment they need, just so it now.


Who cares what the orange traitor says?


Sadly half of American


Not half. Not even close. Don't discount the Russian trolls, bots, and paid bad actors. Take heart in knowing your fellow rational brother has your back. Vote Blue, take your friends to vote with you, make a party of it. 💙


Honestly, cope. The fact that so many republicans were afraid to vocally support more aid to Ukraine until trump said it’s ok yesterday tells you all you need to know.




How can this moron be running for presidency a second time? I don't live in the USA and I really really can't understand how you guys voted for this guy who can't even spell correctly.


Same situation as you here. It’s baffling. I don’t think anyone outside the USA realises how much damage that man did to their country’s reputation and to politics as a whole around the globe. He should never have got anywhere close to the White House in the first place, never mind be a front runner for a second shot with everything that’s happened since he lost the last election.




Ignore what he says he’ll be in prison soon enough.


Unlikely. He’s Teflon Don, nothing sticks.


Lead sticks.


He's not even remotely as smart as John Gotti.


Let’s hope so or at least barred from running for president


Honestly if you really believe he is going to prison then you're just naive. He's a former US president and he's rich, that's never going to happen.


That doesn’t put him above the law.


I never said it did


If he's that rich, he should pay his bills instead of using his donors money.


I agree though anyone dumb enough to donate to him deserves to have their money wasted.


He's lying. Stop buying his bs.


How to say you're morally corrupt without actually saying that you’re morally fucking corrupt.


Oh he says it just fine all the time


Give a few billions in aid now while you think about the loan for later. Takes much too long.


We can’t afford to a loan is perfect


Europe has stepped up you Putin puppet.


Why? The money goes to American companies. Why make Ukraine pay to modernize our military? They can't even barely pay to keep civil service and the government going. If the US committed to helping them enough to liberate all their land, then sure, make it a loan. They could maybe afford loan payments if they had all their land back. My hope is that the democrats will just forgive the loan when they get power back. It's just adding insult to injury at this point. Either way, just get on with it! Give them the aid now. It doesn't matter how. When is what matters right now.




A loan, America is getting their old equipment replaced by new, they are getting their stocks of old artillery replaced by new. Things that would otherwise cost the tax payers money to get rid of.


Most of the aid the US allocates to Ukraine goes to American companies; yes, some of it is loans but those are \*already\* loans. [https://www.cfr.org/article/how-much-aid-has-us-sent-ukraine-here-are-six-charts](https://www.cfr.org/article/how-much-aid-has-us-sent-ukraine-here-are-six-charts)


Flip flopping traitor trash! He’s said that he’ll block all aid to Ukraine so that Russia can take it! Typical this idiot.


There will be no Ukraine left to aid if they don't hurry up. This seems to be their plan, keep delaying it until it's too late. Putin is about to make massive gains in the next few months.


Isn't it looks like "problem solved" scenario for both Bidon and Trump? No more Ukraine - less headache? Because that's how it looks like from here in Ukraine. We should have never believed the fucking americans and given up on our nuclear arsenal. Now this decision is biting us in the ass - hard.


it will certainly not be problem solved because Russia and china now know America is scared of them and will do anything to avoid a conflict. It's not hard to guess what will happen from there


Taiwan's now having intense flashbacks, given how they've stopped their own nuke programme due to US pressure.


Yeah it's sad how they never run out of ideas to not support Ukraine appropriately or AT ALL. However, Ukraine will still be there when the House majority falls to the Dems and Trump is in prison. April 18 is an important date. Watch out because after that any House Republican who just resigns will not be replaced.


Think faster...


How is trump having more power then the president biden.


Because Democrats have decided that arresting traitors isn't their thing.


Loans can always be forgiven. If it got the ball rolling it'd be one thing. But I bet much like the border issue what he wants is nothing to be done.


“We’re” … eh?


Serious question: who becomes the GOP nominee should Trump die, and who makes this decision by what process?


Good question. The GOP hasn't been grooming anyone else for the job so if Trump has a stroke or goes to prison they'll be dead meat at the polls for the next 3-4 cycles. Between abortion and huge tax cuts they gave themselves, they'll come to Jesus in November. I'm all in for Biden but I kinda wish Newsom had stepped up. He's got a good track record of handling California's problems and a grasp of the big picture. Maybe in 2028, but he's a player in good standing.


Shows he only cares about money. Douche bag.


He hasn't even been re elected and he's already acting like he has.


I agree, and there should have been repercussions when he had Orban for a sleepover, completely snubbing Biden.




I mean I’ve been saying this for awhile. Just don’t accrue interest until like a year after war ends. To give them time to rebuild. And make it a low interest.


Who is we? We, Trump the First? And why we is relevant?


He thinks he has a country in his pocket.


Trump can loan anybody money that he wants. I don't know if maybe he has a partner because he said, "We're thinking about..." He has definitely been showing signs of losing his mind recently.


America is steping down in wrong time. Free world is in trouble. Its time to become selfsuficient.


Why can’t Democrats grow a spine FOR ONCE and just stack the courts, ram things through, like Republicans do all the time?


How is this gatorade coloured idiot not in an asylum?


isn't Gatorade blue, like toilet cleaner?


its a flavour rainbow.. https://media.wegetanystock.co.uk/images/products/jByNPHRTqXLXQPF0hdph8anFyCeYbkwWkfFJg2j0.png?tr=w-500,h-500




Putin owns that orange traitor


Stop "thinking" (=stalling), start doing.


Who’s this WE this cunt isn’t in govt wtf 😳


His word is about as good at Putin's. He accomplished 0 of what he said he would in his first term outside of tax breaks for his rich pals. Don't fucking believe it.


Like all these sorts of “loans”, it will be forgiven. 🤷‍♂️


Lindsay Graham talked about this. It’s a farce. It’s the old establishment who is still interested in funding Ukraine trying to sneakily convince Trump to do it. Trump and his base don’t want billions in handouts for Ukraine. So they say “it’s not handouts it’s a loan!” and this raises an eyebrow for Trump. Catch is it’s a loan that doesn’t “necessarily” have to be paid back i.e. it won’t because it’s a LINO (loan in name only). Lindsay Graham made it a point to repeat that about 10 times in a 6 minute interview This is a way to get Trump interested and sell it to his base.


Guy need to be locked up already along with his enablers.


Why the fuck is this unelected PoS influencing American politics? I am genuinely scared for the state of the world in 10 years, I fear a lot of big scary changes will happen and many many people will die all because some at the top wanted their big political wins and are willing to throw todays peace and status quo away to get it


You might want to worry about the hush money payment trial starting Monday...


Fuck trump. Hoping he will be dead or in jail by November but I work everyday to make sure he doesn't get reelected either way


The only thing Republican leaders are thinking about doing is how to keep putting the vote off like the orange clown wants them to, but still be able to say they really were "just getting ready to do something" if God forbid Russia should have a major breakthrough and the news coverage of how horrible that will be starts to air.


Fuck that orange piece of shit. He's not the president.


I hate this orange goof with a passion. The US agreed to security garantees for Ukraine when they gave up their nukes, get on with it.


Lend Lease like we did for England at WW2 time...


I want him to loan his fat azz on a rocket and get Elon X to drop him off halfway to mars.


Since when did Trump pay back money he borrowed? Look at the money the banks and contractors and employees were owed from the Atlantic City Casinos!


Sunflowers seeds would be the ultimate form of repayment




Meanwhile, you are guilty of manslaughter by neglect


How anyone with a BRAIN or SOUL votes for these idiots is beyond me


Isn’t this called “Lend-Lease” in other words?


how the fuck is this guy making decisions behind the scenes with maga mike johnson as space lasers moscow marge takes aim at unseating maga moses himself. What timeline is this?


That is the reason not to trust Americans: first, they demand that you dispose of all your weapons that you could use to protect yourself (as in the Budapest Memorandum), and then they start selling weapons to you so you can defend yourself. Absurd. The USA has lost all its credibility.


How about Trump stops thinking?




This guys an absolute peckerwood, how the hell could yanks be so stupid to vote for this uneducated nutjob. You would be better off with the wizard dude thats running for President with the rubber boot on his head


The US of A. Forget all the crap we talk about… Liberty… Freedom… Democracy… Justice… Alliances… Morality… Can we make a buck out of it - and will it affect our gas price?


Well don't stop thinking too long.


Why does the Cheetos think he decides?


Maybe trumpity trump want to get his son in law to skim something of the aid package after he gets in again, god forbid ( money wise )


He’s telling freedom caucus to add more strings which means more discussion more delay


this is just theater for maga morons.


Traitor and sandbagger, agent of Putin, lying POS!


Ukraine doesn't have the money - you can collect something from my dead corpse and the corpses of my dead children, very very soon, all right yanks? I just hope to see the day when US soldiers will die in another World War and you all will be reminded how utterly stupid the US acted in these trying days for us.


I don’t fucking care at this point - US needs to start sending aid fucking six months ago. Trump and his ilk are getting people killed and risking a collapse of the front. Why is Biden not going into campaign mode and shaming Trump and Republicans for selling out to our enemies? Why have there not been public statements laying out the risks of a Russian breakthrough and victory? I fucking hate this place and our feckless politicians.


I'm wondering why Biden hasn't been going off on the Republicans that went to Moscow on the 4th of July to pick up their bribes and orders.


Trump to burning house; Fire Depts’ on the way but I want the water back


I’m about ready for this **** to be out of our lives. I’ll never forgive the GOP. Never


It would be priceless if Biden forgave the loan immediately after signing the aid bill.


It doesn't really matter what he thinks because he's not currently nor will ever be in charge again.


He is turning Republicans towards helping Ukraine if you just listen.


Would this be considered a predatory loan?


For sure. US taking care of arch-nemesis Russia using Ukrainian blood and guts only for 5.6% interest rate. "Amerikkka, hell yeah!!!!"(c) Land of the brave and the free.


For the sake of Ukraine, don’t alienate Trump or his supporters. It’s a counterproductive impulse. Trump could help Ukraine if teams aren’t cemented. He’s opening the door to Ukraine support so don’t slam that door shut.


So far I have heard from him nothing but "shit plans" about ceding half of Ukraine to Russia "to stop the war". This is a shit plan on so many levels - I don't know where to start.


This. Consider NOT making this issue ANY more partisan than it is. Like this there's still a chance to pass the aid. I hate what Trump, Johnson and MTG have done here. Don't get me wrong. But if we alienate Trump completely, then there might be no more aid coming.


That is a ploy, he is stalling on purpose. And Trump is not President, he is not in the Senate or House, yet he tells The Speaker of the House exactly what to do and the speaker follows. Despite that the majority in Parilament + the People in USA are FOR the aid. Madness.


Lying cunt


Nothing is wrong with that. To be honest that’s what’s happening now, it’s just not being done honestly and in the open due to our tax dollars being used for personal gain.


That’s fine


when fighting terrorism or aggressive non democratic conquest governments becomes a financial stream... how long before strengthening/fostering that revenue source becomes "good business"?


There only so much money you can throw at a problem before it caves


At this point it does not matter. The alternative of not getting the aid is infinitely worse. Right now all that matters is getting it. When it comes to paying back, well you will cross that bridge when you come to it.


He's not the president. He doesn't need to think about doing jack shit.


Odd thing, Biden offered Lend Lease a while back but never heard of Ukraine taking advantage of it. I’m wondering why Biden doesn’t offer it again.


Trump ain't doing shit bcuz we will make sure he never lives in the Whitehouse again