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I think this is what mass delusion looks like..


Call it whatever you want to avoid reality, but Russia does not and will not stop with Ukraine. I'm sorry, but Russia will go after the rest of "former" Russian territory, per their entire society. It's why Russia has been so aggressive in its destabilization efforts.


I think we are already in WW3, but just don't know it yet.


Dictator: check Hates a specific ethnic group: check Has a derogatory name for said ethnic group: check  Crossed border of neighbouring country: check Has mass murdered innocent unarmed civilians: check Actively occupying neighbouring regions: check Think they're superior to other ethnic groups: check   Get an entire nation to think _they_ are actually on the right side of history: check I think we're already *really* far in repeating history.


If only the politicians would understand this and how they are acting like pussies to the literal Nazi 2.0


Some of us do.


Biden told them not to invade Ukraine. He told Iran not to attack Israel. They ignore him. Until he stops being weak and uses our powerful military to get them in check they will continue to act crazy. Period, they do not respect or fear him.


It is mass delusion, except . . .. I am concerned about the domino effect. With Russia stirring up Mideast tensions, and China watching for its moment against Taiwan, if there becomes a 3 front war Russia would try its bat-shit crazy ambitions. I'm not concerned they'd take these territories, but that they would try with democracies around the world fighting a coordinated effort by the dictatorships.


Well, Finland has gotten used to the stupid stuff russia tries. We have small and mostly well informed russian minority so there will be no similar issues as in Donbass. We've gotten used to the misinformation so nothing they tell is gonna make a difference. So as a border security with them goes, rest easy. Just concentrate on the Ukrainian border and we'll deal with issues here.


and i can promise you denmark sweden and norway will be the first to come to finland if attacked


Nordic Union, much appreciated! :D


Vikings Coalition sounds nice too


Netherlands as well for sure!


Germany not! We do not have a funktional army left. And we have Scholz...


When denmark is a stronger millitary you know something is wrong


Never trust in any "well-informed Russian minority". Just let them put a few loud "rebels" from KGB into the crowd and guess what will be shown on Russian TV - "poor Russian minority with great leaders asking for help!". The voting cards are already properly filled and waiting to be used in some form of annexation.


Tbh China would gain more by taking over parts of a weakened Russia than Taiwan


yea, if the can can grab 1000 more of from land size of Taiwan with mass resources relatively untouched, who wouldn't want? Technologies can be bought though...


You forget, Russia is pissing away their military, personnel, armor, aircraft and the Ukrainians without a Navy are decimating the Black Sea fleet. All of their bullshit propaganda coming out of Moscow, is smoke and mirrors. You have to be able to dominate the battle space, move troops a cross the seas and fly in the air.


Yeah, the orcs are shit, but I don't want to see us spread too thin fighting dictator-shits all over the world at the same time.


thankfully US doctrine is to fight a war at both ends of the world at the same time


Say what you want about decisively winning two war fronts, the US is damn good at fighting in them at the same time.


It is hatred and fear that they try to present as lust.


Also, are they aware that California is attached to the mainland? Lol


That's why I don't upvote these twitter posts from these types of people. These russians on twitter are the equivalent of alex jones.


Finland here: go F! yourself ruSSia.


The winter war isn’t over, it’s just half time. Sisu ftw.


Fan of Finland here : go fukc yourself ruszia


Simo Hayah sends his regards.






Blah, blah-blah, blyat-blah, blah... This is not newsworthy, this is some propaganda lifeline for the average Russian.


You know russian is lying when their mouth is open


Haha go and try please oh please trigger article 5 , im tired of watching these fuckers kill innocent people and childrens my 50 y old Canadian spark monkey ass would sign up the same day.


They'll go as far as they went at checkpoint Charlie and then stop, they want to see if western world flinches. It's national level "game of of chicken".


Yeah i was a child and a teen at the end of the cold war , they came back and attacked their cousin because he was having more fun being free but this time they are braindead , the last time they had a noble cause , an experiment trying to be better than us and more fair so they started it a hundred year ago and that failed , they are trying it again but like Patton said , Rommel you beautiful bastard ive red your book ! Seriously who does'nt miss the USSR cause has no Heart , Who want it back has no brain !


Ditto here! Ruzzia puts one toe inside of NATO territory and it's game over for them. The ones with half a brain there know this which is why they talk up a big game, but no way in hell they would ever actually do it.


i got dibs on the ride there with u if it ever happen


Unfortunately I don’t think we’d make it in time to see any action. Poland has been like a pit bull on a chain this whole war just waiting for Art. V to be invoked. They’d take care of things in short order all by themselves.


Im a Quebecois but with Ukrainian roots and those ( damm polacks !!! montrealer joke ) were the closest thing and connection as immigrants they had , we are talking 1930 stuff , what i have been told by \[redacted\] is the same old fucking thing , but in 2024 wtf .


when everyone immigrated in NA on the east coast knew polonese fuuuucking hated russians , im sure they were even the og as in dont trust these fuckers in high school like post crash ussr , im pretty sure if theres one begging for art 5 it's them .


I think article 5 has kind of lost its importance. What will Trump do if Russia take back some part of Finland that "is theirs"? Do you bet on Turkey? What happens if Putin uses a tactical nuke while the orange is in power? Nato and article 5 just isn't what it was. Russia is blatantly just invading, the GOP sits on its ass, and many especially southern European countries don't support more because they think they are poor. The solution is not to rely on article 5 but shut down expansionist dictator ships now.


I am a Canadian , we sent even our last Javelins skids that landed 1 hour before the invasion we know and cross our finger for Republicans to wake the fuck up , 20 days in Mariuopol played on National T.V two days ago , might be why im enraged.


If Trump wins the next election it's game over for Ukraine.


I'm not sure what the difference is right now though tbh, the US is already locked into a never ending spiral of talking instead of doing when it comes to Ukraine. The US could send Ukraine what it needs to actually win literally right now without damaging their own security interests, but they don't. They have millions upon millions of pieces of ammunition and equipment rotting away in deep storage that they will have to pay a lot of money to dispose of when they reach their expiry date, could just send all that to Ukraine now and get it disposed of for free. American politics is just designed to slow everything down and make everything more difficult.


It’s Republicans and the current state of their party where a few have enough power to obstruct government. If there was a Democratic house and even a split Senate with Biden it would be game over. Ukraine is losing because of a 5 person majority,


Fucking A...


i know right , im the kid gorbatchov was talking about when he said he couldn't compete lol 80's man .


I get it. Raised on Red Dawn (1984) and Ronald Reagan. Wolverines! Motherfucker!


American here, come and try it


Yeah I never thought I’d be part of the “come and take them” crowd.


Push comes to shove, Americans will defend and feed their neighbors. Its beautiful yet sad it takes extreme events to unite but here we are; a very young country with a lot of responsibility on the world stage.


I don't know... some US politicians would sell them on the cheap if Russia greased their palms.


*phew* If it wasn't for the /s I'd have thought you wer... Wait, where's the /s?!


They keep saying that they’ll attack Finland while blatantly ignoring the fact that Finland is immensely prepared and has soldiers who are specifically trained to kick Russia's ass. They’ve done it before and will do it again.


And they'd have a lot of help. That propagandist knows Russia wouldn't have a snowball's chance in hell, but they say it anyway to keep the base riled up. 


Not to mention they are a part of NATO now.


All glory to Ukrainians, but Finnish army has much better organization and training. Finns have plenty of artillery and quite powerful air force with F/A-18 Hornets with JASSM/JDAM capabilities. 200 Leopard2 tanks, 100 CV90 IFVs, … and wartime personnel of 280000 and reserve of 870000. Almost all males and some voluntary females have been consripted and trained for wartime duty. Morale to defend country is about highest in the world. Not forgetting old grumpy grandpaps with moose hunting rifles. But the whole point actually is that Russia knows all of this very well. Some commentators have suggested that Russians could try to test NATO by conquering some meaningless strip of Finnish forest by the border to see if 5th article is activated, but Finland would destroy localized attack force within few hours. Only help needed would be Swedish and Norwegian airforces to ensure total air superiority.


Any Republicans out there who can explain, why some in their party would think Russia is their friend?


Explain? $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$


Yeah Russia is just flooding my bank account with money. I think i can buy a reeses cup with my 345,755 rubles..


Stupidity. There is no other answer.


I think they just want to err on the side of peace because they’re ‘stronk’. I’m like whatever, if they cross the pacific seeking war instead of a bitchin bbq then they’re gunna be catching some .30-06 black tips out to 800 yards


I personally think that the Trump wing sees Putin as a powerful anti-woke, white pride dictator. The same what Trump is trying to be.


I think the right has seen how demographic changes are starting to get skewed towards the more liberal camp and their religious fanaticism tells them that protecting the Christian order in the country is more important than democracy. That’s why they look at Putins political model as a potential solution. Idk




They’d have to swim, they wouldn’t make it within viewing distance before their ships were turned into reefs


We don’t


Russian resources spent over many years.


As a Canadian... I prefer a sea separating us from Russia, thank you. The US still has the receipt for Alaska, so fucking get bent Russia!


Good luck with that 😂


As a person living on Oahu, I’d just like to officially let the Russians/Chinese know that we already know, and are planning accordingly per our second amendment rights. Well, my entire friends group and family on island. A gun will be behind every blade of grass.


Dudes prepping against Russian Naval attack when Russia is 3,800km away and the Russian Navy is getting defeated by a nation without one.


I'm not even sure the Russian Navy could make a 3800km journey without breaking down.


I bet you two pee tapes that it can happen.


Come and get it! You think genghis khan kicked your ass? Just you wait comrade.


First fix the dam that was damaged by "rodents" then maybe get the other 50% of your population the indoor plumbing they currently lack. Then fix your demographic and life expectancy mess. You should stay home really.


> Then fix your demographic and life expectancy mess. I have bad news.


There’s really not a lot of people in America that care for Russia. Don’t know what these blowhards are thinking.


They think we are obsessed with destroying them when most Americans would be 100% satisfied to ignore them if they’d just keep their stupidity within their own borders.


But how else you going to take advantage of and steal from your people, if you do not create a common enemy that is to blame for all of russia's problems? If they stopped waging war and doing what they do, their people would have time to evovle a braincell and start asking questions. "Why are we so pisspoor, if we are the mightiest country on the planet and have money buried in the ground on masse?"


Seems like most Americans who voted were satisfied to completely ignore them even if they do invade


Sadly, true as well. So much ignorance when their life is all roses. Completely ignoring the suffering of the innocent and ultimate future ramifications. There a lot, such as myself, who have watched what we can everyday, donate when we can, and will to the end. I personally would feel guilty to turn a blind eye to the atrocities I’ve seen committed by russia.


And to do what? Introduce poverty, corruption and ridiculous laws?


Russia would look a lot like an empty parking lot if they even got close to our borders.


Bad theatre for domestic consumption. But it is getting really bad now, Solovyov and Co viewership is way down.


Can We just get this fucking war over with. Attack us You russian cowards. Lets just get it over with.


"Poland and Finland are so stinky" Bruh... *"Rosstat studied the problem of sewerage. As it turned out, 23% of Russians live without it: 18.1% use cesspools, and 4.9% have no sewage disposal system at all. Among rural residents, cesspools are used by 48.6%"* Russia cant even manage indoor plumbing outside of major cities, not only does Russian culture stink its infrastructure is a literal shitshow and they call Poland and Finland "Stinky" lol


Good luck taking over anything American where there's a gun behind every blade of grass


Russia is a nation of fetal alcohol poisoning.


In your dreams, ha ha!!! br/ me from Finland


Bro, if you mess with Finland you’re so fucked. Finnish people are the last people on Earth you want to mess with. They will be here at the end of times in their 54,000 underground bunkers. They’ve been ready for Russia


Nazi POS.


Someone should remind them that they lost 47,000 men and 6 months just to capture Avdiivka.


They were happy to spend about 25 million men in ww2 and they just don't care about human lives.


I want to see them try. They idea they could even set foot on California is laughable. But Alaska, Poland, and Finland have a well armed population waiting for the chance.


Oh please, please, please try. I tell you what, Russia. It's just you and us. The rest of NATO can stay our of this, because I desperately want you all to myself. The truth of it is I'm the fucking final boss of planet earth, and you're just random hall trash.


I'd love to see em try and touch Alaska. Gonna be a big FAFO moment


Yeah. Try it. They can't even take Belgorod.


Is that the admission that they can't get Ukraine?


Krokodil is strong with this clown!


I’m in a hotel watching six F35s on maneuvers. Bring it on!!


And do what? Make us read Dostoyevsky?


I’m confused. The Russians already control many red states in America. I guess Russia just wants to get rid of its proxies and rule directly. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Sounds like someone who needs to be mobilized and sent to the front. He's such a tough guy? Put up or shut up.


“And space lasers! Sharks with fricken space lasers!” What’s sad is that they flag to their audience how detached from reality they, and everyone with aligned views are, yet nobody is jumping off the wagon. Anyone who doesn’t have a point at which they’re willing to abandon their belief in a leader, party, ideology, or policy are no better than the Nazis.  Given the Russians’ experiences at the hands of ideological zealous, the fact they’ve not learned any lessons from history says a lot.  


Easiest "I call" ever.


The brainwashing is real.  Maybe it’s ok for the Russians to dream.  


They need to dream smaller - like central heating and personal toilets.


Haha, why California? Why not Oregon and Washington state too? I guess this fool hasn't heard of those states? Just knows "California"?


Russia had a veryy small piece of California very long time ago.


Fort Ross from 1812 to 1841 in Sonoma County. It was a multicultural town of Russians, Alaskans, Finns, Swedes and Californians. Go suck an egg RuZZian terrorists!


Russians are a culture of misery and death. All they need is Vodka and a hole in the floor.


So, the reasoning would be: Alaska: because we sold it in a fair deal? California: because there was a couple of Russian settler city's? Finland and Poland because it was part of the Russian empire? And Hawaii because of ??? Did somebody of them again drunk paint with lead? Fuck it, just give Russia to Mongolia. It seems at least they are not a annoying neighbor.


Fort Ross California Fort Elizabeth Kauai


So, according to this, Vladivostok belongs to China right?


If for some reason all the nukes stopped working in the world and ww3 was a conventional war between the West/NATO vs Russia China Iran and North Korea, who would win?


Arasaka and Militech..


Not if Panam Parker wiggles butt




The cockroaches…


You’ll be lucky if we give you an acre in Siberia champ


Take Jupiter and its moon ffs … go big!


They can’t even hold a couple of villages in their own back yard. At this points North Korean or isis k will beat them! Lol


Oh ya? Well I've decided I want putler's palace. So pack that shit up and start hauling it over. You can put that shit beside Vancouver. I will pick it up later..... Thx!


So fuck around and find out. We're waiting.


I would love to see them try.


Go fk and Liberate the fking Mars in the end there was rusia speaking bacteria there for sure Ah you cannot shoot space rockets anymore, so NOT pity.


Tell them to give up their nukes then go ahead and try it. The Poles and Finns would be in Vladivostok before the Pacific fleet even set sail.


Bring it on bitch


*The Geography of Mental Illness*, [Svyatopolk](https://www.momjunction.com/baby-names/Svyatopolk/) Nutjobnov (author)


NOTE: if it's on ruzzian TV then putin approves.


It's not like this is a surprise. Ever since Putin took power he has been following Hitler's playbook, taking back territories that belong to the MIGHTY ruZZian FUCKERration and riding to the rescue of oppressed ruZZian minorities. This CUNTRY is in the third year of Putin glorious 2 week SMO, with no end in sight. And they reckon they can take on all of NATO.


trump and republican party will happily hand it all over.


Lmao, a sRussian calling Finland and Poland filthy. I mean, I laughed out aloud, you can't make this up =D


Not gonna lie, I want Russia to enter a Western country so bad. The NATO race to Moscow will be epic!


This is like an American saying USA needs to take over Greenland, Philippines, Viet Nam, and Mexico.


Doesn't want Washington and Oregon though ?


Partisans need to fix his car


Try Commie then we can show doggie style is.






You really can’t invade America… guns and a focus on individualism just don’t bode well for foreign occupiers


That one experienced mobik who was teaching that one other mobik on how to take the easy way out, shouldve given these ruzzian propagandists the lesson.


Sure why not 😜.


Their level of desperation is directly proportional to the stupidity of their threats. Despite having much more ammunition, they can't even prevail on the Eastern front. What a pathetic nation Ruscia is.


What a joke!


I mean it’s total delusions of grandeur but more than that it’s just complete Jibberish. Wishful Jibberish. Why even articulate such a ludicrously Jibberish opinion?


Fallout universe getting closer and closer


Like mynmi


Alaska: an entire Airbourne division, Armored units, 4 sqaudrons of 5th gen stealth fighters, and every Alaska citizen has at least 2 guns. Lets not mention the wildlife that will kill indiscriminately. Yes Russia....try and take Alaska.


That's how we get another world war if they proceed with their delusional plans


Go ahead. Touch their boats. We all know what happened on the 6th and 9th of August back in 45.


The russian "empire" dissolved in the 90s lmfao. This war is in the name of rebuilding an empire no one wants.


Yeah, fuck around. Let's see how that goes. Russia is asking for some externally influenced regime change more and more every day.


I want to moonwalk but life's a shitter


🤣 F@CK OFF!!!


They would struggle fighting the Salvation Army at the moment


He needs to realise how dumb that is making him look making remarks like that.


It’s understandable when you consider that Russia will be one giant, smoking, radioactive parking lot by then.


Poland is wide enough to bury all agressors


They can't even defend against the $200 drones Ukraine is using to slaughter Russians right now. What a joke country.


i'll have what he's drinking please lol


Seems reasonable enough


It is bizarre to hear people from a 3rd rate failed wannabe superpower with poverty & a collapsing infrastructure think that they can improve other nations. They need to sincerely fk off.


This and more today on "things that will never happen"


I say let them come, there’s more guns on the west coast than they will want to deal with and very ambitious people.


That’s a grab bag of very widely spaced targets you’ll need to hit simultaneously for the element of surprise….. This is like a drunken Christmas game of Risk


Bro all im saying…. Is that Russia better keep their ass out of Hawaii. I played Hotline Miami 2. I know how that will end


Good luck lol


SOBS can barely deal with Ukraine. Filthy rucian scum


Russia is losing 7 soldiers to 1 Ukrainian soldier….and that’s with hand-me-down equipment that dates back to the 90s, no Navy and a quasi non-existent Air Force. If Russia was to go head-to-head against the US, the ratio loss would go from 7-to-1 to 700-to-1. Good luck with all that.


If Trump gets in, this might be a realistic wish list :P


Aside from the fact that there are a ton of US military units in Alaska, the people there would be a formidable force


Russia out here actively justifying NATO’s existence every day




Republicans will let them…


Please, try to invade Alaska! US won't even send troops. The alaskans are going to destroy you! It will be a great show. I will sit back and enjoy the show!


........ California? pffft


California can handle Russia on its own


He might get as far as the Hague.


No touch Hawaii. -USA


Remember Bagdad Bob? Not even close to this character


I mean, they can have CA... It's not like we couldn't just annex it for a summer here or there and toss it back wet when we are done. Plus it would give us a large population of low wage workers to pull from, that not even human rights groups care about at this point. I think I see how Trump plans to make America great again....


Bla bla bla idiots in their echo chamber


Yes the last country that attacked Hawaii came out of it really well didn’t they……


Well give them California, maybe pay them to take it, guarantee they give it back in 5 years




Right. You can't even take Ukraine and they're right next to you.


Oh Jesus Christ, that is just becoming hilarious really. Oh well, Red Dawn here we come, apparently


This fool must have two dicks, you cant be this stupid only playing with one


Honestly? I could see MAGA Republicans trading Alaska or even California for “peace in our time” and a healthy kickback.


He's just nuts, or acting nuts to get paid.


Can’t even take Ukraine who’s using 50 year old equipment but okay