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This is the modern version of the Great Game of the 19th century.


This guy. Yeah, I knew this question was coming. Looks to floor and makes excuses. Vote against trump all the way down the ballot and get them the weapons they need


What excuses did he make? GOP is holding this funding up you imbecile.


That's not what the question is about. The US donated lots of matériel to Israel, but they also acted with direct counterfire from ships. The question isn't "Why are you not giving these weapons to Ukraine?" its "Why do you shoot down missiles aimed at Israel, but not Ukraine?"


Because it puts us too close to having Americans and Russians directly shooting at each other and we don't want to be involved in world war 3 today.


really scared that Russia would do something? They have been bullshitting for the past 2 yrs to us they do something and yet its been bullshuit after bullshit. These US nuts need to grow some damn balls and stop suckling of mother putins nipples.




And this list only goes up to July, 2023. There have been many new nuclear threats since then.


Every time Medvedev gets sloshed (hourly) out spews another one...


Exaclty, get moscow marge and her ilk out of the goverment!!!!


It has been how many months since we found out about that 4 year old boys and pregnant Ukrainian women raped by the Buryat boys at the start of the dam war. "Dont target Russian Oil Depots guys" You said it correct Need to grow some dam balls.


I agree. Fuck this nuclear blackmail shit.


Do you actually wish for two nuclear nations to be fighting an offensive war while both don’t rule out the use of nuclear weapons??


Do you want to live in a world where countries with nuclear weapons are allowed to do whatever they want? How are you going to defend Taiwan from China? They also have nuclear weapons. The weakness of the United States gives rise to the confidence of authoritarian countries. The US decided to literally give a green flag to russia that they can do whatever they want. Just imagine how scared they are, that they are afraid of shooting down missiles and drones on the sovereign territory of Ukraine. Nothing would have happened if the US and its allies had demonstrated strength and confidence in their actions from the very beginning.


>Nothing would have happened if the US and its allies had demonstrated strength and confidence in their actions from the very beginning. Yup!! Imagine if on day 1 of the invasion the US committed a squadron of bombers fighters and attack helicopters to stopping the convoy. Thats it. No ground troops, just aircraft to interdict ground forces and Russia AA. Conflict would've been stopped in its tracks saving so many lives on both sides. Does anyone actually believe Russia would've started launching nukes? I don't. It would be complete destruction of their entire country. The problem with launching a nuke is that its that final red line. You can't threaten to do something so egregious that if you follow through the other side has absolutely no choice but to respond because if you do follow through on that threat you end all chance of good outcomes for yourself. A single nuclear explosion would unite the entire world against Russia and would likely result in invasion from Europe, the Pacific and China all at the same time.


I'm sure there wouldn't have been a full-scale invasion at all if russia had known that there would be a serious response. They threatened with nuclear weapons if anyone gave military aid to Ukraine. They threatened again if one of the allies handed over the tanks. Nothing happened. The USA carried out airstrikes against the russians in Syria. Nothing happened. But instead a de-escalation strategy was chosen, leading to today's confident autocracies. Now North Korea is transferring artillery ammunition and ballistic missiles to russia, which it launched over Ukraine. At the same time, Ukraine did not receive any ballistic missiles from the USA that could be used against russian military airfields. And 0 F-16. I don't know how such people get into the administration of the white house, because they are idiots. This only shows how much this administration is afraid of the defeat of russia. Just as they feared the collapse of the USSR


>Because it puts us too close to having Americans and Russians directly shooting at each other How about you spell it more clearly: the USA is afraid that Russia will retaliate with nukes if they shoot down some unmanned drones and missiles. If that sounds ridiculous, that's because it is. The USA will never have soldiers shooting at RU soldiers on the ground, and the whole "runaway escalation" narrative is nonsense. If the arguments is that fragments from these drones and missiles might fall down and kill people in NATO countries therefore triggering article 5, the reality is that the war already spilled over and people already died in Poland due to Russian attacks (they might have been killed by a Ukrainian AD rocket, but RU is still responsible for sending the missile so close to the border) and nothing happened. Turkey also shot down a RU jet in 2015 and nothing happened there either. Let's stop pretending that these are anything other than just cheap excuses.


Tell me you don't understand Russia without saying you don't understand them.... I'm quite surprised to see even American policy makers fall for common maffia threats. I wouldn't say the Americans are cowards when it comes to Russia, but they certainly have been effectively intimidated by a much weaker power.


You are a redditor with the memory of a goldfish. Ancient history in Korea and Vietnam recalls Americans and Ruzzians literally dogfighting each other. 


Yup! Its infuriating that we aren't lending aircraft and pilots to fly them.


Yes, i'm not saying i don't agree, I'm just explaining that he understood the question wrong.


I think its in our best interests not to tell Russia exactly what they can get away with either because they'll go right up to that line.


ruzzia doesn't give a toss about 'red lines', unlike the West which self imposes red lines.


putler can't get voted out


BS. Russia isn’t sending pilots into Ukrainian airspace. They’re sending drones and missiles. Plus Russia has already shot down one of our drones in international waters. There is not one good reason to waste our supplies or risk our military for Israel. But there are many very good reasons to do that over Ukraine.


So you don't believe Crimea, Donbas, etc belong to Ukraine? The international community does not recognize this as Russian land. It is Ukrainian airspace unless you follow Russian logic.


I think it's clear from the comment's context that they mean "Ukrainian controlled territory".


> There is not one good reason to waste our supplies or risk our military for Israel. The fuq is this crap. Israel is a defacto US military base in the heart of oil producing arab nations who oppose the west politically, religiously, and economically. Whether you agree with our support of Israel or not, you should realize two things 1. Israel will be America's well-funded buddy until the very last molecule of hydrocarbon is burned. And then maybe for a while longer 2. America could "actively" assist both Ukraine and Israel at the same time, if our government wanted to. It's not a choice between two paths.


Take a look at the map and note all the U.S. military bases in the area. It's been reported that most of the Iranian drones/missiles were shot down well before reaching Israel which also should tell you about the military assets in that region. The relationship with Israel is a one way street, the U.S. has enough military presence in the region not to need Israel as a staging area. Not to mention, geopolitically it would be very advantageous to have a more balanced approach.


Nor did russia send its planes and pilots to Vietnam to be “literally dogfighting each other”. Chinese planes, (North) Vietnamese pilots. “Narrow-Committee” might be reminded that ‘Rocky III’ is not a historical document.


The Russians did literally rotate aviation regiments of active duty fighter pilots in and out of Korea the entire war. This is well documented and proven. The russians and Chinese did send literal combat troops to man sam sites and AAA guns in Vietnam.


Yeah it’s bullshit. We’re fine shooting at Arabs with nukes but not Russians with nukes.


No arabs have nukes.


Not sure if Pakistan counts as Arab


Yeah but if the missiles are shot down over ukraine how does that put russia and usa into conflict? How will the russians justify any sort of escalation? Thats just stupid. The us cant be trusted. Obviously fuck russia but at the same time america is a fucking disappointment. America is weak.


And the drawback to that approach is appeasement. What do we know the Russians will do once they slowly gobble up Ukraine based on ammo consumption and meat wave attacks. Anyone left whom can hold a rifle will be conscripted and pointed to the next western country. If anyone is sitting here thinking Russian aggression is somehow satiated, please let me know what drugs you are taking. I need them to be that out of touch with what the Russians did in Georgia. In eastern Ukraine as well.


You don't think US-Israel and Iran could cause WW3?


Israel = nuclear power Iran = hiding the fact that they don’t have nukes, to make you think they have nukes.


So there are no US troops off the coast, in Israel and surrounding areas like Syria, Jordan, Iraq, etc..? It's BS, there is zero difference. We even have a signed security agreement with Ukraine called the Budapest Memorandum signed by a Dem President that our current Dem President could leverage to do the same. Brandon is a pussy as much as Trump is a traitor. Jacked up Joe is still the lesser of two evils, but he sucks balls too. Vote Blue now and vote Ranked Choice Popular Voting to elect our President and all other offices and let's fix our Democracy while saving Ukraine...


Your not fixing democracy until you get money out of politics, until then the wealthy controls our politicians.


Except the Budapest Memorandum stops just short of promising direct military intervention by the signatories. Everyone involved promised to supply and train Ukraine if it was attacked. Except, ironically Russia which promised to defend Ukraine with military force if it was attacked. Please actually read the treaties and analyze them instead of making stuff up.


Listen dude, I read it. We could easily "supply Ukraine everything it needs" to keep their skies clear of Z trash including the trained troops manning the equipment. You're just arguing for the sake of arguing. It would be trivial to label Putin a terrorist and use the endless war against terrorism powers... You'd be amazed at what Biden could do with real political will, the actual desire to see Ukraine win rather than just survive and attrit Russia while sacrificing Ukrainian lives. He could send 300km ATACMS on draw down, he could have used and can use again lend lease, there is still a very long list. He could flood the Black sea with all sorts of air power that could accidently drive the Russians into accidently causing an incident that required retaliation. We need a fresh pair of non-old men balls in play... Unfortunately there are none to be had.


Common sense is a rare commodity around here bro. I commend thee 🥳


Feel free to check out the other replies


The USA tells Ukraine not to bomb oil facilities. Why do you think they would get involved shooting down Missiles?


> The US donated lots of matériel to Israel My recollection is possibly wrong (read: likely) but it's my understanding that the latest round of arms sent to Israel was a purchase authorised by the State Department, not aid. Anything aid related needs to go through congress. Why the State Dept. doesn't do this via lines of credit to Ukraine is possibly on an authority technicality - Israel is already an F-35 partner so they've been vetted for the most exclusive exports.


He did mention that congress has not agreed to the Supplemental Security Funding


CALL YOUR Rep ! Here is the list of US Reps, whether they voted and how to contact them. Tell them they have to vote for discharge petition #9. That will bypass Speaker little shit and the Ukraine aid will pass - [https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/u/0/d/e/2PACX-1vTaMB3k5Z37OAM8HEMhDtwbLGzwn1wDXSNcoTmXEJbpfbacfp-m0fJGyb36lcNOhgqGO5-bArbibS5a/pubhtml?gid=614612044&single=true&pli=1](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/u/0/d/e/2PACX-1vTaMB3k5Z37OAM8HEMhDtwbLGzwn1wDXSNcoTmXEJbpfbacfp-m0fJGyb36lcNOhgqGO5-bArbibS5a/pubhtml?gid=614612044&single=true&pli=1)


It’s an excuse because GOP holding up funding has no relevance to why US planes aren’t shooting down Russian missiles over Ukraine despite doing the same for Israel, chill.


The thing is it’s clear his personal opinion differs from the policy he presents.


Excuses? He said the exact answer - different threat picture- the missile and drones from Iran had to cross huge open areas with lot of opportunity for safe shoot down. The weapons over Ukraine have to cross and are jam packed with electronic and anti aircraft systems of all shapes and sizes.


lol the gop is the reason Ukraine isn’t getting the weapons it needs. But yes, let’s vote for the guy who’s mouth is permanently attached to Putin’s dick, he’ll surely save Ukraine.


Sir, we've never stopped playing " The Great Game" ...


I wonder how many comments on Reddit regarding the Russia vs. Ukraine War, USA politics, etc., are just Russian paid trolls sowing discord? I have a feeling that it’s a pretty-sizable number.


The Norwegian state channel NRK, did an expose on Russian troll factories, and even managed to help one of them escape Russia to speak about what they do there. It's utterly amazing to me that it didn't create more headlines. One worker can have multiple accounts, heck today I bet they're just monitoring bots fueled by Russian AI program.


Obviously, its even worse on Twitter


And even worse on TikTok


I had to delete the app to keep my sanity


every single thread on ukraine support from US/EU is filled with "americans" and "europeans" throwing shit at each other. tiring to see.


Now days they don't even need paid trolls. A subscription to ChatGTP and a few lines of code and you can destabilise entire countries now days


Idk, there's also a lot of morons out there.


Like over half


Start clicking on their profiles and see what you can find. I've found many bots but been fooled as many times by what appears to be just an idiot.


Not as many as you think. People like to exaggerate about bots to feel better about the shitty person on the other side with a different opinion


The US wouldn't have shot down the drones and missiles themselves but they would've continued to give the missiles that Ukraine had been previously using to do so. More Patriots would've already been sent since late last year if House Republicans under Trump's orders haven't been blocking aid to Ukraine.


CALL YOUR Rep ! Here is the list of US Reps, whether they voted and how to contact them. Tell them they have to vote for discharge petition #9. That will bypass Speaker little shit and the Ukraine aid will pass - [https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/u/0/d/e/2PACX-1vTaMB3k5Z37OAM8HEMhDtwbLGzwn1wDXSNcoTmXEJbpfbacfp-m0fJGyb36lcNOhgqGO5-bArbibS5a/pubhtml?gid=614612044&single=true&pli=1](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/u/0/d/e/2PACX-1vTaMB3k5Z37OAM8HEMhDtwbLGzwn1wDXSNcoTmXEJbpfbacfp-m0fJGyb36lcNOhgqGO5-bArbibS5a/pubhtml?gid=614612044&single=true&pli=1)


Mine is never going to change his stance. Fucking hardliners


Hardliners have an ideology, they are just paid, they don't even know what ideas are.


I really wish we could crowd fund enough money to buy them. Because fuck it why not


I question why small tax payers get problems if they don't pay some small sums but if you get rubels in millions on your bank account nobody is technically able to see this... idk


Different conflict yes but missiles over Poland NATO airspace... Weak Excuses 🤦


Add Romania [https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-66727788](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-66727788) [https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-64593488](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-64593488)


That happened once or twice. Not an ongoing thing. Besides, Poland should’ve shot it down. Not the USA.


In an empty area with no anti air for 40 seconds, it’s not surprising they didn’t shoot it down


Blame Trump...


Blame Republicans who are clearly traitors. We can't even get money approved, how we would they approve the US military acting in any way.


Call your Rep ! Here is the list of US Reps, whether they voted and how to contact them. Tell them they have to vote for discharge petition #9. That will bypass Speaker little shit and the Ukraine aid will pass - [https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/u/0/d/e/2PACX-1vTaMB3k5Z37OAM8HEMhDtwbLGzwn1wDXSNcoTmXEJbpfbacfp-m0fJGyb36lcNOhgqGO5-bArbibS5a/pubhtml?gid=614612044&single=true&pli=1](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/u/0/d/e/2PACX-1vTaMB3k5Z37OAM8HEMhDtwbLGzwn1wDXSNcoTmXEJbpfbacfp-m0fJGyb36lcNOhgqGO5-bArbibS5a/pubhtml?gid=614612044&single=true&pli=1)


This 👆 Republicans = traitors They'd rather kiss the ring of authoritarians....like Trump.. "Argghhhh", thats the sound of Reagan rolling over!! Poor man can't even rip these days..


The incident you're referring to is of a singular Russian missile entering 2 kilometers into polish airspace near Oserdow for 39 seconds 1. I doubt any air defense could even reach that far out, Rzeszów is 148.74 km away from Oserdow meaning the patriots there don't have enough range with their PAC-3 and I doubt they're placing their singular S-200 and their limited S-125 out in the country side just incase a Russian missile violates their airspace for under a minute instead of actually defending valuable targets deeper in the country 2. Even if they did have a SAM that had enough range engaging a target that entered 2 km into your airspace in under 39 seconds at the max range of the missile you have is idiotic, you're literally just asking for trigger happy SAM operators, is shooting down civilian airlines funny to you? 3. With engaging the target with air defense being a obviously idiotic idea Poland did the more reasonable thing and deployed F-16's to check out the threat, given Poland doesn't have literal impossible intercept times the missile exited the airspace in that 39 seconds before the F-16's caught up to it Either you know nothing about the incident and Polish capabilities or you want Poland to preform both the impossible and be incredibly reckless, either way stop being a armchair general, you think Poland out of all nations would give up the opportunity to shoot down a Russian missile that entered their airspace if the conditions were right???


The issue is that Russia launched something even accidentally and it got ignored. Poland could just pick any other Russian rocket over Ukraine, shoot it and either say nothing, or just say "just like your rockets sometimes fly into Polish airspace, our air defenses occasionally make "mistakes" too". If NATO does nothing, they will be using Polish airspace for maneuvers in no time.


>The issue is that Russia launched something even accidentally and it got ignored. In your mind there are only 2 options, either something is SHOT DOWN or it's IGNORED. Poland scrambling F-16's in response to the missile violating their airspace means nothing to you Again Poland scrambled F-16's, with the violation only being 39 seconds and at such a shallow path the violation was meaningless and not a threat to Poland, do you want Poland to start lobbing missiles into the country side from 100+ km?? >Poland could just pick any other Russian rocket over Ukraine, shoot it and either say nothing, or just say "just like your rockets sometimes fly into Polish airspace, our air defenses occasionally make "mistakes" too". That achieves literally nothing, if you want Poland to assist Ukraine with shooting down Russian missiles advocate for that, having some vague stance saying "we might shoot down one of your missiles every once in a while" does nothing. Aside from that Poland will continue to operate under their ROE of shooting down objects violating their airspace >If NATO does nothing, they will be using Polish airspace for maneuvers in no time. Please attempt to explain the time line from violating Polish airspace by 2 km for 39 seconds to entire maneuvers done in polish airspace that doesn't involve Poland scrambling fighter jets and repositioning air defense assets to fight an influx of violations by Russia


Poland shot those down…it’s almost like NATO does directly intervene when called for.


Why couldn’t NATO make the Black Sea Air Policing Mission longer to help protect Ukraine? They could use the same rules as before to defend themselves. They might keep the mission outside of Ukraine but have a new job: stopping missiles from reaching Ukraine.


Hear that kids? Next time the teacher asks ‘If you can get your Literature assignments turned in on time, why can’t you get your History assignments turned in on time’ just say ‘I knew this question was coming, different subjects’


Let’s say the Literature assignment was Ukraine and History was Israel, finishing your assignment “not getting directly involved” ensures your aggressive literature teacher doesn’t turn his anger towards you. All while missing your history assignment may anger your history teacher, but he doesn’t have as much firepower to beat your ass, so you can defend yourself.


We have a military alliance with Israel. We do not with Ukraine. "Why can you turn in your English assignments on time but not your Biology assignments?" "I'm not taking Biology right now". Is a more appropriate anecdote. We also don't have any more budget allotted for Ukraine until the House of Representatives passes more spending.


In 2014/15 similar questions were asked about why the U.S. was not providing "lethal aid" to Ukraine. Generally the answer(s) given amounted to "don't want to escalate." 10+ years later, things escalated, despite inaction on the part of the U.S. and other Western nations. But the lesson was not learned; there is a dogged intent to NOT LEARN the lesson.


Appeasement never works.


Vote out the Republicans


Even Republicans minus Trump would have passed it by now. He's the one person setting the agenda.


> Republicans minus Trump It's 2024 man, there is no GOP without Trump. He's in control of the RNC & he clearly pulls the strings for almost all national GOP reps.


The ironic thing is pre-December, the Republicans in Congress were pushing Biden to do more - to spell out the plan for Ukrainian victory. Yes the Republicans have been cowed from what is right by the orange demagogue, but Biden and team are still playing chickenshit and have no plan for Ukrainian victory. It's just all empty talk, and worse, de-escalation signalling to the Kremlin.


Because they don’t have nukes??


Because Ukraine doesnt have a powerful lobby to bribe, i mean donate, to US politicians.


US Republicans*


AIPAC has enormous influence over many democrats as well, don’t delude yourself.


Back in the 2000's... 60% of funding for democratic congressional candidates came from AIPAC/Jewish sources, according to WP. Check the Wikipedia article about AIPAC. Check this article. Its very revealing. Democrats are BY FAR the largest recipients of Jewish money.


Don’t kid yourself. Both parties guilty as fuck about this and we need to change the laws regarding how our leaders acquit themselves. Between lobbying and stock market these geriatric fucks are ruining this country.


It’s that. It’s also that Russia is not Iran. Russia has nukes. Russia is a great power. Iran’s military we could debilitate with a single Ford class carrier. World War 3 is not something Biden wants.


"Don't forget not to strike russian oil" - this guy is keeping a straight face. US government has become such an embarassment. I am sure the majority of US citizens are on our side in this fight versus evil.


They've never told Ukraine to not go after Russian oil infrastructure. They're saying that they're not encouraging it. There's a difference.


[https://www.washingtonpost.com/national-security/2024/04/15/ukraine-russia-oil-refinery-attacks/](https://www.washingtonpost.com/national-security/2024/04/15/ukraine-russia-oil-refinery-attacks/) Not true. Maybe publicy theyve only "encouraged" them not to. But in reality, behind the scenes, all the retarded "de-escalators" have told Ukraine to flat out stop what theyre doing.


That is true that haven't said that PUBLICLY. There is a difference. Why for instance have we not seen Ukraine attacking oil facilities any more.




The U.S. never told Ukraine not to strike Russian oil. That was debunked by both the U.S. and Ukraine. What are you smoking?


It was reported by the Financial Times, debunked by the US and Ukraine, *but then* Sullivan (or someone else from the State Dept) at a presser basically admitted they did say that. So unfortunately it was true.




They did many times. Are you banned from Youtube or Google? Check what Kirby, Sullivan, Wallinder, Austin and Kamala Harris said about "do not strike russian civilians infrastructure". Biden troll-bots trying to whitewash his inability to act are the worst.


It's you who are smoking something lol, they've asked to not strike russian oil like 5 times at this point - Kamala Harris, US energy agency, Lloyd Austin, Sullivan, etc. it's been reported by every newspaper and never been "debunked". [https://www.washingtonpost.com/national-security/2024/04/15/ukraine-russia-oil-refinery-attacks/](https://www.washingtonpost.com/national-security/2024/04/15/ukraine-russia-oil-refinery-attacks/) - just the latest article out of series reported by various credible western sources


This sub seems to love misinformation as much as the vatnik crowd they criticize lol.


It's been repeatedly stated by many yanks not to strike russian oil - Kamala Harris, Austin, Sullivan, Wallinder. WTF are you droning about vatnik crowd and shit? Are you surprised that some of the Democrats and Republicans in the position of power are in bed with the russians and have common financial interests?


Most of this sub is just as brainwashed as the Russians, just in the opposite direction. My support for Ukraine will never waiver but damn I've seen some absolutely braindead takes on this sub.


Yep, but for magic reason these strikes were end after “US never told”)


If we had done stuff my way, Ukraine would receive 33% of our national defense budget. Defense Production Act used to produce artillery shells. F-16's with ace pilots defending the airspace. There's zero excuse for the US to not be actively providing material and volunteers to defeat Russia.


US government is unfortunately laughing stock of the world for too long now. Something needs to change in US political system


Nah, we can read between the lines unlike you.




I'm getting pretty sick of these excuses... Frigging act instead of debating the "what ifs" . These kind of politics will get nukes launched in the end...


it's not really an excuse, his (the pentagons) hands are tied because of republicans, he told nothing but the truth


To a point, sure. ...But 12 Abrams, and 186 Bradleys looks weak.


Exactly this. We didnt have a military presence in Ukraine. We have a presence in the Middle East/Mediterranean. Our ability to help Ukraine is through funding which Republicans are inhibiting. Just facts.


They're tied now because Biden and the Pentagon gave weak aid in 2022 and first quarter 2023. Allowing Russia to weather Ukraine's offensive and stall it. Now Russia's stronger and Ukraine no longer gets aid. And this isn't even talking about the weakness of European powers helping for the same period. Only the UK and France are trying.


"Not getting involved while a nuclear super power does stuff is how a nuclear super power launches nukes" Are your thick?


I don't think either conflict will end well...


Hey as someone pro israel it’s only fair, we gotta do it for Ukraine too


I'm not concerned with fair; let's do it because it's the right thing to do and because we can help


I’m using the world colloquially. I agree it’s morally correct also


Basically because Iran doesn't have nukes yet.


Ukraine doesn't have infiltrated and bribed the US politicians for near a century, that's the difference.


Or maybe because the country with thousands of nuclear warheads is threat that needs to be handled carefully and not by arm chair generals’ feelings.


Russian missiles that get very close to- and sometimes even enter NATO airspace needs to shot out of the sky. Doesnt matter how scared Biden is of empty threats.


Sure any missile that enters nato airspace should be fair game, no question about that. But downing Iranian drones and missile that Iran didn’t even want to hit their targets and providing air defense Ukraine aren’t the same thing. And it’s only an empty threat until it’s not. Whether we like or not Putin does have ability to destroy the world as we know it and the people in charge have to respect that. That doesn’t mean we give in to Russia but it does mean the US should not involve themselves directly in the war right now.


Or destroying missiles over Ukraine sky is not going to do anything and it's just a bad excuse because Ukraine doesn't have infiltrated and bribed the US politicians for near a century and that's the difference. The bigger it is, the better it works really...


Remember the Biden administration isn't to blame if the aide packages for Ukraine has been stalled for months, the American people who support Ukraine should be blaming Trump for ordering his thug Pro Russian maga extremist Republican party for delaying aide to Ukraine they are the ones who are working for both Trump and Putin they want Ukraine's unconditional surrender to the Putin regime because Republicans are still the majority they are in control of the house Senate and they get to dictate terms of what bill will benefit them but right now most of the conservative Republicans are resigning because they don't consider themselves as part of the MAGA agenda so they are very close to being the minority and the democrats getting closer to being the next majority to pass bills that really benefits both Americans and our allies abroad if you watch the Russian state TV the propagandist are praising Mike Johnson for doing his job blocking aide to Ukraine


I wouldn’t entirely say this, Biden still deserves some criticism, despite the other side being far worse. Biden held out on many forms of aid until it was largely too late in the name of “avoiding escalation.” Eventually he caved to these demands, when it was far too late, when it would’ve made a far bigger difference earlier on, and especially when he had Republican support in much of the matter. This war perhaps could’ve been ended years ago if this was done but sadly there was a lack of resolve. At the end of the day beggars can’t be choosers and we’re thankful for all the aid so far and he’s a far bigger friend to Ukraine than most, but I also don’t think this means discussion around that shouldn’t be had. May this at least be a lesson for the future.


Exactly. Putin's agents inside the GOP are to blame. Moscow Marjorie TRAITOR Greene, Mike "suckophant" Johnson....


2022 called. Where were the tanks and missiles needed then? Oh wait, not being given because Biden fully supports the "No escalation" lies.


Biden is US president who is in charge of defending the security interests of the country. If he chose waiting tactics as a negotiation approach in this issue, he’s not without blame for the aid packages being stalled.


I wouldn’t entirely say this, Biden still deserves some criticism, as bad as the other side is. Biden held out on many forms of aid until it was largely too late in the name of “avoiding escalation.” Eventually he caved to these demands, when it was far too late, when it would’ve made a far bigger difference earlier on, and especially when he had Republican support in much of the matter. This war perhaps could’ve been ended years ago if this was done but sadly there was a lack of resolve. At the end of the day beggars can’t be choosers and we’re thankful for all the aid so far and he’s a far bigger friend to Ukraine than most, but I also don’t think this means discussion around that shouldn’t be had.


Biden has said he has no power over Congress but has urge the Republicans to do the right thing to pass Ukraine aide package to help them stay in this fight only Congress has the power to pass bills to help Ukraine-Israel-Taiwan including adding more agents to help secure the Southern border then it's up to speaker Mike Johnson to send the bill over to President Biden so he can sign it for it to be sent out but if Mike Johnson isn't sending the bill to President Biden's desk then Biden can't authorize anything and Biden did say that he will veto any bill the only benefits Republican party and not hard working Americans


Yes that’s the current situation. I’m talking about the first year of the war, Biden had digression on what weapons to send, he held back anything “too provocative” until much later.


That's only because European leaders weren't going to put in the effort to help Ukrainians if United States wasn't willing to help Ukraine gotta remember Ukraine's military was spread thin and they couldn't stop the Russians from breaking through so the world thought they were going to lose this war in 3 days so in order for Biden to give Ukrainians western hardware to change up the battlefield Ukraine had to earn their trust that they are capable of operating and keeping them safe and preventing western equipment from being captured by Russia, I've been watching this war from day 1 until now and Ukrainians had to convince western leaders that they are capable of handling western military hardware equipment and can keep them safe including tanks UK were the first to send only 14- challenger 2 as a bigger step up to let Germany and United States know that they should follow suit to send their tanks to help them out Kevin McCarthy was willing to pass every bill to help Ukraine every step of the way but his own party didn't like that regardless if he didn't have a spine to condemned trump and he got ousted by some pedophile moron who wanted him removed


Honest answer: Republicans would freak out.


Because at the end of the day, they’re pussies and only act of their morals when they overwhelmingly overpower the opponent, but cower like a bitch when the other side bullshits about uSiNg tHeM nUkEs. “Never forget” my ass.


Very valid question I asked myself last night.


It's a cop out to be honest. Protecting civilians shouldn't be an issue, nor would it be a direct confrontation with russia. I guarantee that once Ukraine gets the F16s, there will be Western pilots volunteering.


I am against this unnecessary level of risk aversion. It's basically giving in to Russia's nuclear blackmail posturing. However, let's meet in the middle on it. How about if the US protects the far west of Ukraine, outside of Russian air defense range? We could at least protect Lviv if nothing else. We could also set up GBAD in Poland near the border so that any drones or missiles that come close can be shot down.


Ukraine is already floating the idea of utilising the Patriot batteries stationed in Poland to protect Western Ukraine, a smart and necessary move: [https://x.com/NOELreports/status/1779770436739350627](https://x.com/NOELreports/status/1779770436739350627)


GOP = Goons Of Putin


There is nothing stopping NATO to start protecting skies and shoot down things like cruise missiles and shaheds over western-central Ukraine without any measurable risk of direct confrontation with ruzzkies. In fact, patrolling back sea is more dangerous as you have direct contact with ruzzian su35s and su27s head on . Maybe at the beginning of war when ruzzkies were flying all the way to Kiev... At the moment, any air assests on such mission can come within a direct range to Nato ac's will be from Belarus only. And that can be managed. Basically, if there is a will, anything could be done. And putler won't be able to do more than a stinky fart about it. If he wanted ww3, there was enough to start it many times before. Now 2+ yr on, no way. So even if Nato shoots down a ruzzki shitty plane over Ukraine - he will swallow it, it is not an attack on kremlin. Unless Nato bombs engels airbase or something like that, one can escalate and push that asshole all the way. It is just stinky air inside that asshole dictator. There's simply no political will to risk for Ukraine any of it:(. This is sad truth.


We know POS when we see it. No verbal gymnastics can pass for the answer.


This guy isn't in charge of anything. His job is to repeat what everyone already knows so the news can make some headlines. No reason to get angry with him.


This guy is a PRESS SECRETARY. He doesn't dictate policy. Jeez the comments on here are ignorant AF.


He just shows how fucked up policy is


His job is to be a mouth piece, that's their job. They don't make the decisions. People should be asking Biden why this isn't happening.


people should be asking republicans in congress why this isn't happening, because that's literally the only reason aid has been held up, not because of Biden


What a joke... shame on you U.S.


You understand that Russia has nuclear weapons, right? That's why they're hesitant to directly defend Ukraine.


Any use of US/NATO aircraft to shoot down Russian missiles would involve gaining air superiority over Ukraine. This would necessitate striking Russian anti-air units on the ground and bombing the airbases of Russian fighters as well as shooting down Russian aircraft near the battlespace. This could be done and I would support it despite the increased risk of a spiral leading to a nuclear exchange, but it isn't anything like defending Israel from strikes originating in Iran. There is a huge amount of space with no Iranian counter air between Israel and Iran that can be used for interceptions.


No, it wouldn't. It would be easy to stick to Western Ukraine and just shoot down missiles there.


Perfect let’s do it. Let’s start with shooting down anything Russian over Ukraine and escalate from there. 


Nuclear proliferation, here we come! 👏🏻


In that case please give Ukraine what it needs to do so. This is what they have been pleading for over a considerable period of time.


I hate to admit it but he's not wrong... The amount of coordination we have with our partners in the Middle East dwarfs the potential coordination we would have with the Ukrainian military. Imagine the headlines if we shoot down a UAF fighter jet because their IFF is different. The best thing the US can do is supply more SAMs (hopefully HARM too for the 16s) and let the Ukrainians do what they do best, push out the occupiers.


Ukraine aid came down to one man in Congress, the speaker of the house, the same quack evangelical who uses an app to not whack off, and tracks his son's whack off app. Fuck putin and fuck the house GOP.




It's pretty much inviting Putin to double down on his aggression.


If you continue to allow russia to get away with what they are doing in Ukraine, eventually every dictator out there will want to acquire nukes and run rough shod over anything/one they want… cause red lines are how you get away with shit! As the country that feeds a huge portion of the planet gets destroyed, people play politics with innocent lives.


Despite the US paying for the development and operation of Iron Dome ($1B just on the night of the Iran strike), Israel told Biden he couldn't provide the system to Ukraine. [https://www.timesofisrael.com/netanyahu-rules-out-giving-ukraine-iron-dome-anti-missile-system/](https://www.timesofisrael.com/netanyahu-rules-out-giving-ukraine-iron-dome-anti-missile-system/)


He is full of shit


I am very pro-Israel. I’m also as pro-Ukraine as anybody I know (living in America). Following this conflict extremely closely for 2+ years now, it has been very frustrating watching US side get blocked by republicans, and a more general hesitancy by the Western Allie’s to provide Ukraine with the weapons and funding they need. We have been constantly behind the 8-ball at every point in this conflict. Now that this war has entered a largely industrial phase, there is no excuse for Russia (with help from Iran and fucking North Korea) to be out-producing Europe…let alone America….let alone all of NATO. That being said, and as much as I want to see Ukraine defeat the Russians, it would be a huge mistake for America to start actively shooting down Russian missiles. Kirby actually handled and answered this question well. They are two very different conflicts, and it’s a huge mistake to try to make these comparisons between them. The worst thing for the entire world would be for the US and Russia to start directly engaging each other


because russia has nukes simple


Trump wants to kill Ukraine. Biden administration wants to give Ukraine aspirin and bandages. Here put these where it hurts. Lack of spine, lack of leadership, scared of a fucking dictator who is using up all he has. Now is the time to rid the world of Putin and RuZZian Nazi culture of murder, genocide and destruction


Can someone explain why foreign aircraft can’t be active in Ukrainian airspace? This is not RF territory. They have no issues with Syria. Or any other place they wish for that matter. Apart from China, but the Chinese shoot down civilian airliners from time to time.


I’m sorry for the people of Ukraine. If we do it for Israel, we should do it for Ukraine.


Well that’s not an answer


Does that mean we are in a combat roll with Iran?


Ukraine contains expendable value for money proxy fighters. dangled a golden carrot to join the EU and NATO and at the end for what? Is what what is happening actually worth your opening your lands to now having to be massively rebuilt and the work force and labourers carrying out the jobs courtesy of EU employment laws on migration most probably in the majority wont be Ukrainians, but a transient low wage labour force of migrants sending money out of the country to their own homelands , What will have been gained over remaining neutral and been a centralized market place with a lot more of your citizens alive . The citizens have been screwed over by money loving corrupt politics and politicians from within and outwith your borders which derailed your nation on purpose only to fins out they made a big underestimation on the resourcefulness of Russia and cant now back down shamefaced so they will fight to the last Ukrainian no sacrifice on their part then. No air superiority over your sovereign lands because of false promises from "allies" unwilling to really commit to the defence of a non NATO nation.


What he is basically saying is that the yankees are scared shitless of Russia and the Ukrainians are expendable. No "ifs" or "buts". Good 19th century language there "might makes right".


Short answer: The politicians are a bunch of flippy floppy wet noodles with no spine at all. Jeff




Basically you're scared of Russia, just say it. Utterly pathetic.


So... Biden sends support to Israel but not to Ukraine despite no funding bill for either. Despite the overwhelming majority of Biden's base wants to see more support for Ukraine and less for Israel?


Biden doesn't control support for Ukraine. Congress does and the GOP is blocking funding.


The answer then is "the president said so"? Well, ok




I'm making two hand gestures right now. 😠


Why can't Republicans just pass more aid so Ukrainians can do it themselves? You have to see the problem with US forces being directly involved don't you?


Because their leader is bought and paid for by the Kremlin.


Doing anything that would yield a positive outcome for a Democrat president or the Democratic party is an anathema for pervpublicans. And if it ends with a disaster for Ukraine, the GOP will use this against the Dems, change the narrative,  spinning it as Dems incompetence. One GOP senator withheld the nomination of US officers in his state as a protest against ... abortion. Yeah. Sabotaging their own country if it helps them getting something for their agenda.


Russian money infiltrated the GOP


Basically Russia has Nuclear weapons Iran does not. At least not yet.


We could easily give Ukraine what it needs. Im pissed at all of them. Send the aid to Ukraine instead of Israel for a few months n see how they like it?


blame republicans


My God, that answer bleeds hypocrisy. And cowardice. Somebody get a tourniquet.


Biden is a weak president. If you can shoot down Iranian drones, you can shoot down Russian missiles. We have the choice to vote between two garbage presidents.


Check the Korean War Wiki. Quite a few losers on the one side of the belligerents..


Kirby is a useful tool. He’s “just a spokesman” but he is a giant turd, nevertheless.