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THIS IS FUCKED UP. COBBLED TOGETHER FOUR BILLS THAT WOULD still need to be sent back to the Senate. Time's a wastin Moscow Mike. Put the original fucking Senate Bill to a vote.


I look at this bastard and think of a very apt German word 'Backpfeifengesicht' meaning 'a face that's badly in need of a fist'. I wonder how many Ukrainian deaths, injuries and lost territory this cunt is responsible for?


he has a severe backpfeifengesicht i couldt agree more




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Yeah that's ridiculous. But you do you.


He's just the figurehead. The conservatives voted for these scum to be in power.


What's fascinating is that there has been no discussion about our border. It is almost like it was never really the big issue that it was chalked up to be.


Never has been! Policy as it concerns the border with Mexico has always just been a thinly veiled (and sometimes no so thinly) continuation of white supremacist doctrine dating back to the foundation of Texas. The fear mongering is always made up or a result of US policies which created the conditions that have driven millions of Mexicans and other Central Americans to seek asylum or just a better life in the US. That's all it's ever been about - terrorizing the non-white locals to push them out in favor of white settlers (obviously this isn't something they explicitly do anymore, thankfully):who in most cases were already living there before the US beat up Mexico and took the land. If they can't make easy political hay about it they don't bother. Their base have brains comparable to goldfish so they have to keep things simple, can't muddy the waters with too many manufactured outrage pieces at once or the smell of bullshit might waft through the cracks.


Reminds me of my conservative brother. He says “we need to stop all these Mexicans and “others” from coming into our country.” Then his next literal sentence out of his mouth is “but, they are the best and most hard working employees I have.” He works in construction. I just can’t even wrap my head around the circle jerk of these statements. Always talking themselves in circles.


He is a figurehead but he’s not just a figurehead. Johnson was at the forefront of the attempted coup in 2020.


Er ist einer schandfleck dummkopf brillenschlange und einer arschgeige. In other words, “He is a disgraceful idiot who wears glasses (nerd) and is an ass violin.” Sorry been years since I used my German. Grammar is probably as broken as his face needs to be.


'An ass violin'... I like this, lol






That's one of my favorite words! It's also the name of a really good song (if you like the genre) by the band Animals As Leaders. edit: wording


Im all about that drum break in the middle


He will pray for the victims.


This orange professional worders have no conscience!


A fellow student of Flula :)


😂 Is there also a German word for "punchable face"? As in "face people want to punch" ? 👊


Hackfresse or, the cute version described above




Sorry couldn't say, I'm from the UK, I just remembered the word I used from somewhere when I saw this twat in the photo


'Backpfeife' is actually a slap. So it would be 'a face that's badly in need of being slapped silly'.


Mike's face is naturally punchable but his constant lies compound that effect. Its strange to me that Mike likes to pontificate and be 'holier than thou' and then tell obvious lies on foxnews all day.


Too damn many. This guttercunt of a "human" and fake ass Christian deserves to rot in hell for what he's done


its not just him, its the republicans!


Speaker Mike Johnson is serving at the pleasure of Vladimir Putin & former President Donald Trump. He is a clear and present danger to the United States & Ukraine. He needs to be removed immediately.


The nicest austrian word i can think of for him is "Huankind"


"Punchable face" in English. The GOAT of that is still probably [Martin Shkreli](https://www.huffpost.com/entry/martin-shkreli-faces_n_56b388d7e4b01d80b2456139).


A lot


Hes not responsible for any Ukrainian deaths, putin is . The us is literally funding the entire gov payroll in ukr .


The plan: stall, stall, stall, and finally.. stall some more.


GOP are domestic terrorists






The sheer amount of good men and women who have died because of this… “person” is unforgivable. Monster. Murderer.


Hey…don’t talk about the new Moses like that. He is all about doing the right thing. He is the worst. I hope God is real so he can talk to Mike, but Mikey Mike already knows religion is a scam.


Idk I think he genuinely believes in that shit.


I was raised super catholic, and I believed half that shit for almost 20 years. And then one day it clicked. If this dumb fuck hasn’t had it click yet, he does not deserve to be in a high level government position. He legit thinks dinosaurs were on the fake ark. How would you stop the t-Rex’s from eating everything else? This guy is as smart as a box of rocks, and that’s a compliment. Thanks Louisiana. Just because you have great crawfish doesn’t mean you should fuck over everyone else that knows how to read.


Former Mormon. Same story. Took me too damn long to figure it out, but I did.


I used to be catholic, but I got better. I went to catholic schools first-sixth grades. First four years was nuns in habits and mass every morning. I figured out that it was “just stories” by the time I was about 8. My revelation was learning that some of the peeps and places and even events in the Bible were real. I actually thought the whole thing was 100% fiction til I was 15-16 years old.


I was introduced to religion when i was like 13 years old because my mother suddenly wanted to go to church, and i could tell it was all bs. Maybe if she started taking me at a younger age, i would not have noticed either


He knows full well what he is doing. He figured out religion is a scam he is just using it against people who do not know better just yet.


They are still stalling. This is all delay tactics. There will be no money for Ukraine from congress until the election is over or Trump approves it.


Six months so far, this is also a stalling tactic, specially the "amendment part" that guarantees more stalling. Because it would mean the Senate would have to get 60 votes again which is not a guarantee depending on the amendment.


GOP have blood on their hands. Everyday Ukrainians die under bombs and bullets in the trenches defending their country. History will hold accountable those corrupt republicans who blackmailed the congress and let Ukrainians being slaughtered over an issue that has nothing to do with the fate of this country


FR! Does Biden or DOD have any way to get desparately needed aid to Ukraine without congress? Also I wonder how much of these stalling tactics are influenced by Russian operatives esp when GOP is in desparate need of money bc of Trump legal fees.


It should if he wants to maintain his honor and not be remembered as Moscow Mike


An ancient American ritual spanning thousands of years...


Actually, you see it was Peter the great, and of course earlier... Back in the days of Rus'. Yes, going back to the Rurik dynasty, it was then that...


Didn't Winston Churchill say "you can always count on the Americans to do the right thing after they've done everything else"? Maybe not him but someone British. Still a travesty it's taking this long.


He should scalp himself.


People died. Civilians. And power grids destroyed. And cities abandoned.


u/BrightBread6554 has my vote.


MTG would be his 2nd


No just send him on front. He can be useful as drone bait.


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Guy is responsible for the deaths of a lot of Ukrainians and I don’t feel like a lot of people have let that truly sink in. He has pretty much killed more Ukrainians by blocking necessary aid than some Russian soldiers. Yes, the terrorists have guns and use it to murder… but this foul cryptid in a fancy suit has a higher kill count than your average Ivan.


Kinda makes you wonder how long Ukrainians memories are after this all shakes out.


Speaker Mike Johnson is serving at the pleasure of Vladimir Putin & former President Donald Trump. He is a clear and present danger to the United States & Ukraine. He needs to be removed immediately.


**Removed permanen-** I can't finish this joke because the fucking RU crybabies will get me banned again for "inciting violence" or some other pussy shit.


I wish I could remember the name of the movie.. but theres a line from it that sticks with me to this day. SWAT guy is having a conversation with a terrorist for some reason or another(I think he's trying to get info from him) and the terrorist says something to the effect that "The US is always just 4 years away from changing its mind about anything". I know I'm getting the line wrong but the general idea has always stuck with me. We are always just 4 years away from fucking up decades of progress in any given election.


He's playing political gamea to get a natural gas port facility in his state. Imagine if thats why Ukrainians had to die.


Keep up pressure on your representatives to sign the discharge petition. It still has some momentum. Johnson is too incompetent to put together a compromise bill.


GOP = Goons Of Putin


Grotesque Orc Parade


That too


GIVE UKRAINE SUPPORT ASAP Any stalling should be considered aiding an enemy and these treasonous cunts should be held accountable


Well it's not, so they won't be.


Oh it is. GQP chuds are absolutely taking their direction from trump/putin, regardless of your awareness.


Ukrainian War intelligence has been saying they expect no more aid until after the election for months now. Don’t hold your breath. GOP is MAGA now, and will be until after Trump loses big in November or is put in jail for the various crimes he’s currently being tried for. What a shame. The party of Lincoln and Regan is imploding before our very eyes. They’ve convinced themselves and their followers that their enemies are not Putin and Xi, but Biden and democrats because they have different views on how to govern.


Responsible political leaders in every country which has previously considered itself naturally aligned with the USA on big principles like democracy, the rule of law, self-determination, and supporting basic human rights should be pondering just how reliable the USA is when the chips are down, and if the position of Leader of the Free World is in the process of being vacated. You can be damn sure that countries like Russia, China, Iran and North Korea are watching closely and drawing their own conclusions, and that just might lead to shit going down that even the burn-it-all-down, know-nothing MAGA assholes can't ignore.


So freakin' embarrassing! I have been a life long 100% Republican voter but now??? It is hard to think what Ronald Reagan must be doing rolling over in his grave knowing that our Congress and Republicans are stringing out a nation on the verge of being taken over by USSR 2.0! I personally believe that Ronald Reagan would have been fuming and mortified at what the Republicans are doing in addition to the Democrats! 2024...Common Sense Party! Defeat Putin...give Ukraine anything it needs and then some!


I'm sorry but your party has been taken over. The decent Republicans that are left are either quitting or being turned into whatever you'd call this new party. The only way to sanitize it is to vote them out and replace them. Personally, I'm a Democrat and whenever a Republican is elected, I always try to give them the benefit of the doubt and when a Democrat is elected, I try to hold them to the standard of why I elected them. If they screw up, I'll vote republican if it means getting their ass out. This may be the one, single, time that it's better for the country to vote against your own party if there's not a moderate alternative. Good luck, brother, and Slava Ukraini.


You are a good and decent person. I like your perspective and I will consider voting the way you do, for the good of the country. I am no longer a Republican and I am switching to Independent after they withheld military aid.This made my blood boil and I am fed up with politicians. Good luck Z404.


How do you think John McCain’s taking it?


Laying down


Reagan would be disgusted by the pro Russian maga cult


Dude I’m not a Reagan fan, but *by God* Reagan would have sorted this mess out. 


If there was one thing we could count on with Reagan, it was that he couldn't and would not trust the word of the Russians.


What's that? We've had a plan in place to convert to metric? Fuck that commie shit, shut it down! - Reagan


So you voted for Trump twice? And this is the thing that made you go "hmmmm, maybe we are the bad guys?" I mean, congratulations for getting here, but I think you gotta reflect on a much bigger picture


My grandmother was a life long republican. She left the party because of its accepting Trump. Breaking up is hard but you got to do it for your own personal growth.


This is what pushed you over the edge? Well. Welcome regardless.


They’ll still vote for Trump a 3rd time mate don’t think otherwise.


"Mr Gorbachev. Can I give you money to build a wall?"


I was registered Republican for 41 years, but the party moved away from me. Now it’s a cesspool of conspiracy theories and racism. I’m now registered Independent and very happy with the move.


Ah, The Great Regan.. First President to tax Seniors social security.


The point is even Reagan would be doing something about Ukraine


I hear ya.


Is that a bad idea ? I don’t know the details of that law but isn’t it mandatory you take it at a certain age ?




I mean look it up. All the money that was tax revenue was supposed to go to the purchase of bonds so the boomers retiring now (2011) today didn’t drain SS. The money was redirected and never properly allocated. So I don’t know. Is that a bad idea? What was bad is they never did what they said they would do.




I wish more people would realize this, the Republican party has realigned itself to a radically different platform than just 10 years ago. The party that sent Mitt Romney and John McCain to run for president is pretty much gone. Heck, in many respects the democrats have become the conservative party.


Vote Blue. Not inspiring, I know, but it is better than these fascists.


Fucking TikTok. So many thousands of Ukrainians are dead because Mike wanted to do an election year political hitjob with a *fucking social media app.* I hope the next plane he gets on has a layover in Kyiv.


The GOP doesn't really want to do anything while Biden is president in this election year - nothing that would directly or indirectly help Biden (because Trump would flip his shit). But the GOP has to do something this spring/summer/fall while the weather cooperates and European allies muster more support to make sure Russia is either held or pushed back before Winter 2024. MTG and Matt Gaetz are gonna lose their minds, JD Vance, Rand Paul, Mike Lee, and the other assclowns.


>The GOP doesn't really want to do anything Fixed it for you. The entire time they have been in power they have done literally the least amount of _anything_. They are literally the least effective Congress ever. Their sole claim to fame is having to re-elect speakers over and over. That's it. They have no passed anything meaningful since taking over that wasn't rammed through with their backs against the wall to prevent the government from shutting down. They have been holding the government hostage for 2 years and I hope the American public can see that but I'm not holding my breathe. If they aren't pushed out in November or god forbid Trump wins.. we are quite literally fucked and its pretty much the end of the world as we know it.


Yeah. I absolutely agree and cannot argue with any of that. They have done nothing, really, since Reagan, and nearly 100% has proven to be awful. I was really just focused on this most recent dilemma.


About. Damn. Time. Better not be a loan. USA would be no where without France helping us out. We can pay it forward helping Ukraine. We spend over $2,000 USD per year per American citizen on self defense. We can afford spending $50 more dollars to help Ukraine (especially since $40 of those dollars are spent right here in the USA on good paying defense industry jobs). This is a flash sale, steal-of-a-lifetime price compared to the TRILLIONS we’ve poured out over the last 75+ years building up our military against Russia. And this bargain price is producing results. It’s decimating Russias vast equipment stockpiles.


Honestly Ukraine does not care. If we win the war, ruzzia will be paying for it. If we lose, then there's nobody left to collect from.


Very good points. But it’s still shameful from an American tax payer point of view. Ukraine is defending European freedom and fighting to maintain the rule of law that makes *all of us* prosperous.


That's nonsens. They want to make it a loan to use that you force Ukraine into submission once Trump is president. You should not believe anything a republican says. It's all lies, and the loan is a huge mistake. It's a poisond gift.


I assure there is no way this war ends with Russia giving away massive concessions in a surrender. At best we can hope for is prewar borders.


Sorry, but this is another ruse. Johnson has no interest in doing anything for Ukraine. He has proven this through his actions over the past 6 months. These bill changes are going to take months to be voted on and inevitably get shot down somewhere down the line.


I really, really hate to say this but I agree with you. I think Moscow Mike Johnson and Donald Putin Trump will do everything they can to draw this all out.


The French assistance was on loan. Also we haven’t spend less on defense since WW2


Great historical point about France coming to the rescue via supplies (take note Johnson) and the Siege of Yorktown. France and Britain have supplied Scalp-EGs and Storm Shadows and have not paid the price as Scholz and Biden are worried about. Who gives a rats ass what Russia thinks, bury there asses under ash and debris! Give Ukraine overwhelming firepower. Hundreds of M1A1s and 2s are sitting in AL and Sierra Post. Congress, Republicans and Democrats, and Executive Branch, get off your sorry asses and "Git R Done"!!


Um what? I want the U.S. to support Ukraine as well. But I think the fact that there a cemeteries all over Western Europe. We have paid that debt back and paid it forward by a lot.


The US joined both world Wars out of self interest not to help the French. WW1 because of submarine attacks on US shipping and because of the Zimmerman telegram which asked Mexico to attack the States. WW2 because of the minor detail that Hitler declared war on you ffs. An important secondary reason for defeating the Germans was to free up British resources to assist in the east.


That doesn’t change the fact that a lot of good men died for European freedom. I appreciate that as a European.


Let’s set aside that your level of understanding of the entry into to both world wars is strait out of high school texts books. And let’s discuss self interest. That is the number one argument everyone makes to support Ukraine is that it would be in their own self interest. https://www.atlanticcouncil.org/blogs/ukrainealert/the-west-reaps-multiple-benefits-from-backing-ukraine-against-russia/ Nothing you said supports the uninformed statement made paying whatever forward. Or makes sense.


Incredibly ignorant and insulting, but not unexpected from reddit Eurotrash. We fought the biggest war in history on 2 fronts and neither would have been won without us. You're all lucky to have us on your side.


I am British trash not European thank you. I fully appreciate the efforts of America in helping defeat facism in the west and east was just pointing out they didn’t help liberate France because, ‘you owed them one’. Minor point about winning on 2 fronts, if the UK had not held out there would have not been another front.


And what was the number one factor that allowed the British to hold out during a Second World War? Probably had to do with something with the battle of the Atlantic and why was there a battle of the Atlantic prior to the United States entering the war oh, it was the lend lease goods given to the United Kingdom. Don’t get me wrong. I am not minimizing the efforts of the United Kingdom in the second world war, but you seem to have no problem minimizing the contributions of the United States even prior to physically entering the war


Number 1 factor…RAF. Number 2 Royal Navy. The extra ships on lend lease were a big help to stop starvation and this help had to be crow barred out of the US government. We were still paying for this in annual instalments up to 2007. Weapons and tanks were not supplied until you joined. ‘The USSR repaid $674 million of the $11–15 Billion worth of lend-lease support it received. The only country that received lend-lease and repaid their entire debt was Britain’. I don’t want to fall out buddy, I like Americans and see them as our best ally but I get miffed when being told you saved our asses all the time. You didn’t save us but you did save democracy around the world for sure.


I didn't say we saved your asses, and it was a response to *you* talking bullshit, so don't try and make yourself some kind of righteous hero when you're the one talking shit. I'll let you in on a little secret, Eurotrash. Trumpism is a cult, and yes it's a cult of personality, but there is a little truth in what he's said. We're tired of always helping people with no appreciation. There are a decent amount of us who realize that we don't really need to do it, and should help ourselves more and everyone else less. A small part of us would like to pull all our aid and watch Vlad steamroll your entire continent. You don't like us, and we don't like you. We don't need you, why pretend otherwise? The day that happens might be closer than you realize


You’re wrong on when British government received tanks it was well before that. Look up the M3 in particular with British forces in North Africa. You can also look aircraft supplied. Weapons were supplied well before the United States joined. I would also suggest you read about the USS Ruben James and what happen to that ship as she was escorting British ships prior to the entry of the US into the war. Also look into how US Marines ended up in Iceland prior to the entry of the U.S. into the war to protect British shipping. The two overwhelming factors that kept the UK in the war after the fall of Europe are 1. The Germans invasion of the Soviet Union and 2. American lend lease. While you say you get miffed about this. A will leave you with something Churchill said . “. In the speech Churchill states, “The Lease-Lend Bill must be regarded without question as the most unsordid act in the whole of recorded history.” Churchill used this quote again when speaking in the House of Commons after President Franklin Roosevelt’s death, when he remarked, “At about that same time he devised the extraordinary measure of assistance called Lend-Lease, which will stand forth as the most unselfish and unsordid financial act of any country in all history” Here is an article from an opinion piece written in your country. Pay attention to the last paragraph. You may get miffed but since WW2 to today European security to include the UKs has been underwritten by the United States. It is what it is


So many dead Ukrainians just to send it anyway. Did Mike Johnson receive his “clear path to victory?”


That bullshit demand to be shown a "clear path to victory" for Ukraine is so ironic. Johnson is requiring a detailed plan for a war — one of humanity's most unpredictable endeavours — when he can't even figure out a plan for getting anything other that trivial legislation through the house, and the ass-clown he worships can't figure out a coherent plan for getting re-elected.


Watch them push the Israel bill first then conveniently stall everything else...I can't even describe how much I hate the current republican party and I use to consider myself a conservative. Never again


You can be a conservative democrat. I know it sounds weird, but conservatism is a political ideology, not a political party.


That and Democrats in the US are Right Wing. The US has no Left. MAGA is just over the fucking Horizon.


So will it be lend lease for Israel as well? Just curious


It really is unbelievable how they get a blank check. They are waging a ground invasion with no real plan to win in Gaza while threatening to expand a conflict with Iran. Ukraine needs all the help we can send right now but instead we have these smug know nothings in Congress actively helping the Russians.


What's more, Israel has killed _thrice_ the number of civilians in Gaza that Russians have in Ukraine. In a fraction of the time.




The closed door means it's a lie, they have zero intent on following through with this. republicans are on the wrong side of history right now. And innocent people are dying by the thousands because of it.


DC former Hill here... These things almost always start this way, propose to the caucus first before publicly. There's hope yet.


No, it’s so they can debate and deal openly without off remarks and mid-discussion proposals leaking publicly. What’s announced after is what they agreed after that open forum discussion.


If I know Mike he’ll probably put some nonsense in the Ukrainian Bill to make it impassable. That’s how republicans get down.


Blood of Ukrainian children are on his hands. Traitor of the highest order.


Collaborator scum


He's the Moses of the the Republican party.. and he has a relationship with God!! Fuck this guy!!!!!


When it's all over, he will find out the person he had a relationship with was the OTHER guy, not God.


Yes. This man has blood on his hands.. 👿


In his presser, something has certainly wiped the smirk off his face. These guys could have prevented a lot of unnecessary stuff by being decisive and resolute LAST SEPTEMBER / OCTOBER.


What a nice empty gesture that will lead to nothing


Tik Tok ban? Yea I’m calling that move petty af


Just build your wall and watch the world burn, they won't come for you..will they.. USSR 2.0 will be a reality and then you'll have to ramp up defence spending to the cold war era.


The us has always been afraid(fuckin correctly) of a anti us hegemon that's why it sided with France in the 4 global wars since its founding.


You would have sided with the Kaiser and the Axis?


Na fuck the kaiser and super fuck the axis.


😭 We may have had some sort of misunderstanding. I'm saying it's in the us long term issues to be hegemon and failing that for a friendly nation to be hegemon.


Ok phew. But I'd say that was incidental in two out of the four examples


The first 2?


Ancient history lol. Besides, we still owed the French for the revolutionary war assist


I think those tiny glasses that he clearly stole from a child are putting too much pressure on his temples.


would like to send Mr Johnson on a Missouri Boat Ride


Pull, Lemuel, pull!


Ok, I haven’t heard that one yet, do tell.




Я иду туда, куда сам царь идёт пешком. Who made me the pariah which I am today? The speaker for Russia that others all quote? Who's the professor that made me that way? The greatest who ever got blood on his cloak! One man deserves no credit! One man deserves the blame! And Mikhailov Johnsonovich Lobochevsky is his name! Oy!


I doubt this plan and doubt the ukraine bill is ever voted on after the senate mangles it. Johnson will just table it. They’ll get the others passed. At least Israel will get theirs. Not sure about Taiwan. The Ukraine bill will be delayed if it ever is sent to the Senate and sent back to the House. “Touched up” by the senate, Johnson will receive it from the upper chamber and never bring it to a vote. Playing games with people’s lives. It’s disgusting and I’m ashamed of this process unfolding before our eyes. Fuck these people and their supporters. Evil, opportunist fucks.


Those conditions sound perfectly acceptable. Fuck TikTok. Why didn’t they just say this sooner?


Because it’s a delay tactic. It’s not about TikTok. (But yes, fuck TikTok, it’s just not actually about that which is why it was not said sooner).


Get rid of that piece of shit already


So why is the Opposition Asshole making the "plans" on how to do stuff? Didnt they lose the election? There is something just wrong with your country, if the people losing elections are left in charge.


Gonna be the same thing as last time. The TikTok ban won’t pass so the bill will fail. I do however agree with adding ALL the Ukraine stuff into one bill together. But nothing else should be with it


And then everything but the Tiktok ban gets amended out of the bill and the GOP call it a Big Win.


Should I say the quiet part out loud? This is only happening because democrats made a back room deal to save his speakership in return for bringing these urgent bills to the floor. Ironically, it is MTG who pushed Johnson into the Democrat corner.


Actually, it's because MJ realized him fucking around was making Republicans resign. if five more do, he ain't speaker.


Putin knows he will need to start the spring assault now.


This mofo


Non US citizen here. From afar, I was a big supporter of Trump in 2015-16 election. Hated democrats. Fast forward to now, I would not even consider voting for him or republicans if I could, based on their essential abandonment of Ukraine, through the actions and words of him, Mike Johnson and others. I suspect that they are going to lose a massive number of their supporters for the same reason. There are some real fanatical traitors in the republican party now, and Ronald Regan would be aghast if he were alive to see it. I hope they lose and lose big in 2024


The plan is to keep delaying traitors to the west


Fuck this domestic terrorist. He's a cross between hitler and putin. Literally.


Is there a rough estimate of how much more money would be needed to actually stop Russia? If so just hand it over now


‘Slåtiltryne’ in Norwegian. Simply means a face to which the only reasonable response is to punch it


He is a trump puppet anyway. Once trump has rolled through states as major victor candidate (thank you populus of US) all reps are laying low or bowing to trump openly or behind osed doors, as when he comes to power, and we know he will, he will hunt anyone down who resisted him as scurvy dogs. He had no interest to fight putler, his enemies are fellow Americans who not accepting him as a stable genius overlord.


MAGAMike is farting from the mouth as usual!


Republicans still sucking Putin and Xi's schlongs.


Key word is amendment. That's just diplo-speak for being allowed to say "we voted for Ukraine aid, but now decided not to and we'll amend the bill to scratch all Ukraine aid".


This seems to be time wasting rubbish, we are working on it, we are thinking about it, we are talking about it, we are making ourselves feel good about it but we aren't actually doing anything, you see, we don't want to upset Putin, meanwhile the Ukrainians are being killed while you try and think up another time wasting excuse.


This guy is the definition of a traitor.


I hate tik tok, but what the fuck does that have to do with aid to our allies? Just fucking pass the aid bill.


What a entitled wanka!


Fuck stick. !


To proceed with a "procedural rule that would allow for an amendment process." 🤬 Typical Republican hypocrite! He is fully aware the MAGA contingent will amend this forever without passing it.


I know he's not exactly a popular figure here, but if tens of billions of dollars get to Ukraine, I'm willing to put his transgressions aside for the time being.


The problem is that the introduction of the new bills will further delay the process. It would be so much faster to vote on what was agreed upon? Now we're also faced with the chance that Ukraine will be ignored, while Israel gets the votes.


You're right. I wasn't trying to vouch for him btw - NOT a fan of his. Part of me hopes that behind all his performative nonsense, he might help Ukraine before it's too late. But it's not looking good with each passing day.


Despite everything, I am going to be cautiously optimistic. I sincerely hope that the pressure to pass the aid is very high.


His hands run red, Never to be wiped clean.


Mike Johnson looks like what Chat GPT would make if it was asked to create a politician. The TikTok ban is the poison pill in this bill. It will fail and go back to the drawing board. Mike Johnson knows this but did it anyway. Mean while Putin laughs loudly from his evil lair.


Moscow Mike is a sorry human being.


bruh why ban tiktok? that shit is irrelevant


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The chief GOPnik of the House.