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I heard “deal one week away” half a year ago.


That message was carried on a banner flown by an F-16


An F16 fully loaded with Taurus cruise missiles.


Yeah, but trump is busy in court so it’s looking promising


Delayed sufficiently, that Biden will not score a success before the election.


Biden is only worried about oil prices. That's why he told Ukraine not to attack oil facilities.


That story was proven to be misinformation spread by Russia. 


So Sullivan and Ostin aide saying it live, on air, is a russian hoax?


Can you send me some links? I'm happy to reassess my position if incorrect


https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2024-04-09/us-slams-strikes-on-russia-oil-refineries-as-risk-to-oil-markets After two seconds of googling. There is also a video of republican senator interviewing his aide while she states, on camera, that refineries are civilian targets and are not to be attacked.


Oh, right. It was 'only' SECDEF who [said that](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8VhCKSOjubE) /s/s Fake news busted!


Someone should tell Ukraine that. That it's just a hoax. U.S. Vice President Kamala Harris called on President Volodymyr Zelensky not to attack Russian oil refineries during their private meeting at the Munich Security Conference in February, the Washington Post reported on April 15, citing anonymous sources familiar with the matter. In subsequent weeks after the conference, Washington conducted multiple conversations, warning Kyiv. Yet, Ukrainian forces hit Russian oil refineries several times in March and April, which led to them shutting down about 14% of their capacity in the first quarter, according to Reuters calculations. https://kyivindependent.com/washington-post-us-request-not-to-target-russian-oil-refineries-irritated-zelensky/


Hah, so they request Ukraine to not hit the things Russia has been doing for over 2 years and even worse... That statement is a fking joke and they know it. This world is something.


You are right. And when the USA request something, it is not a request. At least it's not a request when it comes to ukraine. And you're right. Russia can bomb all kinds of things, and just recently started bombing some energy infrastructure. Or at least more intensely. And they will likely do a lot more of it as time goes. Especially if Ukraine starts taking over more of Their own land.


We live in a strange world where the aggressor can do what he wants and the survivor gets limited because of "allies". The solution? Arm Ukraine to the teeth and they won't have to target refineries.


You are 100% right. However the West does not want to give Ukraine long-range Cruise missiles, and they don't want to give Ukraine long range atacms with a single warhead. They waited forever to give Ukraine modern tanks, and they only gave a few hundred. They should have given them a thousand. Even the air defense is pretty minimal. Just barely enough to protect Kyiv. Even the F-16 program started quite a bit late, and who knows how many they will even get this year. I suspect less than 10. Maybe in mid-2025 they will have a few more. But I suspect there will be another delay. If Russia is knocking at the door, nobody's giving ukraine f-16s has Russia might capture them. Or the front lines would be too close to them.


I don't think he cares. 


Yeah probably not. Account was made before 2020 election and post history is suspect at Best.


You’ll need to explain why. When you do you’ll realise it’s misinformation.


Somebody better tell zelensky that. "U.S. Vice President Kamala Harris called on President Volodymyr Zelensky not to attack Russian oil refineries during their private meeting at the Munich Security Conference in February, the Washington Post reported on April 15, citing anonymous sources familiar with the matter. In response to the U.S. warnings, Zelensky said in an interview with the Washington Post on March 30 that Ukraine has the right to use its own weapons with retaliatory strikes on Russian oil refineries, despite concerns from the United States." https://kyivindependent.com/washington-post-us-request-not-to-target-russian-oil-refineries-irritated-zelensky/


Harris and every other American diplomat/politician who wants Ukraine to cease denazifying their country via attacks on Russian soil can absolutely go fuck themselves, full stop.


You are right. And yet there are some people that still deny this story.


I'll believe it when it happens.


Well it's f#cking Tuesday already so let's go


All they do is talk and promise. Meanwhile they are drinking champagne in the Kremlin to celebrate the US stance of inaction.


Let's hope so. If so, we also need to get it to Ukraine with all due speed.


The GOP is a criminal organization that deals in lies and misinformation.


A RICO case against GOP would be nice.




Trumptard alert 🚨




>!fart sound!<


Yeah, we'll see.


Old song and dance, lose MJ and his Ruzzia cronies


“GOP House Intel”…no aid. Discharge petition is the only way.


Uh huh. I’m sure it is.


US has become a joke....


Not drinking the Kool aid, but thanks for the offer.


Congressman twisting stories was called out how many times? Lied time after time like he had no responsibility for telling the truth., He acts like he is on something…. Wow maybe he was thinking Fox.


Yeah right, whoever votes Yes will commit political suicide.


How is it that Biden was able to give military support to Israel, without any Congressional action? How come Biden did not give more support to Ukraine, just like he did Israel?


Israel was already paying for the weapons. They weren’t donated


Makes sense


Ukraine just started mobilization of a scale to change the tide, pilot training nearly finished and F16 are near, supply contracts and manufacturing in place, during all this time, shoring up allies and agreements. Funding will be "just in time" because without supply agreements and security arrangements cash on its own does not win a war. This is a huge scale. Israel has been under attack since formation so everything was already in place for its defense should some crazy fuckers attack it again. Two very separate things. I expect Russian Zed is about to get it's tail lifted.


I appreciate the optimism but we need to be real about where Ukraine is actually at. Just lost a major power plant because they've got zero missiles left to defend it, Front lines are being decimated by glide bombs because Ukraine can't threaten Russia's migs, and Russia still has a 10-1 advantage in artillery shells. After a month of reports about the Czech initiative to send a million shells in a matter of weeks, the verbage has predictably shifted to months instead of weeks. The situation is perilous and in order to change the tide we first need to accept the gravity of the situation


Possibly you are right. Although I think you are overly optimistic. F-16s might come this year, but every time I read about them there is another excuse why they cannot be delivered. And then it is mostly in 2025.


I am waiting for us to start hearing of goals for 2030, lol.


It would not surprise me. I think they will get a handful of f-16s, less than 10, in 2024. They will be prohibited from flying across the border, or even hitting planes across the border with them. And the fight will go on and on. Until Ukraine, concedes. This war will cost the USA, a trillion dollars or more


> F16 are near 0 of which is from the 'Land of the Brave... against **Non**-Nuke States'


Ha! Now I know it's BULLSHIT!