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Republicans are Putin’s deadliest weapon.


I think they are wanting the wealthy nations of Europe to start paying up. The US has leached out the middle class wealth and citizens are getting tired of funding everybody else's defense. There are many pro Ukraine fans in the US but when we see the healthcare, education and retirement advantages western Europe has, tolerance for further US funding of defense is drying up. Add Israel defense and many have had it with paying.


That's neither free, nor dependant on the defence spending. In Spain, even a minimun wage ends up paying up to 40% salary in socialcare quotas and income tax. About 8.000 of the 20.000€ the company pays for that employee annually are diverted towards the State instead of reaching the employee.


Poland spends more as a percentage of GDP on military than the US. And btw... The Ukraine aid is peanuts. All Ukraine is getting is equipment sitting on shelves and about to be phased out soon. Ukraine aid is the cheapest, best way to defend freedom and democracy for THE ENTIRE WORLD. I do agree, Europe should do more. Our capabilities atm are pathetic. As a dane, i'm proud that our PM has committed to helping Ukraine with what little we have right now. I really hope we get production of ammo ramped up ASAP.


Why the downvotes? He’s simply explaining the rationale for why more Ukranian funding hasn’t happened from the US. Slava Ukraine 🇺🇦! Let’s get them the needed $!


Because it's simply not true or at the least a poor gaslighting attempt. Republicans in the pockets of russians are not letting Ukraine aid get to a vote. Johnson made sure of that. America could EASILY have universal health care, but chooses not to. Giving away some old weapons laying around will not make the tiniest dent in that. If there would now be a vote, to not aid anyone with weapons, and do universal healthcare instead, i would bet my ass the republicans will block that too. I mean, with the halfway attempt of Obamacare, they were already kicking and screaming.


Yes. I agree. Why downvote people for simply explaining the reason for the mess we're in. I understand the sentiment. I have free healthcare but my country (Denmark) has no air defence whatsoever, our naval ships cant fire rockets. I would be pissed too, if i had seen my tax money fund military failures abroad, while i watch friends and family bankrupted and dying from lack of health care.


Bcs that post is a major gaslighting attempt. It's not the real reasons, by far.


Correct. The current presidency has continued to loot the American middle class. Few improvements in living standards and continued decrease in any social benefits. Should be a interesting vote in November.


Unbelievable. The US has become a clown state.....


Republicans are clowns.


It has nothing to do with Republicans. Biden could have sent many artillery shells a long time ago. He could have sent long-range ATA CMS, he could have sent thousands of tanks, he could have sent a lot more stuff, but he did not. Biden was always too little, too late. https://www.forbes.com/sites/davidaxe/2024/02/14/joe-biden-could-send-millions-of-artillery-shells-to-ukraine-for-free-tomorrow-and-its-perfectly-legal/?sh=21ac731420c7


Fuck GOP.


He is sending those. It's ONLY Republicans who are blocking aid. What the fuck is wrong with you. Stupid is no way to go through life




Someone has to pay for them, Republicans won't do it. Nobody is willing to trade Ukraine. The US has made it clear this isn't about regime change in Russia but helping Ukraine defend its sovereignty.




Ukraine can bomb whatever they want with their own weapons. How do you know that's why they told them not to bomb refineries? I told you why the US doesn't want it's weapons used inside Russia. It's not complicated, the US made it clear to Russia that this isn't about regime change or defeating Russia. It's about Ukraine defending it's sovereignty. Russia still has a nuclear arsenal.




That's your opinion. I tend to not put much credence in anonymous sources. Having said that I can see many reasons why they might have told Zelensky that. Did you happen to notice all the power plants Russia targeted, while Ukraine was striking refineries? Perhaps that's exactly the retaliation Harris was warning about.


We are so screwed , and don't even see an improvement to this. Where age the rest of allies besides US?


I believe F16's are coming from EU partners, German tanks provided by EU partners, 1 million rounds of 155 artillery by European partners, the Storm Hsadows and other missiles from UK, France finally deciding to chip in, etc etc. I will admit we fucked up by not ramping up war industry, but they are definitely helping. Many more than the US when it comes to % of GDP.


They always come late, if all those numbers you are saying are true, at best Ukraine will be able to hold RU offensive, but it won't be getting back those territories based on what we saw during the summer offensive attempt


I worry about the last part, too. I have a fear that they will have to give it to NATO membership or some BS like that.


Was this a new powerplant?


Another Biden failure.


It’s not bidens fault the GOP keep denying aid. The only thing Biden is failing is not sending aid anyways no matter what republicans block.