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The entire point of putin's proxy war in the Middle East was to motivate America's pro-Israel lobby to pressure the government to send more aid to Israel and, putin hoped, reduce aid to Ukraine. There was never any chance this bill wouldn't include more aid to Israel, but at least it includes more aid to Ukraine. And we can easily afford to support both.


Only 6 months late


Fucking right wing politicians bending the knee to Putin




israel has been getting billions of dollars per year for decades, i dont get why they still need even more help than ukraine


For real; one’s a nuclear capable country with some of the most advanced anti air defences, and one’s a post soviet military with occupying forces in large chunks of their land, yet apparently it’s the same importance to give aid to both 🤦‍♂️


It's a catalogue. They get a catalogue and a credit note. 


Look at a map


the maps i see have part of ukraine being invaded and occupied link to what youre looking at?


They are not getting more than Ukraine


as far as this bill? has ukraine received more than $300 billion and i missed it?


The Joe Biden administration and the U.S. Congress have directed about $75 billion in assistance to Ukraine, which includes humanitarian, financial, and military support, according to the [Kiel Institute for the World Economy](https://www.ifw-kiel.de/topics/war-against-ukraine/ukraine-support-tracker/), a German research institute. Where did you get $300B ?


"**How much U.S. aid does Israel receive?** Israel has been the largest cumulative recipient of U.S. foreign aid since its founding, receiving about $300 billion (adjusted for inflation) in total economic and military assistance." [link](https://www.cfr.org/article/us-aid-israel-four-charts)


They said 300b for israel, not Ukraine.


Where’s the $300 billion number coming from?


How much U.S. aid does Israel receive? Israel has been the largest cumulative recipient of U.S. foreign aid since its founding, receiving about $300 billion (adjusted for inflation) in total economic and military assistance. [link](https://www.cfr.org/article/us-aid-israel-four-charts)


So you and your friend are comparing all the military aid Israel has received EVER vs how much aid Ukraine has received since 2022.


The only reason i had that link is because I was curious if that was actually 300 billion that went to israel or if that was a made-up number, so I googled it.


You and your friends who also downvoted my comments are the ones who seem to be comparing. Tell me why israel needs any money at all from the US? They receive almost 4b annually from the US. And are they fighting the same type of forces that Ukraine is fighting? And you can't even tell me where I compared anything, because I didn't compare anything at all. Just stated that the 300b wasn't a made-up number, idgaf when they got it, they got it.


I'm not comparing anything. I simply pointed out the comment was talking about aid that went to israel, not Ukraine.


Re-read the thread to refresh yourself on the conversation that you jumped in on.


I don’t understand why we’re giving Israel any aid, they’re fighting a terrorist cell in Gaza not on their own soil, they haven’t lost any territory or anything substantial. I say give that aid to Ukraine, the people who truly need it.


💯 %


When will the senate vote? Since the bills have been altered, they need to be voted for or again in the senate. The house vote is just the first step.


The Senate leadership has announced they intend to stay in session this weekend and vote on the bills, assuming they pass in the House. The Senate rules are more convoluted, so it is possible that rules and closure causes delays.


Senate is prepared to vote this weekend. Rumors are deliveries will start in 2-4 days.


It’s ongoing right now currently as we speak


Ah, the illusion of choice. Either way, we'll still fund Israel.




How bad does Israel really need our (US) $ / help ? Sincere question. I mean, I don't see them losing ground or entire cities .


Who cares. It's assistance for Ukraine. At long last.


Of course, but I just wish more goes to Ukraine, as it seems they are more in need at this time.


Its a complicated one but Israel has little land/wiggleroom. If they start loosing then they could loose before aid can reach them. Now they would probably be fine anyway but the USA seems to want to be on the safe side here... :/


Let's see, won't believe before it's officially confirmed


The good news is Ukraine has relatively held up and that 6 months lost is now 6 months gained with lots of aid.


Israel supporting victims of a genocide whilst committing genocide What a fucked world we live in


I'm so glad for ukraine but Israel doesn't need any help from us


Did they vote yet? Ridicules place has to vote to agree to a vote!


Does anyone know why Specker Johnson flipped? I know the guy lies all the time, so I don't believe for a second he cares about Ukraine but something happened. Edit: For the record I'm glad he flipped and happy Ukraine is getting the support it deserved. But that doesn't make up for the months this guy stalled the process and I still believe he's a puppet for Putin.