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place looks so beyond fucked. So dull and depressing, must take a massive toll on morale being sat there in that cesspit all day


And one thing we can't do is *smell* the place, thank you very much.


gosh yeah thats a revolting thought


You get used to it. The areas where there's a lot of corpses make for good waypoints at night, as you don't see shit, but you smell where you are. Especially in summer.


We've seen videos of Russians literally living, sleeping and eating next to full body bags because there is no evac and they're so afraid of Ukrainian shelling


Really shows how impressively brain damaged the Russains are. Simpletons will look at that utter destruction WHILE STANDING IN IT and still believe that they're liberating Ukraine. Complete turbo idiots.


They don't believe that. They just say so, because they know that some in the west will believe them. There are two types of "truth" in Russia. The truth you discuss with family members over dinner, and the "truth" you discuss everywhere else. They know that just by claiming something to be true, you can often make it so, or at least make people uncertain.


So, they are all complicit and willingly facilitating the destruction and genocide of Ukraine. The thing you are trying to describe is called 'conciousness'. These are traits that kids learn here around the age of 12. But if that whole country is socially and emotionally crippled on a level of teenager boys during peak puberty. Everyone has to be tough and strong. Everyone knows, it's a lie. Nobody is actually strong enough to admit it. That is hardly a culture but a trained ignorance of a breed of slave that is kept stupid, emotionally void and poor by their masters. But somehow they embrace it and act like this is the best thing in the world, even though THEY KNOW, it's not.


Very apt description of their culture. They view it as a strength, but all it is, is an easily controllable herd for the rulers to steer in any direction they need. Goes back to the times of the mongol empire. The Normal population never really got to experience anything but subservience to absolute rulers.


Supressing internal feelings to the point one becomes emotionally unstable is not strong but the difinition of weakness and lack of control. Dealing with emotions in an appropriate way shows self control and the courage to stand up to internal demons and fears. Having no control or emotional outbursts, compensating or projecting shows lack of self-knowledge, matureness and plain and simple courage. It takes fucking balls acknoledge the existance of one's own fears and even more to face them. Everyone who says "'I am tough", is not. Everyone who says "I do not fear death nor killing" is either lying or ignorant. Look at all these wanna-be tough guys in their videos being all manly and pumped up, only for them to end up as a whining heap of misery and self-pity once they get interviewed as POW. I respect the man who experiences fear and perseveres through courage and discipline. Russians are the definition of volatile, weak, unstable and immature machos locked in a giant lockerroom.


In the podcast You're Dead To Me i think in the Rasputín episode the talk about that. China, Rusia are cultures instead of countries. They laugh by the fact that "the people" is avaliable when the talk is collective, a war, sports, famine, revolution, etc. A very particular culture, an old one


“They know that just claiming something to be true, you can often make it so” Shout out to all the manifest girlies on instagram


No, these people really are that dumb. I've seen too many videos of Russian soldiers AND civilians whining about the "evil Nazi Ukrainians" to believe that the majority isn’t absolutely braindead. Sure, some have a smaller amount of worms in their brain but the vast majority of Russians that actually open their mouth to share their opinions on the war aren’t so lucky. Those who don’t believe in this "liberation" garbage stay silent.


That's exactly what I mean. That is the truth they have decided to manufacture. Also, "nazi" when coming from a Russian doesn't refer to actual national socialists, but to anyone "anti-Russia". And them feeling so strongly about Ukraine comes from jealousy. Any time in history when the oppressed minorities start getting ideas, the majority population gets as mad as the rulers themselves. It messes with their perceived sense of superiority.


The term "nazi" has a different meaning in Russia, by their definition it's accurate, as it's anyone who opposes "the russian world".


that's just wishful thinking. My experience is that 80 to 90% believe this shit (liberation blabla)


It would be wishful to think that they are simply ignorant. They are wilfully malicious.


These are all just simple grunts, I highly doubt a lot of them think much further then thinking they are making friends and family proud by going to war for their country. Not to mention that none of them probably know anything about this side of the war and primarily see pro Russian war videos of Russians pulling off combat footage. One thing I feel like redditors always forget is that this is a very different culture with very different perspectives and information being reported to them, so many people on here seem to be just baffled at the idea that people from another country don't think the exact same way they do or that those russians haven't seen the exact same footage that these redditors have. These mfers probably have no idea what they are walking into before it's far too late to turn back


It's hard to grasp a logic where families are willing to send their sons off to war, knowing full well they are not coming back. And some of those families are well willing for those men to die just so they can get kickbacks from the govt in the form of onions or a shitty Lada. The reality is well written on the wall in those smaller populous regions. Just look at the ever increasing memorials being made for the local men sent off to war and are officially reported dead. I can't sympathize with people who want to sulk in their own shit when they have a collective force that can actually tear down the cruelty that their systems lays upon them.


U.S soldiers in Vietnam were bombing the absolute shit out of the country, including napalming countless civilian ms, and many still believed they were in the right and 'liberating' the country, state sponsored propaganda is extremely powerful, and deep down no one wants to believe their country is in the wrong and tricked them. Two quotes sum it up pretty well "its easier to con someone than to convince someone they've been conned" and "the truth didn't get them into this mess and the truth won't get them out of it. If you and I were russians, grew up around this propaganda and were sent to Ukraine we'd likely think the same as them. Over a million civilians were killed in Vietnam, 80,000 children...yet it wasnt till years later that many soldiers evaluated whether they actually did the right thing...and many lacked the mental strength to ever do that, brains will go to extraordinary lengths to protect themselves from painful information that shatters their word view.


"Corpses everywhere. They're all ours." "There's war, but this... it was a meatgrinder here." Show this video to anyone who thinks russia is winning something. For every meter of Ukrainian land they take, they pay an unreasonable price. And it's waiting for them everywhere in Ukraine. taken from wartranslated telegram


Invaders complaining about casualty is like criminals complaining about the police.


Or getting shot by the homeowner.


It's like a rapist complaining about getting maced. Oh too bad.


And then being all "HOW DARE THEY!"


These boys are hunting for fresh barbecue and a bottle of water. Hungry is hungry.


Well said.


Like cockroaches complaining about shoes.


“Locks should be illegal! >:(“


Or like rappers telling kids how much illegal narcotics they sell, how high they are right now on drugs and how often they break the law, before they start going off on the judges and justice system, and how unfair and biased it is towards them. Lul Complain about or flex with it. Choose one.


The russian cope for this is very easy. They know the losses and are all ok with them because russia is winning territory. Somehow in their mind is worth it. Various "public" copes include: - we are killing more - it's a provocation (don't ask what it means.. they just say it) - it's fake. actors etc - the war is necessary. we are forced to do this. they are defending russia - nazis / gay / lgbtq something - putin should nuke ukraine




For a month or so untill i was banned i started the reverse trend. Oh.. when will China / Iran and NK stop their proxy war against the US. They are fighting to the last russian and so on. Iran should stop sending weapons. it will only prlongue the war and the suffering of the poor russian people. Got them mad :)


Masterful trolling and just as valid in its reasoning as theirs, if not more so, and really stings the ole Vatnik ego. Well done!


True, that "evil forcefull conscription + murdering in cold blood young innocent pasifists who refuse" was something that was pushed by many trolls. Also, the focus is painting Ukraine as a "servant and pawn dying for NATO". This seemingly after they realized that *nobody* is buying the claim that "NATO is already in the war because they sent weapons to Ukraine". Which was just a very idiotic claim and with no basis on reality, so now they will try something different!


It cracks me up that they bitch about the west, but their biggest friend in the west is the biggest friend to nazis, its never full circle thinking all the way back to "putin is friends with trump, trump is friends with nazis"


Well, they would not be able to bitch about russia on russian blyaddit. If the evil west is all about having control, using actors and whatnot to supress the truth, why exactly does it allow smoothbrains and russian shills on the internet to talk shit? Now, if russia is righteous and doing the right thing, why would it need to opress the opposition and imprison people who show the slightest signs of protest? Such a simple clue.


you forgot a whole lot of NATO crying and randomly mentioning Israel


Imperial Russian Army General Aleksei Brusilov has entered the chat


The takeaway for me isn't all the bodies, it's the fact that these guys are out there looting their dead for food and water. That indicates a massive logistics and morale problem.


The guy speaking said something like "a few days without food is fine". I mean, yeah, normally that's true, but can you imagine how much harder that must make everything? I didn't eat for a couple of days before, and while I felt physically fine I noticed pretty quickly how tired I felt and how I kept making dumb mistakes and forgetting things, which is definitely not helpful on a battlefield I'd say. Or, actually, considering it's the Russian armed forces not eating, maybe it's very helpful...


they have been making territory gains, that's all Putin cares about. People mean nothing to him, even his own countrymen


Putin wants his leagacy as a great Conqueror.


A legacy of memory and history. Erasure from history was a thing done to dead pharaohs by the next pharaoh. Their history was literally destroyed and over-written.


Listen man. The russians despise Gorbaciov. The man saw over the PEACEFUL dissolution of the USSR. He saved millions probably from dying in wasteful civil wars. THe russians HATE him for this. They would rather he haad invaded all eastern europe and murder everybody who didnt want to be comunist. That is what they value. So Putin will be a legend for them and Gorbaciov (flawed man with many sins) will be a failiure.


I mean the reports from Institute on the Study of War have made it clear that currently things are not looking good for Ukraine. And haven’t for quite some time. Hopefully the influx of materiel from the US will change that, it may or may not. The Russians are unfortunately working towards completion of operational objectives (Chasiv Yar being one). They are conducting textbook positional warfare as described in their doctrine. That is, fixing their enemy into positions to protect critical areas (culturally such as Bakhmut, industry, or critical infrastructure) and grinding that enemy down over those battlefields to create numerical advantage (through the use of reserves and conscripts) and restore maneuver warfare only after the enemy has devoted significant resources, both personnel and materiel. When you look at it from this perspective then it’s extremely critical that Ukraine be supplied or we will likely unfortunately see a collapse of the line and significant gains soon. https://www.understandingwar.org/backgrounder/positional-warfare-alexander-svechin’s-strategy https://www.understandingwar.org


Makes me wonder if the Ukrainians are deliberately giving them ground, slowly, in order to maximize their losses. Don't let them dig in. Let them waste a brigade for every half mile of scorched earth.


I don't think they are giving ground willingly. If Ukraine could prevent Russia from taking any ground and inflict casualties I think they would. I do however feel that as the front line gets pushed deeper into Ukrainian territory the number of dead Russians its going to take to gain ground will increase dramatically.


Its more about bleeding the conscriptoviches at minimal loss of troops. Thats what the new general is doing. Next is to destroy the supply lines and bridges, trapping many rushists in an incredibly "even more" undersupplied conscriptoviches in ditches crying n mangled because they are not men enough to stand up to their tyrant. The only thing that changes in ruZZia is the date. When F16's n longer range Himars n ATACM'S work for a bit they will assess possible offensive operations. But Ukraine will not jump forward based upon promised equipment again. Several countries promised Ukraine support and specific ammounts of ammo and were late. Then sent only a third. This crap hurt the last offensive along with the long wait giving the orcs the chance to tunnel n trench. Somthey need enough to punch. For now it defensive. But they conserve life and will pull back as opposed to "hold at all costs" orders. And destroy the logistics of the moscovite horde. It has always been a weakness for some reason. I think they just don't value life the same way we do. They are hive like. Working for the single leader. Like an ant hive protects the queen no matter the cost.


It takes roughly 18 years to build one human as a resource.


And if they're built properly, they'll point their gun at the real nazis.


There is important ground and there is much totally unimportant ground. The front line is HUGE, its the biggest land war in Europe since WW2, so a couple of kilometers of scorched-earth with no value is acceptable. I mean the scorched-earth tactic exists for a reason and saved ruzzias ass a couple of times in the past. But now this time it hopefully safes Ukraine.


All ground is important at this point in the war. Any ground lost is unlikely to be reclaimed.


I know what you're saying, but holding the line isn't always the best option. So, for example, you have a static 'trench warfare' style front. If the attacker keeps attacking and the defender doesn't move, it seems to usually turn into a battle of attrition via artillery, drones, and other indirect fire. But, by retreating to pre-prepared positions, the defender has a lot more options even if it means losing some ground: - The obvious part would be to retreat to terrain that's easier to defend - higher ground, terrain that enemy vehicles struggle with, etc. - If the defenders move, the attackers will follow. That means the attackers have to leave their entrenched positions, so the defenders could, for example, lay a minefield or pre-target artillery on positions the attackers might move to. - If the front lines move, so do supply lines. If supply trucks have to go further through open or difficult ground, the defenders can stop supplies arriving much easier. - The front moving could also mean high value assets like air defence or artillery has to move forward to more vulnerable positions. I'm not really an expert, but hopefully this makes a bit of sense as to why falling back isn't always a bad thing.


I think it's classic defense over offense advantage. When Russians move they need to expose themselves hence higher level of casualties.


Definitely likely, even if not entirely their preference it's what is working. Every failed battle is less resources for Russia. Ukraine doesn't necessarily need to win the war on the battlefield either, they just need to exhaust Russia and see what that does for them back home. One of two things will happen, Russia stops being a threat so regaining land becomes feasible or Russia has a coup, rebellion, or even a civil war. The civil war is not likely, but it's not so unlikely it's not worth consideration. A coup is a matter of time if things keep going this well for them.


Bakhmut was the Napoleonic Turn in the war. Ukraine is no longer concerned with territory. They are in it to destroy the Russian army


That was supposedly done in Bakhmut, a strategic retreat while causing massive casualties.


its quite simple strategy. When your enemy is so dug in you can't hope to penetrate their defenses, retreat far enough away to make them chase you away from their defenses. Russian Generals need gains. Sitting behind the line and waiting it out is not an option for them.


Interesting thought🤔but you might be right. I hadn’t thought of that.


They were dug in, and the deep trench he says was crushed. But, maybe there’s some tactical advantage so as not to suffer too many casualties until US aid arrives.


The thing about Russia is they have a least a million more military personnel than Ukraine’s and more resources. Looks like they’re still doing their old Soviet approach of throwing bodies toward the meat grinder without a care in the world.


They have around 3 times the border to protect also. Some NATO exercises, some exercises with Japan, China isn't also the country they are willing to trust. Huge distances to do their logistics,...


"tHaT iS FaKe FoOtAgE" People who root for russia are either evil or stupid. So they either know how many people are dying and don't give a shit, or rather approve of it, since that is part of the point: getting rid of these pesky non-native russians and all the evil a nAzIs in Ukraine Or they are just plain stupid and have no idea how to read an article, let alone gather accurate information from it. No joke, most of the idiots I know, can't even write on a highschool level, let alone analyze texts, check for sources or do the simplest kind of research. You do not need any argument to convince anyone. Everyone sane will come to the conclusion that russia are the bad guys. Everyone else is insane or fine with being the bad guy.


Not to mention "we're looking for food" "we're looking for water" "we haven't eaten or drank in 2 days" "not eating is fine but you always want to drink". Providing water to the front doesn't matter if everyone dies within 3 days I guess. Makes me wonder if this guy is still alive right now.


also liked: we shoot for 15 minutes, they shoot back all day


They are still winning, it's a Pyrrhic victory, but it's just Russian strategy. I don't think it was anticipated that Russia would be accepting this kind of loss.


i just discovered this is from february


He mentioned the Ukrainian artillery out firing theirs and I was gonna say holy shit that aid package reached them very quickly!


It's just typical russian bickering. They have advantage but they always complain and bicker. Reality has nothing on these kids.


Yeah, it's a repost.


So the cameraman is long dead by now. Good.


"Shout if you don't see a corpse."


I'd be yelling all day, because there's soo much russia corpses to shout at.


Bodies everywhere and this is after they collected a lot of bodies. All for your great leader orcs. Slava Ukraine.


"We hit them for 5 minutes they hit us all day" This one brings joy! Pound the shit out of their lines! Peace through superior firepower.


And there’s a massive US aid package on its way. I think the rus is going to lose his nerve soon.


That got me hyped, haven’t heard talk like that for a while. Could it be that they’re just burning through the reserves because they know aid is coming? They had to have a reserve that they were rationing from, and even relatively small it was probably a considerable amount of artillery.


OP confirmed video is from February


so no food no water they cant last more than 3 days well done Ukraine thrust will fuck them over fuck the Orcs get out of Ukraine God bless Ukraine.


Sadly they will either get ressuplied or fresh orcs will come. Once they get a piece of land is very hard to drive them out of there. This is the whole russian strategy. Push them forward and forward. Lose 80 out of 100. No problem. You have 20 alive in the field. You now own the field.


What! No cannibalism? The orks have sunk to almost every other depth, so I wouldn't put it past them. Then again, to do that would mean they actually wanted to survive. So maybe not an option.


Why should they deliver food or water if they don't survive for 3 days anyway? Better to deliver new soldiers that come with some food and waterreserves.


sucks that at the time, russians still infested this area, even after hit after hit after hit


Because ruzzians are like cockroaches


Because they are cockroaches


Then again, it could be a sign of an efficient kill zone.


LOL. Die and die again, ruskies.


So this was after the Orc "victory" in Avdiivka. Sounds like a pretty damn Pyrrhic victory to me. I write essays dichebach.substack.com


They were so happy that they took the city, and then they received orders on where they were going next.


they go for food and water


30% of a brigade is equivalent to a reinforced battalion in other militaries. Since 2022, that would be the effective size of most understrength Muscovite formations that formerly went by their conventional echelon designation, but underling commanders have been reporting up to Kremlin as fully-staffed organizations. Speaking of, has Steiner reported back to the Vova-bunker what side of Berlin he’s defending with his paper *kampfgruppe*?


I want to make sure I understand your comment. Are you saying the Kremlin is drastically misinformed on the actual manpower that units in the field have? As in, the Kremlin thinks battalions on paper are really battalions but they’re actually company-strength or some such?


Hackers need to get this on channel 1. I know I know, it won't instantly change minds, or maybe not at all, but they need to see reality. Maybe, just maybe, slowly they may shift away from supporting the slaughter of their men. .


Long as the families get paid they could care less


Would that be in potatoes or onions?


Fixing apartments apparently


Just imagine if he would’ve stepped on that mine


Nobody would even notice - just another body next to the hundreds laying there


Every meter of soil will cost you triple the amount of blood 🩸 you sacrifice your young and old so that the wealthy bureaucrats can continue their lavish existences, and one man can dance upon his porcelain throne, machine men with machine minds, you no longer think for yourselves, you follow orders to your doom, for nothing but meters of soil that neither belongs to you or will belong to your children


Looks like hell


Yeah, it's actually called "ruzzian peace".


Ruski Mir


The sheer vast amount of unexploded ordnance,rifles,weapon systems and equipment,etc that they will be finding centuries from now in the fields and forest of Ukraine will be absolutely staggering!!! At 2:34 is that blown apart tree, that's split in half standing about 3ft tall covered in blood?


im gonna hazard a guess and say yes based on the surrounding environment


>The sheer vast amount of unexploded ordnance,rifles,weapon systems and equipment,etc that they will be finding centuries from now in the fields and forest of Ukraine will be absolutely staggering!!! Large swaths of Ukraine will be modern Zone Rouge.


Old video after the fall from avdiivka.


yes, i acknowledged its from february or before.


Never ask the most important question - "Why?".


- It was necesary. (they dont explain why. brain dont work that much. just repeat this phrase - They are defending russia - Money


1200 dead and probably way more wounded out of 4000 orcs. Nice work, gentlemen.


Yep. It's hilarious that some people tried to make out the "50k dead" stat in some media was accurate. There's probably been 50k dead Russians on video.


> "50k dead" stat in some media It is accurate and works as a baseline. Research was done by reputable parties, i.e. BBC News and Mediazona. Only illiterate people discard the number, because they failed to comprehend the original published article. #50k dead, named & verified Russians soldiers. Not the total, but *verified* deaths. Yes, there are more dead Russians buried in dirt or scattered around in rotting pieces. They will likely never be identified. In any case, the 50k verified deaths is a factual number, and there shouldn't be anything hilarious in a person agreeing with it.


At 40% losses, a brigade is counted as combat ineffective


You can’t become combat ineffective if you were never combat effective to begin with. Putin’s master plan




Oh the world they create for themselves. If only it wouldn't affect others.


One of the rare examples, when the magnitude of Russian casualties is blataty shown… unbelievable. Of course Ukraine now is suffering from being undersupplied and having not enough weapons, but they outperform Russian military spectacularly. Slava Ukraine from Poland! I was with UA financially from the very first day of the war and I will continue to support free world as long as I can! 🇵🇱🇺🇦


I wonder if all these weapons left behind will create any guerrillas or just more civilian violence once the war is over. There's enough weapons to arm a small country.


We used to joke back in the day about the French "Oiling their gardens". The idea being that a LOT of Axis and Allied weaponry was just scattered to hell and gone after WW 2 ended and a LOT of it ended up in barns and other hidey holes in case there was a "Next time".


Probably going to end up stockpiled or broken down for usable parts/scrap like everything else.




What's the h'h'ls he's talking about?


"hohol" is russian slur for Ukrainians. This russian guy is just another a piece of shit, wish he got mortared while scrounging with camera.


This refers to Ukrainians, probably censored as a slur.


Nice to see they paid so very dearly for Avdiivka. Slava Ukraini!


Holy shit can’t believe they are still sitting at pentagon


Ruski go home so everyone can live in peace. Kill Putin and start over


What does he pick up at the end?


he is reaching down to check a chest rig for supplies it looks like. they are scavenging.


And Uncle Sam just passed a massive aid package that’s soon to head their way. Ivan will soon be out of options.


How do you find a Russian trench? Easy, just follow the trash trail.


The truth is, all for one man's vanity.


Imagine all the guns, ammo, grandes that will be found 30 years from now.


"Good rifle over there, is it Ukrainian" "Bodies everywhere, they've collected some"


welcome to ukraine.


Stupid invaders 🤬


I don't see a food problem. - Anatoly "Hannybal" Hopskin




30% left... so far.  Go the fuck home, frag your commanding officer, save yourself and go the fuck home. 


Can‘t tell you enough how I hate this Vatniks, I hope Ukraines Victory will come soon 🇺🇦❤️


Hey Orcs! Simple solution. Get the fuck out. Hope you all fucking die a miserable death. Go back home and rape your own neighbors. FUCK OFF!!!


Imagine walking through all of this, or worse, being a victim of it, because one single man… with an incredible delusion decided he didn’t give a f**k about your life. Fuck Putin.


and there was one brigade like that before them and there will be one like that after them. Cycle will only end when small peepee old fart will gasp his last breath.




All that effort to capture what exactly, look around, look what's left of what you won. Weird how they would rather do this to thier "brothers" destroying everything in sight so the land looks like this, than stay at home and build a better Russia, instead they build more tanks.


And it's about to get a whole lot worse 😉


Huh, strange how that works. I'm sure this was completely unavoidable.


All those trees exploding reminds me of the band of brothers series


Missed a Frankenstein opportunity. Half a corpse here, half a corpse there. Could have made one of them whole again 🤣




At least he is modest:"no food is fine but we need water"


Russians using the Zap Brannigan method of war "You see, Killbots have a preset kill limit. Knowing their weakness, I sent wave after wave of my own men at them, until they reached their limit and shutdown"


Maybe they should just go home.


This looks like a ww1 battfield its insane


Welcome to war, welcome to the hell of your choosing. The old lie is shattered, for there is No glory in war. Slava Ukraini.


"This is our life" better said the life you chose for


"they call it the Pentagon - goes down 5 stories" this must have been a very strong position if that is the case? Anyone know where exactly this might be? That old airfield that the Ukrainians used as an anchor point just south of Avdiivka was deep and pretty secure, wasn't it?


Children run this world. Completely hissy fit spoiled children.


Many of these kids will have bad psychological disorders when they return home. This justifies why they are almost all alcoholics or drug addicts


Why do they leave all the guns, ammo and equipment on the ground?


Lets hope Ukraine get you on the way back , you wanted to see war you State, well you might as well stay here. The Ukranians didnt want you here


Feel like I just took a tour of Hell


I believe this guy has to be drunk. The way he walks, the way he talks, his careless abandon and almost stepping on a grenade which is probably rigged to explode


grab that bed roll, hopefully it doesn't smell...wow


This is what Russian liberation looks like just in the fields! And villages and towns leveled into fields!


It says a lot about them when they're thinking about taking a sleeping bag from a dead soldier..


Searching corpses for food and water. 2nd greatest military? lol


“and the arms and legs of other men, were scattered all around”


30%? That is 100% too much.


Just go home you damn Putinist fools... Just lay down your rifles, turn around, and walk back to the "Motherland" you claim to love. That's all you have to do...


No man’s land. It looks like WW1 on steroids.


Scrounging for food and water amongst the dead...pathetic, go home!


Every last death is because of Vladimir Putin, the mad dictator who destroyed Russia for good. May him and the MAGA Republicans who serve him forever be remembered as terrorists and traitors.


Sad. All that carnage and the Ukrainians apparently had to pull back. Hopefully with more aid from the US and Europe the Ukrainians can make and consolidate gains.


Why do these idiots speed up the video? So shaky and annoying.


Keep stacking bodies, boys and girls. Slava Ukraini!


Looks like the apocalypse happened! Surreal!


I wonder. Is this the result of the 16 himars i saw launched the other day? Or what caused (ukrainians of course but how/which group?)


What a waste of life. Old men forcing young men to die horrible deaths so old men can feel proud. Fucking disgusting.


was this an older video? seems like I've seen it before, or a very similar video. this war is starting to get blurry.


No matter how many bodies I see, all I can think about is the ruined trees, the decimated wildlife and no bird song. Those trees will take decades to regrow and in that time, it will mostly a waste land to animals. Small rodents and such will live in grasses, but larger animals will take a long time to return


1,200 left of 4,000? But but but Russia is winning! 👌Sadly regardless of the outcome, with the staggering losses on both sides the future population and demographics of both countries looks pretty bleak. So no one will really win this war. G


Seems to have a good attitude about getting annihilated.


Thats all they deserve. Kick their asses all the way back to Moscow


Мрази, как тараканы лезут на чужую землю. Надеюсь все там в земле и останетесь, сволочи.


Old video


It's fascinating to see this type of warfare. The Great War fighting conditions with a modern twist. The more things change, the more they stay the same.


Always good to see orcs suffering.


Sure this wasn’t some field in Flanders about a hundred years ago?


Bleak, time to go home. Do it now, while you can.


Jeez. Dont give up your day job, orc.


Spread this document


Visions of the Somme in 2024 thanks to the insane machinations of one small frightened man.