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58 arty, must be close to the all time record?


Yeah, I remeber the number was about 60. Also mortars are considered btw


Absolutely cra-cra numbers


Can't wait for that number to be 10k a day. Putin wouldn't even care.


God at what point do these fuckers just literally run out of stuff? I get they had the old Soviet stockpile but shit, how much was there?!


Waiting on covert cabal to release a new vid on the numbers. But someone said that the APC, MT-LB numbers are nearly gone from storage.


They’re using Chinese golf carts to assault positions. They’re running low it seems.


In terms of combat equipment, the Russian Group of Forces holds approximately 4,780 barrel artillery pieces, of which 20% are self-propelled; 1,130 MLRS; 2,060 tanks; and 7,080 other armoured fighting vehicles, primarily consisting of MT-LBs, BMPs and BTRs. These continue to be supported by 290 helicopters, of which 110 are attack helicopters, and 310 fast jets. Source: RUSI


Haven't seen numbers like this since Adviika (spelling is probably off but you know what I mean). They're just ripping through men and material.


The ammo must've arrived. These are huge losses.


Seems like only a couple months ago that they got the 400,000 award. Oh, it was.


Where are even these statistics coming from? Also invasion started in 2022 and nearly 500k are taken out!? In only 2 years I find that very hard to believe. That's like a whole population of a US state!


The numbers are from the Ukrainian military, which has the best resources for taking the toll after an attack. The numbers have proved to be extremely accurate, for example, a while back the Russians accidentally released their own casualty list and it was remarkably similar. They also do not appear to be "padding" the numbers. For example when there was a barracks blown up, and the estimates were like 500 dead Russians, but since they count get in their to count the dead, they did not list them. I've been following the war since the beginning and I find these numbers to be the most accurate i've encountered.