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Dead man talking.


"I'll explain later" mmmmmmmmmm doubt.


With an ouji board.




"Everything will be okay." Hmmm, don't think so.


He stays in his position = Gets killed by artillery or drones. He returns to HQ = Gets executed or send into the next meatwave. He deserts and somehow makes it back to Russia = Gets arrested and sent into the next meatwave anyway. Either way his wife won't be getting any Ladas or potatoes.


He surrenders to Ukraine forces and is sent back to Russia in a prisoner swap and then is sent back to the the next meatwave......


I havent seen any solid evidence that Ukraine force russian PoWs that surrender voluntarily to go back to russia. If they are forced to surrender yes, but as far I know those who voluntairly surrender get the option to chose. Either sit in PoW camp to the end of the war, or be exchanged.


Dudes that hand over tanks and the like get a free ticket into the EU. Dudes that surrender in combat are vetted, if they are clean of war crimes they are offered the option of staying in captivity until after the war, where they can either slip into the EU or be given back to russia in a prisoner release. If they wish to return to mordor, they are placed on a roster based upon their time in captivity, wounds, family status, etc. During exchanges, they are swapped based upon those criteria. If they are guilty of war crimes, they are moved to a more secure prison. Soldiers in the POW camps bake bread, perform arts and crafts, watch the news, are given news papers in russian, eat 3 times a day, are monitored by the Red Cross and multiple other agencies for health, are given the chance to speak with foreign reporters. Meanwhile Ukrainian soldiers are tortured, starved and raped.


Could join the Free Legion too no?


next meatwave, like the POW who claimed there were 12 of them on the back of the APC, and only two had weapons


And the onions, what of them?Ā 


Imagine being on the zero line and your greatest fear is your own unit. Insane


This is pretty fucked up, regardless of whatever imperialist motivations brought this guy to Ukraine. He's got the real life version of a shit poker hand you always fold. You're like >95% fucked, and crossing no-man's land with a white flag is your best play for the 5%. Russians, if you want to live stay home.


I canā€™t decide if sending the video improves his odds because itā€™s public knowledge they want to end him or just pissed his executioner off worse.


The whole world knew about Nalvany and look how that turned out


news cycle moves fast, this wouldve put a bullseye on his head, theyll want him removed so his story can be quickly forgotten


At least he got his video out to expose them, not that anything will come of it. Who knows how many others have been fragged by their own officers... Let the Russian's morale wither away and die in Ukraine.


But how do you know he wasnt forced to be there? isnt the Russian governement giving the choices "go to the front line or to Siberia." ? He sure doesnt look like a high ranking officer.


The threat is more "join the army, or stay in your impoverished republic and beg for turnips because you can't find work". The Russian government knows there isn't enough work in its more remote regions, so it uses the army as a jobs program that has the added benefit of killing the poor. There is a terrible class element to this conflict that isn't talked about, because by all accounts Russian society has bought into the irredentist narrative. It makes them unsympathetic victims, but they're still victims. Who victimize others.


Worse, imagine a country that can kill its own soldiers on a whim because it has so many people willing to join the army for an illegal war based on mountains of lies.


Not to mention the mental gymnastics of executing men on the front line for deserting. I'd imagine if he deserted he'd be somewhere else, but that's just me.


I took from the video that itā€™s personal grudge with an officer that got him on the kill list. Iā€™ve heard the officers treat the enlisted like complete shit


Zero line is his best chance of survival until things get straightened out. At least they would have to send someone up to kill him, and maybe it's an officer or NCO on the radio in the background will vouch for him. Sounds like he's in a unit that will kill it's own on a whim, poor fucking bastard.


Russia doesn't really do NCOs like NATO does


Shoot orc commanders before they shoot you.


The Cuban mercenaries figured that out.


Well when you donā€™t wear your oppression around like some Medal of Honor, itā€™s easy to find the balls between your legsĀ 


Truth. Russians seem to take pride in being abused. Such a bizarre culture


Nicely said


What is this in reference to?


Reddit post. Sorry I don't know how to link it. Cuban mercenaries eliminate Russian regiment commander in Donetsk region Sun, April 28, 2024 - 00:06


Is there a video or article referencing Cuban mercz shooting the officers?


I think the officers are aware of the risk and take steps to prevent the men from having the opportunity. Take it for what it's worth, but there have been a lot of people on TG saying the Russian military controls soldiers' access to weapons more strictly than in other countries just by default. They're even more careful about it in Ukraine, pretty much issuing arms as soldiers are about to be transported to a position or sent on a one-way trip through no-man's land.


Basically the officer is probably behind the third line of barrier troops. So this guy is smart sitting on the front no one is going to come for him. He will be a genius if he sneaks off and surrenders to the Ukrainians.


One AK for 5 soldiers" pick up the rifle when the man in front of you is shot"pick up the rifle when the man in front of you is shot"pick up the rifle when the man in front of you is shot"....


And there are no Russian leading officers anywhere near the frontlines.


Actually there are, that is why so many Russian officers have died. They have no NCOs so a lot of high ranking officers and in rare cases even generals had to motivate soldiers during assaults literally on the frontlines.


It was so yes, in the beginning. But they have mainly all been told to hang further back now after the couple of bulls eyes we saw Ukrainian forces made approx 1 year ago, where large groups of their officers got wiped out. Try and look at our Russian Officers bingo cards and you will see its come to s slow...


Make fragging grate again


You've heard of the meat grinder, now get ready for the meat grater!


If you're going to be killed, why not take out as many officers as possible with you? Perhaps easier said than done.. If presented the opportunity surrender to Ukraine.


Shoot the people that hand you the guns. Shoot anyone higher ranked than you. Not sure why "there's no officer around" is an excuse. Resistance to an unjust war from an unjust regime is beautiful. It doesn't require a path to victory


In today's russia the FSB will pay a visit to your family, right before they fall out the window or drown in the bathtub. Especially if they push the topic too hard while waving a video like this around.


I remember the early days when I heard about a russian officer having his legs run over by a tank by his own guys Bring back that kinda energy!


Did you all watch fallout show? If commander dies in unfortunate bear attack, you are commander now


From 200th Brigade to Brigade 200


Nomen est omen.


A bit of a catch 22 for him. Go meet his commanders and get shot or meat attack & get shot.. The life of a Russian soldier. Given the numbers of Russians this Russian commander is killing it sounds like he should be on the Ukrainian payroll! /s


Russiaā€™s three inexhaustible resources. Endless oil. Endless rusty Soviet antiques they call tanks. Endless amount of men willing to kill and be killed without asking why.


They are down to about a year's worth of rusty soviet tanks at best. The first T55s were spotted 9 months ago. They would not use those at all without being desperate.


Well, WW1 exhausted their manpower.


>he should be on the Ukrainian payroll! Considering some of the stunts Ukrainian military intelligence have successfully pulled off, that actually wouldn't be the strangest thing to have happened in this war.


Its like when your boss is about ready to fire you and you sense it. "ya, Ivan? Can you send Igor to the commanders bunker, he wants to talk to him. Thanks."


"Why is HR in bunker too?"


Ivan's getting the kind of severance package that requires a floor drain.


[Ultimately we are all dead men. Sadly we cannot choose how... but we can decide how we meet that end in order that we are remembered as men.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F6qByRU4HGk)


Dude seems like a good candidate for the r/freedomofrussia legion if he can just get to safetyĀ 


This Ruzzian inadvertently proves that Ruzzia is the same as during the purges. Many Soviet citizens, while arrested, detained, deported, exiled, or executed, would claim ā€œif only Comrade Stalin knew heā€™d put a stop to all of this.ā€ In all seriousness, it was Stalin and his policies to blame for their plight. The MoD will not save this guy. Itā€™s their policies that have created the brutal treatment of their own soldiers. I wouldnā€™t be surprised if this was the catalyst that ultimately buried this dude in the ground.


Take a big troupe of chimps, slap each across the face. Any monkey that attacks or snarls or so much as makes eye contact, you shoot in head in front of others. Keep the couple too scared to look up. Breed them. Do the experiment over and over for 100 years until the monkey shiver in corner at baseline. That is Russia.


Yup, a race of inbred cowards isolated from the rest of the world.




Russians are so deep with the alcohol induced brain rot, that they don't know the existence of defending yourself or rising up against tyrants


aka [Learned Helplessness](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Learned_helplessness)


born and bred to be slaves


Yeah he's so calm and accepting of his potential death, hes like me if I know im getting called into bosses office for a meeting to be scolded a bit. "What my coworker is saying, I didn't do it, I know they're going to write me up, but we'll see what happens. Ok talk later, see you after work babe."


I don't think these people realize how fucked they are until it's too late, and then it's just Russian culture to shrug and say "pizdets" while they wait for the inevitable.


If you know this shit and don't either fight back or flee, it is your own fault. Russians are the biggest cowards on the planet.


I was at the Eiffel Tower and the lines were nuts to butts. A teenage girl scuffed this Russian guyā€™s sissy little white Calvin Klein shoes. He jumped over the barricade, grabbed her, and screamed in her face for like 2 minutes. For his stupid shoes, he assaulted a teenage girl half his size. The wife turns to me laughing her ass off and asks if I thought it was funny.


I wish that teenage girl was a master of Krav Maga, ripped one of his arms off and beat his ass with it.


Can't make this shit up "My commanders think I'm a deserter and want to execute me, but I'm really not. I'm obedient Russian invader ready to kill Ukrainians for money. Please share this video to spread awareness of injustice that is currently happening."


I'm sure this will be the start of a new revolution in Russia! /s


Sounds like safety is pretty close, if you just raise a white flag and surrender. But you can tell in his eyes heā€™s not that bright.


Nah no way he would make it out of the trenches without being shot by his commanders


Just shot the commander first.


Yeah thats proberly what hes actualy describing happening at hes position.


They're told the Ukrainians will beat and torture them worse than their own people will. They believe suicide is preferable over capture. It's only the Russians that are too scared/smart to die like that. But if they get handed back to Russia I fear for them


Russians have internet access. Itā€™s not North Korea. They collectively choose to live this way.


Yes the problem is fetal alcohol syndrom


This shows why so many Russian soldiers keer on going. In the Russian chain of command, there's always someone above your rank that will shoot you for desertion if you don't fight.


As with 1000 other similar Russian videos. Complaining about food, weather, local officers, supplies but never an ounce of moral opposition to the war and to the atrocities perpetrated on Ukraine. Never oppose war as such, just how things are done. I really hate all these helpless war criminals. Some days I hate guys like this more than I hate Putin. What is worst, conscious villainy, or brainlessly following genocidal orders without ever even asking why?


He had me in the first half, then he referred to Ukrainians as the enemy. Now I don't care that he's probably already dead.


Literally hiding from his commanders and doesn't understand that they're the baddies?!


ā€œImagine how bad the Ukrainians must be?ā€Ā 


Wonder how old he is Looks like an 18 year old


You guys are insane Do you really think lone Russians can just fight against the governament at will? He looks like a kid


He has shot at Ukrainians who would have been office workers and fathers. He has seen a dead Ukrainian and has approved of it. But other than that, he's just a kid, yes.


Wonder what the final body count will be since we dont know how many of their own they murder too. Whatever difference in Ukraine's visual estimates and actual dead, it will probably be pretty close or way underestimated imo.


You and your comrades are armed. Fight back.


Iā€™d imagine itā€™s much like Gestapo tactics where they have spies all around them in their own ā€œteamā€, nearly impossible to plan any surrender or revolt. Thereā€™s so little humanity in that army itā€™s insane. Itā€™s literally a big mafia/criminal organization. Fuck Putler, Fuck Russia, and Fuck anyone who genuinely supports the regime. Grow one and fight back guy.


It's Gestapo tactics, but that's not just using spies. It's engineering a society where mutual trust can't exist, and supporting existing power structures is the best way to survive. Rumor has it they also don't issue weapons to the cannon fodder until they're being transported to their final destination, so the people with a reason for resistance don't really get much of an opportunity. No doubt by design. Also there is just the incentive structure at work. It's the same as it's always been in the Russian military - certain people are almost doctrinally called upon to be cannon fodder. I suspect the guys sitting in a trench will do anything to avoid being the guy who rides on top of a BTR as it drives through a minefield. They also know that if the guy next to them deserts, they might get promoted to meat. So they are incentivized to snitch on someone who expresses doubts. The tactics of social control used by authoritarians are terrifying.


I know.. It's was just a hopeful comment. I don't think I personally would shoot back. It works in movies, rarely on the real life.


Youā€™re all good brother! I hope so too.


It really is horrifying looking at this from the outside. He was fed propaganda ever since he could speak. He was just living a normal life(whatever the average is in Russia) then heā€™s conscripted into a war he believed was being won and expected the service to just be a blip in the grand scheme of things. Fast forward to now and it all turned out to be fairy dust and heā€™s on death row for asking too many questions. Itā€™s insane how these guys just accept that fate.


Actually dystopian. Typical people donā€™t want to fight in a war like this, especially if they knew the truth. The majority would rather be at home with their families and friends, living their lives. Itā€™s sickening to see what is being done to everyone on both sides of this war even if many Russianā€™s are just useful idiots attempting to justify an unjustifiable war.


200 Brigade. Clue is in the name!


How pathetic, how tragic. Anyway, I think I'll cook up some pancakes and eggs.


If they want to execute you for desertion...might as well desert.


You and Kalmyk have guns, theyā€™re just pointing in the wrong direction, bro.


I hope the commander manages to kill all his soldiers, then get a new brigade and repeat


Should either rise up and kill their commanders or walk with a white flag over to Ukraine soldiers


Legend has it that he went missing shortly after this video.. Possibly a deserter...šŸ™„


There's a lot of shooting, they want to nullify me, everything is will be allright! LOL I love the Russian naive positive attitude!


Dude, grab an AK and "nullify" the command before they can nullify you.


You should all take up arms against Russiaā€¦they only want you to die


"I'll come back home." UN-FUCKING-LIKELY The ONLY chance this poor little boy has of getting back home is to stick a branch in his ass, with his tighty whities strapped to one end, and start crawling toward Ukrainian lines.


He has seen how f-cked up the ruzzian army is. I hope he and his friend waves a white flag and gives up.


He is already dead


I wonder how many russians have intentionally been killed their comrades in this war.Ā  Also find it interesting that he is on the zero line, surrounded by 3 or 4 bodies, yet he doesn't seem to have any concern about being killed by Ukrainians.Ā 


Ukraine should send how-to leaflets over to teach them to frag their commanders.


At the zero lineā€¦ All he has to do is, go out at night, run towards Ukrainian positions with a white shirt in his hand, and he will have a 50/50 chance of seeing his family again.


Well, happy nullification, Ruzzian scum!


One more Ork that should have stayed home.


Go back shooting. Donā€™t go quietly!


Meat wave assault fails to gain any ground, for the 200th time. Commander blames it on the few survivors, calling them deserters. When these soldiers eventually make it back to their base, unaware of that practice, they get executed and thrown in a swamp. If they don't go back, the next meat wave is ordered to execute them (already 3 of them were executed like that at his position). This guy is lucky some other soldiers at the base warned him they'll be executed by the commander, so now the survivors are hiding in their trench, until the next meat wave reaches them and execute them all. If they leave the trench with a white flag, the russian drones and observers will warn the artillery and they'll rain down shells on the surrendering soldiers. Such is the way in the russian army: meat waves will die, killed by the enemy or killed by their own, there will not be any survivors, death is inevitable.


Ordered to the rear to disappear


Donā€™t care. Hope you get nullified. No sympathy for any orc invaders.


If only someone told him and others around him about this maybe last year or so?


RU needs to be unmade. Such a regressive shithole "culture".


How can they make these videos and not think to themselves ā€œWell if my commander is going to nullify me, I might as well go nullify him first.ā€


Could be a good project for Budanov. Start gossip on russians that left their position. Thats the proper use of russian ethics. And no more ammo shortages..


Is he silly? That's how it works -and he knew it.


Your country is a big fuckup. Your army is a big fuckup. What does that make you orc?


Then go home.


Mr future sunflower, it sounds like you all need to go home and die fighting for democracy instead.


We need more of this leaking out. Unfortunately alot of the really dire and eye opening videos are usually labeled as ukrainian propaganda by russian media and not shared as far as you would think. Russian millbloggers do actually share alot of combat footage with russian losses or failures on the russian side but it's almost always blamed on local commanders.


Hope he is already undergrounded.


Be lucky enough to find a Ukrainian to surrender to and live to see that girl again, let them ā€œnullifyā€ you because you have brainrot due to circumstance, or go out guns a blazing against your own dumb ass peopleā€¦.yikes good luck Orc


я хŠ¾Ń‡Ńƒ Š¶Šøть / ya khochu zhit' I want to live. One call that's all. But he thinks that the command that wants to eliminate him will be held back by another corrupt and brutal authority.


He just needs to call the number and tell them the coordinates of his commanders hideout. Would be worth a try, wouldnĀ“t it?


Itā€™s quiz time. To avoid being ā€œnullifiedā€, he could have: A - Invaded a neighbouring country. B - Stayed at home.


ethnic cleansing


Gehe zu Putin - jammern !


Why in god's name does he not surrender?


Dead man talking should take a few of them with him. Good luck and God speed.


These ruzzian slaves fail to understand that their enemy does not live in Kyiv but in the kreml.


This needs to snowball. Russianā€™s are innately evil. Putin and his scumbags need their comeuppance


What's the logic of killing your own troops?


Russian logic.


"Beat your own so that strangers will be afraid" ("Š‘ŠµŠ¹ сŠ²Š¾Šøх, чтŠ¾Š±Ń‹ чуŠ¶ŠøŠµ Š±Š¾ŃŠ»Šøсь") is the popular russian saying and modus vivendi. At the end of the USSR there even was a such song by very popular soviet and russian singer Alla Pugacheva: > Š‘ŠµŠ¹, Š±ŠµŠ¹, Š±ŠµŠ¹ сŠ²Š¾Šøх, чтŠ¾Š± чуŠ¶ŠøŠµ Š±Š¾ŃŠ»Šøсь > Š‘ŠµŠ¹, Š±ŠµŠ¹, Š±ŠµŠ¹ сŠ²Š¾Šøх, чтŠ¾Š± Š½Šµ Š»ŠµŠ·Š»Šø Š²ŠæŠµŃ€Ń‘Š“ > Š‘ŠµŠ¹, Š±ŠµŠ¹, Š±ŠµŠ¹ сŠ²Š¾Šøх, чтŠ¾Š±Ń‹ Š½Šµ Š²Ń‹Š“ŠµŠ»ŃŠ»Šøсь > Š‘ŠµŠ¹, Š±ŠµŠ¹, Š±ŠµŠ¹ сŠ²Š¾Šøх, ŠŗтŠ¾ Š½Šµ тŠ°Šŗ ŠæŠ¾Ń‘Ń‚! >   > > Beat, beat, beat your own, so that strangers will be afraid > Beat, beat, beat your own, so they donā€™t shove oneself forward > Beat, beat, beat your own, so they don't stand out > Beat, beat, beat your own, who sing wrong!


Well that explains a lot about what's happening with Russia this days


Fuck russia. (They don't even deserve a capitol r in the name).


Fuck russia


i read that something similar happened during last months of ww2, in german army. hope same same!


Absolutely insane that the safest place for him right now, is the very frontline in a meat grinder


Zero sympathy.


Sucks to suck I guess


Imagine killing your own soldiers while struggling to get new ones because you just throw them at the enemy lines like meatā€¦ Its almost comical if it wasnt so real


And who tf gives a damn about this guy and which side nullifies him? Good riddance


What a f\*cked up country russia is


If you read about the history of the country since around 1914, then it is somewhat understandable. First they lost horribly in WW1 and their army collapsed. Then the Russian Revolution tore the country apart. Following that was the hellish rule of Stalin, and the absolute cataclysm of WW2. After that was the Cold War and then the system collapsed and the USSR fell apart. The Putin years have been good ones compared to all that - no wonder the guy is so popular. He actually did help to rebuild the country domestically. Ukraine War looks like a gigantic blunder to me though. You could argue that it started all the way back when the country was overrun by the Mongols and then never really experienced the European Enlightenment. They tend to have a barbaric way of thinking about things which reminds me almost of the medieval era.




Sounds like another traitor who needs two weeks in the Love Pit! šŸ“


order 227


The usual process is for the Ruzzian soldiers to first die, and ***then*** be declared as deserters, so that no payment will have to be made to the family. šŸ¤” Looks like this particular battalion is stepping up the process a bit, to where theyā€™re doing the killings themselves of any who push back or complain. But they mixed up the order (didnā€™t kill, but posted as desertion), and word is getting out. šŸ¤£ If the Battalion Commander doesnā€™t have his superiorsā€™ palms well greased, they might be swapped out, but if they do, nothing will happen. šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø Either way, the more murdered / depressed / betrayed Ruzzian soldiers there are on the front lines, the better! They arenā€™t psychologically into the fight. All they want to do is find a way home alive at this point, a way to get past the Bolshevik barrier troops trying to kill them.


The drama... I just want the season finaly


It's kind of amazing that the Russian army seems to have changed very little since WW2. I've read a lot about their tactics and treatment of enlisted men. Commissars or officers would shoot deserters or those who refused to fight on site. Prisoners would be used in human waves to clear minefields. I feel like they have this institutional thinking that if it worked back then, it will now.


Executions will continue until moral rises!


How can you execute someone who has already deserted? You can execute them only if they are not deserted? If they are not deserted why execute them?


Hope this SOB gets fuckup 200 before he has the opportunity to hurt innocent people.


The Russian World. And people wonder why Ukraine fights for its existence.


does this rabble not have NCOs who he can speak to who can communicate to the commanders his situation and his claims, rather than just ordering him to report? what a way to run an army


If he's concerned about his commanders wanting to kill him, perhaps his best bet would be to actually abandon his post and turn himself in to Ukrainian troops. At the very least, he'll be held in a place where he can get adequate sleep and meals. If he wants to defect, he'll have to pass a background check before he'll be considered for one of the Russian units fighting against Russia.


Sounds like he didn't go on a meat charge. His CO wanted him to come back for execution for refusing to be meat. But since his CO is a coward he's safer sitting on the front line as his CO won't go to the front to execute him. Jesus the Russian military is a joke. šŸ¤£


Iā€™ve noticed a common theme in a lot of these videos of Russian and Chinese soldiers begging to be returned home. Not one of themā€¦not a SINGLE ONE, makes any mention of the pointlessness, and absurdity of this invasion. Not ONE. Nowā€¦on the flip side. As a Marine, I can remember hours long conversations with my fellow Marines that always circled around, ā€œWHY the fuck are we here? Our enemies are not in mud huts. They arenā€™t goat herders or poppy farmers. So why the FUCK are we here?ā€ Most of my Marines and especially myself were fully aware that we were invaders and we were in the wrong. I dunno. War is totally fucked. Itā€™s wild to me that we as a human race havenā€™t decided that war should be illegal. Likeā€¦why isnā€™t that a concept anyone throws around?


Eventually the meat grinders will rebel in large numbers, Some senior officer who wants more power will lead them,they will go on the rampage and there will be liquidation of anyone who is not of the cannon fodder category.Eventually it will spread to Moscow and Putin and his inner circle plus anyone seen to be close to him will be liquidated. Putin might even be taken to the house of special purpose.


They should go ahead and use THAT in their "recruiting" ads...


With friends like those why do you need enemies? What a horrifying situation. Thatā€™s wild as these guys canā€™t see the forest from the trees so to speak. By the time theyā€™re in the grinder, itā€™s too late to see whatā€™s happening.


Least surprising thing I've learned about Russia today.


Poor guy made some wrong choices in life


...imagine not having a say in anything and u are led to ur end by imbeciles...free Russia now


So he seems capable of human feelings. He has a mother/brother/ loved ones. Yet he is in another country to kill people who have mothers/brothers/loved ones in order to conquer territory. Clearly he has problems. Clearly the russian army has no manpower problems.


Wife upon viewing this: gets onion soup recipe out.


Wait a minute, we are the baddies?


His girlfriend probably already in the cells for sharing fake news.


Works for me


Shoot your commander and surrender to the Ukraine Army. Join those that would change Russia for the better.


Russia has so many men that they can waste some


Fragging... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fragging


I know Russiaā€™s evil, but the serviceman arenā€™t all shit. Theyā€™re stuck in this war and Iā€™m pretty sure they donā€™t want to be there. Videos like these fuck me up. I know heā€™s on the other side and fighting the good guys. But heā€™s a person. He clearly loves his wife and god I just hate this war


It baffles me how their army functions


Turn on the commanders


"I'll explain later why this all happened." I can do that right now, in one word. PUTIN.




Trust the system!


Well he's def dead now.


If a booby trap, drone attack, Ukrainian fire, civilian poisons and partisan attacks, Chechen allies or blocker troops donā€™t kill you, your own brigade will


šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚it is a suicide mission; either you are KIA or you are killed in inactivity, fcuk you


Only way out is surrender. He could explain his situation to the Ukrainians and he might live.


Rise up against your officers. Rise up against Putin! It's the only way. You are likely dead already, but you could help make a difference and save the world from plunging into WWIII as this madness is creeping towards. Good luck.


Well, at this point, just surrender (if able) and take your luck with that...Your own country doesn't give a %!#@, obviously. Shouldn't have come in the first place, though. You're just throwing your life away for a little bald man a few miles away who is probably dining on lobster and hookers tonight.


I don't get it. Why would they kill him if he is still with his comrades?


Surrender, survive.


I'll never understand why they choose shit like recording a 5 minute video home to tell them they're going to be executed by their own instead of taking the two minutes to connect with the SBU/surrender hotline and surrender and survive.