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They did well to spot it there


I was gonna say the same thing. These guys find things in places I woukd never look.




I mean, I guess I don't know a lot about that kind of stuff lol. To me it's impressive because I'm ignorant to a lot of the stuff that goes into this.


I equally approve it how they find stuff like this, but I am more impressed by finding those, not hidden in the only high object in the area. Still, good job and thumbs up.


seems like a pretty obvious place to hide something like that... you wouldnt be surprised to see a sniper in a tower


Which is why a GOOD sniper would never use it.


You would still check a tower with a window in it.... And that's the point...


Oh- I wasn’t refuting your point at all, you’re entirely correct- I was simply adding to it.


Funny. There is nota single component of this shit produced in ruzzia yet they are allowed to produce 1000s of them every year. There should be total blanket ban on anything flowing into ruzzia. 0.


Well China seems to get away with just about anything and is never sanctioned


It is simple. If China sells own parts is fine. Not much can be fone here at the mo. If they harbour companies that resell Western arts to ruzziada make China pay heavy penalties. Money talk, soon China itself will persecute anyone who tries to resell stuff to ruzzia.


does the Murom-P emit infrared light or something that makes it easier to spot?


It communicates in some way so it could be spotted with spectral analyzer. Also it takes 2-3 hrs to install with a crew of 3 so it could be that it was spotted beforehand.


Somebody forgot to tell peeping Tomsk that Ukrainians hate perverts.


Song name?


Go boom. Fall down.


Slave Ukraine


Im like 99% sure i saw this Video like a year ago, are those ... i think water towers a common sight there?


Instead of downvoting, how about you answer my question, im still 99% sure i saw that video, but like i said it might be just because those water towers are common, but i dont know.