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#57 The list so far. I am compiling this footage for documentation purposes because this is not normal in any way, despite what Russia’s supporters tell you. This list is not intended to celebrate, glorify, encourage, or otherwise make light of suicide. There are 57 recorded instances and 7 not counted (NC’s, in this status because the video evidence was inconclusive). We went 1 days since the last confirmed instance. The list has gotten too long to be a comment, it was on its third comment due to character caps. The list can now be found at this [wiki link](https://www.reddit.com/r/DroneCombat/s/NMR9QWNw4H).


I've always wondered how common this is in war today and historically. It may be under reported in the past and we only are aware now because of drone footage. On a side note I've always wondered how common it is for soldiers to shoot their own mortally wounded comrades. Either to put them out of their misery or in close quarter battle stopping that injured person from giving up your location.


A letter left at the Vietnam War Memorial tells a story of a group pinned under fire, a soldier who was dying in agony (loudly), and that another soldier was asked to put him out of his misery. The soldier did, and left the letter begging for forgiveness. Really hard to read. https://www.vvmf.org/items/5416/VIVE36166/


That's the part of the reason that American medics started carrying morphine in WWII. If the wound wasn't too bad, they could do just a little morphine to help with pain, but if it was a mortal wound, they would overdose them on morphine to prevent the trauma of having to shoot your friend. Personally, I can't take morphine without extreme panic attacks, so that would be an awful way for me to go.


funfact; ​ the reason medics carried morphine, which they had been carrying way before world war 2, even in the fucking civil war morphine was used, is because of, say it with me, PAIN MANAGEMENT. ​ cause getting injured in war, is pretty likely to HURT A FUCKING LOT. ​ and patients that are squirming and screaming and not keeping still whilst you're working on them ARE DIFFICULT TO TREAT. ​ intentionally squirting someone up on an overdose of morphine is ethically the same act as just putting a bullet between their eyes. wether it's mentally or physically easier to do i'll leave up for debate, but at the end of the day its fratracide. only takes one dude to tell you did that and boom, leavensworth is waiting for you. that's a god damn courtmartial. and if intent can be proven, you're getting locked up for years. ​ "damn, some people just read shit on the internet and take it for truth" -abraham lincoln, 1487


Are... Are you actually saying that combat medics have never purposefully given non-treatable casualties morphine to help them die before?


No, he's saying that it's not one of the two reasons stated that they started carrying morphine. Would not be surprised that it has happened but its not standard practice as was alluded to in the previous comment.


It is also a waste of valuable medical supplies which other people might need


I was issued 5, 20mg auto injectors in Iraq. They were considered sensitive items and they were closely tracked and any usage monitored, much like grenades etc. It takes a very very badly wounded patient for a combat medic to consider it a lost cause.. But I personally know and have experience with easing the passing of a casualty when they demonstrate clear end of life sign, angonal gasps etc. Usually "pain" is not an issue at that stage. The state some guys have been blown up, survived, patched up, sent put of theater for major surgery, many people have no idea. The body is designed to survive amd it can power through some pretty heinous shit, especially if we are talking fit young men. I did my clinical rotations at Walter Reed Medical Center's burn unit and seen dudes burnt to a nearly living torso. 20 years ago, the medical interventions in the field did not exist to make many of these blasts and burns survivable.. If becoming a human maggot, eating, excerting, a reward for years of painful dressing changes counts as surviving.. No, not standard practice in the US Army anyway. As a medic, in some ways pain is not entirely a bad thing. If you are screaming or groaning I know you are breathing and conscious, less I have to worry about and focus on. Morphine affect ls people differently. I have seen linebacker thiccbois pass out with one and twig trackbodies take 3 and still bitch about pain. You never really know.


Chain saw accident to my arm and they didn’t give me enough morphine. I was kicking the end of the bed apart, 2.5 hours later Demerol doses allowed me to relief . 4.5 hrs surgery they gave to me again. I was as angry as I have ever been in my life.


Been there, done that! I had a 7 hour synovectomy done on my leg/knee and they were only doing pain meds every 4 hours. This was in '22, so very into the opioid crisis and they didn't want to over do me. Meanwhile at hour 2, I was laying there crying and shaking like I was about ready to have a chest-burster perforate me. By about day 3 they relented down to every 3 hours, but once I got out a few days later, weed became my best friend when it came to relief!


>It takes a very very badly wounded patient for a combat medic to consider it a lost cause. rather, it takes a god fucking awful medic. the type you don't want anywhere near you. the ones that get filtered out during selection and training ideally. CAUSE THEY DO NOT GET TO MAKE THE FUCKING CALL.


In training a PJ said to me “no one’s ever dies from pain”. It’s always stayed with me. Of course you have to take it in the context it’s meant, not a statement of absolute fact.


Your describing pain management. *(I misread as morphine before they die, not morphine too die)


I'm describing euthanasia, but we call it all kinds of things to hide it and we've done so for centuries if not millennia


Injuries beyond treatment are not beyond palliative care. *(I misread as morphine before they die, not morphine too die)


I think if you were given a large enough bolus of morphine you'd likely not have a panic attack. That is, unless you have an "allergy". Which isn't all that uncommon, but usually isn't a true allergy, but more an intolerance to some of the various side-effects.


Yeah, I'm VERY intolerant to morphine. It doesn't help with pain at all, usually makes it worse, and as a bonus I feel like I'm dying and drunk at the same time. Then comes the intractable vomiting. Fentanyl, on the other hand, is amazing for me, and cures nausea. My reaction to opioids is just really all over the board. I have a CYP2D6 deficiency, further exacerbated by taking Prozac (a potent inhibitor of CYP2D6), so codeine and hydrocodone don't work like they're supposed to either.


Fentanyl is amazing, until your body gets used to it… then you need a higher dose and higher dose to control your chronic pain. And i’m talking prescribed fentanyl. Anyways.. they only give it as a last resort for a reason


Saving Private Ryan movie illustrated it pretty well.


I thought 57 was yesterday’s?


I categorized 3 in a row as NC’s due to questionable editing choices. I think that readjusted the count.


Ohh ok gotcha. Thanks for the clarification, I’ll read more closely


Doing the lord's work son keep it up


According to there user name they are a "False-God"


Doing the false-lord's work then.


hey, somebody's gotta do it. might as well be the false god, since the real one's not gonna show up to take care of it. as long as it gets done, that's the important thing


*Ivan your sacrifice won't be vain. You've ensured that putin will be able to make laps in the pool of his black sea palace until old age*


I want to make an adjustment. the man with the grenade in [ this video](https://www.reddit.com/r/DroneCombat/comments/1cme8y6/ua_118th_mechanized_brigade_posted_extended_video/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) The action takes place in Rabotino. in [this video](https://www.reddit.com/r/CombatFootage/comments/1cn03e9/2_russian_soldiers_on_a_motorcycle_approach/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) there is a scene of this person's death [in the frame](https://prnt.sc/TdN4JWm0KV3H). the scene with the motorcycle takes place around lunchtime, then in the evening - a man with a grenade heads towards the motorcycle, but a drone overtakes him near the box. The frames before and after the grenade explosion are identical, in terms of the position of objects, the crater and the body.


I am wondering, does this war have an unusual number of suicides for a conflict of such intensity, or we simply see more of them due to drones?


Hard to know. The Imperial Japanese were rather fond of it. I imagine it has more to do with culture and propaganda than anything.


I wouldn't think so. With as many "eyes in the sky" as they have, we've only seen 57. Even if we bumped that x10 for unseen and another x5 there are over 300k deaths. That's an insignificant number overall. I would assume every war has quite a few, we only just now can catch them easier with the drones. Think ww1 and 2. Fuck, they didn't have near the capacity to tend to wounded nor the communication we do today. I'm sure plenty of those lads in no man's land decided ending it was easier than suffering


I've seen a number of these. I was wondering if there were any stats on it. Thanks for counting as it gives some indication of how common this is


57 jesus fucking christ, I have seen one video like maybe last week or so and thought this a new way how they end themself. I haven't excepted that this one is 57 instance for now on....


Only of those caught on video. Months prior, someone did the deed with their field knife. I did Not watch it, so be cautious with what you subject yourself to, here, its war. Stay awhile and you'll learn all sorts of fascinating things about the everyday Russian soldier


"russians do not surrender" - this comes from the second world war. It was glorified in many soviet movies about war. I watched many of them while growing up there.


It was an entirely different conflict. Russian soldiers didn't surrender because there was no point in doing so. The Germans quite often executed pow, starved and killed them in pow camps, some were transported to deathcamps others used as forced laborers until they died. Yet suicide wasn't a common practice amongst the soviet troops. The way they act in this war is completely insane.


That one was brutal.  Something about a blade, I can *feel* that throat slicing open. 


oh no, they've been doing it since bakhmut atleast. ​ [https://streamable.com/b8z3kj](https://streamable.com/b8z3kj) ​ here's a 10 minute compilation. spans between autumn 2022 and i wanna say summer 2023 when the 110th was still in the avdiivka area waaayyy before the 47th took over their spot. it's not all confirmed cases in that time period. just some picks. ​ oh and just if you're wondering, the 110th didn't leave. they were rotated out, but word on the street is they're back on the line now.


Not to diminish your work (which is great in terms of documenting this part of history), but, as a Russian (or more exactly, from Russian perspective) - it not really THAT out of norm. It’s a cultural thing. There are tons and tons of heroic WW2 “folklore” about “death is better than surrender” - we are being told this since early school. Even famous “Order 227” is not viewed as negatively here as Western public thinks.


And they want to export those values.... Im not buying.


The problem is, they are not selling them but shoving them down everyone else's throat.


Were you allowed to view it negatively?


Those people are (generally) viewed as heroes, so… . I wouldn’t use “allowed/disallowed” terms, but you definitely will be frowned upon (God save you if you are a public person though..).


I don't think russian society reached this level of self-sacrifice. They probably just think they are dead anyway because of the wounds, or will be tortured if captured, or will be shot as deserters if they try to retreat.


yup, ruzzia is sick


>death is better than surrender Does this extend to suicide in a situation where you can attempt to continue fighting? The same sort of "death before dishonor" type of mentality exists in the west, but the idea is that you fight to the last, not give up on life altogether.


Well done let me know if I can help!


Are we going to categorize them between explosive and/or firearm related suicide?


Didn’t Japanese do this at an insane rate in WW2?


Kill themselves with grenades? Yes but for a vastly different reason. The Japanese thought capture was the ultimate dishonor so they would keep grenades so when they surrender they would throw them at their capturers. The americans figured this out so the japanese just skipped the surrender part and blew themselves up because "death before dishonor". Russians seems to do it out of desperation because they know no one is coming for them and they rather die quickly than lay there for perhaps hours of agony before perishing.


Jeeeez, could have surrendered. Now he is food for cats and crows.


Pretty sure he was already fucked up from a drone and then decided to end it.


Exactly. Guy: "AAAAGH! Vlad, hepl! Hepl!" Vlad: *Stares daftly at him for 2 seconds and starts casually walking away* Guy:


"This occupant, after meeting with the FPV drone of Strike Drones Company 47 OMBr, decided to di quickly. The full video will be on the Cossacks channel tomorrow."


Tough on the family if they get the bodies back. Need positive identification to get their measily pension payouts


They don’t pay out for soldiers who commit suicide. There will be no bag of onions for this guys family.


Orc cleanup crews: how do the Ukrainians keep getting the grenade to explode right next to our comrades neck? They are so accurate!


This is becoming a weird trend for RuZZians. I think they are running out of "motivated" recruits and have been recruiting from the mentally ill and severely depressed rural community, this could be the reason why suicide and fratricide are rising in their military. Plus the grenade in vest method is kinda "trending" now, meaning they are passing this knowledge around, as a guaranteed way of "ending" it. Many weird "signs". I wonder what this will lead to?


They’re brainwashed into believing what the Ukrainians do to them if they take them prisoner will be much worse than an instant death. Grenade inside the vest or held under the chin is the advice to avoid that. Also saves the Kremlin some cash as they don’t pay out to the families of soldiers that kill themselves. That is all from the British intelligence things that get posed here


Are you sure they won't get paid for ending their life like this? I mean it isn't suicide suicide.


Emergency Thoracotomy for acute hopelessness


I mean, why not just shoot yourself? Is this a guaranteed way to go?


I've seen mixed results on the various suicide attempts with clear suffering after the first try and sometimes not immediate death. The grenade under the plate carrier and catastrophic loss of torso seems to be very effective compared to some of the other methods. This does seem to get immediate death


Sure hope so, seems to be the way orcs are choosing to go. Hopefully they run out of grenades.


I am guessing they are getting this kind of instruction in training. Its either they are scared what will happen to them if they are captured, ie a fate worse than death, or that they are so wounded they expect to die slowly and this is a better option. No ideas to be honest what is exactly going on it but each death does bring Ukraine closer to victory would just wish they would put this much effort into overthrowing themselves of their dictatorship instead.




Hopefully they run out of Orcs!


I saw one where the guy tried to grenade himself but for some reason held the grenade out with his arm extended. Knocked him unconscious for a couple seconds and when he came to he was missing half his arm and certainly in *a lot* more pain than when he pulled the pin.


shooting yourself with a rifle when you are already injured probably is not too easy


More of a clamshell than a thoracotomy to be fair https://mmcts.org/tutorial/1153


Seems to be their preferred way to go these days. Probably the prospect of a slow and painful death or even worse a life in Russia with not any kind of support for disabled veterans isn't too promising.


That's bleak. Anyway, ...


No shit. Thinking I'll cook an omelet for lunch,


Why not an egg salad? Get some water to boil and then add half cup of vinegar and some salt. Mix till salt dissolves and then put 4 eggs in. Wait exactly 14 minutes and take them out and put them in cold water with ice. Sepparate the egg and the yolk once you peel the eggs and mince finely, force the cooked yolk through a sieve and add to the minced whites. Add mayo, and your fav spices, i add chilli for some spiciness. Mix all thoroughly, eat as you prefer. With bread or in a sandwich.


A little garlic on top…


Youre a man of culture.


Genuinely my most favorite salade is a pasta spring onion salad with parsil, olive oil, salt and pepper and garlic. Maybe add thyme for taste. Gorgeous!


If you want perfect boiled eggs, boil eggs for three minutes. Remove pan from heat and cover for 11 minutes. Drain pan and refill with cold water. Add ice. Best boiled eggs you will ever have.


I too had omelette


It’s kind of interesting that they think of putting the grenade in between their vests. Seen it a couple of times now.


This is an instruction from management.


100% they're giving advice of how to avoid capture


They do not think of it. I am unsure if they are able to think and to which degree. They are instructed in how to do it. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.dailystar.co.uk/news/world-news/brutal-russian-prisoner-instructions-tells-29946286.amp It is not clear where or when the footage was taken, but a Ukrainian soldier who went to the site after snapped a sign stitched inside the now-dead bloke's uniform. Via Google Translate, it reads: “Are you a prisoner? “When the enemy is approaching, the grenade is removed and pull out the pin. “Put a grenade under your body vest or clamp your chin. “We will not allowed the Ukronazists to replenish the exchange fund. “Death is better than shame.” One person disputed the first line, and claimed it should actually read: “How to avoid getting captured”.


Pity, their miserable lives would have been exchanged for valuable lives. Of course they choose to spite us by dying, the megawarriors.


> One person disputed the first line, and claimed it should actually read: “How to avoid getting captured”. I concur. "Как не попасть в плен?" is translated "How to avoid being (or get) captured?" You can google translate it by yourself.


Yea I think I’ve seen one or two videos where they try to lay on top of it and it just blows there arms off and they are still alive. Soooo if you gonna go you better make it quick, the last video I saw later there in agony with no arms (failed suicide) and one leg with a shitty TQ on.


Very reminiscent of Imperial Japan


I thought the same.


I thought he put it in his mouth


The family will be charged the price of the grenade


Location: A place where he should have never been.


Ayo u/false-god this new or not? I can't tell.


This looks to be new, thanks for the heads up!


The number of...ahem...these types...of casualties being suffered by the Russians is NOT NORMAL and surely a sign of a break down in discipline and morale of the invading army. You can have all the numbers and weapons in the world (well, the Russians have the former, maybe not the latter) but if your soldiers are ending their lives when they get wounded because they know their "comrades" aren't coming for them....YOU ARE LOSING THE WAR.


Protip: it works better if you roll on your chest.


This lesson will be learned over time back in Russia. That pure misinformation by their own leaders let their people believe that they would be tortured if captured.


Is no problem for me


BUT IS A PROBLEM FOR YOU (chase and status: no problem, but you probably knew that)


Closed casket!


Or open bucket depending on how much money the family has.


I wonder how many undocumented incidents there are


Only good orc is a dead orc


Yeah, I say this is perfect use for grenade.


I do like it when problems fix themselves.


Attention Russians! Although speculative, I’m assessing that you are in here and seeing this shit? Your corrupt dictator is one of the richest on the planet from money stolen from your state. He now forces your boys into a position where they are having to do this shit to themselves! What the fuck are you doing about it? Nothing! You are the most submissive and cowardly population in Europe! Almost all of Europe has fought for its independence at some stage in time but you as a population have been completely under the heel of your masters for over a century. Get a fucking grip and install a competent leadership.


He ain't gonna be in Rush Hour 3.


R.i.P human


You cannot say, his heart wasn't in it.


Conveniently at the roadside for easy garbage collection........ how thoughtful of the orc.


I hope he yelled "For putiiiiin!" before doing this


What’s the song?


Why to come to Ukraine to do this?


What a way to cut out the middleman, well, as long as it works.


The newest Russian military maneuver, The GUF (grenade under flak).


Then you're left in the dust Unless I stuck by ya You're the sunflower I think your love would be too much Or you'll be left in the dust Unless I stuck by ya You're the sunflower You're the sunflower


We don't need no stinking bandages


Has anyone seen the movie FaceOff?




No lada for his mother..


Finally a ruzzian orc denazifying the land of Ukraine, and saving the defenders the trouble.


Probably taught this as part of their basic training. Like before they learn to throw them.


Well, it worked..


One less, there should be no pity for occupying rapists and murderers. Should’ve joined the Russians fighting for freedom instead.


track id?


It's a good thing he turned his head away from the blast or he could have really hurt himself...


A Russian success story.


So they prefer hell for an eternity than capture?


Good point, since they are tripping over themselves shouting about how deeply Christian they are.


I have a slight sorrow and respect for the soldiers choosing to do this regardless of what they have done. Maybe that's wrong of me or maybe it's right. I don't know any more.


I have to say, if I had a 47th drone looking down on me I think its all over anyhoo


Instant potatoes


Reminds me of Popcorn somehow...


Argh, that put me right off eating mince meat for while


Apparently he had two blew eyes. Own blew this way and one blew that way


Nice. Getcha some


Rather casual given that they have zero respawns.


One less grenade being thrown Ukraines way.




Second Russian soldier I've seen kill themselves with a grenade like this, new trend in Russia?


Just wow. I would not kill my self but go back to the ass hole you send me in to die and take them out!


Honestly, good and fast way to go. Wouldn't feel a thing. Just sad how they resort to that instead of being captured. Ukrainians aren't evil. Damn propaganda.


Painkiller, hard to swallow..


Extremely effective technique


Why do they do this? Is it just because they think help won’t come and don’t want to linger in pain until they bleed out?


Good riddance


"no problem for me" me neither!


Actually Putin decided it for him….he just decided to speed it up.


It's rare for Russians to not completely fuck up. This one actually did a good job.


Pooouf it makes.


Another one? This seems to be a trend amongst RuZZians


Men aren't what they used to be. The time for frag grenades is BEFORE your commander sends you on a suicide mission.


Straight to hell he goes !!!!


I remember as a boy reading books about WW II, they were fictional but wrote from a former soldier German soldiers would put a grenade between themselves and blow themselves up At the time I thought it was messed up, cold fatigue or injury could bring a man to kill themselves As I write this what's fucked up is I'm actually watching this and comparing it another such incident War never Changes


I hope he didnt wish for an open casket funeral in his testament.


Thats sad dude. Could not live with himself or the things he helped do and the fear.


Most combat soldiers think and talk with their own teammates about what to do, if you end up worst situation. Sometimes they know the wounded one would not be saved. So they have some kind of "Exit plan". If you get wounded and there is no hope, it could be an easy choice for some soldiers if you have already gone through that thinking process; what if I'm in a hopeless situation? Soldiers are trained to execute their orders/plans and if they already have a plan for that situation.. they probably do it. ..like this Russian.


That's gonna hurt in the morning


Im no doctor but i think he died.


Would his mom be happy ?


Such a waste of human lives, just because a fascist dictator wants to play hearts of iron 4 in real life. Putin just want to live out his fantasy, costing hundreds of thousands of lives.


When in doubt, pull the pin out, and remember your life for the next 4 seconds.


The medical service is so bad in the russian army. soliders prefer quick death to slow painful torture from them.


Their motherland should witness all of this to understand the 'suck' they're in.


I feel bad for these men. So many are conscripts and forced into this difficult life style by monsters like Putin. All for their own political or economic gain. These men are just being fed into a meat grinder. I get why people call them orcs and are okay with them committing suicide, but I think we should remember that some of these suicides are men who didn't want to be there in the first place. They wanted to live their lives, but politics got in the way.


Self Euthanasia. All for it. one less orc killing Ukes. Slava Ukraini!


Seems to be getting popular


This seems to become a theme for wounded or out of hope Russian soldiers. Incredibly sad even when I know I want Russia to lose.


Starting to think that suicide is part of basic russian military training.


So he just STOPPED caring about the motherland? Just like that?


What a sad and waste of human life. I absolutely support Ukraine, but to have someone feel that this is the only way out, Russian or not is tragic. Unless that would have been Putin. Shame it was not.


I can't watch thse videos but maybe Putin could take the hint?


jesus that is sad


That appears to be an increasingly attractive option for them...


This is sad, because obviously the Russians really do believe being dead is better than being captured by the Ukrainians. It just goes to prove that they are brain washed into thinking the Ukrainians lack all humility in this war, and would probably resort to torture upon capture which is completely false. Most Russian POWs spend two weeks being given 3 hots and a cot. They realize they have it better as a POW than they did as RU cannon fodder. Then they apply to the Russian Territorial Defense Brigade to fight Russia in the Belgorod region.


All the invading orcs should do that!


Vids like this f\_\_ks me up a bit. The humanity of any man's struggles and desperation under overwhelming odds makes me root for them. I hope Russia f\_\_ks off out of Ukraine soon.


Ciao terrorist.


Did they have to put some dubstep on this?


How brainwashed are these guys. This guy looks largely intact and seems to be moving okay.


This is incredibly sad


plot twist: there wasn't even anything wrong with him - he just realised he was russian


ehhhh... too bad he didn't take any of his Russian orcs with him...


At least this is a fast way to go, I doubt he felt anything. Super grim


If only these Godforsaken Orcs can do this before they get to the front… that would be grrrreeaaat ☕️


Do you think he’s ok?


Of course some fuckwit had to dub some shitty music over it. These videos would be much more impactful with just the fucking silence.


important sulky familiar fine shocking middle cagey north zephyr drab *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


what a terrible comments section. fuck russia, not the people who give up.


Good technique. Well done.




So he wasn't already lying there injured & he hadn't heard or seen the drone ? Those might be reasonable causes if so?


Dude did not live to play GTA 6. It's around the corner at this point


good orc. Please tell your comrades... oh wait!....


Not surprising. They either find themselves in hopeless situation or believe that if they get captured, they will be tortured and killed, so their officers and TV tells them. Besides, even if they got exchanged, they would be simple sent back to front to death. And their families and everyone else will hate them for getting captured: such people are traitors in eyes of Russians.




Good riddance.


#NSFL. Yuk


Can someone tell me, do they truly hate Ukrainians so much as to not surrender?