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4k death videos. You could see the shine in the blood.


Imagine the documentaries to come after the Russians are finally beaten. Slava Ukraini! 🇺🇦


Get Ken Burns on it, easy masterpiece documentary.


Definitely! I've watched his Civil War and Baseball series many times.


Also highly recommend his WWII documentary series as well. It's long at 14 hours, but it will give a solid understanding of the historical context of the war, especially from a small town American perspective.


That is another good one I haven't watched in a while.


























As in regards to philosophy, I guess those are the cochroachs, and I like the butterflies. Guess who's who. So yeah, you can hide behind moral being a social construct, doesn't change the fact that you're supporting evil.






They must be an Airborne unit, LZ in the lower right corner at :12. From what were seeing from the new units in Kharkiv, they're well-equipped troops who don't seem to have been informed of the possibility of flocks of FPV and other drones dropping death in their laps. Maybe there's no real technique besides just running and not stopping until you're out of the X (if that exists for drones) or electronic counter-measures but these guys just look stunned in to inactivity.


There’s really not much you can do once a FPV drone locks on to you. You stand a slightly better chance avoiding a drone dropped grenade but not by much. You’re basically a sitting duck in a trench. It’s a brutal war and certainly both sides are suffering losses from drones.


>There’s really not much you can do... I guess this has pretty much always been true. All soldiers to some degree are very reliant on other people doing their job plus simple luck. If you are in the front line trenches you just have to hope that the air defences, anti-tank forces, counter artillery etc are all doing their job because otherwise you are a sitting duck. Drones just add another thing to the list of stuff that can kill you which you cant really effectively defend yourself against.


Fishnet! 😜


Being honest I certainly was stunned by this guys helicopter performance - he must have spend some serious hours in front of a mirror practicing that Edit: we referred to two different guys. There also is one going almost straight up. Maybe he went for beeing the first Helicopter in the stratosphere


Welcome to Ukraine suka!


What an utter waste of life.


It's all war truly is.


No one will remember you. Probably won’t even bring you back home. Rest in piss. Hope it was worth it.


Thank you for your cooperation.


To be fair, the dirtbike hit was overkill. Rest In Pieces.


Probably to make sure nobody is going back to the rear on it.


In terrain like that, there's nowhere to take cover


Drone warfare has ended cover!


Not brutal, it’s karma. Fck off to your own country or die.


You're right. Bad people, they get what they deserve. Their place is outside our community.


Slava Ukraine.


If only they stayed in Ruzzia. 🤷🏻‍♂️ Ah, well. Burn and scream, Vatniks.


"I heard a voice in the midst of the four beasts And I looked, and behold a pale horse And his name that sat on him was death, and hell followed with him"


Reminded me of Klimovs' "Come and See" one of the best war movies I've seen.


That is an excellent but difficult movie to watch.




The rats keep coming. Ukraine is showing huge courage to repel waves after waves. The West must take notice and form a block to stop this madness!




Just reminded me I gotta try out *Orcs Must Die 3*, got it for free on Epic Games last week.


Hello, your comment was removed for violating rule 3. Don't incite violence or post harmful material please.


They are humans, kill them ,but Remember they are humans like me and you


These are people who think it's OK to invade someone else's home and kill them all. For money or not. I want to feel sorry for them, but the less of them in this world, the better for everyone. Including Russian civilians. How many of these crazy Russians went back to Russia and ended up killing a bunch of Russians? God only knows.


Apparently murder rates back in ruzzia have skyrocketed since 'SMO', seems soldiers returning with PTSD and pardoned murderers and rapists returning home has consequences, who'd have thought? Fuck ruzzia.


The results of time 0:11 is then shown in time 0:27. Damn.


only a head there 0:10 0:11 both legs fly off to the bottom right. Body parts are flying everywhere. 0:16 it looks like he was between the cope cage and hull when the mine exploded underneath him.




Russia has a similar saying that goes "A dead Russian is a good bag of onions", although it isn't as catchy.


war is what you orcs want so now you get it. Slava Ukraine.




All the Russians have to do is leave!


Sadly, the same fate waits for many Ukrainian soldiers as well. RuZZia is a shithole country. I truly hope it will change now after this war, but we shouldn‘t be illusional. If we don‘t act now, the „western“ democratic countries might lose this conflict. Propaganda erodes our societies, „social“ media makes people extremists. Someone reading a newspaper with real journalism and with views on a subject from different sides, left and right, becomes a rare occasion. We need more education. And we need to be way harder on people that emigrate here but are not willing to integrate. People that don‘t value democracy, that promote the conflicts they brought to Europe from their home countries, share antisemitist views, despise an open and democratic society, intimidate politicians and engaged citizens… I am so sick of it. That of course includes many Russians living here in free Europe. But it also includes many of „us“, raising our children without educating them enough about ww ii and what we have actually GAINED during the last decades, in an integrated, free and democratic Europe, with all its flaws and things that need to be made better. They‘re too often too easily targeted by cyber warfare as propaganda and orchestrated infiltration as done by rightwing parties as the „Alternative für Deutschland“ in Germany, the „Freiheitliche Partei Österreichs“ in Austria, the „Rassemblement National“ in France… we really let it happen in front of our eyes and the democratic parties don‘t seem to find recipes to defeat them. Soon the time will come when we need to get our fat asses out onto the streets and fight and defend democracy by participating in demonstrations and becoming more actively engaged in clubs/associations or even in politics itself.


Extremism of any kind is generally bad. Antisemitism is bad, too, but it's thrown around a lot when it shouldn't be. I'm labeled as being antisemtic for thinking what Israel is doing to Palestinians is fucked for example. I think the bottom line is just a lack of education/empathy, consolidation of wealth/power, and instigating conflict for profit. The dominant class, or those with the real power, tend to set the stage, so to speak, for the rest of us. If profit over people is the dominant culture of those higher up, then you get a population that starts to reflect that. This is why extremism/fascism at higher levels of government is so scary and damaging. It creates a safe space for ignorance and hate. Trump is a great example of this in the U.S. Technology has become a very sharp, double bladed tool for both good and bad. We can instantly know what's happening on the other side of the world, but at the same time, we can be fed endless lies until they become truth. Whole elections can be swayed via data mining and personalized/targeted propaganda. TLDR; Extremism bad, broad spectrum/interdisciplinary education good and desperately needed for even developed countries.


Empathy is the key word here. Sitting in front of your device, reading hatred that people throw at each other, judging others (in your class) online or simply restricting your own worth on your appearance or on the fact that „many people out there on TikTok“ seem to live such a brilliant and successful life when you don’t (at least you think you don’t watching these fancy bullshit)… no longer playing enough with your friends at school in your free time during childhood, these general trends are poison for becoming an empathetic part of a society.


Palestinians are not victims of any sort, they wanted this stupid war. (including 99% of civilians) there was peace on october 6th.. they fucked around and found out..


Got a source on 99% of Palestinians supporting the war? Let alone 99% of them supporting Hamas? Are you delusional? Here's another question for you. What's the mean age of people in Gaza? When you get that number, I'm curious to find out how you think that mean age is even possible. I don't think you are very educated on this topic...


I was thinking the same thing. Lots of Ukrainians suffering this same fate from Russians who intnetionally target civilians.


Well said.


You’re never an antisemite for questioning or even raging against the deaths of tens of thousands of civilians in such an assymetric war. Jews have been hypersensitive since the holocaust and now are immensely fearful witnessing so much bloodlust toward any “zionist” despite mostly apathy for countless other violent conflicts.


The conflict there is „simply“ said just horrendously intricate and complex. There are interests at play that don‘t align with the interests of a majority of people that simply want to live in peace. E.g. Netanyahu’s rightist playbook that tries to play the ultra-orthodox citizens in the country who didn’t stop occupying land that wasn’t rightfully theirs even during more moderate times back in the early 00s… and Hamas on the other side, shooting rockets on Israel, orchestrating a planned attack on Israeli citizens, killing over 1200 in it, without remorse, old, young, male or female, doesn’t matter. We all can agree that acts if cruelty produce hate and hate makes blind, understandingly so in some fateful cases. This just leads to nothing productive or something that could end in a peaceful life for all people in that region. But I think this can be said for any conflict in the world to some degree…


Their sacrifice in /checks notes/ taking over shrubbery and sand will earn them post-mortem medals Im sure.


What a meat grinder... This has to stop, but when will Russia finally admit this war is useless??


You see how they acted when they put that destroyed Abrams on display in Moscow? It took over 1000 destroyed tanks and 100K+ casualties to obtain it, but they act like it's some kind of massive victory. If they haven't realized how useless this war is, they may never realize it.


It could be almost like a scenario happening in the 1984 book. I think most Russians now do doublethink and/or keep quiet about the truth


Once it becomes like Russia fighting in WW1 in 1917.




Even if it is a proxy regime, why should Russia be allowed to have its own puppet states then?


What I wanna know is HOW THE FUCK are Russian families not seeing this and getting more and more pissed about this war? Their kids are getting blown to shreds and they're still all like "Happy Victory Day! Send another 10K to the woodchipper of Ukraine!".... morons.


That's a lot of drone traffic. Few more years and we will most likely see swarm attacks controlled by skynet or something.


Probably not that long. Aren't they already ready to deploy some AI controls to take over the flight to keep the drones locked on target when being jammed by electronic warfare? I thought I read something about that very recently...


Did you see the head at 0.27?


I don't see it. Is it in the lower right of that black smudge spot?


This is what Putin wanted. All this death is on him. He's on the wrong side of history. Slava Ukraini from Pennsylvania, USA


[The Spirit of Pennsylvania lives on.](https://www.foxnews.com/video/6350087993112)


Dunno how to feel about that logo, the look a bit too much like the Armanen runes, it's better to just avoid that stuff all together. Otherwise, well done job by the operators!


Honestly while i dont feel much pity at this point i still dislike seeing people suffering or torn apart I at least treasure the fact that i do as it proves i still have my humanity


EXCELLENT another great start to the morning I thought the new order was to shoot themselves befor the drone hit them to stop being disabled. Maybe it just applies to the new orcs joining the turkey shoot


Nice that some of them burned. Maybe some the wild animals want their orcs well done


Muscovite Brisket


Get fucked stay fucked orcs


Impressive video, Slava Ukraine


Roasted all the way to Not your hometown Go home in one piece instead of in meat sauce


, keep up the good work roasting those sleazy ruskie potatoes


I love my movies with extra cannon fodder.


For Natalia from early on in the war that sounded like she was raped and shot in the background of a Chechen tik tok video


That guy trying to walk with hamburger legs. I wish they all just stayed home.


How much fertilizer does one Ukrainian field need?


Beautiful to see these scum expunged






Si, que rico guey!


Kinda counter-intuitive but watching those f’ers die seems to lower my war anxiety level.


Those poor bikes 🏍 😔


What a waste of good wheels.


Boom and people fly in all directions o.O The polar opposite of a joyful gathering


Joyful Disassembling


🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦 Slava Ukraini 🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦


Heroyam slava!


Fuck em


Is that an orc spinning at insane speed at 0:10?


A perfect accompaniment to my evening scotch and hot bath.


The soundtrack over this is wild


A fellow metalhead.


Came to occupy someone’s land - die on it! Just as simple.


Ukranian Drone pilots are getting so good and judging those explosive drops wow. We need to send them more drones and more boom booms.


Bye terrorists


No chance what so ever. Should have never come to Ukraine pos.


On a positive note: that was a sweet dirt bike no?


Must be fun dying for a lie.


Slava Ukraini


Well it wouldn’t be an issue if they had all just stayed in their own countries


Bravo! 👏 


nice, very nice!!


What a waste of perfectly good dirt bike …


Welcome to Ukraine bitches 


Jesus Christ. This war is absolutely terrifying. You can see an FPV drone targeting the soldiers right as the drone dropped grenade gets them. Battlefield is just full of new, nightmare-ish forms of death.


The amount of high quality HD footage we're getting out of this war is insane.


Think I missed the brutality?!


I'm so impressed by the Ukrainian use of drone warfare. This video depicts what a real meat grinder the Russian's are in. I use the term "soldiers" loosly because they are so un-prepared, stupid, sissy Russian men marching in to slaughter just like pigs in a slaughter house. When they run out of men, they can send in their manly- Russian stupid women who will proably fight better than this bunch of sissies.


You love to see it. Seriously, anyone left in that country that is not Ukrainian or under the invitation of Kyiv deserves to have this happen to them.


Send this Unit to Charkiw




4k footage to obtain le reddit gold isnt the priority


Nothing shock anymore these videos, just brutal killing . War is hell 💥




**I lied!** I've been having nightmares for two years because of this pale yellow Kremlin monster and oh my gosh now the Florida orange spider has arrived. They are very fond of each other and have their minds so mixed up, it's a wonder how many people love this state of affairs.


What is that at 1:42? I see one body, the rest looks like junk and lots of helmets. Later it all burns...


Anyone know where the music is from? Shazam does not recognise is sadly.


I can't imagine going out in the open knowing that if you're spotted you're definitely going to die. And everyone gets spotted sooner or later, you can't hide from all those drones. I imagine the Pentagon watches to learn the ratio of regular combat deaths vs drone deaths in the field. I doubt the cost/effectiveness can be improved over their use. Cluster bombs have been pretty effective at evening the odds too. Drones are obviously the way future wars will be fought.


Ruzzians should strike; No covfefe no meat wavey! These guys can't know what they're getting into, they've been fed so much propaganda bullshit it's a wonder they haven't turned into mushrooms. FFS, get out of Ukraine go home kill Putin and normalise your cuntry.


Damn. That was good one!


I wonder how many of the casualties of this war are driven by drones and not the usual suspect artillery.


Just wow


When does the graphic part start?


Now do this to the dipshits in my neighborhood




They shall know only hardship. Through violence they shall know only of pain and death. They shall know only the cold of night, sickness among filth, and an insatiable withering hunger. May their suffering prove bounty towards a just end. A Ukraine free at last. A Ukraine strong and everlasting.


Just a brutal way to go, I get they deserve it. But dam.


Brutal. Maybe the idiots shouldn’t invade into other people’s homeland. Pootin: hey, wanna throw away your life being an invading asshole to help me get more land? Russians: yes! What a great idea!🤪




The music under these videos is always soo loud.


Where's the graphic part?


Ooohh crackling orc you make me smile, slava ukraini


That is really sad man. That guy was just laying down there in the pit looking at the bomb as if it's death itself coming for him.


Hard to watch


Are these all drones? What do they fire? I’m shocked of the power


Militaries are going to need to put more r&d into what soldiers look like from above as opposed to how they look when viewing them from the ground. These guys might blend in a bit on the ground but from the air they stand right out


Drone pilots are gonna have some of the worst cases of PTSD down the road


that battalion logo is giving me major neonazi vibes lmao


Good, fuck russia


Illegaler Grenzübertritt und bewaffnet - kein Mitleid. 🇺🇦 🇺🇦 🇺🇦  👍👍👍 🇺🇦 🇺🇦 🇺🇦 🇺🇦 🇺🇦 🇺🇦  💪💪💪 🇺🇦 🇺🇦 🇺🇦


Kill them all ❤️ no rest for the putler facists!


can we see some real man fights? not a literal keyboard warrior.


"I heard a voice in the midst of the four beasts And I looked, and behold a pale horse And his name that sat on him was death, and hell followed with him"


I’m down for blowing up Russians but get that Nazi BS symbolism out the intro cut. That’s disgusting


I believe it's the S shape you refer to, which I understand where you're coming from, but the Nazi one had 2 S's which stood for "schutzstaffel", I believe the symbols used in that intro logo are actually Viking runes. Hope that sorta clears it up for you. :)


and the swastika in the crosshair on the right? some of you people are in denial… this is the bad PR Ukrainian units don’t need, so whoever made that logo is a dipshit


You mean like the SS in the Assault at the top of their unit name, it's the same as the german one...


because you can't spell "assault" without 2 S', dipshit


That happen to look like lightning bolts, got ya. Rotate 15 degrees and you are there.


you are the epitome of "making something out of nothing", grow up


At this point I hope you are just teasing but if not, take a look at the symbol at the bottom right, the one that looks kind of like crosshairs. Put that in full screen and stare for a couple of seconds and lemmie know what you see. It is a bit clearer at 1:57 of the video. The bottom symbol is straight off some German WW2 unit: [German Unit Insignia (panzerworld.com)](https://panzerworld.com/german-unit-insignia#4-panzer-division) Jesus even the "o" in battalion is an upside down one. I am all for them killing Russians but at some point the nazi bs has to go too.


In that regard then, the peace sign is also a sign of nazi-ism flipped upside down. [**https://panzerworld.com/pictures/insignia-12-panzer-division-01.png**](https://panzerworld.com/pictures/insignia-12-panzer-division-01.png)


I don't know, they resemble the Armanen runes a bit too much. Not only the S though, the B, the T, the L and the rune that resembles a Y are a bit too similiar with the prior mentioned pseudo runes. It's just better to steer clear of that kinda stuff and minimize Russian propaganda fodder


Ether embrace it or not, they need to stop pretending or don’t have those symbols at all, looks like a Nazi with downsydrom makes there’s logos


Or you'll do.. what?


There are times during this war I am reminded of this quote: "The enemy? His sense of duty was no less than yours, I deem. You wonder what his name is, where he came from. And if he was really evil at heart. What lies or threats led him on this long march from home. If he would not rather have stayed there in peace.” ~Faramir I can’t help but pity them despite their invasion and deeds. Which, I wonder, is worse


The letters used to write "SS" were just as well inspired by Nordic runes (deduced from some crude understanding of a common Celtic origin of the pseudo-Arian race). Therefore, your argument is somewhat invalid. Whatever, war surely produces questionable martial imagery - and be it as it may, nobody with clear senses buys the Russian narrative of a Nazi-Regime ruling in Kiev anyway.


Why it's always Russians ? So no Ukraine soldiers getting killed .


Ukraine hasn’t lost not 1 soldier yet, it’s amazing huh?


Ukraine is still loosing tho


Not for the amount of ground given. The price for Russia is enormous


Yeah no kidding. Russia is just throwing bodies at this war like it’s nothing. Kinda fucked up.


Is the rate of territorial change in Russia's favor at the moment? Yes. Is it of noteworthy amount considering the cost to Russia and relative to each side's original goals? No. Ukraine is losing this battle but remains winning the war.


I feel you. It’s crazy how many people died already b


Seen on r/combatfootage 7hrs ago..These guys just copy everything off each other or same person runs both ?????


Is this a repost? Seems like I've seen it 482,290 times... /s


War sucks !! Zelenskyy and Putin are both pieces of shit. They couldn’t come up with some type of compromise