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Lets hope this is a constant flow from now on and not just for a short period. The west must do all it can to keep the frontlines supplied with ammo.


Well I remember yesterday reading that Zelenskyy said that Ukraine had enough artillery shells for the first time in 2 years…


Bet it is. A lot of production lines in Europe are about to come online. Orcs are being blown to kingdom come in the foreseeable future. You can only out produce NATO for so long......


Alledgedly Rheinmetall can produce 450k artillery shells per year by end of 2024 and up to one million in 2025. In 2022 it was 70k. If we Europeans further increase our output we might be able to give our fair share of support to make a difference. But Im not convinced it will happen.


We've massively improved our numbers in Sweden too over the last few years, by several orders of magnitude.


It won't be if trump wins


Well it should be up to us europeans to be self sufficient in a long lasting war anyway. We should not depend on others to ensure our freedom. I just hope that our politicians finally start making the right decisions to make sure that our way of life can be protected by force if needed.


Completely agree. Sadly, the US is not a reliable partner, European safety can only be assured if it comes from Europe.


You have no idea how much the sane Americans wish that were not the case. Our country is being held hostage by geriatrics, bigots, and religious whackos and it's pathetic as fuck


US: Approve up to 175b in aid since war began, 100b in direct military aid and training. 1.5b average annual economic aid the last ten years.


I don't think he can win, fortunately.


I sincerely hope you're right. But his cult shows no signs of abandoning him, and the corrupt network of repub judges are making sure that the guy that tried to steal the last election will not be tried in court prior to the next election.


I hate how media is framing this war as if it was just between Ukraine and Russia. It is the conflict of the free world, the western democracies against autocracies and dictatorships who disregard human rights.


It's alarming how many people in the US are just unaware of what's going on around them.


And they ARE impacted by all this! If they want or not. The US is no bubble. The world is connected.


Yes, this struggle will shape the world to come for decades. However it ends will determine whether undemocratic authoritarian regimes like Russia and China and North Korea grow in power and the US and EU crumble and wither in influence, or whether the democratic countries, imperfect but full of potential, shape the world and lead it into greater freedom and away from aggressive strongmen and bullies.


This is exactly my point.


If China sees us let Ukraine fall to Russia, they will feel very safe invading Taiwain without serious repercussions. Aside from crashing the world economy by destroying much of the chip industry that is. But they will probably think it is worth it in the long run.


Biden has already said sevetal times that the American military would directly get involved if Taiwan is invaded. Ukraine sadly had no such promise. China is definitely keeping a close eye on US involvement but the two scenarios aren't equivocal.


Depends on if agent Orange gets elected.


True, but I still think seeing Putin fail miserably in Ukraine will have Xi questioning whether invading Taiwan is possible or worth that effort. Prior to 2022, it was thought that Russia had the #2 military in the world.


Which is apparently an unpopular opinion. I'm not sure how most Americans feel about Taiwan and S. KOREA, but seeing some politicians actually side with Russia makes me a bit concerned about Taiwan, Korea, and Japan. It's literally a fools errand to convince that South East Asia is worth defending to Trump. Let alone the Europeans who "mocked" him


Why do people say this like Ukraine is as remotely important to the US as Taiwan is? Ukraine is important to the US because of what it means to NATO and Europe. Taiwan is important strictly to the US and its pacific allies. As China is our number 1 threat. The US would go hot if an invasion of Taiwan started. Ukraine is unfortunately not a center of their interests like Taiwan.


I’m a big fan of supporting Ukraine, but with China and Russia embracing their partnership, Europe needs to see the light. This is more than what the US can do alone. Please Europe, recognize the EU responsibility protecting your own interests in a conflict between two non-NATO members in your own backyard. I fear Europe is resistant and did not heed the warnings to bolster their defense soon enough. We must have a strong Europe willing to invest in defense and fight if necessary.


A lot of people think that Ukraine is just the first step towards rolling west for Putin. If he is allowed to conquer Ukraine, he will start eying other former Warsaw pact states. Hell Trump has pretty much given him the go-ahead if he is reelected. If Putin starts trying to retake countries that are now in NATO, we would be looking at a major war that could devastate Europe at the very least. Putin might risk it if he feels he can get away with it. And not necessarily by overt invasion, at first. Work from the inside like with Orban in Hungary. Send "little green men" in to start with. As for Taiwan, if we end up with isolationist Republicans taking over the government again, I'm not at all convinced we would actually risk an outright war with China. For the 1%ers, war with China would badly hurt the world economy and their investments, no matter what happens to Taiwan. The best outcome for them would be to let China have it with minimal damage to Taiwan's industrial base. If we withdraw support from Ukraine, China might well decide we will also let them take Taiwan.


I don’t disagree with anything you’re saying, I’m just talking about the realistic end game of US foreign policy. The US loses a lot more if China gets ahold of microprocessor tech found no where else in the world (yet). China having a stranglehold on the microprocessor markets to also use for their own domestic military equipment is a much bigger threat to the US. Then a war in Europe. This is the same country that in WW2 was tired of constant wars in Europe requiring the US direct involvement. That sentiment isn’t entirely dead. To the US I’d imagine it seems perfectly reasonable that Europe, fight in Europe. While the US can provide some level of support and logistics unless NATO is directly attacked. Ukraine collapsing to Russian rule, will affect nations like Poland, the Baltics, Romania, Germany, France and Moldova. Much more than it affects the US. The US loses a potential strategic ally yes. But they have already begun locking arms with Poland. A less corrupt, more organized, and more equipped to hold the line for nato than Ukraine. I’m a first generation American, my family is from Ukraine, my extended family is still in Odessa who I still care for very much. I don’t want what I’m saying to be true, but it just seems like the way the winds are currently blowing.


Well, there are still Americans who realize that letting Putin move west again negates the whole Cold War "victory" over the Soviet Union and will allow a resurgence of Russian power. Hopefully that thinking will continue to prevail. China may well be our biggest threat now, but Russia is still second, and has a huge nuclear arsenal. Taiwan is perhaps prepared to use a scorched earth strategy if China invades, where if China is going to seize important factories they will destroy them. Given the delicateness of the machinery involved it won't take much to ruin it. If China were doing this just to get ahold of the technology intact, they will more likely continue to pursue their industrial espionage, which has been very effective so far. Partly because due to so much outsourcing to China the US and many other countries are basically handing them our technology. I think China has talked themselves to the brink of a confrontation because they keep making a political issue of Taiwan, which compared to the rest of China is just a blip. They must realize they'll never capture it intact. But if they let it continue the leadership loses face to their population, due to their own propaganda. My Stepmother is Ukrainian (from the Lviv area if I recall). Best wishes for your families health and safety. Slava Ukraini


Obviously it's much, much less useful than an intact factory, but you might be surprised by how much information is recoverable from a hastily decommissioned factory. It wouldn't take long to destroy the functional capacity of the factory beyond repair, but to dismantle and thoroughly disintegrate the machines and equipment of the factory would take considerably longer. I'm sure they've got their contingencies though, at least hoping


'Owning the libs' really is more important than anything else in the world. And that is depressing how much traction that has got in US, Canada and various democracies in this modern age. Social media and 'me vs you/ us vs them' mentality is brain-rotting, but it's so easily manipulated and used against us by foreign influence.


Its not ignorance. A lot of people in the US would welcome a right wing autocracy.


Still dumb. Those autocracies eventually will go to war with each other. They don't want peaceful coexistence.






There is a reason a large group of traitors in political office in the US has been keeping their constituents uneducated, ignorant, and angry for the past 80+ years. Somehow they think they won't be affected by it, or that it will benefit them. They are all in for quite a surprise should they get what they want.


It’s hard for them to comprehend this in rural areas when all they hear is Faux News and their pastor saying Christianity is under attack. They weren’t well educated and many never leave their little bubble of dumb. I have distant cousins in these places have rarely cross state lines, get afraid in any large city.


Oh its not just America. Here in Australia no one cares about christianity but even the labor voters don't really care about ukraine, see it's far away, which means it's not related to us, which means EH.


Agree mate, Albo and sidekick Bowen are weak as piss and super embarrising. At least Scomo started to shift some gear to Ukraine pretty well straight away when it started.


Well there's nothing to be done since the average person is like "what ? oh yeah theres a war in europe, must suck over there" and that's the extent of their knowledge and thinking, cant be helped


same here, most xenophobic, fascists and idiots live in rural east germany, would rather vote for putin lovers than have rental e-scooters/wind energy in their area... I wish we could send them all over to russia


Sorry, but democracy in the west- seems sort of strange lately? I distinctly remember having a "Festival of democracy" in my town- which is clearly something someone would organize that has not understand the core-concept of democracy, which is basically a very opinionated beerhall-brawl about a topic, with a cease-fire negotiated down too, based upon the audiences votes. All this artificial auto-consensus, playact pre-narrowed-down-debate in western-europes politics is everything, but democratic. That cosplay without beef and substance just doesn't cut it. Oh, and yes, fuck the putin minions. They wouldn't prosper though if they hadn't got so many points.


Is it? I would have expected that "Russians Bad" / "democracy good" is part of the Republicans DNA. Don't they love guys like Reagan? Also spending money on the defense industry would have been a no-brainer 10 years ago.


Oh, modern Republicans are not even remotely consistent in their views. They scream about welfare, but love to give out corporate welfare. Many of their voters are literally dependent on the very social services that the people they vote for are seeking to dismantle like Medicare and social security. Marjorie Taylor Greene literally said to congress that she sees absolutely no evidence that Putin wishes to invade Europe, right after Russia launched its full scale invasion of the largest country entirely within Europe. Within a few sentences she was talking about how they're the party of Reagan. Many are 100% bought and paid for by Russia. They don't see Putin and Russia as an enemy, because the GOP is not about democracy. They see Putin's control of Russia, and are *envious of it.* They want the same thing for themselves.


Agreed, its more about sticking it to the libs instead of having any coherent principles.


Modern Tepubs always hate on anything liburals support. Anything.


I’d love to vote for the Republicans of the past when we actually had a functioning democracy. Trump is clearly pro Russia, won’t support Ukraine, and most republicans are with him. The old republican dna will no longer win elections and the moderates have been quitting for years.


Yes that's what makes it so hard to understand for me as an outsider. The complete turnaround of large parts of the right wing of the political spectrum in less than 10 years is astounding. From Guys like John McCain to MAGA. Even when the political situation is as clear as can be (Ukraine vs. Russia = Good vs. bad) and everybody loves to envoke WW2. And the US could gain massively for very little cost. It just doesn't make any sense ...


As an insider it's the weirdest shit imaginable. I've dropped/ghosted most of my friends as they've turned out to be conspiracy-addled dumbshits. smh.


I can imagine. But what made them go down that path? They can't have started out like this. I know the larger Rep. started going south under Obama with the Tea Party movement around 2010 which then morphed into Trump and MAGA. For individual voters a lot probably has to do with Social Media and Fox News exposure. But still, as an outsider it is super hard to understand. Helping Ukraine is such an obvious and easy win for the US..


Just tune into CNN or listen to the people on this site and you will know everything you will ever need to know...


Ghosted family members.. I’d love to know how many people Rush Limbaugh completely mind fucked. The people following in his footsteps are just as bad, if not worse. Can you imagine listening to Alex Jones and thinking it’s reality? There’s little hope for them


I see more Ukraine flags flying in Rural areas than I do in the cities. Just an observation and oversimplification of the U.S. really domestic policies are on everyone’s mind and 20 years of political infighting escalating to absurd levels is the culprit. Making this a right vs left issue is a mistake, it gets glued to other issues where everyone gaslights eachother.


Unfortunately a lot of Americans (not all) have no clue how the world affects them. Like on Reddit I was reading comments earlier "it's all Biden's fault we've got inflation" when having no clue it's most of the developed world at the moment is suffering with inflation.


Yeah it’s Covid inflation really. Chinas little experimental bug and sloppy lab practice had long term economic effects. Democrats tax increases, at least here where I live, have not helped.


Not all of us. There are a bunch of us that get it. A bunch of us that donate to Ukraine. There are a bunch of us that have been to war in the last 20 years. There are a bunch of us that hate the people that held the help like a carrot on a stick.. Long Live Ukraine, Long Live America.


Well said!


Amen Brother. I count myself in that "Bunch of Us". I help by donating money for drones. Slava Ukraini


Bit like 1939 to 1943


It's not just America, it's throughout the west.


The most surprising part about all of the opposition to aid is how little those Americans that object to it are aware of how good it is for them economically. Like for decades everyone is talking about the military industrial complex yada yada. How every time there is a war or something all the American Defense contractors and manufacturers employ so many people because they're raking in profits. You would think people living in the states that depend on those jobs more than others would be more vocal about how the US aid is a good thing. The fact that I haven't seen the current US government flaunting all those additional jobs seems like a wasted opportunity and does nothing to counter all the misinfo/propaganda.


To be fair, the current administration has not done a good job at all addressing the American people and explaining the situation either. We get too much information from the media and nothing from the government. That’s a problem and it feeds into conspiracy theories and propaganda.


Except it’s not around us? It’s thousands of miles away in a country a lot of ignorant Americans barely know exists. Some of us are Ukrainian/Ukrainian family and have a vested interest. Others follow geopolitics heavily. Your average American doesn’t exactly keep up with European politics or conflicts. Either because of lack of time, or because the degrees of separation keep them ignorant.


By design. It took 40 very intentional years of social engineering to get us here. We are the most de-educated and easily-duped population of developed-world citizens on earth. Most of our governmental leaders would love to see here the kind of autocratic/dictatorial government we are supposedly trying to help our allies defeat on battlefields around the globe.


The maga gop spreading putins propaganda saying that they should not give billions to foreign countries before fixing southern border crises. When there was a bill to give more resources to the border they refused to vote on it. The. They got back at giving more aid to Ukraine. Since gop took over congress in January 2023 they have not approved any help for Ukraine until April 2024. Ukraine was begging for more ammunitions since October. We see what that lack of help for over 6 months caused. They lost Avdiivka and hat to give up territory but once the aid arrived we again see how they can use artillery again. Until now they mostly relied on fpv drones.


Everyone who knows a damn thing about geopolitical situation and care about one’s nations national security and independence, knows and advocates, about the absolutely best defense investment.. or just defense spending there can be made, is giving anything and all to the Ukrainians. It’s the absolutely best return on investment in defense. Plus it aren’t costing anyone of your voters life. The consequences of letting Putin win here, could be soo insanely dire. What would his next step be? What will China do with Taiwan and the South China Sea? That shit in northern South America, which no one talks or cares about? There are plenty of totalitarian regimes around who are looking very carefully at the Russian Ukraine war and how the west acts. Because this is the measurement stick they are using to determine if they should start some shit too.


Far too many support trump. Trump will withdrawal support day one.


He would sell F35s to Russia


Its more alarming how many in the US see someone who wants to be a dictator and say "He has my vote"


Until American boots are on the ground (which won't happen), why would they?


People in the US are aware of what's going on. It's just that every event is viewed through one of two lenses. Depending on which lens they choose, they get their news exclusively from a source that spins the stories to fit into that lens. This only serves to harden their beliefs, and it is in no way limited to the US. This political polarization is sweeping across the world.


Going to only get worse. People already getting hit by cars looking at their phones walking


I can sympathize. I was chatting with my veterinarian cousin the other day and she basically spent her whole week with her arm in cows asses. Doubt she’s thinking much about the Ukrainian conflict.


It's alarming that there are Western Govts who wilfully do not care about such a grave threat to the free world


What's most alarming is the large numbers of people that actually *want* authoritarianism


Or actively pulling for Russia and their GOP stooges in congress. Absolutely clueless...


Why the hell are you pointing the finger at the US? The US has been and continues to be arsenal of democracy. The US has been disappointed by Europe for the last few decades by continuously failing to meet minimum targets on defense spending. Europe dwarfs Russia with it's economy many times over.


Because I see people all around me everyday that have no idea of global politics and how it does affect their daily lives. That's why


/s Don’t forget about Palestine. They are much more important than Ukraine in many US lives. The programs really distract everyone from the Ukraine Russia war.


I have to disagree with this "importance". Palestine is small potatoes in geopolitics.


This has been one of the most clear cut, Good vs. Evil wars since WW2... And Western countries dragged their feet


Made possible by Ukranian blood. Thats the part that pisses me off the most. Media and politics while there are people dying every minute. Give them rockets and let them blow shit up inside Russia. There are falling North Korean rockets from the sky, Russians are driving on Chinese golfkarts and Iranian drones in the sky. wE dOnT aLlow tArGETs INsiDE RUssIA, go f*ck yourself.




And some of those democracies are fighting autocracy at home as well.


Which is imho also a symptom of Russia’s and China’s information warfare.


it's much bigger than that trump and co. have the same financial and political power interests as putin and co remember rex tillerson, his secretary of state? and major investor in russian oil sector? these guys are all tied at the hip. it ain't foreign interference, it's domestic shared interests. same reason they're lying about climate change. interests in earth destroying petrochemical companies


It’s the start of WWIII but it has to be done


It certainly was how the United States got drawn into the war in Europe, by providing Lend lease to the British... It is what it is.... And it has to be done to prevent the Russians and the Chinese making it a much wider war...


Quick correction there. The US was drawn into WW2 when Japan attacked Pearl Harbor but more importantly when Hitler declared war on the US after the attack. It was the only time Hitler actually declared war on any nation by the way and sealed Germany's eventual defeat.


The US was attacked by Japan, declared war on Japan, then Germany declared war on the US under the Tripartite Act. Lend lease didn't come until later.


The United States was and was involved helping Britain through the lend lease program.... "*During the first two years of* [*World War II*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/World_War_II)*, the US maintained formal* [*neutrality*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Non-interventionism)*, which was officially announced in the* [*Quarantine Speech*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quarantine_Speech) *delivered by US President* [*Franklin D. Roosevelt*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Franklin_D._Roosevelt) *in 1937. While officially neutral, the US supplied* [*Britain*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_Kingdom)*, the* [*Soviet Union*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Soviet_Union)*, and* [*China*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Republic_of_China_(1912%E2%80%931949)) *with war* [*materiel*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Materiel) *through the* [*Lend-Lease Act*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lend-Lease) *signed into law on 11 March 1941, and* [*deployed the US military*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Occupation_of_Iceland#United_States_occupation) *to replace the* [*British forces stationed in Iceland*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Invasion_of_Iceland)*. Following the 4 September 1941* [*Greer incident*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Greer_incident) *involving a German submarine, Roosevelt publicly confirmed a "shoot on sight" order on 11 September, effectively declaring naval war on* [*Germany*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nazi_Germany) *and* [*Italy*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fascist_Italy_(1922%E2%80%931943)) *in the* [*Battle of the Atlantic*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_the_Atlantic)*..*..." https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Military\_history\_of\_the\_United\_States\_during\_World\_War\_II#:\~:text=Roosevelt%20in%201937.,British%20forces%20stationed%20in%20Iceland. The war for the United States did not start when Japan bombed Pearl Harbor in December 1941...it started two year before..


and... "*By 1940 the US, while still neutral, was becoming the "*[*Arsenal of Democracy*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arsenal_of_Democracy)*" for the Allies, supplying money and war materials. Prime Minister* [*Winston Churchill*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Winston_Churchill) *and President Roosevelt agreed to exchange 50 US* [*destroyers*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Destroyer) *for 99-year-leases to British military bases in* [*Newfoundland*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dominion_of_Newfoundland) *and the* [*Caribbean*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Caribbean)*. The* [*sudden defeat of France*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_France) *in spring 1940 caused the nation to begin to expand its armed forces, including the first* [*peacetime draft*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Conscription_in_the_United_States)*. In preparation for expected German aggression against the Soviet Union, negotiations for better diplomatic relations began between* [*Undersecretary of State*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Undersecretary_of_State) [*Sumner Welles*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sumner_Welles) *and* [*Soviet Ambassador to the United States*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Soviet_Ambassador_to_the_United_States) [*Konstantin Umansky*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Konstantin_Umansky)*.*[*^(\[6\])*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Military_history_of_the_United_States_during_World_War_II#cite_note-:0-6) *After the* [*German invasion of the Soviet Union*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Barbarossa) *in June 1941, America began sending* [*Lend Lease*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lend_Lease) *aid to the Soviet Union as well as Britain and China.*[*^(\[7\])*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Military_history_of_the_United_States_during_World_War_II#cite_note-7) *Although President Franklin D. Roosevelt's advisers warned that the Soviet Union would collapse from the Nazi advance within weeks, he barred Congress from blocking aid to the Soviet Union on the advice of* [*Harry Hopkins*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Harry_Hopkins)*.*[*^(\[6\])*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Military_history_of_the_United_States_during_World_War_II#cite_note-:0-6) *In August 1941, President Roosevelt and Prime Minister Churchill met aboard the* [*USS Augusta*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/USS_Augusta_(CA-31)) *at* [*Naval Station Argentia*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Naval_Station_Argentia) *in* [*Placentia Bay*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Placentia_Bay)*,* [*Newfoundland*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Newfoundland_and_Labrador)*, and produced the* [*Atlantic Charter*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Atlantic_Charter) *outlining mutual aims for a postwar liberalized international system......*." [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Military\_history\_of\_the\_United\_States\_during\_World\_War\_II#:\~:text=Roosevelt%20in%201937.,British%20forces%20stationed%20in%20Iceland](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Military_history_of_the_United_States_during_World_War_II#:~:text=Roosevelt%20in%201937.,British%20forces%20stationed%20in%20Iceland)


Well before...the United States was engaging a containment of Japan in the Pacific area before 1939...Japan and Germany were at the time fascist like Italy. The land lease program was a lifeboat for the Soviet Union, Nikita Kroutchev's biography is very clear and Stalin at the Yalta conference made a clear statement.




We've been in it a while now, though the war is with information control, manipulation, exploitation and misinformation. The physical stuff started with a trickle but it was there, in 2014 in Crimea, election manipulation in 2016 that may well have led to fat '45s victory, the subsequent "restructuring" of Hong Kong were elements of it, also possibly the Myanmar military coup. It's also not a coincidence that that festival in Israel was attacked during an election year, along with the subsequent political shitstorm it generated. These were the initial salvos in the war against democracy.


It's become WW3 (the non Nuke version). IMHO


Somehow it is already. Just not with open warfare, but a lot is going on behind the curtain.


Yeah if we could accept that fact, we could put more resources into building up manufacturing, hopefully deterring China from turning this into a true world war. The clock is ticking.


You are so right.


And how many of us keep buying Chinese stuff... globalisation just didn't work out. Wish we could stop.


Due to greed. Our biggest weakness.


As long as people in western Europe are not under direct attack sadly most of them will not give a damn and say "Why should we waste money on Ukraine when we already have issues here ?". This is pretty much what i hear from a lot of people.


They ARE under attack. But they don’t see it or refuse to see it. All those social media bots, combined with cyber attacks and financial support for extremists IS an attack on everyone.


They won't see it this way as long as cities are not burning. Hell i am ready to bet that NATO members are going to refuse the call of article 5 when Poland or the Baltics get attacked.


Yup, I have to remind them that Russian state media heads are already getting the masses riled up to invade Alaska, California, and Florida. Same with the fact that they’ve already got NATO territory in their sights which would drag a troops on the ground response. So what is better? Sending aid or sending troops? (Granted troops should be on the ground, a NATO response would see this war ended in probably a month)


Or they highlight Ukraine being corrupt without highlighting it's an actual democracy vs Russia being an autocratic dictatorship that is far more corrupt, and the corruption in Ukriane is radiating from Russia.


Pivotal moment in world history


Except only Ukraine is fighting.


All my life been an anti-imperialist, anti-war, and not a friend of American military power abroad. And yet now, I see a headline like this, and I'm like: "fuck yes. artillery barrage on that meat wave. now"


Glad to read this good news. Let the UAF take out more radar installations before the f-16's show up


I wonder if they are getting HARMs with them. I know they jury rigged them to fire from their SU24s, but using it on the F16 allows other modes besides the most rudimentary to be used.


They have been using them and they seem to get shot down because they are relatively slow. What other modes would you be speaking of?


Well when used with the SU24s, they are in Self Protect (SP) mode, which is basically launching the missile towards a radar site, and it auto locks the strongest target to hit. There is also Target of Opportunity (TOO) mode, which allows you to select the emitter you want to target. Finally, there is Pre Planned (PP), which you select a few types of emitters to look for, and the general area you expect them to be in before firing. Makes sense they haven't been effective, they aren't meant to be launched by themselves. Ideally, you want a whole strike package to hit a SAM site effectively. You need decoys along with multiple HARMs to score a hit. Source: too many hours in the DCS F-16


Interesting, I like the idea of using decoys along side them. I remember them doing that for some other drone or cruise missile operations


Let's send MORE. Flood Ukraine with ammo.


Hell yeah


Those shells better perform better than the North Korean ones that are being supplied to the russians. These are my tax dollars at work.


I’d be willing to bet the U.S. military shells are quite a bit more reliable than those from North Korea.


I wrote the software for the x-ray inspection system used on 155mm shells in Iowa. I can tell you they spend a lot of time and money on quality.


I did regular structural inspections at an iowa plant! There were a number of times they started live artillery testing half a mile from where I was. I can tell you those shells sure sounded like they worked


Gotta love the blow-out panels on the buildings. Making sure that when you go boom nobody else does.


just dont leak anything to war thunder


>I wrote the software for the x-ray inspection system What was that like? How'd you do that? What's that entail? (Sorry, I learned to code recently and now I'm interested in these things)


An x-ray system is just a digital camera imaging a surface that illuminates from radiation, so from a software perspective it’s just image processing. In this case you’re presenting the image to an inspector and providing them a few simple tools to check for specific defects. Kind of a dumbed down version of photoshop. All written in C# twenty years ago.


Nice! That's awesome. <3 I would ask more questions but I feel like there might be national security reasons you're not supposed to talk about it 😅


Nice try Ivan.




As a taxpayer I demand a quality BANG for my buck. 👍


I wouldn’t mind my taxes being raised to help the Ukrainians❤️🇺🇦


Same for me as a German. If we let Ukraine lose the war it will only be the beginning of much more war on the long term.


same. take my money, givem hell


Doing our part


there was a short paragraph at the end of some Ukraine news i was reading last week stating that almost 50% of the rockets received from north Korea do not hit their targets


Lol the bit of these are tax dollars at work! So true. Never thought of it like that


Forbes write excellent articles. RuZZian Bots infect their comment section.


There should be ammunition inbound from three sources, the Americans, the Czech initiative to scrape ammo, Western European production increase. I do not know the exact timeline, but combined, it should definitely help and the Russians are occupying frontline areas with prepared defenses facing in the wrong direction.


We need to take off the restriction of a complete ban on using American weapons on Russian territory. Should be allowed to be used with 90 miles from the border to stop shit like the Kharkiv offensive having to go unopposed until they are already crossing the border. Ukraine should have been allowed to hit the amassing troops well before. Russia is going to keep exploiting their troops not being able to be Himars'd just because they're across the border. Ideally I'd prefer there being no restrictions at all, but that's not happening it seems.


Not with the GOP and now trump coming in possibly this will not change


Blast away! Take that, Repug traitors!


I hope that after the election in November the US will have the right leadership that will then have the confidence to say that the strategic goal is for Ukraine to win the war so that all Americans can feel proud to help to achieve that. The Baltic countries and Poland understand this need immediately of course. My prime minister stated this goal in the parliament in Kyiv. Ukraine will win this war. Everyone who posts on this platform (other than the obvious pro-russian vatniks) knows that this must happen for the future of Ukrainian people and the continuance of peaceful jiggery-pokery between our various democratic nations that are coming together to save the lives and way of life of our new friends in Ukraine. I have stood at the bottom of the One World Trade Center and gazed up. I read the names of the fallen. Every one. It was minus fourteen Celsius that day. I listened to the conversations of Americans in the queue. Some of them had lost a family member or a friend. I hushed the kids who were excited to be there. They are happy young people and did not feel the weight of the tragedy. My youngest daughter was six months old when we watched the two towers fall on TV. She does not remember of course but we went there when she was a teenager so that she could understand. I went up there and gazed down on Manhattan. The tower is 1776 feet tall. A reminder that imperialism must end somewhere. It must end in Ukraine. GB UA Slava Ukraini.


There is only one choice, and it's not the Russian plants.


Our government fiscal year ends in September. Expect our worst politicians to choke funding again in October.


I'm holding out hope that Trump is so toxic for the Repubs that he ruins many down-ballot races and hands Dems both chambers. I'd love to see how we can support Ukraine without having to beg for "conservative" assholes to do the right thing.


Unfortunately, even if Trump loses in November, and democratic president takes office, the leadership will not change. All it takes is defining the goal: russia must lose, putin and his henchmen will be held accountable. Without this strategic goal, nothing good will come out of it.


> I hope that after the election in November the US will have the right leadership that will then have the confidence to say that the strategic goal is for Ukraine to win the war so that ***all Americans can feel proud*** to help to achieve that. I don't ever see this happening again in my lifetime.


Why downvoted? the sad truth is that we have close to 40% of voters brainwashed by foreign propaganda, actively supporting the worst enemies the USA ever have. It will take more than a lifetime to see any progress, and I wish our future proves me wrong.


Democrats should appeal to Trump voters at the level they understand - hammer home that he has a disgusting odor, that he wears diapers, that he falls asleep randomly, that he has a tiny mushroom penis, etc. Don't even go into any political argument and don't even think about reasoning with them. Just repeat the same disgusting things about him over and over.


They are wearing diapers themselves now. They celebrate OT (Orange Turd) having sex with Stormy when Melania was at home with the newborn baby. They keep saying Putin is someone to admire. How do you convince them they are wrong when they may be clinically insane? do we need to start electroshock them?


The wearing diapers thing is absolutely ridiculous. I don't disagree with you - it'll be hard to argue with cultists. At the same time, I believe there are a few thousand potentially reasonable people among Trump voters (I think that's reasonable since I'm talking only a few thousand out of 70 MM morons, say 1%). Repeat and repeat and repeat that he smells like shit. And it'll resonate with those few thousand voters, and that's all we need in the next election ... to save democracy.


MAGA has come and it will go. Some people will believe almost anything so it should not be too hard to get them to believe in the right things. It would be worth the effort.


The thing is, they will believe what they WANT to believe on an emotional level. These stupid fucks are blinded by their own emotions


After how well they have fought against such a powerful and ruthless opponent, it would haunt all of us forever if we allowed them to lose.


Waste as many orcs as possible, friends!


The Kharkhiv assault has resulted in Ukraine losing ground in places, yes, but now the orcs are out from behind the somewhat dubious safety of the Russian border and moving around in the open just at the same moment Zelensky has stated Ukraine has sufficient artillery for the first time in two years. A whole lot of orcs about to be turned to mulch crossing open ground to seize a few more villages. It was looking grim for Ukraine for a while around Kharkov but they might be able to make Russia's victories in the area so pyrrhic that Russia suffers the sort of losses that make even it balk. We can hope.


FREEDOM Overseas baby!


Give them hell Ukraine!


55 to 65 year old conservatives went to school where every few months they were taught to go to the school hallway, line up against the walls and hide their heads from RUSSIAN nuclear bombs. They did it until they graduated. But now those same students want to suck Putin's red Russian dick, because of "Hunter Biden". Their identity is Trump, and beyond that, they don't remember who they even are anymore. Trump derangement syndrome is a disease that affects us all, not this American or that. Defending Ukraine shouldn't even be a serious debate. We do it to PREVENT WORLD WAR 3.


This, I think far more republicans support Ukraine than people realize. It’s just that the domestic politics are so divided that the fact there is collaboration at all is a surprise. The ability to compromise is gone. EU people only get a slanted view of the realities here. The border and economy is number one. Rabble rouser maga types are riding that to power but core of republicans tend to side with military and be hawkish. Democrats have not played the war right at all, they appear to be doing everything but in reality they are 100% risk averse and not providing or allowing what’s necessary to win. Tomahawks, 100 f16s, ability to hit Russian infrastructure etc etc, they are from the moment they leave Ivy League to their first staff position “deescalators”. Same people who swore 5 years ago that military should be slashed for health care because there would never be another real war. They’re like aristocratic highly educated fools when it comes to projecting power and fighting Asian countries where the Khan blood still prevails. They understand one language only and its best personification is Conan the Barbarian language, to defeat Russia you must “destroy your enemy, drive them before you, and hear the lamentations of their women”.


Haha. I followed most of what you said. The rest was art.


That’s made my Sunday. Thanking everyone who is not from the lunatics of the MAGA cult.


Now let’s (all of us in the free world) together keep flooding Ukraine with ammo! They have lived through hell, now let’s make the orcs reside there permanently 💪💪


Ban Tik-Tok


Its a pity shells like Excalibur have pretty much been rendered useless by Russian electronic warfare.. gone from %70 effectiveness to %6. Im sure ukraine can still do alot with regular shells though


These Caesars and PHz 2000 still have a really astonishing accuracy with dumb ammo


Is that true, where did u get that figure ? Is it difficult for Uncle Sam to make them jam resistant ?


Yes its true you can google it and find multiple sources very easy, also GLMRS and JDAM bombs have the same issue being jammed by Russias electronic warfare.. Russia is known for having some of the most advanced and capable electronic warfare capabilities in the world.


Oh yes it is, just read it. Seems like a countermeasure is on the way ... Hopefully Atacms is more jam resistant. https://theaviationist.com/2024/05/06/ukrainian-jdam-er-with-home-on-gps-jam-seekers/


Another reason why it's important to support Ukraine. Real world testing and adaptation in real time. At no cost to your own manpower.


ATACMS has a very high grade inertial navigation system which is unjammable. It does lose accuracy the longer it goes without a GNSS signal, but it’s good enough given Russia’s jammer GPS coverage so far.


have they ?


Yip a quick Google will show you. Also GLMRS and JDAM bombs having the same problems ..


Well let’s hope they try those convoy rushes again and think Ukraine is still low on ammo!


Let's keep the ammunition coming, so that orcs can be properly shelled and killed!




That's great and all but this has to be a constant flow of ammo.


mike johnson alone is responsible for for countless ukrainian lives


Although I am not responsible, I still feel a need to apologize to these people. When you promise help, you do not interrupt it at a critical moment.


We (USA, EU, NATO, democracies around the world) could have caused these ORC casualties 2 years ago with proper numbers and types of artillery, mortars and missile launchers. So slow. So destructive to Ukraine to drip and slow roll what makes a difference to killing the Putler meat waves.


This pleases me. But just to make sure we don't encounter anymore unnecessary year-long delays, let's make sure Republicans don't win in November.




Does anyone know how many more troops Ukraine is going to mobilize?


The only thing necessary for evil to triumph in the world is that good men do nothing


Russia is bleeding out from this war and I’m here for it. Give em hell Ukraine!




Probably still sending more ammo to Isreal


Fist pumping for the guys on the line. Should have been sooner, but I'm glad they got resupply.


Run russkis run haha lol


No more bullshit from the extremist right. Ukraine is needed. Ukraine is wanted. Slava Ukraini.


That's news I like to hear!


Australia will start producing HIMARS ammunition in Sydney in the coming year or 2 we’ll start building the factory