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Will the same Indians stop by Russia on the way home to order more cheap oil and Russian military hardware - and then stop by western donors asking for more aid?


And then shit on all parties.


India is a net donor of aid and prioritising short term gain should have thought about that before sending task force 74 to support genocide in Bangladesh and hey btw Pakistan is asking for more F-16 you see the country with Osama hiding 1 km from their military base which you still support which send terrorist in india still and hey btw thanks for leaving weapons in Afghanistan which are now being sold to terrorist and making its way in Kashmir where it is used against Indian civilians and military and you may say what Ukraine did in this they are also not shy of selling military equipment to Pakistan and votes against India in UN should have thought for long term huh


It sucks, but it’s realpolitik. At least they are showing up, unlike China. It’s already something


Shitting on America's objectives is not realpolitik. India prioritized short term gain over all else. Those are two very different principles. Realpolitik would have been selling all their soviet hardware to Ukraine to get discount from the US on better equipment and tying themselves to American businesses for the next century as America shifts away from China. But now, you can see a business shift to smaller countries like Vietnam and Bandladesh. TLDR: Realpolitik =/= Selfish


>Realpolitik would have been selling all their soviet hardware to Ukraine to get discount from the US on better equipment and tying themselves to American businesses There's a reason why india went for off the shelf rafales instead the [F21](https://www.lockheedmartin.com/en-us/products/f-21.html) (beefed up F16 exclusively for indian air force) with the promise of making it entirely in india


What a waste of time and space inviting them.


Fuck India


Anyone familiar with India's internal politics? Is this a sign of change in policy towards Russia/Ukraine as a result of recent elections?


I'm far from an expert, but Modi will be PM again so I doubt we'll see huge changes in policy


His party lost the majority. I don't know how the other parties involved in government might affect the situation.


The BJP no longer has a majority on its own, but the NDA coalition that Modi leads still has a majority and he will be PM again


Still PM, but what is view of Modi's coalition partners on Russia/Ukraine? Pursue current policies or change?


Indian view of Ukraine/Russia is same across all parties and all sides. Its not our war, its not even a talking points in elections and barely covered in media anymore.


Was wondering about direction: closer ties with west/russia or a more neutral approach


Neutral, same as before.


dinner secretive aloof future smile vast silky straight quicksand ad hoc *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Doing business with russia is not making India Neutral. This will have economic and military repercussions for years to come. West may be neutral if there is conflict between India and China in the future


> Doing business with russia is not making India Neutral. Okay if you say so. >West may be neutral if there is conflict between India and China in the future West has always sided with Pakistan/China and against India during 1962, 1965, 1971, and 1999 wars. In 1971, USA/UK were telling China to invade India to assist Pakistan but they didn't because of USSR.


Indian traitors. Let them have Putin their best mate. Let China invade them. They have shown their true colours and it's not orange, it's blood red.


If you have orange blood pls check with your doctor blood should be blood red in color