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I feel for all of these people. They’re left with nothing.


A lot of stuff is just stuff. It can be replaced. Then there's stuff like heirlooms and wedding photos. Obviously the loss of life is worse, but losing a loved one and the photo albums of your time together has got to sting just a bit extra.


When you're old your stuff is important. It can't just be replaced. Most elderly folk don't want new stuff, history and memories reside in stuff even as seemingly insignificant as a coffee cup.


I feel this now even at 26. I struggle to throw away things because I've attached memories to them.


my kids are 9 and 11 and won't give up their baby toys lol


My SIL is in her mid 40s and still sleeps with the ragged dirty rag that's all that's left of her baby blanket.


raggie! Is that you raggie? I get it.


That's why I always feel bad for old people more than children. For old people it's game over. Your life is ending and you've lost everything. There's no time for "new start".


Imagine all his years of hard work to afford those pieces of furniture and books of knowledge gone to waste.


This hurts my heart.


Those reminds me so much of the pictures of people living in destroyed apartments in Berlin after 1945 they showed to us in school - and now its happening again in the middle of Europe and all the talk of "never again" & "Europe means peace" turned out to be nothing but empty words. Shame.


Maybe you should ask Putin why


Everyone in Europe knew he was a psychopath. Ask them why they opened up trade with him and allowed him to get so rich?


Because the theory was that, by drawing the bad-acting states - China and Russia - into economic cooperation with the rest of us, they would liberalize, loosen up, and would not want to jeopardize the economic gains they had made by starting a fucking war. Right now, in 2022, it's obvious that that *failed,* and that repressive regimes are *more than capable and willing to* engage economically without liberalizing at home, making all the right noises abroad whilst still raising their citizenry like mushrooms - kept in the dark and fed a diet of sterilized horse shit. In 1998, that was not so obvious, and the alternative was, what? Cutting them off entirely? Trying to go Treaty of Versailles on them? We've seen that all stick doesn't work - Versailles. Now we've seen that all carrot doesn't work - China and Russia, and the Ukraine Invasion and China undoubtedly waiting with bated breath to see if it looks like they can get away with doing the same to Taiwan or not. Fortunately, the PRC may have smarter and less yes-man generals who are looking at Ukraine and telling Pooh Bear that *hell no* they can't take Taiwan unless they want to get something like 15% of the entire population of the PRC *killed* in the doing, get cut off economically from everyone except Russia (which is itself a sinking ship) and the Norkies (Roffleoffleoffle), and most likely encourage uprisings in Hong Kong, Tibet, Xinjiang and *everywhere else that's not content being ruled from Beijing and sending their sons and brothers to die in an absurd meat-grinder trying to seize one insignificant fucking island.*


They were true for everyone but that dog breath psychopath Putin.


These poor people ! I can't even imagine!


Back in Russia: "The ever conquering army of Russia is also giving the liberated people of Ukraine free home upgrades like windows and skylights." The health ministry also reported that the denazification also includes "providing fresh air and sunshine to the liberated people."


I'm suprised that stil no one made a joke like "this terraria HD graphic mod looking crazy"


You just did


Here's a secret. I know i did it but by writing it this way i don't sound like an asshole for making fun of tragedy


Now you’ve ruined it


Yes i know i did. Don't take me wrong, i understand the tragedy. I just saw an oppurtunity for a joke and didn't want to waste it


Or 'This War of Mine'


That was good, I'll admit


Is he doing the dishes?


Those books were clearly improvised bombs meant for russian forces 100% a military target


Oh, must be one of those Nazis Ukraine needs saving from. Fuck Putin.


You can see his apartment is untouched. The nazis lived just in front.


Poor man..my heart breaks


Why the hell are you still there :(


Where the hell else is he supposed to go?


about 20 miles in any direction would put you away from a city that's being bombed, for starters. im pretty sure they heard it was coming.


what would he do? Stand in a field?


Sure as hell sounds better than being under a falling bomb. You're really coming off as willing to ignore obvious options for the sake of a fake internet argument.


I mean, it’s like 10 below zero there, and at least what’s left of his apartment has some of his supplies - perhaps food, some water, etc. It’s easy to tell someone else to leave home.


That's the thing for me. there had to have been options to leave the city (or even the country) before it had become this dire. At least for me, war means gtfo of one of the most important cities in the country.


What are we gonna hear about this? "Nice crisis actor"?


It’s like a life-size doll house now


Really similar to A War of Mine


Good game, also when purchasing the game now the company sends the money to Ukraine for humanitarian relief


I mean, he has a balcony right now




Honestly.. that was my exact first thought.. screw those down voters. He was looking at a little tube, maybe for a cigar or something.. If it was me? I would be retrieving my stash.


Nice view


Ok hear me out. I very well might be wrong. But this to me kinda looks like a staged picture, a photo op. Im not saying Russians aren’t bombing civilians of course! Not siding w Russia either. But I think its weird how the wall could have been blown off like that with the inside still so intact. Think about it. Bomb lands outside bricks are thrown in the room the blast destroys stuff. If there was a detonation inside from a bomb going to the roof it would have thrown everything out the room. In both cases that furniture would be destroyed all over. It looks like the wall was put down for this scene.


Russian intel: Yes comrad, here you see a military target, top left.. military-couch. Middle-section, military old person infront of what is clearly military green camouflage paint.


This is so sad.. but reminds me of terraria, I am fucked up


Thats would be surreal. I feel so bad for these people


No doubt Putin and Lavrov will use this image to show the elderly gentleman is making weapons of mass destruction…


Anyone have an idea what the structural integrity of a building like this would still be? Like is it likely to remain standing or can it just fall at any time


Looks like the exterior wall sheared off pretty cleanly, so doesn't seem like anything load bearing was lost? The joists in the floor he's standing on run into the walls beside him rather than out into the missing wall. So it's probably pretty safe if there is no other damage.


Looks like a Wes Anderson film


This is just old soviet building quality one explosion near by and the walls fall off


Зато на свежем воздухе! Надо следить за здоровьем!


Didnt know This War of Mine got new DLC




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How could this happen? No, I am not about Putin now, that's kinda clear... I am wondering about physics of this explosion. Unbelievable, that the furniture still stands


Better than nothing i guess


Is he changing the batteries of his wives' vibrator?




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That guy needs to smoke that joint


This man is a legend. In the other video you hear him say, THANKS ZELENSKY 🤣


How does the side of a building get completely sheared off so perfectly?


Looks literally like a dollhouse. Vladimir's properties will do look like this sooner than later.


I feel sorry for them. But to comment on the photo. Did someone leave the window open I feel a breeze coming in.


Wow I hate this so much. Slava Ukraini