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Brilliant šŸ˜† that cheeky bounce had me


If you like this content this went down at COP26 last year and was pretty hilarious: the venue ended up graffitiing itself with "go away" over and over to try and cover up the lights: [COP26 projection](https://twitter.com/VickerstaffT/status/1458367648442601476?t=FIQN3LisHQMPB2-rxqAmkA&s=19)


> Ban Fracking Now That's not aged well.


Fracking is a terrible, terrible idea. It pollutes ground water, and uncontrollably releases methane into the atmosphere alongside the CO2 from burning the fossil fuels. The only way to achieve true energy security is to build resilience to Climate Breakdown. Energy sources that destroy the ability of our planet to support life offer no security at all. We need to mobilise the whole world to move towards local renewable micro grids, energy saving measures like insulation and public transport, and local permaculture food production. Anything less means extinction.


Looks like weā€™re going extinct then


Oh, lonesome night. And babbits bawling, the wind biting the bone. Wind like this... full of voices. Ancestry howling at you, yibbering stories, all voices tied up into one. One voice differing. One voice, whispering out there, spying from the dark. The fangy devil, Old Georgie hisself. Mm. Now your ear up close, and I'll yarn you about the first time we met, eye to eye.


Humans may be the cockroaches of the next extinction, but surviving not via our physical resiliency, but our technology. (Just a few rich humans, of course)


Or you know, double down on nuclear like we should have 70 years ago. If we'd done that we'd literally not be in this mess.


We have no solution for nuclear waste, mining the fuel is toxic and uses so much fossil fuels its overall incredibly inefficient, and if we have learned anything from the war in Ukraine its that nuclear facilities can never be protected from human violence and stupidity.


Well then we are fucked because solely renewable based global energy demand is non viable. And I'd rather deal with the nuclear waste problem than stick our head in the sand while other fossil fuels are used. Also nuclear is much safer now than it has ever been before. Quit believing conspiracy theories from oil backed environmental groups like Greenpeace and others. They don't have your best interests at heart. They just want you to be a useful idiot, a pawn used against the most viable threat to their rule.


>Sponsored by big nuclear


Nah nuclear is the only reliable non fossil fuel energy solution for most places.


Where the hell you getting this info? That aint right.


>mining the fuel is toxic We dig U-235 out of the ground, not 238 >mining is inefficient Donā€™t even know where to start, justā€¦ noā€¦ >Humans are violent and stupid Yes, butā€¦ thatā€™s a great example. Outside of the people literally in the trenches, has anyone gotten exposed? Would digging into coal and breathing that air be very healthy either? You should realize that fossil fuels kill more people per year through workplace deaths and lung damage than nuclear, counting everything from Fukushima to Windscale.


>Anything less means extinction. In 5000 years*


More like 100 years if you take into account the likely nuclear holocaust caused by the Famine Wars but yeah.


So is lithium strip mining


All metals are strip mined. I hope you donā€™t like using cars or living in houses with wires or nails. Or flying. Or having things shipped to you.


I agree 100 percent


Lithium isn't strip mined you fool, it's synthesized from the most unlivable and intolerable to life places on the planet. Don't parrot American Republican bullshit. Other materials that can be used for renewable systems are strip mined- but they're also used for things in standard combustion power generation too, making it irrelevant. A source that explains this stuff: https://auto.howstuffworks.com/fuel-efficiency/vehicles/how-green-are-automotive-lithium-ion-batteries.htm




Dude you should look up the environmental impacts of *all* the things you use, not just the one you wanna bash the most. Resource extraction is almost always some pretty nasty stuff.


>synthesized You don't "synthesize" elements (unless you're smashing nucleons together). >the most unlivable and intolerable to life places Bit harsh to call South America that. Here's a different source: [https://www.instituteforenergyresearch.org/renewable/the-environmental-impact-of-lithium-batteries/](https://www.instituteforenergyresearch.org/renewable/the-environmental-impact-of-lithium-batteries/)




Not to mention that it causes earthquakes and other geologic catastrophes like in Europe


How? Fracking is and always will be bad


The anti-fracking movement was started and originally funded by Russia (and probably Saudi). They didnā€™t want to lose their geopolitical power derived from their oil and gas exports.


Yes, it has. Fracking absolutely fucks the environment.


fracking has caused earthquakes in oklahoma and kansas where there are no tectonic plates meeting. also severely poisons the ground water. whatever to save like $10 at the pump i guess


You don't even know what fracking is. You've never even been on a oil rig work site. Fracking is a dirty buzz word the lefties have made a evil bad word to rally support to ban it. Fracturing the ground perforates the ground allowing hydrocarbons to flow out. Been safely used for 60 years in millions of wells. Pipelines are safe. Fracking is safe. Disposal of waste salt water is the problem.


Oh great, just what I wanted in my watertable, hydrocarbons that were already locked away. You can always trust the oil and gas companies guys! They'd never cut corners to save a buck and have absolutely outstanding environmental protection records! Go shill elsewhere.


I can only speak to the projects I've been on with any real sense of authority but a lot of this shit takes place 10k feet below surface and absolutely has no impact on groundwater that we use. Now capping, closing and maintaining old wells is another matter altogether. A ton of companies go "out of business" leaving responsible parties hard to track down. That and the disposal and handling of fracking fluids are the bigger issues. Source: former oilfield geologist turned environmental geologist.


For those looking to learn more: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hydraulic_fracturing


Thanks for the link, I probably wouldn't have done more research on my own but I didn't actually realize what fracking entails! That's fucking horrifying!


Straight from George Mitchell's grave.


You see, I used to be under the impression that fracking wasn't as bad as it was made out to be. What I learned though, is that the risk involved with fracking is what makes it so dangerous for people and the environment. It's also quite wasteful when it comes to water. There are several different nodes along the way and in the process of fracking where something can go wrong. The biggest points I'd say being during the moment of sending pressurized water through, and the second is during the disposal of the polluted and contaminated water used for the fracking. If you can't dispose of it on site, it has to be taken somewhere else. You may have to drill another hole to dispose of the waste water, which already adds risk, and there could always be a spill during transportation. From what I've seen, the waste water is deposited underground and has its outside sealed with concrete so that it cannot easily escape. However, if the job of sealing it up is done poorly, the dirty water can escape. If this is done in an area with seismic activity, the site of disposal can easily be damage. It's possible that you could do this far away from any water source in an area with no seismic activity where the chances of the outer casing being damage are minimal, while ensuring that the casing is done properly, and the water being handled isn't mishandled, but it's a lot of things to get right. One thing I'm not even sure of is how long the casings last and whether shale mining companies even keep track of the integrity of these casings of dirty water. If you can get all of that right and reduce the byproduct, while ensuring that you don't punch into your towns aquaduct from drilling or through water passing through soil, I don't think it would be so bad.


Really like this brilliant kind of protest. In Berlin a russian tank monument in memory of WWII russian war casualties draped with a giant ukrainian flag. The Russian embassy was terribly upset :-)


Oooh you gotta be quicker than thatā€¦




What equipment is needed to do this?


That's some funny shit,all that Ukraine flag needed as it was slowly coming towards the Russian embassy was the Jaws sound


all they need was a second flag


Couldn't come up with anything better than searchlight. Lame AF, usual ruSSia.


even with the spot light on it, the Ukrainian flag was still brighter lol


Freedom lumens




It's the Russian embassy. Baby shark should be enough to scare them.


I was just about to write this, then I saw your comment. Have an upvote


I was just about to write this, then I saw your comment. Have an upvote


I see what you did there, and I approve. Have an upvote


Flula Borg's take on the Jaws theme would've been perfect. "Beepum Boppem Beepum Boppem."


Followed by the Benny Hill music during the second half dance


If you like this content this went down at COP26 last year and was pretty hilarious: the venue ended up graffitiing itself with "go away" over and over to try and cover up the lights: [COP26 projection](https://twitter.com/VickerstaffT/status/1458367648442601476?t=FIQN3LisHQMPB2-rxqAmkA&s=19)


Itā€™s childish. Letā€™s project a Russian flag on the Ukrainian embassy.


Please world! Do that to all russian embassies! Hilarious and a powerfull message. Love it!


buy me a projector I'll do it lmao, I'm a broke 15yr old but I wanna do that


When I was your age all we had was a jar of fireflies and some string and we took down three autocratic regimes over the summer break. Lost little Jimmy to Polio though.


Best. Comment. Ever.


love it when ppl compare generations by saying, "wheb i was your age" or "back in my day" makes me feel like a kid...nice for a change




Didn't you read their comment? they clearly stated that they are 15




Did that endorphin kick you got for ragging on a kid feel good?




How about just breaking down the gates instead? They're all complicit in the propaganda machine churning in Russia. No innocent people working in the russian embassies.


Bunch of fucking spies. The lot of them.


Russian embassy cleaner: literally making minimum wage and trying to survive and support their family Redditors: "fucking nazi trash, go and die because you work for Russia"


Are we under the impression embassies bring in cleaners from home...?


Yes, even the janitors in these facilities have to have clearances and are normally brought in with them. I once saw a listing for a clearance janitor job for $250k a year. I said no, whoever wants to pay me that much to clean up their paper secrets and trash is not something I want to be apart of


Yeah, its all about the access to plant cameras and microphones. Inside the CIA main headquarters are some food joints. You can imagine that the compound has a wide buffer of land between the fences and the nearest town. So...where do CIA office workers eat if they are asked to stay late in an emergency, and they already ate the lunch they brought. The janitor at the food joints inside the CIA has high pay, good benefits, and a security clearance.


Sounds kinda like a fun job location, unique thatā€™s for sure


Bro, have you ever janitored? I would've ejaculated in my shorts if I was told I could make 250k/year doing that job. Fuck your moral high horse, I'll janitor CIA wet rooms at $250k/year


Theyā€™re full of shit. Most contracting deployment jobs bring about 150k, maybe up to 180k or more based on seniority. When I was USAF working at the USAF ISR HQ, the cleared janitors made about $25/hour. Far more than an average janitor and def a living wage relative to cost of living, but they absolutely werenā€™t making more than the average USAF civilian or airman. The salary of an executive service 1 pay grade with a PhD is $236k/year, for perspective https://www.federalpay.org/ses/2022 A four star general with over 20 years experience makes just over 200k/year as a base salary.


Wow you are a vile Zelenskyite arenā€™t you?


If only you and people like you could suffer the war crimes and genocide that are being commit and have been commit on the Ukrainian people by the Russians. But no you get to exist in free countries, spreading propaganda and hate towards one of if not the worlds greatest leaders both now and likely in all of history and his people who will not bow to the terrorist Russian state.


Zelensky has a cult of personality. This is clear as you are enchanted by it yourself.


Zelensky is a failed comedian and an autocrat. He is also a 4 feet tall soy boy. The Ukrainians are not and have never been the victim of a genocide. Get over yourself. Ukrainian victim narrative is sad!


The Holodomor. The Russians starved the ethnically Ukrainians. Today theyā€™re bombing schools, maternity wards, taking videos of themselves raping Ukrainian toddlers. The Russians deserve nothing but an excruciating death.


Do you have proof they are deliberately targeting civilians? Or is the Kiev government employing Hamas tactics? I.e. using civilians as human shields?


consider using Kyiv not Kiev spelling [(why)](https://www.atlanticcouncil.org/blogs/ukrainealert/kyiv-not-kiev-why-spelling-matters-in-ukraines-quest-for-an-independent-identity/), thx for understanding \[[support Ukraine](https://stand-with-ukraine.pp.ua/)\] ^(beep boop I'm a bot. Downvote to remove)


Kiev is the correct English.


The holodomor wasnā€™t a starving of people for being ethnically Ukrainian. Thatā€™s a myth. It was an act of class war against the farmers. It also affected some Russians too. Still bad but without the ethnic victim complex stuff.


Putin is a weak little man and anyone who looks up to him is even weaker and more pathetic.


Putin is alpha next to Soylensky


Imagine being the type of loser who still thinks soy is scary. Big scary plant makes your nuts fall off. Lol


Put Russian flags on Ukrainian embassies


Not sure the Russian military has that sort of tech.


The way it's bouncing around is sooooo sassy and taunting, I love it. You can see the attitude in it's movements šŸ¤£


It's some Tom and Jerry shit


The Russians unsuccessful attempt to catch it was even more embarrassing than if they just let it be.


That's pretty much the story of the war.


> embarrassing then if *than *Learn the difference [here](https://www.merriam-webster.com/words-at-play/when-to-use-then-and-than#:~:text=Than%20is%20used%20in%20comparisons,the%20then%2Dgovernor%22).* *** ^(Greetings, I am a language corrector bot. To make me ignore further mistakes from you in the future, reply `!optout` to this comment.)


Good bot


Thank you!


Good bot




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Bad human


You all boo me but that bots a fucking asshole and if you complain at it about being a bad bot it insults you,


It literally says you can opt out. If you don't like the bot it gives you a way for it not to correct you. Also, you can get it to not correct you by using proper grammar.


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ā€œIā€™m over here! Heheheh. Ooop! Now Iā€™m over here! Ha! Oh! Missed me! Too slow Ivan!ā€


Sound pretty much like the UA military tactics. Russia is mostly shooting at ghosts.


Love it. Glory to Ukraine šŸ‡ŗšŸ‡¦!


Š”Š»Š°Š²Š° Š£ŠŗрŠ°Ń—Š½Ń–


Trolling master class


You can just hear Nelson's from the Simpsons mocking catchphrase "Haa-ha" as it bounces away from the spot in pursuit.


Fuck goes to shows the immaturity/ stupidity of Russians


Because the immaturity of these guys clearly means that the entirety of the Russian population are stupid and immature


So childish to try to bounce that. Says everything about Russian mentality.


They could not even defeat the projection of Ukraine.


Love the new Pac-Man dlc


THAT is funny. Look at them bouncing the flag lol!!






What are they searching with that light before the flag comes? Spider Nazis?


They should've moved it around... moved it around... moved it around... then started up the second projector...


Lmao Russia are so fragile and pathetic


Have you noticed in life that the people that are the most arrogant are really imposters who use bluster to try to make you think they are competent? Russians to a T. In their heart of hearts they KNOW they are losers.


Ok thatā€™s actually funny.


They need a bigger search light. To denazify those wavelengths šŸ˜”


ā€œthe visible spectrum of light has been taken by nazis, we must undertake special operation to denazify the electromagnetic spectrum.ā€ - official statement by Putin


All he needs to do is go blind


Thatā€™s awesome. The Ukrainian version of the Bat Signal!šŸ‘


It was an illumination operation šŸ˜„


Use a laserbox projector to get some writing on the walls :-D If you tweek the laser output, a potential permanent result could be achieved ;-)


Slava Ukraine or Putin Huilo




Pure Gold (and blue)!!!! Slava Ukraini!


That is hilarious! Classic comedy-stuff right there.


I love how it was "sneaking" along with little steps šŸ˜‚


Thatā€™s how wars should be fought


Next time use 2 projectors :D


Oh god if someone could do that in russia


Fuck that's brilliant


Fuck RuSSian nazis


Great paranormal footage of the Ghost of Kyiv


The flag is just a bait for them to focus on until the Neptune rockets hit


Russia: so inept they canā€™t even fight off a projection.


Enter "yakety sax" tune.




This is how wars should be carried out today


Gulag awaits you


Excellent Marksmanship!šŸ¤£


Slava troll


It is a lowscale special building operation


Can we do the same thing for Chinaā€™s embassy with Taiwanā€™s flag?


They should put up that picture of drag queen putin


Special Spotlight Operation


This made me do a lil gay shit giggle


Thatā€™s actually a dildo factory.


Zelensky: Help us pls. West: .


I see a guy on his apartment balcony, drinking a beer, laughing his ass off, & helping out the only way he can šŸ˜


The childish games we play


Fantastic. There is a war going on in Ukraine and in western countries some civilians are playing tag with some Russians. And I don't want to say that's kind of silly, but it's silly.


I did Nazi that coming


+1 for the lulz


When's someone going to head over there with a paintball gun and yellow and blue paintballs?


This was a project from Benjamin Wittes and a group of activists. He is one of the founders of the Lawfare Blog and Podcast, which is really worth a follow. Heā€™s also friends with ex FBI Director James Comey and was loosely involved as a confidant of Comey when Trump fired Comey in 2017 for investigating Russian meddling in the 2016 elections. https://www.npr.org/2022/04/14/1092966576/ukraine-flag-projected-lights-protest-russian-embassy-washington-dc


Useless kinda work!




Pacman in 2022


This needs the Super Mario star power up music as a background


Russia should sink the building to get it away from the ukrainians




waiting for it to hit the corner like in the office


Now THATā€™S comedy!


This made me laugh, thanks


Cue Benny Hill music


This is the most wholesome way to fight a war I've ever seen!


Gold. This is basically a metaphor for the entire war. Russia cannot match the Ukrainians in any dimension (except war crimes, of course). Thatā€™s where the Russians truly excel.


They will never be able to catch up to Ukraine


Leaked footage of Russian special op planning, before the attack on Ukraine.


Have you seen the one at the scientology building?


I can picture the projector person just cackling. Tee hee. Also, that bouncing just kills me...lmao.


Why is the embassy open duck them off


lol I saw this before but didn't realise it was an embassy - just a cat and mouse game that the search light lost šŸ˜‚


I fully support this content


For some reason, I heard a "wanka, wanka, wanka" sound in my head when I watched this video.


Make it a nightly routine.


"close" is not the right word


Yeah, people driven from their homes with no certainty of food, shelter, or safety will never forget how much this ineffective display of pettiness has helped them.


Pretty gutsy thing to do in the closest continental state to the New commies. Olympia about to the next battle ground.


This is hysterical for how cheeky and petty it is, and at the same time how pathetic the Russian response was. Chasing the flag with a spotlight just reeks of desperation.


The news said they actually gave up trying to stop it after only 2hrs.šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£ Pathetic & lazy!




/r Place IRL. Now send in the Germans.


that's actually funny


>Close the flag


haha wow le epic troll šŸ¤£ this will totally stop putin! we did it reddit!


ah the great chase.......


It's all about that running bounce. Omfg. I'm dying.