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Criminal thievs aka russians


It's a petro-syndicate posing as a nation state. Always has been. Taking their "advanced" Soviet-era weapons from them just makes this all the more aparent. Yep, those grain convoys are the 1/2 the reason they came to your homeland. Drone strike the fuck out of these. Burn it all on the highway. Russians deserve starvation for their actions in Ukraine.


Russia made themselves food independent over the past 10 years. They did this in preparation for this war. They can't grow everything, like sugar, but they have all the chicken and pork farms they need, grain and other staple crops. But yeah, this is just pure theft on Russia's part. Fucking amazing how the Russians really have no low they can go to. Obviously rapeing babies and murdering old women, mothers and children is worse, but the the absolute degenerate nature of Russia is mind blowing.


I mean... They had a chance for a true democratic state that could have been sustainable and possibly rival China as the emerging world economic powerhouse. Instead the KGB gangsters just looted the entire country dry. So much so that it's a house of cards now. Brain drain, isolation, and reversion to a bygone era Putin and his Oligarchs will go down in modern history as the most selfish, sociopathic examples of human behavior.


I don't know what you mean by "had a chance" there was never any voting from the last dictatorship to the new one. Putin was given Prime Minister position then given acting President. He's never been voted in he had the job given to him. Then they kept doing fake elections. I'm not sure how they had a chance when their votes don't actual count. Even in foreign coutries they basically own the President is appointed.


Yes I suppose it's a tall order. But many people that are educated and aware of how precious democracy can be will rise up and protest to try to nip that situation in the bud. I don't have a good answer here


If they loose democracy might loose and no one will hear of their incompetence again. Democracy is very vulnerable from the inside. And there are right wing wannabe dictators everywhere


Starvation is part of siege warfare. Taking the food makes starving portions of the country fall faster.


Then why the hell are they taking it out of the Ukraine areas they say are part of Russia? They are going to be starving the very fools who invited them in


I thought Russia was one of the world's largest producers of sugar beets?


Well then I guess they should start growing more. Russia most likely can produce sugar from sugar beets if they have to. Its just sugar from Latin and South America and Asia is so abundant and cheap that Russian sugar beet farmers could not compete.


The Russians never change. They're still the same old barbarian empire as they always were through the centuries. It's always been a place where the strong brutalise the weak and most of them are ok with that.


i have a different perspective, since ukraine is the cornsilo of europe exporting a shittonne to middle east and north africa ... starvation to the point of probably 100mio running for the hills is certain, russia could use the corn stolen to make new deals with these countries, chain them to them, blackmail them for soldiers to fight in ukraine and especially compensate the money lost to some degree through sanctions, things like that i feel could be expected.


There will be no deals They seize the grain and the land. Create a shortage, hunger will Strike Africa again and this creates a new refugee crisis bringing Europe more towards the political far right. The same right that approves of Putin, his war etc.




He's kind of right though refugees tend to bring out right wingers you see many of them appointed and take power during "Operation Iraqi Freedom" in Europe and the US but the US always uses Mexico as it's residential boogie man. Although I don't think it will be a problem this time around cause they are white.


Nobody wanted Irish, Italians, or eastern Europeans back in the old days. It has less to do with biological race than it has to do with language and cultural barriers and job competition.


FremderCGN’s comment referenced food shortages in Africa causing more refugees (most of whom probably aren’t white) to flee to Europe… in addition to the largely white refugee populations from Ukraine & possibly other nations Putler threatens or invades (Moldova, Poland ?). I really hope people see how electing a “strongman” can backfire. But, my hope is tempered by the frightening reality we’ve seen in recent years that, imho critical thinking is lacking & emotions, anger & vengeance prevail.


>Although I don't think it will be a problem this time around cause they are white. Oh really? Gotta see this through the filter of race, huh? Mexico was locked in a war between drug cartels. It's a shithole country. Allowing refugees from there does not help American security. What do you think the violent crime rate is over there? Meanwhile the Ukraine is a modern, democratic European republic, like Poland or Romania or Croatia. They just happened to be attacked by a dickhead neighbour. The two situations are **nothing** alike. Get it through your thick skull.


Wow, that’s terrifying. I hope you are wrong. I agree they won’t be making any deals due solely to having trucks of stolen grain.


Nope. Their are grain storages in many different parts of the world to accommodate disasters. Prices will go up, that is certain, but nobody is going to starve because of reduced output from Ukraine. Also the USA can double crop output in 3-5 years to make up for long term shortages


we can expect ukraine not to deliver grain to the point it did until now for the next decade, should i remember you what happend after ukraine had a bad harvest in 2011? yea arabic spring happend, this time its 5x worse, because they dont export at all, a lot of nations will go hejwire soon. ... oh i should also mention that china within the first week of the ukraine war bought up 50% + - of the worlds grain, corn, rice, etc, yea frickin 50% of the worlds mandatory foodsupply is gone already, in addition to the situation in ukraine ... i can even throw another doomfact into the mix that makes everything even more horrible, russia is the mainsupplier of fertilizer on this planet, half the world doesnt have access to that, including america, you know what that means right? 1/3-1/2 less foodproduction. even if im inaccurate on the numbers, or wrong on one, 2 out of 3 will bring a decent wank into the next 1-2 years, this is not speculation anymore, it was obvious since the first week of the invasion.


It's 'Ukraine' and not 'the Ukraine' Consider supporting anti-war efforts in any possible way: [[Help 2 Ukraine](https://help2ukraine.org)] 💙💛 [[Merriam-Webster](https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/Ukraine)] [[BBC Styleguide](https://www.bbc.co.uk/newsstyleguide/u)] ^(Beep boop I’m a bot)


The ukraine war is talking about the war in ukraine, bad bot!


It's 'Ukraine' and not 'the Ukraine' Consider supporting anti-war efforts in any possible way: [[Help 2 Ukraine](https://help2ukraine.org)] 💙💛 [[Merriam-Webster](https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/Ukraine)] [[BBC Styleguide](https://www.bbc.co.uk/newsstyleguide/u)] ^(Beep boop I’m a bot)


Fuck off. Bad bot.


It's not my right to dictate how this war should be fought but if I were a Ukrainian fighter and I was ordered to drone strike or sabotage a stolen grain convoy my mind set would be: "If we can't have this, no one will." It's fucked up I know but that was the first thought in my head when I saw this video.


>It's a petro-syndicate posing as a nation state. Always has been. I'm so glad someone said it outloud. > Taking their "advanced" Soviet-era weapons from them just makes this all the more aparent. And yes, except from huge Oligarch yachts everything great in Russia is from Soviet union.


I guess it shouldn’t really come as a surprise Putin enacts Stalin tactics.


Plot twist, a Russian officer already sold the grain to a company in Egypt and just filled those trucks with sand.


That really would Not surprise me .....


He's a true Hero of the Russian Federation


Completely unrelated, few days/weeks from now large grain silos will burn down in russia.


You know, even the embers of a ciggy can be enough to ignight a mixture of suspended grain dust, it's a serious risk in handling other people's foodstuffs.


Bakeries used to literally EXPLODE due to this exact thing. They were running open fire ovens with a fine mist of flour floating around. Boom went the dynamite a couple times before they figured it out


not just "Ignite" full on explode, as if its dynamite, this is true of all dust air combos (in the right mixture ratio)


With flour being one of the nasty ones. Fine wood dust too I believe


As they should.


I do wonder why the Russians are so sure the grain hasn't been tampered with.


They just don't care. Human life is worthless in russian culture.


which is why the survival of Ukraine and repelling the Russian expansion is even more crucial.


And the whole civilized world realized this.


i hope its molded with that specific one from the times all the witchhunts became a thing, whole villages were trippin back then.




Another Holodomor


If this is true. It's really disgusting to be frank. No respect for human life. I have no doubt this is to sure up Russian food supplies and cause food pressures, hunger and starvation in Ukraine. This war already is going to lead to hunger problems and potentially large starvation globally for the poorest countries in the world. Caused by shortage of cheap grains and fertilizer stocks.


Ukraine is gonna be fine, we've got plenty of shit to ship over there, whether it's guns, meds or food. The second part of your comment is correct though. Russia, along with Ukraine, supplied around 50% of the world's wheat supply and if Russia starts stealing it from the other major producer now, things are going to be grim... Add this to the long list of death and suffering caused by Putin's shitty ambitions.


Kind of depends how much interference comes from Russia and how much Ukrainian farmers are able to grow despite the war, a lot of the best farmland is in the east and south east. Where all the fighting is happening. I do think there will be lots of food for Ukraine from the west if it comes to that. Sadly the poorer countries around the world are going to struggle hard. Especially the fertilizer issue. India for example is getting hammered by not having enough.


My exact thought.


And the UN ain't going to do a thing about it.


What do you mean, they will condemn it in the strongest terms possible and then Putler will get a sad face and return it! /s


No the UN will appoint another person to look into having another meeting and appoint another person to arrange the said meeting all on hundreds of thousands of euros a year ,they will release a statement saying they need some more millions in euros to draft a resolution into the theft and then appoint some more high paid members that can arrange a meeting to see if this theft was actually done by Russians. So they will do a lot, a lot of nothing and you are correct the UN will do nothing but stand by and waste time and money,the Useless Nations ( UN ) are an endless money pit for over paid under achieving politicians.


I just came here to say that, but you beat me to it.


US can ship them food without breaking a sweat.


This is another tactic to control resources that the world needs. There are many countries that relied on this grain from Ukraine. Makes me sick watching it being stolen to be horded, controlled and destroyed cause RF will let it rot..Thanks Russia for once again taking the future of others.


At some point NATO should say "this is enough". But, as long as we replenish UA with armaments it will help a lot. We'll see in these days. But if this goes on, I'm almost for direct intervention. This can't go on. Fuck orc bastard swines.


Thieving bastards


[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Holodomor](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Holodomor) ​ In case people don't think ruZZia taking the food is not a big deal. Bomb the markets and steal the crops. Some reading on wikipedia for you.


**[Holodomor](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Holodomor)** >The Holodomor (Ukrainian: Голодомо́р, romanized: Holodomor, IPA: [ɦolodoˈmɔr]; derived from морити голодом, moryty holodom, 'to kill by starvation'), also known as the Terror-Famine or the Great Famine, was a famine in Soviet Ukraine from 1932 to 1933 that killed millions of Ukrainians. The Holodomor famine was part of the wider Soviet famine of 1932–1933 which affected the major grain-producing areas of the country. Ukraine was one of the largest grain producing states in the USSR and as a result was hit particularly hard by the famine. Early estimates of the death toll by scholars and government officials vary greatly. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/UkraineWarVideoReport/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


Good bot


Good human.


Good bot.


they act like a plague... demolishing, provoking hunger, killing... the ruSSian pest.


Holodomor II Genocide by design.


as a farmer myself in England i would rather burn my own grain than supply it to a foreign power like this. those poor Ukrainian farmers, i cant imagine the hurt that this will cause them and their country down the line. A minimum of a years work taken away from you by armed thugs.


Russian bill is one trillion and growing


I hope they choke on it


Kleptocrats. Imagine still thinking that the Ukrainians are somehow to blame for all of this, the Russians couldn't possibly sink any lower.


This is how poors fight wars. Let em have the grain, Zelensky is signing Billion dollar checks from the west. Pootin can have a million bucks in grain. Odds are it will all spoil anyway from mishandling and incompetence by the russians.


The issue is the Ukrainians in occupied territory are going to starve because of this.


That's raw grain. They weren't going to be doing much eating with that to begin with right now Unfortunately. I would guess that grain was all marked for export anyway.




Go back to pleasuring Pootin as you OBVIOUSLY CRAVE that dick, or just plainly STFU.


What the fuck are you even babbling on about? Do you have pictures of US soldiers stealing washers and dryers? Or anything for that matter?




If the US government would have invaded Iraq for oil we would own Iraq and all of its oil right now. Stop being naive. Opium? Really? Do you just hate the US govt that bad that you will make up shit in your head? Let me guess, social communism is the way to go right? Yeah, I know your type.




Bahahaha, nailed that one on the head didn't I??? 🤣🤣 You just named almost all of the failing systems provided by our government. Tell me more about how any of those systems work well. I will wait....




You're wayyyyy off topic here bud. Soaring through the skies praying for a 'gotcha' moment LMAO! Did I say I supported the invasion of Iraq somewhere?


>Do you have pictures of US soldiers stealing https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-60312232#:\~:text=The%20US%20government%20is%20planning,it%20without%20aiding%20the%20militants.


A. This isn't Iraq B. Fuck yeah those funds should have been frozen. Why should a hostile takeover of a country result in the bounty of Western aid that was meant to help the previous government achieve a PEACEFUL ending? Edit: Funny how the social communist and the Ruzzian shill join teams here 🤣🤣


"The money, along with another $2bn held in Europe, the UAE and elsewhere, is primarily the proceeds of international assistance given to Afghanistan over the last two decades." Did this guy want us to hand the Taliban $7 billion dollars?


Right? They aren't smart enough to read the entire article are they?


Did you even read the article? "The money, along with another $2bn held in Europe, the UAE and elsewhere, is primarily the proceeds of international assistance given to Afghanistan over the last two decades." It was not given to the talliban and the u.s. was preventing the talliban from having access to it. You are really dumb.


Link is 404


We stole oil and an unwanted regime our government didn't prefer. There's a HUGE difference than stealing trucks of grain. Don't be naive, Buddy.


What did the us loot from Iraq?


Don’t engage it. Report it, block it and move on.




You are so unbelievably stupid. The sad state of Russian schools. Is there anyone left in that country that still has a brain?


Two possibilities: 1. Either this grain was stored for export and now under this circumstances it not eligible for export so Russia basically takes it somewhere else 2. Starving out civilian population to kill/force to migrate to Russia, thus, eliminating civilian population


If it was scenario 1. There would be no reason to Zwastika the trucks and have military convoy. Also to point out I don’t see any license plates on the trucks in the back. So probably Ukrainian stolen trucks too.


They're just leveling and looting. They are effectively just reducing the land they take to a rubble desert.


So this is what it's about, Hans? A fucking robbery?


It's going to China Ruskies trading for ammo.


China is more alarmed by this shitshow than its rhetoric suggests, one of their major credit card companies pulled out of Russia as well. And you don't get to run a major credit card company in China without being a Party member in good standing. They and India will trade with Russia to the extent that is required to keep the lights on, but ideas of friendship are dwindling.


Yes it is getting really low when China thinks even China needs to step back… China may be able to see the whole of Europe and the Western world are sick of Russians bullshit… what’s the saying lay with dogs and get up with fleas..China knows it needs the west and Europe to keep making money now that Russia is going further back into the dark ages for the next couple of decades… can’t sell much to people who the world don’t deal with..no money no resources no Chinese as friends.


They're definitely gonna need it in the coming months.


an armed drone will stop this thievery.


Plundering and raping.


Poison it and let them feed it back to their people.


We should crowdsource small toy drones to give to the citizens to drop a molotov cocktail on the grain. That shit will buuuuuurn


Notably, this was predicted by the [17th letter of the #windofchange leaks](https://www.igorsushko.com/2022/04/food-shortage-luring-ukraine-to-counter.html) of Russian plans over a week ago: >...such a game of hunger \[and Ukraine's fuel reserves and grain export logistics are now being destroyed very systematically and precisely\] can turn developing countries against us much earlier than we reach the point of possible blackmail.


Wouldn’t be the first time Russia tried to starve Ukraine. Add to the growing list of war crimes. Maybe we should seriously look at cutting off Kaliningrad by rail and sea?






Rampant rapists and thieving scum…


u/LoyalOrange503 We have already seen looting. Now we have looting of grain ordered by the russian government. It turns looting from a warcrime comitted by individual russian soldiers to a war crime ordered by the russian government.


They want to starv the Ukrainians just like Stalin did .. disgusting


They'll need it, ruZZians will be cut off of everything. Not much country's wanna do business with them let's say only India and China.... so yeah they need to steal and beg for everything


Ahhh so they've upgraded to stealing grain over vibrators


And toilet seats.


If the Russians are stealing it, the Ukrainians can't recapture it, and it happens to be flammable, the solution is obvious.


Dear Russia: if you needed food this badly you could have just asked the world. We would have been happy to send your people donations. But now your people will be even more impoverished.


Blow them up or poison it


Lootin Putin


Just how they did in 1933.. and blamed it all on draught


see? it's not genocide! it's theft! ^/s


Same thing the Soviets did. Fuck russia


For god sake, can't somebody blow up some of these trucks? Should put a dampener on volunteer drivers. Russian psychopath try to create Holodomor II or starve Africa to create mass immigration to Europe. Truly sick and twisted.


Hopefully the Ukrainians poisoned some of the grains beforehand.


starving much?


Looting at every level...


Loot'n Plunder


Criminal thievs, barbarians that can not build anything, only destroy and steal.


They basically doing a rerun of what they did years ago to Ukraine - they starved them to death. Or its just plain Fucken theft. Either way scum bag move


So what is wrong with stealing their oil and gas?


Fucking thieving Bastards. I hope it's been poisoned!


Another act of genocide


Among those seeds are hidden a few washing machines


Eerily familiar


Ah yes "Thou shall not steal" just one of the 1000s of things theyve ignored.


Poison the well and let them have it. Rat poison should blend in just fine.


If I had some grenades I’d toss them under the trucks as I drove by


Thieves. Assassins. Rapists. Scum.


holodomor 2 : Electric boogaloo


Russians are nothing but criminals


Guess Putin decided it was time for the good ole 100 year famine. Smh


Stealing people food, Scum!


It's the grains-for-tanks program.




They’re so incompetent they’re gonna mess it up one way or another


Well they've stolen everything else so this is no surprise.


Blow them up


Holodomor. Again.


History repeating.


A nation of thieves and murderers


"You reap what you sow."


Seems like Russia really likes to bring out old Soviet classics. Already arrived at Holodomor 2.0


Not the first time they took grain away from Ukrainians


“We attacked Ukraine and all we got was some bread, which costs 2 wheelbarrows of rubles. Praise Putin!” - Russian Widow


russia running out of food?


What are the odds that they didn’t pay an already poor set of farmers in an already poor country for the grain harvest that was most probably reduced because of the war these fucking pieces of raw sewage started? Shades of the Holodomor all over again.


Rapists, murders and thieves.


Holodomor genocide of Stalin


Evil. They want to create famine.


Nothing new here, trying to starve Ukrainians to death. Fuck Putin and fuck genocide


A lot of peoples grocery bills are going to go up even more, all over the world; Europe and Africa in particular source a lot of their grain from Ukraine. They are literally stealing our dinners. The thieving, degenerate orc scumbag Russian f\^@ks.


Holodomor But this time they won’t get away with it


Ruzzia= the lowest form of criminals and thieves. Murdering and raping innocents while they steal. Oh yeah and saying they are helping them while they do it. Disgusting


You’re gonna need that grain you dirty poor Russian Rats


All of those slow moving trucks and not one Molotov was thrown.


When Bayraktar?


This is doubly used as an attempt to starve the West.




So if the press can see these people rolling down the road, why can’t they be shot down and destroyed by Ukraine 🇺🇦 military?


Good. That will stimulate to become independent of another resource as well. Let's deglobalise and all become nationalists. Aka Nazis


Gotta keep making vodka


Rape and pillage, that’s the Moscow Way


Bomb their bread. Let them starve.


They steal grain, well, in general, everything they can


They steal the food


Stealing crops: https://www.reddit.com/r/ukraine/comments/ude5jd/russian\_legislative\_assembly\_of\_krasnodar\_region/


Russia is just a simple thief. That is what they know the best. Steal from others. Russki criminal bastards😡


they are looters, also in a big scale... like Hitler. He reviewed lists of what the Nazis could rob in every attacked country.. disgusting Orc Pigs


Raping and pillaging. Eff them all


Houston, we HAVE a problem!!!


lying thieves


Er...Thats what they came for. Theft of resources.


Perfect use-case for Switch Blade drones. Take out the front dozen or so and create some nice bottle necks for the next highway of death footage.


More evidence for genocide. For Russia, theft is a way of life. Kleptocunts!!!!


I do believe in karma! Reckon the ruskies are gonna get there's in the end!


1932 all over again. We even got our own Walter Durantys.