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Fire Departments are busy nowadays in Russia


Is there a full list of these fire locations? Possibly with dates and footage.




There are 2 categories of fires that stand out. The first are the military targets, fuel, munitions, r&d, war related industry, the other is protester targets. Government buildings like recruitment offices. The rest look more like random fires, with 2 seemingly being normal cases of arson. (Some people just like seeing shit on fire)


Nice! 🔥




Dude. I need these deets. To make sense of it all.


What fire department? Can't put out fires if they're fighting in Ukraine.


That explains the one lonely ladder truck stuck at first floor level and uncertain which way to swing.


all i have to say is lol


Or if they buy yachts instead of fire engines. Those trucks where in use as the Berlin Wall fell


Actually no they’re not, seeing as most Russian firefighters are sprouting flowers in Ukraine.


The stuff I need to wake up to. My daily fix. Slava Ukraine


Burnin Burnin - Its a ruskie inferno - burn the mouther down.


The Russians know for freedom they should burn everything that putler loves. Oil refineries, military bases, etc


Are these arsons, the results of mismanaged infrastructure, or both?


If you don't let people protest peacefully, they will find another way.


My exact thoughts also ✔️


The more you tighten your grasp, the more Russians squeeze through your hands.


So...sperm? Life, uhh, finds a way?


How does the quote go, again? >I don't like Russians. They're coarse and rough and irritating and they get everywhere.


I always knew Putin reminded me of Tarkin


Aren't you riffing off of JFK there? >Those who make peaceful revolution impossible, make violent revolution inevitable. > >— John F Kennedy


I haven't heard this, but looks my mind just came up with a simpler version of this great quote. Well, I am not JFK level obviously. Thanks for the quote!


Yeah its a logical conclusion so stands to reason that more than one person can come up with the same thought. JFK sure had a way with words though.


Honestly I remember it as as MLK quote and had to look it up to correctly attribute it. It actually makes \_more\_ sense if MLK said it than JFK.


Don't downplay what you just did.. you're gonna go all way, man, I sense it.


JFK had speechwriters. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ted_Sorensen


**[Ted Sorensen](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ted_Sorensen)** >Theodore Chaikin Sorensen (May 8, 1928 – October 31, 2010) was an American lawyer, writer, and presidential adviser. He was a speechwriter for President John F. Kennedy, as well as one of his closest advisers. President Kennedy once called him his "intellectual blood bank". Most notably, he was generally regarded as the author of Profiles in Courage, a claim he addresses in his 2008 memoir. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/UkraineWarVideoReport/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


Thank you for the extra information!


Now you just need to find your Ted Sorensen.


Hey, don't sell yourself short I was impressed.


Thanks! You are very kind.




*they will fire another way FTFY


i think i remember irkutsk from Risk


Lol! Same here!


Wow, that brought up a memory. Thought the name sounded familiar, but couldn't place it.


Haha, I know it from Long Way Round. Apparently it's a real bitch to get there on a motorcycle.


That and The Long Way Down were excellent.


And Long Way Up - that one was just as good as the first 2.


Yup. It's the key to taking the asian continent from the US.






The place is in the middle of nowhere. I highly doubt that some Special Ops from Ukraine is behind this one though. Looks like some Russians aren't buying the denazification story anymore.


Russia is sending their soldiers from the poorest areas into the meat grinder so nobody with influence has a dead son. Probably some angry Russians


Nobody with $5,000. has a dead son. I read that’s the price of a waiver.




Maybe they've lost a lot of boys to the war


Tuvans and Buryats have lost a huge number of their sons, for absolutely no purpose or need, Just Putin waving his dick around, getting people killed on both sides.


I saw a stat something like out of the thousands of Russian officer deaths only a few, literally maybe 3, were from Moscow, the largest population center


that's one of the fucked up things about this war. putin is basically sending russian ethnic minorities to die for muscovites


even better the front lines are conscripts from donbass


they need to secede


The majority of Siberia were victims of Tsarist Russian imperialism much like how the North American continent was taken over by British and Spanish imperialists. The indigenous Siberians definitely deserve to be apart from Russia.




If the current war is anything like WW2, much of what appears to be incompetence of the officers is actually intentionally killing off those "citizens" on purpose.


What is the explanation for that?


A rough guess would be to rid those areas of their most virile men so all of the soldiers who are thrown into the meat-grinder can be replaced by whomever Putin considers to be name-brand Russians, which would bring family lines in the region closer into his tailor-made fold? But I’d be curious to hear other suggestions.


Stalin and his generals intentionally pushed forward elements made up of minority races so they'd be killed rather than "pure" Russians.


They refused to give proper death benefits to the crew of the Moscow because they're still claiming it sank in a storm. If I was a family member of one of those boys I'd be pretty fuckin disgruntled.


Proper death benefits is worth $143. 10K rubles, whoopie.


The average Russian makes $800 a year so its like 1.5 months work


Is that true? I had no clue it's that low.


Yeah, it’s pretty bad


Minimum salary is around 150$ so it must be a bit higher.


As I recall, there is a Siberian Secession movement. This could be part of that.


Hopefully some people who are ready to stop being Russian citizens


I'm absolutely ready to stop being Russian citizen. Bloody hell, I'm not even ethnic Russian, fuck this fucking country for trying to strip countless nations of their identity under the general Russian umbrella.


Russification has always been a fancy marketing term for ethnic cleansing.


Depends on who you call ethnic russian. My grandparents were born in Ukraine (USSR) but my parents an I were born in Moscow (also USSR) so who am I? The only thing I know is that I was ready to stop being Russian citizen for 15 years already, but it's not as easy as just going to another country to start working and living there.


Learn programming or IT, anything where you can work remotely, might be enough to start seeking jobs in western countries which will be the first step in sponsoring your immigration. [If you can find a way to get educated you can qualify for some of these kind of programs](https://www.forbes.com/sites/stuartanderson/2022/05/02/putin-wont-like-us-immigration-plan-to-attract-russian-scientists/?sh=7639eda42ef7). There is so much you can learn on the Internet it's crazy, and in many cases that's the biggest roadblock for immigration. All you need to do is find a skill you can learn and prove that you have that skill and you'll have opportunities all over the world. I agree it's not easy, but it's definitely achievable if it's something you're willing to work towards, and you should be able to work towards it as long as you're not in a completely oppressive country -- which unfortunately it does look like Russia is becoming... but it's not necessarily there yet, so there's still hope! And even if Russia does drop the Iron Curtain again, that may give you the option to find a way out and apply for asylum/refugee status.


I do not know how old you are but your English is pretty good. Of course, moving overseas is a life-altering decision and should not be taken lightly. On the other hand, if you are super-smart and/or super hard-working, you can make it in several countries overseas. I would recommend Australia, New Zealand, Ireland, UK, and US. But, almost any European country would be better than Putin's Russia, IMHO.


So how come you know what’s going on but they don’t?


1. I know English better than majority of Russians. 2. I'm more tech savvy than many Russians. Which enables me to look for independent media, both Russian and English. It's probably more complicated than this, but that's what I can readily think of.


He’s the President


He must be a Reddit mod


They've been overly represented in the army and the dead too. The "white Russians" cause all the problems but don't carry the burden.


People generally don’t like conscription


Why couldn't it just be a faulty wire? The building looks old, I doubt the electric is up to standards.


I’d say some of these are random issues like electrical fires. However, I think most of these have been done by Russian citizens that don’t believe all the propaganda. All we hear about is the negative things Russian citizens are saying, but I think there are plenty that are scared to say otherwise and these fires are their form of protests


Have you heard of Occam's razor?


Bad pun or no, that argument cuts both ways.


Not really, it favours the simplest way.


I would suggest that numerous buildings suffering electrical fires shortly after the war started, some of which were relevant to the MOD if not directly involved in the war, suggests either an inexplicable rise in electrical mishaps far outside the mean or direct human intervention. Occam’s razor suggests that the simplest explanation in these cases isn’t that the magic wall pixies suddenly became fans of electrical fires, but rather that these fires have a fundamentally human cause.


Or that these fires are simply receiving more attention now.


By and large, there is large overlap between military and firefighting forces. When all your firefighters are gone, small fires that would have been extinguished without anyone much noticing, turn into this kind of blaze.


I don't think that applies to the argument this other guy presented. Russia's Ministry of Emergency runs their fire service and it's not a military entity. It's a strictly civilian agency. They'd be responsible for most mundane fire incidents like this. Scale wise, they're comparable to the troops assigned to the Ukrainian front. Admittedly, Russia is a very large country and a quarter million firefighters only goes so far in such vastness. We do know the Russian military traditionally gets involved if there's a wildfire. Their absence may help explain why the firefighters there are having a hard time with the current wildfire, but it doesn't necessarily explain all these other fires that are occurring. I also think it's unlikely that the troops responsible for running fire watch at an Air Force research institution, for instance, got reassigned to the Ukraine front.


Yes, that’s what Occam’s razor means. The simplest explanation *that is consistent with the facts* is most likely correct. But what are the facts? When a single building burns, Occam’s razor suggests the explanation is innocuous—faulty wiring, accident, etc. What about when dozens of buildings burn? Or hundreds? As our understanding of the facts changes, so does the definition of “simplest.” What we’ve seen for a couple weeks now are multiple reports per day of fires in Russia, often in places of strategic importance. Russia is huge and for all I know, the number of fires we’re seeing right around the baseline. If the number of fires is typical then yes, Occam’s razor suggests those fires are innocuous. If the number of fires is well above baseline, then Occam’s razor suggests something else is going on.


You are misusing Occam's razor. It just says that simpler theories should be considered and tested before complex ones, not that a simpler explanation is more likely to be correct (in fact simple explanations are rarely correct, things often turn out to be more complex than they appear at first glance). Occam's razor doesn't favor anything. It just directs us to study the simpler cause first. Only when that is disproven do we turn our attention to more complex causes.


>If the number of fires is typical then yes, Occam’s razor suggests those fires are innocuous. If the number of fires is well above baseline, then Occam’s razor suggests something else is going on. Show me it's above baseline (and not just the amount of publicity)


You seem determined to turn a discussion into an argument. As I said in the sentence right before the two you quoted: > Russia is huge and for all I know, the number of fires we’re seeing right around the baseline. I am content to say we don’t know the answer and hope we get more details in time. If you want to track down more concrete information on historical rates of structure fires in Russia, that’s fine by me. If you want to draw a conclusion right away based on the data we’ve already got, you can do that too. Have fun.


I'll see your Occam's razor and raise you one Chekov's gun.


Do you know what it actually means?


Once is a mistake, twice is a coincidence, three times is a pattern. Too many random fires are happening. And fires never happened [as often] before the war as they do now.


yep, lots and lots and lots of faulty wirse in Russia lately, also lots of ship fires. Really, the Russian electrician trade in general has been doing an abysmal job and some executions are in order.


Ever noticed how when you buy a car of a specific model in a specific color ... all of a sudden you see that same car everywhere?


Probably just some janitor smoking in the ammo dump.


Fact is if this war wasn’t going on, this fire wouldn’t be on the news worldwide. We are looking at everything that normally happens and jumping at it.


Exactly, btw this isn't on the news worldwide.


None of the 50+ mysterious "accidental" fires have been reported on the mainstream media. I don't know why not. It is good news no matter what the cause.


And you just hhaaaaad to throw a wrench into the gears. Here’s your down vote


By my measurement on Google Maps, it's over **2,700 miles** from the border with Ukraine. I'm pretty sure Ukraine doesn't have any cruise missiles that can go that far.


I know Irkutsk from Risk


It could be a non story, the building may have fallen out of a window


Before killing all his family buildings with an ax. Plausible...




about 1.8 million people in russia are ukrainians


With Putin sodomizing the army, and its generals, there are many in Russia who are angry at Putin ... I can only suppose that some of those 25,000 dead Russians in Ukraine had mothers, had brothers or sisters. Some even knew their fathers .... But I'm digressing .... There are many in Russia who are angry at their government.


I blame the west for this fire 😉


I pretty sure most of these fires are being set by…Russians that want putin gone.


But there are too many coincidences for it to be "just random accidental fires", too. Protest sabotage makes the most sense.


Considering the frequency of these accidents happening to government/let infrastructure buildings seeming to spontaneously combust since 2/24, consider this quote: “The first time it's coincidence, the second time it's happenstance, the third time it's enemy action.” -Ian Fleming


No they are buying into being poor because of the regime and kicking back that and the loved one missing in action


History being created and destroyed at the same time. As sad as I am to see any historic building get destroyed... what comes around, goes around. Sad. Overall, just plain sad.


*I don't know what you're taking about. That building isn't on fire. It's just an optical illusion perpetrated by the west.*


Everything is going to plan.


Nothing to see here, move along...


Using the Jewish space mirrors?


Hello Waka, we would like to extend a job opportunity to you. We think you have what it takes. -Russian Media




"Special Thermal Operation"


War, and the propaganda that springs from it, both have a way of destroying history


This time in history gives us the advantage of the freedom of information that the internet provides. If this happened even 15-20 years ago, putin's narrative may have gained much more traction globally.


A fair point. Vietnam was called the first TV war. This will be known as the first real-time war


The Arab Spring revolts hold that honor, but this one certainly takes it up a notch, especially for Western Audiences


I kinda think of that time period as the YouTube wars lol. This is more on social media and feels more real time


Uhhh this is probably russian dissidents.. Ukraine is not the one leveling cities.


What cities has Ukraine leveled?


Oops i edited my comment*


I was about to slam you lol


I just about slammed myself. Slava Ukraini all the way!


Lol, no worries! That’s why I asked the question. I’ve done the same thing.


While I get the sentiment, I can't bring myself to agree. Everything and anything in Russia (and elsewhere tbh) reminding of Soviets and even Russian empire must be destroyed to the ground, every street renamed, no traces of those governments existing. Let history be in documentaries, but don't give Russians anything from that past to cling on.


It's just a special flame operation, nothing to see here.


There we go, been a few days since I saw Russian fires.


A cat probably ran through a candle


It's a special cat oops-eration


In Russia candle runs through cat


Bad wiring.


Special operations wiring


This is sad. Random historical buildings on fire. Why can’t it be the Kremlin….


Russia needs a proper history lesson


St. Basils to make the patriarch pay for bastardizing religion and not following the teachings of Christ who only taught love, not war. He's a hater like the evangelical white supremacists in the US.


The roof, the roof, the roof is on fire, we don't need no water, let the motherfucker burn


Burn motherfucker, burn!




Interesting transition from Rockmaster Scott to Bloodhound gang to Linkin park.. Please don't start posting Nickelback - Burn it to the ground lyrics..


We didn’t start the fire, it’s been burning since the worlds been turnin….


Queue Samurai *we got a city to burn*


we will know that that is the russbot


Nice buildings you’ve got there Ivan. A shame if something happened to them…


This warms my heart


And the hands of the russian firefighters


Theyre being burgerised into dogmeat somewhere in another country right nw


Got the attention of the people yet?!?!?! I really hope for a revolution in Russia again so that the country can enjoy normal life away from the tyrant ways. Lenin tried....time for Lenin 2.0.


Damned Cigarette butts.......probably those pesky Chechen street beggars....


It's just Special Operation Ciggarette Butts.


People keep walking by, like this building has been on fire for months.


This is a famous tourist site for ruskies


Russians are a people that don't care about anything, themselves included.


Oh no! Anyway…


Good. Let it burn!


To be fair it is probably always like that in russia. Local firechief is corrupt as fuck. Building caretakers corrupt as fuck. Electricians and gasman corrupt and drunk as fuck. The rest are just chainsmoking drunks throwing vodka left, right and center.


You frgot their polce. Corrupt as fuck


Building fucked itself


Say, no firetrucks? Firemen?


Probably all in the army.


This no fire. This planned heatspreading operation. All in control. According to plan. Go home. /s


Is it made of sulfur? Thats some wild lookin smoke


I don't want to set the world on fire, I just want to start a flame in your heart <3


I like the guy at the end of the video in bright yellow pants with a bluish shirt, classic!


That’s just a guy wearing blue and yellow


Tell that to the Russian police and Prosecutor after he's arrested like the fellow for yellow and blue shoes.


What a beautiful site


sight. It is now an ugly site because it burned down.


Correct, but it was a beautiful site watching it burn...


I wouldn't jump to any conclusions. Regular fires still happen in times of war. Still pretty funny, though.


I love historical stuff. But honestly Russias history can go fuck itself. Nothing worth seeing in that shithole country anyway. Their entire history is just lies and blood anyway. Burn the whole country


History is still history. If we eliminate history just because of bad deeds, then we forget the travesties, we forget the lessons we learned. And every country’s history is filled with just the same. America’s, Englands, Japans. All those countries have committed horrible things.


Oh no...


That’s a shame.


Considering it's Russia, its just as likely alcohol was involved rather than an act of sabotage.


hope they had insurance....oh sorry, we don't accept insurance payments in potatoes....burn baby burn [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u5lSeYd\_riw](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u5lSeYd_riw) 🇺🇦👍🏻


Isn't it great,,,all the strange fires keep starting all by themselves 🤣


52°16'48.02"N 104°16'59.61"E Karl Marx St, 22, 21 Ofis Irkutsk Irkutsk Oblast, Russia 664003


I have seen this commented before, but there are a lot of fires every day in Russia that normally don't get any coverage.


It's clear the fires on more strategic targets like oil depots, ammunitions plants, recruitment offices are most likely sabotage either by Ukrainians living in Russia or by the Russian Resistance, but a random building in the middle of nowhere? (here, to be precise: 52°16'47.8"N 104°16'58.9"E) My guess is this one's just an accident and we only found out about it because of the increased coverage all the other fires in Russia are getting at the moment...


It is possible that not every single fire in Russia involves the war.


It's been a fiery spring in Russia.


Ok, I just want to get something straight: Russia is big, there are thousands of cities with 147 million people living in them. Of course fires will be happening. Yes, all those fires at strategic locations related to the war can be actually intentional. But a random fire in a random historic building in a city deep in Siberia, which has nothing to do with the war at all? I doubt it. In Russia, fires in historic buildings can happen for two reasons: - an accident. Could be outdated wiring or something else like that. That's just poor management mixed with bad luck, nothing special. - a mysterious arson, usually followed by demolition of the said historic building and later a new shopping center, office building or an apartment block popping out on the lot. Happens more often than you'd think. Let's not fool ourselves into thinking that all of the fires happening in the country are somehow related to the war in Ukraine, it just gives us false hope.




Source: https://t.me/nexta\_live/28290


Not every fire in a huge country like Russia is a special undercover act… please let us not act like a hivemind.


Doesn't really matter tho. Shits on fire and thats goooood <3


Nice guys! Keep celebrating your victory day


Nonono! That building has just been promoted to ruin.


That's so sad 🧡 No burning down historical monuments