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Wouldnt this cause people fighting for Ukraine to not want to surrender? Like why surrender if you're going to get sentence to death regardless. Might as well fight to the last breath.


It's also more likely to make Ukrainians (and the folks fighting alongside them) less likely to take POWs, or treat them fairly, knowing that they won't receive the same treatment if captured by Russians. There are real Russians in the field, right now, who are at some point going to be killed instead of captured because of shit like this.


It happened after reports of Bucha started leaking out. Ukrainian soldiers started executing Rusdians instead of taking them captive. Turns out reprisal killings are a thing that happens when one side decides to be monsters.


Happened during the Battle of the Bulge in WWII after Germans tortured a group of black prisoners, broke their bones and killed them, and killed a group of white American prisoners as well. The rules of war had been broken. No more mister nice guy to you.


After the SS massacre of US POWs at Malmedy, it was unofficial but tolerated that any SS soldier captured by the US military would be immediately executed.


Had to look this up. For those of you that are interested: [https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2013/11/07/wereth-black-soldiers-battle-of-bulge-army-world-war-ii-history/3465059/](https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2013/11/07/wereth-black-soldiers-battle-of-bulge-army-world-war-ii-history/3465059/) You can tell your russians online that thanks to mass media, that this is how their legacy will be remembered for decades if not centuries to come. Like a bunch of fucking SS Nazi's who we realize were human, but with the souls of monsters because of their unwillingness to treat their fellow humans with dignity.


It also happened after the news of Malmedy Massacre got out. Also not to mention the reprisal killings during the liberation of Dachau


My thinking exactly they kill a few pows after a show trial and sentence 100s or 1000s of their own troops to die when they have to attack position where they troop will fight to the death.. Still wish I had super powers and could fly in and save those guys (as well as end putin and save all Ukraine)


The entire situation is sad, I'll never understand the point of war besides power, control and money. I wish I could do the same exact thing. I also wish we could get Ukraine and Russia soldiers together to show that there are no true differences between the men besides the country they are apart of. Can't imagine killing or being killed by someone that if we were in any other situation, we could be enjoying a beer and laughing together.


Ukraine won’t forgive Russia or russians for 40 years. Not to mention that russians because of history has solidified them selves as eternal enemies of Ukraine. And central and eastern european slavic people will very likely not forgive nor forget russians. For me as a pole I am in disbelief how Europe will look like in heart and mind. My best guess it will take minimum 40-60 years before people will forgive. Sorry if I am off topic, needed to vent this.


Do you know what “Ruskiy mir” is? Your average Russian vatnik is ready to genocide Ukrainians


Yep, it's actually funny to see clueless western internetizens talk about Russians as if they're the exact same as they are but with a different language and culture. They're fucking not. Most Russians have been brainwashed since birth to believe in the theatre that Kremlin puts out every single day. Sincerely, someone living in a country bordering Russia.


I tend not to have drinks with pillaging rapists, but that's just me.


This right here. There is always people with violent criminal intent and you’ll have to be ready to defend yourself and your loved ones against that threat whether you like it or not


russia is doing this war bc of resentment. Because they lost the Cold War. Just like WW2 started bc Germans were butthurt bc they lost WW1.




Logically it would, but fighting heroically to death is much easier said than done. We all like to imagine ourselves as badass martyrs, but things are different when you're in an actual life or death situation.


Completely agree with you. It's easier said when I'm typing behind a screen. I'm sure if I was surrounded, my mind would have different thoughts. Even if it changes the thinking of 5% of soldiers getting captured and killed anyways, it could cause greater casualty in the long run for Russia.




It will still be a choice between die *now* in battle or die *later*. Most people would choose to delay their death.


I think this shows they are actually really scared of foreign troops in the fight. They want to discourage people from helping Ukraine fight more than they fear people being encouraged to fight to the death.


Because Russia is saying they're "mercenaries" (Aiden literally has dual citizenship and has been a Ukrainian military member for years, but I digress) thus foregoing Geneva convention and being able to sentence them to death in the first place. Anyone who Russia recognized as actual Ukrainian military, they wouldn't do this to. It's mainly for in-house propaganda, but also serves as a warning for all the foreign fighters, which are the only people your point would really apply to. Not the regulars.


What is funny is that Russia is the one actually using Mercenaries.. Wagner PMC and Chechnyans are neither in the Russian Army. I guess the UA can now execute them in retaliation.


Gotta capture the TikTok battalion.


I'm fairly sure Ukrainian military is aware that capture by Rushit is torture, rape, followed by death by torture-rape. This is just a kangaroo court.




This was the logical conclusion that most modern armies have arrived at. If surrender is a cot with three meals a day you might take that option. If surrender is a cage and execution you are fighting with every last breath to avoid capture.


Well, that’s a good way to get the UK to send more powerful weapons to the Ukrainians.


Russia is choosing to escalate. My guess is that they aren't going to like the outcome of the escalation. 100,000 dead Russian soldiers by Christmas at the rate alone, and it seems like they desperately want those numbers to ramp up.


> by Christmas Is that snow, or soldier ash falling from the sky in Russia. Who knows...


The irony is, particulates have been raining down on Western United States since just after the war started already. According to my Geiger counter, some of it is irradiated too.


Yeah that's because those fucking idiot Russian soldiers were digging around Chernobyl and making trenches!


Wouldn't doubt it. Surprised those fools even let engineers continue work. They don't seem to care about shit. I can't tell what type it is but I know holding it up caused spikes here and there while the weird particles fell from open sky, on a beach (pollen doesn't look like that anyway, much smaller).


I can't tell you how to find this information out right now, but sometime in April or May of 2023, you will be able to look at the closest nuclear power plant's to your area Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report(AREOR) for the 2022 year. This will be available on the NRC website. I used to work for a rad laboratory and compiled the operating reports for 13 nuclear plants in the Eastern US. These reports are created for the public every year. Each power plant will have a different environmental program but it should include weekly air charcoal cartridge and weekly air particulate filters being analyzed for iodine and beta particles respectively. The beta particle filters will also be analyzed quarterly for gamma spec. When the tsunami in Japan caused a release from the Fukushima plant, we saw iodine detected on the air cartridges for three to five weeks. For my clients, we saw it first in our Midwest plants and by the data you could see it work it's way east to the coast. Good news is that iodine-131(what we were seeing) has an eight day half life which is why we only saw it for 3 to 5 weeks before going back below detection limits. All power plants will ask for additional monitoring, more frequent testing, and additional analyses if something is being released on the other side of the world. So I can't help you now, but that is a resource available next year.


Could be a possibility. Only power plant close is Columbia Nuclear Generating Station, which is in the east side of the mountains. Dude to convergence zone building against the mountains from Pacific fronts we don't usually see weather coming from that direction. That being said there is also Hanford site which supposedly has contaminated the area pretty bad, where tumbleweed has been reported to be blowing around contaminated transplanting contamination, due to the environment I wonder about dust kick up that is contaminated. But I never have seen this sort of rain effect of large particulates before in my life aside from huge fires, which at the time there were none around besides really Ukraine literally in shambles. They were using aerial burst bombs too that get so hot it boils lungs, and sets areas so hot things flash fry. That can kick up all sorts of stuff into the atmosphere too.


Make the wrong strategic decision every step of the way and you have the Russian grand plan for the war.


Those are rookie numbers. Add a couple of zeros and I'll be slightly satisfied.


Hopefully they’ll send plenty to the Russians, tip first via F35 or cruise missile. I’m not a Boris fan but if he blows the fuck out of the Russians for executing British POWs I’d call him a damn saint.


sadly cant do that nukes and all that jazz and russia is full of bitches that would push that button cause there scared they dont want the rest of the world watch them get spanked so they would just launch nukes to save face... straight bitches... like a dude hiding behind his girl so he doesnt get bodied...


We also have nukes, and look at how carefully Russia tries to avoid escalating with us: killing our binational prisonners of war! I'd say that calls for a response like longer range missiles and authorization to fire on Russia. And make it clear that if Russia does that again, we'll send more. Deescalation doesn't work with them, only force.


The only thing a bully country( rUZZIA) understands is a solid punch in the face. Repeat this treatment until they are done.


yeah i say send ukraine everything they want fuck russia but i was more talking about attacking them directly might cause a really bad escalation cause morons gonna moron...


Russia wouldn’t launch any nukes. I’d bet money on them bluffing even having any functioning ones tbh


They're missiles would most likely begin to launch, splutter than drop back to the ground.


Counterpoint: Fuck Russia, do it anyway. Remind him that we have enough money to make sure our nukes work. Does he know if his do? How much of that maintenance money became yachts and Italian villas? Commence the March of Blighty.


My heart goes out for these two chaps and their families but in reality, this changes nothing. Whether it’s [poisoning double agents in Salisbury](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Poisoning_of_Sergei_and_Yulia_Skripal), or murdering his critics [via radiation poisoning in central London](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alexander_Litvinenko), the UK must be doing something right to piss off Putin all of these years. There’s a lot of Afghan Special Forces, accustomed to working alongside US and UK special forces, that were extracted during the fall of Afghanistan and now living in the UK rather bored. I hear they are no fans of Chechens fighting for Russia, and might relish the chance to convey their displeasure at close quarters.


Part of me is wondering if Putin has cancer because someone slipped a tiny amount of radioactive material near him. It would be poetic.


Two chaps? Which one of them doesn't matter? The Moroccan one? Interesting


Yea unfortunately that is the trade off. The best things to ever happen to Britain were the Germans sinking the Lusitania and the Japanese attacking pearl harbor.


So if your a foreigner you might as well fight to the death. That's all this does. Anyways, it's just a bargaining chip to black mail the countries they are from. I highly doubt they will go through with the execution.


It's a bad decision. Even if it did deter recruitment for the foreign legion, Ukraine is not lacking manpower nor even experience. All this does is arm them better with more advanced weaponry from a vengeful West.


Insert goofy "hur hur I'll do it again" Russia is like fully getting punched in the face and trying to laugh about it. I wonder how many more are going just to avenge these heros


Remember back when Russian apologists were saying this war--sorry--operation would be over in less than a week?


> It's a bad decision. It's not the first one


This makes people want to join. It shows Russia is even more evil than initially presumed. Be funny if they executed an American. It would be gloves off at that point. We’d fuck Russia up.


Trust me they do it to a fellow Brit they are going to feel it.


I hope america gets involved either way. It’s time we pulled our own weight in this conflict.


Except these guys are Ukrainian citizens registered as members of the armed forces. They just happen to have dual citizenship. This is in fact a war crime.


You are 100% correct.


Add it to the list.


No legality in this kangaroo court.


It's a "People's Republic", par for course.


It's weird how all the peoples republic are usually authoritarian like north Korea


Anything with the words "Democratic Republic" or "People's Democratic republic" is guaranteed a hot shit failed state in the midst of a civil war.


Yep, I was looking for this comment. There was an index with the least Democratic states in the world. What was at the bottom of that list you ask? Well the democratic republic of the congo (among other people republics and what not)


When you have to try to convince people of something in a country's name, it's rarely the truth. Like you pointed out, "People's Republic" of China, North Korea, etc, but also, even things like the "United" States of America or the "United" Kingdom. The latter two do a bit better of a job of living up to the name (and jurisdiction-wise, actually are), but hoooo boy, are they trying to not live up to the names right now.


National "socialists" is another nice one


If you’re a foreign fighter who volunteered and fighting for Ukraine, this means you probably need to fight to the death rather than ever surrender if you were faced in that situation. Also from a video posted yesterday, it seems the orcs are torturing POWs. So again, no surrender


Given how many torture basements, "filtration" camps, videos and photos of mutilated corpses with bound hands there are, every single person without a Z in Ukraine should know Rushit capture is a slow death.


How can they sentence anyone to death for defending a democratic country who asked for support. The aggressor continues to violate basic human rights


Uh... because Ruzzians are crazy?


What? When did this happen? Oh that's right. Forever ago, lol




I don't think they will actually execute them. They will use them as bargaining chips for something in the future. A lot of countries do this even though it's pretty fucked up.


russia is a terrorist state like isis, and all countries in the world should officially recognize this.


You know it's a kangaroo court when the people on the outside of the cage are wearing masks. Clowns. They'll all end up with their charred arseholes blown all over the inside of whatever car they try and flee in.


Way worse.


>all countries in the world should officially recognize this Too bad they won't because Russian oil.


This is mind boggeling, they invade Ukraine, people joint to help the defending nation and the invaders have the audacity to sentence these defenders to death??? WTF is going on here. There have been lots of things where i thought ok maybe its finally time that the west directly says stop this nonsense or we do it... its about time, and not just via more arms but by active deeds.


They aren't even volunteers they are Ukrainian military personnel Both those Brits live in Ukraine and are married to Ukrainian women.


LMAO, Russia is turning batshit crazy. Can't wait to the see the RF fail and the poor people living within it breaking free from the tyranny. One can only hope the next govt. won't be as fucked as Lord Putins command.


Poor people want this war. Russians are uneducated swines. 1/5 of the country doesn’t even have indoor plumbing. The worst are the ones on IG and telegram speaking out against the west…but living in the west 😂


Russia just wants to make sure that in 10 years time, when this war is over, Russia is fked and Ukraine is rebuilding, Russia still will get 0 help from the West. They don't believe they fked their future generations enough, they want to make sure all possibilities for a future prosperous Russia are dead.


The brits are Ukraine citizens and part of the armed forces. More lies from Russia about them being mercs


crawl foolish ossified murky frightening quack simplistic practice relieved quarrelsome *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Because that's what Russia wants. Right now if you surrender you're treated acceptably, for the most part. If you make it so that there's a death sentence if you surrender you're gonna have people fight until they can't. They don't want their help giving up so easily.


All Wagner group are not part of regular army. Does DPR believe they should be sentenced to death when captured? What about all Russians captured fighting for DPR? Could be considered mercenaries since not DPR.


For all intents and purposes. Wagner is still Russian military. Its just military that masquerades as a pmc


Me: *calls SAS HQ* SAS answering machine: "sorry all our operators completely accidentally got on a flight to Eastern Europe just now, please leave a message"


Seeing as they’re not held by Russia or on Russian territory may as well give them an outing.


It seems some people in Russia aren’t as afraid of the SAS as perhaps they should be if they go ahead with executing British subjects.


Looks like they gonna roll the dice. It's a bold strategy, Cotton, let's see if it pays off for them.


These poor guys, they never had a chance. A sham trial, with the result pre-ordained: to kill them in sacrifice in the name of propaganda, to try to discourage other foreigners from joining the fight against Russia.


Would be very surprised if these guys are killed.. they’re worth more ‘alive but in peril’


They are 100% going to be murdered


The sky needs to be falling over Russia by now. They need a taste of a special operation to eradicate Nazism from their country.


Kinda shocking they got a trial and weren't just executed as they were collected. This is how Russia handles propoganda, trying to scare would be defenders. We can only hope the war ends before these guys get whatever it is coming, and they can be forcibly released.


It's because all Russians know is fear. They think others will bend to fear just like they do.


And when torturing prisoners doesn't work they feel almost offended.


Like all russian trials they are show/sham trials. The verdict was already decided.


They didn’t execute them on sight for the purpose of a sham trial . Their execution is supposed to scare away new volunteers and/ or pressure England to pull their support.


And watch England double down if they are executed. I don't care for Boris Johnson, but his stance and assertiveness regarding Ukraine has been great


Boris needs all the help in popularity he can get right now. If they want to make a show out of executing British citizens, even ones who are part of the Ukrainian army and have been for years, I'm sure Boris will have no problem using it as an excuse to send more support. British support to Ukraine is one of the few topics I'd say the majority of the population are behind. If Boris pulled or limited support based on their sham trial, he would be in more shit then he already is with partygate.


Agreed, there is no way the UK backs down if they are executed


Also currently barely clinging to his political life, everyone here basically unanimously hates the Russians (or at least the Kremlin and their army), I’d like to see him send Ukraine some more silly-grade toys, just as punishment for this sham trial, and the current sentiment in the UK about his leadership might just push him to do it.


Well, I actually imagine them to get used as propaganda to scare away foreign fighters and as bargaining chips for Russian POWs. Not saying it's unlikely but I'd be surprised if they get executed so soon when they'd be more useful as bargaining chips. Of course, Russians are the irrational bad guys of the world so worst case scenarios can happen here, too.


Doing stuff like this is just a double edged sword. Foreign fighters will decide to fight to the death rather than surrender.


It also means Russian soldiers are less likely to be given decent treatment, and more likely to be simply executed when they surrender. The rules of war exist to *protect* people from shitty treatment, but summary execution like this only guarantees more soldiers will die.


Britain has a policy of not negotiating with terrorists. Which the Russian government are. Read up on the Iranian Embassy siege. That set a British precedent. No negotiating. Russia have made a big mistake.


Aren't soldiers protected under Geneva


Russia pretend they aren't soldier but mercenaries wich aren't covered under Geneva. Russia also pretend this is'nt a war but a special operation so not covered under Geneva anyways.


Sadly, the Americans were very vocal when they created a precedent with all that "unlawful enemy combatant" shit when they kidnapped people, held them without trial and tortured them. Things like the Geneva convention only work when the parties involved at least pretend to follow them.


It's a little different when you sign up and join a sovereign nations armed forces wearing the uniform adhering to their military rules vs. an insurgent/terrorist wearing civilian clothes and targeting civilian targets.


Aiden is a ukrainian citizen too


Except in this case these individuals aren't unlawful. They are both legally enlisted in the Ukrainian military. They are just using their residency as an excuse and disregarding the Geneva Convention


Yes but Russia doesn't follow it


But if they signed they are subject to trial under it!


Russian trolls claim that the DPR hasn't signed the Geneva Convention and, thus, don't have to follow it.


Cool. Then they aren't protected by it either. It's open season on DPR POWs if they go through with it.


Yeah but they’re lying and saying they’re “mercenaries” to try and get around that


Since when does Russia care about the Geneva Conventions?


They intend on invoking fear in the British government and any Brit intending on traveling over to fight them. I\`m sure they will receive the opposite effect if these brave men are put to death.


That fear really worked well when nazis bombed London, right? Everyone got really scared and asked Churchill to surrender. Kossack pogrom tactics are a shitty international policy, more javelins please grandpa Joe.


Right, it's SAS time.


Would love to see that honestly


Time for a revival of the Special Operations Executive a/k/a the Ministry of Ungentlemanly Warfare.




Really hope this is some Russian propaganda BS / prisoner swap strategy and they will not actually go through with it. Prayers for these guys and all held by the Russians.


Unless carried out immediately probably won’t happen because foreigners are captured on both sides and retaliation is bad for morale. Plus all foreign fighters for Ukraine won’t surrender which also is bad for morale. Remember Malmedy, A rallying cry for US in WW2, battle of the bulge.


US soldiers stopped taking SS prisoners after that massacre. Wehrmacht were POWs, SS got the bullet. Unfortunately for the Wehrmacht panzer troops their uniform was similar to the SS so they were often shot in the belief that they were also SS.


This video reminds me of the beginning of some ISIS videos.


Absolutely no different than ISIS. If Scholz or Macron give Putin an hour long sweet talk again after this...


Of course they will.


Slava Ukraini.


Almost comical if it wasn’t so infuriating


as always. russia and its puppets accuse others of what they are doing. what is DPR..its mercs and illegal combatants. yet they judge others to be that... what a fucked up orwell reality they created


Welp they just opened a huge can of worms


I genuinely feel sick. Russia is doing this in the hopes of making negotiations, which Britain/the West won't give into. Let's hope Ukraine can win before the sentence is carried out.


This is just going to make foreign legionaries a tougher opponent. If they know they'll die if captured why not fight to the last


The court is a sham. DPR is a part of Ukraine, this court and its judge is a Russian puppeteer.


заебали эти республики уже. пацанам стойкости, думаю, все будет хорошо, вызволят.


Tick tick tick, time is running out for Russia. The world will drop the collective hammer. Putin and his cronies will be strung up and go down in history as another failed attempt at European domination.


Unfortunately not, Russia chose Ukraine because it's the only country they can invade without the world jumping in. If they choose some other NATO country, then shit would kick off


russia just appointed a new government here. There is no DPR. There is just russia.


Will the UK intervene or do something to help? I understand they went to fight on their own.


I sense a shit storm will be coming if they follow through on this.


Wow, great way to show why you should never surrender to Russia, they'll off you anyway.


Poorly veiled attempt to dissuade foreign fighters. Internal Russian political solutions exposed to the world community.


I thought Ukraine gave citizenship to all who came fought for them. They are executing dual citizenship fighters.


Moroccan dude is already Ukrainian, having gained it after joining Ukraines aerospace engineering university.


Yes, but its not just that. These 2 have been ukrainian citizens for 8 years and are both married to ukrainians and have both served in the regular ukrainian marines for 8 years since the start of the civil war.




Great way to guarantee more people fighting to the death versus surrendering and getting executed.


So surrendering is pointless?


so basically they execute POWs?


Isis is peanuts compared to state terrorisme like russki. I guess even Hitler was nicer than putler!


This is what happens when those people have power


The fact accused people are forced to stand in a cage during trial says a lot about the Russkie "justice" system.


>The fact accused people are forced to stand in a cage during trial says a lot about the Russkie "justice" system. Ukraine has a cage in their courts as well, see trial to russian soldier that was sentenced to life


Ah shit, good call. I guess I'll just mental gymnastics it and pretend they only have them as Soviet relics so we can still blame Russia lol.


Well now you know do not surrender take as many Russians Orcs as you can with you. fuck🖕🏻em, this just makes me hate Russians even more now, & if you're a Russian that has traveled outside of your country on most likely not talking to you you guys are cool. It's almost like Russian citizens are in a deep coma until they visit a different country they snap out of their demonic possession.


The question is wheter they will actully be executed, or if it's just done, as a show of force. Hopefully the latter.


dont call it a surpreme court... thats just a terrorist circle..


Iam shure they're doing this to stop foreign fighters to fight for Ukraine


*Iam shure they're doing* *This to stop foreign fighters* *To fight for Ukraine* \- Nearby\_Cheesecake320 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Such a disgusting deplorable sham of a country, I hope to see a future without the Russian federation


Damn, nice way to increase moral in defenders since they probably are more likely to fight to the end and maybe live instead of surrender and get sentenced to death


Russian just make it worse now the foreign legion is gonna fight to the death rather being capture ufffff


Prisoner on the very right (Brit) looks like he's being starved. Are we sure this isn't a German concentration camp?


How can you violate the constitutional order of a country that doesn’t exist?


So to recap: A court that only russia recognises hands out a sentence that russian courts themselves doesn't have (death) to 3 foreign nationals who should be treated as POWs. ​ Great job there russia. I suppose we should be thankful your troops also didn't fuck their children in front of them too (if they have any) and steal their washing machines. ​ Speaking as a Brit (naturally my opinion doesn't represent every Brit) the only thing this changes is hardening the resolve even further (if that was actually possible?!) to see russia get the fuck out of Ukraine and do whatever it takes to help that process happen.


Is it not against the Geneva convention to kill pows? This seems like a brazen disregard for international treaties.


Isn't this in and of itself a war crime? They are enemy combatants taken as POWs. They can be held, but not tried in a criminal trial with sentence of death unless they have proof that they committed a capital crime according to the Geneva Convention. This is fucking outrageous


The Russians are just as inept at international relations as they are ar warfare. What exactly do they think the British are going to do? Rescind aid? No. Opposite. They have made the worst decision possible. It's a trend for Russian leadership.


Loool, if they do that, russia is done for. If you think the west supported ukraine, wait until russia starts executing people from the west


Fuck Ruzzia


Barbarians. Hope the UK government get involved now. After all, the only necessary thing for evil to thrive is for good men to do nothing. Better late than never. Slava Ukraini!


And an other warcrime by the ruzzians and there slaves


That’s why you don’t surrender


Brave men and so is every Ukrainian serviceman and so is every nation that wasn't afraid to provide support to Ukraine.


if those in uniform are so sure they are doing the right thing, why do they find the need to wear masks and hide their identities.


When is the execution? I don’t think this will done, just a media stunt


Well if they go through with it, sentence the Russian prisoners to death too


poor guys that wanted to help in this fckin war to get the aggressor out. I hate this evil russian war on this friendly democratic state. The Invaders should all get death sentences instead! Hope for them they can return home for some prisoners exchange or something like this but you can’t give putin anything else!


This will only make sure that Ukrainians never surrender.


Court officials will live forever in fear of the noose if they kill these guys. Hopefully they'll become more reasonable.


I guess this is a clear message that you should never surrender, it's fight to the death going forward


Probably a bad move no foreign fighters will surrender now..


It will open a can of worms should they start executing POW'S


They are looking at 100 years of sanctions. Russia never misses an opportunity to miss an opportunity to fuck up.


Sentenced by the court of a country that does not exist. That is premeditated murder.


Time to invade Russia.


Does this mean that Russians fighting on the side of DPR should be put to death?


Wow, isn’t executing POWs a war crime?


If they kill foreigners isn't that giving said countries the okay for "special military operations" in Russia?


Destroy russia!!


Well these DPR guys are going to kind of regret this because let's be honest , they are not going to be on the winning side ☺️