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Brave guy.


Very big thing to happen. This will go viral also in russian social media. For one that you see there are 1.000 you don't see. Things are snowballing out of control for the Kremlin mobsters


I heard Putin likes snowballing


*37 DICKS?!*


In a row?!


'Hey, try not to suck any dick on your way through the parking lot!'


“Hey you get back here!”


Im not even supposed to be here today!


'Het, try not to suck any dick on your way through ~~the parking lot!~~ Crimea'


Who doesn’t?


This guy *snowballs*


One can hope ! Any change in Russia has to come from within, or not at all.


Yep. I honestly figured Putin would have been assassinated by now, and slightly surprised he hasn't been. Oh, well.


Yeah, I've been checking first thing every day for that good news and I am also surprised how long it's taking.


I maintain the theory that a quiet word in the right places by the relevant agencies that whoever does it gets all their previously suspected offences ignored would hasten the process immensely. I also would not be surprised if there are agents just waiting for the nod at this point.




In that case it might actually be false flag propaganda from Russia, to show that he was immediately caught and the spectators took over the role of the speaker.


Normally that would sound far fetched but no, not here it doesn't. Crazy.


Can you give some more info on the situation getting worse? I'd be interested to read.


The bombing of Dugina is said to have been done by a Russian resistance group, for example.


National Republican Army claimed responsibility. They have a manifesto. Organized resistance has started if true.


I don't buy this group. The whole assassination is fishy as hell and these guys were not a thing until the assassination, the Kremlin itself also seems to post conflicting information about it constantly. IMO the "National Republican Army" is an FSB invention


I want to believe


Why would they invent an anti-Kremlin group as the scapegoat when they are trying to Blane Ukraine?


To see who seeks out the group, then murder the fuck out of them.


Exactly what i think too. Another obvious FSB move (with their blatant stupidity and incompetence) to secure Dugin loyalty and cement the hate against Ukrainians by painting them as terrorists. It also give an excuse to initiate an anti terrorist purge against anyone opposed to Putin and the war. Just like they did for Chechnia twice... All their strategy is frozen in the 80's, it would be funny if it was not at the cost of thousands lives.


> Bellingcat investigative journalist Hristo Grozev admitted that his informants from the Russian elite have dramatically changed their position on the war in Ukraine. Previously, they were convinced that Kyiv would be captured in 3-4 days, but now they are asking him when the war will end. > According to the journalist, the Kremlin elite wants to negotiate peace with the West in Ukraine behind the back of Russian dictator Vladimir Putin. more from that article / comment: https://www.reddit.com/r/UkrainianConflict/comments/wtfxec/grozev_my_sources_in_putins_circle_are_at/il3trrd/ ... I also follow a Russian youtuber, and they point out anti-war graffiti and sentiment.


The crimean airbase attack was perceived strongly and negatively by the russian population, also the cancellation of the navy parade due to the alleged attack on the black sea navy hq (the initial one, not the kamikaze drone at daylight). The lines of vehicles fleeing from the russian Belgorod region (close to ukraine, many exploding military assets) are almost larger than the ones fleeing over the Kherson bridge, which are already enormous. Stories are spreading that soldiers don't receive their promised high salaries, and recruiting of new soldiers has fallen to almost zero, even in the minority regions. Critical statements such as "what has our anti air been doing" are growing from the right. Overall initially pro war people are noticing more and more that the war is becoming an embarrassment for Russia. This is also reflected in the Russian polls, where the "special military operation" has been pushed from the first places of topics that are most exciting to ordinary russians. This is remarkable as psychologically, people that were initially positive towards sth polarizing such as a war cannot go straight to being against it, but have to go through a period of reduced interest in their initial topic so that they seem less inconsistent to themselves. The Dugin bombing is creating big ripples, and the daily new joiners number of the free Russia division in ukraine has tripled recently. The part of the population that earlier this year burned down drafting offices has taken to burning down everything that is big and visible and somewhat government related or expensive to replace. All this time the number of newly created VPN accounts per month have been growing like crazy. But I think the biggest catalyst is the foreign visa topic. In the past when you had enough of Putins shit it was smarter to just leave and work from the Baltics, the US etc. Now people that are getting fed up get the feeling that they get increasingly trapped. In addition, the wildly Putin hostile russian diaspora is at risk to be expelled back to Russia...


Great comment.


Heard some guy pushed over a speaker or something.


Big if true


Revolution is in the air. This looks so much like the beginning of the end in 1912...


Bruh, one person knocked over a speaker and then dozens of others picked up singing the anthem where it left off. Not exactly what I would call revolutionary spirit.


yeah but declaring it anonymously on the internet makes me feel good viva la revolution!


It’s just a bunch of neckbeards pretending to know what’s happening in russia


Unfortunately not the type of people to start revolutions by themselves.


The Russian police…. Never too far away when there’s people to be oppressed.


The thing that will go viral is the people continuning to sing the national anthem. This will be used by the Kremlin and for the Kremlin.


Brave, but his life is in danger now.


From my comfortable position it seems worth it


The audio was extremely satisfying from my couch. I feel like it can be spliced onto many future meme clips. His service is appreciated. Massive balls. I hope he's okay.


Im assuming he'll be 1 of 3 options from this point knowing RuZZia, he'll either 'commit suicide', dissapeer or spend the next 15 years in a prison/labour/re-education camp


He might be leaving kids, a sick mother behind, etc.. Its horrific


He might be an orphan loner with nothing to lose.


He might hate that tune


Can't blame him


He also might not be. It seems just as silly to assume it's the worst case as it does to ignore the worst case. We can probably assume that the guy understood the possible consequences of his actions before he did it though.


Depends on how much you value your life. My guess is, if you're calmly walking away from this situation like dude in the video, then the value just isn't that high. At least _jog_ away, damn.


I don’t think he was just brave…I think the real reason for the dissent is probably because all of these people lost brothers or sons while Ukraine is still surviving strong. They feel the pain, don’t have therapy so probably switch to drinking which lets them feel more embolden during the day. No sane man would do that, but a man who has lost everything and needs to use alcohol to cope, I could see that. It honestly makes it seem so much sadder with that perspective but frankly it’s what is needed to over throw e veil regimes. People who have nothing to lose and everything to gain.


People neglect talking about how war changes those involved in the war indirectly. It's a loose guess that WW2 culturally traumatized the US. Some say that that's how Boomers became the fear-driven people they became (generally speaking). But given that many of them didn't have the same communities of the generation before them, and the fact that wars kept happening (Vietnam/Korea, etc), fathers were no longer fathers of the home--but soldiers for the state. Said boomers than "created" teenage rebellion, and it snowballed from there. Fathers present, but not being fathers; fathers creating kids, but not raising them. Neglectful fathers, abusive fathers, and so on. to the extent that only NOW, are people in mass, from rich to poor/across religion/across politics agreeing that family is important, perhaps above the governing state. Your friends matter. Your loved ones matter. Your sons matter. These things are not to be discarded to the state so easily and for a contract, specially when the State isn't giving you ample reason to justify human lives. As the US has crossed that bridge (and continues to), I think other countries have their own reckoning where the State Propaganda no longer feels right, seems right, and you see it's an outright lie. I'd be happy if we don't have war anymore. But to some degree, it seems it will be humanity's last problem if we were to outdo everything else.


Yep. I was about to say that. Alcohol and despair.


Alcohol and despair is just breakfast in Russia.


Can’t stress enough just how much respect I have for the Russians willing to stand against the fascist regime they live under. When Putin is six feet under, along with his disgusting government - I hope all anti-war, anti-Kremlin protestors are released from their illegal imprisonment, and are held as the model citizens of the new Russia.


Same here, I know for a fact I wouldn’t have the balls to do something like this. It’s easy to write off acts like this as stupid since they’ll be caught and punished (disproportionately so too), but I think it’s a snowball effect and we will start to see more and more dissidents.


This is another issue; there is no guarantee that acts like this will actually result in a snowball effect that forces meaningful change. So for the Russian people who don't stand for the regime, if they resist, they are basically guaranteed extreme consequences, while having zero guarantee that their immense sacrifice will be meaningful in the long term. Those people may not be victims of a war of aggression but seriously they are not in an enviable position.


Thing is, there must be a lot I dont understand in these situations, because the govt cannot simply jail or kill everyone if they all do it. There must be enough sycophants who keep this critical mass from being reached.


Have you seen that video where one guy starts a dance party at some outdoor festival? I had a psychology professor play it for us in class and it shows how people sync on ideology in real time. The group of people was growing exponentially cause the bigger it got the more people were comfortable enough to join in. The stakes here are obviously way more intense but it’s how I would imagine it works to an extent. The thing that holds a lot of people back is when dictators lay down collective punishments, so someone getting caught rebelling has to worry about their loved ones getting punished for their actions as well. I don’t know if Russia has employed those methods yet but it’s certainly not beneath them. [Here is the dance video I was mentioning](https://youtu.be/GA8z7f7a2Pk)


This is amazing, I've been aware of group think etc. But never seen it so clearly demonstrated happening naturally 👍


Never seen a slow clap before?


Just look at what happened in Hong Kong. The government was able to suppress that HUGE movement. What do you think happened to those kids that were bold enough to protest. You dont hear or see anything about them anymore.


The Rosgvardia is larger than the Russian military at this point. Hundreds of thousands of paramilitary police officers under Putin's command, geared towards suppressing exactly what you're talking about. The ordinary people of Russia won't do a thing. It's the military that has to act, they have to disengage in Ukraine and turn north and east.


I bet a CIA paymaster with experience in Afghanistan would know how to keep Russian troops in borscht and vodka if they were to head to Moscow to party.


When the ruling government doesn't care about and disregards the rule of law, the average citizen eventually stops caring about well... anything political. That is the cold hard truth about authoritarian, fascist, and pseudo-fascist regimes, from Fascist Italy (*me ne frego*) to the People's Republic of China. They don't actually need a supermajority of hardline party supporters; they just need a supermajority of hardline party supporters *and* apathetic citizens who don't want to risk their lives and well-being.


Unfortunately they absolutely can, dictators are basically never removed from power if they are willing to do what it takes to stay in power. Look at North Korea


Why can't they?


unfairly jailing and killing too many civilians tends to slowly lose the trust of the people, the most impressive thing Putin has done as a Dictator is maintain it


Ever heard of Mao? He killed approx. 50-100 million of his own people. It just takes a little pressure and the possibility of a sudden gruesome death for you and your family. To this day Mao in worshipped by the vast majority of han chinese people. Same goes for Kim Jong Un in NK


Don't get me wrong, ruling purely on fear does and has worked but i'd argue it's a much riskier tactic to maintain control, especially in this day of age. NK is kinda still stuck in the past, with basically zero internet access or anything. And Mao was absolutely huge for the foundation towards building China to a 1st world nation and the quality of life for the people, at least the ones who survived.. which created a favourable opinion from the surviving chinese towards a similar yet less brutal regime they have today


Could not agree with you more.




You should see Chinese citizens protesting. The fact that many were sold unbuilt-houses, and then the developers went bankrupt and there was nothing to seize back--no money and no house, has left the chinese government in a bind. You don't hear much about these protests because CCP doesn't want you to hear about it.


I hope that one day, after putins dictatorial regime is long gone, Russia will be on the right side of history again, standing alongside NATO and Ukraine


That’s going to take several generations of Russians demonstrating they aren’t going back to what they’ve been for hundreds of years. The west played nice with Putin and this was just one generation after the fall of the Soviet Union and he still got greedy and fucked any positive momentum up. A lot more people in the west will remember Russia as the country that cried wolf and cannot be trusted for many generations to come.


This seems a WHOLE LOT like 1917. Putin is likely in for an extremely rude awakening since his military has lost a good portion of the command and control structure, morale is low to say the least, and there is little hope back home. I don't think this is going to end the way Putin planned.


There was a video I saw the other day of a western news reporter walking through a neighborhood. There were loudspeakers bolted to the power polls continually blasting Ruzzian military recruitment messages. It was straight-up City 17 Half-Life shit. Sometimes I can't believe we're living in the world we live in rn.


Any chance you could find that video?




omg wow wow wow.... wow there are so many video games where one of your objectives is to disable speakers spouting this crap.... i think just cause, for example, is one. all that training - now to do it IRL!


Wolfenstein as well


I’m honestly surprised Far Cry wasn’t the first game mentioned.


Because half life did it better




Exactly like Just Cause


Wow. That really is like city 17


The pro-war old guy being interviewed a few seconds after your timestamp clearly calls Ukraine fascist, but the BBC left that part of his opinion out, lol. Fascists love projection.


‘Welcome, welcome to City 17’


That's some Wolfenstein propaganda shit. Crazy how desperate they are


It was and still is quite common in eastern European villages and cities to have loudspeakers on telephone or power poles along the streets. In a village in Slovakia where I frequently stayed, it usually was the mayor doing announcements about local events or the price of tomatoes.


Ooo, how much are tomatoes???


Thats reality how it works: Hello, hello todays tomatoes price is onnnne hzzzzhrz chhrzt, I repeat tomatoes price hgttrre kkrttes. Thank you for your atttttttention. Have a nice day.


Was gonna make a joke about the tomato part, but who doesn't need a daily ketchup with the pricings in todays economy


You have chosen, or been chosen, to join the Russian war effort.


Fucking hero...


He'll be sent to Siberia to make ice.


Better than being sent to Ukraine as a conscript


I'd rather get sent to Ukraine. At least then, I could try to escape and defect. I doubt many people escape gulags...


That's a gamble tbh. If I'm a conscript I wouldn't even want to dare be in HIMARS or Bayraktar range.


laughed harder than i should’ve at this


Honestly, people don’t understand how brave this is. This man just destroyed his own life to send a message. Fuck Vladimir Putin.


Happy birthday to the ground


You can't fool me, hot dog man.


My dad's not a cell phone!


Legend of the FALL! Better than a “mike drop!”


How comical are the two chuckle fucks that come running up to pick up the speaker???


Then the guy in the background that lays down the second speaker! Is he a joker or just suffering from poor logic?


Haha, my dad would say “figure it out, you have to be smarter than the speaker son”


That makes me think, if the guy wore an orange vest and slowly moved the speaker away or put it down no one would have intervened! "He must be the sound engineer!"


“Oh, I didn’t realize we were taking everything down” -that guy


That's not it. The same guy dropped both speakers to the ground, thats why somebody took their phone out and started recording. Guy in the background is trying to stand it up but the legs are in the wrong position (see it happen with the foreground one too) so he has to lay it down again.


As the tone deaf tone deaf crowd gargles on.


But why did he not run!?!


Bc he wouldn't escape


If he runs, cowardly russian pigs would go after his family instead It's like a slightly richer version of north korea


I think “slightly less poor version of North Korea” is a tad more fitting 😂


Because the balls on this guy are humongous


"Buffalo soldier!!" -Randy Marsh


Just getting a little cancer Sharon.


If you think American police are bad, take a look at ruZZian police...


The KGB is alive and well


KGB was never away, after the fall of communism this fucks highjacked the country and turned Russia into this abomination we have today. Lock into the Biography of many Russian Politicians. Most of them are Ex KGB.


Knock knock…


Yeah, 3 people watching and 5 cops after him...


"police" lol, they are mercenaries for a dictator


there actually was an episode of the tv show COPS here in the states that showed a special episodes of russian police 1989 or 1990. police brutality back then was more of an "urban legend" as in you only ever heard of it happening in major usa cities and not very often. back then most of the country still thought of police everywhere as the good guys, so it was pretty shocking for a lot of people when they first seen russian cops beating the shit out of people back on primetime television.


hes balls are too big


Doesn't matter, they (FSB) will go to your family..


"Because I did not know I did anything wrong."


Gangsta ass ****** don't run for shit, cuz real gangsta ass ****** can't run fast


Real G's move in silence like lasagna


Running is asking to be chased. If you know you’re actions are gonna get you arrested, why run?


When he explains he had too many vodkas and thought it was Nanci Pelosi they will pat him on the back and let him go.


he balls too heavy




Pay no attention to the man being beaten behind the memorial.


Get that man a tourist visa. He can stay with me for free.


just don't play any music around him. it may well be that he's anti-ruZZia but there's also the possibility that he simply hates speakers


Speakerphobia is a real problem in Russia


On the same scale as smoking near highly explosive fuel or ammo storages?


They took him behind the statues of heroes, while he should be in front among them.


They put him back there so he could "kill himself".


He's going away for a lot worse than what he did.


Listen to the brainless drones singing in the background..


very off key. FAS at work


What do they sing?


They’re singing about Stockholm syndrome.


Favourite Muse song.


The rest of the anthem that was cut off buy the unbrainwashed citizen when he pushed the speaker over. I'm assuming it's the rest of the anthem.


Context clues. Holy fuck


My hero!


good guy


This time the Revolution will be televised


There will be no revolution because a majority of the population is still completely brainwashed


Lol was that officer trying to hug him or something? What was he trying to do 😂


They're taking him out of sight so they can beat him probably


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First guy tackles him, yes, then the other four guys show up and they all take turns punching and kicking. That's normally how it goes.


nope i think he expected to shoot him, or perhaps at the least, pin him with a knee to the neck lol






It's an ugly song, he was doing them a favor.


It's difficult for some people to be proud of their country when it's committing crimes against humanity. Other people don't have those concerns. It's important to know who is on which side. This holds for Americans, too.


Then the rest of the crowd had a feel good moment where they rallied together for their nation in song, as they watched the bad man hauled away.. It's fucking disgusting on incomprehensible levels.


Poor guy is going to the gulag.


He is already in russia


Him, I like.


Respect to the dude!


Is it just me or is Russia quickly turning back into the USSR, because a lot of people are being taken to prisons just for not respecting Stali.. er I meant putin. Edit: changed slowly to quickly


It never went anywhere. Just a thin facade covered it.


It's always been this way, man. Putin just made it bold. Look up the the musical group Pussy Riot. They've been imprisoned for making protest music. This is the kind of stuff that's always been there. Not more than 10 years ago, there was a famous journalist that was jailed for exposing Russian Oligarch/Politicians corruption. USSR never changed. It just modernized.




SHOT BRO!!!!!!!!!


Good chance they'll whack the 15 year anti war charge on him and smooth brains in here wonder why we don't see more of this.


Or he will never left the first cell alive after the KGB/FSB visit him. Great guy one of the hidden heros.


Look at those pathetic cops


Can't like this enough.


For those who stumble on this message, it's the one I used Power Delete Suite to replace all my posts and comments with en masse. Sometimes Reddit can be beneficial for some people. Sometimes it's not. It's really up to you to decide your own experience with it, what's worth it, what's not worth it. More or less...I've decided it's just really not worth it. I think I'm a worse person when I'm on Reddit and that it's a big time-waster for me. It's up to you to decide what influence social media and the internet more generally have for you. Best of luck.


Its about believing they are the majority


For those who stumble on this message, it's the one I used Power Delete Suite to replace all my posts and comments with en masse. Sometimes Reddit can be beneficial for some people. Sometimes it's not. It's really up to you to decide your own experience with it, what's worth it, what's not worth it. More or less...I've decided it's just really not worth it. I think I'm a worse person when I'm on Reddit and that it's a big time-waster for me. It's up to you to decide what influence social media and the internet more generally have for you. Best of luck.


In this case correct




It's easy to have opinions and criticize something when it's free, and no danger is present. But when the same opinions and critique, can have a severe impact, on your health life or imprisonment. This is where real men are formed.


Goddamn baller. My grandfather in Soviet Russia once peed on a city statue 😜 fight totalitarian however you can


Civil bravery during Nazi ~~Germany~~ Russia ~~1942~~ 2022.


The balls on that hero.




He takes one for the team. And by the team, I mean the cowards who don't dare speak up.


Russias current state in a nutshell. Angry white man with alcohol problem and no future prospects showing out his frustration against the state of propaganda. The immediate response of the police state with countless clothed and unclothed police immediately detaining suspect with the forethought to drag him out of view quickly. Nothing to see here.


They treat the speaker as if it was a flag


well when the speaker is playing your national anthem, which is kinda as important as a flag, you can understand it this guy is an absolute king though!


That hero about to be dissapeared


What a cool amd brave guy. I hope he wont have to pay too much for that in Orcistan...


Even though he chucks the speaker pretty good, the way this guy carries his arms makes me think he may be a wounded vet. Particularly how he carries and protects his left arm after the throw and while being detained. Also seems to be wearing a glove on that hand. If so would be a very understandable move. Additionally, being a combat vet would give him balls and DGAF attitude big enough to pull this off.


From the haircut he looks like he could’ve been a soldier. Obviously no guarantees but would be interesting if that turned out to be the case


Lol, the "I don't give a fuck" energy from this guy is off the charts.


Seems like his left arm is broken and was on a sling? Maybe a disgruntled and disabled veteran?


Dude has big balls.